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r!wr“never surrender”

cover art by sophia fong | contributor

9.7.2012Vol. 3 No. 4

Page 2: Rawr | 9.7.12

Virgo 8/23 – 9/22There is such a thing as “too organized.” Relax and enjoy the weekend. Clean the house later.

the argonaut2

hor!cope"Libra 9/23 – 10/22A friend in need will require your help this weekend.

Scorpio 10/23 – 11/21The best part about a college town: no one cares how you look. You know you’re ready to break out the outrageous granny sweater in the back of your closet.

Sagittarius 11/22 – 12/21Consider the options before you make a commitment. Maybe it’s

time to start making a list of pros and cons.

Capricorn 12/22 – 1/19It’s not going to be easy, but it’s time to buckle down and use this weekend as an advantage to boost that grade point average. Fun will come later.

Aquarius 1/20 – 2/18Cooperate with someone close to ac-complish that common goal the two of you have been striving to achieve.

Pisces 2/19 – 3/20Take an adventure this weekend and enjoy the last days of summer weather outdoors.

Aries 3/21 - 4/19Sometime people deserve a piece of your mind, and sometimes it’s more appropriate to bite your tongue.

Taurus 4/20 – 5/20Take 20 minutes out of your weekend to treat yourself to quiet time. You’ll be glad you did.

Gemini 5/21 – 6/20Don’t let your curiosity override your cleverness. Curiosity killed the cat, you know.

Cancer 6/21 – 7/22You’re ready to make that home-cooked meal you’ve been thinking about since you came back to school. Invite friends over to help enjoy the feast. You can find recipes at uicrumbs.wordpress.com.

Leo 7/23 – 8/22It’s time to share those great ideas you have been mustering up. Who knows what will come from them.


rawr is an alternative weekly publication covering art, culture, campus life and entertainment.

We are accepting all forms of art and creativity to be featured inside the publication, or on the cover.

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britt kiserrawr that awkward in-between time

molly spencer | rawr

It’s that awkward in-between season in which summer’s on the brink

of ending and classes aren’t quite in full swing. If you’re like me, it’s impossible to sit down and do homework at a time like this. Here’s an eclec-tic mix of my favorite tracks that have the perfect beat to keep you motivated, paired with a smooth, slow tempo to maintain your focus.

“Never Meant to Love You” by Cory Chisel and the Wan-dering SonsI discovered this folk rock band over the summer at a funky music venue/bar called the Black Cat in Washington,

D.C. They’re easily my favorite group of the summer, and maybe even the year. Give them a listen.

“Towers” by Bon IverWho doesn’t love a little Bon Iver? I especially love Justin Vernon’s voice in this track.

“Hell of a Season” by The Black KeysIt is one hell of a season, but The Black Keys will keep you motivated. The garage-rock duo never fails to make me bust out the air guitar and dance around, making this the perfect study-break song. The pair started making music after they dropped out

of college though, so don’t let them inspire you too much.

“Sort of Revolution” by FinkFin Greenall’s smooth, buttery voice and Zen-like style are sure to make you set down that air guitar and get back into homework mode.

“White Blank Page” by Mum-ford & SonsAnother classic. This blue-grass-tinged track will wake you up and hopefully help turn that “white blank page” into an A-worthy paper.

“Basic Space” by The xxThese 20-somethings from the UK are my current obsession.

Give them a listen and feel free to preorder their new album “Coexist” that will be released Sept. 11.

“I’ve Been Accused” by Cory Chisel and the Wandering SonsHere’s another song from my summer favorite. Its brutally honest message suggests that facing hardships builds character — no pain, no gain. I feel the same sentiments about homework.

“Valtari” by Sigur RosDon’t let the group’s sig-nature eight-minute track intimidate you. I include their ambient, ethereal sounds in

all my best homework playl-ists.

“The Curse” by Josh RitterHis soothing, adorable voice is sure to calm you down as your deadline nears. Don’t fret, the homework curse is almost over.

