read write plus english ia answers

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  • 7/24/2019 Read Write Plus English IA Answers


    Version 1

    LiteracyInitial AssessmentAssessor Guide and Learner Answer Booklet

  • 7/24/2019 Read Write Plus English IA Answers


    Skills for Life:the national strategy for improving adultliteracy and numeracy skills

    Millions of adults in England need help to improve their literacy, language and numeracy

    skills. Skills for Life, launched by the Prime Minister in 2001, sets out the Governments

    strategy, which aims to help 2.25 million learners gain a national qualification by 2010.`

    Since 2001 a massive 3.7 million adults across England have taken up 7.8 million courses

    in literacy, language and numeracy skills. 1,130,000 of these learners have gone on to

    achieve at least one first qualification.

    Since the launch of Skills for Life, we have gained an even greater insight into the

    effect low levels of literacy and numeracy skills have on individuals, their families, on theeconomy and on society. For example, adults with poor literacy and numeracy skills could

    earn up to 50,000 less over their lifetime and are more likely to have health problems,

    to live in a disadvantaged area or to be unemployed. They and their children risk being

    cut off from the benefits of a world increasingly linked through information technology.

    Additionally, poor literacy, language and numeracy skills have been estimated to cost the

    country in excess of 10 billion a year.

    Skills for Lifeis an ambitious strategy that is designed to address literacy, language and

    numeracy needs of all adults and young people. It covers all post-16 learners on learning

    programmes at levels from pre-Entry up to and including Level 2. These programmes

    range from discrete to embedded courses, and from classroom and community provision

    to voluntary and work-based learning. Achievement and progress in Skills for Lifeare

    recognised through certification of Key Skills, GCSE Maths and English, and adult literacy

    and numeracy. It is therefore crucial that the strategy supports and reflects the successful

    implementation of all other post-16 strategies. These strategies include Success for All,

    the strategy for reforming post-16 further education, and the Skills Strategy, which aims to

    ensure that the skills we develop are valuable to young people and valued by employers.

    Our goal to improve the skills of young people is also central to the Opportunity and

    Excellence 1419strategy, the 1419 Education and Skills White Paper19 Education and Skills White Paper19 Education and Skills White Paper(published

    2005) and the Schools White Paper: Higher Standards, Better Schools for All

    (published 2005).

    Each organisation and individual has a contribution to make. We believe that the most

    important element for successful delivery of Skills for Lifeis partnership, together with

    the ownership of the strategy by all our key supporting and development partners.

  • 7/24/2019 Read Write Plus English IA Answers


    Government departments, the Learning and Skills Council (LSC), Jobcentre Plus, the Prison

    and Probation Services, development and learning providers in the post-16 learning

    sector, businesses, the CBI, the TUC, Sector Skills Councils and many other organisations

    are working together to improve the literacy, language and numeracy skills of adults


    Learner and employer engagement

    To engage and increase participation of young people and adults from priority

    groups in Skills for Lifelearning, through targeted activities within and across

    Government and its agencies, the workplace and the community.

    Ensuring capacity

    To improve the planning and funding of Skills for Lifeprovision so that literacy,language and numeracy provision is effective and well co-ordinated.

    Improving quality

    To improve standards and quality in teaching and learning in literacy, language

    and numeracy, to remodel and professionalise the Skills for Lifeworkforce.

    Improving achievement and progression

    To improve outcomes in literacy, language and numeracy provision and

    progression onto further learning and assess impact on social inclusion and

    economic outcomes.

    Skills for LifeStrategy Unit

    This item was produced as part of a suite of tools to assess learners for Skills for Lifeprogrammes.

    The tools were developed as part of a project from 2003-2006. The project was jointly led by Alpha Plus

    Consultancy Ltd and BTL Group Ltd on behalf of the Skills for LifeStrategy Unit (DfES).

    AlphaPlusConsultancy Ltd and BTL Group Ltd would like to thank all those who took part in the trials and

    contributed to the tools.

