re thinking your association sponsorship model

Re-Thinking Your Association Sponsorship Model

Upload: bernie-colterman

Post on 05-Dec-2014




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When it comes to sponsorship development, too many associations are still stuck in the signs and banners and "metal level" era. The sponsorship environment has changed and associations need to get on board or become irrelevant from a sponsorship perspective.


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Re-Thinking Your




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what we do

Strategic Marketing Planning

Sponsorship Valuations &


Revenue Development

Social Marketing

Partnership Marketing

Centre of Excellence for Public Sector Marketing

Social Media / Digital Marketing

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May 27-29, 2013

Ottawa Convention Centre

May 27-29, 2013

Ottawa Convention Centre

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Associations need to innovate or become relics

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• Variety of models

• Overuse of “metal levels”

• Tendency to sell in silos

• Lack of understanding of “fair market” value

• Reliance on the same sponsors year-over-year

• Sponsor “clutter”

• Little effort on renewal strategies

What we see in

our work…


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Activity / Event Based Sponsor Model


• Appealing to companies

with specific / short-term


• Ability to offer lower-priced


• Easy to explain.


• Resource intensive (selling and delivering benefits);

• Focus on tactical selling vs. strategic selling;

• Tends to “commoditize” sponsorship program;

• Can be frustrating for companies;

• In a constant state of renewal / difficult to grow revenue.

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Hierarchal Based Sponsor Model


• Easy to package and present

to prospects;

• Easy to deliver benefits;

• Can appeal to corporate



• Overuse of “gold, silver,

bronze” metal levels;

• Generally characterized by,

“cookie-cutter” benefits;

• Minimizes customization

and creativity;

• Can work against corporate


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Bundled Benefit Sponsor Model


• Takes a more strategic

(long-term) approach to

sponsorship development;

• Can draw from various

marketing budgets;

• Allows for customization of

benefits packages;

• More efficient use of sales



• Requires advance planning to ensure that all sponsor opps. are up-to-date;

• Typically, a longer selling period;

• Requires experienced sales staff and conversations;

• May not appeal to companies that are keeping their marketing budgets “under the radar”.

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Integrated Benefit Sponsor Model


• Allows companies to choose from a “menu” of opps. and receive value-added benefits based on spend;

• Shifts from “commodity” to strategic partnerships;

• Can draw from various marketing budgets;

• If properly implemented, can generate better results.


• Requires advance planning

to ensure all pieces in place;

• Typically, a longer selling


• Requires experienced sales

staff and conversations with


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Key Considerations

for Re-thinking

Your Sponsorship


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The First Step in Re-Thinking Your Model

Internal Analysis

• Audience

• Assets

• Sector (prospects)

• Competitive Position

• Your Brand

• Internal Culture

• Resources

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old school…


one dimensional view of our customers

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New School…


our audience

at all levels

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old school…

Uninspired “vanilla” marketing

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New School…

a clearly defined competitive position

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old school…

Sponsor clutter

+ “metal levels”

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New School…

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old school…

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New School

About them

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Top 5 Challenges of Businesses

Right Now

Maintaining Customer Loyalty 36%

Price or Service Demands of Customers 35%

Identifying New Markets / Expansion Opps. 32%

Cost Control 28%

Finding New Workers 26%

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old school…

Sponsor Sponsee

disregard of the customer

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New School…


Everyone Sees Value

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old school…

“cheesy” messages to customers

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New School…

Where the sponsor is part of the conversation

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old school…

all the focus on logo placement

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New School…

Integrated marketing

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New School…

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old school…

Anyone’s Name Here

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New School…

Focusing on “Sponsor Fit”

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We need to deliver

brand messages in

more innovative


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See next slide…

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where to reach me

Bernie Colterman: [email protected]


Tel: 613.731-9851 ext.15
