rare dinosaur era bird wings found trapped in myanmar amber- kristin romey

http://burma.irrawaddy.com/article/2016/07/06/117850.html ဆာငပ မငာ ပ ပာငေကကငက ာငေ းမွာငမ ွေဆ ာ ေကင ေကာငပ ခရစငစကာငမွေ|July 6, 2016 ေစငမမငကရေကငက ာေကင ေပေမ ျမငာပပာငေကကင ငကငပ ွ -nationalgeographic.com) ကေမခာငက ရေဖ ေက ရေမရေမ ပပာငေကကင ေမာပငေမ ေကာင ကာငပမေစငခွကက ပေမေခကင ာေ ကငက ာင ေက ရေမ ာေကင ေေကာင ငး ငးဖ စင ပွစဖ စင ေရာငေမ စငမေ ောင ာေကင ေ စးစငရမာ မစင ကမွေ မစငဆွ မစငဆွမငခာေမေစင ေပာင မမင သနန ခမင ကပာင ကစငရေမခာေကာင ေဖငျပေမမစင မငး ၂ရကငေမွ ကင Nature Communication စေစာငက ာငေဖငျပပး ကစမကငကပမွာငျဖာင National Geographic Society Expedition Council က ော ကပာ ပမွမစာ င းမဖ ပငျဖစငေမေမေကာငပကမွ ေးား

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Page 1: Rare Dinosaur Era Bird wings found trapped in Myanmar Amber- Kristin Romey


ေဆ ာငးပ း ျ မင ာ ပပာငးေက ကငာကာငး ေ းမာငမမေဆ ာေကငေက ာငပေ း ခရစငစကာင႐မေ|July 6, 2016

ႏေစငမမငးကရ ေက ငကာေကငေ းပ ေမ ျမင ာပပာငးေက ကငင ကငပေ-nationalgeographic.com)

ၾက ေမးခာငကရေ ေဖေကတရေမရေမ ပပာငးေက ကင ာ ေ ေမးာပငေမ ေက ာငပေေက ာငပေမေစငခကမကပေမေခကင ာေကင းကာင ေကတရေမ ာေကငေ းေက ာင းငား ငား ဖာစစငးမပေစေဖာတစစငးမာေရ ာငာေမးဖာတစစငးမေောာငာေကငေ း းစးစား င းရေမ ာမစငႈကမ မးေ း းာမစငးဆေးာမစငးဆေးးမငခာာေမ မေစငေပ ာငးမမငးသနနခမငကပာင ကစငရေမခာာေၾက ာငးေဖ ငျပေမမစငဖာျပေနသည။

ဇမငး၂၈ရကငေမ ကင NatureCommunicationစ ေစ ာငကာငေဖ ငျပာပးးကစမကငကပမာငးာ းျဖာာငNationalGeographicSociety၏ExpeditionCouncilကောေၾကးပာေပမးမစာငေ းမဖပငျဖစငေမေမ ေက ာငပေ းကမ ေးား

Page 2: Rare Dinosaur Era Bird wings found trapped in Myanmar Amber- Kristin Romey

ေးား ကခာရႈကမမစင းမာငမမေဆ ေခကင းစငးေခညေမ Cretaceousေခကငာကမငကာင မ းကမငးေပ ကငကပငမ းေမ enantiornithes ေခညမစာငကငာပငစ ေ ျဖစငမစငဖာျပေနသည။

ာရ းာ းျဖစငေး ကငေမ ေကတရေမ းမာငမမေဆ ာ းးေး ကငးာငပာင ာ းာျပ းကာင ာေ းာေက ာင းရေမမစင ေမ ာခကငကမ သ နခခမေစင းကပာင းကငခေ းၾကေမ ငးစငးမမာငးကာင းေခကင ကငေ းမောာငပကငမကငေမ ကေမ ငကမ၏ာမမ ေ က သမငဖမက သမငဖမမမပငင ေက ကငျဖစငရပငကာငး းာေကငေ းေက ာငပေစေ းမောာငပပာငးကာငပပာငးကာင ေက ကငျဖစငရပငကာငးျဖစငေမေမ ကငေ းကခစး ေ ရရေမေမ ာမမမ ျဖစငမစငဖာျပေနသည။

