raspberry pi - expansion boards (elinux)

Contents 1 Introduction 2 Expansion boards by functions 2.1 Alim / Power Supply and Control 2.1.1 Meltwater's Switched Mode Power Supply Kit 2.1.2 Pi Supply Switch 2.1.3 RPI Alim 2.1.4 RemotePi Board 2.2 Protect & leds 2.2.1 Buffer Board 2.2.2 FREE GPIO protect (5 V compatible) + 3 button & leds 2.2.3 BerryClip 6 LED Buzzer Board 2.2.4 LedBorg 2.2.5 Meltwater's RGB LED Board 2.2.6 GPIO isolated expansion/RTC 2.2.7 LEDs + microswitch 2.3 Robotics/ motors 2.3.1 AFLEX Robotic Board 2.3.2 Mobile Robot Chassis controlled from RPi 2.3.3 PiBorg 2.3.4 PicoBorg 2.3.5 Robot Controller with direct connection to RPi 2.3.6 RPi Servo board 2.3.7 RPi SOFTWARE Servo board 2.3.8 XLoBorg 2.4 Home Automation 2.4.1 RPIDOM 2.4.2 Heber x10i 2.5 Serial interfaces 2.5.1 Single and 8 Channel 1-Wire Masters from Sheepwalk Electronics 2.5.2 Pi232 RS232 board 2.5.3 Pi-Wire 2.5.4 rpi_serial 2.5.5 RPi RS232 Breakout Board 2.5.6 RS232 to TTL converter 2.5.7 USB - RS232 TTL / I2C translator 2.6 Arduino 2.6.1 Arduino Shield and Raspberry Pi 2.6.2 aLaMode 2.6.3 Raspberry Pi to Arduino Shields Connection Bridge 2.6.4 Paper-Duino-Pi 2.6.5 PiDuino 2.6.6 Ponte RPi Expansion Boards From eLinux.org Page 1 of 30 RPi Expansion Boards - eLinux.org 28/10/2013 http://elinux.org/RPi_Expansion_Boards

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Raspberry Pi - Expansion Boards (eLinux)


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1 Introduction■2 Expansion boards by functions ■

2.1 Alim / Power Supply and Control ■2.1.1 Meltwater's Switched Mode Power Supply Kit■2.1.2 Pi Supply Switch■2.1.3 RPI Alim■2.1.4 RemotePi Board■

2.2 Protect & leds ■2.2.1 Buffer Board■2.2.2 FREE GPIO protect (5 V compatible) + 3 button & leds■2.2.3 BerryClip 6 LED Buzzer Board■2.2.4 LedBorg■2.2.5 Meltwater's RGB LED Board■2.2.6 GPIO isolated expansion/RTC■2.2.7 LEDs + microswitch■

2.3 Robotics/ motors ■2.3.1 AFLEX Robotic Board■2.3.2 Mobile Robot Chassis controlled from RPi■2.3.3 PiBorg■2.3.4 PicoBorg■2.3.5 Robot Controller with direct connection to RPi■2.3.6 RPi Servo board■2.3.7 RPi SOFTWARE Servo board■2.3.8 XLoBorg■

2.4 Home Automation ■2.4.1 RPIDOM■2.4.2 Heber x10i■

2.5 Serial interfaces ■2.5.1 Single and 8 Channel 1-Wire Masters from Sheepwalk Electronics■2.5.2 Pi232 RS232 board■2.5.3 Pi-Wire■2.5.4 rpi_serial■2.5.5 RPi RS232 Breakout Board■2.5.6 RS232 to TTL converter■2.5.7 USB - RS232 TTL / I2C translator■

2.6 Arduino ■2.6.1 Arduino Shield and Raspberry Pi■2.6.2 aLaMode■2.6.3 Raspberry Pi to Arduino Shields Connection Bridge■2.6.4 Paper-Duino-Pi■2.6.5 PiDuino■2.6.6 Ponte■

RPi Expansion BoardsFrom eLinux.org

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2.6.7 RPi-ShieldBridge■2.7 RTC ■

2.7.1 RPI RTC■2.7.2 CJE/4D RTC■

2.8 Displays (LCD/TFT) ■2.8.1 AdvaBoard RPi1■

2.9 Multifunctions ■2.9.1 AdvaBoard RPi1■2.9.2 PIC PI■2.9.3 Buzzberry Buzz-Board Interface■2.9.4 GertBoard■2.9.5 GELI 'jelly'(GPIO Experimenter and Lab Interface Board)■2.9.6 Pi Crust■2.9.7 Piface■2.9.8 Pi MiniLab - Education / Experimental Board■2.9.9 Pi Plates■2.9.10 PiPLUS Multifunction I/O Extension Board■2.9.11 Pi Tin■2.9.12 PiWeather - Raspberry Pi Weather Station Board■2.9.13 Quick2Wire GPIO Interface Board Kit■2.9.14 Quick2Wire I2C PCF8591 Analogue Board■2.9.15 Quick2Wire I2C MCP23017 Port Expander Board Kit■2.9.16 Raspberry Pi IO Interface■2.9.17 Relay board and Raspberry Pi GPIO■2.9.18 MiniPiio L293D■2.9.19 MiniPiio Relay2■2.9.20 MiniPiio DIO16■2.9.21 MiniPiio RS232■2.9.22 MiniPiio ULN2803■2.9.23 RPi MIDI Breakout Board■2.9.24 RPi Protoboard SM■2.9.25 RPi "UserPort"■2.9.26 Slice of Pi■2.9.27 TriBorg■2.9.28 XBee ZB SMT Backpack■2.9.29 Raspy Juice Exp Board■2.9.30 pyMCU■2.9.31 RPi CC1101-OneWire-Clock extension■2.9.32 RFM12Pi - Wireless OpenEnergyMonitor Base-station■2.9.33 3Bpi - Three Branch Pi - Level translator board for Raspberry Pi■

2.10 Programmable ■2.10.1 Guzunty■

3 Expansion boards by manufacturer ■3.1 dresden elektronik ■

3.1.1 RaspBee■3.2 AB Electronics ■

3.2.1 ADC Pi V2 - Raspberry Pi Analogue to Digital converter■3.2.2 Delta-Sigma Pi 18 bit Analogue to Digital converter■3.2.3 1-Wire Pi■3.2.4 Com Pi RS232 Serial and 1-Wire■3.2.5 IO Pi 32 Channel Port Expander■3.2.6 RTC Alarm Pi Real time Clock Module■3.2.7 RTC Pi Real time Clock Module■

3.3 Advamation ■3.3.1 AdvaBoard RPi1■

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3.4 Pi Supply - Pi Cocktails ■3.4.1 MegaWire■3.4.2 MegaMini■3.4.3 MegaPower■3.4.4 MegaWire■3.4.5 InterHub■3.4.6 InterSPi■3.4.7 InterPi■3.4.8 So Tiny■3.4.9 Battery Load Manager 85■3.4.10 Battery Load Manager+■3.4.11 TinyIO■3.4.12 Pi Bridge ICSP Interconnect■3.4.13 Power I/O■

3.5 MyPiShop ■3.5.1 Pi 8 LED & 8 Button■3.5.2 Stepper Motor Controller Board■3.5.3 Read Your Pi !(LCD Interface Board)■3.5.4 Protect Your Pi ! (16 or 32 IO Expansion Kit)■3.5.5 Pi MATRIX ! 8X8 LED Matrix with 16 bit I/O !■

3.6 electronics.cat ■3.6.1 3Bpi - Three Branch Pi■3.6.2 Relays Board■3.6.3 Input Board■3.6.4 LEDs + microswitch■3.6.5 Digital Input / Output I2C expander■3.6.6 RS232 to TTL converter■3.6.7 USB - RS232 TTL / I2C translator■3.6.8 uC Atmega■

3.7 Pridopia ■3.7.1 Rs-Pi 4 USB hub & multi-function I2C AD/DA RTC RS232 board■3.7.2 Rs-Pi 4 USB hub with I2C 23017x2 32 GPIO board■3.7.3 Rs-Pi 4 USB hub with SPI 23s17x2 32 GPIO board■3.7.4 Rs-Pi 7 USB hub with multi-function I2C AD/DA board■3.7.5 Rs-Pi 7 USB hub with I2C 23017x1 16 GPIO board■3.7.6 Rs-Pi 7 USB hub with SPI 23s17x1 16 GPIO board■3.7.7 Rs-Pi I2C 23017 x2 (or SPI 23s17 x2) 32 GPIO with uln2803 x2 board■3.7.8 Rs-Pi I2C 23017 -2 or SPI 23s17 -2 - 32 GPIO Board■3.7.9 Rs-Pi I2C 23017 -4 or SPI 23s17 -4 - 64 GPIO Board■3.7.10 Rs-Pi I2C 23017 -8 or SPI 23s17 -8 - 128 GPIO Board■3.7.11 Rs-Pi I2C 32 Channel PWM /Servo Board■3.7.12 Rs-Pi I2C 16 Channel PWM /Servo & I2C 23017 (or SPI 23s17) 16 GPIO Board

3.7.13 Rs-Pi I2C 24x16 LED Matrix Board■3.7.14 Rs-Pi I2C 16x16 LED Matrix Board■3.7.15 Rs-Pi ULN2803 & SPI AD/DA & I2C 1-Wire - special for rs-pi v2-p5

3.7.16 Rs-Pi ULN2803 8bit 2 Relay Board + 2 Step Motor Port■3.7.17 Rs-Pi ULN2803 & SPI AD/DA Board■3.7.18 Rs-Pi ULN2803 8bit 2 Relay , 4 Relay, 8 Relay Board■3.7.19 Rs-Pi L293D-3 6 Motor Board support Rs-pi V2-P5■3.7.20 Rs-Pi L293D-2 4 Motor Board■3.7.21 Rs-Pi 8GPIO Switch & I2C 23017 (or SPI 23s17) 16 GPIO Board■3.7.22 Rs-Pi 4 USB hub & 7 USB hub with 1-Wire Board■3.7.23 Rs-Pi 2482-100 & 2482-800 1-Wire 9 channel Board■

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3.7.24 Rs-Pi i2c 18 bit 32 channel A/D Board■3.7.25 Rs-Pi i2c 18 bit 16 channel A/D Board■3.7.26 Rs-Pi USB to TTL console Board■3.7.27 Rs-Pi RS232 DB9 cable■3.7.28 Rs-Pi 16 channel PWM/Servo & L293D-2 4 Motor w/ DC Power supply

3.7.29 Rs-Pi 16 channel PWM/Servo & L293D-2 4 Motor■3.7.30 Rs-Pi LCD Master Board■3.7.31 Rs-Pi i2c LCD Master Board■3.7.32 Rs-Pi Power Bank Board■

3.8 MSL Digital Soulutions ■3.8.1 RemotePi Board■

4 References■

Back to the Hub.