“Drunk” by Ed SheeranReward yourself for a job well-done — responsibly, of course. Still have more home-work? Then compile these songs into a Spotify playlist and click “repeat.” You’ll be glad you did.

Britt Kiser can be reached at [email protected]


Page 3: Rawr | 9.7.12

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Welcome back to Moscow and the never-ending cheap pasta feed that is college living.

Miss mom’s cooking yet?

The con-straints of your book-bashed budget mean lots of noodles from the bulk food bins and not a lot of meat.

Never fear, there is no need to live in the ramen rut. Pasta is simply a vehicle for a great, gourmet and easy sauce – even if it ends up being the vegetarian option.

After a sweltering after-noon in Washington D.C. heat this summer, my starving girlfriend and I were very impressed with this fast and tasty pesto-cream sauce. It is a light option with some staying power, so prepare to be well fed. If the pocket-book permits, some sautéed chicken is an obvious addi-tion. For college students of age, the wine choice pictured is a zinfandel but any num-ber of whites would be the conventional choice.


(Substitute lighter dairy here if you lack any sense of ro-mance for food.)

(Not margarine, butter. It is two tablespoons for goodness sake.)

sounding pasta.)-

venturous with a food proces-sor should try homemade.)

-matoes (Fresh, not because I want to sound like a Farmer’s Market snob, but because it is essential to the dish. The Farmer’s Market does have great tomatoes though…)

(Enough to suit your taste. If no cheese, I am sorry, you have no taste.)

How toTwo pots at once now,

Iron Chefs, or the sauce first for the adventure averse.

heat butter and heavy cream.

3. In the second pot cook and strain pasta (if you need directions here, you have failed your mother.)

4. Dice the tomatoes. Dice means little cubes.

5. Combine both and the tomatoes in a presentable dish — remember it is about the romance — mixing until pasta is sauce smothered.

6. Add cheese choice to the top. (We chose feta because it was in the fridge. Romance met practicality.)

Dylan Brown can be reached at [email protected]

“Lugubrious” Lugubrious: glum, sad, despondent or depressing.

Example: That movie about dolphins made me feel so lugubrious that I never ate tuna again.


WEEKof th!

dylan brownrawr

Creamy pesto sauce & pasta A classy dinner

alternative for poor college students

more informationFor more Crumbs content visit uicrumbs.wordpress.com

Be sure to also like Crumbs on Facebook and follow @UICrumbs on Twitter and Pinterest.



dylan brown | crumbs

Page 4: Rawr | 9.7.12


pg 4



While children from years past could pass away the afternoon with a stick and a hoop, University of Idaho senior

Cody Kinzer said the progression of video game console technology has raised amusement expectations for all ages.

Kinzer said there are many sociological fac-tors involved with our narrow-eyed wonder.

“People having more time in their lives, or just the quality of living going up,” Kinzer said. “People have more time to think about how they entertain themselves, so it pushes tech compa-nies to think of new ways to entertain us.”

New game consoles have appeared numer-ous times since the days of Atari and “Pong.” An online Time feature puts two consoles in development even before Atari’s opus, and home video game entertainment has never looked back.

Kinzer said he first played “Pong” on his uncle’s machine as a child, but usually thinks of original 8-bit Nintendo games when he recalls the beginnings of console gaming. He said console technology affords video games a lot of potential for everything from storytelling to “mindless fun,” but he isn’t sure how mean-ingful more advancement will be. With new development will come fresh challenges, and he said he’s optimistic about the industry.

“I think we’re just looking at games in a whole new way right now,” he said. “I think it’s a very exciting time for the industry. I think there’re going to be some rough spots ahead because it’s new technology — for every good (X-Box) Kinect game there’re 20 bad ones.”

Trever, a Video Game Headquarters employee in the Palouse Mall, said game console technol-ogy will continue to progress, though the next five to seven years won’t see much difference from current systems except in graphics and physics engines.