  • 7/24/2019 Read Write Plus English IA Answers


    LiteracyInitial assessment

    For use in general, community-based settings

    Assessor Guide and Learner Answer Booklet

    What is an initial assessment?

    The literacy initial assessment tool is designed to indicate the approximate skills level

    of a learner up to, and including, Level 2. It forms part of the Skills for LifeLearningJourney, following on from the skills check (previously referred to as the Screening

    process) and leading on to diagnostic assessment.

    What skills does the tool assess?

    The tool is designed to assess a learners skills in:




    All questions address criteria in the Adult Literacy Core Curriculum and national

    standards. Questions begin at Entry 1 and increase in difficulty to Level 2. Questions

    relate broadly to everyday domestic and community settings.

    There are 40 questions altogether.

    Dictionaries are notallowed.

    How much time will be needed?

    Initial assessments are not tests and are not timed. Learners should be encouraged

    Page 1

  • 7/24/2019 Read Write Plus English IA Answers


    to finish in their own time and not to rush. However, 5060 minutes should prove

    adequate in most cases. Many learners will require far less time than this; a few may

    need a little more time. Assessors should look out for learners who appear to be

    having problems and invite them to stop.

    Who should supervise the initial assessment?

    The assessments should be conducted by fully trained individuals. The interpretation

    of the assessment results and feedback should be overseen by an experienced

    Skills for Lifepractitioner.

    Under what conditions should the assessment take place?

    A room (or reasonably private space) is needed in which learners can complete the

    assessment undisturbed. Learners will require:

    tables and chairs

    copies of the learner answer booklet

    CD players or cassette players with headphones, where necessaryblue/black pens.

    How should the tools be introduced to learners?


    the purpose of the initial assessment and why the information it will provide willhelp the learner(s)

    that this is nota test and that all results are confidential

    that the learner(s) should try to answer as many questions as they can

    that they can take as much time as they need but that 5060 minutes should

    be enough

    that they should stop if they get tired or are finding the questions too hard

    how to use the CD or audio cassette player and headphones.

    When ready, read out the brief instructions on the first page of the learner

    answer booklet.

    Page 2

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    What needs to be done during the assessment?

    Ensure that everyone is coping with the audio CD or cassette player

    and headphones.

    Ensure that everyone is coping with the questions. Keep an eye on proceedings to ensure that the assessment is going smoothly

    and look out for learners who appear to be struggling.

    Invite learners who are experiencing difficulties to stop.

    Provide assistance for anyone with a known disability.

    What needs to be done at the end of the assessment?

    Collect in the learner answer booklets.

    Thank learners for taking part and explain what will happen next, namely that

    you will mark the answers and give feedback on the results as soon as you can.

    Mark the answers using this guide and enter a score on each page of the

    answer booklet.

    Add up the learners total score. Please double check the scores and make sure

    that you have added them correctly.

    Read off the table below to determine the level attained.

    Note: learners with 4 marks or fewer are judged to be working towards Entry level.

    Page 3


    ENTRY 1 5 12

    ENTRY 2 13 20

    ENTRY 3 21 28

    LEVEL 1 29 36

    LEVEL 2 37 40

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    What feedback should be given?

    All learners should be given feedback on their performance.

    As a minimum, they should be told the level they have attained.

    The Adult Core Curriculum reference for each question is included in this assessorguide so that an assessor can provide more detailed feedback, if required.

    It is important that feedback is treated with complete confidentiality and

    considerable sensitivity, and that learners are clear that the initial assessment is

    simply a stepping stone to more thorough diagnostic assessment.

    Are the tools suitable for all learners?

    This tool includes a range of questions designed to assess skills from Entry 1 to

    Level 2. It is not designed to identify individuals operating at pre-Entry levels or at

    Level 3 or above. The tool is linear: the questions become progressively harder. As a

    result, the assessment could prove off-putting for weaker learners if it is not dealt with

    sensitively. An experienced assessor will soon learn when to halt the assessment,

    if necessary.

