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  • 8/13/2019 Readme OSS Step7


    For Resellers: In order to avoid infringements of the license conditions by the reseller or the buyer these instructions andlicense conditions have to be forwarded to the buyers.

    1) Copyright

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    STEP 7 Copyright 1995-2011

    Siemens AG, all rights resere!

    "oost #ege$ - 1%&2%0 Copyright !r 'ohn ma!!o() *se, mo!i+i(ation an! !istri*tionare s*'e(t to the oost so+tare li(ense, ersion 1%0

    "Triee - .%15%2 Portions o+ thisprogram Copyright 19/2-199

    "triee Te(hnologies, n(% All rights resere!%

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    Copyright orlan! (orporation

    (opyright 200 henri) ran

    Copyright (hris an!erson

    Copyright (hristian mi(helsen resear(h as a!an(e! (omp*ting

    Copyright gilles ollant

    Copyright 'a(;*es nomssi npenSS? - 1%0%0Copyright 6( 199/-2009 The >penSS? Pro'e(t

    Copyright 6( 1995-199/ Eri( A% @o*ng, Tim % B*!sonAll rights resere!%

    Copyright 6( 199/-2000 The >penSS? Pro'e(t% All rights resere!%

    Copyright 6C 1995-199/ Eri( @o*ng

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    Copyright 6( 2005 Belett-Pa()ar! 4eelopment Company, ?%P%

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    Copyright 6( 200, #i(har! ?eitte Dri(har!=leitte%orgF All rights resere!%

    Copyright 6C 1995-1997 Eri( @o*ng

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    Copyright 6( 2005 Belett-Pa()ar! 4eelopment Company, ?%P%

    6(97 :eriSign

    Copyright 6( 1999-200 The >penSS? Pro'e(t% All rights resere!%

    Copyright Patri() Poell 1995

    6C Copyright 8i(roso+t Corp% 199&% All rights resere!%

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    Copyright 6( 200 *ngliga Te)nis)a

    Copyright 6( 200.,2007 The >penSS? Pro'e(t% All rights resere!%

    Copyright 6( 1997, Eri( @o*ng All rights resere!%

    Copyright 6( 19/. y S*n 8i(rosystems, n(%

    Copyright Sen! >la+ 8i))elsen%

    Copyright Eri( A% @o*ng%

    Copyright 2005 o)ia% All rights resere!%

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    6C C>P@#GBT nternational "*siness 8a(hines Corp% 2001

    6( Copyright 1999 "o!o 8oeller% All rights resere!%

    Copyright 199/-2005 The >penSS? Pro'e(t%

    Copyright 1995-199/ Eri( A% @o*ng, Tim % B*!son% All rights resere!%

    Copyright 199/-2000 nCipher Corporation ?imite!%

    Copyright 2000F "roa!(om CorporationF 1.215 Alton Par)ayF P> "o$ 5701&F rine CA 92.19-701&FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF

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    Copyright 6( 2005-200. Crypto(om ?T4F

    Copyright 6( 2005-200. Crypto(om ?T4

    Copyright 6( 2001-2005 The >penSS? Pro'e(t% All rights resere!%

    Copyright 6( 2005-200. Crypto(om ?T4

    Copyright 6( 200. Crypto(om ?T4

    Copyright 199/-200. The >penSS? Pro'e(t%

    Copyright 6( 2001-2010 The >penSS? Pro'e(t% All rights resere!%

    Copyright 6( 199/-no The >penSS? Pro'e(t

    ") #iemens !icense Conditions

    $eneral !icense Conditions for #oftware %roducts for &utomation and 'rives62011-0-01

    1. #upply of #oftware to !icensee and $ranting of Rights to use the #oftware1%1 These General ?i(ense Con!itions shall e$(l*siely apply to the !eliery o+ So+tare +or A*tomation an! 4ries to the?i(ensee% General terms an! (on!itions o+ the ?i(ensee shall apply only here e$pressly a((epte! in riting y *s% The

    s(ope o+ !eliery o+ the So+tare shall e !etermine! y the (ongr*ent m*t*al ritten !e(larations o+ oth parties% 3eshall grant the ?i(ensee rights to *se the so+tare spe(i+ie! in the Con+irmation o+ >r!er or, i+ the ?i(ensee !oes notre(eie a Con+irmation o+ >r!er, the so+tare spe(i+ie! in the Certi+i(ate o+ ?i(ense or that spe(i+ie! in the So+tarePro!*(t Sheet, i+ the ?i(ensee is instea! s*mitte! a So+tare Pro!*(t Sheet 6hereina+ter re+erre! to as IS3I% TheCerti+i(ate o+ ?i(ense an! the So+tare Pro!*(t Sheet shall e (olle(tiely re+erre! to as ICo?I hereina+ter% The ?i(enseeshall e s*mitte! the Co? hen the S3 is s*pplie! or in (on'*n(tion ith the !eliery ill% The ay in hi(h the S3 iss*pplie! is also !erie! !ire(tly +rom the Con+irmation o+ >r!er or +rom the S3 p*r(hase or!er n*mer (ontaine! in theCon+irmation o+ >r!er, in (on'*n(tion ith the asso(iate! or!er !ata o+ o*r (atalog ali! at the time o+ the Con+irmation o+>r!er 6hereina+ter (olle(tiely re+erre! to as I>r!er 4ataI, or +rom the Co?% + the ?i(ensee !oes not re(eie a !atame!i*m, it shall e a*thorir!er 4ata or the Co? in these General ?i(ense Con!itions, the re+eren(e to the Co? iso+ signi+i(an(e i+ the ?i(ensee has not re(eie! a Con+irmation o+ >r!er% n any (ase, the !ata (ontaine! in the >r!er4ata is also (ontaine! in the Co?%1%2 The 4o(*mentation relating to the S3 6hereina+ter re+erre! to as I4o(*mentationI shall e p*r(hase! separately,*nless either the >r!er 4ata or Co? (ontains a stip*lation stating that it elongs to the s(ope o+ !eliery% + the ?i(enseeis a*thorir!er 4ata or Co?% + the S3 iss*pplie! ele(troni(ally or i+ (opying rights are grante! +or it, the rights an! !*ties spe(i+ie! in these General ?i(enseCon!itions shall apply to the legitimately generate! (opies%1%5 + the ?i(ensee is legitimately in possession o+ a preio*s S3 ersionJrelease 6hereina+ter re+erre! to as IPreio*s:ersionI, the ?i(ensee shall e a*thori

  • 8/13/2019 Readme OSS Step7


    in one 61 nstan(e% + the LType o+ *se name! in the >r!er 4ata or the Co? isM Lnstallation or LKser, the ?i(ensee isentitle! to the preio*sly !es(rie! right a!!itionally to an! at the same time as the Preio*s :ersions liste! in onenstan(e% An Lnstan(e in the (onte$t o+ these General ?i(ense Con!itions is either an instan(e in a physi(al operatingsystem enironment or an instan(e in a irt*al operating system enironment% The trans+eraility o+ the *ser rights ontoPreio*s :ersions is only permissile in (on'*n(tion ith the *ser rights +or the S3 in a((or!an(e ith Cla*se 5%&%1%7 n (ase the ?i(ensee otains only the !ata me!ia *t no li(ense as per the >r!er 4ata or the Co?, any *se o+ the S3y the ?i(ensee is s*'e(t to the a(;*isition o+ a li(ense a((or!ing to Se(tion 2% Kp to the a(;*isition o+ the li(ense, the?i(ensee is not entitle! to s*pply the S3 to thir! parties%

    1%/ n (ase the S3 (ontains >pen So*r(e So+tare 6hereina+ter re+erre! to as I>SSI the >SS is liste! in the#ea!meN>SS-+ile o+ the S3% The ?i(ensee is entitle! to *se the >SS in a((or!an(e ith the respe(tie li(ense(on!itions o+ the >SS% The li(ense (on!itions are proi!e! on the same !ata (arrier as the S3% The li(ense (on!itions o+the respe(tie >SS shall preail oer these General ?i(ense Con!itions ith respe(t to the >SS% + the l i(ense (on!itionso+ the >SS re;*ire the !istri*tion o+ the so*r(e (o!e o+ s*(h >SS e shall proi!e s*(h so*r(e (o!e on re;*est againstpayment o+ the shipping an! han!ling (harges%1%9 The S3 may e or (ontain li(ense! so+tare other than >SS, i%e% so+tare hi(h has not een !eelope! y *s itsel+*t hi(h has een li(ense! to *s y a thir! party 6hereina+ter re+erre! to as the I?i(ensorI, e%g% 8i(roso+t ?i(ensing n(%+ the ?i(ensee re(eies the terms an! (on!itions stip*late! y the releant ?i(ensor together ith the S3 in the#ea!meN>SS +ile in this (ase, s*(h terms an! (on!itions shall ta)e pre(e!en(e oer these General ?i(ense Con!itions%+ the S3 is or i+ it (ontains li(ense! so+tare an! i+ the ?i(ensee re(eies (on!itions +rom the releant ?i(ensor ith theS3, these (on!itions apply ith respe(t to the ?i(ensorOs liaility is--is the ?i(ensee% >*r on liaility is--is the?i(ensee shall e goerne! in any (ase y these General ?i(ense Con!itions%

    ". !icense (ype4epen!ing on the ?i(ense Type, the ?i(ensee shall e grante! the +olloing rights to the S3M

    2%1 Single ?i(ense 6>ne >++ ?i(ense, Copy ?i(enseThe term I>ne >++ ?i(enseI or ICopy ?i(enseI hi(h may e *se! in the So+tare Pro!*(t Sheet (orrespon!s to the termISingle ?i(enseI% The +olloing reg*lation shall apply to the +*ll s(ope o+ the >ne >++ ?i(ense J Copy ?i(ense% The?i(ensee shall e grante! the non-e$(l*sie right, trans+erale in a((or!an(e ith Cla*se 5%& an! ali! +or an *nlimite!perio! o+ time, to install the S3 in one 61 nstan(e an! to *tilir!er 4ata or Co? 6see IType o+ KseI%2%2 Hloating ?i(enseThe ?i(ensee shall e grante! the non-e$(l*sie right, trans+erale in a((or!an(e ith Cla*se 5%& an! ali! +or an*nlimite! perio! o+ time, to install the S3 on any !esire! n*mer o+ the ?i(enseeOs har!are !ei(es% The n*mer o+o'e(ts 6+or e$ample, *sers or !ei(es permitte! to *tilir!er 4ataor Co? 6see IType o+ Kse%2%& #ental ?i(enseThe ?i(ensee shall e grante! the non-e$(l*sie right, trans+erale in a((or!an(e ith Cla*se 5%& an! limite! in time asstip*late! in the >r!er 4ata or Co? 6see IType o+ KseI, to install an! *se the S3 in one 61 nstan(e% + the perio! o+ *seis spe(i+ie! in ho*rs, the *sage !e(isie +or the (al(*lation o+ the time limit (ommen(es ith the so+tare start-*p an!+inishes ith its sh*t-!on% + the perio! o+ *sage is spe(i+ie! in !ays, ee)s or months, the spe(i+ie! perio!, hi(h(ommen(es in (on'*n(tion ith the +irst S3 start-*p, shall apply in!epen!ently o+ the a(t*al time o+ *sage% + the perio!

