razboiul din vietnam versiune engleza

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  • 8/9/2019 Razboiul din Vietnam versiune engleza



  • 8/9/2019 Razboiul din Vietnam versiune engleza



     Where is Where is

     Vietnam? Vietnam?

  • 8/9/2019 Razboiul din Vietnam versiune engleza



     Why Did the United Why Did the United


     Fight a War in Vietnam?Fight a War in Vietnam?• Basically to hold the lineBasically to hold the lineagainst the spread of worldagainst the spread of worldCommunism. America paidCommunism. America paid

    for the war the French foughtfor the war the French fought

    against Communist Vietnamagainst Communist Vietnamas a part of the Trumanas a part of the Truman

    Doctrine (1!"# $to help freeDoctrine (1!"# $to help free

    peoples to maintain their freepeoples to maintain their free

    institutions and their nationalinstitutions and their national

    integrity against %integrity against %

    totalitarian regimes.& 'n thetotalitarian regimes.& 'n the

    1)*s+ America ,ecame1)*s+ America ,ecame

    in-ol-ed again.in-ol-ed again.

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    Longest and MostLongest and Most

    Unpopular War Unpopular War • The Vietnam ar was theThe Vietnam ar was thelongest and most unpopularlongest and most unpopularwar in American history.war in American history.During the war/During the war/0 +))) Americans lost their+))) Americans lost their

    li-es.li-es.• The oldest man 2illed was 34The oldest man 2illed was 34 years old5 the youngest+ 13. years old5 the youngest+ 13.

    • 316 of the men 2illed were 41 or316 of the men 2illed were 41 or

     younger. younger.0 7)!+))) were wounded.7)!+))) were wounded.

    0 "+))) were se-erely disa,led."+))) were se-erely disa,led.

    0 The 8nited 9tates spent o-erThe 8nited 9tates spent o-er:4)) ,illion dollars on the war.:4)) ,illion dollars on the war.

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    Confict Between France Confict Between France

     Vietnam Vietnam• The Vietnam ar grew outThe Vietnam ar grew outof the long con;ict ,etweenof the long con;ict ,etween

    France and Vietnam.France and Vietnam. 0 'n

  • 8/9/2019 Razboiul din Vietnam versiune engleza



    !he "ene#a $eace!he "ene#a $eace

     %ccords %ccords• The >ene-a ?eace Accords+The >ene-a ?eace Accords+signed ,y France and Vietnamsigned ,y France and Vietnamin the summer of 1!+in the summer of 1!+pro-ided for the temporarypro-ided for the temporarypartition of Vietnam at the 1"thpartition of Vietnam at the 1"th

    parallel+ with national electionsparallel+ with national electionsin 13 to reunify the country.in 13 to reunify the country. 

    • 'n the =orth+ a communist'n the =orth+ a communistregime+ supportedregime+ supported ,y the,y the9o-iet 8nion and the ?eople@s9o-iet 8nion and the ?eople@s

    epu,lic of China+epu,lic of China+ set up itsset up itsheaduarters in anoi underheaduarters in anoi underthe leadership of o Chi inh.the leadership of o Chi inh.

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    &pposition to "ene#a&pposition to "ene#a

     %ccords %ccords• The 8nited 9tates pre-ented the elections that wereThe 8nited 9tates pre-ented the elections that werepromised under the >ene-a conference ,ecause itpromised under the >ene-a conference ,ecause it2new that the Communists would win.2new that the Communists would win.

    0 9ecretary of 9tate ene-a9ecretary of 9tate ene-a

     Accords granted too much power to the Communist ?arty of Accords granted too much power to the Communist ?arty of

     Vietnam. Vietnam.

    0 e and ?resident Dwight D.e and ?resident Dwight D.Eisenhower supported the creationEisenhower supported the creationof a counterre-olutionaryof a counterre-olutionary

    alternati-e south of the 1"thalternati-e south of the 1"thparallel.parallel.

