randwick city council a single vote only. the members are: the nsw police service, roads and...

1. RANDWICK CITY COUNCIL TRAFFIC COMMITTEE MINUTES Report of Traffic Committee Meeting held in the RANDWICK ROOM, 30 Frances Street, Randwick

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Report of Traffic Committee Meeting held


30 Frances Street, Randwick




The following information is provided so that you may be aware of the structure and

operation of the Randwick City Traffic Committee.

The Randwick Traffic Committee is a Committee of Randwick City Council but

not one set up under the Local Government Act.

Council has been delegated certain powers, from Roads and Maritime

Services (RMS), with regard to traffic matters upon its local roads. A

condition of this delegation is that Council must take into account the Traffic

Committee recommendations.

Recommendations in this document may either activate the formal

delegation from RMS to the Council, or not activate this delegation. Items

which activate the delegation are indicated with the initials (AD) below the


There are four permanent members of the Traffic Committee, each of whom

has a single vote only.

The members are: the NSW Police Service, Roads and Maritime

Services (RMS), the Local State Member of Parliament (for the location

of the issue to be voted upon) and Randwick City Council.

Randwick City Council welcomes the public to attend and speak at its Traffic

Committee on issues of concern.

If the Local Member disagrees with any of the Traffic Committee

recommendations, they may appeal to the RMS or the Minister for Roads.

If the Police or the RMS disagrees with any of the Traffic Committee

recommendations, or Council’s resolution on any Traffic Committee

recommendation, they may lodge an appeal with the Sydney Regional Traffic

Committee for determination. The appeal must be lodged in writing within

14 days of the notification to the members of Council’s decision on the


Any action relative to any issue under appeal must cease until the matter is


The Sydney Regional Traffic Committee is chaired by an independent

chairperson and submissions and representations are welcomed from all

interested parties.





1. Attendance & Apologies ........................................................................... 2 2. Declarations of Pecuniary or Non Pecuniary Interests ............................. 2 3. Matters Arising from the Minutes OR from Council Resolution ................. 2 4. Items for Consideration ........................................................................... 2


AREA RA3 (C) ................................................................................ 2 4.2 BREAM STREET, COOGEE (C) ........................................................ 3 4.3 CARLTON STREET, KENSINGTON (C) .............................................. 3 4.4 CHURCH STREET / COWPER STREET, RANDWICK (C) .................... 5 4.5 COOGEE RESIDENT PARKING EXTENSION, AREA CO2 (C) .............. 6 4.6 JOHN STREET, RANDWICK (C) ....................................................... 8 4.7 KURRAWA AVENUE, COOGEE (C) ................................................... 9 4.8 MALABAR ROAD, SOUTH COOGEE (C) ........................................ 9 4.9 MELODY STREET, COOGEE (C) ...................................................... 10 4.10 PRINCE STREET, RANDWICK (C) .................................................. 10 4.11 QUAIL STREET, COOGEE (C) ......................................................... 10 4.12 RANDWICK RESIDENT PARKING SCHEME, AREA RA11 (C) .......... 11 4.13 OSWALD STREET, RANDWICK (C) ................................................ 16 4.14 GARDENERS ROAD, KINGSFORD - GREEK EASTER 2018 (H) ........ 16 4.15 TUNSTALL AVENUE, KINGSFORD (H) ........................................... 19 4.16 TUNSTALL AVENUE, KINGSFORD (H) ........................................... 20 4.17 DIVE STREET, MATRAVILLE (M) ................................................... 22 4.18 GLANFIELD STREET, MAROUBRA (M) ........................................... 23 4.19 HOLMES STREET, MAROUBRA (M) ................................................ 24 4.20 HOWE STREET, MALABAR ROCK POOLS CARPARK, MALABAR (M) 24 4.21 PINE AVENUE, LITTLE BAY (M) .................................................... 25 4.22 SNAPE PARK, MAROUBRA (M) ...................................................... 26

5. Minor Signage Items .............................................................................. 27 6. Works Zones .......................................................................................... 30 7. Parking Control Signage At Intersections .............................................. 31 8. Urgent Matters or Matters for Future Investigation ............................... 31

8.1 ANZAC PARADE, LITTLE BAY (M) ................................................. 31 8.2 BUNDOCK STREET AND CANBERRA STREET, RANDWICK (C) ........ 32 8.3 CLOVELLY ROAD, CLOVELLY (C) ................................................... 32 8.4 COOGEE BAY ROAD, COOGEE (C) ................................................. 32 8.5 CARR STREET / BYRON STREET, COOGEE (C) ............................... 32

9. Schedule Of Conditions .......................................................................... 33 9.1 WORKS ZONES ............................................................................. 33

(C) - Coogee Electorate (M) Maroubra Electorate (H) Heffron Electorate



1. Attendance & Apologies

1.1 Introduction of those present Mr Tony Lehmann Randwick City Council – Chairperson

Sgt Grayson Withers Eastern Beaches Local Area Command

Mr Ben Borger Roads and Maritime Services

Mr Allan Sangster Representative for Member for Coogee

Other Attendees:

Mr Eric Graham Sydney Buses

Ms Evelyn Kuldan UNSW

Mr Anthony DeMartino Resident

Mr Larry Vincent Resident

Mr Matt Delfendahl Resident

Ms Dilruba Akhter and Mr Edwin Widjaja - RCC

1.2 Apologies Ms Catherine Wade Representative for Member for Heffron

Ms Lisa Williams Representative for Member for Maroubra

2. Declarations of Pecuniary or Non Pecuniary Interests

3. Matters Arising from the Minutes OR from Council Resolution


4. Items for Consideration

At this time the Chair asked those present at the meeting to nominate those items

about which they would like some discussion or elaboration.

The Recommendations on all other items, not so nominated, were then considered en

bloc and were approved by the Committee.


Signage, Parking - 2P Resident Parking

(D03085070-DA (AD)

Following resident’s concern regarding the parking availability within the Resident

Parking Area RA3 at the vicinity of Alison Road, Church Street, Prince Street and

Frances Street, Randwick, a desktop audit was undertaken. It has been revealed that

41 Resident Parking Permits were issued against 37 Resident Parking Spaces available

within RA3 along Alison Road, Church Street, Prince Street and Frances Street.

Therefore, it is considered that 4 additional Resident Parking Spaces be installed on the

northern side of Alison Road near 120 Alison Road. Currently, four unrestricted spaces

are available between the existing 2P resident Parking Zone and the No Stopping

restrictions approaching Botany Street traffic signal.



Traffic Committee Recommendation:


1. Four resident parking spaces “2P, 8:00am-6:00pm, Mon-Fri, Permit Holders

Excepted, Area RA3” be installed on the northern side of Alison Road between

the existing Resident Parking sign and the No Stopping sign (near 120 Alison

Road) approaching Botany Street traffic signal; and

2. The residents of Alison Road between Prince Street and Church Street be

notified about the parking restrictions changes.