Hardware & Peripherals:

Hardware and Hardware History.

Low-level Peripherals and Expansion Boards.

Screens, Cases and Other Peripherals.


On the Raspberry Pi, there are several connections which can be used for expansion:

The Rpi GPIO (General Purpose Input/Output) pins are exposed, that means that expansion boards are able to talk directly to the CPU.

The DSI connector will allow low-level interfacing with LCDs and other displays. ■The CSI connector will allow camera modules to be added in future. ■

Expansion boards by functions

Alim / Power Supply and Control

Meltwater's Switched Mode Power Supply Kit

This is a DC to DC switched mode power supply (http://www.pihardware.co.uk), another great add on board in Meltwater's range. It comes as a kit of parts, ready to be soldered together. This can supply a 5 volt output to a Raspberry Pi from an input of anywhere from 7 to 40 volts!

Testing has shown that the unit is around 80% efficient, where a comparable linear regulator (such as LM350T) was measured under 50% (based on a quick test).

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Pi Supply Switch

The Pi Supply Switch (http://www.pi-supply.com/product/pi-supply-raspberry-pi-power-switch/) is an "intelligent" power management device for the Raspberry Pi made by Pi Supply. This add on board has hard on/off switches as well as a soft shutdown switch, which initiates a safe shutdown using a simple Python script. It allows you to cycle power on the Raspberry Pi without plugging and unplugging either your "wall-wart" power supply, or the micro-USB plug input to your Pi. It includes an LED status indicator, and 3 mounting holes for easy use in any project you have in mind. It needs only one GPIO pin to operate, with the option of using a second GPIO pin to add the safe shutdown functionality.

It is an Open Source project, and comes with free stickers and a free noodle USB cable to connect to your Pi.

The Pi Supply was funded using the crowdfunding site, Kickstarter.[1]

RPI Alim

RPI Alim (http://www.yadom.fr/rpi-shield/carte-rpi-alim.html) is a inexpensive board that gives the possibility of powering the Raspberry with a 7V to 15V DC power supply or battery.

RemotePi Board

The RemotePi Board (http://msl-digital-solutions.myshopify.com/) is an intelligent infrared remote controlled power switch add-on board for the Raspberry Pi. It allows to switch power on and off using any button (configurable in learning mode) of an existing standard IR remote. Power is only cut after notifying the OS and giving it time to shut-down. It is mainly intended to remote control (using LIRC) and power off/on a mediacenter system. i.e OpenELEC, Raspbmc, XBian.

Protect & leds

Buffer Board

Buffer Board (http://www.thebox.myzen.co.uk/Raspberry/Buffer_Board.html) How to make a Pi Buffer on Veroboard. Each of the 14 outputs can drive up to 500mA using a Darlington array.

FREE GPIO protect (5 V compatible) + 3 button & leds

EASY GPIO (http://ares.asso-ensea.net/robotics/raspberry-pi-easy-gpio-english-version/) is an GPIO expansion board.(GPIO are protected by diode.)

BerryClip 6 LED Buzzer Board

The BerryClip (http://www.raspberrypi-spy.co.uk/berryclip-6-led-add-on-board/) is a small board providing 6 coloured LEDs, 1 buzzer and 1 switch. It provides an easy and quick introduction to GPIO experimenting. The board plugs directly onto the Raspberry Pi GPIO connector and there are lots of Python example scripts available. For a more detailed description see: BerryClip on Raspberrypi-spy.co.uk (http://www.raspberrypi-spy.co.uk/berryclip-6-led-add-on-board/)

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LedBorg (http://www.piborg.org/ledborg) is an ultra bright RGB LED add on board for your Raspberry Pi. Capable of 27 colour combinations and controllable from either a GUI or the command line, it can also perform patterns. Small board which connects directly to the GPIO header, Light up your case to suit your mood or display status information.

Meltwater's RGB LED Board

As well as a great blog, Meltwater also has a selection of add on boards, including a RGB LED board (http://www.pihardware.co.uk). This includes 5 bright RGB LEDs, and uses just 8 GPIO pins. The kit includes a pre-prepared strip-board, all the necessary components and cables, and a very complete full-colour manual with lots of code examples.

This is a great kit for learning how to use the GPIO on the Raspberry Pi, and make some pretty colours while you are at it!

These boards are also available from the Pi Supply shop (http://www.pi-supply.com/product/meltwaters-rgb-led-add-on-board-kit/).

GPIO isolated expansion/RTC

UT Electronics (http://www.utelectronics.com) is developing a expansion board containing a fully isolated 16-I/O I2C GPIO expander and RTC, with extensive options for further expansion. C and Python libraries will be available at launch. The board will probably be sold as a kit, with SMT components already in place.

Update: According to their website, the realities of life prevent them from bringing the product to market. They are hoping someone will pick up the ball. They have released the PCB layout and all documentation for free on their website.

LEDs + microswitch

set01_04 (http://electronics.cat/en/boards/set01_04/) is a universal 8 bit inputs (microswitch) / outputs (LEDs) to be connected to 3Bpi (http://electronics.cat/en/boards/set05_08/). Each bit is set as input or output through jumpers position.

Robotics/ motors

AFLEX Robotic Board

AFLEX Robotic Board (http://www.web4robot.com) is dual motor control and data acquisition board with I2C and Serial interfaces. The board provides 2 motor control drivers with max current up to 3.5A, 8-bits data port with each pin setup as digital input /output or analog input, 10-bits ADC with up to 5 analog channels, 4 inputs for the sensor connections, infrared (IR) remote control. The board provides direct connection to Raspberry Pi.

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Mobile Robot Chassis controlled from RPi

Mobile Robot Chassis controlled from RPi (http://www.web4robot.com) is a smart robot platform with embedded robot controller. NO SOLDERING NEEDED. The controller board includes the preprogrammed microcontroller, 4 DC motor drivers and circuitry to read data from sensors. The preloaded software provides the DC motors and Servo motors PWM control, sensor data reading and communication with RPi by I2C interface or wireless channel.


PiBorg (http://www.piborg.org) is a Robotics add on board which adds the ability to control motors - from small to large (including DC motors, Stepper motors, BLDC motors and Solenoids) from your Raspberry Pi. It supports feedback via Encoders and Potentiometers, allowing closed loop (servo) control of motors to set positions, velocities and accelerations and it is capable of monitoring drive current and voltages. The loop is PID based and as PiBorg is an Open Source project (http://sourceforge.net/p/piborg/wiki/Home/), you may change the code as you please. It has the ability to drive 10A motors and more, so you'll never be left underpowered with this board!


PicoBorg (http://www.piborg.org/picoborg) is an inexpensive add on board for controlling robotics such as small motors, fans, solenoids, LEDs and the like from the Raspberry Pi GPIO pins. It consists of 4 low side drivers and 4 diodes, and is hardware selectable for either using the Pi PWM output or only GPIO pins.

Robot Controller with direct connection to RPi

Robot Controller with direct connection to RPi (http://www.web4robot.com) is a versalite Mobile Robot Chassis controller board with I2C interface and wireless communication channel. The controller board includes the preprogrammed microcontroller and provides the motor drivers to control 4 DC motors, 2 speed encoder channels, ultrasonic distance measurement channel, infrared obstacle avoidance sensor and 5 analog channels for your sensor connections (line following sensors or obstacle avoidance sensors). The board also provides 2 Servo motor controls to create the robot pan/tilt head.

RPi Servo board

The Raspberry Pi Servo board (http://electronics.chroma.se/rpisb.php) by adent is a small expansion board for connecting up to eight RC servos and/or an ESC (Electronic Speed Controller) to the RPi. It has a pass through for the GPIO port and it uses the serial line in it for commands. The interface is a simple ASCII-protocol via the serial port. It also has five own GPIO-pins that is not supported by card firmware yet. Firmware is released as GPL. Can power RPi from ESC or external source. Youtube clip of first prototype (http://youtu.be/_W1WXnL9MeA). Working on an alternate firmware to connect DHT22/11 humidity/temperature sensors to the board instead.