    • This was accomplished throughThis was accomplished throughformation of the 9outheast Asiaformation of the 9outheast Asia

    Treaty GrganiHation (9EATG#.Treaty GrganiHation (9EATG#.

  • 8/9/2019 Razboiul din Vietnam versiune engleza


     % 'ew 'ation in the % 'ew 'ation in the

    SouthSouth• 8sing 9EATG for political co-er+ the8sing 9EATG for political co-er+ theEisenhower administration helpedEisenhower administration helpedcreate a new nation in southerncreate a new nation in southern

     Vietnam. Vietnam.

    • 'n 1+ with the help of massi-e'n 1+ with the help of massi-eamounts of American military+amounts of American military+political+ and economic aid+ thepolitical+ and economic aid+ thego-ernment of the epu,lic ofgo-ernment of the epu,lic of

     Vietnam (9outh Vietnam# was ,orn. Vietnam (9outh Vietnam# was ,orn.

    • The following year+ =go Dinh Diem+ aThe following year+ =go Dinh Diem+ astaunchly antiCommunist Igure fromstaunchly antiCommunist Igure fromthe 9outh+ won a du,ious election thatthe 9outh+ won a du,ious election thatmade him president of 9outh Vietnammade him president of 9outh Vietnam

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    !he Domino !heory !he Domino !heory 

    • American policyma2ers de-eloped the American policyma2ers de-eloped the$Domino Theory& as a JustiIcation for the$Domino Theory& as a JustiIcation for thein-ol-ement. This theory stated+ $'f 9outhin-ol-ement. This theory stated+ $'f 9outh

     Vietnam falls to the Communist+ Kaos+ Vietnam falls to the Communist+ Kaos+

    Cam,odia+ Thailand+ Burma+ 'ndia andCam,odia+ Thailand+ Burma+ 'ndia and?a2istan would also fall li2e dominos. The?a2istan would also fall li2e dominos. The?aciIc 'slands and e-en Australia could ,e?aciIc 'slands and e-en Australia could ,eat ris2&.at ris2&.

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    South Vietnam UnderSouth Vietnam Under

    DiemDiem• Diem claimed that his newly createdDiem claimed that his newly createdgo-ernment was under attac2 fromgo-ernment was under attac2 fromCommunists in the north.Communists in the north.

    • 'n late 1"+ with American military'n late 1"+ with American militaryaid+ Diem ,egan to counterattac2.aid+ Diem ,egan to counterattac2.

    0 e used the help of the C'A (throughe used the help of the C'A (throughGperation ?hoeniM# to identify thoseGperation ?hoeniM# to identify thosewho sought to ,ring his go-ernmentwho sought to ,ring his go-ernmentdown and arrested thousands.down and arrested thousands.

    0 e passed a repressi-e series of actse passed a repressi-e series of acts

    2nown as Kaw 1)N that made it legal2nown as Kaw 1)N that made it legalto hold suspected Communists in Jailto hold suspected Communists in Jailwithout ,ringing formal charges.without ,ringing formal charges.

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    &pposition to Diem&pposition to Diem•

    The outcry against Diem@s harsh andThe outcry against Diem@s harsh andoppressi-e actions was immediate.oppressi-e actions was immediate.0 Buddhist mon2s and nuns were Joined ,yBuddhist mon2s and nuns were Joined ,y

    students+ ,usiness people+ intellectuals+ andstudents+ ,usiness people+ intellectuals+ and

    peasants in opposition to Diem*s corrupt rule.peasants in opposition to Diem*s corrupt rule.0 The more these forces attac2ed Diem@s troopsThe more these forces attac2ed Diem@s troops

    and secret police+ the more Diem complainedand secret police+ the more Diem complained

    that the Communists were trying to ta2e 9ouththat the Communists were trying to ta2e 9outh

     Vietnam ,y force. This was Oa hostile act of Vietnam ,y force. This was Oa hostile act of

    aggression ,y =orth Vietnam against peaceaggression ,y =orth Vietnam against peace

    lo-ing and democratic 9outh Vietnam.Olo-ing and democratic 9outh Vietnam.O

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    !he 'ational Li(eration!he 'ational Li(eration

    FrontFront• The CommunistsThe Communists

    supported thesupported the

    creation of a ,roadcreation of a ,road

    ,ased united front,ased united front

    to help mo,iliHeto help mo,iliHesoutherners insoutherners in

    opposition to theopposition to the

    go-ernment ingo-ernment in

    9outh Vietnam.9outh Vietnam.

