ranct^co mahachm nelev/sletter of san francisco …5«#» ranct^co mahachm nelev/sletter so.n...

*5«#» ranct^co MAHACHM NE lEV/SLETTER So.n Francisco, June 2^, 19^h Published b7 the liattaclxinc Socioty. M-3RAL3 3ITU/^TI0N DRAW3 ATTENTION OF SAN FRANCISCO POLICE, PRESS San Francisco police focused their at- tention upon uhat they called an "umhie- snide and offensive condition" late June 26, according to the San Francisco Exam- iner edition of Sunday, June 27« Mth police and district attorney's offices acting In full cooperation, the sex detail of vice squad and uniformed officers suept through parks, public rest rooms, .aiid places uhere homosexuals xTore kno:-m to gather. Ten persons were arrest- ed and charged I’dth morals offenses. Many others, stated the newspaper, vxcro ques- tioned. 'h-rnings wore given that author- ities in San Francisco have no intention of lotting the city become a retreat for sox deviates. Police Cliief Michael Gaffey and Dis- trict Attorney Tnomas C, lynch issued stateraents that the drive idll continue, until the intolerable situation has been removed, Tlic drive began in earl;'' ovciSing hours and continued into early Sunday morning. Visited by police uero Union S.,uare, La- fayette and Huntington parks, lower Mar- ket street, the Marina, several bars rjid (Continued on page 2 ) GAim CHAP'fER CIllIEI'i'lN HOPES ro REvr.ii; brkikfast events FIRST EDITION 05 EXPECTED T'/ITHIH SOCIETY MilGAZINE NEXT FS’. J MONTHS Plans are goj tion of the ini magazine, to be Material for lected and t}rit department is tion facilities, funds required issues is undd: Directors at Los . Ihe magazine named "M 3"— uri: more appropriate selected. It is planned 3000 copies of two issues to a select group of prospects, and cation should paid subscriptio with the third Ifey convention, out six times a Throughout th friends are urg planning for the itial issues, erial erte needed, is requested to future a Beta Coapter No. Ill Incorporated ilng ahead for the prepara- tial issue of the Society's issued later this year, the issue is being col- tjen, and the publications Iso investigating produc- A prograra to raise the to publish, the first t-ro r study by the Board ^of Angeles. innouhcemsnts trill be less some title is to issue the first large andj subscriber the publi- )n basis ssue. As ropoi'te r at the the magazine lAJJ. come year, instead of monthly. ! Society, r.enbcrs and I iimiierLlately to aid the „ roagaainc and its two in- Minuscripts and suen mat- in addition, everyone aid in raising funds, as will outline. The possibility of reviving the twice- monthly _^.Sunday brealifasts for members and MUCII FOR SOCIETY friends of the Soc- iety t*ra.s voiced re- cently by the Gamma chapter chairman. This chapter will ; be in charge of the events. No breakfast can be held until about the middle of July, but a notice of the affair will be mailed Then a definite date is knoT-n, Impor'ix'.nt and the result of thp May 2 over ICTTV, major portion 0 the Society, say Sponsored anji doatos of the Los gram told the se and in general h(t plished. Many (Continued ui .iCGOi'iPLj.iJ.'loD MOVEISHT lasting benefits Trcrc television broadcast on I jos .moolos, in Tdiicli a rtho time Tius devoted to the Ciuairmon. prepared by Paul V, -mgelcs l 1 irror,the pro- ious aims of the Society w they Tjcre to be accora- c^uestionj,true enough, on page 2 )

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Page 1: ranct^co MAHACHM NElEV/SLETTER OF SAN FRANCISCO …5«#» ranct^co MAHACHM NElEV/SLETTER So.n Francisco, June 2^, 19^h Published b7 the liattaclxinc Socioty. M-3RAL3 3ITU/^TI0N DRAW3

*5«#» ranct^co M AHACHM NElEV/SLETTER

So.n Francisco, June 2 , 19^hPublished b7 the liattaclxinc Socioty.