4.2 BREAM STREET, COOGEE (C) Signage Parking - 10 minute

(D03105775-LH) (AD)

In consideration of a development application for a child care centre at 54B Bream

Street, Coogee (DA/936/2015) the Council endorsed the following conditions:

34. Plans shall be submitted to Randwick Traffic Committee for consideration and approval indicating the following;

a. Provision of a timed pick-up and drop-off zone with associated

signage along the Bream Street site frontage stating “10 minute parking 7:00-9:00am 3:30-6:00pm Mon-Fr” (unless varied by RTC). The timed pickup & drop-off zone must be long enough to accommodate 6 car spaces only (approx. 36m).

b. Provision of a 6m long motorbike parking zone at a suitable location

on the Bream Street frontage together with any associated kerb nibs and signage stating “Motorbike Parking only” as required.

While the provision of a timed pick-up and drop-off zone is supported, the provision of

a separate motorbike parking zone is not considered to be required as Bream Street is

currently unrestricted with enough provision for motorbike parking.

Traffic Committee Recommendation:

That 36m of restricted parking zone, “10 minute parking, 7:00-9:00am 3:30-6:00pm

Mon-Fri”, be installed at the frontage of 54B Bream Street, Coogee, (commencing

approximately 40m west of Brook Street) upon completion of the current construction


4.3 CARLTON STREET, KENSINGTON (C) Signage, Parking – Resident Parking

(D03114232-TL) (AD)

Following on from concerns raised with Council about the parking regime instigated in

Carlton Street, Kensington, Mr Lehmann met a number of residents onsite to discuss a

number of parking concerns.

Rising from this meeting are proposed changes to the resident parking restrictions.

Mr Lehmann tabled a plan showing changes proposed to the parking controls at three

locations in the western end of Carlton Street, Kensington.





Traffic Committee Recommendation:

That the proposed changes to the parking controls at the three locations indicated

toward the western end of Carlton Street, Kensington, are approved for


4.4 CHURCH STREET / COWPER STREET, RANDWICK (C) Intersection - Bicycle Ramp

(D03129419-ST) (AD)

Last year a roundabout was installed on Church Street and Cowper Street, Randwick,

as part of a RMS funding initiative to improve the safety of the intersection.

However there has been a number of concerns raised by bike riders navigating the

new roundabout, particularly regarding the south bound approach on Church Street.

People riding up the hill have reported getting “squeezed” by cars approach from

behind, wanting to enter the roundabout. This issue was also brought up in the

November 2017 Cycleway and Bicycle Facilities Advisory Committee (CABFAC)

meeting, item 5.1.

Installation of a bike ramp on the north east side of the intersection (as shown in the

concept drawing below) would provide bike riders with an alternative approach to the

roundabout. This will provide bike riders with the option of entering a shared path and

crossing Cowper Street by walking across the pedestrian crossing. The proposed

shared path area is shown in purple below.

Figure 1 - Concept drawing of the installation of a bike ramp on Church Street

and Cowper Street, Randwick



Mr Ben Borger (RMS) suggested that the proposal as detailed may not be satisfactory

due to the likelihood of pedestrian / bike rider conflict and due to bike riders riding

directly across the pedestrian crossing, instead of dismounting. Mr Eric Graham (STA)

endorsed these views and provided several examples where cyclists ride across

pedestrian crossings resulting in unsafe conditions for other road users. Mr Larry

Vincent (resident) stated that he was a bike rider and that he agreed that it was

unlikely that bike riders would dismount to cross Cowper Street.

Mr Lehmann stated that he had also been made aware that another local resident had

also expressed concern about likely conflict between pedestrians and bike riders.

Much discussion then ensued about the best form of treatment at this intersection and

it was agreed to defer the matter for further investigation.

Traffic Committee Recommendation:

That the issue of providing for bicycle riders travelling through the Church Street /

Cowper Street roundabout be deferred pending further investigations.

4.5 COOGEE RESIDENT PARKING EXTENSION, AREA CO2 (C) Signage, Parking - 2P Resident Parking

D02883272-DA (AD)

The Council recently resolved (NM4/17) that a survey of residents in Byron Street and

relevant adjacent streets be undertaken to gauge support for the extension of the

resident parking scheme.

Subsequently, in November 2017 some 750 residents of the following streets were

surveyed to gauge their views on the proposed extension and be included within the

existing CO2 Resident Parking Area:

Byron Street: Between Dudley Street and Carr Street, Coogee

Dudley Street: Between Byron Street and Brook Street, Coogee

Mount Street: Between Dudley Street and Carr Street, Coogee

Edgecumbe Avenue: North of Dudley Street, Coogee

Brook Street: Western section of Brook Street, north of Dudley Street, Coogee.

The residents received a letter, a survey form, Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) sheet,

a map and a reply-paid envelope to express their views on the proposed extension.

Some 142 responses were received. Overall 46.5% respondents are not in favour of

the scheme and 47.9% respondents are in favour of the scheme. 5.6% respondents

are neither in favour nor against the proposal. The following data relates to the 142

responses from residents of the surveyed streets.

Survey findings

1. Eligibility:

Respondents were asked questions about their household vehicle ownership and

number of off street parking spaces available to them, to determine their eligibility for

the resident parking scheme.

How many vehicles does your household have?

Please include company cars that are usually

brought home

Base 142 (100%)

None 8(5.6%)

One 61(43%)

Two 60(42.2%)

Three 10(7%)

Five or more 3(2.2%



The majority of households responding to the survey have one (43%) or two (42%)

vehicles. Only 9% of the responding households have 3 or more vehicles and 5.6% have


How many off street parking does your

household have access to?

Base 142(100%)

None 54(38%)

One 71(50%)

Two 14(9.8%)

Three or more 3(2.2%)

On Street Parking Access:

All respondents with vehicles were asked about their experiences accessing on street

parking. 26% of respondents claimed that they never experienced problem accessing

on street parking, and a 63% said that they did experience problems both day and


Almost 33% of respondents claimed to experience problems finding on street parking

near their residence during day time.

The analysis of existing resident parking spaces in streets and areas and voting

preferences have been presented in the following table along with any recommended

changes to parking arrangements.