    • Gn Decem,er 4)+ 13)+ the =ational Ki,erationGn Decem,er 4)+ 13)+ the =ational Ki,eration

    Front (=KF# was ,orn.Front (=KF# was ,orn.0 't ,rought together Communists and nonCommunists in an't ,rought together Communists and nonCommunists in an

    um,rella organiHation that had limited+ ,ut important goalsum,rella organiHation that had limited+ ,ut important goals

    0  Anyone could Join as long as they opposed =go Dinh Diem Anyone could Join as long as they opposed =go Dinh Diemand wanted to unify Vietnam.and wanted to unify Vietnam. 

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     Washington White Washington White

    $apers$apers• 'n a series of go-ernment Ohite'n a series of go-ernment Ohite?apers+O ashington insiders?apers+O ashington insidersdenounced the =KF+ claiming thatdenounced the =KF+ claiming thatit was merely a puppet of anoi.it was merely a puppet of anoi.They called it the OViet Cong+O aThey called it the OViet Cong+O aderogatory and slang termderogatory and slang term

    meaning Vietnamese Communist.meaning Vietnamese Communist.• The =KF+ on the other hand+The =KF+ on the other hand+

    argued that it was autonomousargued that it was autonomousand independent of theand independent of theCommunists in anoi and that itCommunists in anoi and that itwas made up mostly of nonwas made up mostly of nonCommunists. any antiwarCommunists. any antiwaracti-ists supported the =KF@sacti-ists supported the [email protected].

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    Decem(er )*+) WhiteDecem(er )*+) White

    $aper $aper • 'n 131+ ?resident'n 131+ ?residentPennedyPennedysent a team to Vietnam tosent a team to Vietnam to

    report on conditions in thereport on conditions in the9outh and9outh andto assess future Americanto assess future Americanaid reuirements.aid reuirements.

    • The report+ 2nown as theThe report+ 2nown as theODecem,er 131 hiteODecem,er 131 hite?aper+O argued for/?aper+O argued for/0 An increase in military+ technical+ and economic aid An increase in military+ technical+ and economic aid0 The introduction of largescale American Oad-isersOThe introduction of largescale American Oad-isersO

    to help sta,iliHe the Diem regime and crush theto help sta,iliHe the Diem regime and crush the=KF.=KF.

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    !he ,ennedy -esponse!he ,ennedy -esponse

    • As Pennedy weighed the merits As Pennedy weighed the meritsof these recommendations+of these recommendations+some of his other ad-iserssome of his other ad-isersurged the president to withdrawurged the president to withdrawfrom Vietnam altogether.from Vietnam altogether.

    • 'n typical Pennedy fashion+ the'n typical Pennedy fashion+ thepresident chose a middle route.president chose a middle route.0 'nstead of a largescale military'nstead of a largescale military

    ,uildup or a negotiated,uildup or a negotiatedsettlement+ the 8nited 9tatessettlement+ the 8nited 9tates

    would increase the le-el of itswould increase the le-el of itsmilitary in-ol-ement in 9outhmilitary in-ol-ement in 9outh

     Vietnam through more machinery Vietnam through more machineryand ad-isers+ ,ut no militaryand ad-isers+ ,ut no militarytroops.troops.

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    !he Strategic .amlet!he Strategic .amlet

    $rogram$rogram• To counteract the =KF@sTo counteract the =KF@ssuccess in the countryside+success in the countryside+ashington and 9aigonashington and 9aigonlaunched an am,itiouslaunched an am,itious

    military eQort in the ruralmilitary eQort in the ruralareas.areas.0 Called the 9trategic amletCalled the 9trategic amlet

    ?rogram+ the new?rogram+ the newcounterinsurgency plancounterinsurgency plan

    rounded up -illagers androunded up -illagers andplaced them in Osafe hamletsOplaced them in Osafe hamletsOcontrolled ,y the go-ernmentcontrolled ,y the go-ernmentof 9outh Vietnam.of 9outh Vietnam.

