rank journal ing acm transactions on algorithms...

Journal Rank ing ACM Transactions on Algorithms A+ ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization A+ ACM Transactions on Computer Systems A+ ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction A+ ACM Transactions on Database Systems A+ ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems A+ ACM Transactions on Graphics A+ ACM Transactions on Information and System Security A+ ACM Transactions on Information Systems A+ ACM Transactions on Internet Technology A+ ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software A+ ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems(was LOPLAS) A+ ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology A+ Artificial Intelligence A+ Cognition A+ Cognitive Science A+ Computational Complexity A+ jnl ranking dec 2007 1 of 24

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Page 1: Rank Journal ing ACM Transactions on Algorithms A+direction.bordeaux.inria.fr/~roussel/rankings/core/journals/2007/... · ing ACM Transactions on Algorithms A+ ... Theory and Practice


ACM Transactions on Algorithms A+

ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization A+

ACM Transactions on Computer Systems A+

ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction A+

ACM Transactions on Database Systems A+

ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems A+

ACM Transactions on Graphics A+

ACM Transactions on Information and System Security A+

ACM Transactions on Information Systems A+

ACM Transactions on Internet Technology A+

ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software A+

ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems(was LOPLAS) A+

ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology A+

Artificial Intelligence A+

Cognition A+

Cognitive Science A+

Computational Complexity A+

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Computational Linguistics A+

Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery A+

Fuzzy Sets and Systems A+

Human-Computer Interaction A+

IEEE Network A+

IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits A+

IEEE Transactions on Computers A+

IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation A+

IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems A+

IEEE Transactions on Image Processing A+

IEEE Transactions on Information Theory A+

IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing A+

IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems A+

IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence A+

IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering A+

IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications A+

International Journal of Computer Vision A+

Journal of Artificial Intelligence Reasoning A+

Journal of Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems A+

Journal of Computer and System Sciences A+

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Journal of Cryptology A+

Journal of Management Information Systems A+

Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing A+

Journal of Philosophical Logic A+

Journal of the ACM A+

Journal of the Association for Information Systems A+

Journal of the Operational Research Society A+

Machine Learning A+

Management Information Systems Quarterly A+

Management Science A+

Network: Computation in Neural Systems A+

Neural Computation A+

Neural Networks A+

Numerische Mathematik A+

Pattern Recognition A+

Quantum Information and Computation A+

SIAM Journal on Computing A+

The VLDB Journal: The International Journal on Very Large Databases A+

User Modelling A+

ACM Transactions on Computational Logic A

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ACM Transactions on the Web A

ACTA Informatica A

Algorithmica A

Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence A

Annals of Operations Research A

Applied Mathematics and Computation A

Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems A

Computational Geometry Theory and Application A

Computational Intelligence A

Computer Journal AComputer Networks - The International Journal of Computer and Telecommunications Networking (previously "Computer Networks and ISDN A

Computer Research and Development A

Computer Science Education A

Computer Speech & Language A

Computer Supported Cooperative Work A

Computers and Education A

Computers and Operations Research A

Computers in Biology and Medicine A

Computers in Industry A

Computing A

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Computing in Science and Engineering A

Concurrency and Computation-Practice and Experience A

Constraints A

Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory A

Data and Knowledge Engineering A

Database A

Decision Sciences A

Decision Support Systems A

Digital Creativity A

Distributed and Parallel Databases A

Distributed Computing A

Empirical Software Engineering A

European Journal of Information Systems A

European Journal of Operational Research A

Evolutionary Computation A

Expert Systems with Applications A

Formal Aspects of Computing A

Formal Methods A

Formal Methods in System Design A

Future Generation Computer Systems A

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IBM Journal of Research and Development A