Street Area

Voting No of existing

resident parking spaces


No Yes

Brook Street CO2 5(38.5%) 8(61.5%) 0 Install 8 spaces

Byron Street CO2 15(53.5%) 13(46.5%) 0 No change

Carr Street CO2 3(33.3%) 6(66.7%) 0 Install 6 spaces

Dudley Street CO2 17(51.5%) 16(48.5%) 0 No change

Edgecumbe Avenue CO2 5(41.67%) 7(58.33%) 0 Install 7 spaces

Mount Street CO2 21(53.8%) 18(46.2%) 0 No change

Total 66(46.4%) 68(47.8%)

Traffic Committee Recommendation:


1. Eight resident parking spaces “2P, 8:00am-8:00pm, Mon-Sun, Permit Holders

Excepted, Area CO2” be installed on the western side of Brook Street, starting

10m north of Dudley Street, Coogee, and continue 40m northerly;

2. Three resident parking spaces “2P, 8:00am-8:00pm, Mon-Sun, Permit Holders

Excepted, Area CO2” be installed on the southern side of Carr Street, starting

10m west of Mount Street, Coogee, and continue 15m westerly;

3. Three resident parking spaces “2P, 8:00am-8:00pm, Mon-Sun, Permit Holders

Excepted, Area CO2” be installed on the southern side of Carr Street, between

the western end of the driveway of 6 Carr Street and the eastern end of the

driveway of 4A Carr Street, Coogee;

4. Four resident parking spaces “2P, 8:00am-8:00pm, Mon-Sun, Permit Holders

Excepted, Area CO2” be installed on the western side of Edgecumbe Avenue,

starting 10m north of Dudley Street, Coogee, and continue 20m northerly;



5. Three resident parking spaces “2P, 8:00am-8:00pm, Mon-Sun, Permit Holders

Excepted, Area CO2” be installed on the eastern side of Edgecumbe Avenue,

starting 10m north of Dudley Street, Coogee, and continue 15m northerly; and

6. The affected residents be notified of these parking changes.

4.6 JOHN STREET, RANDWICK (C) Linemarking - Keep Clear

(D03097273-DA (AD)

A request has been received asking for Keep Clear markings to be installed on John

Street at John Lane, Randwick. It has been suggested that motorists travelling north

along John Lane wishing to turn Left into John Street regularly have a lengthy wait

until there’s a break in queued westbound traffic to make the turn.

Although “Do Not Queue Across Intersection” signage is currently in place at the

intersection, regular observational surveys in the AM peak period have confirmed that

queued traffic often blocks John Lane motorists wishing to turn left or right. Given that

the subject intersection is some 30 metres east of the Alison Road / John Street

signals (from where queuing commences) it is proposed to install a ‘Keep Clear’

intersection line marking on John Street, opposite the intersection with John Lane.

Mr Eric Graham (STA) sought clarification on the extent of space that would be utilised

for these Keep Clear markings. Mr Lehmann responded that that it would be in order

of three metres.

Traffic Committee Recommendation:

That, “Keep Clear” intersection signs and line marking be installed facing westbound

John Street traffic, at the intersection of John Lane, Randwick.



4.7 KURRAWA AVENUE, COOGEE (C) Signage, Parking - Motorcycle Only

(D03098835-LH) (AD)

Council has received a request to extend the existing motorcycle only parking zone, on

the eastern side of Kurrawa Avenue, Coogee by 4m to the south. There is currently 4m

of residential permit parking zone that is located between the driveways of 138 Beach

Street and 3 Kurrawa Avenue which is large enough to accommodate a small car only.

Council has received complaints that frequently this space is occupied by larger cars

that obstruct access to these properties. It is recommended that the existing

motorcycle only parking zone be extended to include the 4m of kerbside at the rear of

138 Beach Street, Coogee.

There are currently 16 Resident Parking Permits issued to residents of Kurrawa Avenue

and 32 available parking spaces for the Resident Parking Permit Scheme along

Kurrawa Avenue. The conversion of this space from resident parking zone only to

motorcycle parking zone only should not negatively impact current permit holders as

there will be 31 spaces available for 16 permit holders.

Mr Sangster (representing the Member for Coogee) sought clarification on the rationale

for removing this parking space. He also sought clarification about requests from the

resident to have the illegal parking enforced by Council Rangers. Mr Lehmann stated

that the resident regularly had access to their driveway compromised because of larger

vehicles overhanging the driveway space. He also stated that he was unaware as to

any requests from the resident for enforcement. However, he stated that in an area

like this which experiences significant parking pressure from beach goers, enforcement

would not likely create a change in behaviour by all the various visitors to the street.

Traffic Committee Recommendation:

That the existing Motorcycle Only parking zone, on the eastern side of Kurrawa

Avenue, Coogee, be extended by 4m to the south to the northern edge of the driveway

of 3 Kurrawa Avenue. This will require the Resident Parking Permit zone on the eastern

side of Kurrawa Avenue to be reduced by 4m at the rear of 138 Beach Street, Coogee.

4.8 MALABAR ROAD, SOUTH COOGEE (C) Signage, Parking - ½P Parking


At the November 2017 Traffic Committee meeting an approval was given to install

11m of “½P, 8:00am-6:00pm, Mon-Sun,” parking restrictions on the western side of

Malabar Road commencing 10m south of the intersection with Rainbow Street.

Subsequently, one of the business owner called and advised that the time restrictions

until 6pm is not conducive to his business as his business opens till 9pm.

Therefore, it is suggested that the time restrictions be extended up to 9pm.

Traffic Committee Recommendation:


1. 11m of “½P, 8:00am-9:00pm, Mon-Sun,” parking restrictions be installed on

the western side of Malabar Road commencing 10m south of the intersection

with Rainbow Street; and

2. The adjacent businesses be notified about the changes.



4.9 MELODY STREET, COOGEE (C) Signage Parking - Regulatory

(D03097071-LH) (AD)

Concerns have been raised by residents of Dolphin Street that there have been a

number of near misses at the intersection of Dolphin Street and Melody Street,

Coogee. Investigation of recorded crashes at this intersection showed that there have

been eight instances of cross traffic crashes in the last 13 years. The approach from

both sides of Melody Street is on a steep gradient and it is recommended that

regulatory ‘STOP’ signage, and associated delineation, be installed to slow traffic

crossing Dolphin Street.

Mr Ben Borger (RMS) indicated that the proposed implementation of Stop signage at

this location did not comply with the RMS guidance on such matters. He stated that

the most recent five years of crash history suggested that the intersection was

performing relatively safely and that RMS did not support this proposal.

Mr Lehmann noted the concerns of RMS and asked that the recommendation be

adjusted as per the following.

Traffic Committee Recommendation:


1. Supplementary Give Way signs be installed in Melody Street, on both the

northern and southern approaches to Dolphin Street; and

2. Ten metres of double centrelines be installed in Melody Street extending back

from the Give Way linemarking to both the northern and the southern sides of

Dolphin Street, Coogee.


Signage, Parking - No Stopping

(D03102653-LH) (AD)

In relation to October 2017 Traffic Committee Item 6.3, which recommended the

reduction of the No Stopping zone on the eastern side of Prince Street, north of the

intersection with Frances Street, from 20m to the regulatory 10m. Council has received

feedback from residents that, due to an effective shortening of this zone during recent

construction works, there have been several near misses as the sight distance for

vehicles emerging from Frances Street is very limited. Due to the orientation and

gradient of the road at this intersection it is recommended that the status quo be

maintained and the No Stopping zone remain at 20m.

Traffic Committee Recommendation:

That the existing No Stopping zone on the eastern side of Prince Street, Randwick,

extending 20m north of the intersection with Frances Street be maintained.