San Francisco police focused their at­tention upon uhat they called an "umhie- snide and offensive condition" late June 26, according to the San Francisco Exam­iner edition of Sunday, June 27«

Mth police and district attorney's offices acting In full cooperation, the sex detail of vice squad and uniformed officers suept through parks, public rest rooms, .aiid places uhere homosexuals xTore kno:-m to gather. Ten persons were arrest­ed and charged I’dth morals offenses. Many others, stated the newspaper, vxcro ques­tioned. 'h-rnings wore given that author­ities in San Francisco have no intention of lotting the city become a retreat for sox deviates.

Police Cliief Michael Gaffey and Dis­trict Attorney Tnomas C, lynch issued stateraents that the drive idll continue, until the intolerable situation has been removed,

Tlic drive began in earl;'' ovciSing hours and continued into early Sunday morning. Visited by police uero Union S.,uare, La­fayette and Huntington parks, lower Mar­ket street, the Marina, several bars rjid

(Continued on page 2)GAim CHAP'fER CIllIEI'i'lN HOPESro REvr.ii; brkikfast events



Plans are goj tion of the ini magazine, to be

Material for lected and t}rit department is tion facilities, funds required issues is undd: Directors at Los . Ihe magazine

named "M 3"— uri: more appropriate selected.

It is planned 3000 copies of two issues to a select group of prospects, and cation should paid subscriptio with the third Ifey convention, out six times a

Throughout th friends are urg planning for the itial issues, erial erte needed, is requested to future a

Beta Coapter No. Ill Incorporated

ilng ahead for the prepara- tial issue of the Society's issued later this year, the issue is being col- tjen, and the publications Iso investigating produc-

A prograra to raise the to publish, the first t-ro r study by the Board of Angeles.


trill be less some title is

to issue the first large andj subscriber the publi-

)n basis ssue. As ropoi'te r at the the magazine lAJJ. come year, instead of monthly. ! Society, r.enbcrs and I iimiierLlately to aid the

„ roagaainc and its two in- Minuscripts and suen mat­

in addition, everyone aid in raising funds, as

will outline.The possibility of reviving the twice-

monthly _ .Sunday brealifasts for members and MUCII FOR SOCIETYfriends of the Soc­iety t*ra.s voiced re­cently by the Gamma chapter chairman.

This chapter will ; be in charge of the

events.No breakfast can

be held until about the middle of July,

but a notice of the affair will be mailed Then a definite date is knoT-n,

Impor'ix'.nt and the result of thp May 2 over ICTTV, major portion 0 the Society, say

Sponsored anji doatos of the Los gram told the se and in general h(t plished. Many


ui .iCGOi'iPLj.iJ.'loD MOVEISHTlasting benefits Trcrc television broadcast on Ijos .moolos, in Tdiicli a rtho time Tius devoted to the Ciuairmon.prepared by Paul V,

-mgelcs l1irror,the pro- ious aims of the Society w they Tjcre to be accora- c ue s t ion j, true enough, on page 2)

Page 2: ranct^co MAHACHM NElEV/SLETTER OF SAN FRANCISCO …5«#» ranct^co MAHACHM NElEV/SLETTER So.n Francisco, June 2^, 19^h Published b7 the liattaclxinc Socioty. M-3RAL3 3ITU/^TI0N DRAW3

SITU.lTJ.:K DILI'j3, ATTENTIONOF S:ln F-laicisoo police

(CGJTriTurrD from pagb-(Continued from Pago l)

lictols.Cffonsos noted included lewd and in­

decent conduct in public.The E:;aj-.i3nor noted that the police dc-

parumont I'cnorTcd that of the raur- ,dc-PG committed in 3nn Fro.ucisco since 1550 lir.ve been connected directly arith homoseroialitv, Shakedcnr.as and homosexu­ality are also insdparablc^ police saj-,

"nnother consideration behind the move was the const-ant threat to the youth of the city, ” stated the Exajtiinor, "It is the ho.bit of many deviates to hang around schools, parks and plaj'-groi.ands and 6ther places where children gather...ever pres­ent is the rigj-it of the normal citiacn to be protected from such persons."

