experiments in geotechnical engineering - ii: semester vicivil.srpec.org.in/labs/lexeq/lm8.pdf ·...

Experiments in Geotechnical Engineering - II: Semester VI ngineering, S. R. Patel Eng. College, Dabhi Page 0 Smt. S. R. PATEL ENGINEERING COLLEGE Dabhi, unjha- 384170 Department of CIVIL engineering Subject : GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING-ii Subject code: 160606 EXPERIMENTS IN GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING

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Smt. S. R. PATEL ENGINEERING COLLEGE Dabhi, unjha- 384170

Department of CIVIL engineering


Subject code: 160606













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No. Experiment Page No. Date Sign

1. Auger Boring and Sampling

2. Standard Penetration Test

3. Permeability Test: Constant Head

4. Permeability Test: Falling Head

5. Free Swell and Swell Potential

6. Swelling Pressure Test

7. Model Pile Driving and Pile Load Test

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Experiment 1 Date:


IS 1892 : 1979

AIM: To collect soil sample using Auger Boring


1. Hand operated Auger (75 mm dia.)

2. drilling rods

3. guiding plates

4. trowels.


The hand augers used in boring are about 15 to 20 cm in diameter. These are suitable for

advancing holes up to a depth of 3 to 6m in soft soils. The hand auger is attached to the lower end of a

pipe of about l8mm diameter. The pipe is provided with a cross-arm at its top. The hole is advanced by

turning the cross-arm manually and at the same time applying thrust in the downward direction. When

the auger is filled with soil, it is taken out and for the required depth the disturbed samples are

preserved in order to determine required physical properties. If the hole is already driven, another type

of auger, known as post hole auger is used for taking soil samples.


An auger is a boring tool similar to one used by a carpenter for boring holes in wood. It consists

of shank with a cross-wise handle for turning and having central tapered feed screw. The augers can be

operated manually or mechanically. Mechanical augers are driven by power. These are used for

making holes in hard strata to a great depth. However, for depths greater than 12m, even mechanical

augers become inconvenient and other methods of boring are used. Continuous flight augers are

special type of mechanical augers which are provided with a central hollow tube. When the hole is

advanced, the central tube is kept plugged. As the auger is turned into the ground, the cuttings rise to

the surface through the spiral. During sampling, the plug is removed and a sampler is inserted for

taking the samples. The main disadvantage of using a continuous flight auger is that it becomes

difficult to ascertain the depth from which the cutting coming on the ground have been removed.

Auger boring is generally used in soils which can stay open without casing or drilling mud.

Clays, silts and partially saturated sands can stand unsupported. For soils which cannot stand

unsupported, especially for sandy soils below water table, a casing is normally required. For such

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soils, the method of auger boring becomes slow and expensive. Auger boring cannot be used when

there are large cobbles, boulders or other obstructions which prevent drilling of the hole, Auger

borings are particularly useful for subsurface investigations of highways, railways and air fields, where

the depth of exploration is small. The investigations are done quite rapidly and economically by auger

boring. The main disadvantage of the auger boring is that the soil samples are highly disturbed.

Further, it becomes difficult to locate the changes in the soil strata.

BORE LOG Date of Boring: Location of Boring :

Boring No.: Type of Boring:

Water Table: Type of Sampler:






Depth of











(%) G





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Water Content Determination by oven drying method for depth, in m =

Sr. No. Description Sample-l Sample-2

1 Container No.

2 Mass of container and wet soil W2, in g

3 Mass of container and dry soil W3, in g

4 Mass of container WI, in g

5 Mass of dry soil (W3- WI), in g

6 Mass of moisture (W2- W3), in g

7 Water content co = W2−W3

W3−Wl xl00, In %

8 Average water content, in %

Liquid Limit Determination by cone penetration method for depth, in m =

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Specific Gravity of soil for depth in m=

Room trmperature t0


1 2 3

1 Weight of density

bottle W1 g

2 Weight of density

bottle + dry soil W2 g

3 Weight of density

bottle + dry soil +

water W3 g

4 Weight of density

bottle + water W4 g

5 Specific gravity of soil

G=___(W2- W1)_____

(W4–W1)– (W3 – W2) G

Average sp. Gravity of soil at Tt

Average sp. Gravity of soil at 27O


Particle size distribution sheet for depth in m=

Mass of dry soil sample in g=





Particle size








% retained


% finer


1 4.75 mm

2 2.36 mm

3 1.18 mm

4 600µ

5 425µ

6 300µ

7 150µ

8 75µ

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Determination of Shear Parameters for the depth, in m:

Cross-sectional area of the specimen, cm2:

Bulk Density of soil:

Sr.No. Normal


Proving Ring

Reading (div)


Force,kg Shear Stress,kg/cm2


kg/cm2 Ø



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Experiment 2 Date:


IS :2131-1981

AIM: To determine the resistance of soil against penetration


1. Tripod

2. manila rope

3. doughnut hammer of weight 63.5kg

4. anvil

5. split spoon sampler

6. driving rod.