ာေ းာေက ာငႏောာငာ႐မးဖာတစစငးကမတကးေပစ ဖာတစစငးကစငကမငေမခာာမစင င ကငပေ– R.C. McKellar/Royal

Saskatchewan Museum)

ဖမမမပင ေက ကငျဖစငရပငကာငး းေ ကငေ းေက ာငပေစောရ းမစင စးစား င းရေမ ကမ ျပမေမ ငးစငးႈကမကာငႈကမကာင ာႏစမကင းပ ာ ာေရ ာငာေမးမောာငပကငမကငေမ ာခာခကငားကင းကမ မမငးမမ ငး းခားောပးးပပာငးေက ကငာကာငးေ ကခစးမ ရေမေမ ကငေ းကငေ း းမစင ႈကမစငမစာငမကသတ ၏ာေ းာေက ာငျဖစငမစငကမ ဆကငစပင မမမမာငေပဖာျပေနသည။

ပခာမစငရရေမေမ မ မ မေစငခ ေ ာေးးခမမင န၀န၀မောာငန၀န.ော ာငစငသ၀၀မောာင၈၀သ.ရင.ရငာမ ရေမာပးးာရမးကစငေဆ ကငပေမာေကငေ းေၾက းမောာငႏ းစောေမ ကစငရေေး းပ တာငမစငပ တာငမစငဖာျပေနသည။ေးား ကမ ပ းကာျပ းပငမ ကရကင မမမပေကကတမမးင ေ းးး စာငး၏ာဆမာရႈကမတမစင မးးမးးျခ း ကငေမ ပ ဆေးေးား မမရေမရေမ းမာငမမေဆ ေခကင ာေကငေ းေက ာင းျဖစငမစငဖာျပေနသည။

“ပပာငးေက ကင ာကာေကငေ းေကမာပကငမကငးမကေမ ငကမရာငဆမာငရကာာ ာတကးးဆေးျပးမ ကကေမ ငကမတရေးာရေမရေးာရေမက ာေကငေ းာပမာငးာစး ေ ကင ကေခ ာငး ာပာရေမကာာ ာေကငေ းေကမ ရရေမက ာဖာျပေနသည။ေမ ကငာပးးာား ေကာား ေက ပငမကသတ ရာတာေ းးာဆမက မမရ း”

Page 3: Rare Dinosaur Era Bird wings found trapped in Myanmar Amber- Kristin Romey

ပ းကာေးား မ ကေမး မမာငာေ ေက ငတာင စကငကကငခးပမင ျပကမကင ငRoyalSaskatchewanMuseumာေက ရမးာာ ေရေးေ ာငးမေကမမျပကမကင းရမင ကငကား းကေျပ မစငဖာျပေနသည။”ာခးမ မ းရဖ း းဖာျပေနသည။ာရ းာ းျဖစငေး ကငကာာေကတရေမ ပာ” းစငးမ ကဆမမစငဖာျပေနသည။

ေကတျာငေမကာေကငေ း း ာမပငဇေရးမကငခရမစးကး ငx-raymicro-CTာစစငေဆးခကငာရမ မ မေစငခစးေးေ ာရမးာ႐ပငာစ းမောာငဖေတဖေတာဖမ းာဆာာငာရာ႐ပင ေရ ကငေမးေမ ာေက ာငာပင းေ ျဖစငေၾက ာငးမမရမစငဖာျပေနသည။ာရမးကစငေဆ ကငပေမာခမ းာာခမ းာစ းမောာငာခမ တေမ ာေကငေ းေက ာငးကလ က စး းကႈကမမစင က စးေမ မ းစမကင ေ ျဖစငေၾျဖစငေၾက ာငးေကတရမစငဖာျပေနသည။