    o+ *se is spe(i+ie! ith a !ate, the right o+ *se en!s on this !ate Q regar!less o+ the a(t*al perio! o+ *se%2% #ental Hloating ?i(enseThe ?i(ensee shall e grante! the non-e$(l*sie right, trans+erale in a((or!an(e ith Cla*se 5%& an! limite! in time asstip*late! in the >r!er 4ata or the Co? 6s% LType o+ *se, to install the S3 on any !esire! n*mer o+ the ?i(enseeOshar!are !ei(es% The n*mer o+ o'e(ts 6+or e$ample, *sers or !ei(es permitte! to *tilir!er 4ata or Co? 6see IType o+ Kse as ell% + the perio! o+ *se is spe(i+ie! in ho*rs, the *sage!e(isie +or the (al(*lation o+ the time limit (ommen(es ith the so+tare start-*p an! +inishes ith its sh*t-!on% + theperio! o+ *sage is spe(i+ie! in !ays, ee)s or months, the spe(i+ie! perio!, hi(h (ommen(es in (on'*n(tion ith the+irst S3 start-*p, shall apply in!epen!ently o+ the a(t*al time o+ *sage% + the perio! o+ *se is spe(i+ie! ith a !ate, theright o+ *se en!s on this !ate Q regar!less o+ the a(t*al perio! o+ *se%2%5 4emo ?i(enseThe ?i(ensee shall e grante! the non-e$(l*sie right, trans+erale in a((or!an(e ith Cla*se 5%& an! limite! in time asstip*late! in the >r!er 4ata or the Co? 6s% LType o+ *se, to install the S3 in one 61 nstan(e an! to *se it +or ali!ationp*rposes% + the perio! o+ *sage is spe(i+ie! in !ays, ee)s or months, the spe(i+ie! perio!, hi(h (ommen(es in(on'*n(tion ith the +irst S3 start-*p, shall apply in!epen!ently o+ the a(t*al time o+ *sage% + the perio! o+ *se isspe(i+ie! ith a !ate, the right o+ *se en!s on this !ate Q regar!less o+ the a(t*al perio! o+ *se%2%. 4emo Hloating ?i(enseThe ?i(ensee shall e grante! the non-e$(l*sie right, trans+erale in a((or!an(e ith Cla*se 5%& an! limite! in time asstip*late! in the >r!er 4ata or the Co? 6s% LType o+ *se, to install the S3 on any !esire! n*mer o+ the ?i(enseeOshar!are !ei(es% The n*mer o+ o'e(ts 6+or e$ample, *sers or !ei(es permitte! to *tilir!er 4ata or Co? 6see IType o+ Kse as ell% + the perio! o+ *sage is spe(i+ie! in !ays, ee)sor months, the spe(i+ie! perio!, hi(h (ommen(es in (on'*n(tion ith the +irst S3 start-*p, shall apply in!epen!ently o+the a(t*al time o+ *sage% + the perio! o+ *se is spe(i+ie! ith a !ate, the right o+ *se en!s on this !ate Q regar!less o+ thea(t*al perio! o+ *se%2%7 Trial ?i(enseThe ?i(ensee shall e grante! the non-e$(l*sie an! non-trans+erale right to install the S3 on one 61 har!are !ei(ean! to *se it +or ali!ation p*rposes in the manner spe(i+ie! in the >r!er 4ata or Co? 6see IType o+ KseI% The perio! o+*sage is limite! to 1 !ays an! (ommen(es ith the S3 start-*p, *nless a !i++erent perio! o+ *sage is spe(i+ie! in the>r!er 4ata or Co?%

  • 8/13/2019 Readme OSS Step7


    . #oftware (ype+ the So+tare Type is not spe(i+ie! in the >r!er 4ata or Co?, the rights spe(i+ie! in Cla*se &%2 6#*ntime So+tare shallapply to the S3%&%1 Engineering So+tare 6hereina+ter re+erre! to as IE-S3In the eent that the ?i(ensee *ses E-S3 to generate its on programs or !ata (ontaining parts o+ the E-S3, the?i(ensee shall hae the right, itho*t haing to pay any li(ense +ee, to (opy an! to *se these parts o+ the E-S3 as a parto+ its on programs or !ata, or to s*pply them to thir! parties +or *se% n the eent that s*(h parts are s*pplie! to thir!parties +or *se, these parties shall e o*n! in riting to (omply ith stip*lations (orrespon!ing to those in Cla*ses 5%1

    an! 5%2 ith respe(t to the aoe parts o+ the E-S3%&%2 #*ntime So+tare 6hereina+ter re+erre! to as I#-S3I+ the ?i(ensee in(orporates #-S3 or any parts thereo+ into its on programs or !ata, it shall p*r(hase a li(ense ithrespe(t to the #-S3 ea(h time it installs or (opies - !epen!ing on hat is !one +irst - its on programs or !ata (ontaining#-S3 or parts thereo+, in a((or!an(e ith the releant inten!e! Type o+ Kse an! on the asis o+ the Siemens (atalogali! at that time% n the eent that the ?i(ensee s*pplies the spe(i+ie! programs or !ata to thir! parties +or their *se,these parties shall e o*n! in riting to a!here to stip*lations (orrespon!ing to those in Se(tion 5, ith respe(t to the #-S3 parts (ontaine! therein% The a+oresai! shall not a++e(t the ?i(enseeOs oligation to p*r(hase a li(ense +or the #-S3 i+the #-S3 original is (opie!% + the #-S3 (ontains tools +or parameterir!er 4ata or Co?, e%g% y the a!!ition IKpgra!eI or LPoerPa() a+ter the S3 pro!*(t name,that the S3 is an *pgra!e +or another so+tare item 6hereina+ter re+erre! to as ISo*r(e ?i(enseI, the rights originallygrante! to the ?i(ensee to *se the So*r(e ?i(ense en! in (on'*n(tion ith the *pgra!e meas*re% The rights o+ *se ina((or!an(e ith Cla*se 1%. remain *na++e(te! y this% Boeer, the ?i(ensee is entitle! to *n!o the *pgra!ing

    6!ongra!ing - i+ this is inten!e! +rom a te(hni(al point o+ ie - an! to e$er(ise the rights to *se the S3 grante! to itith respe(t to the So*r(e :ersion in a((or!an(e ith Cla*se 1%5%

    -. Further Rights and 'uties of the !icensee

    5%1 Knless a stip*lation to the (ontrary relating to a spe(i+i( n*mer o+ (opies is (ontaine! on the !ata me!i*m or in therea!me +ile o+ the S3, the ?i(ensee may generate an appropriate n*mer o+ (opies o+ eery item o+ S3 hi(h it isa*thori

  • 8/13/2019 Readme OSS Step7


  • 8/13/2019 Readme OSS Step7


    hel! liale +or any !amages arising +rom the *se o+ this so+tare%

    Permission is grante! to anyone to *se this so+tare +or any p*rpose, in(l*!ing (ommer(ial appli(ations,an! to alter it an! re!istri*te it +reely, s*'e(t to the +olloing restri(tionsM

    1% The origin o+ this so+tare m*st not e misrepresente! yo* m*st not (laim that yo* rote the originalso+tare% + yo* *se this so+tare in a pro!*(t, an a()nole!gment in the pro!*(t !o(*mentation o*l! eappre(iate! *t is not re;*ire!%

    2% Altere! so*r(e ersions m*st e plainly mar)e! as s*(h, an! m*st not e misrepresente! as eing theoriginal so+tare%

    &% This noti(e may not e remoe! or altere! +rom any so*r(e !istri*tion%

    ean-lo*p Gailly 8ar) A!ler

    'lo*p=gKT A@ 3A##AT@ itho*t een the implie! arranty o+ --

    -- 8E#CBATA"?T@ or HTESS H># A PA#TCK?A# PK#P>SE% See the GK --

    -- General P*li( ?i(ense +or more !etails% --

    -- --

    -- @o* sho*l! hae re(eie! a (opy o+ the GK General P*li( ?i(ense --

    -- along ith this lirary i+ not, rite to the Hree So+tare Ho*n!ation, --

    -- n(%, 59 Temple Pla(e - S*ite &&0, "oston, 8A 02111-1&07, KSA% --

    -- --

    -- As a spe(ial e$(eption, i+ other +iles instantiate generi(s +rom this --

    -- *nit, or yo* lin) this *nit ith other +iles to pro!*(e an e$e(*tale, --

    -- this *nit !oes not y itsel+ (a*se the res*lting e$e(*tale to e --

    -- (oere! y the GK General P*li( ?i(ense% This e$(eption !oes not --

    -- hoeer inali!ate any other reasons hy the e$e(*tale +ile might e --

    -- (oere! y the GK P*li( ?i(ense%


    :ersion 2, *ne 1991

    Copyright 6C 19/9, 1991 Hree So+tare Ho*n!ation, n(%

  • 8/13/2019 Readme OSS Step7


    59 Temple Pla(e, S*ite &&0, "oston, 8A 02111-1&07 KSA

    Eeryone is permitte! to (opy an! !istri*te eratim (opies

    o+ this li(ense !o(*ment, *t (hanging it is not alloe!%


    The li(enses +or most so+tare are !esigne! to ta)e aay yo*r

    +ree!om to share an! (hange it% "y (ontrast, the GK General P*li(

    ?i(ense is inten!e! to g*arantee yo*r +ree!om to share an! (hange +ree

    so+tare--to ma)e s*re the so+tare is +ree +or all its *sers% This

    General P*li( ?i(ense applies to most o+ the Hree So+tare

    Ho*n!ationOs so+tare an! to any other program hose a*thors (ommit to

    *sing it% 6Some other Hree So+tare Ho*n!ation so+tare is (oere! y

    the GK ?irary General P*li( ?i(ense instea!% @o* (an apply it to

    yo*r programs, too%

    3hen e spea) o+ +ree so+tare, e are re+erring to +ree!om, not

    pri(e% >*r General P*li( ?i(enses are !esigne! to ma)e s*re that yo*

    hae the +ree!om to !istri*te (opies o+ +ree so+tare 6an! (harge +or

    this seri(e i+ yo* ish, that yo* re(eie so*r(e (o!e or (an get it

    i+ yo* ant it, that yo* (an (hange the so+tare or *se pie(es o+ it

    in ne +ree programs an! that yo* )no yo* (an !o these things%

    To prote(t yo*r rights, e nee! to ma)e restri(tions that +ori!

    anyone to !eny yo* these rights or to as) yo* to s*rren!er the rights%These restri(tions translate to (ertain responsiilities +or yo* i+ yo*

    !istri*te (opies o+ the so+tare, or i+ yo* mo!i+y it%

    Hor e$ample, i+ yo* !istri*te (opies o+ s*(h a program, hether

    gratis or +or a +ee, yo* m*st gie the re(ipients all the rights that

    yo* hae% @o* m*st ma)e s*re that they, too, re(eie or (an get the

    so*r(e (o!e% An! yo* m*st sho them these terms so they )no their


    3e prote(t yo*r rights ith to stepsM 61 (opyright the so+tare, an!

