reading systems improvement framework

Reading Systems Improvement Framework Developing Global Readers for Academic Success

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Reading Systems Improvement Framework

Developing Global Readers for Academic Success

Page 2: Reading Systems Improvement Framework

Reading Systems Improvement Framework

Draft: For Discussion Purposes Only 2


The purpose of the Reading Systems Improvement Framework is to provide Washington’s school districts actionable steps and guidance in an effort to build

a comprehensive K-12 reading system. Another function of the framework is to assist districts and schools as they implement and enhance their current

reading systems. The framework is aligned with the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction’s Nine Characteristics of High Performing Schools, as well

as the elements of a successful reading system which include standards, assessment, high quality reading instruction & intervention, leadership, and system-

wide commitment (SAILS). Aligning the Reading Systems Improvement Framework with the elements of SAILS promotes continuous effort of improvement

for all students in Washington State.

The Reading Systems Improvement Framework is based in part upon the following research-based principles indicated in the Washington State K-12 Reading


1. Effective instructional materials for reading are anchored in scientifically-based reading research and emphasize the five essential reading

components: phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension as analyzed by The Report of National Reading Panel in their

landmark meta-analysis of K-12 reading research.

2. Students must read at the highest possible level of proficiency, based on Washington State Standards, in order to participate in all aspects of life.

3. An adequate amount of engaged, rigorous instructional time must be allocated in order to optimize student growth in reading.

4. Reading instruction needs to be adjusted based on frequent assessment of student performance and progress monitoring data.

Background The Reading Systems Improvement Framework is a collaborative effort involving expert representatives from several divisions of the Office of the

Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI): District and School Improvement and Accountability (DSIA) and Teaching & Learning. Contributors also include:

DSIA Reading Technical Assistance Providers and the literacy experts from Educational Service Districts from around Washington State. DSIA is piloting the

Reading Systems Improvement Framework in its current work with districts and schools. The Reading Systems Improvement Framework provides DSIA the

foundation to define and differentiate supports, services, and professional development.

The rationale for a systems framework approach to improving reading achievement includes policy evaluations, theory, and logical conclusions from field

implementations. Following a systemic, multi-component plan to improve the proficiency of both struggling and highly-skilled readers ensures a positive

impact on student achievement. As districts and schools begin to implement an effective reading system, their success will depend upon adopting content

standards (Grade Level Expectations), using assessment data to guide instructional decisions, and implementing high quality reading instruction and

interventions that incorporate proven and appropriate methods and materials. Effective leaders weave these pieces together; their efforts result in

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Reading Systems Improvement Framework

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improved practice and higher achievement. System-wide commitment to reading achievement as a key mission of a school – and the belief it is achievable -

is the final element critical to the success of a sustained and systemic approach to instructional improvement.

The Reading Systems Improvement Framework is organized into five components:

1. Reading Leadership

2. Tier I: Developing a Healthy Core

3. Reading Assessment Systems

4. Tier II and Tier III Reading Intervention

5. Reading Systems Support

These components should not be viewed or addressed in isolation, but must work together to build an effective system to improve student achievement.

As illustrated on page 5, the Framework is written in a seven column format. In the first column, actions for improving each component are listed in order of

suggested implementation, each action building on the last. The bullets below each action provide additional details, including specific steps, suggested

resources, and research. The second column identifies the element(s) of the SAILS model addressed in each action. The SAILS model addresses the five

elements of an effective systematic reading system: Standards, Assessment, Instruction & Intervention, Leadership, and System-wide Commitment. The

third column identifies the alignment with the Nine Characteristics of High Performing Schools. OSPI’s Nine Characteristics of High Performing Schools, a

research-based document identifying attributes that distinguish high performing schools, becomes central to the continuous process for school-wide

improvement. These attributes include: a Clear and Shared Focus; High Standards and Expectations; Effective School Leadership; High Levels of

Collaboration and Communication; Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment Aligned with Standards; Frequent Monitoring of Teaching and Learning; Focused

Professional Development; Supportive Learning Environment; and High Levels of Community and Parent Involvement. The fourth column identifies the

leadership necessary to implement or complete each action. Led by the superintendent and the curriculum director, the district reading leadership team is

the primary group responsible for implementing the Reading Systems Improvement Framework. In the fifth column, goals and outcomes for each action are

provided; and the professional development modules that support the action are listed in the sixth column. Finally, column seven provides a reflective rubric

for districts to assess their current system implementation.