    0 The idea was to isolate theThe idea was to isolate the

    =KF from -illagers+ its ,ase of=KF from -illagers+ its ,ase ofsupportsupport

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    'FL Successes'FL Successes

    • This culturallyinsensiti-eThis culturallyinsensiti-e

    plan further alienated theplan further alienated the

    peasants from the 9aigonpeasants from the 9aigon

    regime and produced moreregime and produced morerecruits for the =KF.recruits for the =KF.

    • By the summer of 137+By the summer of 137+

    ,ecause of =KF successes,ecause of =KF successes

    and its own failures+ it wasand its own failures+ it wasclear that the go-ernment ofclear that the go-ernment of

    9outh Vietnam was on the9outh Vietnam was on the

     -erge of political collapse. -erge of political collapse.

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    Buddhist Sel/0Buddhist Sel/0

    1mmolations1mmolations• Diem@s ,rother+ =go Dinh =hu+ hadDiem@s ,rother+ =go Dinh =hu+ hadraided the Buddhist pagodas ofraided the Buddhist pagodas of

    9outh Vietnam+ claiming that they9outh Vietnam+ claiming that they

    had har,ored the Communists thathad har,ored the Communists that

    were creating the political insta,ility.were creating the political insta,ility.

    • The result was massi-e protests onThe result was massi-e protests on

    the streets of 9aigon that ledthe streets of 9aigon that led

    Buddhist mon2s to selfimmolation.Buddhist mon2s to selfimmolation.

    • The pictures of the mon2s engulfedThe pictures of the mon2s engulfed

    in ;ames made world headlines andin ;ames made world headlines and

    caused considera,le consternation incaused considera,le consternation in


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    Military CoupMilitary Coup

    • By late 9eptem,er+ the BuddhistBy late 9eptem,er+ the Buddhist

    protest had created such dislocaprotest had created such disloca

    tion in the south that the Pennedytion in the south that the Pennedy

    administration supported a coup.administration supported a coup.• 'n 137+ some of Diem@s own'n 137+ some of Diem@s own

    generals approached the Americangenerals approached the American

    Em,assy in 9aigon with plans to o-erthrow Diem.Em,assy in 9aigon with plans to o-erthrow Diem.

    • ith ashington@s tacit appro-al+ Diem and hisith ashington@s tacit appro-al+ Diem and his,rother were captured and later 2illed.,rother were captured and later 2illed.

    • Three wee2s later+ ?resident Pennedy wasThree wee2s later+ ?resident Pennedy was

    assassinated on the streets of Dallas.assassinated on the streets of Dallas.

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    2scalation o/ the Confict2scalation o/ the Confict• At the time of the Pennedy and At the time of the Pennedy and

    Diem assassinations+ thereDiem assassinations+ therewere 13+))) military ad-iserswere 13+))) military ad-isers

    in Vietnam.in Vietnam.

    0 The Pennedy administration hadThe Pennedy administration had

    managed to run the war frommanaged to run the war fromashington without the largeashington without the large

    scale introduction of Americanscale introduction of American

    com,at troops.com,at troops.

    0 The continuing political pro,lemsThe continuing political pro,lemsin 9aigon+ howe-er+ con-inced thein 9aigon+ howe-er+ con-inced the

    new president+ Kyndon Bainesnew president+ Kyndon Baines


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     %ttac3 on %merican %ttac3 on %merican

    ShipsShips• 'n August 13!+ in response to'n August 13!+ in response to American and 9outh Vietnamese American and 9outh Vietnameseespionage along its coast+ =orthespionage along its coast+ =orth

     Vietnam launched an attac2 Vietnam launched an attac2

    against the C. Turner ulf of Ton2in.0 The Irst attac2 occurred onThe Irst attac2 occurred on

     August 4+ 13!. August 4+ 13!.