RPi SOFTWARE Servo board

The Raspberry Pi SOFTWARE Servo board (http://electronics.chroma.se/rpiswsb.php) by adent is a small expansion board for connecting up to eight RC servos and/or an ESC (Electronic Speed Controller) to the RPi. It has a pass through for the GPIO port. Can power RPi from ESC or external

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source. It needs a kernel module (http://www.raspberrypi.org/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=37&t=15011&hilit=servo) to work. The card only buffers the GPIO of the RPi and provides convenient connectors. Since there was room on the PCB, the serialport, GND and 3V3 is broken out.


XLoBorg (http://www.piborg.org/XLoBorg) is a 3 axis accelerometer and 3 axis magnetometer which can be used as a compass and would be especially useful in UAV/drones. It plugs directly into the Raspberry Pi and requires no additional connections.

Home Automation


RPIDOM (http://www.yadom.fr/carte-rpidom.html) is an inexpensive expansion board dedicated to home automation. It provides a 1wire interface, 2 teleinformation interfaces (french power meters), an RTC and a 5V connector.

Heber x10i

Heber Ltd (http://www.heber.co.uk/gaming-amusement/xline/x10i-overview/) X10i integrates real time I/O into a RPi control system. A secure real-time controller that permits control over multiple and different types of inputs and outputs, and uses the USB 2.0 communication standard. It is an all in one plug and play board for developing LED drivers, control, sensing of different switches, and driving stepper motors. Exclusive features include a real time clock, battery backed static ram, a Dallas chip (for unique board identification), 2 serial communication ports, a powerful audio amp and a independent dedicated on board processor.

Heber now offers drivers in C/C++ and Linux to make it even easier for programmers, inventors and developers to connect with the outside world using X10i and their Raspberry Pi.

Serial interfaces

Single and 8 Channel 1-Wire Masters from Sheepwalk Electronics

Sheepwalk Electronics (http://www.sheepwalkelectronics.co.uk/) have developed a series of expansion boards for the Raspberry Pi to interface your Raspberry Pi to a Dallas/Maxim 1-Wire network. The range includes a simple passive "master" (called the RPI1) to allow easy use of the kernel 1-Wire driver, a single channel I2C master based around the DS2482-100 (called the RPI2) and an 8 channel I2C master based around the DS2482-800 (the RPI3). The modules are now all available for sale on our website. We also sell a range 1-Wire slave boards including temperature and humidity sensors and I/O boards.

Pi232 RS232 board

Pi232 (http://www.logicethos.com/Blog/2012-06-21:_Pi232_Raspberry_Pi_RS232_boards) is an RS232 expansion board that plugs onto GPIO connector.

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Pi-Wire (http://go.je/18z) Homelabs are developing options for connection of a 1-wire bus to the RaspberryPi. Boards include SPI breakout connections for future boards.


BitWizard has a Raspberrypi serial breakout board (http://www.bitwizard.nl/wiki/index.php/Raspberry_pi_expansion_system_page#expansion_boards). It breaks out four serial buses from the GPIO port.

BitWizard then has a series SPI (or I2C) expansion boards that can be daisy-chained off the SPI (or I2C) buses of the expansion board. A virtually unlimited number of expansion boards can be connected. Expansion boards are available that drive a simple 16x2 text LCD, more general purpose IOs, servos, temperature sensors, relays, optocouplers etc.

RPi RS232 Breakout Board

RPi RS232 Breakout Board (http://zuzebox.wordpress.com/2012/02/07/rs232-breakout-board-v0-20-for-raspberry-pi/) is a simple RS232 breakout board for the Raspberry Pi

RS232 to TTL converter

set01_03 (http://electronics.cat/en/boards/set01_03/) translates RS232 signals to TTL to be connected to P2's 3Bpi (http://electronics.cat/en/boards/set05_08/) serial communication port.

USB - RS232 TTL / I2C translator

set01_05 (http://electronics.cat/en/boards/set01_05/) has three functions : 1st) translating USB to TTL Tx and Rx to be connected to 3Bpi (http://electronics.cat/en/boards/set05_08/), 2nd) converting USB to I2C and 3rd) supplying voltage to next board (it is not for 3Bpi) if jumper is between positions 1 and 2.


Arduino Shield and Raspberry Pi

a little board with Arduino socket and Raspberry Pi socket you can power the boards with 12Volt or 5Volt http://www.progetti-hw-sw.it/raspberry.htm


“À la mode” (http://wyolum.com/?p=824) is an Arduino clone specifically designed to interface with the Raspberry Pi. You can of course connect a standard Arduino to a Pi USB port using a cord, but when you want a turnkey solution, how about an Arduino compatible “plate” (shield) that fits right on top of the Raspberry Pi with direct access to GPIO port? The Linux side handles all of the displays, human interfaces, and number crunching. The low power Arduino compatible “à la mode” board handles sensors, servos/motors, and provides a highly accurate real time clock.

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Raspberry Pi to Arduino Shields Connection Bridge

Raspberry Pi to Arduino Shields Connection Bridge (http://www.cooking-hacks.com/index.php/documentation/tutorials/raspberry-pi-to-arduino-shields-connection-bridge) allows you to use any of the shields, boards and modules designed for Arduino in Raspberry Pi. It includes also the possibility of connecting digital and analog sensors, using the same pinout of Arduino but with the power and capabilities of Raspberry. Using arduPi library, you will be able to make programs in Raspberry with the same code used in Arduino. To do so, Cooking Hacks Team have implemented conversion functions so that you can control in the same way as in Arduino all the I/O interfaces: i2C, SPI, UART, analog, digital, in Raspberry Pi.


Paper-Duino-Pi (http://www.paperpcb.dernulleffekt.de/doku.php?id=raspberry_boards:paperduinopi) is an Arduino shield for the Raspberry Pi. Due to the fact that it is designed as Paper-PCB it is easy to create and one doesn't need a printed circuit board. All components are cheap standard electronic parts. A video is found here (http://youtu.be/e-x_ZPg8ymo).


Youtube video (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u5c1Dfaf57g) showing prototype board


PONTE initial post (http://omer.me/2012/05/introducing-ponte/) An arduino shield bridge from Omer and SKPang


RPi-ShieldBridge (https://github.com/watterott/RPi-ShieldBridge) An Arduino Shield Bridge with connector for a 2.8" TFT-Display with Touchpanel.



RPI RTC (http://www.yadom.fr/rpi-shield/carte-rpi-rtc.html) is a inexpensive Real Time Clock (RTC) board.


On 2nd January 2012, CJE/4D announced that they have a real-time clock (RTC) expansion board in the works: [1] (http://www.raspberrypi.org/forum/features-and-requests/rtc)

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Displays (LCD/TFT)

AdvaBoard RPi1

The AdvaBoard RPi1 contains an interface for TFT displays (3.2" - 7.0") incl. touchscreen. For details, see [#advaboard_rpi1 below], or visit the websites www.advaboard.de (http://www.advaboard.de) or www.advamation.com/products/embeddedpc/advaboard.html (http://www.advamation.com/products/embeddedpc/advaboard.html).


AdvaBoard RPi1

The AdvaBoard RPi1 (http://www.advaboard.de) contains:

TFT-display-interface (3.2" 320x240, 5" 800x480, 7" 800x480) ■touchscreen interface ■real-time-clock (RTC) ■CPLD + a microcontroller ■all I/Os are 5V-tolerant, except I2C ■analog-I/Os (4* 16bit inputs, 2* 8bit outputs) ■separate connectors for all interfaces (I2C, SPI, digital/analog-I/O, RS-232, RS-485 incl. pluggable terminator)

power-management: battery-backed RPC/I2C-interfaces, power-down, power-up on time or event, separately powered peripherals

JTAG-programmer for Xilinx CPLDs/FPGAs, C2-programmer for SiLabs C8051F* ■software (C + Python 2.6/3.x libraries, free example programs) ■

Details can be found at www.advamation.com/products/embeddedpc/advaboard.html (http://www.advamation.com/products/embeddedpc/advaboard.html)


www.pic-pi.com (http://www.pic-pi.com) python libraries and hardware for RS232, RS485, Real Time Clock, 2x Analog outputs, 2x 240vac 10 A Relays, 22x Individually configurable Analog inputs of digital IO

Buzzberry Buzz-Board Interface

Buzzberry (http://fortito.com) is an interface board enabling expansion using the Buzz-Board modular system designed primarily for educational use.


main page: RPi Gertboard

This board is a buffer between your Rpi and the real world, use it to flash LEDs on and off, drive

motors, run sensors and all that other fun stuff.[2]

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GELI 'jelly'(GPIO Experimenter and Lab Interface Board)

Raspberry Geli Board (http://www.fulburncams.gb.net/) Extends the GPIO and provides I2C, D2A/A2D, DC Motor(L298), RS232, Realtime Clock (DS1307), 1-wire and prototyping area on 150 * 100mmm PCB.

Pi Crust

picru.st (http://picru.st) is a very compact and cheap breakout board for your Raspberry Pi that allows easy access to the Pi's pins, grouping them into a logical order and adding clear labeling. Small and simple. Now available to purchase in kit form on Kickstarter here - Pi Crust Kickstarter (http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/pisupply/pi-crust-easily-connect-electronics-to-your-raspbe)


Piface (http://piface.openlx.org.uk) is simpler than the RPi Gertboard (it's aimed at less experienced users), but also intended to connect to PCs and Android to be platform agnostic

Pi MiniLab - Education / Experimental Board

Pi MiniLab Education / Experimental Board (http://www.web4robot.com) is a small size RPi add-ons board. The board includes the circuitry for the experiments with analog signals, sensor connections and circuitry to control the external devices as the relays, motors, high current LEDs. Key Features: 12-bit ADC with 5 analog channels, 12-bit DAC, 4 analog amplifiers, analog comparator, frequency generator, 1-Wire port, on-boar potentiometer, RGB LED, 4 high power outputs, circuitry for LCD 20x4 or 16x2, voltage regulator. Board size - 2.1"x1.6" (53mm x 41mm).