IBM Systems Journal A

IEEE Internet Computing A

IEEE Journal on Selected Areas of Communications A

IEEE Pervasive Computing A

IEEE Software A

IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology A

IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I A

IEEE Transactions on Communications A

IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering A

IEEE Transactions on Multimedia A

IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks A

IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics A

IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking A

Information and Computation A

Information Retrieval A

Information Systems Research A

INFORMS Journal on Computing A

Integration- the VLSI Journal A

International Journal of Human-Computer Studies A

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International Journal of Parallel Programming A

Journal of Algorithms A

Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logic A

Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research A

Journal of Automated Reasoning A

Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences A

Journal of Computational Intelligence A

Journal of Database Management A

Journal of Functional and Logic Programming A

Journal of Functional Programming A

Journal of Heuristics A

Journal of Logic and Algebraic Programming A

Journal of Logic and Computation A

Journal of Machine Learning Research A

Journal of Network and Computer Applications A

Journal of Network and Systems Management A

Journal of Programming Languages A

Journal of Symbolic Computation A

Journal of Systems and Software A

Knowledge Engineering Review A

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Management Informations Systems Quarterly Discovery A

Microprocessors and Microsystems A

Multimedia Systems A

Natural Language Engineering A

Parallel Computing A

Performance Evaluation A

Real-Time Systems A

Research on Language and Computation A

Science of Computer Programming A

Scientometrics A

SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing A

Speech Communication A

Statistics and Computing A

Studia Logica A

Theoretical Computer Science A

Theory and Practice of Logic Programming (was Journal of Logic Programming) A

User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction A

VLSI Design A

World Wide Web A

ACM Transactions on Asian Language Information Processing B

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ACM Transactions on Speech and Language Processing B

Advances in Computers B

AI Communications B

Applied Artificial Intelligence B

Applied Intelligence B

Australasian Journal of Information Systems B

Automated Software Engineering B

Autonomous Robots Journal B

Behaviour and Information Technology B

Communications of the Association of Information Systems B

Computational Statistics and Data Analysis B

Computer Communications B

Computer Languages: An International Journal B

Computer Vision and Image Understanding B

Computers & Chemistry B

Concurrent Engineering: Research and Applications B

Connection Science B

Cybernetics and Systems: An International Journal B

Database for Advances in Information Systems B

Distributed Systems Engineering B

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Electronic Markets B

Fundamenta Informaticae B

IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications B

IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine B

IEEE Transactions on Reliability BIEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part A: Systems and Humans B

IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B: Cybernetics BIEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part C: Applications and Review B

Image and Vision Computing B

Information and Management B

Information and Organisation B

Information and Software Technology B

Information Processing & Management B

Information Processing Letters B

Information Sciences B

Information Systems B

Information Systems Journal B

Information Technology and Management B

Information Technology and People B

Intelligent Data Analysis B

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Interacting with Computers B

International Journal of Approximate Reasoning B

International Journal of Computational Geometry and Applications B

International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems B

International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science B

International Journal of General Systems B

International Journal of Geographical Information Science B

International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications B

International Journal of Human Computer Interaction B

International Journal of Intelligent Systems B

International Journal of Knowledge Management B

International Journal of Knowledge-Based Intelligent Engineering Systems B

International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence B

International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering B

International Journal of Wireless Information Networks B

Journal of AIS(?) B

Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics B

Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Law B

Journal of Cognitive Systems Research B

Journal of Computer Information Systems B

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Journal of Computer Science and Technology B

Journal of Electronic Commerce Research B

Journal of Embeded Computing B

Journal of End User Computing B

Journal of Environmental Modelling and Software B

Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications B

Journal of Information Science B

Journal of Information Systems B

Journal of Information Technology B

Journal of Intelligent Information Systems B

Journal of Intelligent Systems B

Journal of Knowledge Management Theory and Practice B

Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision B

Journal of Object-Oriented Programming B

Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce BJournal of Research and Practice in Information Technology(was Australian Computer Journal) B