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Reading Systems Improvement Framework

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Reading Systems Support

Tier II & Tier III

Reading Assessment System

Developing a Healthy Core

g Syste

mReading Leadership





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Page 5: Reading Systems Improvement Framework

Reading Systems Improvement Framework

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Action SAILS Nine

Characteristics Leadership Goals and Outcomes

Module # of Days

Reflective Rubric

Reading Leadership 1. Establish district reading leadership.

District reading leadership team District Superintendent[s], Directors, Community, School Board and Teacher representation;

District reading cadre Coaches, Principals, Master Teachers, Special Education representatives, Coordinators; and

Building reading focus team Principal, Reading Coach, Core/Reading Teacher, Special Education and Title I representation.

2. Build shared knowledge of current reading instruction and implementation research as it applies to distributed leadership. Review Implementation and

leadership research which may include: o Implementation Research: A

Synthesis of Literature. Fixen, D.L., Naoom, S.F., Blasé, K.A., Friedman, R.M. & Wallace, F. (2005);

o Leadership & Sustainability:

Leadership System-wide Commitment Leadership Instruction and Intervention System-wide


Effective School Leadership Clear and Shared Focus Effective School Leadership Clear and Shared Focus

Superintendent District




Common vision and consensus to support literacy improvement Develop rationale

and foundation for

implementation of

the Reading Systems



Reading Leadership 101 (½ day)

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Action SAILS Nine

Characteristics Leadership Goals and Outcomes

Module # of Days

Reflective Rubric

System Thinkers in Action. Fullan, M. (2005); and

o School Leadership that Works: From Research to Results. Marzano, R.J., Waters, T., & McNulty, B.A. (2005). Communicate the synthesis of research to provide a foundation for implementing the Reading Systems Improvement Framework to all stakeholders

3. Build knowledge of the Washington

State K-12 Reading Model Response to

Intervention (RTI) for Washington’s


Compare the relationships between the two documents;

Identify ways in which the two documents relate to Fixsen’s implementation science;

Assist in developing structures and supports necessary for implementing a three-phase reading system (i.e., Tier I Instruction along with Tier II and Tier III Intervention); and

Focus on improving achievement for all students.

Leadership Instruction & Intervention System-wide Commitment

Effective School Leadership Clear and Shared Focus

District Reading Leadership Team

To build knowledge and understanding of supports available for creating a seamless system for reading instruction.

Washington State K-12 Reading Model with a Twist of RTI (1 day)

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Action SAILS Nine

Characteristics Leadership Goals and Outcomes

Module # of Days

Reflective Rubric

4. Conduct a district self-assessment. Embed the deeper reading gap

analysis processes into the self-assessment process. o Identify strengths and

opportunities for growth in a tiered instructional system;

o Implement policies and practices that limit tracking while providing access, opportunity, and intervention, as needed, for all students;

o Implement an inquiry-based process;

o Analyze data disaggregated for various student populations to reveal achievement gaps;

o Identify patterns of student access;

o Develop an action plan. o Evaluate and measure the action

plan; o Use the District Self-Assessment and

Rubric – categories aligned to improvement framework; and

o Apply characteristics of Improved Districts.

Standards Assessment Instruction & Intervention Leadership System-wide Commitment

Effective School Leadership Supportive Learning Environment Clear and Shared Focus

District Reading Leadership Team

Critical areas of need are identified and used to guide action planning for reading systems improvement.