The standard penetration test is conducted in a bore hole using a standard split- spoon

sampler. when the bore hole has been drilled to the desired depth, the drilling tools are removed

and the sample is driven into the soil by a drop hammer of 63.5kg mass falling through a height

of 750mm at the rate of30 blows per minute (IS: 2131-1963).the number of hammer blows

required to drive 150mm of sample is counted. The sample is further driven by 150 mm and the

number of blows recorded. Likewise, the sampler is once again further driven by 150 mm and

number of blows recorded. The number of blows recorded for the first 150 mm is disregarded.

The number of blows recorded for the last two 150 mm intervals are added to give standard

penetration number (N).in other words, the standard penetration number is equal to the number

of blows required for 300 mm penetration beyond a seating drive of 150 mm. If the number of

blows for 150 mm drive exceeds 50, It is taken as refusal and test is discontinued. If the split spoon

sampler is driven less than 45cm (total), then the penetration will be for the last 30cm of

penetration (if less than 30cm is penetrated, the logs should state the number of blows and the

depth of penetration.


The standard penetration test is most commonly used in in-situ test, especially for

cohesion-less soils which cannot be easily sampled. The test is extremely useful for determining the

relative density and the angle of shearing resistance of cohesion-less soils. It can also be used to

determine the unconfined compressive strength of cohesive soils.

The standard penetration number is corrected for dilatancy correction and overburden correction

and overburden correction as explained below.

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(a) Dilatancy correction: Silty fine sand and fine sand below the water table develop pore

pressure which is not easily dissipated. The pore pressure increases the resistance of the soil and

hence the penetration number (N).Terzaghi and peak (1967) recommend the following

correction in the case of silty fine sands when the observed value of N exceeds

The corrected penetration number, Ne = 15 + 𝟏


Where NR is recorded value and NC is the corrected value NR ≤ 15, NC = NR

(b) Overburden pressure correction: In granular soils, the over burden pressure

affects the penetration resistance. If the two soils having same relative density but different

confining pressures are tested, the one with higher confining pressure gives a higher

penetration number. As the confining pressure in cohesion-less soils increases with the

depth, the penetration number for soils at shallow depths is underestimated and that at greater

depth is overestimated. For uniformity, the N-values obtained from field test under different

effective overburden pressures are corrected to a standard effective overburden pressure.

Gibbs and Holtz (1957) recommend the use of the following equation for dry or moist

clean sand.

Ne = NR X 𝟑𝟓𝟎


Where NR observed N value and 𝜎 = effective overbidding pressure.

The eq2.2 is only applicable for cr :::; 280 kN/m2.

The ratio ( Ne / NR ) should lie between 0.45 and 2.0.if ( Ne / NR ) ratio is

greater than 2.0, Ne should be divided by 2.0 to obtain the design value used in finding the

bearing capacity of the soil. The correction may be extended to saturated silty sand and fine sand

after modifying the NR according to Eq.2.2, i.e. Nc obtained from Eq. 2.2 would be taken as

NR In Eq. 2.1. Thus the overburden correction is applied first and then the dilatancy

correction is applied. Peck, Hansen and Thornburn (1974) give the chart for correction of N-

values to an effective overburden pressure of96 kN/m2, according to them.

Correction is given by Bazaara (1967), and also by Peck and Bazaara (1969), is one of the

commonly used corrections. According to them,

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Where N = NR, if 𝜎 = 71.8 Kn/m


The value of the standard penetration number N depends upon the relative density of

the cohession-less soil and the unconfined compressive strength of cohesive soil. If the soil

is compact or stiff, the penetration number is high. The angle of shearing resistance ((j)) of the

cohesion-less soil depends upon the number N. in general, greater the N-value, the greater

shearing resistance table 2.1 gives the average values of a for different ranges of N

The consistency and the unconfined shear strength of the cohesive soils can be approximately

determine from the SPT number N. as the correlation is not dependable, it is advisable to

determine the shear strength of the cohesive soils by conducting shear test on undisturbed

samples or by conducting in-situ vane shear test. Table 2.2 gives the approximate value of the

unconfined shear strength for different ranges of N the unconfined compressive strength can also

be determined from the following relation.