    62 o++er yo* this li(ense hi(h gies yo* legal permission to (opy,

    !istri*te an!Jor mo!i+y the so+tare%

    Also, +or ea(h a*thorOs prote(tion an! o*rs, e ant to ma)e (ertain

    that eeryone *n!erstan!s that there is no arranty +or this +ree

    so+tare% + the so+tare is mo!i+ie! y someone else an! passe! on, e

    ant its re(ipients to )no that hat they hae is not the original, so

  • 8/13/2019 Readme OSS Step7


    that any prolems intro!*(e! y others ill not re+le(t on the original

    a*thorsO rep*tations%

    Hinally, any +ree program is threatene! (onstantly y so+tare

    patents% 3e ish to aoi! the !anger that re!istri*tors o+ a +ree

    program ill in!ii!*ally otain patent li(enses, in e++e(t ma)ing the

    program proprietary% To preent this, e hae ma!e it (lear that any

    patent m*st e li(ense! +or eeryoneOs +ree *se or not li(ense! at all%

    The pre(ise terms an! (on!itions +or (opying, !istri*tion an!

    mo!i+i(ation +ollo%


    TE#8S A4 C>4T>S H># C>P@G, 4ST#"KT> A4 8>4HCAT>

    0% This ?i(ense applies to any program or other or) hi(h (ontains

    a noti(e pla(e! y the (opyright hol!er saying it may e !istri*te!

    *n!er the terms o+ this General P*li( ?i(ense% The IProgramI, elo,

    re+ers to any s*(h program or or), an! a Ior) ase! on the ProgramI

    means either the Program or any !eriatie or) *n!er (opyright laM

    that is to say, a or) (ontaining the Program or a portion o+ it,

    either eratim or ith mo!i+i(ations an!Jor translate! into another

    lang*age% 6Bereina+ter, translation is in(l*!e! itho*t limitation in

    the term Imo!i+i(ationI% Ea(h li(ensee is a!!resse! as Iyo*I%

    A(tiities other than (opying, !istri*tion an! mo!i+i(ation are not

    (oere! y this ?i(ense they are o*tsi!e its s(ope% The a(t o+

    r*nning the Program is not restri(te!, an! the o*tp*t +rom the Program

    is (oere! only i+ its (ontents (onstit*te a or) ase! on the

    Program 6in!epen!ent o+ haing een ma!e y r*nning the Program%

    3hether that is tr*e !epen!s on hat the Program !oes%

    1% @o* may (opy an! !istri*te eratim (opies o+ the ProgramOs

    so*r(e (o!e as yo* re(eie it, in any me!i*m, proi!e! that yo*

    (onspi(*o*sly an! appropriately p*lish on ea(h (opy an appropriate

    (opyright noti(e an! !is(laimer o+ arranty )eep inta(t all the

    noti(es that re+er to this ?i(ense an! to the asen(e o+ any arranty

    an! gie any other re(ipients o+ the Program a (opy o+ this ?i(ense

    along ith the Program%

    @o* may (harge a +ee +or the physi(al a(t o+ trans+erring a (opy, an!

    yo* may at yo*r option o++er arranty prote(tion in e$(hange +or a +ee%

  • 8/13/2019 Readme OSS Step7


    2% @o* may mo!i+y yo*r (opy or (opies o+ the Program or any portion

    o+ it, th*s +orming a or) ase! on the Program, an! (opy an!

    !istri*te s*(h mo!i+i(ations or or) *n!er the terms o+ Se(tion 1

    aoe, proi!e! that yo* also meet all o+ these (on!itionsM

    a @o* m*st (a*se the mo!i+ie! +iles to (arry prominent noti(es

    stating that yo* (hange! the +iles an! the !ate o+ any (hange%

    @o* m*st (a*se any or) that yo* !istri*te or p*lish, that in

    hole or in part (ontains or is !erie! +rom the Program or any

    part thereo+, to e li(ense! as a hole at no (harge to all thir!

    parties *n!er the terms o+ this ?i(ense%

    ( + the mo!i+ie! program normally rea!s (omman!s intera(tiely

    hen r*n, yo* m*st (a*se it, hen starte! r*nning +or s*(h

    intera(tie *se in the most or!inary ay, to print or !isplay an

    anno*n(ement in(l*!ing an appropriate (opyright noti(e an! a

    noti(e that there is no arranty 6or else, saying that yo* proi!e

    a arranty an! that *sers may re!istri*te the program *n!er

    these (on!itions, an! telling the *ser ho to ie a (opy o+ this

    ?i(ense% 6E$(eptionM i+ the Program itsel+ is intera(tie *t

    !oes not normally print s*(h an anno*n(ement, yo*r or) ase! on

    the Program is not re;*ire! to print an anno*n(ement%

    These re;*irements apply to the mo!i+ie! or) as a hole% +

    i!enti+iale se(tions o+ that or) are not !erie! +rom the Program,

    an! (an e reasonaly (onsi!ere! in!epen!ent an! separate or)s in

    themseles, then this ?i(ense, an! its terms, !o not apply to those

    se(tions hen yo* !istri*te them as separate or)s% "*t hen yo*

    !istri*te the same se(tions as part o+ a hole hi(h is a or) ase!

    on the Program, the !istri*tion o+ the hole m*st e on the terms o+

    this ?i(ense, hose permissions +or other li(ensees e$ten! to the

    entire hole, an! th*s to ea(h an! eery part regar!less o+ ho rote i t%

    Th*s, it is not the intent o+ this se(tion to (laim rights or (ontest

    yo*r rights to or) ritten entirely y yo* rather, the intent is to

    e$er(ise the right to (ontrol the !istri*tion o+ !eriatie or

    (olle(tie or)s ase! on the Program%

    n a!!ition, mere aggregation o+ another or) not ase! on the Program

    ith the Program 6or ith a or) ase! on the Program on a ol*me o+

  • 8/13/2019 Readme OSS Step7


    a storage or !istri*tion me!i*m !oes not ring the other or) *n!er

    the s(ope o+ this ?i(ense%

    &% @o* may (opy an! !istri*te the Program 6or a or) ase! on it,

    *n!er Se(tion 2 in o'e(t (o!e or e$e(*tale +orm *n!er the terms o+

    Se(tions 1 an! 2 aoe proi!e! that yo* also !o one o+ the +olloingM

    a A((ompany it ith the (omplete (orrespon!ing ma(hine-rea!ale

    so*r(e (o!e, hi(h m*st e !istri*te! *n!er the terms o+ Se(tions

    1 an! 2 aoe on a me!i*m (*stomarily *se! +or so+tare inter(hange or,

    A((ompany it ith a ritten o++er, ali! +or at least three

    years, to gie any thir! party, +or a (harge no more than yo*r

    (ost o+ physi(ally per+orming so*r(e !istri*tion, a (omplete

    ma(hine-rea!ale (opy o+ the (orrespon!ing so*r(e (o!e, to e !istri*te! *n!er the terms o+ Se(tions 1 an! 2 aoe on a me!i*m

    (*stomarily *se! +or so+tare inter(hange or,

    ( A((ompany it ith the in+ormation yo* re(eie! as to the o++er

    to !istri*te (orrespon!ing so*r(e (o!e% 6This alternatie is

    alloe! only +or non(ommer(ial !istri*tion an! only i+ yo*

    re(eie! the program in o'e(t (o!e or e$e(*tale +orm ith s*(h

    an o++er, in a((or! ith S*se(tion aoe%

    The so*r(e (o!e +or a or) means the pre+erre! +orm o+ the or) +or

    ma)ing mo!i+i(ations to it% Hor an e$e(*tale or), (omplete so*r(e

    (o!e means all the so*r(e (o!e +or all mo!*les it (ontains, pl*s any

    asso(iate! inter+a(e !e+inition +iles, pl*s the s(ripts *se! to

    (ontrol (ompilation an! installation o+ the e$e(*tale% Boeer, as a

    spe(ial e$(eption, the so*r(e (o!e !istri*te! nee! not in(l*!e

    anything that is normally !istri*te! 6in either so*r(e or inary

    +orm ith the ma'or (omponents 6(ompiler, )ernel, an! so on o+ the

    operating system on hi(h the e$e(*tale r*ns, *nless that (omponent

    itsel+ a((ompanies the e$e(*tale%

    + !istri*tion o+ e$e(*tale or o'e(t (o!e is ma!e y o++ering

    a((ess to (opy +rom a !esignate! pla(e, then o++ering e;*ialent

    a((ess to (opy the so*r(e (o!e +rom the same pla(e (o*nts as

    !istri*tion o+ the so*r(e (o!e, een tho*gh thir! parties are not

    (ompelle! to (opy the so*r(e along ith the o'e(t (o!e%

    % @o* may not (opy, mo!i+y, s*li(ense, or !istri*te the Program

  • 8/13/2019 Readme OSS Step7


    e$(ept as e$pressly proi!e! *n!er this ?i(ense% Any attempt

    otherise to (opy, mo!i+y, s*li(ense or !istri*te the Program is

    oi!, an! ill a*tomati(ally terminate yo*r rights *n!er this ?i(ense%

    Boeer, parties ho hae re(eie! (opies, or rights, +rom yo* *n!er

    this ?i(ense ill not hae their li(enses terminate! so long as s*(h

    parties remain in +*ll (omplian(e%

    5% @o* are not re;*ire! to a((ept this ?i(ense, sin(e yo* hae not

    signe! it% Boeer, nothing else grants yo* permission to mo!i+y or

    !istri*te the Program or its !eriatie or)s% These a(tions are

    prohiite! y la i+ yo* !o not a((ept this ?i(ense% There+ore, y

    mo!i+ying or !istri*ting the Program 6or any or) ase! on the

    Program, yo* in!i(ate yo*r a((eptan(e o+ this ?i(ense to !o so, an!