    0 A second attac2 was supposed to A second attac2 was supposed to

    ha-e ta2en place on August !+ ,utha-e ta2en place on August !+ ,ut

    authorities ha-e recently concludedauthorities ha-e recently concluded

    that no second attac2 e-er too2that no second attac2 e-er too2


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    !he "ul/ o/ !on3in!he "ul/ o/ !on3in

    -esolution-esolution• The ulf of Ton2inesolution+ that ga-eesolution+ that ga-ethe president ,roadthe president ,roadwar powers.war powers.

    • The esolution wasThe esolution wasfollowed ,y limitedfollowed ,y limitedreprisal air attac2sreprisal air attac2sagainst =orth Vietnam.against =orth Vietnam.

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    &peration -olling&peration -olling

    !hunder !hunder • 'n early 13+ the =KF attac2ed two 8.9.'n early 13+ the =KF attac2ed two 8.9.army installations in 9outh Vietnam+ andarmy installations in 9outh Vietnam+ and

    as a result+

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    $hosphorous 'apalm$hosphorous 'apalm

    Bom(sBom(s• $$Gperation ollingGperation ollingThunder& wasThunder& was

    ,ac2ed up ,y,ac2ed up ,y

    phosphorous andphosphorous andnapalm ,om,s 0napalm ,om,s 0

    the latter causingthe latter causing

    dreadful ,urns todreadful ,urns to

    thousand ofthousand ofinnocent ci-ilians.innocent ci-ilians.

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    &peration -anch .and&peration -anch .and• hen this failed to ,rea2 down the Junglehen this failed to ,rea2 down the Jungle

    co-er the 89AF started $Gperation anchco-er the 89AF started $Gperation anch

    and& 0 the defoliation program+ using Agentand& 0 the defoliation program+ using Agent


    0 This deadly chemical coc2tail+ containing dioMin+This deadly chemical coc2tail+ containing dioMin+2illed oQ millions of acres of Jungle to try to2illed oQ millions of acres of Jungle to try to

    wea2en the Vietcong 0 ,ut left a horrendouswea2en the Vietcong 0 ,ut left a horrendous

    legacy in Vietnam.legacy in Vietnam.

    0The dioMin got into the food chain causingThe dioMin got into the food chain causing

    chromosome damage to humans. There werechromosome damage to humans. There were

    hundreds of cases of children ,orn withhundreds of cases of children ,orn with


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    • Gf all aircraft+Gf all aircraft+

    thethe helicopterhelicopter

    was the mostwas the most

    useful+ droppinguseful+ droppingplatoons in theplatoons in the

     Jungle clearings Jungle clearings

    and out again.and out again.They wereThey were

    eMcellent aireMcellent air


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    .ow did the 'orth Vietnamese.ow did the 'orth Vietnamese

    Fight Bac3 %gainst the U4S4Fight Bac3 %gainst the U4S4

    1n#aders?1n#aders?• The =orth Vietnamese used classicThe =orth Vietnamese used classicaoist guerrilla tactics. $>uerrillasaoist guerrilla tactics. $>uerrillas

    must mo-e through the peasants li2emust mo-e through the peasants li2e

    Ish through sea+& i.e.+ the peasantsIsh through sea+& i.e.+ the peasantswill support them as much as theywill support them as much as they

    can with shelter+ food+ weapons+can with shelter+ food+ weapons+

    storage+ intelligence+ recruits.storage+ intelligence+ recruits.

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    'orth Vietnamese'orth Vietnamese


    'n areas held ,y the =KF+ the'n areas held ,y the =KF+ theCommunists distri,uted theCommunists distri,uted the

    land to the peasants. (Byland to the peasants. (By


    the =KF held a,out half ofthe =KF held a,out half of

    9outh Vietnam.#9outh Vietnam.#• Their weapons were cheapTheir weapons were cheap

    and relia,le.and relia,le.