4.11 QUAIL STREET, COOGEE (C) Signage, Parking - Motorcycle Only

(D03111762-LH) (AD)

Council has received correspondence from a resident raising concerns that the parking

area between 5 and 7 Quail Street, Coogee, was frequently being used by two cars and



obstructing the adjacent driveways. The kerb between the driveways is approximately

8.2m and as such is not wide enough to accommodate more than one car.

Mr Sangster (representative for Member of Coogee) expressed concern about the

perceived loss of parking as a result of this recommendation. He suggested that an

approach being taken by Woollahra Council, whereby they are trialling a mix of car and

motorcycle spaces, be considered for such situations. Mr Lehmann agreed to

investigate Woollahra Council’s approach. Ms Akhter (RCC) advised that the resident

concerned had contacted Council’s Rangers for enforcement assistance on many

occasions and had paid for the introduction of driveway linemarking.

Traffic Committee Recommendation:

That 2.2m of Motorcycle Only parking be installed commencing from the edge of the

driveway at the frontage of 7 Quail Street, Coogee, extending west.

4.12 RANDWICK RESIDENT PARKING SCHEME, AREA RA11 (C) Signage, Parking - Resident Parking

(F2017/00508-DA) (AD)

As part of its regular review of the Resident Parking Scheme (RPS), and as a result of a

number of concerns expressed by residents, the operation of the resident parking

scheme to the south of “The Spot” area has been examined.

The Council surveyed Randwick residents (within the proposed RA11 resident parking

area) in November 2017 to see if there was community support for introduction of the

RPS into their area. Residents received a letter informing them about the survey and

about 360 responses to the survey were received.

About the Survey

In November 2017, Council surveyed some 1050 residents of Randwick area

comprising the proposed RA11 resident parking area to see if there was community

support for introduction of the Resident Parking Scheme into the area.



Those residents being surveyed received a letter from Randwick City Council with a

notification regarding the online survey. Residents could respond to the survey by

visiting Your Say Randwick website.

Some 360 local residents responded. The following data relates to the 360 responses

from residents of the proposed area.

Survey findings

1. Eligibility:

Respondents were asked questions about their household vehicle ownership and

number of off street parking spaces available to them, to determine their eligibility for

the resident parking scheme.

How many vehicles does your household have?

Please include company cars that are usually

brought home

Base 360(100%)

None 2(.56%)

One 111(30.83%)

Two 172(47.78%)

Three 55(15.28%)

Five or more 20(5.55%)

The majority of households responding to the survey have one (31%) or two (48%)

vehicles. Only 20% of the responding households have 3 or more vehicles and .55%

have none.

How many off street parking does your

household have access to?

Base 360 (100%)

None 109(30.3%)

One 175(48.5%)

Two 66(18.4%)

Three or more 10(2.8%)

On Street Parking Access:

All respondents with vehicles were asked about their experiences accessing on street

parking. 43% of respondents claimed that they never experienced problem accessing

on street parking, and a 27.5% said that they did experience problems both day and


Almost 19% of respondents claimed to experience problems finding on street parking

near their residence during day time.

How often, if ever, do you or members of your

household have difficulty finding on-street

parking near your residence?

Base 360(100%)

Never 155 (43%)

Day 68 (19%)

Night 38 (10.5%)

Day & Night 99 (27.5%)

Overall, 58% of respondents were NOT in favour of the proposed extension of the

resident parking scheme, compared with 37% who were in favour of the scheme.

After reading the Resident Parking Scheme Fact

Sheet and map that came with the survey, do

you support an introduction/extension of the

Resident Parking Scheme to your area?

Base 360 (100%)

Yes 133(37%)

No 209(58%)

Don’t know 18(5%)

The analysis of existing resident parking spaces in streets and areas and voting

preferences have been presented in the following table along with any recommended

changes to parking arrangements.







Voting No. of


resident parking spaces


No Yes

Avoca Street RA11 8(72.7%) 3(27.3%) 0 No change

Bundock Lane RA11 2(33.3%) 4(66.7%) 0 Install 5 resident

parking spaces

Bundock Street RA11 8(72.7%) 3(27.3%) 0 No change

Canberra Street RA11 22(68.7%) 10(31.3%) 0 No change

Creer Street RA11 13(92.8%) 1(7.2%) 0 No change

Dudley Street RA11 2(66.7%) 1(33.3%) 0 No change

Ellen Street RA11 8(80%) 2(20%) 0 No change

Ethel Street RA11 7(50%) 7(50%) 0 No change

Fredrick Street RA11 10(71.4%) 4(28.6%) 0 No change

Helena Street RA11 8(26.7%) 22(73.3%) 0 Install 20 resident

parking spaces

Henry Street RA11 11(78.5%) 3(21.5%) 0 No change

Higgs Street RA11 7(50%) 7(50%) 0 No change

Howard Street RA11 16(53.3%) 14(46.7%) 0 No change

Meymott Street RA11 15(88.2%) 2(11.8%) 0 No change

Oberon Street RA11 16(41%) 23(59%) 0 Install 26 resident

parking spaces

Perouse Road RA11 5(33.3%) 10(66.7%) 0 Install 10 resident

parking spaces

Rainbow Street RA11 43(79.6%) 11(20.4%) 0 No change

Sully Street RA11 7(58.3%) 5(41.7%) 0 No change

The following images show the locations of most of the proposed parking changes.





Mr Matt Delfendahl (resident) sought clarification on the methodology used for the community surveys about resident parking. Mr Lehmann stated that response rates of 10% were considered typical with regard to Council’s consultation. He further stated that the recommendations arising out of such surveys were based on the majority opinion of those residents who respond. Traffic Committee Recommendation: That:

1. Three resident parking spaces “2P, 8:00am-8:00pm, Mon-Fri, Permit Holders Excepted, Area RA11” be installed on the northern side of Bundock Lane starting at the western property boundary of 52 Bundock Lane, Randwick, and continue 15m easterly;

2. Two resident parking spaces “2P, 8:00am-8:00pm, Mon-Fri, Permit Holders Excepted, Area RA11” be installed on the northern side of Bundock Lane starting at 10m west of Avoca Street, Randwick, and continue 10m easterly;

3. Six resident parking spaces “2P, 8:00am-8:00pm, Mon-Fri, Permit Holders

Excepted, Area RA11” be installed on the northern side of Perouse Road starting at the eastern property boundary of 169 Perouse Road, Randwick, and continue 32m easterly;

4. Four resident parking spaces “2P, 8:00am-8:00pm, Mon-Fri, Permit Holders

Excepted, Area RA11” be installed on the southern side of Perouse Road starting at the western property boundary of 126 Perouse Road, Randwick, and continue 22m easterly;

5. Ten resident parking spaces “2P, 8:00am-8:00pm, Mon-Fri, Permit Holders

Excepted, Area RA11” be installed on the southern side of Helena Street starting 10m west of Canberra Lane, Randwick, and continue 55m westerly;

6. Seven resident parking spaces “2P, 8:00am-8:00pm, Mon-Fri, Permit Holders

Excepted, Area RA11” be installed on the northern side of Helena Street starting at the western property boundary of 34 Helena Street, Randwick, and continue 35m westerly;