“The only limit is the people designing it, and I don’t really foresee them running out of ideas any time soon — that’s the greatest thing about it,” he said.

Trever said he’s worked in video game sales for eight years and owns more than 10 game consoles from various generations of devel-opment. While he said there appears to be a console for everyone, console gaming was something of a niche culture a few decades ago. Only fairly tech-savvy folks and those who spent time in arcades played and understood home consoles.

“Now everybody does it and everybody has fun with it, and because of that there’s a lot

more room for expansion and room to experi-ment because everybody has different tastes,” he said. “Whereas before it was a very narrow audience that you dealt with, in the future I think that’s … going to expand further as it becomes more and more prevalent.”

All of the primary consoles come with Internet capability, and many people play online games with next-door and international neighbors. Trever said there was a time when “LAN parties” — gatherings with consoles lo-cally networked to multiple TVs or one console connected to a split-screen display — ruled the multiplayer realm. Such parties needed to be planned in advance, he said, and friends feasted on “76 pizzas and a half rack of Mountain Dew” in the same building or room.

“Now multiplayer isn’t about you getting together with your friends,” he said. “It’s about you texting your friend on your phone, putting on your headset and attacking somebody from across the world. You still get to visit with your friend, you just don’t have to lug your stuff over to his house in order to do it anymore.”

University of Idaho sophomore Jacob Acker-man said the appeal of the “LAN party” was in the camaraderie of people sharing an experience in a room together.

“(We’re) all going through the same thing, all commenting on it,” he said. “We’re all on the final boss … giving it (everything), and we end the whole thing with this massive power attack (and) we’re all just screaming, we don’t stop until the boss’s death animation is com-pletely finished.”

Ackerman said trends toward smaller, more portable and powerful technology will eventu-ally end the age of the home console. People would sooner purchase a phone with the same capabilities than a console that’s stuck in the living room, he said.

Trever said there will always be those who want different machines to keep their work and video game pursuits separate, and high-end technology will continue as a mainstay for the passionate gamer. Old gaming systems retain their appeal amid the progression of technology due to good storytelling, he said, and people are willing to set aside the dated graphics for the pleasing experience.

While he looks forward to good things to come from major developers such as Nintendo and Microsoft, Kinzer said technological ad-vancement isn’t the most important factor in a good gaming experience.

“I think it’s the human creativity that makes the game special. It’s the memories we have,” he said. “Even if we were somehow stuck in the 8-bit era or even the Atari era for years, I think that there would still be great video game designers who would come up with something special.”Matt Maw can be reached at [email protected]

Gaming for the ages

Evolution of game consoles creates myriad options for gamers

matt mawrawr

photo illustration by philip vukelich | rawr

Page 5: Rawr | 9.7.12

As if there weren’t enough social sharing sites to distract us from our homework already, Pinterest had to come about.

Whether you’re planning a wed-ding, designing your house on a budget, trying to save a dime or making delicious desserts — Pinter-est has all the means necessary to distract one from homework.

For those of you who have never explored this site, it’s full of girl’s dream-ing about their “someday” weddings, cute pictures of animals, places to shop online and ways to save money.

At first glance this glori-ous site might seem like a big, fat waste of time. But to those of us die-hard pin-ners, Pinterest has been the latest and greatest thing since Tumblr.

University of Idaho sophomore LaNelle Sim-mons spends about 12 hours a week on Pinterest, which is about the same amount of time she spends on Face-book each week.

“I spend time more time on Facebook on my cell phone off and on — only when I have something to do I get on it,” Simmons said. “Pinterest is more of a sit down for hours, non-stop and when I’m bored.”

When she spends hours on end “pinning” she ac-quires fashion ideas, food recipes and craft ideas from the site.

The way Pinterest works is similar to websites like

Tumblr. The concept is basic: find things online, or come up with great ideas

and share them with the rest of the world.