    all its terms an! (on!itions +or (opying, !istri*ting or mo!i+ying

    the Program or or)s ase! on it%

    .% Ea(h time yo* re!istri*te the Program 6or any or) ase! on the

    Program, the re(ipient a*tomati(ally re(eies a li(ense +rom the

    original li(ensor to (opy, !istri*te or mo!i+y the Program s*'e(t to

    these terms an! (on!itions% @o* may not impose any +*rther

    restri(tions on the re(ipientsO e$er(ise o+ the rights grante! herein%

    @o* are not responsile +or en+or(ing (omplian(e y thir! parties to

    this ?i(ense%

    7% +, as a (onse;*en(e o+ a (o*rt '*!gment or allegation o+ patent

    in+ringement or +or any other reason 6not limite! to patent iss*es,

    (on!itions are impose! on yo* 6hether y (o*rt or!er, agreement or

    otherise that (ontra!i(t the (on!itions o+ this ?i(ense, they !o not

    e$(*se yo* +rom the (on!itions o+ this ?i(ense% + yo* (annot

    !istri*te so as to satis+y sim*ltaneo*sly yo*r oligations *n!er this

    ?i(ense an! any other pertinent oligations, then as a (onse;*en(e yo*

    may not !istri*te the Program at all% Hor e$ample, i+ a patent

    li(ense o*l! not permit royalty-+ree re!istri*tion o+ the Program y

    all those ho re(eie (opies !ire(tly or in!ire(tly thro*gh yo*, then

    the only ay yo* (o*l! satis+y oth it an! this ?i(ense o*l! e to

    re+rain entirely +rom !istri*tion o+ the Program%

    + any portion o+ this se(tion is hel! inali! or *nen+or(eale *n!er

    any parti(*lar (ir(*mstan(e, the alan(e o+ the se(tion is inten!e! to

    apply an! the se(tion as a hole is inten!e! to apply in other


  • 8/13/2019 Readme OSS Step7


    t is not the p*rpose o+ this se(tion to in!*(e yo* to in+ringe any

    patents or other property right (laims or to (ontest ali!ity o+ any

    s*(h (laims this se(tion has the sole p*rpose o+ prote(ting the

    integrity o+ the +ree so+tare !istri*tion system, hi(h is

    implemente! y p*li( li(ense pra(ti(es% 8any people hae ma!e

    genero*s (ontri*tions to the i!e range o+ so+tare !istri*te!

    thro*gh that system in relian(e on (onsistent appli(ation o+ that

    system it is *p to the a*thorJ!onor to !e(i!e i+ he or she is illing

    to !istri*te so+tare thro*gh any other system an! a li(ensee (annot

    impose that (hoi(e%

    This se(tion is inten!e! to ma)e thoro*ghly (lear hat is eliee! to

    e a (onse;*en(e o+ the rest o+ this ?i(ense%

    /% + the !istri*tion an!Jor *se o+ the Program is restri(te! in

    (ertain (o*ntries either y patents or y (opyrighte! inter+a(es, the

    original (opyright hol!er ho pla(es the Program *n!er this ?i(ense

    may a!! an e$pli(it geographi(al !istri*tion limitation e$(l*!ing

    those (o*ntries, so that !istri*tion is permitte! only in or among

    (o*ntries not th*s e$(l*!e!% n s*(h (ase, this ?i(ense in(orporates

    the limitation as i+ ritten in the o!y o+ this ?i(ense%

    9% The Hree So+tare Ho*n!ation may p*lish reise! an!Jor ne ersions

    o+ the General P*li( ?i(ense +rom time to time% S*(h ne ersions ill

    e similar in spirit to the present ersion, *t may !i++er in !etail to

    a!!ress ne prolems or (on(erns%

    Ea(h ersion is gien a !isting*ishing ersion n*mer% + the Program

    spe(i+ies a ersion n*mer o+ this ?i(ense hi(h applies to it an! Iany

    later ersionI, yo* hae the option o+ +olloing the terms an! (on!itions

    either o+ that ersion or o+ any later ersion p*lishe! y the Hree

    So+tare Ho*n!ation% + the Program !oes not spe(i+y a ersion n*mer o+

    this ?i(ense, yo* may (hoose any ersion eer p*lishe! y the Hree So+tare


    10% + yo* ish to in(orporate parts o+ the Program into other +ree

    programs hose !istri*tion (on!itions are !i++erent, rite to the a*thor

    to as) +or permission% Hor so+tare hi(h is (opyrighte! y the Hree

    So+tare Ho*n!ation, rite to the Hree So+tare Ho*n!ation e sometimes

    ma)e e$(eptions +or this% >*r !e(ision ill e g*i!e! y the to goals

    o+ presering the +ree stat*s o+ all !eriaties o+ o*r +ree so+tare an!

    o+ promoting the sharing an! re*se o+ so+tare generally%

  • 8/13/2019 Readme OSS Step7


    > 3A##AT@


    STATE4 3#TG TBE C>P@#GBT B>?4E#S A4J># >TBE# PA#TES P#>:4E TBEP#>G#A8 IAS SI 3TB>KT 3A##AT@ >H A@ 4, ETBE# ERP#ESSE4 ># 8P?E4,C?K4G, "KT >T ?8TE4 T>, TBE 8P?E4 3A##ATES >H 8E#CBATA"?T@ A4HTESS H># A PA#TCK?A# PK#P>SE% TBE ET#E #S AS T> TBE KA?T@ A4PE#H>#8ACE >H TBE P#>G#A8 S 3TB @>K% SB>K?4 TBE P#>G#A8 P#>:E 4EHECT:E,@>K ASSK8E TBE C>ST >H A?? ECESSA#@ SE#:CG, #EPA# ># C>##ECT>%

    12% > E:ET K?ESS #EK#E4 "@ APP?CA"?E ?A3 ># AG#EE4 T> 3#TG

    3?? A@ C>P@#GBT B>?4E#, ># A@ >TBE# PA#T@ 3B> 8A@ 8>4H@ A4J>#

    #E4ST#"KTE TBE P#>G#A8 AS PE#8TTE4 A">:E, "E ?A"?E T> @>K H># 4A8AGES,C?K4G A@ GEE#A?, SPECA?, C4ETA? ># C>SEKETA? 4A8AGES A#SG >KT>H TBE KSE ># A"?T@ T> KSE TBE P#>G#A8 6C?K4G "KT >T ?8TE4 T> ?>SS >H4ATA ># 4ATA "EG #E4E#E4 ACCK#ATE ># ?>SSES SKSTAE4 "@ @>K ># TB#4PA#TES ># A HA?K#E >H TBE P#>G#A8 T> >PE#ATE 3TB A@ >TBE# P#>G#A8S, E:E H

    SKCB B>?4E# ># >TBE# PA#T@ BAS "EE A4:SE4 >H TBE P>SS"?T@ >H SKCB 4A8AGES%

    E4 >H TE#8S A4 C>4T>S

    Bo to Apply These Terms to @o*r e Programs

    + yo* !eelop a ne program, an! yo* ant it to e o+ the greatest

    possile *se to the p*li(, the est ay to a(hiee this is to ma)e it

    +ree so+tare hi(h eeryone (an re!istri*te an! (hange *n!er these terms%

    To !o so, atta(h the +olloing noti(es to the program% t is sa+est

    to atta(h them to the start o+ ea(h so*r(e +ile to most e++e(tiely

    (oney the e$(l*sion o+ arranty an! ea(h +ile sho*l! hae at least

    the I(opyrightI line an! a pointer to here the +*ll noti(e is +o*n!%

    Done line to gie the programOs name an! a rie+ i!ea o+ hat it !oes%

    Copyright 6C Dyear Dname o+ a*thor

    This program is +ree so+tare yo* (an re!istri*te it an!Jor mo!i+y

    it *n!er the terms o+ the GK General P*li( ?i(ense as p*lishe! y the Hree So+tare Ho*n!ation either ersion 2 o+ the ?i(ense, or

    6at yo*r option any later ersion%

    This program is !istri*te! in the hope that it ill e *se+*l,

    *t 3TB>KT A@ 3A##AT@ itho*t een the implie! arranty o+

    8E#CBATA"?T@ or HTESS H># A PA#TCK?A# PK#P>SE% See the

    GK General P*li( ?i(ense +or more !etails%

  • 8/13/2019 Readme OSS Step7


    @o* sho*l! hae re(eie! a (opy o+ the GK General P*li( ?i(ense

    along ith this program i+ not, rite to the Hree So+tare

    Ho*n!ation, n(%, 59 Temple Pla(e, S*ite &&0, "oston, 8A 02111-1&07 KSA

    Also a!! in+ormation on ho to (onta(t yo* y ele(troni( an! paper mail%

    + the program is intera(tie, ma)e it o*tp*t a short noti(e li)e this

    hen it starts in an intera(tie mo!eM

    Gnomoision ersion .9, Copyright 6C year name o+ a*thor

    Gnomoision (omes ith A"S>?KTE?@ > 3A##AT@ +or !etails type Usho O%

    This is +ree so+tare, an! yo* are el(ome to re!istri*te it

    *n!er (ertain (on!itions type Usho (O +or !etails%

    The hypotheti(al (omman!s Usho O an! Usho (O sho*l! sho the appropriate

    parts o+ the General P*li( ?i(ense% >+ (o*rse, the (omman!s yo* *se may

    e (alle! something other than Usho O an! Usho (O they (o*l! een e

    mo*se-(li()s or men* items--hateer s*its yo*r program%

    @o* sho*l! also get yo*r employer 6i+ yo* or) as a programmer or yo*r

    s(hool, i+ any, to sign a I(opyright !is(laimerI +or the program, i+

    ne(essary% Bere is a sample alter the namesM

    @oyo!yne, n(%, herey !is(laims all (opyright interest in the program

    UGnomoisionO 6hi(h ma)es passes at (ompilers ritten y ames Ba()er%

    Dsignat*re o+ Ty Coon, 1 April 19/9

    Ty Coon, Presi!ent o+ :i(e

    This General P*li( ?i(ense !oes not permit in(orporating yo*r program into

    proprietary programs% + yo*r program is a s*ro*tine lirary, yo* may

    (onsi!er it more *se+*l to permit lin)ing proprietary appli(ations ith the

    lirary% + this is hat yo* ant to !o, *se the GK ?irary General

    P*li( ?i(ense instea! o+ this ?i(ense%

    &F Copyright 6( 1997

    F Christian 8i(helsen #esear(h AS

    F A!an(e! Comp*ting

    F Hanto+tegen &/, 50&. "E#GE, oray

    F httpMJJ%(mr%no

  • 8/13/2019 Readme OSS Step7



    F Permission to *se, (opy, mo!i+y, !istri*te an! sell this so+tare

    F an! its !o(*mentation +or any p*rpose is herey grante! itho*t +ee,

    F proi!e! that the aoe (opyright noti(e appear in all (opies an!

    F that oth that (opyright noti(e an! this permission noti(e appear

    F in s*pporting !o(*mentation% Christian 8i(helsen #esear(h AS ma)es no

    F representations ao*t the s*itaility o+ this so+tare +or any

    F p*rpose% t is proi!e! Ias isI itho*t e$press or implie! arranty%

    "oost So+tare ?i(ense - :ersion 1%0 - A*g*st 17th, 200&

    Permission is herey grante!, +ree o+ (harge, to any person or organiHT3A#E S P#>:4E4 IAS SI, 3TB>KT 3A##AT@ >H A@ 4, ERP#ESS ># 8P?E4,C?K4G "KT >T ?8TE4 T> TBE 3A##ATES >H 8E#CBATA"?T@, HTESS H># APA#TCK?A# PK#P>SE, TT?E A4 >-H#GE8ET% > E:ET SBA?? TBE C>P@#GBTB>?4E#S ># A@>E 4ST#"KTG TBE S>HT3A#E "E ?A"?E H># A@ 4A8AGES ># >TBE#?A"?T@, 3BETBE# C>T#ACT, T>#T ># >TBE#3SE, A#SG H#>8, >KT >H ># C>ECT> 3TB TBE S>HT3A#E ># TBE KSE ># >TBE# 4EA?GS TBE S>HT3A#E%

    .) !icense Conditions from md- 5 81."