N Denseness (jJ

0-4 Very loose 25u _32


4-10 Loose 27u-35


10-30 Medi um 30u _40


30-50 Dense 35u _45


>50 Very Dense >45u

N Denseness {jl/ (kN/JI/)

0-2 Very soft <25

2-4 Soft 25-50

4-8 Medium 50-100

8-15 Stiff 100-200

15-30 Very stiff 200-400


Hard >400

A sub-soil investigation report should contain the data obtained from bore holes ,

site observations and laboratory results. It should also give recommendations about the suitable

type of foundation, allowable soil pressure and expected settlements. It is essential to give a

complete and accurate data collected. Each bore hole should be identified by code number. The

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location of each bore hole should be fixed by measurement of its distance or angles from some

permanent feature. All relevant data for the bore is recorded in a boring log.

A boring hole gives description or classification of various strata encountered at different


• Any additional information that is obtained in the field, such as soil consistency,

unconfined compressive strength, standard penetration test, cone penetration test, is

also indicated on boring

• log. It should also show water table. If the laboratory tests have been conducted, the

informaton abollt index properties, compressibility, shear strength, permeability, etc

should also be provided.

The data obtained from a series of bore holes is presented in the form of a sub-surface

profile. Sub-surface profile is a section tlu'ough the ground along the line of exploration. It

indicates the boundaries of different strata, along with their classification. It is important to

remember that conditions between bore holes are estimated by interpolation, which may

not be correct. Obviously, the larger the number of holes, the more accurate is the sub-surface

profile. The site investigation report should contain the discussion of the results. The discussion

should be clear and concise. The recommendations about the type and depth of foundation,

allowable soil pressure and expected settlements should be specific. The main findings of the

report are given in conclusion.

(1) Introduction, which gives the scope of investigation.

(2) Description of proposed structure, the location and geological conditions at the site.

(3) Details of the field exploration programme, indicating the number of borings ,tbeir

location and depth.

(4) Details of the methods of explorations.

(5) General description of the sub-soil conditions as obtained from in-situ tests, such as

standard penetration test, cone penetration test.

(6) Details of the laboratory test conducted on the soil samples obtained and the results


(7) Depth of ground water table and changes in water levels.

(8) Discussion of the results.

(9) Recommendations about the allowable bearing pressure, the type of foundation or

(10) Conclusion the main findings of the investigations should be clearly stated. it should

be brief but should mention salient points.

(11) Limitations of the investigations should also briefly stated.

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Date of Boring: Location of Boring :

Boring No.: Type of Boring:

Water Table: Type of Sampler:







Depth of












G Cu




I) Type of foundation:

2) Depth of foundation:

3) Width of foundation:

4) Allowable settlement:

5) Factor of safety:

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Ø General shear failure Local shear failure

Nc Ns Nr Nc' Ns' Nr'