District Self Assessment (2-3 days)

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Action SAILS Nine

Characteristics Leadership Goals and Outcomes

Module # of Days

Reflective Rubric

5. Conduct the Gap Analysis Process as a stand-alone activity. Identify strengths and opportunities

for growth in a tiered instructional system;

Implement policies and practices that limit tracking while providing access, opportunity, and intervention for all students;

Engage in an inquiry-based process; Analyze data disaggregated for

various student populations to reveal the achievement gaps;

Identify patterns of student access; Develop an action plan; and Evaluate and measure the action


Standards Assessment Instruction & Intervention Leadership System-wide Commitment

Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment Aligned with Standards

District Reading Leadership Team Building Leaders Instructional Coaches Grade Band Teacher Leaders Special Education. Title I, ELL representation

Identifies strengths and opportunities for growth in a tiered instructional system

Reading Systems Gap Analysis (2 days)

6. Draft and publicize a district-wide reading mission and vision statement Use current reading research,

previously identified areas of need, and district data to develop reading mission, vision and goals; and

Ensure alignment of school improvement plans and other initiatives with the district mission, vision and goals.

System-wide Commitment

Clear and Shared Focus

District Reading Leadership Team

Develop a clear and focused district- wide mission and vision.

Incorporated in Reading Leadership Module (1/2 day)

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Action SAILS Nine

Characteristics Leadership Goals and Outcomes

Module # of Days

Reflective Rubric

7. Consistent with findings from the Self Assessment and Action Planning processes, ensure the district has an effective infrastructure for distributing reading leadership across the system. Assess the system’s capacity to

support instructional leadership in reading;

Establish work group(s) to complete work identified in the action plan;

Establish a problem solving and decision-making model under which teams and work groups function effectively;

Define roles and responsibilities of the team and team members;

Create a plan for ongoing consensus building and communication to all stakeholders; and

Establish procedures for regular and consistent communication to all stakeholders.

Standards Assessment Instruction & Intervention Leadership System-wide Commitment

Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment Aligned with Standards

District Reading Leadership Team Building Reading Focus Teams (K-12)

A seamless system of problem solving and communication throughout the district.

No module, rather an on-going commitment and collaboration to establishing System-wide Commitment.

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Action SAILS Nine

Characteristics Leadership Goals and Outcomes

Module # of Days

Reflective Rubric

8. Create and support structures to promote professional collaboration at all levels of the system.

Provide professional development related to collaboration and facilitation skills at all levels of the system;

Understand, model, and implement the components of professional collaboration; and

Establish processes and protocols for collaborative teams to analyze data.

Standards Assessment Instruction & Intervention Leadership System-wide Commitment

Clear and Shared Focus High Levels of Collaboration and Communication

District Reading Leadership Team Building Reading Focus Teams (K-12)

Establish norms. Facilitative leadership and community as well as protocols for collaboration.

Collaboration and Facilitation (1 day)

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Action SAILS Nine

Characteristics Leadership Goals and Outcomes

Module # of Days

Reflective Rubric

Tier I: Developing A Healthy Core

1. Build knowledge of current reading research as it relates to curriculum and instructional strategies as they align with WA State Standards. K-5 and 6-12 scientifically based reading

instructional research. o 5 components (K-5) o 6 components (6-12)

Research may include: National Institute of Child Health

and Human Development. (2000). Report of the National Reading Panel.

Institute of Education Sciences(2009) Assisting Students Struggling with Reading: Response to Intervention and Multi-Tier Intervention in the Primary Grades

Institute of Education Sciences (2008) Improving Adolescent Literacy.