7. Three resident parking spaces “2P, 8:00am-8:00pm, Mon-Fri, Permit Holders

Excepted, Area RA11” be installed on the southern side of Helena Street starting at the eastern property boundary of 25 Helena Street, Randwick, and continue 15m westerly;

8. Sixteen resident parking spaces “2P, 8:00am-8:00pm, Mon-Fri, Permit Holders

Excepted, Area RA11” be installed on the southern side of Oberon Street starting at the western property boundary of 22 Oberon Street and continue up to the western property boundary of 40 Oberon Street, Randwick;

9. Three resident parking spaces “2P, 8:00am-8:00pm, Mon-Fri, Permit Holders

Excepted, Area RA11” be installed on the southern side of Oberon Street starting at 7.5m east of Canberra Street, Randwick, and continue 22.5m easterly;

10. Three resident parking spaces “2P, 8:00am-8:00pm, Mon-Fri, Permit Holders

Excepted, Area RA11” be installed on the southern side of Oberon Street starting at the western property boundary of 92 Oberon Street, Randwick, and continue 15m westerly;

11. Four resident parking spaces “2P, 8:00am-8:00pm, Mon-Fri, Permit Holders

Excepted, Area RA11” be installed on the northern side of Oberon Street

starting at 10m west of Howard Lane, Randwick, and continue 32m westerly;




12. The affected residents be notified about the parking restrictions changes.

4.13 OSWALD STREET, RANDWICK (C) Road Safety - Speeding

(D03013475-DA) (AD)

Council has received a request from a resident of Courland Street, Randwick, to investigate vehicle speeds in Oswald Street due to safety concerns. To ascertain the extent of the speeding issue a traffic survey was commissioned in November 2017, for a seven day period. The results of the survey are shown in the following:

Speed & Traffic Data - Oswald Street, Randwick

Data Eastbound Westbound

Weekly 50th%ile speed (km/h) 21.0 20.7

Weekly 85th%ile speed (km/h) 24.7 24.4

Five day AADT 559 483

Seven day AADT 529 468

Given that the vehicular speeds are very low, no action is recommended. Traffic Committee Recommendation: That:

1. The results of the traffic survey for Oswald Street, Randwick, undertaken in November 2017, be noted; and

2. The resident raising concerns about this matter be informed of the results.

4.14 GARDENERS ROAD, KINGSFORD - GREEK EASTER 2018 (H) Event - Temporary - Road Closure (D03121698-DK) (AD)

During the annual Greek Orthodox Easter celebrations at St Spyridon’s Church on Gardeners Road, Kingsford (east of Doncaster Avenue), some 5,000 to 6,000 attendees assemble on Gardeners Road outside the Church. Over many years, in the interests of road safety, Gardeners Road has been closed to east and westbound traffic between Houston Road and Cottenham Avenue on two occasions during the celebrations as detailed below. Police staff various points for this religious activity. In respect of the road closures all westbound traffic on Gardeners Road is diverted at Houston Road, left into General Bridges Crescent except buses. Buses are diverted right into Houston Road. All eastbound traffic is diverted left into Cottenham Avenue. The closure times are:

1. Friday 6 April 2018, 8:00pm to 10:30pm. An RMS Traffic Emergency

Patrol (TEP) vehicle is utilised on site from about 7:30pm to 10:30pm. 2. Saturday 7 April 2018, 11:00pm to 1:30am on Sunday 8 April 2018. An

RMS Traffic Emergency Patrol (TEP) vehicle and crew will be on-site from 10:00pm to 1:30am.

Maps outlining the closures for the event are shown on the next two pages.







Mr Eric Graham (STA) tabled the internal STA run sheet providing some greater clarity

for the Council as to the bus detours during this event. Mr Lehmann thanked him for

providing the information.

Traffic Committee Recommendation:


1. The information be received;

2. The organisers provide notification to all businesses and residences adjacent

to the affected parts of the streets with regard to the event, detailing the

effect on bus services, including proposed bus diversions;

3. The applicant liaise with the Transport for NSW’s Transport Management

Centre regarding this event to obtain Road Occupancy Licence (ROL);

4. The CBD Coordination Office - Traffic be informed of this event;

5. The applicant ensures that the required traffic control equipment is provided

and delivered onsite for the use of the Police;

6. The proponents of this event be requested to also inform locals that, as a

result of the event, there will be some limited bus movements along some

local streets; and

7. That, as a matter of courtesy, Bayside Council, be informed of the proposed


4.15 TUNSTALL AVENUE, KINGSFORD (H) Road Safety - Speed and volume

(D03094098-LH) (AD)

Council has received a request from a resident of Tunstall Avenue to investigate

vehicle speeds in the street due to safety concerns.

To ascertain the extent of the speeding issue a traffic survey was commissioned in

December 2017 for a seven day period. The results of the survey are shown below:

Speed & Traffic Data – Tunstall Avenue, Kingsford (near no. 51)

Data Southbound Northbound

Weekly 50th%ile speed (km/h) 40.4 41.9

Weekly 85th%ile speed (km/h) 47.5 48.8

Five day AADT 747 3519

Seven day AADT 719 3222

Speed & Traffic Data – Tunstall Avenue, Kingsford (near no. 142)

Data Southbound Northbound

Weekly 50th%ile speed (km/h) 39.7 42.1

Weekly 85th%ile speed (km/h) 47.8 48.8

Five day AADT 511 3422

Seven day AADT 496 3115



Given that the vehicular speeds are relatively low, no action is recommended, at this


Traffic Committee Recommendation:


1. the results of the traffic survey for Tunstall Avenue, Kingsford, undertaken in

December 2017, be noted; and

2. the resident be informed of the results.


(D03094098-LH) (AD) Council has received a request to review the location of the double centrelines (BB

lines) on Tunstall Avenue, Kingsford, north of the intersection with Tresidder Avenue.

There is currently approximately 135m of BB line commencing from this intersection

and extending northwards to a crest on Tunstall Avenue. The eastern side of Tunstall

Avenue is a restricted ‘No Stopping’ zone for this length and the western side is

unrestricted. The BB line is equidistant from the western and eastern kerb allowing 4m

lane width for vehicles travelling south and only 2m for vehicles travelling north due to

cars parked on the western side. It is recommended that the current centreline

delineation be relocated laterally 1m east to provide an effective lane width of 3m for

both northbound and southbound vehicles as per diagram below.





Traffic Committee Recommendation:

That the existing 135m of double centrelines (BB lines) on Tunstall Avenue, Kingsford,

north of the intersection with Tresidder Avenue, be relocated laterally 3m from the

eastern kerb and 5m from the western kerb to facilitate effective lane widths of 3m for

both north and southbound motorists.