    0 The AP!" assault ri;e outperformed the AmericanThe AP!" assault ri;e outperformed the American

    13130 The porta,le roc2et launcher too2 out many 89The porta,le roc2et launcher too2 out many 89

     -ehicles R aircraft. -ehicles R aircraft. 0 They recycledThey recycled dud ,om,s dropped ,y thedud ,om,s dropped ,y the

     Americans. Deadly ,oo,ytraps could in;ict huge Americans. Deadly ,oo,ytraps could in;ict huge

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    !unnel Comple5es!unnel Comple5es

    • The Vietnamese ,uilt large tunnelThe Vietnamese ,uilt large tunnelcompleMes such as the ones at Cu ChicompleMes such as the ones at Cu Chi

    near 9aigon. This protected themnear 9aigon. This protected them

    from the ,om,ing raids ,y thefrom the ,om,ing raids ,y the Americans and ga-e them co-er for Americans and ga-e them co-er for

    attac2ing the in-aders.attac2ing the in-aders.

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    Search Destroy !acticsSearch Destroy !actics• The 8nited 9tates counteredThe 8nited 9tates countered

    with $9earch and Destroy&with $9earch and Destroy&tactics. 'n areas where thetactics. 'n areas where the

    =KF were thought to ,e=KF were thought to ,e

    operating+ troops went inoperating+ troops went in

    and chec2ed for weapons. 'fand chec2ed for weapons. 'f

    they found them+they found them+they rounded up the -illagers and ,urned thethey rounded up the -illagers and ,urned the

     -illages down. -illages down.

    • This often alienated the peasants from theThis often alienated the peasants from the AmericanN9outh Vietnamese cause. AmericanN9outh Vietnamese cause.

    0  As one marine said 0 $'f they weren*t Vietcong ,efore we As one marine said 0 $'f they weren*t Vietcong ,efore wegot there+ they sure as hell were ,y the time we left&.got there+ they sure as hell were ,y the time we left&.

    0 The =FK often helped the -illager*s re,uild their homesThe =FK often helped the -illager*s re,uild their homes

    and ,ury their dead.and ,ury their dead.

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    $rotracted War Strategy $rotracted War Strategy 

    • After $Gperation After $Gperationolling Thunder+& theolling Thunder+& theCommunist ?artyCommunist ?artymo-ed to a protractedmo-ed to a protracted

    war strategy/ the ideawar strategy/ the ideawas to get the 8nitedwas to get the 8nited9tates ,ogged down in9tates ,ogged down ina war that it could nota war that it could not

    win militarily andwin militarily andcreate unfa-ora,lecreate unfa-ora,leconditions for politicalconditions for political -ictory. -ictory.

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    !he War in %merica!he War in %merica

    • The Vietnam ar had aThe Vietnam ar had amaJor impact on e-erydaymaJor impact on e-erydaylife in America+ and thelife in America+ and the 

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     %nti0War Sentiments %nti0War Sentiments

    • As the deaths As the deaths

    mounted andmounted and

     Americans Americans

    continued to lea-econtinued to lea-efor 9outheast Asia+for 9outheast Asia+


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     %nti0War $rotests %nti0War $rotests

    • ?rotests erupted on college?rotests erupted on college

    campuses and in maJor cities at Irst+campuses and in maJor cities at Irst+

    ,ut ,y 13 e-ery corner of the,ut ,y 13 e-ery corner of the

    country seemed to ha-e felt thecountry seemed to ha-e felt thewar@s impact.war@s impact.

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    )*+6 Democratic)*+6 Democratic

    Con#entionCon#ention• Gne of the most famousGne of the most famousincidents in the antiwarincidents in the antiwarmo-ement was the police riotmo-ement was the police riot

    in Chicago during the 13in Chicago during the 13

    Democratic =ationalDemocratic =ationalCon-ention.Con-ention.