Often times when you click on a photograph of something you like, the link will take you to a blog or website with more information about what you are looking at. Generally, these

blogging sites also have more craft ideas, fashion tips, or recipes available to anyone.

For example, I found the most delicious recipe for a cookie called “the inception cookie.”

It’s an Oreo inside of a chocolate chip cookie. It was quite possibly the most delicious cookie ever.

If you’re not a pin-ner, these are the kinds of things you are missing.

I know this thing called Pinterest may not spark everyone’s interest, but keep in mind this isn’t just a sharing site for women. You may be overwhelmed by cute, feminine memes and pictures of fluffy Pom-eranians at first, but this is your cue to refine your search and look for things you enjoy.

Pinterest offers multiple categories to surf through including sports, architec-ture, cars and motorcycles, outdoors, science and na-ture and men’s fashion.

Well, what are you wait-ing for? Get to pinning.

Molly Spencer can be reached at [email protected]

the argonaut 9.7.126

University of Idaho junior Breanna Kauffman, who current-ly reigns as Miss Idaho, is slated to graduate two years early.

“I did running start, because I am from Washington, so I was taking college classes while still in high school. I managed to combine my junior and senior years, and graduat-ed early with a year of college credits,” she said.

Kauffman has competed in National American Miss, which along with Miss USA is owned by Donald Trump, for about five years. Kauffman started out competing for the Wash-ington title.!

“This year I aged up to the Miss division, and I decided I would rather do Idaho, because I live here 24/7,” she said. “I wrote an essay, did a phone interview and they selected me

as the winner.”But the title of Miss Idaho

isn’t the end of the road for Kauffman, who will be com-peting at the next level in November.

“I will be competing at their national pageant, which is the week of Thanksgiving, which is called National American Miss,” she said. “I will be com-peting in formal wear, per-sonal introduction, interview, and community service. The pageant is mostly a scholarship pageant. Makeup isn’t allowed in girls under the age of 13, and they just want to teach girls to be confident in themselves.”

While Kauffman, a general studies major, will graduate with minors in German, history and English, her career goal is to be an actress.

“When I graduate I am go-ing to move to L.A., and I am going to try acting for a few years,” she said. “Being Miss

Idaho for National American Miss really helps with that, especially because I am going to be competing for Miss Idaho USA next year.”

If she wins, Kauffman will be a first for UI.

“By the way, we have never had a Vandal for Miss Idaho USA, they have always been Broncos.” Kauffman said.

Besides pageants, Kauffman enjoys “hanging out with my friends, snowboarding, dancing, cheerleading, and figure skating. I am a little bit OCD, so I love organizing when I get stressed out during finals week.”

Her favorite place on campus is under the trees, and according to her friends, she has the larg-est DVD collection around.

And as for her school spirit, she said, “I am such a proud Vandal. I bleed black and gold.”

Nicole Lichtenberg can be reached at [email protected]

nicole lichtenbergrawr

Miss Idaho, the girl from Washington

steven devine | rawrUniversity of Idaho junior Breanna Kau!man won the title of Miss Idaho in May while competing in the National American Miss division ages 19-20, and will keep the title for one year.

!m" no# l$# innin%

molly spencer


Page 6: Rawr | 9.7.12

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Dogs will swim at the Ham-ilton Lowe Aquatics Center dur-ing an event sponsored by the Humane Society of the Palouse.

Howling at Hamilton is an annual event the Humane So-ciety of the Palouse started in conjunction with the Hamilton Lowe Aquatic Center.

The event will be held at the aquatic center at 1 p.m. on Sept. 9.

“Moscow’s community had seen an event done similar to Howling at the Hamilton in larger communities, and the city was inspired to host one of their own,” said Trina Prickett, a cat technician at the humane society.

She said the event is very popular in the community because there are many dog owners who have dogs that en-

joy swimming. It’s a nice treat for the dogs to be able to swim and play in an actual pool, she said.

“The event has been very popular, there have been people who will pay the admission fee just to watch the dogs,” Prickett said.