(Fee "Tlie liattacliine Program" on page li of bhis newsletter.)Mil GOiniENTJOU AT SAN FRINCISCO CALTA.J SUCCESSFUL DY ]3ELEG\.TES

Ths 1st annu.al convention of the laa.t- tachine Society, held at San Francisco in liay, concluded Tith many orgrnizati-onal ■problems solved, policies adopted, pro­jects planned, aaid officers elected for a new 12-month po-cLod.

A pledge was adopted for moabers. Sev­eral changes to constitution and by -laws wore adopted. The plan for a Society magazine wa.s c-iu'.ounced, and previous in­fo rr.iat ion and orientation material isisadopted as official Tri-th minor revisions.

Nowiy-ostablislicd areas in Cliicago,San J)icge andLong Beach were approved.

TL,.i.:tings ■.■jcvo held May li -lS at the center of the -'imcrican Friends ■ Service Co mittcc, IG30 Sutter street, San Fran­cisco.

No city was chosen for the 195p con­vent j on, but 3-t is probable that it will be held in either Gan Francisco or Los -'-ngcles. The six-mouth meeting plan ttus tciwiinated in favor of one sLngle aratual convention in tlio future.

SEND IN ;IRTICLES FOR I'ECT ISoUli:Deadline for copy foi’ the next issue

of the iloiislcttcr is July 10. Send in any items of chapter activities before that date to Newsletter, P, 0. Box 2^9, S.F. 1.


(Continued from fiJst page) x\Toro not answerod, and due entire script vr.s given prior approval Los ■■-ngcles. But in the

by the •T- i anmw-in, vuevrors

learno.-l that here is an organization on alr’.ost a par tn.th medical mad law enfor- cem.cnt agencies which recognizes that a solution to a coraminity problem is imper­ative. :lnd that solution must be equit­able and just..

Scenes from a Los iingclos discussion group Tiorc shox-jn. One member of the Soc­iety, the secretary, a >pcarod on the shox- for a live interariew x-dth Coates. Also ontlic prograi‘,1 xrorc the head of the admin­istrative vice sqxjiad of the los Angeles

and 0Oilers.rJunor heard in the San

Francisco area immediately folloxring tne broadcast, no stijind by the Society xias

as rcg.ards the opci’a- such as public bars.

police department Contrary to

taken or imnlicd tion of busincsscIt has been a habitual Society policythe past tosuch pi''ivatc busiicss operations, becausethey arc outside as defined by its

One magazine irhs shoxjn on the program it was said that material about th in a critical— -a But his investiga infomation leaf! and principlesorga.nization was objectives worth legal and fair.LECTURE BY DR. iqi JULY 1 AT NOUnSE

A leictxire by Hr the Sexual Reseai: presented on the 1, at San Prancia which is near Ci

The lecture ii

no statomènt r. gau-ding

the scopc of thc Soci.Gty aiiiis aaid principies.

Iso dcscriücd and In thc terijini-iig,

Coates had hnped to find o p r . i t

ven derogatory -manner. tion of cur •publi.shcd ;tSj reg-alation, ai'r-s ivealcd no sucix material

xrhich he could interpret c;:cept than ,-Uiebona fide and proper,its ■jhilc and its methods


Alfred C. Kinsey, of :bh Institute, will be evening of Thursda;?-, July !Co’s Iloxirse Auditorium— Tie Center.being sponsored by a

ptndont-orginizal.ion from San Francisco City College, .Gcture was not given, but it is presximed that Kinsey will discuss facts relating to his study of sex laws.