4.17 DIVE STREET, MATRAVILLE (M) Signage, Regulatory - Stop Sign

(D03066481-DK) (AD)

Concerns have been raised with the Council suggesting that on many occasions drivers

have overlooked the existing Give Way priority control in Dive Street, at the

intersection with Beauchamp Road, Matraville. An examination of the crash history,

reveals there have been four recorded crashes in the last five years at this location. It

is considered that the Give Way priority control in Dive Street be converted to a Stop

sign priority control; with double centre lines being installed to improve safety and

awareness of motorists approaching the intersection.

Mr Ben Borger (RMS) queried the appropriateness of the recommendation given the

RMS guidelines on such matters. Sgt Withers indicated that he had attended a number

of serious collisions at this location and that he supported the recommendation. Mr

Lehmann stated that there were strong feelings within the community about this

intersection. It was agreed to endorse the recommendation.

Traffic Committee Recommendation:


1. Stop sign priority controls replace the existing Give Way controls in Dive Street,

at Beauchamp Road, Matraville, to improve safety and for the awareness of

motorists approaching the intersection; and



2. 10m length of double centre lines be installed in both Dive Street, and Poulet

Street, at its intersection with Beauchamp Road, Matraville.



(D03091216-DA (AD)

A resident from 78 Maroubra Road, Maroubra, raised concerns regarding blocking

access to their property through Glanfield Street, near the ForCaz automotive

workshop, Maroubra. The Council has recently upgraded Glanfield Street with kerb and

gutter and created angle parking bays in Glanfield Street as shown in the following

figure. The 78 Maroubra Road property has access through Glanfield Street to their

backyard and often cars are parked in front of the gate and blocking access to the


Therefore, it is considered that 90 degree angle parking line marking be installed (as

per the Australian Standard AS 2890.5) in Glanfield Street between the ELP MA35477

and the Forcaz automotive workshop and hatched line marking be installed in that

space (as shown in the diagram) to prevent any vehicles from parking and improve the

accessibility issue for the residents at 78 Maroubra Road.

Traffic Committee Recommendation:


1. 90 degree angle parking line marking be installed (as per the Australian

Standard AS 2890.5) on south side of Glanfield Street between the ELP

MA35477 and the Forcaz automotive workshop; and

2. Hatched line marking be installed in that space immediately to the east of the

mechanic shop (as shown in the diagram) to prevent any vehicle from parking.

Glanfield Street



4.19 HOLMES STREET, MAROUBRA (M) Road Safety - Speed and volume

(D03038402-LH) (AD)

Council has received a request from a resident of Holmes Street to investigate vehicle

speeds in the street due to safety concerns.

To ascertain the extent of the speeding issue a traffic survey was commissioned in

December 2017 for a seven day period. The results of the survey are shown below:

Speed & Traffic Data - Holmes Street, Maroubra (near no. 42)

Data Westbound Eastbound

Weekly 50th%ile speed (km/h) 43.9 43.1

Weekly 85th%ile speed (km/h) 50.3 51.6

Five day AADT 860 592

Seven day AADT 775 539

Speed & Traffic Data - Holmes Street, Maroubra (near no. 110)

Data Westbound Eastbound

Weekly 50th%ile speed (km/h) 43.3 44.4

Weekly 85th%ile speed (km/h) 50.6 52.2

Five day AADT 686 411

Seven day AADT 618 385

Given that the vehicular speeds are relatively low, no action is recommended, at this


Traffic Committee Recommendation:


1. the results of the traffic surveys for Holmes Street, Maroubra, undertaken in

June 2016, be noted; and

2. the resident be informed of the results.

4.20 HOWE STREET, MALABAR ROCK POOLS CARPARK, MALABAR (M) Signage, Parking - Mobility Impaired Person’s Parking Space (MIPPS)

(D03095737-EW) (AD)

It has been requested that Council review the location of Mobility Impaired Person’s

Parking Spaces (MIPPS) in the Malabar Rock Pool Car Park to ensure that persons with

mobility challenges can easily access services available from this car park. Currently

there are 59 parking spaces and one MIPPS. It is proposed to add another MIPPS, at

the north corner of the car park, closest to the ramp. (See attached diagram).



Traffic Committee Recommendation:

That a Mobility Impaired Persons’ Parking Spaces (MIPPS) be installed in the Howe

Street, Malabar Rock Pool car park. The location of this added MIPPS will be at the

north corner of the car park, closest to the ramp.

4.21 PINE AVENUE, LITTLE BAY (M) Road Safety - Speed and volume

(D03088327-LH) (AD)

Council has received a request from a resident of Pine Avenue to investigate vehicle

speeds in the street due to safety concerns.

To ascertain the extent of the speeding issue a traffic survey was commissioned in

December 2017 for a seven day period. The results of the survey are shown below:

Speed & Traffic Data - Pine Avenue, Little Bay (near no. 42-48)

Data Westbound Eastbound

Weekly 50th%ile speed (km/h) 39.2 34.8

Weekly 85th%ile speed (km/h) 45.3 41.4

Five day AADT 655 653

Seven day AADT 789 760

Given that the vehicular speeds are relatively low, no action is recommended, at this


Traffic Committee Recommendation:


1. the results of the traffic survey for Pine Avenue, Little Bay, undertaken in

December 2017, be noted; and

2. the person be informed of the results.



4.22 SNAPE PARK, MAROUBRA (M) Bicycle Matters - Shared Path


The footpath along the outer edge of Snape Park, between Irvine Street and Royal

Street was recently widened to accommodate both pedestrians and bike riders. This

shared path will be part of a local north/south route that starts at Anzac Parade, goes

down Irvine Street, around Snape Park and continues down Royal Street. A mark-up

of this shared path is shown in the drawing below.

Traffic Committee Recommendation:

That the footpath around the outer edge of Snape Park, between Irvine Street and

Royal Street, Maroubra, be designated as a Shared Path.

The following Minor Signage matters are listed for the Committee’s consideration.



5. Minor Signage Items

The following Minor Signage matters are listed for the Committee’s consideration.

Item No

Location Issue Request Recommend Approval?


5. 1

Aeolia Lane, RANDWICK(C) (D03122661-DK)


Install a ‘No Parking, 10 Minute

Limit, Drivers May Leave Vehicle’ zone on the west side of Aeolia Lane, Randwick, commencing 12m from intersection with Aeolia Street and extending 48m to the


NO (Deferred)

To improve access to the rear of the businesses receiving deliveries

via Aeolia Lane and ensure the no through lane can always provide clear access to any emergency


5. 2

Arthur Street, RANDWICK (C) (D03093819-RM) (AD)

Remove Mobility Impaired Person’s Parking Space (MIPPS) outside 21 Arthur Street, Randwick.


Resident MPS card holder no longer resides at this


5. 3

136A Beach

Street, COOGEE

(C) (D03092420-EW)


Install a 7m Motorcycle parking north, adjacent to the 136A Beach Street driveway. Shorten the 1P parking zone, replace and install a 7m Motorcycle Only parking.


To facilitate the

parking of

motorcycles and



parking in angled

parking areas along

Beach Street.

5. 4

Brook Street,

COOGEE (C) (D03122768-RM)


Installation of temporary No Parking, Authorised Council Vehicles Excepted on eastern side of Brook Street, Coogee, (28-55m south of Dolphin Street).