    What about English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) learners?

    The tools are not designed to cater specifically for ESOL learners. Separate ESOL initial

    assessment tools for speaking and listening, reading and writing are available from

    the DfES.

    You can order the materials:

    by phone on 0845 602 2260

    by email from: [email protected]

    Page 4

    IASLESOL Speaking & Listening (paper-based)

    IARWESOL Reading & Writing (paper-based)

    IAESOLCD ESOL (computer-based)

    When ordering the ESOL initial assessment please quote:

  • 7/24/2019 Read Write Plus English IA Answers


    Are the tools suitable for people with disabilities and/or learning


    It is a requirement of all Skills for Lifeteaching that each learner be treated

    according to their needs. This principle applies to assessment as much as to anyother aspect of the Learning Journey, but it may raise particular issues regards

    learners with disabilities. These tools have been designed to be used with as wide a

    range of learners as possible.

    For learners with physical disabilities, you will need to consider well in advance what

    adaptation to the tools you may need to make (e.g. enlarging the print). Questions

    can be read to learners if necessary. However, you must be careful not to read the

    question or use another language in a way that guides the learner to aparticular answer.

    Assessors may sit alongside learners and enter answers on their behalf, if needed.

    The important things to remember are that these are not tests and that their purpose

    is to determine skill levels. As long as assessors are not answering the questions,

    any reasonable help is permitted.

    Learners with learning difficulties may, however, find the tools challenging, especially

    if they have severe reading difficulties. The experienced assessor will need to judge

    the suitability of the tools for each learner.

    The next step: diagnostic assessment

    After this initial assessment it may be appropriate for learners to undergo a more

    detailed diagnostic assessment.

    Diagnostic assessment is an evaluation of a learners skills, strengths and

    weaknesses. This is carried out with the assessor in either an individual or group

    setting. This assessment gives a thorough indication not only of the individuals level

    at that precise moment, but also of the specific skill areas that they need to improve.

    Page 5

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    As part of Skills for Life, the DfES funded the production of diagnostic assessment

    materials and learning materials referenced to the national standards and curriculum

    documents. These diagnostic assessment packs are available from DfES Publications

    (as is another publication, Introducing Access for All, which has useful guidance).

    Each diagnostic assessment pack contains:

    paper-based task books for the relevant subject

    a teacher administration manual for each subject, including pre-Entry materials

    a CD-ROM with the full version of all the paper-based tasks.

    The best and most efficient way to carry out the diagnostic assessment is to use the

    interactive CD-ROM, which automatically prints off the individual learning plans (ILPs)

    for the learner. This is a fully interactive tool and is highly recommended.

    You can order the materials:

    by phone on 0845 602 2260

    by email from: [email protected].

    You can download Introducing Access for Allfrom:

    The table below provides the reference codes you will need to order the materials.

    DAM1 Diagnostic Assessment Material Pack for Literacy

    DAM2 Diagnostic Assessment Material Pack for Numeracy

    DAM3 Diagnostic Assessment Material Pack for ESOL

    DAM4 Diagnostic Assessment Material Pack for Dyslexia

    DAM6 Diagnostic Assessment Interactive CD-ROM

    DAM7 Diagnostic Assessment Acrobat PDFs

    DfESreference number Diagnostic assessment materials

    Page 6

  • 7/24/2019 Read Write Plus English IA Answers


    Question 1


    You telephone your doctor to ask for a home visit for a member of your family.

    Listen to the message and then tick the correct button.


    Welcome to Ambrose Surgery.

    For results of medical tests, press zero.

    If you require a repeat prescription, press 1.

    For an appointment to see a doctor, press 2.

    To request a home visit, press 3.

    For medical reports or certificates, press 4.

    To hear these options again, press star.


    Tick the correct button.

    Question 2


    Listen to the following information carefully.


    Ive been a coach driver now for 12 years, although Ive actually worked for the

    company for 18 years. I joined the company when I was 20 and I worked in theoffice for 6 years. Then one day a driver bet me I couldnt drive a bus. That did it!