    1This so+tare is !erie! +rom the #SA 4ata Se(*rity, n(% 845 8essage-4igest Algorithm%

    n(orporation o+ this statement is a (on!ition o+ *se please see the #SA

    4ata Se(*rity n( (opyright noti(e eloM-

    Copyright 6C 1990-2, #SA 4ata Se(*rity, n(% Create! 1990% All rights resere!%

    #SA 4ata Se(*rity, n(% ma)es no representations (on(erning either the mer(hantaility o+ this so+tare orthe s*itaility o+ this so+tare +or any parti(*lar p*rpose% t is proi!e! Ias isI itho*t e$press or implie!

    arranty o+ any )in!%

    These noti(es m*st e retaine! in any (opies o+ any part o+ this !o(*mentation an!Jor so+tare%

    Copyright 6C 1991-2, #SA 4ata Se(*rity, n(% Create! 1991% All rights resere!%

    ?i(ense to (opy an! *se this so+tare is grante! proi!e! that it is i!enti+ie! as the I#SA 4ata Se(*rity, n(%845 8essage-4igest AlgorithmI in all material mentioning or re+eren(ing this so+tare or this +*n(tion%

    ?i(ense is also grante! to ma)e an! *se !eriatie or)s proi!e! that s*(h or)s are i!enti+ie! asI!erie! +rom the #SA 4ata Se(*rity, n(% 845 8essage-4igest AlgorithmI in all material mentioning or

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    re+eren(ing the !erie! or)%

    #SA 4ata Se(*rity, n(% ma)es no representations (on(erning either the mer(hantaility o+ this so+tare orthe s*itaility o+ this so+tare +or any parti(*lar p*rpose% t is proi!e! Ias isI itho*t e$press or implie!arranty o+ any )in!%

    These noti(es m*st e retaine! in any (opies o+ any part o+ this !o(*mentation an!Jor so+tare%

    2This implementation o+ the #SA 845 algorithm as !eelope! y ?ang+ine ?t! an! has een pla(e! in thep*li( !omain +or +ree *se% Boeer, hereer it is *se!, the #SA (opyright noti(es m*st e a!here! to, as!es(rie! ithin the (o!e an! the test appli(ationOs IAo*tI o$% Also, ?ang+ine m*st e (re!ite!% + the (o!eis mo!i+ie! in any ay, this sho*l! e mentione!% So*r(e (o!e sho*l! (learly !isting*ish eteen ?ang+ineOsoriginal (o!e an! the mo!i+i(ations%

    &This implementation o+ the #SA 845 Algorithm y ?ang+ine ?t!

    This so+tare is !erie! +rom the #SA 4ata Se(*rity, n(%

    845 8essage-4igest Algorithm%

    Copyright 6C 1990-2, #SA 4ata Se(*rity, n(% Create! 1990% All rights resere!%

    #SA 4ata Se(*rity, n(% ma)es no representations (on(erning either the mer(hantaility o+ this so+tare orthe s*itaility o+ this so+tare +or any parti(*lar p*rpose% t is proi!e! IIas isII itho*t e$press or implie!arranty o+ any )in!%n

    These noti(es m*st e retaine! in any (opies o+ any part o+ this !o(*mentation an!Jor so+tare%

    Copyright 6C 1991-2, #SA 4ata Se(*rity, n(% Create! 1991% All rights resere!%

    This implementation o+ the #SA 845 Algorithm y ?ang+ine ?t!

    ?ang+ine ma)es no representations (on(erning either the mer(hantaility o+ this so+tare or the s*itaility o+this so+tare +or any parti(*lar p*rpose% t is proi!e! IIas isII itho*t e$press or implie! arranty o+ any)in!%

    n a!!ition to the aoe, ?ang+ine ma)e no arranty or ass*ran(es regar!ing the

    a((*ra(y o+ this implementation o+ the 845 (he()s*m algorithm nor any ass*ran(es regar!ing its s*itaility+or any p*rposes%

    This implementation may e *se! +reely proi!e! that ?ang+ine is (re!ite! in a (opyright or similar noti(es

    6eg, #SA 845 Algorithm implemente! y ?ang+ine ?t!% an! proi!e! that the #SA 4ata Se(*rity noti(esgien aoe an! in the so*r(e (o!e

    are (omplie! ith%I

    .*) !icense Conditions from pen##! 5 1.6.6

    $lobal !icenses

    'ual !icense 5 JF Copyright 6C 1995-199/ Eri( @o*ng 6eay=(ryptso+t%(om

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    riginal ##!eay

    !icense 9 pen##!


    F All rights resere!%


    F This pa()age is an SS? implementation ritten

    F y Eri( @o*ng 6eay=(ryptso+t%(om%

    F The implementation as ritten so as to (on+orm ith ets(apes SS?%F

    F This lirary is +ree +or (ommer(ial an! non-(ommer(ial *se as long as

    F the +olloing (on!itions are aheare! to% The +olloing (on!itions

    F apply to all (o!e +o*n! in this !istri*tion, e it the #C, #SA,

    F lhash, 4ES, et(%, (o!e not '*st the SS? (o!e% The SS? !o(*mentation

    F in(l*!e! ith this !istri*tion is (oere! y the same (opyright terms

    F e$(ept that the hol!er is Tim B*!son 6t'h=(ryptso+t%(om%


    F Copyright remains Eri( @o*ngOs, an! as s*(h any Copyright noti(es in

    F the (o!e are not to e remoe!%

    F + this pa()age is *se! in a pro!*(t, Eri( @o*ng sho*l! e gien attri*tion

    F as the a*thor o+ the parts o+ the lirary *se!%

    F This (an e in the +orm o+ a te$t*al message at program start*p or

    F in !o(*mentation 6online or te$t*al proi!e! ith the pa()age%


    F #e!istri*tion an! *se in so*r(e an! inary +orms, ith or itho*t

    F mo!i+i(ation, are permitte! proi!e! that the +olloing (on!itions

    F are metM

    F 1% #e!istri*tions o+ so*r(e (o!e m*st retain the (opyright

    F noti(e, this list o+ (on!itions an! the +olloing !is(laimer%

    F 2% #e!istri*tions in inary +orm m*st repro!*(e the aoe (opyright

    F noti(e, this list o+ (on!itions an! the +olloing !is(laimer in the

    F !o(*mentation an!Jor other materials proi!e! ith the !istri*tion%

    F &% All a!ertising materials mentioning +eat*res or *se o+ this so+tare

    F m*st !isplay the +olloing a()nole!gementM

    F IThis pro!*(t in(l*!es (ryptographi( so+tare ritten y

    F Eri( @o*ng 6eay=(ryptso+t%(omI

    F The or! O(ryptographi(O (an e le+t o*t i+ the ro*ines +rom the lirary

    F eing *se! are not (ryptographi( relate! M-%

    F % + yo* in(l*!e any 3in!os spe(i+i( (o!e 6or a !eriatie thereo+ +rom

    F the apps !ire(tory 6appli(ation (o!e yo* m*st in(l*!e an a()nole!gementM

    F IThis pro!*(t in(l*!es so+tare ritten y Tim B*!son 6t'h=(ryptso+t%(omI


    F TBS S>HT3A#E S P#>:4E4 "@ E#C @>KG UUAS SOO A4

    F A@ ERP#ESS ># 8P?E4 3A##ATES, C?K4G, "KT >T

  • 8/13/2019 Readme OSS Step7


    ?8TE4 T>, TBE


    F A#E 4SC?A8E4% > E:ET SBA?? TBE AKTB># >#C>T#"KT>#S "E ?A"?E

    F H># A@ 4#ECT, 4#ECT, C4ETA?, SPECA?, ERE8P?A#@, >#C>SEKETA?

    F 4A8AGES 6C?K4G, "KT >T ?8TE4 T>, P#>CK#E8ET >HSK"STTKTE G>>4S

    F ># SE#:CES ?>SS >H KSE, 4ATA, ># P#>HTS ># "KSESSTE##KPT>

    F B>3E:E# CAKSE4 A4 > A@ TBE>#@ >H ?A"?T@, 3BETBE# C>T#ACT, ST#CT

    F ?A"?T@, ># T>#T 6C?K4G EG?GECE ># >TBE#3SEA#SG A@ 3A@

    F >KT >H TBE KSE >H TBS S>HT3A#E, E:E H A4:SE4 >H TBEP>SS"?T@ >H

    F SKCB 4A8AGE%


    F The li(en(e an! !istri*tion terms +or any p*li(ally aailale ersion or

    F !eriatie o+ this (o!e (annot e (hange!% i%e% this (o!e (annot simply e

    F (opie! an! p*t *n!er another !istri*tion li(en(e

    F Vin(l*!ing the GK P*li( ?i(en(e%W



    F Copyright 6( 199/-200. The >penSS? Pro'e(t% All rights resere!%


    F #e!istri*tion an! *se in so*r(e an! inary +orms, ith or itho*t

    F mo!i+i(ation, are permitte! proi!e! that the +olloing (on!itions

    F are metM


    F 1% #e!istri*tions o+ so*r(e (o!e m*st retain the aoe (opyright

    F noti(e, this list o+ (on!itions an! the +olloing !is(laimer%


    F 2% #e!istri*tions in inary +orm m*st repro!*(e the aoe (opyright

    F noti(e, this list o+ (on!itions an! the +olloing !is(laimer in

    F the !o(*mentation an!Jor other materials proi!e! ith the

    F !istri*tion%


    F &% All a!ertising materials mentioning +eat*res or *se o+ this

    F so+tare m*st !isplay the +olloing a()nole!gmentM

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    F IThis pro!*(t in(l*!es so+tare !eelope! y the >penSS? Pro'e(t

    F +or *se in the >penSS? Tool)it% 6httpMJJ%openssl%orgJI


    F % The names I>penSS? Tool)itI an! I>penSS? Pro'e(tI m*st not e *se! to

    F en!orse or promote pro!*(ts !erie! +rom this so+tare itho*tF prior ritten permission% Hor ritten permission, please (onta(t

