reading your chakras - soulmate · chakra is...

Reading Your C HAKRAS G UIDEBOOK L I G H T I N G U P YO U R B O U N DA R I E S ! Interpreting the Energetic Chakra System for Dynamic Personal Power & Radiance By: Christel Hughes, C.Ht. nnn

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Page 1: Reading Your Chakras - SoulMate · chakra is “sponging” (taking on other people’s energy), or the third chakra is unable to


L I G H T I N G U P Y O U R B O U N D A R I E S !

Interpreting the Energetic Chakra System for Dynamic Personal Power & Radiance

By: Christel Hughes, C.Ht.


Page 2: Reading Your Chakras - SoulMate · chakra is “sponging” (taking on other people’s energy), or the third chakra is unable to

L I G H T I N G U P Y O U R B O U N D A R I E S !

The 7 Main Energy CentersChakras...

Reading Your Radiant Chakras


The word chakra comes from the Sanskrit language and it means "wheel," or vortex and refers to the seven major energy centers of the body.

There are 7 main chakras in the human body and many more throughout the body. For example, there are chakras in your hands and feet.

Each chakra is a center of spinning energy that supports the functioning of the body and pulls in Universal life force energy.

Each energy center reflects a different aspect of your life and your consciousness. When these energy centers flow smoothly, you feel vital and healthy. When they're blocked, you feel stressed and off- balance.

It is important to keep these energy centers clean and clear for optimal performance, lending to an efficient flow of life force energy through the body.

Keeping your body and chakra system in balance can allow for a healthy body and will bring your life into harmony.

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L I G H T I N G U P Y O U R B O U N D A R I E S !


Crown Chakra: Open/Closed

3rd Eye Chakra: Open/Closed

Throat Chakra: Open/Closed

Heart Chakra: Open/Closed

Solar Plexus: Open/Closed

Sacral Chakra: Open/Closed

Root Chakra: Open/Closed


Reading Your Radiant Chakras

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L I G H T I N G U P Y O U R B O U N D A R I E S !



Reading Your Radiant Chakras

Page 5: Reading Your Chakras - SoulMate · chakra is “sponging” (taking on other people’s energy), or the third chakra is unable to

Your Radiant Chakras


Your Crown Chakrannn


A healthy, vibrant and free flowing clear purple energy crown chakra, is a sign of a person who is connected to the Divine, their life purpose, Higher Self and can easily access spiritual information. An open 7th chakra is an indication of Self knowledge and worth. If a person’s 7th chakra is open in an otherwise out of balance chakra system, they will tend to be separated from society and from normal human interaction. However, if a person has an open 7th chakra in an overall healthy chakra system, then this person will be well integrated in society, make a living, drive a car, have relationships, while being connected to their Higher self and keeping in alignment with their Highest Truth. They make spirituality a natural part of their life, creating Unity.

Open Seventh Chakra:An overly open crown chakra (larger than 5 inches), is a sign of a person who is relying on an unusual amount of spiritual energy to balance and survive an ungrounded and unprotected daily life.

Closed Seventh Chakra:A closed crown chakra is a sign of refusal to listen to Spirit, to believe in a spiritual world and to communicate with the Divine. Closed 7th chakras are common amongst intellectuals that rely solely on their Mind for direction and guidance, people who were betrayed by a religious organization or are holding the idea that they have to be the ones to do it all by themselves. In some environments where one is taught that spirituality comes from an outside source whether than from within a closed chakra is common.

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Your Radiant Chakras


Your 3rd Eye Chakra


A healthy, vibrant and free flowing clear indigo third eye chakra, is a sign of a person who is a natural seer or clairvoyant. Such person has access to great amounts of information about their own life path and others’. They can ‘see’ many options where others may be limited in their viewpoint. Such people seem “separate” from the crowd because the ‘see’ things in a different way. This perspective may be troubling or disturbing to others or as a threat to their patterned normal lives.It is healthy to share what is seen only if directed or asked by another for the highest good of all. As a visionary, those with a healthy 3rd eye chakra, will bring a lot to any project and need to surround themselves with those that are supportive with their gifts.