0 5.7 1.0 0.0 5.7 1.0 0.0

5 7.3 1.6 0.5 6.7 1.4 0.2

10 9.6 2.7 1.2 8.0 1.9 0.5

15 12.9 4.4 2.5 9.7 2.7 0.9

20 13.3 7.4 5.0 11.8 3.9 1.7

25 25.1 12.7 9.7 14.8 5.6 3.2

30 37.2 22.5 19.7 19.0 8.3 5.7

34 52.6 36.5 35.0 23.7 11.7 9.0

35 52.8 41.5 42.4 25.2 12.6 10.1

40 95.7 81.3 100.4 34.9 20.5 18.8

45 172.3 123.3 297.5 51.2 35.1 37.7

48 258.3 287.9 730.1 66.8 50.5 60.4

50 347.5 415.1 1153.2 81.3 65.6 87.1


Ø Nc Ns Nr Ø Nc Ns Nr

0 5.14 1.00 0.00 1 5.38 1.09 0.07 26.00 22.25 11.85 12.54

2 5.63 1.20 0.15 27.00 23.94 13.20 14.47

3 5.90 1.31 0.24 28.00 25.80 14.72 16.72

4 6.19 1.43 0.34 29.00 27.85 10.44 19.34

5 6.49 1.57 0.45 30.00 30.14 18.40 22.40

6 6.81 1.72 0.57 31.00 32.67 20.63 25.99

7 7.16 1.88 0.71 32.00 35.49 23.18 30.22

8 7.53 2.06 0.86 33.00 38.64 26.09 35.19

9 7.92 2.25 1.03 34.00 42.16 29.44 41.06

10 8.35 2.47 1.22 35.00 46.12 33.30 48.03

11 8.80 2.71 1.44 36.00 50.59 37.75 56.31

12 9.28 2.97 1.69 37.00 55.63 42.92 66.19

13 9.81 3.26 1.97 38.00 61.35 48.93 78.03

14 10.37 3.59 2.29 39.00 67.37 55.96 92.25

15 10.98 3.94 2.65 40.00 75.31 64.20 109.41

16 11.63 4.34 3.06 41.00 83.86 73.90 130.22

17 12.34 4.77 3.53 42.00 93.71 85.38 155.55

18 13.10 5.26 4.07 43.00 105.11 99.02 186.54

19 13.93 5.80 4.68 44.00 118.37 115.31 224.64

20 14.83 6.40 5.39 45.00 133.88 134.88 271.76

21 15.82 7.07 6.20 46.00 152.10 158.51 330.35

22 16.88 7.82 7.13 47.00 173.64 187.21 403.67

23 18.05 8.66 8.20 48.00 199.26 222.31 496.01

24 19.32 9.60 9.44 49.00 229.93 265.51 613.16

25 20.72 10.66 10.88 50.00 266.89 319.07 762.89

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Sr. Description Sample-I Sample-II Sample-III Sample-IV


1 Depth, m

2 Observed SPT No., NR

3 Corrected SPT No., Nc

4 Field Density, gm/cc

5 Field Water Content, %

6 Liquid Limit, %

7 Plastic Limit, %

8 C, kg/cm2

9 <1>

10 Average N value

11 Design <1> value

12 Design C value

SBC by shear criteria, kN/m2:

13 N-<1> Correlation

14 Peck Method

15 I.S. code method

SBC by settlement criteria, kN/m2:

16 Terzaghi and Peck

17 Teng's Equation

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Experiment 3 Date:


IS 1892 : 1979

AIM : To determine the coefficient of permeability of soil in the laboratory by constant head

test using Jodhpur Permeameter.


1. Jodhpur permeameter

2. de-aired water

3. 4.75mm and 2mm IS sieves

4. mixing pan

5. stop watch

6. graduated measuring cylinder

7. beaker, and thermometer.


A. Preparation of dynamically compacted remoulded soil specimen:

I) Take 800 to 1000g of representative specimen of soil and raIse its water

content to the optimum water content. Leave the soil mix in an sir tight container for

some time.

2) Assemble the permeameter for dynamic compaction. For this, grease the

mould lightly from inside and place it upside down on the dynamic compaction

base. Find the mass of the assembly accurate to Ig. Put the 3cm collar to the other end.

3) Compact the wet soil mix in two layers, with 15 blows of the 2.5kg dynamic

ramming tool, given to each layer. Remove the collar and trim off the excess soil. Find

the mass of mould assembly with soil. The difference of the two masses taken in step 2

& 3 would give mass M of the compacted soil.

4) Place filter paper or fine wire mesh on the top of soil specimen and fix the

perforated base plate on to it.

5) Turn the assembly upside down and remove the compaction plate. Place

the top perforated plate on the top of the soil specimen and fix the top cap on to it, after

inserting the sealing gasket.

6) Now saturate the sample to about 70cm of mercury.


l) Place the mould assembly in the bottom tank and fill the bottom tank with

water up to its outlet.

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2) Connect the outlet tube of the constant head tank to the inlet nozzle of the

permeameter, after removing the air in the flexible rubber tubing connecting the tube.

Adjust the hydraulic head either by adjusting the relative heights of the permeameter

mould and the constant head tank, or by raising or lowering the air intake tube with in the

head tank.

3) Start the stop watch and at the same time put a beaker under the outlet of the

bottom tank. Run the test for some convenient time interval. Measure the quantity of water

collected in the beaker during the test.

4) Repeat the test twice more, under the same head and for same interval of time.

Observation Table:


No. Description

1 Area of stand pipe a, in cn/

2 Length of specimen L, in em

3 CIs area of the soil specimen A, em.!

4 Initial head hI> in em

Final head h2, in em


6 Time interval t, in see (a) I test

(b) II test

(c) III test


7 Coefficient of permeability at test temperature, in em/see

8 Test temperature, DC

9 Permeability at 27 DC, in em/see

Calculation: K=𝑄 𝐿 𝑇

𝑡 ℎ 𝑎



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Experiment 4 Date:


AIM: To determine the coefficient of permeability of soil in the laboratory by falling head test using

Jodhpur Permeameter.