ေက ကငျဖစင႐ပငကာငးပ ပပာငးေက ကငႏောာငာေကငာရပင ႏမာငးပေား င စမကငက းပေေဖ ငပေငမ႐ပငေဖ ငပေ– http://www.cbc.ca)

ပေမမငး ာေ းာေက ာင းမေျပ ာငးးာေရးာေကငေ းေက ာင းာကမငးးမကင ကာငးကမငေမျပးးာေရျပ းမကကငမ းမေျခမကကငမ းမေျခမစငး းမောာငာေကငေ းရမးကေ းေ မ မ ၂ခးေးကာင ျာငမ မစငဖာျပေနသည။ာ းးေးာ းးေးကာင စးစား င းရေမ မောာငာေမးစမကငကစငေဆ ကငပေကာင ပေမေခကငာေကင းမောာငဆာငက ၾကမစငဖာျပေနသည။

Page 4: Rare Dinosaur Era Bird wings found trapped in Myanmar Amber- Kristin Romey

မ မင ကငစမျဖာာငၾကစာငးာင ာေကငေ း းမစင ာေမေမ ငးစငးမကငခရမစကပငျဖာာငေးား ပ ကပေမမငးေရးေက ပေမမငးေရးေက ာငပေ းမစင ာစမ ရာာငေရ ာငျဖစငက ေျပ ာငးးာေရးေက ာငပေ းေ ာမစငးာပငေဖ ာာမစငးာပငေဖ ာေက ာေမ ာစမ ေ ောေရ ာင ာျဖေေရ ာငာဆာာင းာ မ ာမ းမ းရေမၾကမစငဖာျပေနသည။

းကေက ေ ေက ကငျဖစငရပငကာငး း ပပာငးေ ေက ကငျဖစငရပငကာငးာ းစမစင ျမင မမာငာေေျ ကငပမာငးကခာငျပစငမကခာငျပစငမပင းေက ာငးခမ ာာငတေ ငးရေမ က းေဖ ငေရးးပငာမငး းေ း မစငဖာျပေနသည။ မခမ ာာငတေ ငးကမ းကငကေး ကခာငးကငေျ ကခာငးကငေျ ကငေရးကပင ေက ငက မမငးခ ပင းမစငဖာျပေနသည။ပာငးေးမကာင ျပစငကာငးစစင ျဖစငေမမစင ေ ႏေစင နရေမျပးဖာျပေနသည။

ပပာငးေ ေက ကငျဖစငရပငကာငးာ းစမစင ျမင မမာငာေေျ ကငပမာငးကခာငျပစငမ

ကခာငျပစငမပင းေက ာငးခမ ာာငတေ ငးရေမ က းေဖ ငေရးးပငာမငး းေ း မစင င ကငပေ-nationalgeographic.com)

ပဋမပကေၾက ာာငျမင ပပာငးက းေဖ ငေရ ာငးခေရးေ ာ းာ းျဖာာငစစငးား ငး မမငးခ ပင ရေမ ာ ာ းစ ေ ေက ကင ကငာျဖေက ကင ကငာျဖစင ားေဆာငေက ကငာျဖစင ကမငဖမး းေမ ကရကင းမမေရ ာငးခေမၾကမစငဖာျပေနသည။

းးး စာငးႏောာငမ ၏မေကမမာဖာတမစင ပခေးး ကာင မေးေမ မ မ မေစငခကမကခာငျပစငမပငာမ တေက ငျစငတကးးမ းေ ေက ငၾက းေမ ပပာငးေ းေ ရမစငဖာျပေနသည။

ာေရမကမင မ တမမာငးျပကမကငေ ေက ရမးာာမကသေသးျပကမကင းေးးသစင.ရး ပငးငးး၏ာဆမာရမမပေပမမပေပစ ရောင းာကကင ျမင ာပပာငး၏စာေဆ ာင ေ းမာငမမေဆ ေခကင ကမရစ ကမရစ ၦမငမောာငာပာင မ းာ းဆေးပ တာငေမႏမာငမစင ေမ ာခကငျဖစငမစငဖာျပေနသည။