To assist the

temporary parking

requirements of the


International Rugby



(approved and

installed 22/1 to


5. 5

Division Lane,


Frontage of 2S

Mount St (C) (D03054854-EW)


Install 7.5m No Parking Zone on

the northern side of Division Lane

directly in front of the Substation

on 2S Mount Street.


To facilitate clear

access for

residents and

garbage trucks.


(D03135946) has

also requested that

their substation

has clear access at

all times.

5. 6

Frederick Street, RANDWICK (C) (D03072824-RM) (AD)

Remove Mobility Impaired Person’s Parking Space (MIPPS) outside 16 Frederick Street, Randwick.

Yes Applicant no longer resides at this address.



Item No

Location Issue Request Recommend Approval?


5. 7

Helena Lane,

RANDWICK (C) (D03135874 &



Install approximately 7.5m of No

Parking on Helena Lane at the rear

of 36-38 Oberon Street, Randwick.


To facilitate access

to the driveways of

38 and 40 Helena

Street, Randwick.

5. 8

Lion Lane, CLOVELLY (C) (D02844323-DK) (AD)

Install No Parking restrictions at the rear of 4 Lion Street, Randwick for a distance of 5m.


To improve access to the rear of property 11 Titania Street, Randwick.

5. 9


Avenue, RANDWICK (C) (D03092981-RM) (AD)

Relocate Mobility Impaired Person’s Parking Space (MIPPS) previously approved and located in front of 11 McLennan Avenue, Randwick to 13 McLennan Avenue, Randwick.


Feedback from the resident indicates that the MIPPS is

much suitable in front of 13 McLennan Avenue

so that the Mobility Parking Scheme (MPS) permit holder can use the driveway as a pram ramp to access their car.

5. 10

88 Mount Street,

COOGEE (C) (D03128339-EW)


Install 6m of a Mobility Impaired Person's Parking Space (MIPPS) adjacent to the driveway of 88 Mount Street, Coogee


To assist eligible

mobility impaired

residents park

close to their


5. 11

Oberon Street, COOGEE (C) (D03118405-RM) (AD)

Install 4.15m Motorcycle Only

parking between the driveways of no.247 and no.249 Oberon Street, Coogee.

NO (Deferred)

To facilitate the parking of

motorcycles and prevent illegal parking across driveways.

5. 12

Park Avenue, RANDWICK (C) (D03062787-RM) (AD)

Remove Mobility Impaired Person’s Parking Space (MIPPS) outside 11 Park Avenue, Randwick.

Yes Applicant no longer resides at this address.

5. 13

St Pauls Street,

RANDWICK (C ) (D03012919-DK) (AD)

Modify previously approved 11m of

parking restriction 1P 8:30am-6pm Mon-Sat, on the northern side of

39-47 St Pauls Street, Randwick, approximately 60m east of the intersection with Perouse Road to No Parking.


Modification of

parking controls approved at the

October 2017 Traffic Committee was installed as a six month trial.

5. 14

89 Wentworth


RANDWICK (C) (D03067903-EW)


Remove existing Mobility Impaired Person’s Parking Space (MIPPS) at the frontage of 89 Wentworth Street, Randwick.


Resident MPS card

holder no longer

resides at this


5. 15

26 Varna Street,

CLOVELLY (C) (D03121588-EW)


Install 6m of a Mobility Impaired Person's Parking Space (MIPPS) at the frontage of 26 Varna Street


To assist eligible

mobility impaired

residents park

close to their




Item No

Location Issue Request Recommend Approval?


5. 16

Balfour Road,

KENSINGTON (H) (D03100383-EW)


Remove existing Mobility Impaired

Person’s Parking Space (MIPPS) at

the frontage of 8 Balfour Road,



Resident MPS card

holder no longer

resides at this


5. 17

Doncaster Avenue, KINGSFORD (H) (D03131829-RM) (AD)

Remove Mobility Impaired Person’s Parking Space (MIPPS) outside 288 Doncaster Avenue, Kingsford.

Yes Applicant no longer resides at this address.

5. 18

Elsmere Street, KENSINGTON (H) (D03100831-RM) (AD)

Convert all angle parking signs from ‘Front to Kerb’ to ‘Rear to Kerb’ to keep the consistency

along Elsmere Street, Kensington.


Rangers cannot enforce motorist due to confusion it


5. 19

Anzac Parade,

LITTLE BAY (M) (D03109005-EW)


Install 6m No Parking within the cul-de-sac adjacent to 1407 Anzac Parade, Little Bay. The No Parking signage is to be installed directly

adjacent to the zebra crossing.


To facilitate clear

access for


5. 20

21 Broadbent


KINGSFORD (M) (D03099356-EW)


Install 6m of a Mobility Impaired Person's Parking Space (MIPPS) at the frontage of 21 Broadbent Street, Kingsford.


To assist eligible

mobility impaired

residents park

close to their


5. 21

Eastmore Place, MAROUBRA (M) (D03133853-RM) (AD)

Relocate the No Parking arrow right located on the northern side of Eastmore Place near the western end of Marjorie Crescent, Maroubra, by 11.75m to the east.


To provide an additional two

parking spaces and to satisfy residents digressing their


5. 22

Hastings Avenue, CHIFLEY (M ) (D02843216-DK) (AD)

Extend the No Stopping zone on the west side of Hastings Avenue 3m to the south towards No.53 Hastings Avenue, Chifley.


To give motorists better sightlines when approaching the crest and not cross over the


centrelines (BB

lines) due to

parked vehicles.

On Item 5.1 - Aeolia Lane, Randwick – Mr Ben Borger (RMS) suggested that the RMS

preferred signage would be to introduce P10min instead of the proposed restriction. It

was agreed to defer this matter pending clarification with RMS.

On Item 5.3 - 136A Beach Street, Coogee – Mr Sangster (representing the Member for

Coogee) sought clarification as to the rationale for the motorcycle parking proposal.

Mr Widjaja (RCC) explained that, following concerns raised by a local resident about

motorcycles taking up numerous single car spaces in the angle parking area of Beach

Street, it was considered appropriate to provide separately for many motorcyclists

within a single parking space on the western side of Beach Street.

On Item 5.11 – Oberon Street, Coogee – Mr Sangster (representing the Member for

Coogee) sought clarification on the investigations into this matter. It was agreed to

defer this matter pending further investigation.



Traffic Committee Recommendation:

That the recommendations listed in the Minor Signage items table, be approved, apart

from Item 5.1 - Aeolia Lane, Randwick, and 5.11 - Oberon Street, Coogee, whereby it

was agreed that these items be deferred at this time.

6. Works Zones

Construction sites often involve the use of trucks, cranes and other large vehicles.

Without special parking provision, the positioning of such vehicles, close to these sites,

can cause significant problems for local residents or businesses. It is for this reason

that the Council requires the creation of Works Zones at major construction sites.

Once the project is completed the Works Zone is removed.