    Ive been driving ever since.


    For how long has the woman interviewed worked for the company?


    Page 7

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    Question 3


    Listen to this message which was left on an answerphone. It will be played once

    only. When it ends you will be asked a question.


    Hello. This is Choice Holidays calling for Abdul Khan. We are calling to let you know

    that your flight tickets are now ready for collection. Over the next 30 days, we are

    offering a 50% reduction in the cost of buying Travellers Cheques. Remember, you

    will need to show your passport when buying Travellers Cheques.


    Which is the correct message to leave on a notepad for Abdul?

    Question 4

    Narrator:Listen to the recording and follow the map. When you are ready, answer the

    question in your workbook.


    Hi, George and Anna glad you can both make the party on Saturday at my place.

    Hope you got the map I sent. Like a fool, I forgot to put instructions on the map, so

    here they are!

    When you arrive at the station, go to the end of the road. Turn left at the junction and then take the second right.

    Walk to the next road and turn right again.

    Our house is facing you at the very end of the road.


    In which square is the house where the party is being held?


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    Question 5


    Listen to this person speaking to a friend on the phone.


    Hello, Joyce, its Emma. What a day! What a disaster! It was supposed to be my

    day off George and the kids had already gone when I got up only to find the

    fridge door had been left open and the milk had gone off. I then managed to trip

    over the kids toy box and nearly break my ankle. And then, to cap it all, when I

    went to have a shower, the plug hole was bunged up with goodness knows what,

    and I had to call the plumber.


    Were Emmas disasters caused by her children?

    Tick one box.

    Question 6


    Listen to Janet talking about her life. When you are ready, answer the question.


    My name is Janet. Ive lived in Leeds all my life. Right now Im running my own

    business as a florist. Ive not always done this job. When I left school I went straight

    into work at the local textiles factory. I was only 16. My dad didnt approve. Hedworked in factories all his life. After a few years I got disillusioned. Why? Well, the

    work was very dull and business was bad. I decided to get out before I got made

    redundant. I went to the local college and took a course in floristry. I got a job here

    14 years ago and when the owner retired, in 1998, I took over the business. Its

    been fantastic. Dad died in 1990, but I like to think he would have approved.


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    From what you have heard, which of the following is correct?Circle A, B, C or D.

    Question 7


    Listen to this description of an accident. Write numbers below the words to show

    the sequence in which they appeared in the description of the accident.


    Well, it was like this ... It was raining hard. The accident happened at about 5pm,

    during the rush hour. I was returning home when a white van veered across the

    motorway causing a red Fiesta to brake and hit the central reservation. I braked

    hard and my car, an Astra, went into a spin. Before I knew it, other vehicles were

    piling into me and the motorway was blocked. I was luckier than most and got

    away with just cuts and bruises. Others had to be cut out of their vehicles by

    firefighters, who were quick on the scene.


    Write numbers below the words to show the sequence in which they appeared in

    the description of the accident.

    Question 8


    Listen to this conversation. It will be played once only. When it has finished, answer

    the question.

    Female 1:

    Shirley, as my chief bridesmaid, I need your advice: should we book the wedding

    for August or later, in October? Ive checked with the caterers and they can do



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    Female 2:

    I dont have any strong preference. Although ... some people may have bookedholidays for August; but there again, the weather can be a bit unkind in October

    for the outdoor marquee you wanted. I tend to like autumn weddings myself, they

    seem more romantic. Have you asked Mike yet? Perhaps we ought to hear what

    he has to say?


    From what you have heard, which of the following is correct?

    Circle A, B, C or D.


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    Tick the correct button.01

    * 0 1 2 3 4




    D02 For how long has the woman interviewed worked for

    the company? Write A, B, C or D in the answer box.

    A Six years

    B Twenty one yearsC Twelve years

    D Eighteen years Answer:

    PART A LISTENING Answers1 mark availablefor each question.