    F openssl-(ore=openssl%org%


    F 5% Pro!*(ts !erie! +rom this so+tare may not e (alle! I>penSS?I

    F nor may I>penSS?I appear in their names itho*t prior ritten

    F permission o+ the >penSS? Pro'e(t%


    F .% #e!istri*tions o+ any +orm hatsoeer m*st retain the +olloing

    F a()nole!gmentM

    F IThis pro!*(t in(l*!es so+tare !eelope! y the >penSS? Pro'e(t

    F +or *se in the >penSS? Tool)it 6httpMJJ%openssl%orgJI


    F TBS S>HT3A#E S P#>:4E4 "@ TBE >penSS? P#>ECT UUAS SOO A4A@

    F ERP#ESSE4 ># 8P?E4 3A##ATES, C?K4G, "KT >T ?8TE4T>, TBE

    F 8P?E4 3A##ATES >H 8E#CBATA"?T@ A4 HTESS H># APA#TCK?A#

    F PK#P>SE A#E 4SC?A8E4% > E:ET SBA?? TBE >penSS?P#>ECT >#

    F TS C>T#"KT>#S "E ?A"?E H># A@ 4#ECT, 4#ECT,C4ETA?,

    F SPECA?, ERE8P?A#@, ># C>SEKETA? 4A8AGES 6C?K4G,"KT

    F >T ?8TE4 T>, P#>CK#E8ET >H SK"STTKTE G>>4S >#SE#:CES

    F ?>SS >H KSE, 4ATA, ># P#>HTS ># "KSESS TE##KPT>

    F B>3E:E# CAKSE4 A4 > A@ TBE>#@ >H ?A"?T@, 3BETBE# C>T#ACT,

    F ST#CT ?A"?T@, ># T>#T 6C?K4G EG?GECE ># >TBE#3SE

    F A#SG A@ 3A@ >KT >H TBE KSE >H TBS S>HT3A#E, E:E HA4:SE4

    F >H TBE P>SS"?T@ >H SKCB 4A8AGE%

    open##! !icense

    with &dvertising


    F #e!istri*tion an! *se in so*r(e an! inary +orms, ith or itho*t

    F mo!i+i(ation, are permitte! proi!e! that the +olloing (on!itions

    F are metM


    F 1% #e!istri*tions o+ so*r(e (o!e m*st retain the aoe (opyright

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    F noti(e, this list o+ (on!itions an! the +olloing !is(laimer%


    F 2% #e!istri*tions in inary +orm m*st repro!*(e the aoe (opyright

    F noti(e, this list o+ (on!itions an! the +olloing !is(laimer in

    F the !o(*mentation an!Jor other materials proi!e! ith theF !istri*tion%


    F &% All a!ertising materials mentioning +eat*res or *se o+ this

    F so+tare m*st !isplay the +olloing a()nole!gmentM

    F IThis pro!*(t in(l*!es so+tare !eelope! y the >penSS? Pro'e(t

    F +or *se in the >penSS? Tool)it% 6httpMJJ%openssl%orgJI


    F % The names I>penSS? Tool)itI an! I>penSS? Pro'e(tI m*st not e *se! to

    F en!orse or promote pro!*(ts !erie! +rom this so+tare itho*t

    F prior ritten permission% Hor ritten permission, please (onta(t

    F openssl-(ore=openssl%org%


    F 5% Pro!*(ts !erie! +rom this so+tare may not e (alle! I>penSS?I

    F nor may I>penSS?I appear in their names itho*t prior ritten

    F permission o+ the >penSS? Pro'e(t%


    F .% #e!istri*tions o+ any +orm hatsoeer m*st retain the +olloing

    F a()nole!gmentM

    F IThis pro!*(t in(l*!es so+tare !eelope! y the >penSS? Pro'e(t

    F +or *se in the >penSS? Tool)it 6httpMJJ%openssl%orgJI


    F TBS S>HT3A#E S P#>:4E4 "@ TBE >penSS? P#>ECT UUAS SOO A4A@

    F ERP#ESSE4 ># 8P?E4 3A##ATES, C?K4G, "KT >T ?8TE4T>, TBE

    F 8P?E4 3A##ATES >H 8E#CBATA"?T@ A4 HTESS H># APA#TCK?A#

    F PK#P>SE A#E 4SC?A8E4% > E:ET SBA?? TBE >penSS?P#>ECT >#

    F TS C>T#"KT>#S "E ?A"?E H># A@ 4#ECT, 4#ECT,C4ETA?,

    F SPECA?, ERE8P?A#@, ># C>SEKETA? 4A8AGES 6C?K4G,"KT

    F >T ?8TE4 T>, P#>CK#E8ET >H SK"STTKTE G>>4S >#SE#:CES

    F ?>SS >H KSE, 4ATA, ># P#>HTS ># "KSESS TE##KPT>

    F B>3E:E# CAKSE4 A4 > A@ TBE>#@ >H ?A"?T@, 3BETBE# C>T#ACT,

  • 8/13/2019 Readme OSS Step7


  • 8/13/2019 Readme OSS Step7


    F en!orse or promote pro!*(ts !erie! +rom this so+tare itho*t

    F prior ritten permission% Hor ritten permission, please (onta(t

    F openssl-(ore=openssl%org%


    F 5% Pro!*(ts !erie! +rom this so+tare may not e (alle! I>penSS?IF nor may I>penSS?I appear in their names itho*t prior ritten

    F permission o+ the >penSS? Pro'e(t%


    F .% #e!istri*tions o+ any +orm hatsoeer m*st retain the +olloing

    F a()nole!gmentM

    F IThis pro!*(t in(l*!es so+tare !eelope! y the >penSS? Pro'e(t

    F +or *se in the >penSS? Tool)it 6httpMJJ%openssl%orgJI


    F TBS S>HT3A#E S P#>:4E4 "@ TBE >penSS? P#>ECT UUAS SOO A4


    F ERP#ESSE4 ># 8P?E4 3A##ATES, C?K4G, "KT >T ?8TE4T>, TBE

    F 8P?E4 3A##ATES >H 8E#CBATA"?T@ A4 HTESS H># APA#TCK?A#

    F PK#P>SE A#E 4SC?A8E4% > E:ET SBA?? TBE >penSS?P#>ECT >#

    F TS C>T#"KT>#S "E ?A"?E H># A@ 4#ECT, 4#ECT,C4ETA?,

    F SPECA?, ERE8P?A#@, ># C>SEKETA? 4A8AGES 6C?K4G,"KT

    F >T ?8TE4 T>, P#>CK#E8ET >H SK"STTKTE G>>4S >#SE#:CES

    F ?>SS >H KSE, 4ATA, ># P#>HTS ># "KSESS TE##KPT>

    F B>3E:E# CAKSE4 A4 > A@ TBE>#@ >H ?A"?T@, 3BETBE# C>T#ACT,

    F ST#CT ?A"?T@, ># T>#T 6C?K4G EG?GECE ># >TBE#3SE

    F A#SG A@ 3A@ >KT >H TBE KSE >H TBS S>HT3A#E, E:E HA4:SE4

    F >H TBE P>SS"?T@ >H SKCB 4A8AGE%



    F This pro!*(t in(l*!es (ryptographi( so+tare ritten y Eri( @o*ng

    F 6eay=(ryptso+t%(om% This pro!*(t in(l*!es so+tare ritten y Tim

    F B*!son 6t'h=(ryptso+t%(om%



  • 8/13/2019 Readme OSS Step7


    >riginal SS?eay ?i(ense


    JF Copyright 6C 1995-199/ Eri( @o*ng 6eay=(ryptso+t%(om

    F All rights resere!%F

    F This pa()age is an SS? implementation ritten

    F y Eri( @o*ng 6eay=(ryptso+t%(om%

    F The implementation as ritten so as to (on+orm ith ets(apes SS?%


    F This lirary is +ree +or (ommer(ial an! non-(ommer(ial *se as long as

    F the +olloing (on!itions are aheare! to% The +olloing (on!itions

    F apply to all (o!e +o*n! in this !istri*tion, e it the #C, #SA,

    F lhash, 4ES, et(%, (o!e not '*st the SS? (o!e% The SS? !o(*mentation

    F in(l*!e! ith this !istri*tion is (oere! y the same (opyright terms

    F e$(ept that the hol!er is Tim B*!son 6t'h=(ryptso+t%(om%


    F Copyright remains Eri( @o*ngOs, an! as s*(h any Copyright noti(es in

    F the (o!e are not to e remoe!%

    F + this pa()age is *se! in a pro!*(t, Eri( @o*ng sho*l! e gien attri*tion

    F as the a*thor o+ the parts o+ the lirary *se!%

    F This (an e in the +orm o+ a te$t*al message at program start*p or

    F in !o(*mentation 6online or te$t*al proi!e! ith the pa()age%


    F #e!istri*tion an! *se in so*r(e an! inary +orms, ith or itho*t

    F mo!i+i(ation, are permitte! proi!e! that the +olloing (on!itions

    F are metM

    F 1% #e!istri*tions o+ so*r(e (o!e m*st retain the (opyright

    F noti(e, this list o+ (on!itions an! the +olloing !is(laimer%

    F 2% #e!istri*tions in inary +orm m*st repro!*(e the aoe (opyright

    F noti(e, this list o+ (on!itions an! the +olloing !is(laimer in the

    F !o(*mentation an!Jor other materials proi!e! ith the !istri*tion%

    F &% All a!ertising materials mentioning +eat*res or *se o+ this so+tareF m*st !isplay the +olloing a()nole!gementM

    F IThis pro!*(t in(l*!es (ryptographi( so+tare ritten y

    F Eri( @o*ng 6eay=(ryptso+t%(omI

    F The or! O(ryptographi(O (an e le+t o*t i+ the ro*ines +rom the lirary

    F eing *se! are not (ryptographi( relate! M-%

    F % + yo* in(l*!e any 3in!os spe(i+i( (o!e 6or a !eriatie thereo+ +rom

    F the apps !ire(tory 6appli(ation (o!e yo* m*st in(l*!e an a()nole!gementM

  • 8/13/2019 Readme OSS Step7


    F IThis pro!*(t in(l*!es so+tare ritten y Tim B*!son 6t'h=(ryptso+t%(omI


    F TBS S>HT3A#E S P#>:4E4 "@ E#C @>KG UUAS SOO A4

    F A@ ERP#ESS ># 8P?E4 3A##ATES, C?K4G, "KT >T?8TE4 T>, TBE


    F A#E 4SC?A8E4% > E:ET SBA?? TBE AKTB># >#C>T#"KT>#S "E ?A"?E

    F H># A@ 4#ECT, 4#ECT, C4ETA?, SPECA?, ERE8P?A#@, >#C>SEKETA?