Journal of Software Maintenance and Evolution: Research and Practice B

Journal of Software Maintenance: Research and Practice B

Journal of Strategic Information Systems B

Journal of Supercomputing B

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Journal of Systems Architecture B

Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology B

Journal of Universal Computer Science B

Journal of Visualization and Computer Animation B

Knowledge and Information Systems B

Knowledge-Based Systems B

Logic Journal of the IGPL B

Machine Translation B

Machine Vision and Applications B

Minds and Machines B

Mobile Networks and Applications B

Networks B

Neural Processing Letters B

Neurocomputing B

New Generation Computing B

Parallel Algorithms and Applications B

Pattern Analysis and Applications B

Pattern Recognition Letters B

Personal and Ubiquitous Computing B

Proceedings of the IEEE B

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Prometheus B

Robotics and Autonomous Systems B

Scandanavian Journal of IS B

Software Concepts and Tools B

Software Practice and Experience B

Software Testing, Verification and Reliability B

Systems and Control Letters B

Theory of Computing Systems B

Expert Systems U

Journal of Information Technology Theory and Applications U

ACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems new

International Journal of Ad Hoc and Web Computing new

International Journal of Hybrid Intelligent Systems new

Journal of Decision Systems new

Pervasive and Mobile Computing new

ACIS International Journal of Computer & Information Science U

ACM Letters on Programming Languages and Systems U

ACM Transactions on Applied Perception U

ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data U

ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation U

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ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications U

ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks U

ACM Transactions on Storage U

ACM/IEEE Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics U

ACTA Automatica Sinica U

Advanced Robotics U

Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems U

AI in Engineering U

AISB Quarterly UAnnals of Cases on Information Technology Applications and Management in Organizations U

Applied Soft Computing U

Ars Combinatoria U

Artificial Intelligence and Law (Journal Articles) U

Artificial Intelligence Review U

Asian Journal of Information Technology U

Australasian Journal of Combinatorics U

Australian Journal of Intelligent Information Processing Systems U

Business Process Management Journal U

C++ Report - The International Authority On C++ Development U

Cahiers GUTenberg U

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Chinese Journal of Advanced Software Research U

Cognitive Science Quarterly U

Complex Systems U

Complexity U

Complexity international: An electronic journal of complex systems research UComputer Graphics Forum The International Journal of the Eurographics Association U

Computer Languages Systems and Structures U

Computer Simulations in Biomedicine U

Computer Standards & Interfaces U

Computer Systems Europe: for specifiers and integrators U

Computer Systems: Science & Engineering U

Computers & Graphics U

Computers & Industrial Engineering U

Computers and Mathematics with Applications U

Computers and Security U

Computing and Informatics Journal U

Congressus Numerantium U

Control and Cybernetics U

Cryptologia U

DESIDOC Bulletin of Information Technology U

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Designs, Codes and Cryptography U

Discrete Applied Mathematics U

Discrete Event Dynamic Systems: Theory and Applications U

Discrete Mathematics U

Electronic Commerce Research and Applications U

Electronic Journal of Combinatorics U

Electronic Journal on Information Systems in Developing Countries U

Electronic Transactions on Artificial Intelligence U

Failure and Lessons Learned in Information Technology Management U

Health Informatics Journal U

Higher-Order and Symbolic Computation U

IEE Proceedings - Computers and Digital Techniques U

IEE Proceedings - Software U

IEEE Computer U

IEEE Dependable and Secure Computing U

IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security U

IEEE Transactions on Robotics U

IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration Systems UIEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences U

IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems U

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Image Processing U

Implementation of Quantum Computation U

In Silico Biology U

Informatica: An International Journal of Computing and Informatics U

Informatics in Health Care Australia U

Information Management and Computer Security U

Information Research-An International Electronic Journal U

Information Society: An International Journal U

Information Systems Control Journal U

Information Systems Frontiers: A Journal of Research and Innovation U

Information Technology Thoery and Applications U

Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering U

International Journal for Computers and Their Applications U

International Journal of Computational Intelligence and Applications U

International Journal of Computer Mathematics U

International Journal of Computer Systems Science & Engineering U

International Journal of Computing and Engineering Management U

International Journal of Data Warehousing and Mining U

International Journal of Electronic Commerce U

International Journal of Embedded Systems U

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International Journal of Expert Systems U