    For each of the next ten questions, listen to the audio CD/cassette and

    answer each question in this answer booklet. You may replay the CD/

    cassette as many times as you wish.

    Page 12

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    PART A LISTENING Answers1 mark availablefor each question.

    03 Which is the correct message to leave on a notepad

    for Abdul? Write A, B, C or D in the box.

    A Choice Holidays called They are offering 30% off the cost

    of buying Travellers Cheques and your tickets are ready for


    B Choice Holidays called Your tickets are ready for collecting

    and they are offering 50% off the cost of Travellers Cheques.

    C Choice Holidays called Your tickets are ready for collecting,but you will need to show your passport before you can pick

    them up.

    D Choice Holidays called Your tickets will be ready in 30 days

    and they are offering 50% off the cost of Travellers Cheques.


    Page 13



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    PART A LISTENING Answers1 mark availablefor each question.


    A B C

    E G






    J L


    TQ R S

    04 Listen to the recording and follow the map. In which square

    is the house where the party is being held?



    Page 14



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    PART A LISTENING Answers1 mark availablefor each question.

    05 Were Emmas disasters caused by her children?

    Tick one box:



    Cant tell

    06 From what you have heard, which of the following is correct?

    Circle A, B, C or D.

    A Janet left school at 14 and worked in a factory.

    B Janet went straight to college when she left school.C Janet started work after her father died in 1990.

    D Janet was able to start her own business in 1998.

    Page 15


    Cant tell



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    PART A LISTENING Answers1 mark availablefor each question.

    Page 16

    End of PART A (listening skills).

    Write numbers below the words to show the sequence in

    which they appeared in the description of the accident.

    red Fiesta rain firefighters central reservation white van spin

    From what you have heard, which of the following is correct?

    Circle A, B, C or D.

    A Shirley needs Janets advice on her wedding.

    B Janet prefers an October wedding if possible.

    C Shirley prefers a wedding in August if possible.

    D The caterers can manage a wedding in August.




    1. rain

    2. white van

    3. red Fiesta4. central


    5. spin

    6. fire-


    All correct for

    1 mark.



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    PART B READING AND WRITING Answers1 mark availablefor each question.

    Page 17

    09 Read the information below and then select the correct order

    of the instructions: A, B, C or D.

    Write A, B, C or D in the answer box.

    remove the empty cartridge

    press the ink button on the


    lift the lid

    put in the new cartridge

    lift the lid

    press the ink button on the


    close the lid

    remove the empty cartridge

    lift the lid

    remove the empty cartridge

    put in the new cartridge

    close the lid

    press the ink button on the


    press the ink button on the


    lift the lid

    remove the empty cartridge

    put in the new cartridge

    To fit the new ink cartridge to a Combo Printer, lift the lid

    on the printer, remove the empty cartridge, put in the

    new cartridge, close the lid and then press the ink button

    on the printer.



    A B




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    PART B READING AND WRITING Answers1 mark availablefor each question.

    Page 18


    recipe to


    advertising toadvert,

    note pad to


    cheque to


    All correct

    for 1 mark.SSBE

    3267545734285748 373




    SALE To makeApp le Pie

    680g (1lb)Bramley Apples

    255g (9oz)Shortcrust Pastry

    75-100g (3-4oz)Soft Brown Sugar

    25g (1oz)Butter, diced

    1tbsp Plain Flour

    1-2tsp Caster Sugar

    1tsp Cinnamon

    Mix thebrown sugar, cinnamon and flour together into abowl.

    Placealayer of appleslices in thebaseof a900ml (1 pint)piedish .

    Sprinklewith someof the sugar, cinnamon and flour.

    Dot thebutter over theapples.

    Roll out thepastry until just larger than thepiedish.

    Cover thedish with thepastry, using any trimming to decoratethetop.

    10 Draw lines to match the documents below with their

    correct use.

    Money Message Advertising Instructions


    seventythreepounds 27


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    PART B READING AND WRITING Answers1 mark availablefor each question.