Accordingly, it is recommended that Works Zones be installed, or removed, at the

locations detailed within the following table:

Works Zones Table


m N


Street/ Suburb






) Adjacent

to (address


Existing Parking Controls

Reference / Comments


6.1 Carrington Road, RANDWICK (C)

W 15 No. 194-196

None D03125849-LH

6.2 Frenchmans Road, Randwick


W 13 No. 91-97 Bus Zone/1P

D02425041-LH Note Works Zone still active for 87-89 Frenchmans Road. Parking controls to be

restored when these works completed. (STA liaison will be undertaken).

6.3 Judge Street,

RANDWICK (C) W 12 No.24 None D03097789-DK

6.4 Moore Street,

COOGEE (C) N 12 No.20 None D03132180-DK

6.5 Stark Street, COOGEE (C)

S 12 No. 5 -7 None D03113043-LH

6.6 Houston Lane,

KINGSFORD (H) E 12 No.71

2P 8am-8pm Mon-Fri, Permit Holders

Excepted, Area KF2

D03088059-EW. Due to the Works Zone on Houston Lane replacing a 12m 2P parking. A new 12m 2P

parking area will be installed north of the Works

Zone on the south side of Strachan Street, Kingsford.

6.7 Austral Street,

MALABAR (M) S 15 No.78 None D03109117-DK

6.8 The Corso, MAROUBRA (M)

N 12 No. 90-92 Marine Parade

None D03120751-DA


6.9 Wentworth Street, RANDWICK (C)

E 12 No.53 None D03131836-EW

6.10 Grosvenor Street, KENSINGTON (H)

N 15 No. 8-10 None D03110804-EW

(Reference NSW Road Rule 181 )



Traffic Committee Recommendation:

That the Works Zones listed in the Works Zones Table be installed or removed as

detailed, with the standard schedule of conditions (as detailed in Item 9.1) applying.

7. Parking Control Signage At Intersections (AD)

The Council regularly receives requests for action to be taken with regard to vehicles

being parked illegally at intersections. Such vehicles block sightlines to and from

vulnerable pedestrians or bike riders. They can also obscure motorists’ views of

approaching vehicles, and, they can create difficulties for fire engines, garbage trucks

or other large service vehicles which need to access the neighbourhood.

To ensure compliance with the legally mandated parking prohibitions at intersections,

it is recommended that No Stopping signage be installed as per the following table:

Item No.

Street Suburb Side Dist. Direction Of Reference / Comments

7.1 Alison Road Coogee South 10m West Arden Street D03068817-LH

7.2 Challis Lane Randwick North 10m East Wentworth Street D03098223-LH

7.3 Challis Lane Randwick South 10m East Wentworth Street D03098223-LH

7.4 Smithfield Avenue Coogee North 10m West Brook Street D03068817-LH

7.5 Wentworth Street Randwick East 10m South Challis Lane D03098223-LH

7.6 Borrodale Road Kensington North 10m East & West

Day Lane D03062231-DK

7.7 Austral Street Malabar South 10m West Lucas Ave D03109117-DK

7.8 Chapman Avenue Maroubra North &

South 10m West Fenton Avenue D03094051-RM

7.9 Fenton Avenue Maroubra West 10m North & South

Chapman Avenue D03094051-RM

7.10 Sturt Street Kingsford South 10m East Anzac Parade D03082593-RM

7.11 Sturt Street Kingsford North 10m East Bunnerong Road D03094142-RM

(Reference NSW Road Rule 170 )

Traffic Committee Recommendation:

That the No Stopping signage listed in the Parking Control Signage at Intersections

table be approved for installation.

8. Urgent Matters or Matters for Future Investigation

8.1 ANZAC PARADE, LITTLE BAY (M) Public Transport Issue - Request for Layout Alterations


Mr Eric Graham (STA) raised with the Committee the STA’s proposal to shift the

layover bus zone from the eastern side of Anzac Parade, south of Pine Avenue, to the

western side of Anzac Parade. He advised that he had had early discussions with

Council’s Coordinator Integrated Transport, Mr Darren Price.



Traffic Committee Recommendation:

That a report on this matter be submitted to an upcoming Traffic Committee meeting.



The issue of resident access to the bus zone on the south side of Bundock Street, just

east of Canberra Street was discussed. It was agreed that an investigation into the

possible relocation of this bus zone into Canberra Street be undertaken, with a report

being brought back to this Committee.

Traffic Committee Recommendation:

That a report on this matter be submitted to an upcoming Traffic Committee meeting.

8.3 CLOVELLY ROAD, CLOVELLY (C) Signage, Parking - Bus Zone

(F2013/00108-TL) (AD)

Mr Eric Graham (STA) expressed concern about the frequency with which the bus

zones along Clovelly Road, Clovelly, were parked out by other vehicles. In particular,

he stated that motorists regularly parked in the bus zone near Beach Street. He asked

that Council consider increased surveillance and enforcement of these bus zones. Mr

Lehmann agreed to relay this request to the Council’s Rangers.

Traffic Committee Recommendation:

That the information be received.

8.4 COOGEE BAY ROAD, COOGEE (C) Signage, Parking – No Parking

(F2013/00108-TL) (AD)

Mr Matt Delfendahl (resident) relayed to the Committee his concerns about eastbound

Coogee Bay Road congestion, on approach to Carrington Road. He suggested that the

removal of one or two car spaces would ease traffic flow in the eastbound direction

which is especially a problem during the morning peak period. Mr Lehmann agreed to

have this matter investigated.

Traffic Committee Recommendation:

That this matter be investigated and if deemed appropriate, a report be submitted to

an upcoming Traffic Committee meeting.

8.5 CARR STREET / BYRON STREET, COOGEE (C) Pedestrian - Marked Foot Crossing


Mr Matt Delfendahl (resident) commended the Council on the recent installation of the

raised pedestrian crossing at the intersection of Carr Street and Byron Street, Coogee.

Mr Lehmann thanked him for his comments.

Traffic Committee Recommendation:

That the information be received.



9. Schedule Of Conditions

The following standard conditions may be referenced within these papers.



a. The applicant be informed that if they intend to use traffic controllers for

activities associated with the Works Zone, such activities must comply with

a formal Traffic Control Plan (to be held on site following preparation by

person/s with the appropriate RMS authorisation) and that any traffic

controllers utilised must have current appropriate accreditation from RMS;

b. The Council be given authority to replace the Works Zone with a No

Stopping zone if the operator (or their sub-contractors): i. compromise pedestrian safety, or

ii. add significantly to traffic congestion in this area, or

iii. allow access/egress to/from the site which creates

safety concerns or traffic flow delays, or

iv. does not ensure that the Council fees payable for this

private use of the public road are met,

with the zone being reinstalled once the issue of concern is

properly addressed;

c. The Council Rangers enforce the restriction; and

d. Authority be given to the Council to remove the Works Zone and reinstate

the previous restrictions, when the applicant advises that it is no longer


The meeting finished at 10.56 a.m.