3 ways to generate leads online

3 Ways Generate Leads Online To

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Post on 30-Oct-2014




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Every Business Needs a Vision, Every Vision Needs a Coach.

IntroductionThe art of lead generation is as old as the art of business. Without the ability to trigger people’s interest in what you do, you don’t really have any business to speak of. In the past you may have taken out Newspaper adverts, leafleted your local area or make yourself a nifty radio commercial. The number of ways to generate leads is endless. In the past, the pace that they were generated was easy to understand and keep up with. However things have changed, a new platform now dominates - the Internet.

In the modern world the Internet is everywhere and with the ever increasing speeds this influence is only going to grow. Although it develops and evolves at a rate that is difficult to get to grips with, it also allows us to reach an audience very cheaply and on a scale that has never been seen before. But how can we make best use of this platform as a business? What are the important things to remember when we are trying to get people interested in what we can do for them?

Here are 3 ways you can utilise this extraordinary platform to generate more leads for your business.

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Every Business Needs a Vision, Every Vision Needs a Coach.

1. Create Interest Through Great Content

To be anything worth listening to online, you first of all need content, content and more content. This is what people will connect to. You can create videos, eBooks (just like this), podcasts, blog posts, downloadable information packs etc.

Just think of it this way, if you are asking advice or want help solving an issue, you go to the place where you know the most expertise is. So it is all about becoming the go to place for your industry. Then when people need your product they will come and talk to you.

The content also acts as an engagement tool for your audience, which they can share with their friends. This sharing of content will do more for your marketing than you ever could.

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Every Business Needs a Vision, Every Vision Needs a Coach.

2. Social NetworkingThere are so many opinions on the benefits or pitfalls of social media. You may use it personally or you may not want to go near it at all. However from a business perspective it has benefits that have not really existed before on such a scale. That benefit is peer-to-peer recommendations. It

is like word of mouth on overdrive. If someone buys your product and likes it, they are more likely to share that with their friends on their social networks. If you provide them with the opportunity to share things they enjoy, they will. The marketing is done for you.

So how can you do this? Well create an account on a social network (one at first, lets keep it simple). Build an audience by providing that great content we talked about previously, this will build your followers or likes, the more of them you have the bigger your audience. The content

will then be shared with their friends and that will allow your brand awareness to grow. Finally make sure when they buy from you they have the chance to share their purchase on social networks.

Get this right and the interest in your brand will grow faster than you ever could do it on your own.

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Every Business Needs a Vision, Every Vision Needs a Coach.

3. A Real Sizzling Website

How often have you gone to someone’s website and thought “I cant find what I am looking for,” “Who are these people?” “What do they do?” Personally I have done it so many times I really cant remember, it seems to be a daily experience.

Your website is your home on the Internet, you need to treat it like that. You need to ensure that it says who you are, what you do and what someone can buy from you. But in addition to these things there is nothing more powerful than testimonials on your work. Your website is the perfect place to put them for others to see. Finally make sure you make it as easy as possible for your leads to buy or contact you.

The most important thing is to make the site informative, easy to use and welcoming. This will have people returning again and again.

Finally once you have got your website set and ready to go push, push, push. Get it out there on the web through social networks or search engines and trigger people’s interest through it.

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Every Business Needs a Vision, Every Vision Needs a Coach.

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SummarySo the art of lead generation is moving on from those days of leafleting and mailing but it doesn’t mean you cant embrace it. The possibilities are incredible in terms of the audience you can reach. So…

1. Get creating amazing content2. Start talking about it on Social Networks3. And create an online home where people want to

return again and again

Good luck with your efforts.

Joe TimothyAuthor

Harry ChappellIllustrator