    Page 19







    01675 996743

    Experts in home andoffice equipmentcleaning, includingcomputers.


    We supply:

    floor polish

    cleaning cloths


    toilet paper

    CALL: 01676 873421


    We clean:carpets, wood,and tiled floors.Specialists instain removal

    01879 3452788

    Vanity Clean

    We clean your carsinside and out at your

    own home.

    Monthly or weekly rates

    01765 777888

    Which telephone number would you ring if you needed your

    carpet cleaning at home?

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    PART B READING AND WRITING Answers1 mark availablefor each question.

    Page 20




    When you arrive, prepare and sort out the breakfasts,

    dress the two older children for school, prepare their

    packed lunches and finally make sure you get themdown to the school transport on time.

    Read the childminders work sheet entry.

    What is the correct order in which the childminder should

    do things? Write A, B, C or D in the answer box.

    A dressing, breakfasts, lunches, transport

    B breakfasts, lunches, dressing, transport

    C breakfasts, dressing, lunches, transport

    D lunches, breakfasts, dressing, transport






    Citizenship is about ________ being involved in their community.

    What is the correct spelling of the word that should go in theblank space in the sentence below? Write A, B, C or D in the

    answer box.

    A people

    B poeple

    C peepleD peopel

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    PART B READING AND WRITING Answers1 mark availablefor each question.

    Page 21


    The best month in the garden is June as it is ________ warm

    and dry.

    What is the correct spelling of the word that should go in the

    blank space in the sentence below? Write A, B, C or D in the

    answer box.

    A allways

    B always

    C alway

    D allway


    16 Underline the word in the sentence below that should begin

    with a capital letter.

    I will see you at 2 oclock next monday.







    14 What is the correct word that should go in the blank space in

    the sentence below? Write A, B, C or D in the answer box.

    A but

    B so

    C and

    D after

    To charge the drill, put the battery in the charger

    ______ switch on at the mains.


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    PART B READING AND WRITING Answers1 mark availablefor each question.

    Page 22

    17 Read the sentences below. One is trying to persuade and

    one is trying to explain.

    Which sentence is trying to persuade? Write A or B in the

    answer box.

    A Why not come to the party on Tuesday? Its bound to be fun!

    B The party on Tuesday is to celebrate Avtars birthday.


    18 Read the appointment card and underline the date and

    the time when Mrs Omars son can see the dentist.


    Reference: Cancelled Appointment for: Yasir Omar

    Dear Mrs Omar

    The appointment for Yasir to see the dentist on

    23/11/05 at 11:30 has had to be changed. The dentist can

    now see Yasir on 12/12/05 at 2:30. We apologise for any

    inconvenience this may have caused you. Please let the

    surgery know by 10.30 on 11/12/05 if you cannot make

    the appointment.



    12/12/05and 2.30

    Both correctfor 1 mark.



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    PART B READING AND WRITING Answers1 mark availablefor each question.

    Page 23

    19 On which line on this application form (1 7) would you

    include information about your last job?


    1. Name:

    2. Gender:

    3. Occupation:4. NINumbe


    5. Referee:

    6. ReferenceNo:

    7. Previousemployment:



    20 Write the headings on the cards in correct alphabetical order.

    The first one has been done.





    Car 1. Banking








    1. banking2. car

    3. computer

    4. electricity

    5. holidays

    All correct


    1 mark.

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    PART B READING AND WRITING Answers1 mark availablefor each question.

    Page 24

    21 Underline the word that is incorrectly spelt in the letter below.

    22 Complete the sentence in the box by writing the verb in the

    future tense.

    Ali is in Manchester.

    Ali .......................................... in Manchester.

    23 The note below needs proofreading and correcting. Underline

    the word that is wrongly used.




    will beoris going

    to be



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    PART B READING AND WRITING Answers1 mark availablefor each question.

    Page 25

    24 The sentence below contains one punctuation error.

    Add the missing full stop in the correct place.

    The paint you got on Friday was the wrong

    colour I wanted blue.