    • undreds of thousands ofundreds of thousands of

    people came to Chicago inpeople came to Chicago in

     August 13 to protest August 13 to protest

     American inter-ention in American inter-ention in

     Vietnam and the leaders of the Vietnam and the leaders of the

    Democratic ?arty whoDemocratic ?arty who

    continued to prosecute the war.continued to prosecute the war.

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    !he !et &7ensi#e!he !et &7ensi#e• By 13+ things had gone from ,ad to worse forBy 13+ things had gone from ,ad to worse for


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    !he My Lai Massacre!he My Lai Massacre

    • A serious ,low to 8.9. credi,ility A serious ,low to 8.9. credi,ilitycame with the eMposure of the y Kaicame with the eMposure of the y Kai

    massacre (arch 13#.massacre (arch 13#.

    •ushed up at the time and onlyushed up at the time and onlydisco-ered ,y a tenacious Journalist+disco-ered ,y a tenacious Journalist+

    this in-ol-ed the 2illing of !)) men+this in-ol-ed the 2illing of !)) men+

    women and children ,y 89 troops.women and children ,y 89 troops.

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     % Secret $lan to 2nd the % Secret $lan to 2nd the

     War  War 

    • 'n late arch 13+ a disgraced'n late arch 13+ a disgracedKyndon

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     Vietnami8ation Vietnami8ation

    • =iMon@s secret plan=iMon@s secret planin-ol-ed a process calledin-ol-ed a process called

    $VietnamiHation.& This$VietnamiHation.& This

    strategy ,rought Americanstrategy ,rought American

    troops home whiletroops home while

    increasing the air war o-erincreasing the air war o-er

    =orth Vietnam and relying=orth Vietnam and relying

    more on the 9outhmore on the 9outh Vietnamese army for Vietnamese army for

    ground attac2s.ground attac2s.

    2 i L

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    25pansion to Laos 25pansion to Laos

    Cam(odiaCam(odia• The =iMon years also saw the eMpansion ofThe =iMon years also saw the eMpansion of

    the war into neigh,oring Kaos andthe war into neigh,oring Kaos and

    Cam,odia+ -iolating the internationalCam,odia+ -iolating the international

    rights of these countries in secretrights of these countries in secret

    campaigns+ as the hite ouse triedcampaigns+ as the hite ouse tried

    desperately to rout out Communistdesperately to rout out Communist

    sanctuaries and supply routes.sanctuaries and supply routes.

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    Campus $rotests Campus $rotests


    • The intenseThe intense


    campaigns andcampaigns and

    inter-ention ininter-ention inCam,odia in lateCam,odia in late

     April 1") spar2ed April 1") spar2ed

    intense campusintense campus

    protests all acrossprotests all across America. America.

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    ,ent State,ent State

    • At Pent 9tate in At Pent 9tate in

    Ghio+ four studentsGhio+ four students

    were 2illed ,ywere 2illed ,y

    =ational=ational>uardsmen who>uardsmen who

    were called out towere called out to

    preser-e order onpreser-e order on

    campus after dayscampus after daysof anti=iMonof anti=iMon


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     9ac3son State 9ac3son State

    • 9hoc2 wa-es crossed the9hoc2 wa-es crossed the

    nation as students atnation as students at


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    !he Christmas Bom(ings!he Christmas Bom(ings

    •'n Decem,er 1"4+ the =iMon administration'n Decem,er 1"4+ the =iMon administration

    unleashed a series of deadly ,om,ing raidsunleashed a series of deadly ,om,ing raids

    against targets in =orth Vietnam*s largestagainst targets in =orth Vietnam*s largest

    cities+ anoi and aiphong.cities+ anoi and aiphong.

    • These attac2s+ now 2nown as the ChristmasThese attac2s+ now 2nown as the Christmas,om,ings+ ,rought immediate condemnation,om,ings+ ,rought immediate condemnation

    from the international community andfrom the international community and

    forced the =iMon administration toforced the =iMon administration to

    reconsider its tactics and negotiationreconsider its tactics and negotiationstrategy.strategy.