Pi Plates

Adafruit Industries (http://www.adafruit.com) announced in March 2012 the intention of making

expansion boards for the Raspberry Pi under the "Pi Plate" name.[3].

The first board available is a prototyping board (http://adafruit.com/products/801) that overlays the Raspberry Pi via a long plug-in header. It has screw terminals for all the Pi GPIO lines.

PiPLUS Multifunction I/O Extension Board

PiPLUS Multifunction I/O Extension Board (http://www.web4robot.com) is designed as versatile, general-purpose data acquisition and control module. Key Features: Battery-backed Real Time Clock; 3.5A DC motor driver chip; 8-bits digital I/O Data Port; 10-bits ADC with 4 analog channels; DAC; 4 high power outputs; 4 PWM outputs; IR Remote Control input; 2 user's buttons; AVR ATMEGA328P microcontroller with a preloaded Arduino bootloader and Arduino Shields connectors; 3V - 5V buffers for I2C, SPI and Serial interfaces; Power supply with 5V and 3V regulators.

PiPLUS board also works as a bridge between Raspberry Pi and ARDUINO and provides a direct connection to Arduino Shields. You can use the standard ARDUINO environment and graphical interface for Windows or Linux for software development and ATMEGA328P microcontroller programming.

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Pi Tin

Not yet tested, comments welcome Project files for Eagle here: [2] (http://www.delong.com/Raspbery%20PI/) Schematic and Board images: [3] (http://elinux.org/File:PiTin_Schematic.png) [4] (http://elinux.org/File:PiTin_Boardpng.png) This board uses Microchip 16-pin GPIO expanders driven by SPI to provide up to 256 additional GPIO pins at a very low cost. Optionally, it can supply power for the board and the Raspberry PI.

The board can be made in a stackable manner allowing you to also place additional peripherals on the GPIO connector. It makes non-exclusive use of all four SPI pins as well as exclusive use of the CE0 Pin.

If you install (and power) the power supply components, the board will supply up to 1A at 5VDC. This is not enough to power all GPIO pins on a fully populated board, but in most applications should be sufficient to power the RPI and a reasonable number of GPIOs. An external power supply should be used for higher-power applications. This board should never be powered from the RPI as even one of the chips can draw more than the RPI can provide.

The power supply is quite flexible and will accept anything from 8-25VAC or 8-42VDC. It is based on a Recom module which provides a switching power supply in a form factor that is a drop-in replacement for 7805 series TO-220 linear regulators.

The 8 chips can be had for about $4@ or less and the power supply components total about $15. A fully populated board is about $49+PCB, $31+PCB for 64 GPIO pins.

You can have the PCB made at a variety of fabricators. [5] (http://batchpcb.com) does very nice work and is hobbyist friendly at very reasonable prices.

PiWeather - Raspberry Pi Weather Station Board

PiWeather RPi Weather Station Board (http://www.web4robot.com) is a small size RPi add-ons board. The board provides the temperature, pressure, humidity monitoring and controls the external devices (relays, high current LEDs ...).

Key Features: Temperature, pressure and humidity sensors on the board; Two 1-Wire ports to connect the external temperature sensors DS18B20; Four high current outputs; Battery-backed Real Time Clock and Calendar; Small size - 2.1"x1.6" (53mm x 41mm).

Quick2Wire GPIO Interface Board Kit

Quick2Wire GPIO board and experimenters kit (http://quick2wire.com) is an extension board for the Raspberry Pi that has level converters to allow the driving of TTL and real world devices such as LED's and switches. It will also provide an experimenters kit, a software framework and a number of tutorials. The Quick2Wire interface board is also available from Pi Supply (http://www.pi-supply.com/product/quick2wire-raspberry-pi-interface-board-kit/).

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Quick2Wire I2C PCF8591 Analogue Board

The Quick2Wire PCF8591 I2C Analogue Board has four 8-bit Analogue Inputs and one 8-bit Analogue Output. A simple Python API allows you to control the on-board PCF8591 chip and access all of its features for use with the Raspberry Pi. You can use the boards to measure four voltages and control one output voltage! - You can purchase from Pi Supply (http://www.pi-supply.com/product/quick2wire-raspberry-pi-i2c-pcf8591-analogue-board/#sthash.PdLFc4M5.dpuf)

Quick2Wire I2C MCP23017 Port Expander Board Kit

The Quick2Wire Port Expander board for the Raspberry Pi, gives you an extra 16 GPIO pins which can be used for digital input or output. You’ll find code in the Quick2Wire Library to drive it from Python, along with examples of use. - You can purchase from Pi Supply (http://www.pi-supply.com/product/quick2wire-raspberry-pi-i2c-mcp23017-port-expander-board-kit/#sthash.uZFSjG2R.dpuf)

Raspberry Pi IO Interface

forum thread (http://dangerousprototypes.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=56&t=3996) showing 'paper mockup'. Another buffered IO expander.

Relay board and Raspberry Pi GPIO

a board with 8 relays and 8 input with a Raspberry Pi socket you can power the boards with 12Volt, the board has a DIN rail container http://www.progetti-hw-sw.it/raspberry.htm

MiniPiio L293D

[6] (http://zuzebox.wordpress.com/2012/09/07/minipiio-l293d-board-v0-10/) is a small (50x40mm) add-on board which provides a dual H-Bridge DC-Motor circuit using the venerable L293D chip.

MiniPiio Relay2

[7] (http://zuzebox.wordpress.com/2012/09/07/minipiio-relay2-board-v0-10/) is a small (50x40mm) add-on board which provides a two 1A DPCO Relays. Each relay has a set of screw terminals for easy wiring.

MiniPiio DIO16

MiniPiio DIO16 (http://zuzebox.wordpress.com/2012/06/24/minipiio-dio16-v0-10/) is a small (50x40mm) add-on board which provides an additional 16-channels of Digital Input/Outputs for the RPi. It can use either a MCP23S17 (SPI) or MCP23017 (I2C) Port Expander.

MiniPiio RS232

MiniPiio RS232 (http://zuzebox.wordpress.com/2012/06/24/minipiio-rs232-v0-10/) is a small (50x40mm) add-on board which provides a basic RS232 to TTL interface for the RPi. It uses a 3.3V MAX3232 to provide the RS232 interface.

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MiniPiio ULN2803

MiniPiio ULN2803 (http://zuzebox.wordpress.com/2012/06/24/minipiio-uln2803-v0-10/) is a small(50x40mm) add-on board which connects a ULN2803 Darlington Driver chip to the RPi's GPIO allowing the RPi to control electronic circuits which require more current to drive them.

RPi MIDI Breakout Board

RPi MIDI Breakout Board (http://zuzebox.wordpress.com/2012/03/18/midi-breakout-board-for-raspberry-pi-v0-10/) is a simple MIDI breakout board for the Raspberry Pi using the hardware UART from the RPi's expansion interface

RPi Protoboard SM

RPi Protoboard SM (http://zuzebox.wordpress.com/2012/06/25/raspberry-pi-protoboard-sm-v0-10/) is a simple prototype board for the Raspberry Pi another link (http://www.designspark.com/knowledge/raspberry-pi-prototype-board-files) to the same project?

RPi "UserPort"

RPi UserPort (http://zuzebox.wordpress.com/2012/03/14/userport-for-raspberry-pi-v0-10/) is a digital and analogue I/O board for the Raspberry Pi. UserPort replicates the original BBC Micros digital User Port and Analogue Port but uses more modern components such as the MCP23S17 16-ch GPIO and MCP3204 4-ch 12-bit ADC.

Slice of Pi

Slice of Pi (http://shop.ciseco.co.uk/slice-of-pi/) Ciseco have produced a convienient small break out board for the Raspberry PI. XBee style connector for XRF / XBee / RN-XV / XBT / RF-BEE etc. Has the SPI and I2C pins on one standard 8 way header and the Raspberry PI's 8 general purpose I/O pins on another for easy access. Comes as a kit of parts that needs to be soldered. Construction is very easy and suitable for children with basic soldering skills.

Slice of PI/O (http://shop.ciseco.co.uk/k002-slice-of-pi-o/) is a variation of the above produced by Ciseco based upon Nathan Chantrell's MCP23017/Slice of Pi "project" (http://nathan.chantrell.net/20120602/raspberry-pi-io-expander-board/). The MCP23017 may be powered from either the Pi's 3.3V/5.0V GPIO pins or, with care, an external psu. The use of a 5.0V power source means that the MCP23017's 16 (2 x 8) GPIO's can interface directly with 5V logic families etc. However, the Pi's own GPIO's, also available, will still need 3.3V - 5.0V level shifters. Trevor Gowen's experimental LED BarGraph "board" (http://www.cpmspectrepi.webspace.virginmedia.com/raspberry_pi/MoinMoinExport/SliceOhas been "piggy-backed" onto one of these.


TriBorg (http://www.piborg.org/triborg/) A GPIO header replicator board for your Raspberry Pi. Triple the Raspberry Pi GPIO header.

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XBee ZB SMT Backpack

The Raspberry Pi XBee ZB SMT Backpack (http://www.bootc.net/archives/2012/06/20/raspberry-pi-xbee-smt-backpack/) by bootc is a carrier board for Digi XBee ZB SMT (http://www.digi.com/products/wireless-wired-embedded-solutions/zigbee-rf-modules/zigbee-mesh-module/xbee-smt) modules. These are different to the normal XBee modules because they are surface mount and additionally can interface to a host using SPI as well as serial. The backpack also features 3 LEDs for status signals as well as two FTDI headers (one for the RPi and one for the XBee), as well as being able to host a 'normal' XBee module (though of course you can't use SPI with those).