Open Sixth Chakra:An overly open third eye chakra (larger than 5 inches) is a sign that other chakras are out of balance and not performing their job well. If the second chakra is “sponging” (taking on other people’s energy), or the third chakra is unable to protect, the sixth chakra will try to compensate by bringing insightful information as a way to discern and protect one’s auric field.

Closed Sixth Chakra:A closed third eye chakra is a sign that one is closed off to insightful, clairvoyant spiritual information and is rather, valuing mental processes, logic and acquired knowledge. This may keep them in a fog of confusion... they are unable to make a powerful choice and are only choosing based on partial awareness and not all options available.


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Your Radiant Chakras


Your Throat Chakrannn


A healthy, vibrant and free flowing clear blue throat chakra, is a sign of a person who is a clear communicator, has acute awareness, can communicate their feelings & emotions, and has sharp insight that communication is important. Such a person is fully self-expressed, speaks their truth, and may have access to the gift of clairaudience (ability to hear messages from celestial beings). They also have an ease to commit to relationships, projects and desire to live a noble life... leaving behind whatever is not in alignment with their Truth. It is important for those with good use of this chakra to discover their capacity to influence others, their surroundings and manifest their heart felt desires.

Open Fifth Chakra:A stretched out, overly open throat chakra is usually found in a person that is insecure or unheard. They tend to compensate by speaking louder than anyone else and/or speaking too much. This is a defense mechanism used to not have to really listen to what others might tell them... if they are doing the talking, then they won’t get rejected. This chakra may also be open due to feeling afraid that their dreams won’t come true, therefore, they hope that by talking about them that someone will hear their real needs and wishes and support them in getting them fulfilled.

Closed Fifth Chakra: A closed throat chakra is found in a person who is afraid of change, afraid of commitment and unwilling to listen and be connected to Spirit. This closure may be due to an early experience of being ‘shut up’ or made fun of by those in authority. They monitor what they can say based on whether the other person will agree with them so that they can keep the peace, avoiding conflict at all costs.

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Your Radiant Chakras


Your Heart Chakrannn


A healthy, vibrant and free flowing emerald green energy heart chakra, is a sign of a person who is self-loving, self-accepting, and can extend that love out into the world for others. People with healthy heart chakras can give and receive love with ease. They are generally balanced between honoring the requirements of their Spirit and the needs of their bodies. Such individuals also tend to have a healthy humor, and can make a joke that carries a healing vibration in the midst of chaos.

Open Fourth Chakra:A person with an overly open chakra, or a chakra that has an oblong shape (or ay non-circular shape), is a sign that this person is trying too hard to get love and attention.... trying to replace self-love with the love and approval of others. You may be overly needy and clingy in relationships, anxious that your partner doesn’t need you as much as you need them. Putting too great of an emphasis on and even abusing the heart chakra’s traits, one becomes completely selfless towards others while forgetting about their own needs. These people have a tendency to be “sponge healers” and absorb others pain.

Closed Fourth Chakra:A closed heart chakra is a sign of a tired, betrayed and distrusting heart. A closed heart after a break-up is a heart that believes it is unlovable. Such an experience stops one from believing in true love and the magic of life. The tendency is for protection, control and skepticism. This shows up as a guarded personalty, never really opening up and allowing for authentic expressions of love for fear of rejection.

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Your Radiant Chakras


Your Solar Plexus Chakrannn


A healthy, vibrant and free flowing yellow energy power center chakra, is a sign of a person who is centered and balanced between the body and spirit realms. The third chakra gathers and brings information about the body (lower 3 chakras) to the heart. A person with a healthy Power Center has awareness of the importance of contribution and specifically their offering to the World. They are not concerned about how they look or how they appear to others while contributing, only about the healthy impact it makes on others.