Page 3: ranct^co MAHACHM NElEV/SLETTER OF SAN FRANCISCO …5«#» ranct^co MAHACHM NElEV/SLETTER So.n Francisco, June 2^, 19^h Published b7 the liattaclxinc Socioty. M-3RAL3 3ITU/^TI0N DRAW3

o f e v e n t s

27 - Beta Chapter Ileetin", San Fr’ncisco30 - San Francisco ...rea Council I ice ting, Oakland

JULYT S t, ‘sancisco

i - Discussion'I'iecting, San Francisco, 1U30 Suttei:7 - Board of Directors, Sail i’Vancisco Arca,. San Fc il' - Oaklmd-Berkclcj C’-uapter Heetins, Oakland15 - Claaptcr Business iiouting, San Francisco chapt|ers, IC30 Svittcr St, 28 - San iV^mcisco firea Council Meeting, Oakl.-ndAUGUST


JDiscussion Mooting, San Francisco, IG30 Suf^e Oakland-Bcrkelcj Chr.pter Hooting, Oakland Chapter j3usincss Meeting, San Francisco ChaptSan Francisco Area Council Meeting, San Franqisco,

r St»,ers, 1830 Sutter St,

N0TCS: Additional cliaptcr ncetings not listed vdll be held chairman, ilitcs for meetings of .rroa Council and subject to change, Spccia.l meetings of chaptors on aro subject to call if conditions 'i.arr'ant.

--Contact uour chapter oarJ of Directors ire d other official groups

Special Notice to Newsletter Readers;


'Phis is the last issue of the San Francisco Mattachino mailed as in the past. Future monthly issues will bo nail following: Society members, professional people such as do gists., etc,, public officials, public agencies with whom ing, and tlie like. In other words, »1 .select, group of re roascorch and educational program of the Society i-rill rcco

i'lote; All nevrslettcrs aro habituall3'' i.iailcd in scaled, plain envelope

Ifowslettcr which will be d vri-thout cost to the ctors, lavg/ers, socioio- bho Society is cooperat- rs interested in the Lvo the ncTTslottor,


Individuals not included in the above categories who wish to continue receiving the noircletter ma.y do so. However, in order to aid in solving finaiicial problems associated with production and mailjjig of the publication, iil.GO per year ’.■.dll bo clrargcd.


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Page 4: ranct^co MAHACHM NElEV/SLETTER OF SAN FRANCISCO …5«#» ranct^co MAHACHM NElEV/SLETTER So.n Francisco, June 2^, 19^h Published b7 the liattaclxinc Socioty. M-3RAL3 3ITU/^TI0N DRAW3

THE ^Pooonr- ov,->nt.s end public rolatior.g cont-"iot5 md o by tho Society iTT.rrant the piec­

ing of! o-uphacic upon exactly mat tho ilattnchino Society stands for and idiy-■ri'.crc's n< thing secret about the organi;iaticn.

■j,. ''-i'ho Society is cciaposed of a sra'.ll group of perse, is iiitoro-otod in helping to snlvc the prob.leni of the sex variant. These personsj who are not necessarily'’ var­iants the. iselvas^ arc interested in ctoing research, educatipn and conducting social action lor t’ic bon-afit of ’the variant minority and in turn, for the b.anefit of soc­iety as a u'aolo,.

Here are the activities novj being landcrtaken to advaucG this program:1., Pubj.ic disaa-o-ion grorps, lectures, forums, educational film programs, etc.,

on tlic sex ’vcavL.vDion problem.?, tjponsorsnip of resaarc'i projects in cooperation mth established research ex­

perts, scacntri.s’Ls, foundations and institution.i. Thi. Eocicty is stressing the need for every individual to dGfino..and adopt a •

personal bch -vicr code, which if done will climiria’tc barriers of acceptance and in- tegraoion 5e.co society as a v;holc; further, the Society advocates that ii'ttcgration must bo rapproach.cd Tàth a. view to erasing trends for variants to establish invert societies of their om,

I:i its social action program, the Society hopes to aid in the revision of statutes mich regulate hume n behavior ndth a view to strongly supporting ènforobiop meni of Ians wiirch forbid (a) indecent .and lewd activities in publicj (b) sex'act­ivities betmon adults ..md minors, especially small children, and (c) use of force or violence botvicen any indiv5.duals Tfiatsoovcr. This program is to be accomplished along lines of cooperation vdth law enforcement agencies, officials, social welfare agencies and other orgcuiizations and in 'ividuals concemed vrith such problems.