    F 4A8AGES 6C?K4G, "KT >T ?8TE4 T>, P#>CK#E8ET >HSK"STTKTE G>>4S

    F ># SE#:CES ?>SS >H KSE, 4ATA, ># P#>HTS ># "KSESSTE##KPT>

    F B>3E:E# CAKSE4 A4 > A@ TBE>#@ >H ?A"?T@, 3BETBE#

    C>T#ACT, ST#CTF ?A"?T@, ># T>#T 6C?K4G EG?GECE ># >TBE#3SE

    A#SG A@ 3A@

    F >KT >H TBE KSE >H TBS S>HT3A#E, E:E H A4:SE4 >H TBEP>SS"?T@ >H

    F SKCB 4A8AGE%


    F The li(en(e an! !istri*tion terms +or any p*li(ally aailale ersion or

    F !eriatie o+ this (o!e (annot e (hange!% i%e% this (o!e (annot simply e

    F (opie! an! p*t *n!er another !istri*tion li(en(e

    F Vin(l*!ing the GK P*li( ?i(en(e%WFJ

    riginal ##!eay

    !icense 0#' with

    &dvertising clause

    JF Copyright 6C 1995-199/ Eri( @o*ng 6eay=(ryptso+t%(om

    F All rights resere!%


    F This pa()age is an SS? implementation ritten

    F y Eri( @o*ng 6eay=(ryptso+t%(om%

    F The implementation as ritten so as to (on+orm ith ets(apes SS?%

    FF This lirary is +ree +or (ommer(ial an! non-(ommer(ial *se as long as

    F the +olloing (on!itions are aheare! to% The +olloing (on!itions

    F apply to all (o!e +o*n! in this !istri*tion, e it the #C, #SA,

    F lhash, 4ES, et(%, (o!e not '*st the SS? (o!e% The SS? !o(*mentation

    F in(l*!e! ith this !istri*tion is (oere! y the same (opyright terms

    F e$(ept that the hol!er is Tim B*!son 6t'h=(ryptso+t%(om%


  • 8/13/2019 Readme OSS Step7


    F Copyright remains Eri( @o*ngOs, an! as s*(h any Copyright noti(es in

    F the (o!e are not to e remoe!%

    F + this pa()age is *se! in a pro!*(t, Eri( @o*ng sho*l! e gien attri*tion

    F as the a*thor o+ the parts o+ the lirary *se!%

    F This (an e in the +orm o+ a te$t*al message at program start*p orF in !o(*mentation 6online or te$t*al proi!e! ith the pa()age%


    F #e!istri*tion an! *se in so*r(e an! inary +orms, ith or itho*t

    F mo!i+i(ation, are permitte! proi!e! that the +olloing (on!itions

    F are metM

    F 1% #e!istri*tions o+ so*r(e (o!e m*st retain the (opyright

    F noti(e, this list o+ (on!itions an! the +olloing !is(laimer%

    F 2% #e!istri*tions in inary +orm m*st repro!*(e the aoe (opyright

    F noti(e, this list o+ (on!itions an! the +olloing !is(laimer in the

    F !o(*mentation an!Jor other materials proi!e! ith the !istri*tion%

    F &% All a!ertising materials mentioning +eat*res or *se o+ this so+tare

    F m*st !isplay the +olloing a()nole!gementM

    F IThis pro!*(t in(l*!es (ryptographi( so+tare ritten y

    F Eri( @o*ng 6eay=(ryptso+t%(omI

    F The or! O(ryptographi(O (an e le+t o*t i+ the ro*ines +rom the lirary

    F eing *se! are not (ryptographi( relate! M-%

    F % + yo* in(l*!e any 3in!os spe(i+i( (o!e 6or a !eriatie thereo+ +rom

    F the apps !ire(tory 6appli(ation (o!e yo* m*st in(l*!e an a()nole!gementM

    F IThis pro!*(t in(l*!es so+tare ritten y Tim B*!son 6t'h=(ryptso+t%(omI


    F TBS S>HT3A#E S P#>:4E4 "@ E#C @>KG UUAS SOO A4

    F A@ ERP#ESS ># 8P?E4 3A##ATES, C?K4G, "KT >T?8TE4 T>, TBE


    F A#E 4SC?A8E4% > E:ET SBA?? TBE AKTB># >#C>T#"KT>#S "E ?A"?E

    F H># A@ 4#ECT, 4#ECT, C4ETA?, SPECA?, ERE8P?A#@, >#C>SEKETA?

    F 4A8AGES 6C?K4G, "KT >T ?8TE4 T>, P#>CK#E8ET >HSK"STTKTE G>>4S

    F ># SE#:CES ?>SS >H KSE, 4ATA, ># P#>HTS ># "KSESSTE##KPT>

    F B>3E:E# CAKSE4 A4 > A@ TBE>#@ >H ?A"?T@, 3BETBE# C>T#ACT, ST#CT

    F ?A"?T@, ># T>#T 6C?K4G EG?GECE ># >TBE#3SEA#SG A@ 3A@


  • 8/13/2019 Readme OSS Step7


    P>SS"?T@ >H

    F SKCB 4A8AGE%

    ther !icenses

    0#' clause with

    &dvertising clause 5

    ric 2oung

    Copyright 6C 1995-1997 Eri( @o*ng 6eay=(ryptso+t%(om

    All rights resere!%

    This pa()age is an 4ES implementation ritten y Eri( @o*ng6eay=(ryptso+t%(om%

    The implementation as ritten so as to (on+orm ith 8TOs li!es%

    This lirary is +ree +or (ommer(ial an! non-(ommer(ial *se as long as

    the +olloing (on!itions are aheare! to% The +olloing (on!itions

    apply to all (o!e +o*n! in this !istri*tion%

    Copyright remains Eri( @o*ngOs, an! as s*(h any Copyright noti(es in

    the (o!e are not to e remoe!%

    + this pa()age is *se! in a pro!*(t, Eri( @o*ng sho*l! e gien attri*tion

    as the a*thor o+ that the SS? lirary% This (an e in the +orm o+ a te$t*al

    message at program start*p or in !o(*mentation 6online or te$t*al proi!e!

    ith the pa()age%

    #e!istri*tion an! *se in so*r(e an! inary +orms, ith or itho*t

    mo!i+i(ation, are permitte! proi!e! that the +olloing (on!itions

    are metM

    1% #e!istri*tions o+ so*r(e (o!e m*st retain the (opyright

    noti(e, this list o+ (on!itions an! the +olloing !is(laimer%

    2% #e!istri*tions in inary +orm m*st repro!*(e the aoe (opyright

    noti(e, this list o+ (on!itions an! the +olloing !is(laimer in the

    !o(*mentation an!Jor other materials proi!e! ith the !istri*tion%

    &% All a!ertising materials mentioning +eat*res or *se o+ this so+tare

    m*st !isplay the +olloing a()nole!gementM

    This pro!*(t in(l*!es so+tare !eelope! y Eri( @o*ng 6eay=(ryptso+t%(om

    TBS S>HT3A#E S P#>:4E4 "@ E#C @>KG UUAS SOO A4

    A@ ERP#ESS ># 8P?E4 3A##ATES, C?K4G, "KT >T ?8TE4T>, TBE


    A#E 4SC?A8E4% > E:ET SBA?? TBE AKTB># ># C>T#"KT>#S

  • 8/13/2019 Readme OSS Step7


    "E ?A"?E

    H># A@ 4#ECT, 4#ECT, C4ETA?, SPECA?, ERE8P?A#@, >#C>SEKETA?

    4A8AGES 6C?K4G, "KT >T ?8TE4 T>, P#>CK#E8ET >HSK"STTKTE G>>4S

    ># SE#:CES ?>SS >H KSE, 4ATA, ># P#>HTS ># "KSESSTE##KPT>

    B>3E:E# CAKSE4 A4 > A@ TBE>#@ >H ?A"?T@, 3BETBE# C>T#ACT, ST#CT

    ?A"?T@, ># T>#T 6C?K4G EG?GECE ># >TBE#3SE A#SG A@ 3A@

    >KT >H TBE KSE >H TBS S>HT3A#E, E:E H A4:SE4 >H TBEP>SS"?T@ >H

    SKCB 4A8AGE%

    The li(ense an! !istri*tion terms +or any p*li(ally aailale ersion or

    !eriatie o+ this (o!e (annot e (hange!% i%e% this (o!e (annot simply e

    (opie! an! p*t *n!er another !istr**tion li(ense

    Vin(l*!ing the GK P*li( ?i(ense%W

    0#' clause with

    advertising clause 5

    ric 2oung

    Copyright 6C 1995-1997 Eri( @o*ng 6eay=(ryptso+t%(om

    All rights resere!%

    This pa()age is an "lo+ish implementation ritten

    y Eri( @o*ng 6eay=(ryptso+t%(om%

    This lirary is +ree +or (ommer(ial an! non-(ommer(ial *se as long as

    the +olloing (on!itions are aheare! to% The +olloing (on!itions

    apply to all (o!e +o*n! in this !istri*tion%

    Copyright remains Eri( @o*ngOs, an! as s*(h any Copyright noti(es in

    the (o!e are not to e remoe!%

    #e!istri*tion an! *se in so*r(e an! inary +orms, ith or itho*t

    mo!i+i(ation, are permitte! proi!e! that the +olloing (on!itions

    are metM

    1% #e!istri*tions o+ so*r(e (o!e m*st retain the (opyright

    noti(e, this list o+ (on!itions an! the +olloing !is(laimer%

    2% #e!istri*tions in inary +orm m*st repro!*(e the aoe (opyright

    noti(e, this list o+ (on!itions an! the +olloing !is(laimer in the

    !o(*mentation an!Jor other materials proi!e! ith the !istri*tion%

    &% All a!ertising materials mentioning +eat*res or *se o+ this so+tare

  • 8/13/2019 Readme OSS Step7


    m*st !isplay the +olloing a()nole!gementM

    This pro!*(t in(l*!es so+tare !eelope! y Eri( @o*ng 6eay=(ryptso+t%(om

    TBS S>HT3A#E S P#>:4E4 "@ E#C @>KG UUAS SOO A4

    A@ ERP#ESS ># 8P?E4 3A##ATES, C?K4G, "KT >T ?8TE4T>, TBE


    A#E 4SC?A8E4% > E:ET SBA?? TBE AKTB># ># C>T#"KT>#S"E ?A"?E

    H># A@ 4#ECT, 4#ECT, C4ETA?, SPECA?, ERE8P?A#@, >#C>SEKETA?

    4A8AGES 6C?K4G, "KT >T ?8TE4 T>, P#>CK#E8ET >HSK"STTKTE G>>4S

    ># SE#:CES ?>SS >H KSE, 4ATA, ># P#>HTS ># "KSESSTE##KPT>

    B>3E:E# CAKSE4 A4 > A@ TBE>#@ >H ?A"?T@, 3BETBE# C>T#ACT, ST#CT

    ?A"?T@, ># T>#T 6C?K4G EG?GECE ># >TBE#3SE A#SG A@ 3A@

    >KT >H TBE KSE >H TBS S>HT3A#E, E:E H A4:SE4 >H TBEP>SS"?T@ >H

    SKCB 4A8AGE%

    The li(ense an! !istri*tion terms +or any p*li(ally aailale ersion or

    !eriatie o+ this (o!e (annot e (hange!% i%e% this (o!e (annot simply e

    (opie! an! p*t *n!er another !istr**tion li(enseVin(l*!ing the GK P*li( ?i(ense%W

    'ual license 5 $%!