Page 5: Rare Dinosaur Era Bird wings found trapped in Myanmar Amber- Kristin Romey

“ျမင ာပပာငးရာတ႕နရ ခမာငႏမငးမးးပ းေး ကင ာမေစငမ ရရေမပ းမး ေပပာငကမငကာာ .နရ ခမ.နရ ခမာငႏမငးေး ကငကေက ာ မမမ မမမ ကာာ ဇးတမ းစေကပငတကမ ျပမေမပ ကပငဖာျပေနသည။းးးမကပငတာဆာာငမ းကမ ကေမ င ပငးမ ေ ခမငေမငးမမာငပ း” းစငးမ ကေျပ မစငဖာျပေနသည။

ပစ ရောငာကကင ာဖမးျဖကငမမာငေမ ငးစငးတပငမ မေစငမကင ျမင ာပပာငးာ းစကမ ေက ကင ကငာျဖစငးစငးေက ာငးမ ာငး ရ ာျဖစငးစငးေက ာငးာမေးျပ ေမ ေၾာမေးျပ ေမ ေၾက ာာငငမမေမ ာာငးဆကင းမောာငာပာင းေက ကငျဖေက ကငျဖစငရပငကာငး းပ တာငျခာငးကမ ေက ကငာေခ စင၏ကမငဖမးကမ ေး ာကေေး ာကေစေမ မမငစာင ျဖစငမစင မကင ေကငၾကမစငဖာျပေနသည။

ငမမေမ ေက ကငျဖစငရပငကာငး းကမ ေက ကငေမးာေရ ာငကာငစား င ကစမကငကပမာငးျဖစငေစာ းးေးျဖစငေစဖကငဆးးျဖစငၾဖကငဆးးျဖစငၾကမစငဖာျပေနသည။ပပာငးမကငာကာငးပ တာငေမ ာရ ၏မမာငးပေား ငခကငာ းျဖာာငာမကငေမျခာငးမစငးစငးေက ကငကမ ျေက ကငကမ ျဖကင းမေမးး ေက ကငျဖစငရပငကာငး းေကတရမင ခကငခာေစမစင ကေမး ေ ျပကမကင းကငကား းကငကား းကဆမမစငဖာျပေနသည။

မမေမ ငျမင ပပာငးေ ာေကငေ းေက ာင းမစင ႈကမ၏ရေ းပ းမောာငးေပေၾက ာာငကမငဖမး းခေရာပးးမမာငးကမမာငးကာင းေခကင ာေကငေ းေက ာင၏ားေေားေေသးရမကမငဖမးကမ းးေေ ာငး မးျပရမင ျဖကငေက ကငာေရ ာငကာငၾကမစငဖာျပေနသည။မ မ ပစစငးကကငမမာငမေ မမငးမမ မမငးမမ ငးေရးကမ .ရ စမကငၾကေပဖာျပေနသည။

က႐ကင မပစ ရောင းးး စာငးင ကငပေ– www.chinanews.com)

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ပခေးား ေ ေက ာငပေမေစငခာမကင ပမ မေမးာပငေမ ေက ာငပေကမ းေက ကင ကငးးဇမာငးေရးဆာမ ကဆာမးးျပ ဆာမးးျပ းပငရမင ရစင႐ပငျပးးမကင မ ပင၏ေက ာငပေ း ေခညခာာေမ ေၾက ာာငစာငး၏ာစာငး၏ာဖာတကးစငးႈကမ မကင မ ပင ာစငေပး းမစငဖာျပေနသည။မေကမေကမး းက မေက ကငျဖစငရပငကာငးကမ ေးား ေမ ာခ ႈကမ မမာငးမမာငးကာင းေခကင ာေကငကေက ာငးေးပ တာငဖပငရေမေမ ပပာငးေက ကင ေ ျဖကငေက ကငခာာမစင ေက ကငပ ႏမာငေမမစငဖာျပေနသည။

