ray poynter ethnography - 2011

A Presenta*on from the NewMR Ethnography & Market Research Event May 25, 2011 Event sponsored by Square Holes All copyright owned by The Future Place and the presenters of the material For more informaFon about Square Holes hGp://www.squareholes.com/ For more informaFon about NewMR events visit newmr.org Ethnography 101 Ray Poynter, The Future Place

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A  Presenta*on  from  the  NewMR  Ethnography  &  Market  Research  Event  -­‐  May  25,  2011  

Event  sponsored  by  Square  Holes  All  copyright  owned  by  The  Future  Place  and  the  presenters  of  the  material  For  more  informaFon  about  Square  Holes    hGp://www.squareholes.com/  

For  more  informaFon  about  NewMR  events  visit  newmr.org  

Ethnography  101    Ray  Poynter,  The  Future  Place  

Speaker Ray Poynter, The Future Place, UK NewMR Ethnography, May 25, 2011

Ethnography 101

Ray Poynter The Future Place

Speaker Ray Poynter, The Future Place, UK NewMR Ethnography, May 25, 2011

The  study  of  people  in  a  social  context  

Speaker Ray Poynter, The Future Place, UK NewMR Ethnography, May 25, 2011

Qual   Quant  


Speaker Ray Poynter, The Future Place, UK NewMR Ethnography, May 25, 2011

The  Lived  Experience  

Speaker Ray Poynter, The Future Place, UK NewMR Ethnography, May 25, 2011

“..it  is  a  family  of  methods  involving  direct  and  sustained  social  contact  with  agents,  and  of  richly  wriFng  up  the  encounter,  respecFng,  recording,  represenFng  at  least  partly  in  its  own  terms,  the  irreducibility  of  human  beings.”  

Willis  and  Trondman,  2000  

Speaker Ray Poynter, The Future Place, UK NewMR Ethnography, May 25, 2011

Typical Ethnography Includes

1.  Field research 2.  Participant observations / informal

discussions + variety of others

3.  Unstructured data collection 4.  Small number of cases 5.  Resulting in an explication

Adapted  from  Hammersley  &  Atkinson  

Speaker Ray Poynter, The Future Place, UK NewMR Ethnography, May 25, 2011

Spectrum of Roles

Complete  Observer  

Complete  ParFcipant  


Adapted  from  Junker  (1960),  Gold  (1958)  

Speaker Ray Poynter, The Future Place, UK NewMR Ethnography, May 25, 2011

Auto-­‐ethnography  Autobiography  

Diaries  Experien5al  Blogs  Mass  Observa5on  

WE  research  

Jason  Di>on  

Known  to  self  Unknown  to  self  

Willing  to  


Un-­‐willing  to  


Tim  Edensor  

Leslie  Salzinger  

Speaker Ray Poynter, The Future Place, UK NewMR Ethnography, May 25, 2011


Speaker Ray Poynter, The Future Place, UK NewMR Ethnography, May 25, 2011


Speaker Ray Poynter, The Future Place, UK NewMR Ethnography, May 25, 2011

“Ethnography  is  that  form  of  inquiry  and  wriFng  that  produces  descripFons  and  accounts  about  the  ways  of  life  of  the  writer  and  those  wriGen  about.”  

Denzin,  1997  

Speaker Ray Poynter, The Future Place, UK NewMR Ethnography, May 25, 2011

Speaker Ray Poynter, The Future Place, UK NewMR Ethnography, May 25, 2011

Speaker Ray Poynter, The Future Place, UK NewMR Ethnography, May 25, 2011

Ethnography  and  

Market  Research  

Speaker Ray Poynter, The Future Place, UK NewMR Ethnography, May 25, 2011

Stan Sthanunathan VP, marketing strategy and insights, Coca-Cola

“It’s  about  understanding  the  human  condiFon.  We’re  too  focused  on  understanding  consumpFon  behaviour  and  shopping  behaviour.  We  need  to  understand  the  human  condiFon,  which  you’ll  only  know  by  observing,  listening,  synthesising  and  deducing.”  

Speaker Ray Poynter, The Future Place, UK NewMR Ethnography, May 25, 2011

Good,  immersive,  in-­‐depth  


Research  loosely  inspired  by  Ethnography  

Speaker Ray Poynter, The Future Place, UK NewMR Ethnography, May 25, 2011

Debates in Ethnography

•  Insider/Outsider Myths •  Can observation be ethnography •  Neutral or emancipatory •  Naturalism versus anti-realism •  The generalisability of findings •  The usefulness of findings

Speaker Ray Poynter, The Future Place, UK NewMR Ethnography, May 25, 2011

Thank you

Ray Poynter The Future Place

Speaker Ray Poynter, The Future Place, UK NewMR Ethnography, May 25, 2011

Q & A

Ray  Poynter  The  Future  Place  

Sue  York  The  Future  Place  

Speaker Ray Poynter, The Future Place, UK NewMR Ethnography, May 25, 2011

Ray Poynter

Read  Ray’s  blog  @        hGp://thefutureplace.typepad.com/  Follow  Ray’s  tweets  at  @      hGp://twiGer.com/raypoynter    Connect  with  Ray  on  LinkedIn  @    hGp://uk.linkedin.com/in/raypoynter    Find  out  about  Ray’s  book  at  @    hGp://bit.ly/cmFnbo    

A  Presenta*on  from  the  NewMR  Ethnography  &  Market  Research  Event  -­‐  May  25,  2011  

Event  sponsored  by  Square  Holes  All  copyright  owned  by  The  Future  Place  and  the  presenters  of  the  material  For  more  informaFon  about  Square  Holes    hGp://www.squareholes.com/  

For  more  informaFon  about  NewMR  events  visit  newmr.org  

Ethnography  101    Ray  Poynter,  The  Future  Place