radio trails analysis sheet

Upload: dandypls

Post on 08-Mar-2016




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Radio Trails Analysis

Radio Trails AnalysisTrail for

(station/channel)Eastenders BBC One(Advertised on Radio One)

Target audienceI believe the target audience for this trailer is females aged 20-45, this is the general demographic for soaps such as eastenders and also compromises a large portion of this radio stations listeners. The trailer uses a female voiceover and talks about weddings, something that is intrinsically more relatable for women and with a recognizable voice for the shows viewers.

Tone of voice?The tone of voice is strong with a slight sense of malicious intent nearing the end when her plan is revealed. Initially she sounds sweet, discussing her wedding etc, transitioning to a more stern tone near the end.

Sound effects?(SFX)The advert opens with a recognizable BBC One FX. Then a final outro noise that sounds similar, these are the only FX used, the rest of the soundscape being dedicated to voice and music.

Wildtrack/ambient sound?There is no ambient sound used in this advert.

Use of music?

The advert uses a dark, rock song that crescendos as the plot is revealed and the voice turns much darker. This makes it much more effective as everything reaches a climax at one point. Then at the end is the recognizable Eastenders theme tune something everyone will know and instantly associate with the tv show.

How many tracks?The entire trailer contains 3 separate tracks of sound effects, voiceovers and music. This is a pretty standard amount, with only ambient sound missing, and since the advert is comprised of very different components.

Sound levels?The sound levels across the trailer feature very punch highs once the crescendo is reached, with consistently increasing volume until that point.

Length?The advert is only 30s long standard for something that is only to be used as a teaser for the tv show.

Other notes/common elements/conventions