There will be a dive contest held at the end of the day for the dogs. Dog toys will also be sold.

While there will not be life-guards for the dogs, staff and board members will help with the event, but the dog owners are responsible for their dogs.

“The event had 300 partici-pants last year,” said Don Nick-els from the human society. “It does usually draw a big crowd.”

“The only thing different about the event this year is that there might not be dog treats sold,” Nickels said.

Prickett said she will make dog treats if no one else is willing to bring them, but she hasn’t heard if they will be provided or not.

The admission fee is $7 a dog and Prickett said the admission goes toward the Humane Society’s oppor-tunity fund.

Rules for the event include: dogs need to be up to date on their vaccines, dogs are good with other dogs, if the dogs misbehave they will be asked to leave, the owners must clean up after their pets and the dogs are not allowed to use the slides.

For more information contact, Moscow Parks and Recreation at 208-883-7665 or The Humane Society at 208-883-1166.

Danielle Yantis can be reached at [email protected]

Pooches paddle in poolsdanielle yantis


You wouldn’t wear a tuxedo to your accounting job. Or a sport coat to a nighttime wed-ding. Let’s hope you wouldn’t at least.

Just as there are different types of suits for different occasions, there are also different ties and collared shirts. With a few simple guidelines, you will be able to navi-gate the tie-collar dilemma as well as the eternal ques-tion, “What should I wear?”

Guidelines 1. Do not wear a tie with a

short-sleeved shirt. 2. Do not wear a tie with

a polo shirt, whether short or long sleeved.

3. Periodically check your tie for signs of wear, stains, or

wrinkles. Dry-Clean your ties when they need it. Do not put them in the washing machine.

4. It is better to have one nice, neu-trally colored tie of a medium width than a dozen low qual-ity trendy ties. The same goes for shirts, except you probably want two shirts.

5. Ironing your shirt will make it look five times as ex-pensive as a wrinkly shirt.

6. Do not put your shirts in the dryer. It can warp the collar and damage the shirting material.

Pairin’ ‘em upStraight Point: The straight

point collar is quiet and mini-mal. “Gentlemen’s Quarterly” refers to it as “Superminimal American Style.”

Wear with: A skinny tie or bow tie. A wider tie will over-whelm the collar, throwing off the proportions of your look. Depending on the weight of the tie, a small to medium tie knot is called for, such as a half-Wind-sor or a four-in-hand.

Spread Collar: It is what it sounds like — this collar has a wide allowance for a tie knot. If you want to look Wall Street, go with the spread.

Wear With: Ties that are wider and beefier balance out the spread collar. Skinnier ties or bow ties will look dinky, and this isn’t the kind of shirt that looks good without a tie. Depending on the weight of the tie, a medium to large tie knot is necessary to pull off this collar, like a Double Windsor.

Semi-Spread Collar: The semi-spread collar is between the straight point and the spread collar in regards to width.

“They are a perfect compro-

mise between all the options ... and they’ll suit every face and style,” according to GQ.

Pair with: Anything that you feel looks good. The semi-spread collar is versatile enough to wear with a variety of tie styles and widths. Be sure that the width of the tie and the size of the tie knot have balanced proportions with the collar.

Button-Down: The button down collar is the most casual of the bunch, but will always be in style. Button-down col-lars generally have the same proportions as the straight-point, but will button to the shirt at the collar points.

Wear with: Skinnier ties or quirky bow ties. You will look ridiculous if you wear a button down collar with a bulky tie and large tie knot. It is just wrong.

Nicole Lichtenberg can be reached at

arg-arts @uidaho.edu.

‘Knot’ all the same:

hayden crosby | rawrUniversity of Idaho fresh-men Dylan Burrows pres-ents the four-in-hand tie knot. Ties are best worn with collared shirts and suits, not polo shirts or short-




Ties expand their use from dressy to casual

illustration by erin dawson | rawr

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