Alliance for Excellent Education

(2004) Reading Next—A Vision for Action and Research in Middle and High School Literacy:

Standards Assessment Instruction & Intervention Leadership System-wide Commitment

Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessments Aligned with Standards Supportive Learning Environment High Standards and Expectations

District Reading Leadership Building Reading Focus teams

Build knowledge of current reading research as it relates to curriculum, and instructional strategies as they align with Washington State Standards

Revving Up the Rigor: From Research to Practice (K-5 Research) Revving Up the Rigor: From Research to Practice (6-12 Reading Research) (1 day each)

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Action SAILS Nine

Characteristics Leadership Goals and Outcomes

Module # of Days

Reflective Rubric

2. Build system-wide understanding of the Washington State Reading Standards. Gain a deep understanding of the

Reading Grade Level Expectations (GLEs):

o Structure, o Organization, o Vertical alignment, and o Horizontal alignment;

Unpack standards to guide the learning focus; this knowledge will serve as a critical foundation for professional development opportunities;

Gain a deep understanding of Reading English Language Development standards;

Use established objectives to target instruction; and

Identify essential standards for their critical use in common core assessments.

Standards Assessment Instruction & Intervention

High Standards and Expectation Clear and Shared Focus Curriculum, Instruction, Assessment Aligned with Standards

District Reading Leadership Building Reading Focus teams Grade level teacher leaders (K-12)

Gain a deep understanding of the reading GLEs. Gain a deep understanding of Reading ELD standards. Use established objectives to target instruction. Identify essential standards for their critical use in common core assessments.

Standards-Based System: Local Accountability (3 days)

English Language Development Standards (1/2 day)

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Action SAILS Nine

Characteristics Leadership Goals and Outcomes

Module # of Days

Reflective Rubric

3. Align Core Curriculum with Washington State Standards.

Identify instructional materials to meet each standard;

Conduct a curriculum materials analysis to identify standards that are not fully addressed by core curriculum; and

Use a curriculum materials analysis to determine the need for supplemental materials to use in prime level instruction.

4. Develop common pacing guides/instructional calendars.

Use aligned materials to identify core program lessons/chapters to emphasize or de-emphasize;

Identify sequence of core program lessons/chapters and amount of time needed for each; and

Identify appropriate lessons from

supplemental materials to fill gaps in


Standards Assessment Instruction & Intervention

High Standards and Expectations Clear and Shared Focus Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment Aligned with Standards

District Reading Leadership Building Reading Focus teams Grade level teacher leaders (K-12)

Established objectives are used to target instruction. Identify essential standards for their critical use in common core assessments.

Pacing Guide Development (1 day)

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Action SAILS Nine

Characteristics Leadership Goals and Outcomes

Module # of Days

Reflective Rubric

5. Tier 1 Core Instruction: Build teachers’ content and pedagogical knowledge.

Identify the characteristics of core instruction in a tiered instructional model – time, duration, and frequency of instruction;

Increase teachers’ knowledge with strategies that illustrate the awareness and manipulation of sounds during phonological awareness instruction

Increase teachers’ knowledge with strategies that enhance relationships

between the sounds in words and their print letter correspondence during both foundational and complex phonics instruction

Increase teachers’ knowledge with strategies that bridge decoding and comprehension, rate and expression of oral reading during fluency instruction

Increase teachers’ knowledge with strategies that are essential to build

conceptual understanding and increase comprehension, expressive vocabulary and receptive vocabulary during vocabulary instruction

Increase teachers’ knowledge with strategies and skills that foster

understanding of text from various genres during comprehension instruction

Standards Assessment Instruction & Intervention Leadership System-wide Commitment

Curriculum, Instruction, Assessment Aligned with Standards Frequent Monitoring of Teaching and Learning Supportive Learning Environment

District Reading Leadership Building Reading Focus teams Grade Level Teacher Leaders (K-12)

Build teachers’ content and pedagogical knowledge

Incorporated in Rigor Increased Through Reading Research (K-5 Research) Rigor Increased Through Reading Research (6-12 Reading Research) (1 day each)

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Action SAILS Nine

Characteristics Leadership Goals and Outcomes

Module # of Days

Reflective Rubric

Increase teachers’ knowledge with strategies for analysis and

morphological understanding of multisyllabic words, and word origins during word study instruction of adolescent readers

Increase teachers’ knowledge with Motivation strategies necessary to help

students progress in reading acquisition as an aspect of achievement especially for adolescent students

Language Essential for Teachers of

Reading and Spelling (LETERS Series)

Available upon request

6. Define the role of Oral Language in Reading Achievement. Identify the role oral language

development plays in increasing reading achievement;

Understand current research regarding oral language development and reading success; and

Build repertoire of oral language development strategies for classroom application.