1. Jodhpur permeameter

2. de-aired water

3. 4.7Smm and 2mm IS Sieves

4. mixing pan

5. stop watch

6. graduated measuring cylinder

7. beaker

8. thermometer.


1. Prepare the remoulded soil specimen in the permeameter and saturate it.

2. Keep the permeameter mould assembly in the bottom tank and fill the bottom tank with

water upon its outlet.

3. Connect the eater inlet nozzle of the mould to the stand pipe filled with water. Permit

water to flow for some time till steady state of flow is reached.

4. With the help of the stop watch, note the time interval required for the water level in the

stand pipe to fall from some convenient initial value to some final value.

5. Repeat the step at least twice and determine the time for the water level in the stand pipe to

drop from the same initial head to the same final value.

6. In order to determine the inside area of the cis of the stand pipe, collect the quantity of

water contained in between two graduations of known distance apart. Find the mass of this water

accurate to O.1g. The mass in gms divided by the distance, I em, between the two graduations

will give the inside area of cross-section of the stand pipe.

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Observation Table:


No. Description

1 Area of stand pipe a, in cn/

2 Length of specimen L, in em

3 CIs area of the soil specimen A, em.!

4 Initial head hI> in em

Final head h2, in em


6 Time interval t, in see (a) I test

(b) II test

(c) III test


7 Coefficient of permeability at test temperature, in em/see

8 Test temperature, DC

9 Permeability at 27 DC, in em/see


K=2.3 𝑎 𝐿

𝐴 𝑡 log10





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Experiment 5 Date:



Take two 109 soil specimen of oven dry soil passing through 425 11 I.S. sieve. Each

specimen of soil shall be poured in each of the two glass graduated cylinders of 100mi

capacity. One cylinder shall then be filled with kerosene oil and the other with distilled water

up to the 100mi mark. After the removal of entrapped air (by gentle shaking or stirring with a

glass rod), the soil in both the cylinders shall be allowed to settle. Sufficient time (not less

than 24hrs) shall be allowed for the soil sample to attain equilibrium state of volume without

any further change in the volume of the soils. The final volume of the soils in each of the

cylinders shall be read out.

Note: The case of highly swelling soils, such as sodium bentonites, the sample size

may he 5 g or alternatively a cylinder of250 ml capacity may be used.

Theory: Free swell is the increase in volume of a soil, without any external constraints, on

submergence in water. The possibility of damage to structures due to swelling of expansive clays need

be identified, at the outset, by an investigation of those soils likely to possess undesirable

expansion characteristics. Inferential testing is resorted 'to reflect the potential of the

system to swell under different simulated conditions. Actual magnitude of swelling

pressures developed depends upon the dry density, initial water content, surcharge loading

and several other environmental factors.

The level of the soil in the kerosene graduated cylinder shall be read as the original volume of

the soil samples, kerosene being a non-polar liquid does not cause swelling of the soil.

The level of the soil in the distilled water cylinder shall be read as the free swell level. The

free swell index of the soil shall be calculated as follows:

Free swell index, percentage= 𝑽𝒅−𝑽𝒌



Vd =the volume of soil specimen read from the graduated cylinder containing distilled water,

Vk = the volume of soil specimen read from the graduated cylinder containing kerosene.



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Experiment 6 Date:


AIM: to determint the sewlling pressure of soil.


1. Consolidometer (specimen diameter = 60mm, height of specimen = 20mm, the ratio of

diameter of the particles to the thickness of the specimen should be minimum 3)

2. brass rings, porous stones (minimum thickness = l5mm)

3. dial gauges (LC= 0.01 mm & range 20mm)

4. water reservoir

5. moisture room

6. soil trimming tools

7. oven

8. desiccator

9. balance (sensitive to 0.01 gm)

10. containers.


The consolidation specimen ring with the specimen shall be kept between two porous

stones saturated in boiling water providing a filter paper (Whatman No. 1 or equivalent)

between the soil specimen and the porous stone. The loading block shall then be positioned

centrally on the top of the porous stone. This assembly shall then be placed on the platen of the

loading unit as shown in figure. The load measuring proving ring tip attached to the load frame

shall be placed in contact with the consolidation cell without any eccentricity. A direct strain

measuring dial gauge shall be fitted to the cell. The specimen shall be inundated with distilled

water and allowed to swell.

