read matthew 10:29-31 day · read isaiah 43:1...

READ MATTHEW 10:29-31 This month is all about uniqueness—discovering who God made you to be so you can make a difference. God knows everything there is to know about you because He’s the one that made you! The same God who hung the up the sun and painted the sky with clouds made you. The same God who created those birds you hear chirping in the trees made you too. And you are WAY more valuable then those birds. God made you and He never makes mistakes. Did you catch the part of this verse about your hair? Have you ever tried to count the hairs on your head? Grab a friend or family member and set a timer for 2 minutes. Try to count the hairs on their head. Can you do it? Counting all the hairs on someone’s head is impossible for you, but not for God. He knows everything about you because He made you to be you. And you are awesome. THANK God for making you so unique. DAY 1 READ 1 SAMUEL 17:38-40 David showed up to the battlefield and heard the taunting call of Goliath, but this did not stop him. King Saul thought he needed to look like the other soldiers in his army. So he gave David his own armor, which for a teenage boy was WAY too big. What King Saul didn’t know was that God had already provided David with everything he needed. He gave David the unique ability to take on the giant with what he knew—a slingshot and some stones. Grab a piece of paper and draw a line down the center of the page. On the left hand side, draw a picture of David wearing King Saul’s way too big armor. On the right hand side, draw David with a slingshot and five smooth stones. Put this picture up in a place where everyone in your family can see it. If someone asks you about it, be prepared to tell them about the story. ASK God to show you how you are uniquely different from everyone around you. DAY 2 2 ND -3 RD GRADE WEEK 1

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Post on 27-Jul-2020




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Page 1: READ MATTHEW 10:29-31 DAY · READ ISAIAH 43:1 The Lord made you. He formed you while your were still in your mom’s tummy. He


This month is all about uniqueness—discovering who God made you to be so you can make a difference. God knows everything there is to know about you because He’s the one that made you! The same God who hung the up the sun and painted the sky with clouds made you. The same God who created those birds you hear chirping in the trees made you too. And you are WAY more valuable then those birds. God made you and He never makes mistakes.

Did you catch the part of this verse about your hair? Have you ever tried to count the hairs on your head? Grab a friend or family member and set a timer for 2 minutes. Try to count the hairs on their head. Can you do it?

Counting all the hairs on someone’s head is impossible for you, but not for God. He knows everything about you because He made you to be you. And you are awesome.

THANK God for making you so unique.


READ 1 SAMUEL 17:38-40

David showed up to the battlefield and heard the taunting call of Goliath, but this did not stop him. King Saul thought he needed to look like the other soldiers in his army. So he gave David his own armor, which for a teenage boy was WAY too big. What King Saul didn’t know was that God had already provided David with everything he needed. He gave David the unique ability to take on the giant with what he knew—a slingshot and some stones.

Grab a piece of paper and draw a line down the center of the page. On the left hand side, draw a picture of David wearing King Saul’s way too big armor. On the right hand side, draw David with a slingshot and five smooth stones. Put this picture up in a place where everyone in your family can see it. If someone asks you about it, be prepared to tell them about the story.

ASK God to show you how you are uniquely different from everyone around you.



Page 2: READ MATTHEW 10:29-31 DAY · READ ISAIAH 43:1 The Lord made you. He formed you while your were still in your mom’s tummy. He


The Lord made you. He formed you while your were still in your mom’s tummy. He gave you those blue eyes, or that slightly crooked nose or that tiny mole on your little toe. God made you to be you. And He knows you by name.

Have you ever asked where your name came from? Naming someone is a BIG deal! Ask your parents how they decided on your name. Were you named after someone important to them? Do you know the meaning of your name? If not, ask an adult to help you look up what your name means and write out the meaning in the space below.

LEARN about your name and all the unique things that make you, you.



Jeremiah was young, probably around 17, when God called him to be “a prophet to the nations.” A prophet is someone who spoke for God. But God wasn’t concerned about Jeremiah’s age because God had created him for this specific purpose. In fact, He chose Jeremiah for this role before He even created him.

And guess what? You’re no different from Jeremiah. Sure, you live in a very different time and place but you were also chosen by God. He has a plan for your life and that plan isn’t the same plan that He has for someone else. Because you are the one and only you. As you grow, you’ll begin to discover all the unique things about you that God wants to use to do BIG things in this world.

In the space below, write a prayer to God, thanking Him for making you to be you. Ask Him to show you what His plan is for your life.

KNOW that God created you and has a specific plan for your life.