International Journal of Expert Systems with Applications U

International Journal of Fuzzy Sets and Systems U

International Journal of High Speed Computing U

International Journal of Image and Graphics U

International Journal of Information and Security U

International Journal of Information Management U

International Journal of Information Security U

International Journal of Information Technology U

International Journal of Management and Systems U

International Journal of Management Systems U

International Journal of Modelling and Simulation U

International Journal of Parallel and Distributed Systems and Networks U

International Journal of Robotics Research U

International Journal of Systems Science U

International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools U

International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools U

Internet and Web Information Systems U

IS Audit and Control Journal U

Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology Journal U

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JITTA: An Information Systems Journal U

Journal of Advanced Robotics U

Journal of Applied System Studies U

Journal of Collaborative Computing (?CSCW) U

Journal of Combinational Theory: Series B U

Journal of Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing U

Journal of Combinatorial Theory A U

Journal of Computation and Mathematics U

Journal of Computer Security U

Journal of Computing and Information U

Journal of Decision Systems, Decision Support in the New Millennium U

Journal of Decision Systems, Decision Systems in Action U

Journal of Discrete Event Dynamic Systems: Theory and Applications U

Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Artificial Intelligence U

Journal of Global Information Management U

Journal of Global Information Technology U

Journal of Graph Theory U

Journal of Graphics Tools U

Journal of Informatics Education and Research U

Journal of Information and Knowledge Management U

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Journal of Information Law & Technology (JILT) U

Journal of Information Systems Education U

Journal of Information Systems Management U

Journal of Information Technology Cases and Applications U

Journal of Information Technology Education U

Journal of Integrated Design and Process Science U

Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems U

Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems: Theory and Applications U

Journal of Knowledge Management U

Journal of Law and Information Science U

Journal of Logic, Language, and Information U

Journal of Management Systems U

Journal of Network Industries U

Journal of Systems & Information Technology U

Journal of Systems Integration U

Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology U

Journal of the American Society for Information Science U

Journal of the American Telemedicine Association U

Journal of the Brazilian Computer Society: Special Issue on Software Engineering U

Journal of Visual Languages and Computing U

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Journal on Data Semantics U

Journal on Pervasive Computing and Communications U

Journal on Software Testing, Verification and Reliability U

Linear Algebra and its Applications U

Machine Graphics and Vision U

Malaysian Journal of Computer Science U

Mathematical and Computer Modelling U

Mathematical Modelling and Scientific Computing U

Mathematical Modelling of Systems U

Mathematics and Computers in Simulation U

Mathematics of Computation U

Memory and Cognition U

Multimedia Tools and Applications U

Network & Computer Applications U

Neural Computing and Applications U

New Zealand Journal of Applied Computing and Information Technology U

New Zealand Journal of Computing U

Numerical Algorithms UObject: Software, Databases and Networks (L'objet logical base de donnees reseaux) U

Open Systems and Information Dynamics U

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Parallel Processing Letters U

Perl Journal U

Personal Technologies U

Proceedings of Computers and Digital Techniques U

Product Focused Software Process Improvement U

Programming and Computer Software U

Public Key Cryptography U

Quantum Information Processing U

Real-Time Imaging U

Requirements Engineering U

Robotica U

Selected areas in Cryptography U

Software Process Newsletter U

Software Quality Journal U

South African Computer Journal U

Telemedicine Journal U

The Australian Journal of Combinatorics U

The Journal of Collaborative Computing U

Theoretical Informatics and Applications U

Videre: Journal of Computer Vision Research U

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Visual Computer International Journal of Computer Graphics U

Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing U

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