Raspy Juice Exp Board

Raspy Juice (http://2-watt-elements.myshopify.com/) by 2-Watt Elements is an experimental board that supplies the Raspberry Pi with +5V through the GPIO header. With its wide input voltage range (6~23V), the buck regulator can be powered by batteries, 12V Adapters, solar, etc. Other features are the RS232 level console port, PCF8523 RTC, and an expansion ATmega168A microcontroller as an I2C slave. This latter MCU has interfaces of an RS485 port, an additional RS232 port, 4 RC-servo ports and unused-pins expansion header. The MCU firmware is updateable through the I2C interface. Hardware details are in http://code.google.com/p/raspy-juice/wiki/1_Hardware_Description


pyMCU (http://www.pymcu.com) is a python controlled microcontroller that works with the Raspberry Pi, connects to the USB port and uses the pyMCU python module and pyserial to control the microcontroller in your python script. You can communicate with i2c, spi, serial, and one wire devices, software configurable pulse in / out functions, has 13 Digital IO Pins, 6 10-bit Analog Pins, 5 10-Bit PWM Pins, blink LEDs, control servos and motors, read various sensors, built-in functions for sound generation: arbitrary frequency generator, misc. sound / tone generator, DTMF generator. PyBootloader - python script for uploading new firmware versions or your own microcontroller code. Check out some of the Tutorials (http://pymcu.com/Tutorials.html) and Examples (http://pymcu.com/Examples.html)

RPi CC1101-OneWire-Clock extension

The RPi-COC board (http://busware.de/tiki-index.php?page=COC) from busware.de (http://busware.de) adds Onewire, a Sub-1 GHz RF Transceiver, RTC and an EEPROM mainly for smart home automation. The Onewire RJ11 port is driven by a DS2482 chip supported by 5V levelshifter and strong pullup. The DS1339-RTC is powered by CR2032 battery or on-board 60mF supercap. The 2Kbit EEPROM (at24c02) is mainly to hold board specific config data. The CC1101 Sub-1 GHz RF Transceiver is controlled by an atmega1284 to pre-process air data. It is connected to RPis UART and contains a avr109-bootloader for firmware updates. The popular culfw-firmware (http://culfw.de) lets you interact with FS20, Homematic, Intertechno or similar actors and sensors - easily using FHEM (http://fhem.de)-home automation server. In addition a secured 5V power socket for external power supplies is provided.

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RFM12Pi - Wireless OpenEnergyMonitor Base-station

Add's RFM12B wireless (868/433/912Mhz) RF transceiver capability to the Raspberry Pi. The RFM12Pi decodes RFM12B packets from OpenEnergyMonitor sensor modules (http://openenergymonitor.org) or JeeNodes and puts the data on the Raspberry Pi's internal serial UART. Designed to be used with emoncms (http://emoncms.org) running on a Raspberry Pi web-server to make a low power energy, temperature and other environmental data logging and visualisation server. Developed as part of the OpenEnergyMonitor project. For more info see introductory blog (http://openenergymonitor.blogspot.co.uk/2013/04/introducing-rfm12pi-v2-raspberry-pi.html) post and overview documentation page (http://openenergymonitor.org/emon/emonbase/raspberrypi). The RFM12Pi can be purchased pre-assembled and ready to go from the OpenEnergyMonitor shop (http://shop.openenergymonitor.com/raspberry-pi/)

3Bpi - Three Branch Pi - Level translator board for Raspberry Pi

3Bpi, aka set05_08 (http://www.electronics.cat/en/boards/set05_08/), translates bidirectionally inputs/outputs of the Raspberry Pi's GPIO from 3.3V to 5V TTL levels. It has three external ports to connect electronics.cat (http://www.electronics.cat/en/) open source hardware boards. This board takes advantage of P5's Raspberry Pi, with access to a second I2C channel (I2C_0, it can be used without camera connected) and CTS and RTS for hardware flow control in serial communications. Two of 3Bpi's ports, P3 and P4, can be used as 8 bit input/output or I2C and/or SPI ports. One port, P2, is thought for serial communications and Raspberry Pi can be set as master or slave setting the jumpers properly.



The Guzunty Pi adds open source programmable hardware to the Raspberry Pi at an amazingly low price. The design contains a 72 macrocell programmable logic device, so the board functions like a 'virtual breadboard'. This board is ideal for those with many different projects in mind, because it is so flexible. It can be a simple IO expander, a 7 segment LED driver, provide servo and regular PWM outputs, or anything you can dream up that will fit into 1600 logic gates. The device is '5 volt tolerant' and so can be used to safely interface 5v logic devices (such as Arduino) to the 3.3v Raspberry Pi. The GitHub community site (https://github.com/Guzunty/Pi/wiki) contains many ready made cores that you can download and use directly. You can design your own custom cores using industry standard languages such as VHDL or Verilog.

Expansion boards by manufacturer

dresden elektronik


The RaspBee (http://www.dresden-elektronik.de/funktechnik/solutions/wireless-light-control/raspbee/?L=1) is an expansion board which brings ZigBee connectivity to the Raspberry Pi. The shield allows direct communication with ZigBee PRO devices like Philips Hue, XBee Series 2 and others.

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Key Features:

powered by Atmels ATmega256RFR2 (8-Bit AVR, 256 kB Flash, integrated RF transceiver) ■500m signal range (power amplified) ■preflashed ZigBee firmware ■also supports custom firmware via bootloader ■extensive software package available ■

AB Electronics

ADC Pi V2 - Raspberry Pi Analogue to Digital converter

The ADC Pi V2.1 (http://www.abelectronics.co.uk/products/3/Raspberry-Pi/17/ADC-Pi-V2---Raspberry-Pi-Analogue-to-Digital-converter) is an 8 channel 17 bit analogue to digital converter designed to work with the Raspberry Pi platform. The ADC Pi V2.1 is based on two Microchip MCP3424 A/D converters each containing 4 analogue inputs with up to 18 bit resolution.

Delta-Sigma Pi 18 bit Analogue to Digital converter

The Delta-Sigma Pi (http://www.abelectronics.co.uk/products/3/Raspberry-Pi/14/Delta-Sigma-Pi-18-bit-Analogue-to-Digital-converter) is an 8 channel analogue to digital converter designed for use on the Raspberry Pi computer platform. The board is based around the MCP3424 low noise and high accuracy 18 bit delta-sigma analogue to digital converter from Microchip Technology Inc. A pair of MCP3424 converters are included on the board along with an I2C buffer interface allowing you to connect additional 5V I2C devices to the same bus.

1-Wire Pi

The 1 Wire Pi (http://www.abelectronics.co.uk/products/3/Raspberry-Pi/27/1-Wire-Pi) from AB Electronics is a communication board supporting the 1-Wire® protocol. A 5V buffered I2C port is also provided on the board.

Com Pi RS232 Serial and 1-Wire

The Com Pi (http://www.abelectronics.co.uk/products/3/Raspberry-Pi/26/Com-Pi-RS232-Serial-and-1-Wire) from AB Electronics is a communication board supporting RS232 and 1-Wire® protocols. A 5V buffered I2C port is also provided on the board.

IO Pi 32 Channel Port Expander

The IO Pi (http://www.abelectronics.co.uk/products/3/Raspberry-Pi/18/IO-Pi-32-Channel-Port-Expander-for-the-Raspberry-Pi-computer-boards) is a 32 channel digital expansion board designed for use on the Raspberry Pi computer platform. The board is based around the MCP23017 16-bit I/O expander from Microchip Technology Inc. A pair of MCP23017 expanders are included on the board allowing you to connect up to 32 digital inputs or outputs to the Raspberry Pi.

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RTC Alarm Pi Real time Clock Module

The RTC Alarm Pi (http://www.abelectronics.co.uk/products/3/Raspberry-Pi/28/RTC-Alarm-Pi-Real-time-Clock-Module) is a real-time clock expansion board for the Raspberry Pi and is based around the PCF8563 Real-Time Clock IC from NXP. The PCF8563 is controlled via the I2C port on the Raspberry Pi and includes an interrupt based alarm output which can be set to pull high at a specified date and time.

RTC Pi Real time Clock Module

The RTC Pi (http://www.abelectronics.co.uk/products/3/Raspberry-Pi/15/RTC-Pi-Real-time-Clock-Module) is a real time clock module which connects via the GPIO port on a Raspberry Pi.


AdvaBoard RPi1

The AdvaBoard RPi1 (http://www.advaboard.de) is a multifunctional extension-board, which contains:

TFT-display-interface (3.2" 320x240, 5" 800x480, 7" 800x480) ■touchscreen interface ■real-time-clock (RTC) ■CPLD + a microcontroller ■all I/Os are 5V-tolerant, except I2C ■analog-I/Os (4* 16bit inputs, 2* 8bit outputs) ■separate connectors for all interfaces (I2C, SPI, digital/analog-I/O, RS-232, RS-485 incl. pluggable terminator)

power-management: battery-backed RPC/I2C-interfaces, power-down, power-up on time or event, separately powered peripherals

JTAG-programmer for Xilinx CPLDs/FPGAs, C2-programmer for SiLabs C8051F* ■Software (C + Python 2.6/3.x libraries, free example programs) ■

Details can be found at www.advamation.com/products/embeddedpc/advaboard.html (http://www.advamation.com/products/embeddedpc/advaboard.html).