    25 Will the development in Beach Road, Brighton begin in two

    months time? Tick ONE box:



    Cant tell

    Subject to final planning approval and there being no

    objections from the general public, the development in Beach

    Road should commence in two months time. A spokesperson

    from Developers Ltd. reported that the company is confident

    that the project will be approved and work will begin as




    full stopbetweencolourand I.


    Cant tell

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    Page 26

    How are you doing?

    Happy to go on?

    If not, tell the person in charge.

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    PART B READING AND WRITING Answers1 mark availablefor each question.

    Page 27

    Read this extract from a factory report.

    From the report, which of these statements is correct?

    Write A, B, C or D in the answer box.

    A Safety is the unions responsibility.

    B All safety standards are falling.

    C Floors in the factory are slippery.

    D Certain safety standards are falling.











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    PART B READING AND WRITING Answers1 mark availablefor each question.

    Page 28

    Read the information from a driving licence application form.

    Which of the following is acceptable as proof of identity in

    order to obtain a driving licence?

    Circle A, B, C or D.

    A A current United Kingdom Passport.

    B A photograph signed by a family member.

    C An application signed by Post Office staff.

    D A photograph signed by the applicant.

    To obtain a driving licence, you must supply aphotograph and proof of identity. The photographmust be signed unless you are providing a UKpassport for identification purposes.

    Warning: The person who signs your photographmust have known you personally for at least two years,and must not be a relative or a member of the PostOffice staff processing the application.

    Signing your photograph9.a




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    PART B READING AND WRITING Answers1 mark availablefor each question.

    Page 29

    Read this advertisement.

    According to the advertisement, an essential quality needed

    for the job is

    A qualificationsB ambition

    C awareness

    D flexibility

    Write A, B, C or D in the answer box.



    Applicants must have some experience of caring for young

    people either in a family or work situation. Qualifications in

    dealing with people with mobility problems are desirable,

    but not essential, as training will be given. Flexibility in

    working hours is required to fit in with the regular weekend

    and evening work rotas.

    The work is physically demanding and some awareness ofthe lifting regulations within the Health and Safety Guidelines

    is desirable. Applicants will need to be fit and prepared to

    undertake some training. This is an unusual opportunity to

    gain experience in this kind of work.

    Wessex Outdoor Community Centre



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    PART B READING AND WRITING Answers1 mark availablefor each question.

    Page 30

    Proofread this notice. Underline the word that is wrongly spelt.29

    For:All staff Date:15/04/05

    From:First Aid Officer Reference:Supplies

    FIRST AIDWhen treating a minor injury last week, I wassuprised to find an empty bottle of antiseptic in

    the Staff Room First Aid Kit. It is important that weare properly prepared to give emergency medicaltreatment at all times. In future, can staff let meknow when any supplies are running low.

    Thank you.




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    PART B READING AND WRITING Answers1 mark availablefor each question.

    Page 31

    Read the information about Liza Ono, who is preparing her CV.

    Liza needs to write her CV in the correct order, beginning

    with her most recent history.

    Which sequence should she use?

    A unemployed; hotel work; restaurant work; NVQ CateringB NVQ Catering; restaurant work; hotel work; unemployed

    C unemployed; restaurant work; hotel work; NVQ Catering

    D restaurant work; unemployed; hotel work; NVQ Catering

    Write A, B, C or D in the answer box.

    LIZA ONO Personal Profile

    Liza is 27 years old, lives with her family and is currently

    out of work. At school she passed 6 GCSEs and, in Year 10,

    did work experience in a fast-food restaurant. Liza likes

    clubbing, popular music and cooking. From school, she went

    to college and took an NVQ in Catering. Her last job was in

    a small hotel. Since leaving college, Liza has also worked intwo restaurants.





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    PART B READING AND WRITING Answers1 mark availablefor each question.

    Page 32

    This is part of a statement about a traffic accident.

    Underline the verb that is grammatically incorrect.



    I ______ a bank statement every two months.




    in thefirst line.