Dear God,

Thank you for___________________














Page 3: READ MATTHEW 10:29-31 DAY · READ ISAIAH 43:1 The Lord made you. He formed you while your were still in your mom’s tummy. He


When God told Jeremiah what He had planned for him, Jeremiah was young. When God told him His plan, was Jeremiah excited? Was he confident? NO way. In fact, Jeremiah started coming up with reasons why he wouldn’t be the best choice.

God said, “Do not be afraid. I am with you. I will save you.” Because God made Jeremiah for an adventure! And while He never promised this adventure would be easy, God did promise to be with Jeremiah no matter what.

Guess what? God has called you to an adventure too! As you grow and learn to follow God, He will show you the adventure He has planned just for you. And it will be bigger and better than any adventure you could come up with on your own!

Grab a piece of paper and write a short story about an adventure. Name your character, give him an obstacle to face (like a difficult situation) and craft a way for him to come out on the other side.

THANK God for creating you for an adventure.



In the space below, write down all the things you might take on a road trip.



Following God is an adventure too! It’s not exactly like a road trip, but there are some things you can pack or take along with you to help you follow God and discover His adventure for your life. Unscramble the words below to see what you might need:

The BLEIB - ________________: God’s word to you. This will help you know how to follow God every day.

PERAYR - _________________: Talking to God. Another way to follow God and find out what He wants you to do is to talk to about it!

God has given us His word, the Bible, to show us how to love and follow Him. He promises in His word that we are special treasures, created by Him for an adventure. Through prayer, God will help you see the plan and adventure that lies ahead!

ASK God to show you the adventure He has for you through His word and through prayer.



Page 4: READ MATTHEW 10:29-31 DAY · READ ISAIAH 43:1 The Lord made you. He formed you while your were still in your mom’s tummy. He


How many days have you lived on earth so far? Ask an adult to help you find a calculator and complete these math problems below.

______ X 365 = ___________________________ AGE Number of days you’ve lived

Now, count the number of days since your birthday and add that to the number above to see exactly how many days you’ve lived so far.

Now, here’s a crazy thought. The average person lives about 78 years on earth. So let’s figure out how many days that is:

78 X 365 = _________

Here’s the really good news. You don’t need to get caught up in exactly how many days you will live on this earth because God already knows that. He knows what your tomorrow looks like as clearly as you know what you ate for breakfast. And the adventure God has in store for you will be the most amazing adventure ever. The best thing you can do is ask Him to help you see the day ahead and trust Him to remind you that He is control of the number of your days. God made you for an adventure!

LISTEN to God so that you can see the adventure that lies ahead for you!


READ PSALM 139:5-6

Guess what? No matter where you go or what you do, God is with you. He knows you better than anyone else. He goes behind you—that means He was with you yesterday. He knows about the things you listed above because He was there too.

But God also goes before you; that means He’ll be with you no matter what you face today or tomorrow. Maybe the things you listed will go exactly as you’ve planned. But maybe, they won’t. And when that happens, how will you respond? Will you get all worked up and try to change the circumstances? Or will you remember that the God of the universe is in control? God is behind you and in front of you. He will hold you safe in His hands. You can trust Him because He knows you better than you know yourself. And His God sized adventure is better than anything you can dream up on your own.

KNOW that God uniquely created you for your own adventure!


Now, write three things you think you’ll do today.1. ________________________________________2. ________________________________________3. ________________________________________

In space below, write down three things you did yesterday.1. ________________________________________2. ________________________________________3. ________________________________________


Page 5: READ MATTHEW 10:29-31 DAY · READ ISAIAH 43:1 The Lord made you. He formed you while your were still in your mom’s tummy. He

READ PSALM 119:73-74

God made you with His own hands. And He made you to know Him. Sounds great, right? But how can you really know God? God has given us His Word, the Bible, so that we can follow Him. The Bible tells us all about Jesus—God’s only Son, who came to show us just exactly who God is. God’s word is like one big love letter to you and to me. It helps us know how to follow Him everyday.

Did you know that it’s okay to write in your Bible? Maybe you do this already, but you can underline sentences or phrases that are important to you! You can make notes in the margin of your Bible and use highlighters or colored pencils too. Your Bible is YOUR Bible. Grab a colored pencil or other writing utensil and underline today’s verse. In the margin (the white space over the side), write today’s date. One day in the future, when you see these verses, you’ll be reminded of how you read these this year.

THANK God for making you and giving you His word so you can follow Him.



