workplace bullying quotes

20 Quotes on Workplace Bullying

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Post on 13-Apr-2017




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20 Quotes on

Workplace Bullying

"Most organisations

have a serial bully.

It never ceases to amaze me

how one person's divisive

dysfunctional behaviour

can permeate the entire

organisation like a cancer.“

Tim Field ~

1 Workplace Bullying Quotes

“Asking for help means trusting the people you

love and respect to step up when you need them,

and it gives you an opportunity to help them in

the future if they need you.”

Annie Clayton ~ Brilliant Not Bullied

2 Workplace Bullying Quotes

“Workplace bullying

“is akin to

domestic violence

at work,

where the abuser

is on the payroll.”

Workplace Bullying Institute

3 Workplace Bullying Quotes

“Some bullies

use teasing as a weapon,

by saying ‘I’m only joking’

to hide the bullying.

They may insult

and consistently

put you down.”

Annie Clayton ~ Brilliant Not Bullied

4 Workplace Bullying Quotes

They can go from ‘nice to nasty’,

or ‘zero to bitch’, rapidly. They are experts in masking

their dangerous side, by being super charming around people

in higher positions.

“With a skilled bully, nothing is ever as it appears.”

Dave Chapman ~

5 Workplace Bullying Quotes

“Being shaken, anxious, stressed, depressed,

losing concentration, and reduced productivity,

are just some of the reported symptoms

endured by targets of bullying.”

Annie Clayton ~ Brilliant Not Bullied

6 Workplace Bullying Quotes

"For the sake of simplicity,

a workplace bully is basically

anyone who makes your work life a

living hell by contributing to or

creating, a hostile, abusive or

intolerable work environment.

This is usually accomplished through

intimidation, humiliation, criticism

and ridicule, or demeaning behavior."

7 Workplace Bullying Quotes

“Bullies may justify their behavior as necessary or


and they may not even be aware

that their ‘style of management’

or behavior, is in fact bullying.”

Annie Clayton ~ Brilliant Not Bullied

8 Workplace Bullying Quotes

The bullies “hate has nothing to do with how they feel about you; it’s a reflection about how

they feel about themselves”

and the bottom line is that “emotionally mature people

don’t spend their valuable time trying to destroy people.”

Shola Richards ~

9 Workplace Bullying Quotes

“A target is often chosen

because of their strength,

not their weakness.”

10 Workplace Bullying Quotes

“Many targets

do not


the bully’s purpose

until it is too late.”

Patricia G. Barnes, J.D.

Surviving Bullies, Queen Bees & Psychopaths in the Workplace

11 Workplace Bullying Quotes

“The frightening thing

is how quickly

your confidence erodes

when you are

in this situation.”

Annie Clayton ~ Brilliant Not Bullied

12 Workplace Bullying Quotes

“Stress and anxiety

are the cousins of fear.

Fear comes when you

have a sense of danger...

That fear puts us into survival mode and prevents us

from calmly finding a solution.”

Barbara Sher

13 Workplace Bullying Quotes

“Fear stifles our thinking and actions. It creates indecisiveness

that results in stagnation.

I have known talented people who procrastinate indefinitely

rather than risk failure.

Lost opportunities cause erosion of confidence, and the

downward spiral begins.”

Charles Stanley

14 Workplace Bullying Quotes

Fear leads us to obsess about what is happening.

It is easy to get trapped in a cycle of fear.

We fear what will happen if we stay, and we fear what will

happen if we leave.”

Annie Clayton ~ Brilliant Not Bullied

15 Workplace Bullying Quotes

“You may just be

in the wrong place

at the wrong time.

Bullies are predatory

and opportunistic.”

Life after Adult

16 Workplace Bullying Quotes

“One of the most significant impacts of bullying is the powerlessness you feel as others

play with your life, like you are just a puppet on the end of a handful of


Annie Clayton ~ Brilliant Not Bullied

17 Workplace Bullying Quotes

“Bullied targets are not weak. They are incredibly strong and stubborn

to their own detriment.

They stay in abusive situations too long.

Their health suffers

(stress-related diseases start rather quickly) but the symptoms

are negligible and are ignored until medical crises surface.”

Workplace Bullying Institute

18 Workplace Bullying Quotes

“There are mixed views on whether a bully should be


Factors to consider include the amount of support you have at

work, and at home, and whether or not you are the only person being targeted by the bully.”

Annie Clayton ~ Brilliant Not Bullied

19 Workplace Bullying Quotes

“Growth is painful.

Change is painful.

But nothing is as painful as staying stuck somewhere

you don’t belong.”

Mandy Hale

20 Workplace Bullying Quotes