Open Third Chakra:An overly open Power Center Chakra, is usually a sign of an overall chakra system in distress. It is an indication of danger in your daily environment against which your third chakra over extends itself to protect your entire system. You see the future as full of danger and you interpret change as a threat, so you play it safe, protecting what you have.

Closed Third Chakra:A closed Power Center Chakra indicates that you are refusing to examine and assess your life and your life choices. It also indicates that you are either unwilling or unable to protect yourself in the face of danger. You have lots of different ways of shaming yourself and frequently feel embarrassed by imagining what other people think about you. It’s not so much that you’re afraid to fail; it’s more that you’re afraid to appear to others to be a failure. You see yourself as powerless compared to some and this may show up as being overly submissive in situations rather than being in your power.

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Your Radiant Chakras


Your Sacral Chakrannn


A healthy, vibrant and free flowing orange energy sacral chakra is a sign of a person who is emotive, spiritually connected, has a healthy ability to connect with their own emotions, with others and with Nature. In any situation, such a person has a good understanding of flow of events and the people around them. Creativity is seen as a gift to offer and even call forth abundance and money. Sexuality is a healthy form of expression within a Divine context, allowing the person to be energized, open and receptive to passionate living.

Open Second Chakra:A very wide open sacral chakra is a sign that you are a “sponge” to other people’s pain, issues, and imbalances. If your sacral chakra is overly open, you most probably are surrounded by manipulative and needy people. Restrain from taking on other’s “stuff” to relieve them, because it’s important that they learn their life lessons and evolve. You can help them by guiding them out of a difficult situation, but don’t allow your sacral chakra to over extend itself. That behavior will rob them from an opportunity for growth, while greatly burdening your own body with energies that do not belong to you.

Closed Second Chakra:A closed sacral chakra is a sign that your emotions are turned off and you may appear cold or unemotional to others. It is also a sign that the emotive aspects of sexuality are turned off as well. There is an overall fear to connect with others and fear to feel emotions. You get easily offended, hurt or upset by the words and actions of people that you perceive as not appreciating you. You get defensive and tend to condemn others who behave differently than you think they should.

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Your Radiant Chakras


Your Root Chakrannn


A healthy, vibrant and free flowing ruby energy root chakra is a sign of a person who is in touch with their body, grounded and centered. Such person knows what food, shelter, or sexual partner is best for them... and flows without debating each decision. They know where they parked their car, what their schedule is, where they are placing their attention and energy and have an overall balanced and well-aware presence.

Open First Chakra:A very large and open root chakra is a clear sign that you are in a complete state of survival for one or more of these areas: financial, emotional or physical. You believe that money creates security and that there is an amount of money that if attained, would guarantee your security. This chakra can be overly open out of habit, if you are constantly confronted in life with needing to protect yourself or another, from such things as abuse or from being around someone who threatens your basic needs.

Closed First Chakra:A closed root chakra is usually seen in people in great physical or emotional pain. You may be searching for “home” and feel disconnected or displaced, like you don’t belong anywhere. The closing of the first chakra is an attempt at shutting out or rejecting one’s life lessons and the pain associated with moving through them. However, closing the first chakra to escape all of its issues also cuts you off from a healthy supply of life force energy. You feel a general lack of confidence in dealing with anything outside your comfort zone. The tendency with those having a closed first chakra is to be flighty and forgetful... not remembering to pay your bills, eat or exercise. There is a constant strain on your nervous system and you may feel like fight/flight/freeze is your energetic set point.

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Your Radiant Chakras



First Chakra:




Second Chakra:




Third Chakra:




Findings & Discoveries...

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Your Radiant Chakras



Fourth Chakra:




Fifth Chakra:




Sixth Chakra:




Findings & Discoveries...

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Your Radiant Chakras



Seventh Chakra:




Other findings/discoveries:

Special notes:

Findings & Discoveries...