The initial reading of the proving ring shall be noted. The swelling of the specimen with

increasing volume shall be obtained in the strain measuring load gauge. To keep the specimen

at constant volume, the platen shall be so adjusted that the dial gauge always shows the

original reading. This adjustment shall be done at every 0.1 mm of swell or earlier. The dial

gauge readings shall be taken till equilibrium is reached. This is ensured by making a plot of

swelling dial reading versus time in hours, which plot becomes asymptotic with abscissa (time

scale). The equilibrium swelling is normally reached over a period of 6 to 7 days in general for

all expansive soils. The assembly shall then be dismantled and the soil specimen extracted from

the consolidation ring to determine final moisture content.

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Calculation: The difference between the final and initial dial readings of the proving

ring gives total load in terms of division which when multiplied by the calibration factor gives

the total load. This when divided by the cross-sectional area of the soil specimen gives the

swell pressure expressed in kN/m2 ( kgf/cm2 ).


1. Undisturbed/Remoulded soil:

2. Liquid limit of soil:

3. Plasticity Index of soil:

4. Specific Gravity of soil:

5. Bulk/natural density of soil:

6. Field moisture content of soil:


Date Time Strain dial

Rdg before





Difference Load in Kg Swell

Pressure in



Swelling Pressure in(Kg/cm2) =

𝐹𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝑑𝑖𝑎𝑙 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔−𝐼𝑛𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑎𝑙 𝑑𝑖𝑎𝑙 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔

𝐴𝑟𝑒𝑎 𝑜𝑓 𝑠𝑝𝑒𝑐𝑖𝑚𝑒𝑛 X Calibration Factor

of proving ring



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Experiment 7 Date:



1. Model tank

2. model test pile

3. air dry sand

4. dial gauges

5. hydraulic jack.


A. Reaction: The reaction may be obtained by kentledge placed on a platform

supported clear of the test pile. In centre of gravity of the kentledge should generally be on the

axis of the pile and the load applied by the jack should also be coaxial with this pile. The reaction

to be made available for the test should be 25% more than the final test load proposed to be


B. Safe Load: The safe load on single pile for the initial test should be least of the


1. Two-thirds of the final load at which the total displacement attains a value of l2mm

unless otherwise required in a given case on the basis of nature and type of the

structure in which case, the safe load should be corresponding to the stated total

displacement permissible.

2. 50% of the final load at which the total displacement equal 10% of the pile diameter

in case of uniform diameter piles and 7.5% of the bulb diameter in case of under-reamed piles.

C. ERP Test method: This method is used for determining ultimate bearing capacity of

pile. This method is not useful to predict settlement of the pile under working load conditions.

The load shall be measured by means of pressure of 0.01 mm sensitivity load gauge. The

penetration (deflection) should be measured by means of dial gauges held by a datum bar

resting on immovable supports at a distance of at least 3D (subject to minimum of 1.5m)

away from the test pile edge.

D. is pile stem diameter of circular piles or diameter of the circumscribing circle in the

case of square or non-circular piles. One of the dial gauges will be selected for conducting the test.

With continuous application of pressure on the pile top by the operating jack, a person watches

the rate settlement of the dial gauge against a stop watch held in his hand and directs the pump

operator to pump faster or slower or at the same rate as needed to maintain the prescribed rate of

settlement say at every 0.25mm settlement, he gives an indication to take readings.

Immediately, other persons record the pressure gauge readings and other dial gauge readings.

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The pump supplying the jack may be hand or mechanically operated. For force up to

200ton hand pumping is convenient.

The jack should be operated to cause the pile to penetrate at uniform rate which may be controlled

by checking the time taken for small increments of penetration and adjusting the pumping

rate accordingly. Reading of time, penetration and load should be taken at sufficiently close

intervals to give adequate control of the rate of penetration. A rate of penetration of about

0.75mm per min is suitable for predominantly friction piles. For predominantly end-bearing

piles in sand or gravel, rate of penetration of 1.5mm per minute may be used. The rate of

penetration, if steady, may be half or twice these values without significantly affecting the

results. The test should be carried out for the penetration more than 10% of the diameter of the

pile base.


Type of pile: Depth of model pile:

Cross-sectional area of pile: Type of soil:

Pile material: Capacity of jack:

Sr. No. Time, in sec Depth of penetration, in mm Load, in Kn