In the space below write three things you know about Jesus:

1. _________________________________________________________________________________________2. _________________________________________________________________________________________3. _________________________________________________________________________________________

When the Ethiopian man was stopped on the side of the road he was reading the scriptures, but he couldn’t understand them. Philip came by, noticed the man and stopped to help. And before long, the man had chosen to follow Jesus too and chose to be baptized!

Maybe you’re thinking, well, Philip is a famous guy in the Bible. So, of course, he could teach the Ethiopian man about Jesus. Maybe you’re thinking, “I’m just a kid. I can’t tell other people to follow Jesus!”

Believe it or not, there are probably things you know about following Jesus that others might not know. There are kids in your class, on your ball team, in your neighborhood, maybe even in your own house, who don’t know the three things you listed above about Jesus. You can be like Philip and tell others the things you know about Jesus. God made you to follow Jesus and tell others about Him. So the big question today is, who can you tell?

ASK God to help you follow Jesus and share what you know about Him with others.



Page 6: READ MATTHEW 10:29-31 DAY · READ ISAIAH 43:1 The Lord made you. He formed you while your were still in your mom’s tummy. He


God made you to follow Jesus. But having a relationship with Jesus isn’t just about being in heaven with Him someday. A relationship with Jesus is about right now! You can follow Jesus today and grow to be more and more like Him every day.

How? By putting your hope in Him all day long, just as this verse tells us to. Does that sound impossible? What if you decided to pick some specific times and ways to help you stay connected to following Jesus throughout your day?

Under the “when” title, choose three times of the day (like as you brush your teeth in the morning and evening, or right before you eat your breakfast or go to bed). After you write down the times of day, write down one thing you can do to help you stay connected to Jesus during that time (some options are to pray, to read your Bible, do your GodTime, etc.)

KNOW that you can start following Jesus RIGHT now as you learn to put your hope in Him all day long.


From the very beginning, God wanted to have a relationship with you. But a BIG problem came between you and God. That problem is sin. And because God is perfect and we are not, that sin separates us from God.

So how can that separation be fixed? It comes through a big word: confession. Do you know what it means to confess something? It means to admit you’re wrong. When you tell God that you are sorry for your sin and you admit that you’ve been wrong, He forgives. He makes us clean. How? Because of Jesus. Jesus took the punishment for your sin on the cross. And then He rose again to prove that nothing could separate you from God again.

Remember, you were made to follow Jesus more than anything. God wants you to understand what He has done for you. God loves you and He doesn’t want anything to separate you from Him. Do you have questions about this? Find an adult you trust and talk about this verse. Ask questions and pray.

LOOK for answers to your questions as you seek to follow Jesus.



What:1. ________________________________________2. ________________________________________3. ________________________________________

When:1. ________________________________________2. ________________________________________3. ________________________________________


Page 7: READ MATTHEW 10:29-31 DAY · READ ISAIAH 43:1 The Lord made you. He formed you while your were still in your mom’s tummy. He


What is a command? It’s like an order or a rule to follow. When Jesus spoke the words we read in today’s verses, He said He had a “new command.” And what was it?

God made you to love others.

Because Jesus loves you.

He’s commanding us to love the people around us because He loved us first. Jesus showed us how much He loves us by putting us first and facing the pain of the cross.

Grab some red, pink or white construction paper. Cut out 21 hearts from the paper and write one word from the verse on each heart. Stack the hearts and then shuffle to mix them up. Set a timer and see how fast you can put the hearts in verse order. Mix them up, shuffle and see if you can beat your time.

THANK God for making you to love others as He has loved you.



Did you know?God loves you. God made you completely unique. God wants you to love the people around you.

Did you see the first part of this verse? Underline the words that say, Let us consider. Do you know what that means? To consider means to weigh the possibilities or to think hard about something.

The writer of Hebrews is telling us to think about HOW we will show love to others BEFORE we actually do it. God wants you to think ahead of time about how you can best show love to someone else. In others words, He wants us to have a plan!

Let’s practice right now. In the space below, write down one person’s name that fits into each category.

Someone that lives in my house: _______________________________________________________________

I will show love to ____________________________ by _____________________________________________

Someone that I see everyday: __________________________________________________________________

I will show love to ___________________ by ______________________________________________________

Someone I have a hard time getting along with: __________________________________________________

I will show love to ____________________________ by _____________________________________________

ASK God to help you put the plan above in place and to LOVE others this week!