More boards (e.g. additional displays, I/Os, motors, sensors etc.), which can be connected to the Raspberry Pi and/or the AdvaBoard RPi1 will also be available soon.

Pi Supply - Pi Cocktails

The following add on boards will shortly be available from Pi Supply (http://www.pi-supply.com) and are based on the Pi Cocktail series of boards explored in The MagPi magazine (http://themagpi.com). More details to follow soon.


Sample boards ordered for small beta test

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Sample boards ordered for small beta test


Sample boards ordered for small beta test





So Tiny

Battery Load Manager 85

Battery Load Manager+


Pi Bridge ICSP Interconnect

Power I/O


Pi 8 LED & 8 Button

Pi 8 LED & 8 Button (http://mypishop.com/Pi%208%20LED%20&%208%20Button.html) interface board for Raspberry Pi.

Perfect way to learn how to use the GPIO pins. Plugs directly into the Raspberry Pi GPIO connector. (P1 header) Has eight bright green LED's and eight momentary switches. For a more detailed description see: http://mypishop.com/Pi%208%20LED%20&%208%20Button.html

Stepper Motor Controller Board

Pi Stepper Motor Controller (http://mypishop.com/Stepper.html) interface board for Raspberry Pi.

The stepper board uses 8 GPIO pins to drive up to two stepper motors. (One stepper motor is included in the kit) Plugs directly into the Raspberry Pi GPIO connector. (P1 header) The board can use the 5 VDC provided by the Raspberry Pi or you can optionally provide your own source voltage to drive the motors.

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This board includes a ULN2803 8 Channel Darlington Driver and can be used to control other higher current devices such as relay boards, etc. For a more detailed description see: http://mypishop.com/Stepper.html

Read Your Pi !(LCD Interface Board)

Read Your Pi (LCD) (http://mypishop.com/Read%20Your%20Pi%20!.html) interface board for Raspberry Pi.

Available kits with 20x4 LCD display or 16x2 LCD display. The interface board uses the GPIO pins display characters on a LCD display. Plugs directly into the Raspberry Pi GPIO connector. (P1 header) For a more detailed description see: http://mypishop.com/Read%20Your%20Pi%20!.html

Protect Your Pi ! (16 or 32 IO Expansion Kit)

Protect Your Pi (LCD) (http://mypishop.com/) interface board for Raspberry Pi.

Available kits with 16 or 32 GPIO expansion pins. The expansion board uses the I2C bus on the Raspberry Pi to provide up to 32 additional GPIO pins. Plugs directly into the Raspberry Pi GPIO connector. (P1 header) For a more detailed description see: http://mypishop.com

Pi MATRIX ! 8X8 LED Matrix with 16 bit I/O !

Pi MATRIX ! (http://mypishop.com/) 8X8 LED Matrix with 16 bit I/O kit for the Raspberry Pi.

HUGE 8X8 LED MATRIX Plugs directly into the Raspberry Pi GPIO connector. (P1 header) Take the display off and use it for 16 bits of I/O For a more detailed description see: http://mypishop.com


3Bpi - Three Branch Pi

set05_08 aka 3Bpi (http://electronics.cat/en/boards/set05_08/) translates bidirectionally inputs/outputs of the Raspberry Pi's GPIO from 3.3V to 5V TTL levels. It has three external ports to connect electronics.cat (http://electronics.cat/) open source hardware boards. This board takes advantage of P5's Raspberry Pi, with access to a second I2C channel (I2C_0, it can be used without camera connected) and CTS and RTS for hardware flow control in serial communications. Two of 3Bpi's ports, P3 and P4, can be used as 8 bit input/output or I2C and/or SPI ports. One port, P2, is thought for serial communications and Raspberry Pi can be set as master or slave setting the jumpers properly.

Relays Board

set05_02 (http://electronics.cat/en/boards/set05_02/) is a 4 relays board to be connected to 3Bpi (http://electronics.cat/en/boards/set05_08/). It can be expanded to another 4 relays board or an input board (http://electronics.cat/en/boards/set05_04b/)

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Input Board

set05_02 (http://electronics.cat/en/boards/set05_04b/) is a 4 inputs board to be connected to 3Bpi (http://electronics.cat/en/boards/set05_08/). It can be expanded to another 4 inputs board or a 4 relays board (http://electronics.cat/en/boards/set05_02/)

LEDs + microswitch

set01_04 (http://electronics.cat/en/boards/set01_04/) is a universal 8 bit inputs (microswitch) / outputs (LEDs) to be connected to 3Bpi (http://electronics.cat/en/boards/set05_08/). Each bit is set as input or output through jumpers position.

Digital Input / Output I2C expander

set03_03 (http://electronics.cat/en/boards/set03_03/) expands 16 inputs/outputs using TWI (I2C) to be connected to 3Bpi (http://electronics.cat/en/boards/set05_08/). Each board has two PCF8574. The lower bit is forced to a low level hardware (chip 1 A0 = 0 and chip 2 A0 = 1). Addresses A1 and A2 are set through SMD microswitch (SW1). The jumpers can notify if there is any change when reading, avoiding a constant reading of I2C bus. P1 and P2 connectors are designed to be connected in daisy chain up to four set03_03 boards (64 inputs / outputs).

RS232 to TTL converter

set01_03 (http://electronics.cat/en/boards/set01_03/) translates RS232 signals to TTL to be connected to P2's 3Bpi (http://electronics.cat/en/boards/set05_08/) serial communication port.

USB - RS232 TTL / I2C translator

set01_05 (http://electronics.cat/en/boards/set01_05/) has three functions : 1st) translating USB to TTL Tx and Rx to be connected to 3Bpi (http://electronics.cat/en/boards/set05_08/), 2nd) converting USB to I2C and 3rd) supplying voltage to next board (it is not for 3Bpi) if jumper is between positions 1 and 2.

uC Atmega

set01_01 (http://electronics.cat/en/boards/set01_01/) is a microcontroller board with two 8-bit ports of inputs/outputs and one serial communication port. It is useful when it is needed to implement some real time application. It can be connected to 3Bpi (http://electronics.cat/en/boards/set05_08/) using any port. Usually through serial communication port.


Rs-Pi 4 USB hub & multi-function I2C AD/DA RTC RS232 board

Pridopia (http://www.pridopia.co.uk/ixx-rspi.html) P-pi serials for Raspberry Pi

The Rs-Pi Internal 4 Ports USB hub with multi-function I2C board ■

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size 71mm x 54mm small than Raspberry Pi (RTC-DS1307, Temperature Sensor-TMP102, D/A MCP4725,A/D ADS1015,EEPROM, MCP23008, FT232RL, ZT3243) Rs-Pi-USB-hub-I2C-multi-function AD/DA Board (http://www.pridopia.co.uk/pi-usb-hub-i2c-ad-da-ft232-r1.html) with USB to RS232 full DB9 9pin signal or USB to TTL (FT232RL) console port), RTC with CR1220 battrey, USB with 1.6A PTC fuse for all four USB ports. No extra extension cable need. and no extra Power adapter for USB hub. All from Pridopia (http://www.pridopia.co.uk/index.html) All of our Rs-Pi Products are design and Made in UK

We have four different models with different function, you can choose anyone you want.

1. Rs-Pi 4 USB Hub with ( ds1307) Rs-Pi 4 USB Hub RTC -Lite (http://www.pridopia.co.uk/pi-usb-4hub-rtc-lite2.html)

2. Rs-Pi 4 USB Hub with ( ds1307,tmp102, mcp4725,24c32) Rs-Pi USB Hub-Lite (http://www.pridopia.co.uk/pi-usb-hub-i2c-lite.html)

3. Rs-Pi 4 USB Hub with ( ds1307,tmp102, mcp4725,24c32, ft232RL) - with USB to TTL (just need one USB cable plug-in your PC and Rs-Pi) Rs-Pi USB Hub FT232RL-Lite (http://www.pridopia.co.uk/pi-usb-hub-i2c-ft232-lite.html)

4 Rs-Pi 4 USB Hub with ( ds1307,tmp102, mcp4725,ads1015, 24c32, mcp23008, ft232RL, zt3243) with USB to RS232 (DB9 full 9pin RS232 COM port output) or USB to TTL console port Rs-Pi-USB-hub-I2C-multi-function AD/DA Board (http://www.pridopia.co.uk/pi-usb-hub-i2c-ad-da-ft232-r1.html)

All of our Rs-Pi Products are design and Made in UK

Rs-Pi 4 USB hub with I2C 23017x2 32 GPIO board

Pridopia (http://www.pridopia.co.uk/ixx-rspi.html) P-pi serials for Raspberry Pi

The Rs-Pi Internal 4 Ports USB hub with I2C 23017x2 32 GPIO board ■

size 71mm x 54mm small than Raspberry Pi Rs-Pi-4-USB-hub-I2C-23017x2 Board (http://www.pridopia.co.uk/pi-usb-4-hub-i2c-23017-2.html) All from Pridopia (http://www.pridopia.co.uk/index.html) All of our Rs-Pi Products are design and Made in UK

Rs-Pi 4 USB hub with SPI 23s17x2 32 GPIO board

Pridopia (http://www.pridopia.co.uk/ixx-rspi.html) P-pi serials for Raspberry Pi

The Rs-Pi Internal 4 Ports USB hub with SPI 23s17x2 32 GPIO board ■

size 71mm x 54mm small than Raspberry Pi Rs-Pi-4-USB-hub-SPI-23s17x2 Board (http://www.pridopia.co.uk/pi-usb-4-hub-spi-23s17-2.html) All from Pridopia (http://www.pridopia.co.uk/index.html)

Rs-Pi 7 USB hub with multi-function I2C AD/DA board

Pridopia (http://www.pridopia.co.uk/ixx-rspi.html) P-pi serials for Raspberry Pi

The Rs-Pi Internal 7 Ports USB hub with multi-function I2C board ■

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size 71mm x 54mm small than Raspberry Pi (RTC-DS1307, Temperature Sensor-TMP102, D/A MCP4725,A/D ADS1015,EEPROM) Rs-Pi-7-USB-hub-I2C-multi-function AD/DA Board (http://www.pridopia.co.uk/pi-usb-7-hub-i2c-ad-da.html) RTC with CR2032 battrey, USB with 2 x 1.6A PTC fuse for all seven USB ports. No extra extension cable need. and no extra Power adapter for USB hub. All from Pridopia (http://www.pridopia.co.uk/index.html)

We have two different models with different function, you can choose anyone you want.

