rated pg 2 - unchanging principles of parenting - ps joven soro - 630pm evening service


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13 People were bringing little childrento Jesus to have him touch them, butthe disciples rebuked them.

14 When Jesus saw this, he wasindignant. He said to them, "Let thelittle children come to me, and do nothinder them, for the kingdom of Godbelongs to such as these.

15 I tell you the truth, anyone whowill not receive the kingdom of Godlike a little child will never enter it."

16 And he took the children in hisarms, put his hands on them andblessed them.

13People were bringing little childrento Jesus to have him touch them…

56 And wherever he went-into villages,towns or countryside-they placed thesick in the marketplaces. They beggedhim to let them touch even the edge ofhis cloak, and all who touched him werehealed.

13People were bringing little childrento Jesus to have him touch them, butthe disciples rebuked them.

14When Jesus saw this, he was indignant.He said to them, "Let the little childrencome to me, and do not hinder them,for the kingdom of God belongs to suchas these.

14What is your life? You are a mist thatappears for a little while and thenvanishes

16 And he took the children in his arms,put his hands on them and blessedthem.

17 And a voice from heaven said, "This ismy Son, whom I love; with him I amwell pleased."


Presented By:

Ps. Joven Soro

FCC Main San Mateo, Rizal, PH

6:30pm Evening Worship Service,

February 12,2017