Page 8: READ MATTHEW 10:29-31 DAY · READ ISAIAH 43:1 The Lord made you. He formed you while your were still in your mom’s tummy. He

READ ACTS 16:14-15

When Paul traveled around telling people about Jesus, he didn’t have a lot of money. He didn’t plan hotel stays and pay for food in fancy restaurants. To get by, Paul relied of fellow believers to help him with food and shelter. So it was pretty awesome when he met Lydia that day. She was a successful business owner who made purple cloth. But the most important thing about Lydia was that she believed in Jesus. So when Paul and his friends came to town, she showed love by offering them a place to stay. Lydia understood that God made her to love others.

Think about someone in your life that you know loves you. How do you know they love you? What do they do or say that shows love to you? Grab a piece of paper and a pen. Write that person a note thanking them for loving you so well.

KNOW that God loves it when we love others well!


Paul said that there were three SUPER important things that all followers of Jesus need to make a priority. What are they? List them below:1. ___________________________________________________________________________________________2. ___________________________________________________________________________________________3. ___________________________________________________________________________________________

What is the NUMBER ONE thing listed in the verse? ________________________________________________

It’s a little four letter word but it’s a BIG idea. How you treat others is more important than just about anything. Faith or believing in God is a big deal. Hope, which is, trusting that God is control no matter what. Yep, that’s big too.

But the MOST important thing you can do as a follower of Jesus is to genuinely LOVE the people around you. God loves you. And He’s counting on you to show love to others so they can know Him too.

THINK of an opportunity to show the number one thing: LOVE.




Page 9: READ MATTHEW 10:29-31 DAY · READ ISAIAH 43:1 The Lord made you. He formed you while your were still in your mom’s tummy. He


God made you for a reason. God made you to do good. There are LOTS of ways or examples of “good works” you can do. Showing kindness and love for others through your actions is key.

Think about the questions below:What are some “good works” you’ve seen others do today? What are some good works YOU’VE done today?

Did you think of some answers to these two questions? If you can’t think of any, challenge yourself for tomorrow!

Before you go to bed tonight, take one more look at this list and ask God to help you remember to follow through on these “good works” that He’s already prepared for you to do!

THANK God for uniquely creating you to do good!



Raise your hand if you like to open presents? Have you ever received a gift that you really, really wanted? How did it make you feel? Receiving gifts is a very cool thing.

Did you know that you are a gift to the world? It’s true. When God uniquely created you, He wrapped some pretty unique and special qualities inside you. The Bible calls these “spiritual gifts.” As you grow and learn to follow Jesus, you’ll begin to see the gifts that God has uniquely given to you.

But those gifts aren’t JUST for you. God has given you those gifts so that you can serve others. He’s counting on you to not only discover what those gifts are but to USE them to do good in the world around you.

Fill in the vowels below to complete today’s verse: (a, e, i, o, u)

“G____d’s g___fts ____f gr____c____ c____m____ ____n m____ny f____rms.

_____ ____ ch ____f y____ ____ h____s r____c____ ____v ____d ____

g____ft ___n ____rd____r t____ s____rv____ ____th____rs. Y____ ____ sh____ ____ld

____s____ ____t f____ ____thf____lly.” 1 P____t____r 4:10

ASK God to help you discover the gifts He’s given and then USE those gifts to do good.



Page 10: READ MATTHEW 10:29-31 DAY · READ ISAIAH 43:1 The Lord made you. He formed you while your were still in your mom’s tummy. He


On a separate sheet of paper, create a sketch of a body. Label each part as much as you know. Sketch in the face and add a fun hair-do.

Each part of the body has a certain job and skill. The church is like a lot like a body. No really, it is. The church is a body made up of all different kinds of people. And in order for the church to do all the good that it can do, then it needs every part—every person—to be in his/her place doing what he or she was uniquely created to do—just like the body! When you choose to use your gifts along with the gifts of other believers, then you’ll really start to see how you can make a BIG difference and do more good!

KNOW that God has given you unique gifts to do good in the world around you.


We’ve been learning this week that when God made you, He gave you some specific spiritual gifts. The same is true for every follower of Jesus. Some of these gifts are things you may not truly discover until you’re older. But as you grow in your relationship with Jesus, you can ask God to show you the things about you that can be used to do good things and shine a light for Him.

In the space below, write down some things you are good at that other people are not as good at. Maybe it is being kind to everyone, homework, helping others with their schoolwork or speaking a new language. Ask a grown-up what they think you are really good at doing and add it to the list. This week, try to find a time each day to do one of those things your good at.

LOOK for ways to use the gifts God has given you to do more good.