Standards Assessment Instruction & Intervention System-wide Commitment

Curriculum, Instruction, Assessment Aligned with Standards Frequent Monitoring of Teaching and Learning Supportive Learning Environment

District Reading Leadership Building Reading Focus teams Grade Level Teacher Leaders (K-12)

Develop understanding of the role oral language serves in reading acquisition.

Verbal Language Environment Development (1/2 day)

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Action SAILS Nine

Characteristics Leadership Goals and Outcomes

Module # of Days

Reflective Rubric

7. Develop and implement Formative Assessments

Develop a common understanding of the formative assessment process. o Effective formative assessment

includes five key strategies:

Clear learning targets

Tasks that elicit student understanding

Effective feedback

Student taking ownership of their own learning

o Formative assessment can be applied at four levels:

Teachers’ instructional adjustments

Students’ learning tactic adjustments

Classroom climate shift

School wide implementation

(Transformative Assessment, Popham, 2008)

Teachers collaborate to determine the content to be formatively assessed and assessment methods.

Teachers use evidence to inform minute-by-minute and day-by-day instructional practice.

Students use evidence to set goals to reach targets and inform their learning.

Standards Assessment Instruction & Intervention System-wide Commitment

Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment Aligned with Standards Frequent Monitoring of Teaching and Learning

District Reading Leadership Building Reading Focus teams Grade Level Teacher Leaders (K-12)

Formative assessment is used to inform instruction and for students to monitor their progress.

Formative Assessment (1 day)

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Action SAILS Nine

Characteristics Leadership Goals and Outcomes

Module # of Days

Reflective Rubric

Provide job-embedded supports and tools to ensure that teachers implement formative assessment practices and discuss these practices in collaborative teams.

Reading Assessment Systems

1. Implement a comprehensive assessment system to drive instructional decisions. Define the purpose for each type of

assessment: screening, progress monitoring, program-embedded, diagnostic, or outcome;

Effectively implement each type of assessment: screening, progress monitoring, program-embedded, diagnostic, and outcome;

Allocate time and develop structures that provide for collaboration and analysis of assessment data throughout the system; and

Monitor the implementation stages of the assessment system.

Standards Assessment Instruction & Intervention Leadership System-wide Commitment

Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment Aligned with Standards Frequent Monitoring of Teaching and Learning

District Reading Leadership Building Reading Focus teams Grade Level Teacher Leaders (K-12)

Comprehensive Assessment System Development (1 day)

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Action SAILS Nine

Characteristics Leadership Goals and Outcomes

Module # of Days

Reflective Rubric

1. Identify Components of the three-tier model.

Review the curriculum, instruction, and assessment components of each tier; and

Identify school structures needed to support implementation: o Time/Resources, o Personnel, and o Professional development.

2. Understand the characteristics of Tier II and Tier III instruction.

Review characteristics of Tier I instruction;

Ensure Tier II and Tier III instruction supplements the core instruction for students who need additional support outside of Tier I;

Apply research based instructional strategies;

Identify instructional targets for students through a comprehensive assessment system; and

Ensure appropriate instructional time, duration, and rigor for intervention(s).

3. Monitor student progress and adjust instruction and intervention(s).

a. Monitor student achievement at classroom, school, and district levels.

b. Adjust instructional program at classroom, school, and district level to meet student need.