    !h $ i $!he $aris $eace

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    !he $aris $eace!he $aris $eace

     %greement %greement• 'n early

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    !he Fall to Communism!he Fall to Communism

    • From arch 1"7 until the fallFrom arch 1"7 until the fallof 9aigon on April 7)+ 1"+ theof 9aigon on April 7)+ 1"+ the9outh Vietnamese army tried9outh Vietnamese army trieddesperately to sa-e the 9outhdesperately to sa-e the 9outhfrom political and militaryfrom political and military

    collapse.collapse.• The end Inally came when =orthThe end Inally came when =orth

     Vietnamese tan2s rolled south Vietnamese tan2s rolled southalong =ational ighway Gne.along =ational ighway Gne.

    • Gn the morning of April 7)+Gn the morning of April 7)+Communist forces captured theCommunist forces captured thepresidential palace in 9aigon+presidential palace in 9aigon+ending the Vietnam ar.ending the Vietnam ar.

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     Why Did the United States Why Did the United States

    Lose the Vietnam War?Lose the Vietnam War?

    1.1. They underestimated the tenacityThey underestimated the tenacity

    and organiHation of the =orthand organiHation of the =orth

     Vietnamese and the =ational Vietnamese and the =ational

    Ki,eration Front.Ki,eration Front.

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    4.4. Despite droppingDespite dropping

    more tonnage ofmore tonnage of

    high eMplosi-e onhigh eMplosi-e on Vietnam than the Vietnam than the

    whole of orldwhole of orld

    ar ''+ thear ''+ the Americans could Americans could

    not stop thenot stop the

    mo-ement ofmo-ement of

    troops or suppliestroops or suppliesto the south alongto the south along

    the o Chi inhthe o Chi inh


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    7.7. The =orthThe =orth

     Vietnamese Vietnamese

    conducted aconducted a$?eoples war& in$?eoples war& in

    which e-eryonewhich e-eryone

    played a part.played a part.

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    !.!.  At Irst+ most Americans supported At Irst+ most Americans supported

    the war. But ,y 1")+ the ?eacethe war. But ,y 1")+ the ?eace

    o-ement had support from allo-ement had support from allparts of society and no go-ernmentparts of society and no go-ernment

    could ignore it.could ignore it.

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    .. After 13+ there After 13+ therewere deepwere deep

    uestions a,out theuestions a,out theeQiciency of 89eQiciency of 89troops. There wastroops. There wasa serious druga serious drug

    pro,lem5 desertionpro,lem5 desertionrates were highrates were highand morale low.and morale low.any troops wereany troops were

    $timeser-ers+& i.e.+$timeser-ers+& i.e.+counted the dayscounted the daysuntil the tour wasuntil the tour waso-er.o-er.

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    3.3. The 89 ne-er reallyThe 89 ne-er really

    understood theunderstood theculture of theculture of the

     Vietnamese people. Vietnamese people.

    Coca Cola+ chewingCoca Cola+ chewing

    gum+ ,all point pens+gum+ ,all point pens+

    and ice cream conesand ice cream cones

    could not dislodgecould not dislodge

    their ancient ,eliefs.their ancient ,eliefs.

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    ".".  America was not prepared to 2eep America was not prepared to 2eep

    losing high num,ers of casualtieslosing high num,ers of casualties

    for such limited progress in afor such limited progress in adiQicult Jungle war+ for which theydiQicult Jungle war+ for which they

    were not suited.were not suited.

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    .. The strength and resourcefulness ofThe strength and resourcefulness of

    the =KF. For eMample+ the highlythe =KF. For eMample+ the highly

    compleM Cu Chi tunnel system thecompleM Cu Chi tunnel system the8.9. ne-er shut down.8.9. ne-er shut down.

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    • BattleIeld Vietnam/ A Brief istoryBattleIeld Vietnam/ A Brief istoryhttp/NNwww.p,s.orgN,attleIeld-ietnamNhistoryNihttp/NNwww.p,s.orgN,attleIeld-ietnamNhistoryNi


    • Vietnam e-ision >uide Vietnam e-ision >uide