1. Rs-Pi 7 USB Hub with ( ds1307,tmp102,24c32) Rs-Pi 7 USB Hub -Lite (http://www.pridopia.co.uk/pi-usb-7-hub-i2c-lite.html)

2. Rs-Pi 7 USB Hub with ( ds1307,tmp102,24c32,ads1015,mcp4725 ) Rs-Pi 7 USB Hub AD/DA Board (http://www.pridopia.co.uk/pi-usb-7-hub-i2c-ad-da.html)

Rs-Pi 7 USB hub with I2C 23017x1 16 GPIO board

Pridopia (http://www.pridopia.co.uk/ixx-rspi.html) P-pi serials for Raspberry Pi

The Rs-Pi Internal 7 Ports USB hub with I2C 23017 16 GPIO board ■

size 71mm x 54mm small than Raspberry Pi Rs-Pi-7-USB-hub-I2C-23017 Board (http://www.pridopia.co.uk/pi-usb-7-hub-i2c-23017-1.html) All from Pridopia (http://www.pridopia.co.uk/index.html)

Rs-Pi 7 USB hub with SPI 23s17x1 16 GPIO board

Pridopia (http://www.pridopia.co.uk/ixx-rspi.html) P-pi serials for Raspberry Pi

The Rs-Pi Internal 7 Ports USB hub with SPI 23S17 16 GPIO board ■

size 71mm x 54mm small than Raspberry Pi Rs-Pi-7-USB-hub-SPI-23S17 Board (http://www.pridopia.co.uk/pi-usb-7-hub-spi-23s17-1.html) All from Pridopia (http://www.pridopia.co.uk/index.html)

Rs-Pi I2C 23017 x2 (or SPI 23s17 x2) 32 GPIO with uln2803 x2 board

Pridopia (http://www.pridopia.co.uk/ixx-rspi.html) P-pi serials for Raspberry Pi

1. The Rs-Pi I2C 23017x2 32 GPIO with 8 Switch input & uln2803x2 output board ■

each 23017 port A output to ULN2803, first one 23017 port B for 8 switch input, second one 23017 port B for normal output with 8 LED. with 3.5mm block terminal 9pin output, can plug in our 2803 relay board with two Step motor connector (5V,D0,D1,D2,D3) (5V,D4,D5,D6,D7) can use Step motor (28BYJ-48 5VDC) with 4 5V motor output port size 71mm x 54mm small than Raspberry Pi Rs-Pi-I2C-23017x2-2803x2 Board (http://www.pridopia.co.uk/pi-i2c-23017x2-2803x2.html)

2. The Rs-Pi SPI 23s17x2 32 GPIO with 8 Switch input & uln2803x2 output board ■

each 23s17 port A output to ULN2803, first one 23s17 port B for 8 switch input, second one 23s17 port B for normal output with 8 LED. with 3.5mm block terminal 9pin output, can plug in our 2803 relay board with two Step motor connector (5V,D0,D1,D2,D3) (5V,D4,D5,D6,D7) can use Step

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motor (28BYJ-48 5VDC) with 4 5V motor output port size 71mm x 54mm small than Raspberry Pi Rs-Pi-SPI-23s17x2-2803x2 Board (http://www.pridopia.co.uk/pi-spi-23s17x2-2803x2.html) All from Pridopia (http://www.pridopia.co.uk/index.html)

Rs-Pi I2C 23017 -2 or SPI 23s17 -2 - 32 GPIO Board

Pridopia (http://www.pridopia.co.uk/ixx-rspi.html) P-pi serials for Raspberry Pi

1. Rs-Pi I2c 23017 x2 32GPIO board I2C interface ■

size 49mm x 49mm with 32 Blue SMD LED Rs-Pi-23017-2 (http://www.pridopia.co.uk/pi-23017-2-lp.html) -pi serials for Raspberry Pi

2. Rs-Pi SPI 23s17 x2 32GPIO Board SPI Interface ■

size 49mm x 49mm with 32 Blue SMD LED Rs-Pi-23S17-2 (http://www.pridopia.co.uk/pi-23s17-2-lp.html)

Rs-Pi I2C 23017 -4 or SPI 23s17 -4 - 64 GPIO Board

Pridopia (http://www.pridopia.co.uk/ixx-rspi.html) P-pi serials for Raspberry Pi

1. Rs-Pi I2c 23017 x4 64 GPIO board I2C interface ■

size 71mm x 54mm small than Raspberry Pi with 64 Blue SMD LED Rs-Pi-23017-4 (http://www.pridopia.co.uk/pi-23017-4-lp.html)

2. Rs-Pi SPI 23s17 x4 64 GPIO Board SPI Interface ■

size 71mm x 54mm small than Raspberry Pi with 64 Blue SMD LED Rs-Pi-23S17-4 (http://www.pridopia.co.uk/pi-23s17-4-lp.html)

Rs-Pi I2C 23017 -8 or SPI 23s17 -8 - 128 GPIO Board

Pridopia (http://www.pridopia.co.uk/ixx-rspi.html) P-pi serials for Raspberry Pi

1. Rs-Pi I2c 23017 x8 128GPIO board I2C interface ■

size 71mm x 54mm small than Raspberry Pi Rs-Pi-23017-8 (http://www.pridopia.co.uk/pi-23017-8-lp.html)

2. Rs-Pi SPI 23s17 x8 128GPIO Board SPI Interface ■

size 71mm x 54mm small than Raspberry Pi Rs-Pi-23S17-8 (http://www.pridopia.co.uk/pi-23s17-8-lp.html)

Rs-Pi I2C 32 Channel PWM /Servo Board

Pridopia (http://www.pridopia.co.uk/ixx-rspi.html) P-pi serials for Raspberry Pi

Rs-Pi I2c 32 channel PWM / Servo board I2C interface ■

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size 71mm x 54mm small than Raspberry Pi Rs-Pi-9685-2 (http://www.pridopia.co.uk/pi-9685-2-lp.html)

Rs-Pi I2C 16 Channel PWM /Servo & I2C 23017 (or SPI 23s17) 16 GPIO Board

Pridopia (http://www.pridopia.co.uk/ixx-rspi.html) P-pi serials for Raspberry Pi

1. Rs-Pi I2c 32 channel PWM / Servo board & I2C 23017-1 16 GPIO + uln2803 for Port A ■

size 71mm x 54mm small than Raspberry Pi Rs-Pi-9685-23017 (http://www.pridopia.co.uk/pi-9685-23017-lp.html)

2. Rs-Pi I2c 32 channel PWM / Servo board & SPI 23S17-1 16 GPIO + uln2803 for Port A ■

size 71mm x 54mm small than Raspberry Pi Rs-Pi-9685-23s17 (http://www.pridopia.co.uk/pi-9685-23s17-lp.html)

Rs-Pi I2C 24x16 LED Matrix Board

Pridopia (http://www.pridopia.co.uk/ixx-rspi.html) P-pi serials for Raspberry Pi Rs-Pi I2c 24x16 LED Matrix Board size 71mm x 54mm small than Raspberry Pi Rs-Pi-24x16 LED Matrix (http://www.pridopia.co.uk/pi-matrix-3.html)

Rs-Pi I2C 16x16 LED Matrix Board

Pridopia (http://www.pridopia.co.uk/ixx-rspi.html) P-pi serials for Raspberry Pi Rs-Pi I2c 24x16 LED Matrix Board size 71mm x 54mm small than Raspberry Pi Rs-Pi-16x16 LED Matrix (http://www.pridopia.co.uk/pi-matrix-2.html)

Rs-Pi ULN2803 & SPI AD/DA & I2C 1-Wire - special for rs-pi v2-p5

Pridopia (http://www.pridopia.co.uk/ixx-rspi.html) P-pi serials for Raspberry Pi

Rs-Pi ULN2803 & SPI AD/DA with 1-Wire (V2-P5 support) Board ■

ULN2803 8 Darlington transistor array output can output to 8 5V relay with 2 Step motor connector,can connect Step motor(28BYJ-48 5VDC) and MCP3002 SPI Interface 10 bit Analog-to-Digital Converter and MCP4802 SPI Interface 8 bit Digital-to-Analog Converter size 49mm x 39mm Rs-Pi-2803-1-Wire (http://www.pridopia.co.uk/pi-2803-ad-da-1wire.html)

Rs-Pi ULN2803 8bit 2 Relay Board + 2 Step Motor Port

Pridopia (http://www.pridopia.co.uk/ixx-rspi.html) P-pi serials for Raspberry Pi

Rs-Pi ULN2803 2 Relay Board + 2 Step Motor Port ■

ULN2803 8 Darlington transistor array output size 55mm x 40mm Rs-Pi-2803-2Relay-StepMotor (http://www.pridopia.co.uk/pi-2803-step.html)