Standards Assessment Instruction and Intervention Leadership System-wide Commitment

Curriculum, Instruction, Assessment Aligned with Standards

Frequent Monitoring of Teaching and Learning

District Reading Leadership Building Reading Focus Teams Grade Level Teacher Leaders K-12

Understand the characteristics of Tier II and Tier III instruction.

Tier II & III (1 day)

Tier II & Tier III Reading Intervention

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Action SAILS Nine

Characteristics Leadership Goals and Outcomes

Module # of Days

Reflective Rubric

Reading System Support

1. Effectively Train Para Educators and Implement Supports: LETRS Para Reading Series

Increase understanding and knowledge of critical components of reading and their role in increasing students' reading abilities;

Engage in interactive learning and application of strategies to teach reading; and

Prepare para-educators to

effectively utilize the materials

provided for them to assist with

teaching reading.

Standards Instruction & Intervention System-wide Commitment

Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment Aligned with Standards Supportive Learning Environment High Levels of Communication and Collaboration

District Reading Leadership Team District Reading Cadre Building Reading Focus Teams Family Advocate

Increase understanding and knowledge of critical components of reading and their role in increasing students' reading abilities.

Integrating Para-educators Into Your Reading System (1 day)

2. Build Family Involvement and the Home to School Connection.

Develop strategies for strengthening the home to school reading involvement connection; and

Develop practical ideas to help

families support reading success.

Standards Assessment Instruction and Intervention Leadership System-wide Commitment

High Levels of Communication and Collaboration Supportive Learning Environment

District Reading Leadership Team District Reading Cadre Building Reading Focus Teams Family Advocate

Develop strategies for strengthening home-school reading involvement and connection

Family Involvement: Home/School Connection (½ day)

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Action SAILS Nine

Characteristics Leadership Goals and Outcomes

Module # of Days

Reflective Rubric

3. Develop the Reading - Writing Connection.

Understand the writing reading connection; and

Apply strategies that integrate reading and writing.

Standards Assessment Instruction and Intervention Leadership System-wide Commitment

High Levels of Communication and Collaboration Supportive Learning Environment

District Reading Leadership Team District Reading Cadre Building Reading Focus Teams Technology support team

Content Area


To develop an understanding of the neurological and instructional connections within the four domains of language acquisition.

Reading - Writing Connection (½ day)

4. Reading Across Content Area/Disciplinary Literacy.

Create effective strategies to engage students; and

Align strategies and skills to state standards.

Standards Assessment Instruction & Intervention Leadership System-wide Commitment

High Levels of Communication and Collaboration Supportive Learning Environment

District Leadership Team District Reading Cadre Building Reading Focus Teams Family Advocate

Develop an understanding of the reciprocal relationship between content area teachers and reading teachers to support student learning.

Reading Across Content Areas (1 day)

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Action SAILS Nine

Characteristics Leadership Goals and Outcomes

Module # of Days

Reflective Rubric

5. Identify the correlation between Reading success and dropout rate.

Develop awareness of current research regarding drop-out prevention;

Make connections between current research and current district practices; and

Understand the relationship between reading success and drop-out rate.

Standards Assessment Instruction & Intervention Leadership System-wide Commitment

High Levels of Communication and Collaboration Supportive Learning Environment

District Leadership Team District Reading Cadre Building Reading Focus Teams Family Advocate

Develop an understanding the correlation between reading proficiency levels and student dropout rates.

Dropout Prevention (½ day)

6: Differentiate for students who exceed grade level expectations

Differentiate to enhance learning; Build cooperative- group process

procedures; and Provide instruction in research


Standards Assessment Instruction & Intervention Leadership System-wide Commitment

High Levels of Communication and Collaboration Supportive Learning Environment

District Leadership Team District Reading Cadre Building Reading Focus Teams Family Advocate

Develop understanding of how to ensure all students make at least one year’s worth of growth in one year’s time.

Depth, Not Breadth: Enhancing Learning for Above Grade Level Learners (TBD)

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