5, The Society hopes to dis’'el false ideas about the sax variant in order to elim­inate discrimination, derision, prejudice and denial of civil rights. This is to bo done by»- the dissemination of accurate information about hioman behavior,

6. It hopes to instill in tho minority itself a desire to assume full responsi­bilities of citizenship and proper behavior,

7. It hopes to provide legal'aid where appropriate to insure all persons full rights to equal justice under the la-w, especially as related to sox offenses. In t’-iis connccticn, tho Society hopes bo lend its aid in exposing cases of extortion to proper authorities.

8, The Society’’ finally hopes to eventually’’ provide group therapy programs and professional p.;-y'ehi.''.tric o.oss-?i’taacG to aid ’the rehabili’batj.on ond adj'-’-.SL/mcnt of vari’ints and others am.th probi.; ras of emotional ins’tability . This is to be done tdth a view to rcdo.cing the high incidence of sox variation in future generations, and removing from crii,linai definition those activities tóiich, in tho minds of e:xpcrts, actually cause no h a m to our social order,

-ii-From its bims and I’rinciplos, " the Society has emphasized the method and attitude

to be used in accomplishing the above progr<am, in general, it is dctcrriiincd to ac­complish this program in a lai-j abiding nanricr, since tho organization is definitely not .socking to destroy any of society/’s existing institutions, lai/s or mores. Instead the Soci ety alms to aid the assimilation of variants as ccjnstructive, v.aluablc and responsible citizens. Standard and accepted democratic pifocesscs aero to be relied upon as th.c teclml ue for accomplishing this progrora, !

Tho liattachino Socio’by advoc.atcs no illegal activities jv/hatover. It is opposed to indecent public beh.avior, .and particul.arly excoriates tho^c who vrould contribute to the dolinguency/ of minors and those 'fao attonqjt to use force or violence upon any other persons. Although the organization is non-sectarian and non-political, it is unalterably opposed to Comiiiunism, and will not ■bolcratc the use of its name or organ­ization by or for any Comr.iunist group or front for any pu^oso •¡àiatovcr,


Page 5: ranct^co MAHACHM NElEV/SLETTER OF SAN FRANCISCO …5«#» ranct^co MAHACHM NElEV/SLETTER So.n Francisco, June 2^, 19^h Published b7 the liattaclxinc Socioty. M-3RAL3 3ITU/^TI0N DRAW3

SZl 0Fini:'J.3jíR OÍTJDY AT LOS ANGELUSA psTcholooical S’ar'.'ey of a group of sex offenders conduc1;ed by Jafaes Harsh, in­

structor in the departrient of psychiatry, School of Medr.cine, University of Calif­ornia at Los Angeles, indicates that, contrar3'- to general behiaf, the typical sex offender is not a violent Kaniac but a shy, religiously incl;.ned individual,

Tlie su.rvej’', T-jhich Tras !Ti3.ie at hiie iletrcpolitan State JIosp:.tc.l at ¡''ora'alk, Calif,, s]ao:7ed that sex offenders, in, conpaa’ison to a group of stude:its, tend to sh;f awaj'" from groun activities and dislike j ai'ties. liany are unusual! .3'' fearful of lightning and earthgualces and are anprehensive in t’ve darlc.

In general, '.•■ley have a strong mcral sense, and pray- freruintly, Hiey disliice obscene stories and burlesk shons. do not believe in ’jomen smoking and thirdc”dri:ilciiig"' is ’a'cng, el thoi’.gh most have used alcohol cxces3ivel;\

The ];e37- to th .'ir di"ficulties scffirs to lie in unfortunate nith childl- oods rarked by broken homes or consistent fai'.il:* er marrie-.! and a majorit3'' of those wIic I'iid marry have had ex. ties,— bulletin, Univ:rsit3o 01 California at Lcs „uigsles.