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Rs-Pi ULN2803 & SPI AD/DA Board

Pridopia (http://www.pridopia.co.uk/ixx-rspi.html) P-pi serials for Raspberry Pi

Rs-Pi ULN2803 & SPI AD/DA Board ■

ULN2803 8 Darlington transistor array output can output to 8 5V relay with 2 Step motor connector,can connect Step motor(28BYJ-48 5VDC) and MCP3002 SPI Interface 10 bit Analog-to-Digital Converter and MCP4802 SPI Interface 8 bit Digital-to-Analog Converter size 49mm x 39mm Rs-Pi-2803-ADDA (http://www.pridopia.co.uk/pi-2803-sm-ad-da-lp.html)

Rs-Pi ULN2803 8bit 2 Relay , 4 Relay, 8 Relay Board

Pridopia (http://www.pridopia.co.uk/ixx-rspi.html) P-pi serials for Raspberry Pi

1. Rs-Pi ULN2803 2 Relay Board ■

ULN2803 8 Darlington transistor array output size 49mm x 40mm Rs-Pi-2803-2Relay (http://www.pridopia.co.uk/pi-2803-2relay.html)

2. Rs-Pi ULN2803 4 Relay Board ■

ULN2803 8 Darlington transistor array output size 76mm x 36mm Rs-Pi-2803-4Relay (http://www.pridopia.co.uk/pi-2803-4relay.html)

3. Rs-Pi ULN2803 8 Relay Board ■

ULN2803 8 Darlington transistor array output size 76mm x 76mm Rs-Pi-2803-8Relay (http://www.pridopia.co.uk/pi-2803-8relay.html)

Rs-Pi L293D-3 6 Motor Board support Rs-pi V2-P5

Pridopia (http://www.pridopia.co.uk/ixx-rspi.html) P-pi serials for Raspberry Pi

1. Rs-Pi L293D-3 6 Motor Board support Rs-Pi- V2 P5 ■

size 55mm x 56mm Rs-Pi-L293D-3 Motor Board (http://www.pridopia.co.uk/pi-L293d-3.html) All of our Rs-Pi Products are design and Made in UK

Rs-Pi L293D-2 4 Motor Board

Pridopia (http://www.pridopia.co.uk/ixx-rspi.html) P-pi serials for Raspberry Pi

Rs-Pi L293D-2 4 Motor Board ■

size 55mm x 56mm Rs-Pi-L293D-2 Motor Board (http://www.pridopia.co.uk/pi-L293d-2.html)

Rs-Pi 8GPIO Switch & I2C 23017 (or SPI 23s17) 16 GPIO Board

Pridopia (http://www.pridopia.co.uk/ixx-rspi.html) P-pi serials for Raspberry Pi

1. Rs-Pi 8GPIO Switch & I2C 23017-1 16 GPIO + uln2803 for Port A ■

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size 71mm x 54mm small than Raspberry Pi Rs-Pi-23017-8-Switch (http://www.pridopia.co.uk/pi-23017-8sw.html)

2. Rs-Pi 8GPIO Switch & SPI 23S17-1 16 GPIO + uln2803 for Port A ■

size 71mm x 54mm small than Raspberry Pi Rs-Pi-23s17-8-Switch (http://www.pridopia.co.uk/pi-23s17-8sw.html)

Rs-Pi 4 USB hub & 7 USB hub with 1-Wire Board

Pridopia (http://www.pridopia.co.uk/ixx-rspi.html) P-pi serials for Raspberry Pi

1. Rs-Pi 4 USB hub & multi function & 1-Wire Board ■

size 71mm x 54mm small than Raspberry Pi Rs-Pi-4hub-1Wire (http://www.pridopia.co.uk/pi-usb-4hub-i2c-ad-da-1wire.html)

2. Rs-Pi 7 USB hub & multi function & 1-Wire Board ■

size 71mm x 54mm small than Raspberry Pi Rs-Pi-7hub-1Wire (http://www.pridopia.co.uk/pi-usb-7-hub-i2c-ad-da-1wire.html)

Rs-Pi 2482-100 & 2482-800 1-Wire 9 channel Board

Pridopia (http://www.pridopia.co.uk/ixx-rspi.html) P-pi serials for Raspberry Pi

Rs-Pi 2482-800 & 2482-100 9 Channel 1-Wire Board ■

DS2482-800 8 channel with 8 ESD diode & DS2482-100 with 1 ESD diode 1 channel 1-Wire board with AM2302 sockt & DS18B20 socket size 71mm x 54mm Rs-Pi-9Channel-1-Wire (http://www.pridopia.co.uk/pi-2482-800.html)

Rs-Pi i2c 18 bit 32 channel A/D Board

Pridopia (http://www.pridopia.co.uk/ixx-rspi.html) P-pi serials for Raspberry Pi

Rs-Pi i2c 18bit 32 Channel A/D Board ■

i2c 18bit 32 channel A/D board size 71mm x 54mm Rs-Pi-32Channel-A/D (http://www.pridopia.co.uk/pi-3424-8.html)

Rs-Pi i2c 18 bit 16 channel A/D Board

Pridopia (http://www.pridopia.co.uk/ixx-rspi.html) P-pi serials for Raspberry Pi

Rs-Pi i2c 18bit 16 Channel A/D Board ■

i2c 18bit 16 channel A/D board size 71mm x 54mm Rs-Pi-16Channel-A/D Board (http://www.pridopia.co.uk/pi-3424-4.html)

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Rs-Pi USB to TTL console Board

Pridopia (http://www.pridopia.co.uk/ixx-rspi.html) P-pi serials for Raspberry Pi

Rs-Pi USB to TTL Console Board ■

USB to TTL Console module plug in Rs-Pi with normal USb to Mini USb cable with your PC or Mac size 32mm x 39mm Rs-Pi-USB-TTL Console Board (http://www.pridopia.co.uk/pi-usb-ttl.html)

Rs-Pi RS232 DB9 cable

Pridopia (http://www.pridopia.co.uk/ixx-rspi.html) P-pi serials for Raspberry Pi

Rs-Pi RS232 DB9 console cable with 90cm length cable Rs-Pi-RS232-DB9 (http://www.pridopia.co.uk/pi-232r1-db9.html)

Rs-Pi 16 channel PWM/Servo & L293D-2 4 Motor w/ DC Power supply

Pridopia (http://www.pridopia.co.uk/ixx-rspi.html) P-pi serials for Raspberry Pi

Rs-Pi 16 channel PWM/Servo & L293D-2 4 Motor w/ DC Power supply Rs-Pi-16 channel PWM/Servo & 2 L293D 4 Motor & DC Power Supply (http://www.pridopia.co.uk/pi-9685-l293d-pw.html)

Rs-Pi 16 channel PWM/Servo & L293D-2 4 Motor

Pridopia (http://www.pridopia.co.uk/ixx-rspi.html) P-pi serials for Raspberry Pi

Rs-Pi 16 channel PWM/Servo & L293D-2 4 Motor Rs-Pi-16 channel PWM/Servo & 2 L293D 4 Motor (http://www.pridopia.co.uk/pi-9685-l293d.html)

Rs-Pi LCD Master Board

Pridopia (http://www.pridopia.co.uk/ixx-rspi.html) P-pi serials for Raspberry Pi

Rs-Pi LCD Master Board support GPIO 84x48 LCD, GPIO 16x2 LCD, GPIO 20x4 LCD Rs-Pi LCD Master Board (http://www.pridopia.co.uk/pi-LCD-master.html)

Rs-Pi i2c LCD Master Board

Pridopia (http://www.pridopia.co.uk/ixx-rspi.html) P-pi serials for Raspberry Pi

Rs-Pi LCD Master Board support GPIO 84x48 LCD, i2c 16x2 LCD, i2c 20x4 LCD Rs-Pi i2c LCD Master Board (http://www.pridopia.co.uk/pi-i2c-LCD-master.html)

Rs-Pi Power Bank Board

Pridopia (http://www.pridopia.co.uk/ixx-rspi.html) P-pi serials for Raspberry Pi

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Rs-Pi DC Power Bank Board provide 5V, 3.3V, GND signal, also provide 4 extra logic level converter on board, with 2 channel i2c input socket with logic level converter Rs-Pi DC Power supply multi-function Board (http://www.pridopia.co.uk/pi-power-bank.html)

New Scratch software support our full range products Scratch interface (http://www.pridopia.co.uk/rs-pi-set-scratch.html)

All of our Rs-Pi Products are design and Made in UK All can plug in our RS-Pi USB hub multi-function Board and work together.

MSL Digital Soulutions

RemotePi Board

The RemotePi Board (http://msl-digital-solutions.myshopify.com/) is an intelligent infrared remote controlled power switch add-on board for the Raspberry Pi. It allows to switch power on and off using any button (configurable in learning mode) of an existing standard IR remote. Power is only cut after notifying the OS and giving it time to shut-down. It is mainly intended to remote control (using LIRC) and power off/on a mediacenter system. i.e OpenELEC, Raspbmc, XBian.


↑ http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/pisupply/pi-supply-intelligent-power-switch-for-raspberry-p


↑ http://www.raspberrypi.org/archives/411 2.↑ http://www.adafruit.com/blog/2012/03/14/adafruit-experimenting-with-pi-plates-for-raspberry_pi-shields-for-the-raspberry-pi/


Raspberry Pi

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