မမေမ ငmicro-CTမကငခ႐မစးကးစကမငကာင ျာငရေမ ာရ ေ ကရကင မ ပစ ရောင းးး စာငးကမ းးမငစ ႏေးေးခမငေစဆာျဖစငာပးးာေကငေးကခမ ကာေ းာေက ာင ာ းာျပ းပ တာငာပးးမေစငမမေစငမမငးကရ မးးပ းရေငမေမ ာေကငေက ာငပောရမးဖာတစစငးပေျဖစငမစငဖာျပေနသည။“း ကကပာငမကင မ ပင” စာငးက.လငပ ေျပ ဆမမစငဖာျပေနသည။

းးး စာငး၏ာမ . ကငစး ေကမမငး းကာင ျစငတကးးမ းေ းကာင ကာငးဆာငးမေကမမမ း းမစင ေက ေက ကင မာငး းေ း ေမ ပပာငး းမာငမမေဆ ေခကင ေက ကငျဖစငရပငကာငး းပ ပ စစငေဆးရမင ာစစငေဆးရမင ာာငစကးက ကခ ေ ာငေရးမႈကမ ျမင ႏမာငာေကာင မေကမမကမငဖမးာရ မမငးမမ င မမငးမမ ငးက ျမင ကကတမမးင းႏောာငပ းေပ ာငးေးား ေရးကမပ တာငမစငဖာျပေနသည။

ငNationalGeographicပ KristinRomey၏RareDinosaur-EraBirdWingsFoundTrappedinAmberကမ ျာာငတာငးမမမငး မ ျပမငမစငဖာျပေနသည။ာ

Rare Dinosaur-Era Bird Wings Found Trapped in Amber http://news.nationalgeographic.com/2016/06/dinosaur-bird-feather-burma-amber-myanmar-flying-

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Page 8: Rare Dinosaur Era Bird wings found trapped in Myanmar Amber- Kristin Romey

Bone, tissue, and feathers show the almost 100-million-year-old wings are

remarkably similar to those on modern birds.


Page 9: Rare Dinosaur Era Bird wings found trapped in Myanmar Amber- Kristin Romey


This nearly 100-million-year-old wing tip features bones, soft tissue, and feathers preserved in amber. It was nicknamed "Angel" because it was originally intended to be used in a pendant called "Angel's Wings."  PHOTOGRAPH BY RYAN C. MCKELLAR

By Kristin Romey


Two tiny wings entombed in amber reveal that plumage (the layering,

patterning, coloring, and arrangement of feathers) seen in birds today

already existed in at least some of their predecessors nearly a hundred

million years ago.

A study of the mummified wings, published in the June 28 issue of Nature

Communications and funded in part by the National Geographic Society's

Expeditions Council, indicated they most likely belonged to enantiornithes ,

a group of avian dinosaurs that became extinct at the end of the Cretaceous

period. (Read more about the evolution from dinosaurs to modern birds.)

'Mind-Blowingly Cool'

While the fact that many, if not nearly all, dinosaurs were feathered has been

generally accepted since the 1990s, our knowledge of prehistoric plumage

Page 10: Rare Dinosaur Era Bird wings found trapped in Myanmar Amber- Kristin Romey

until now has come from feather imprints in carbonized compression

fossils and individual feathers fossilized in amber. (See dinosaurs in their

feathered glory.)

But while feather imprints in compression fossils may show arrangement,

they generally lack very fine detail and rarely preserve information on color,

while individual feathers in amber cannot be associated with the animal they

originally came from. (How did feathers evolve?)

Skin, muscle, claws, and feather shafts are visible, along with the remains of rows of feathers similar in arrangement and microstructure to modern birds.

The two new samples, weighing in at only 0.06 and 0.3 ounces (1.6 and 8.51

grams), contain bone structure, tracts of feathers, and soft tissue. They are

the first Cretaceous plumage samples to be studied that are not simply

isolated feathers, according to study co-author Lida Xing of the China

University of Geosciences.