(i!ote: In another exoonsive series of t''sb s, the liattacnine oociet’*, Inc,, Ims cooperated -rith Dr. harsh and 'lis staYf. The tests iTcre begua in the fall of 19L'3, and no- findings have been released.) ^D E T R O I T C A d i r t l d i D D I S 0 ..R D C 7 -OIHiSCTCRS

n nem clrapter of the Society ha.s been chr.rte’.’ed at Detroit, itich. nie chc'pter n.arfie chosen 03 the group there is Atiras, and its nuj.iber is

famlj^ relationships, iiscerd, I-Iarp’' have nev- ^reme marital difficul-


Several ;nei-bers of t-ie Board of Directors of :-’:e SocieiV»- neiiibers of t ie he;/ Gh-.pter at San Diego on Juiie 2';. piarpose aid t'le c’nap''.ijr in solving organizational problems and to activities for the menbors.


One hagazir.G, piiblished b.y One, Inc.,

uere scheduled to visit of the visil was to

te a progra.. ofiiistiiiatf

and haa'-ing no connccoion Td.th t.hc Society,has still bo issue its_ iia;/" number. June also not forthcoi.iing as yet. Js apos.sibili'ly of the pubiication issuing two edJ.tions sraultapcously, eac'i in a re­duced nu.iber of page,;, in order „0 - catch up-' ’..'ith t!ie calendar, since Jul " is also upon its staff. Tne magazine, vrhic!'. at the beginning of the year criticised the 3oeist3'- bittcrl3' for a ''do notiiing " attitude, has offered do explanation, to ios subscribers for th.o dolaj's. Tt'e, April issue, which caj;e out in mid-i-Iay, featured an atta.c]; 011 .trthur m.iy I-iabthcT;s, a reciter for nac?a,dcen P’jblic-etions, irhooften had attacked honcsexuals in articles, OncDs article shct. -ed that the nviter had no medic.-l legree, Ihe mga-^.ine advocates a program sirrilar to that of the Sociot;'’, but tiio area of difference betTreer. One and the 3oci-et3'' lies in the natter of method, Tlie magazine chooses to be activist and ir.ilitan'i;, while the Society has adopted nolicios of aiding research, cooperating v.d.th varioijs nublic agencies, and attempting to educr.te raombers of the variant minorit3r and the public alike on true aspects of sex variati'.n and human bc’aavior. |

PUBLIC AELITI iJ3 COHTACTS ADVaNCLw E-T SAN EÍI.NCI3C0 AREARecent public relations contacts in the San Francisco area ha.ve included an In-

tciuriow by staff mei;hers of a 3a:a Francisco newspaper, and a contact with a Bay area radio station. .No-i.'ever, there is no further definite announcement of plans for any articles or broadcasts about t]:e Sociot3'- at this tii-,ie, Reperts of the contactshave been submit bed to the Public Relatiops Director at Jx>ng Beach

Page 6: ranct^co MAHACHM NElEV/SLETTER OF SAN FRANCISCO …5«#» ranct^co MAHACHM NElEV/SLETTER So.n Francisco, June 2^, 19^h Published b7 the liattaclxinc Socioty. M-3RAL3 3ITU/^TI0N DRAW3



ocrdlally Invites you and your friends to attend the first In a* new series of

Fiui discusdIOn groupsof particular Interest to those concerned v;lth the problema of the sex variant.i'Je are confident that this wtll be a progra.m you will not want to miss.


Each Drogr«m in this series is for the first Thursday of ever 8:00 p.n. a t I8 3O Sutter, San Ve have great plans and high h these meetings. 'vVont't you jo In making them a success?


olanned y month, Francisco. opes for in with us