    AHow should the missing word in the sentence below be spelt?Write A, B, C or D in the answer box.

    A receive

    B recieve

    C receave

    D receeve

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    Page 33

    How are you doing?

    Happy to go on?

    If not, tell the person in charge.

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    Page 34

    33 Read the information taken from a shower guarantee leaflet.

    What do the underlined words mean?

    Write A, B, C or D in the answer box.

    A If you dont register your guarantee will be worthless.

    B Even if you dont register you will still be covered in law.

    C You must register in order to be covered by the law.

    D You need a valid reference number for the guarantee to

    be legal.


    To register for your FREE shower guarantee,

    call 0800 076 1234 (freephone) and quote

    the reference number: MSGH56D

    Please note, non-registration does not

    invalidate your statutory rights.



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    PART B READING AND WRITING Answers1 mark availablefor each question.

    Page 35

    3434 Read the information below.

    Which of the following statements describes how the

    supervisor is feeling about her staff?

    The supervisor is:

    A displeased with salesB praising her staffC being ironicD happy with staff efforts

    Write A, B, C or D in the answer box.


    The Supermarket supervisor spoke to her team at their

    regular Monday meeting. She said, Congratulations to you

    all. Sales must have been really brilliant over my weekend

    break. Judging by the empty shelves, the litter decorating

    the floors and the dirty footprints through nearly all the

    aisles, you must have all been extremely busy. I would like

    to thank Mikhail especially. He must have been so busy

    helping customers get their shopping to their cars that

    he had no time to collect up all the trolleys that are nowscattered around the car park.



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    PART B READING AND WRITING Answers1 mark availablefor each question.













    35 In each case below, decide whether the person is stating a

    fact or giving an opinion. Tick the appropriate box.

    The shops manager said that she felt the new Sonic

    CF8 was the best camera available in that price range.

    The shop assistant confirmed that he was able to

    offer a discount of 25% on all colour printers in stock.

    The manager said she thought that all the facts pointed

    to a decline in interest in digital cameras.

    The assistant felt that the zoom lens on the Sonic CF8

    camera was its best feature.


    Page 36



    All correctfor 1 mark.

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    36 Read the note below and then complete the order form.

    Description Code Size




















    19.99 PAGE125

    OrderForm -12-2005Date:

    DescriptionofgoodsCode Quantity Si

    ze Priceperitem

    Page 37



    14-12-05,Jeans,G28GR,1, Medium,19.99.

    All correctfor 1 mark.

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    PART B READING AND WRITING Answers1 mark availablefor each question.

    Page 39

    39 Read the following.

    The missing word is:

    A are

    B were

    C is

    D will

    Write A, B, C or D in the answer box.

    Minutes of Parents Committee Meeting 23 July 20051. The new Art Block

    The Headteacher reported that the architect working for thedevelopers and contractors involved _____ becoming increasinglyworried that the new Art Block will not be ready for the new term.

    Parents Committee


    40 Proofread the following. There is one error. Write the

    incorrectly spelt word correctly in the box.

    I bought a new refridgerator at your shoptwo weeks ago and it has not yet been

    delivered. Unless I receive it next week

    I shall cancel the order and insist on full

    compensation. Delivery any time after

    3.00pm is convenient.






  • 7/24/2019 Read Write Plus English IA Answers


    Revised trial version 2006-2007

    This item was produced as part of a suite of tools to assess learners for Skills for Lifeprogrammes.The tools were developed as part of a project which ran from 2003-2006. The project was jointly ledby AlphaPlusConsultancy Ltd and BTL Group Ltd on behalf of the Skills for LifeStrategy Unit (DfES).

    These tools are part of an ongoing development process.Feedback on the tools is therefore being encouraged and can be sent by email to:[email protected]

    AlphaPlusConsultancy Ltd and BTL Group Ltd would like to thank all those who took part in the trialsand contributed to the tools.

    Support is available at:


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    Copies of this publication can be obtained from:

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