"The biggest problem we face with feathers in amber is that we usually get

small fragments or isolated feathers, and we’re never quite sure who

produced [them]," says co-author Ryan McKellar, curator of invertebrate

palaeontology at Canada's Royal Saskatchewan Museum. "We don’t get

something like this. It’s mind-blowingly cool."

Page 11: Rare Dinosaur Era Bird wings found trapped in Myanmar Amber- Kristin Romey

Familiar Feathers

An x-ray micro-CT analysis revealed that both samples appeared to belong to

juveniles, based on bone size and stage of development. Similarities in bone

structure and proportion, as well as some plumage characteristics, suggest

that they may belong to the same species.

For scientists, the appeal of Burmese amber lies in the fact that it most likely contains the largest variety of animal and plant life from the Cretaceous period.

Skin, muscle, claws, and feather shafts are visible in both samples, along

with the remains of rows of primary asymmetrical flight feathers, secondary

feathers, and covert feathers. All are similar in arrangement and

Page 12: Rare Dinosaur Era Bird wings found trapped in Myanmar Amber- Kristin Romey

microstructure to modern birds.


Mines in Myanmar's Hukawng Valley are a valuable source of Cretaceous-period amber that is prized both for its aesthetic value as well as the scientific information it preserves. PHOTOGRAPH BY MO LI

Although the feathers appeared black to the naked eye, microscopic analysis

revealed that the flight feathers were mostly dark brown, while the covert

feathers ranged from a slightly paler brown to silver or white bands.

A Bountiful Fossil Source in a Troubled Area

Most fossils in Burmese amber come from mines in the Hukawng Valley in

Kachin state, northern Myanmar. The valley is currently under the control of

the Kachin Independence Army, which has been in intermittent conflict with

the state for more than 50 years.

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Due to the conflict, the mining and sale of Burmese amber is mostly

unregulated, with the majority of the material sold to Chinese consumers

who prize it for jewelry and decorative carvings.

One wing sample was nicknamed "Angel" because a jewelry designer originally intended to fashion it into a pendant called "Angel's Wings." 

Xing and his research team collected the fossilized wing samples used in the

study in a well-known amber market in Myitkyina, the capital of Kachin


For scientists, the appeal of Burmese amber lies in the fact that it most likely

contains the largest variety of animal and plant life from the Cretaceous

period, according to David Grimaldi, curator of invertebrate zoology at the

American Museum of Natural History.

"About 70 percent of the Burmese amber is barren, but the other 30 percent

features phenomenal biodiversity," says Grimaldi. "Never, ever would I have

predicted this level of diversity."

Precious to Science, Impure to Consumers

Because the majority of Burmese amber is used in jewelry and carvings, most

fossilized inclusions, such as insects and plant life, are considered impurities

that reduce the value of the finished piece. The fossils may be partially or

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completely destroyed during polishing. The relative darkness of the

inclusions within the dark amber can also make them hard to spot before the

sample are cut or polished, notes McKellar.

But feathers in Burmese amber are prized for their rarity and beauty, and are

cut and polished to highlight the aesthetic value of the prehistoric plumage.

Little consideration is given to maintaining as much of the specimen as


The smaller of the two fossilized wing samples in the current study was

nicknamed "Angel" by Xing's team because a jewelry designer originally

intended to fashion it into a pendant called "Angel's Wings." When the

researchers analyzed the fossil, they observed truncated wing surfaces

directly on the amber surface that suggested it had been chipped off of a

larger amber inclusion that may have originally included the entire early bird


Still, what Xing saw in the micro-CT analysis made his heart race, he recalls:

not just single feathers, but multiple feathers associated with the bony

structure of an almost 100-million-year-old wing.

"It is a real angel," the researcher proudly concludes.

Lida's future plans include establishing an institute where researchers on the

ground in the Myitkyina markets can check amber coming from the mines

for Cretaceous inclusions, and keep those with research value in Myanmar to

be studied in partnership with local universities.

Follow Kristin Romey on Twitter.