ranger4 devops maturity assessment

www.ranger4.com DevOpstastic Ranger4 DevOps Maturity Assessment

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Post on 10-May-2015




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The Ranger4 DevOps Maturity Assessment is a short (4-10 day) piece of work that baselines an organization's current state of DevOps using the Ranger4 DMI (DevOps Maturity Index) and produces a roadmap to a desired future assessment.


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Ranger4 DevOps Maturity Assessment

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The Goal of the DevOps Maturity Assessment

Aligning business strategy with investment

in software

Through IT process analysis and improvement

•  Increase  visibility  •  Monitor  and  improve  performance  

•  Report  on  actual  business  outcomes  

•  Assess  current  state  and  readiness  

•  Iden8fy  and  ar8culate  business  impact  

•  Quan8fy  results  


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What does high performance look like?

•  Deploy more often •  Fewer failures •  Recover faster from failure •  React quicker to business requests •  Deeper understanding of system metrics •  Reduced complexity

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The Assessment Process

1   • Iden8fy  business  drivers  and  outcomes  

2   • Assess  current  state  

3   • Visualize  future  desired  state  

4   • Iden8fy  poten8al  inhibitors  and  roadblocks  

5   • Establish  roadmap  to  adop8on  

6   • Iden8fy  trackable  metrics  

7   • Execute  and  measure  

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Identifying Business Drivers and Outcomes

Project  Kick  Off  with  Key  Stakeholders  

Interviews  with  IT  &  Business  Resources  

Document  Assessment  Findings  in  Report  

Present  Findings  to  Stakeholders  with  Recommenda8ons  and  Next  Steps  

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Assess Current State

 •  Organiza8onal  

structure  •  Resources:  

roles  &  responsibili8es  

•  Goals  and  mo8va8ons  


 •  Each  step  of  AL  •  Maturity  of  

exis8ng  DevOps  processes  

•  Areas  of  improvement  


 •  Target  

environments  •  Exis8ng  

toolchain  •  Exis8ng  

‘DevOps’  tooling  


People   Process   Tools  

Change  Management  

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Visualize Future / Desired State Statem

ent  o

f  Inten

8on   An8cipated  

impact  Changes  to  process  Changes  to  tools  

Fit  A



Priori8ze  Value  Speed  Impact  Change  


8fy  Inhibitors  

Budget  People  Technology  Culture  

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Establish Roadmap to Adoption



n  of  Desire

d  Future  State  

Con8nuous  Delivery  

Fit  Assessment  

Organiza8onal  Ini8a8ves  

Approved  Project  Plan  

Cultural  Ini8a8ves  

Baseline  Assessmen

t  &  M


Architectural  Impera8ves  

Process  Ini8a8ves  

Technology  Ini8a8ves  





fied  Va


DevOps  Reorganiza8on  

Cultural  Change  Program  

Deployment  Process  Automa8on  

ARA  Tools  Implementa8on  

Test  Process  Review  

APM  Rollout  

Service  Virtualiza8on  

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Where do all these things fit together?

Diagram  by  Colllabnet  

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Identify Trackable Metrics


DMI*  score  

*  DevOps  Maturity  Index  

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DevOps Barriers

•  Resistance to change •  Lack of buy-in •  Value not clearly understood •  Old habits getting in the way •  Silos

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Doing DevOps

•  On Board Key Influencers •  Always be evangelizing •  Celebrate and advertise all wins

– And incremental success stories •  Carry success metrics as proof points •  Challenge the way you do things today •  Don’t automate legacy practices •  Be patient and pragmatic •  Never lose sight of the future state

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Forrester’s 7 DevOps Habits 1.  Getting the two sides to talk to each other 2.  Taking an outside-in approach to everything 3.  Automating the build, test and release processes so

they contain less human error 4.  Simplifying and standardizing the development and

production environments 5.  Instilling a culture of systems engineering across both

development and operations 6.  Implementing feedback and feed-forward loops 7.  Putting developers on the front line of support

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Want to get started on your DevOps journey?

Go to: www.ranger4.com