    81 or later 9 0#' -

    clause with

    &dvertising clause

    6( Copyright 1999 "o!o 8oeller% All rights resere!%

    This is +ree so+tare yo* (an re!istri*te! an!Jor mo!i+y it

    *nter the terms o+ either

    - the GK General P*li( ?i(ense as p*lishe! y the

    Hree So+tare Ho*n!ation, ersion 1, or 6at yo*r option

    any later ersion,


    - the +olloing li(enseM



    F #e!istri*tion an! *se in so*r(e an! inary +orms, ith or itho*t

    F mo!i+i(ation, are permitte! proi!e! that ea(h o+ the +olloing

    F (on!itions is metM

  • 8/13/2019 Readme OSS Step7



    F 1% #e!istri*tions ;*ali+y as I+reeareI or I>pen So*r(e So+tareI *n!er

    F one o+ the +olloing termsM


    F 6a #e!istri*tions are ma!e at no (harge eyon! the reasonale (ost o+F materials an! !eliery%


    F 6 #e!istri*tions are a((ompanie! y a (opy o+ the So*r(e Co!e

    F or y an irreo(ale o++er to proi!e a (opy o+ the So*r(e Co!e

    F +or *p to three years at the (ost o+ materials an! !eliery%

    F S*(h re!istri*tions m*st allo +*rther *se, mo!i+i(ation, an!

    F re!istri*tion o+ the So*r(e Co!e *n!er s*stantially the same

    F terms as this li(ense%


    F 2% #e!istri*tions o+ so*r(e (o!e m*st retain the aoe (opyright

    F noti(e, this list o+ (on!itions an! the +olloing !is(laimer%


    F &% #e!istri*tions in inary +orm m*st repro!*(e the aoe (opyright

    F noti(e, this list o+ (on!itions an! the +olloing !is(laimer in

    F the !o(*mentation an!Jor other materials proi!e! ith the

    F !istri*tion%


    F % All a!ertising materials mentioning +eat*res or *se o+ this

    F so+tare m*st !isplay the +olloing a()nole!gmentM

    F IThis pro!*(t in(l*!es so+tare !eelope! y "o!o 8oeller%I

    F 6+ aailale, s*stit*te *mla*te! o +or oe%


    F 5% #e!istri*tions o+ any +orm hatsoeer m*st retain the +olloing

    F a()nole!gmentM

    F IThis pro!*(t in(l*!es so+tare !eelope! y "o!o 8oeller%I


    F TBS S>HT3A#E S P#>:4E4 "@ ">4> 8>E??E# UUAS SOO A4 A@

    F ERP#ESSE4 ># 8P?E4 3A##ATES, C?K4G, "KT >T ?8TE4T>, TBE

    F 8P?E4 3A##ATES >H 8E#CBATA"?T@ A4 HTESS H># APA#TCK?A#

    F PK#P>SE A#E 4SC?A8E4% > E:ET SBA?? ">4> 8>E??E# >#

    F BS C>T#"KT>#S "E ?A"?E H># A@ 4#ECT, 4#ECT,C4ETA?,

    F SPECA?, ERE8P?A#@, ># C>SEKETA? 4A8AGES 6C?K4G,"KT

    F >T ?8TE4 T>, P#>CK#E8ET >H SK"STTKTE G>>4S >#

  • 8/13/2019 Readme OSS Step7



    F ?>SS >H KSE, 4ATA, ># P#>HTS ># "KSESS TE##KPT>

    F B>3E:E# CAKSE4 A4 > A@ TBE>#@ >H ?A"?T@, 3BETBE# C>T#ACT,

    F ST#CT ?A"?T@, ># T>#T 6C?K4G EG?GECE ># >TBE#3SE

    F A#SG A@ 3A@ >KT >H TBE KSE >H TBS S>HT3A#E, E:E HA4:SE4

    F >H TBE P>SS"?T@ >H SKCB 4A8AGE%


    :ersion 1, Her*ary 19/9

    Copyright 6C 19/9 Hree So+tare Ho*n!ation, n(%

    .75 8ass Ae, Camri!ge, 8A 021&9, KSAEeryone is permitte! to (opy an! !istri*te eratim (opies

    o+ this li(ense !o(*ment, *t (hanging it is not alloe!%


    The li(ense agreements o+ most so+tare (ompanies try to )eep *sers

    at the mer(y o+ those (ompanies% "y (ontrast, o*r General P*li(

    ?i(ense is inten!e! to g*arantee yo*r +ree!om to share an! (hange +ree

    so+tare--to ma)e s*re the so+tare is +ree +or all its *sers% The

    General P*li( ?i(ense applies to the Hree So+tare Ho*n!ationOs

    so+tare an! to any other program hose a*thors (ommit to *sing it%

    @o* (an *se it +or yo*r programs, too%

    3hen e spea) o+ +ree so+tare, e are re+erring to +ree!om, not

    pri(e% Spe(i+i(ally, the General P*li( ?i(ense is !esigne! to ma)e

    s*re that yo* hae the +ree!om to gie aay or sell (opies o+ +ree

    so+tare, that yo* re(eie so*r(e (o!e or (an get it i+ yo* ant it,

    that yo* (an (hange the so+tare or *se pie(es o+ it in ne +ree

    programs an! that yo* )no yo* (an !o these things%

    To prote(t yo*r rights, e nee! to ma)e restri(tions that +ori!

    anyone to !eny yo* these rights or to as) yo* to s*rren!er the rights%

    These restri(tions translate to (ertain responsiilities +or yo* i+ yo*

    !istri*te (opies o+ the so+tare, or i+ yo* mo!i+y it%

  • 8/13/2019 Readme OSS Step7


    Hor e$ample, i+ yo* !istri*te (opies o+ a s*(h a program, hether

    gratis or +or a +ee, yo* m*st gie the re(ipients all the rights that

    yo* hae% @o* m*st ma)e s*re that they, too, re(eie or (an get the

    so*r(e (o!e% An! yo* m*st tell them their rights%

    3e prote(t yo*r rights ith to stepsM 61 (opyright the so+tare, an!

    62 o++er yo* this li(ense hi(h gies yo* legal permission to (opy,

    !istri*te an!Jor mo!i+y the so+tare%

    Also, +or ea(h a*thorOs prote(tion an! o*rs, e ant to ma)e (ertain

    that eeryone *n!erstan!s that there is no arranty +or this +ree

    so+tare% + the so+tare is mo!i+ie! y someone else an! passe! on, e

    ant its re(ipients to )no that hat they hae is not the original, so

    that any prolems intro!*(e! y others ill not re+le(t on the original

    a*thorsO rep*tations%

    The pre(ise terms an! (on!itions +or (opying, !istri*tion an!

    mo!i+i(ation +ollo%


    TE#8S A4 C>4T>S H># C>P@G, 4ST#"KT> A48>4HCAT>

    0% This ?i(ense Agreement applies to any program or other or) hi(h

    (ontains a noti(e pla(e! y the (opyright hol!er saying it may e

    !istri*te! *n!er the terms o+ this General P*li( ?i(ense% The

    IProgramI, elo, re+ers to any s*(h program or or), an! a Ior) ase!

    on the ProgramI means either the Program or any or) (ontaining the

    Program or a portion o+ it, either eratim or ith mo!i+i(ations% Ea(h

    li(ensee is a!!resse! as Iyo*I%

    1% @o* may (opy an! !istri*te eratim (opies o+ the ProgramOs so*r(e

    (o!e as yo* re(eie it, in any me!i*m, proi!e! that yo* (onspi(*o*sly an!

    appropriately p*lish on ea(h (opy an appropriate (opyright noti(e an!

    !is(laimer o+ arranty )eep inta(t all the noti(es that re+er to this

    General P*li( ?i(ense an! to the asen(e o+ any arranty an! gie any

    other re(ipients o+ the Program a (opy o+ this General P*li( ?i(ense

    along ith the Program% @o* may (harge a +ee +or the physi(al a(t o+

    trans+erring a (opy%

  • 8/13/2019 Readme OSS Step7


    2% @o* may mo!i+y yo*r (opy or (opies o+ the Program or any portion o+

    it, an! (opy an! !istri*te s*(h mo!i+i(ations *n!er the terms o+ Paragraph

    1 aoe, proi!e! that yo* also !o the +olloingM

    a (a*se the mo!i+ie! +iles to (arry prominent noti(es stating that yo* (hange! the +iles an! the !ate o+ any (hange an!

    (a*se the hole o+ any or) that yo* !istri*te or p*lish, that

    in hole or in part (ontains the Program or any part thereo+, either

    ith or itho*t mo!i+i(ations, to e li(ense! at no (harge to all

    thir! parties *n!er the terms o+ this General P*li( ?i(ense 6e$(ept

    that yo* may (hoose to grant arranty prote(tion to some or all

    thir! parties, at yo*r option%

    ( + the mo!i+ie! program normally rea!s (omman!s intera(tiely hen

    r*n, yo* m*st (a*se it, hen starte! r*nning +or s*(h intera(tie *se

    in the simplest an! most *s*al ay, to print or !isplay an

    anno*n(ement in(l*!ing an appropriate (opyright noti(e an! a noti(e

    that there is no arranty 6or else, saying that yo* proi!e a

    arranty an! that *sers may re!istri*te the program *n!er these

    (on!itions, an! telling the *ser ho to ie a (opy o+ this General

    P*li( ?i(ense%

    ! @o* may (harge a +ee +or the physi(al a(t o+ trans+erring a

    (opy, an! yo* may at yo*r option o++er arranty prote(tion in

    e$(hange +or a +ee%

    8ere aggregation o+ another in!epen!ent or) ith the Program 6or its

    !eriatie on a ol*me o+ a storage or !istri*tion me!i*m !oes not ring

    the other or) *n!er the s(ope o+ these terms%

    &% @o* may (opy an! !istri*te the Program 6or a portion or !eriatie o+

    it, *n!er Paragraph 2 in o'e(t (o!e or e$e(*tale +orm *n!er the terms o+

    Paragraphs 1 an! 2 aoe proi!e! that yo* also !o one o+ the +olloingM

    a a((ompany it ith the (omplete (orrespon!ing ma(hine-rea!ale

    so*r(e (o!e, hi(h m*st e !istri*te! *n!er the terms o+

    Paragraphs 1 an! 2 aoe or,

  • 8/13/2019 Readme OSS Step7


    a((ompany it ith a ritten o++er, ali! +or at least three

    years, to gie any thir! party +ree 6e$(ept +or a nominal (harge

    +or the (ost o+ !istri*tion a (omplete ma(hine-rea!ale (opy o+ the

    (orrespon!ing so*r(e (o!e, to e !istri*te! *n!er the terms o+

    Paragraphs 1 an! 2 aoe or,

    ( a((ompany it ith the in+ormation yo* re(eie! as to here the

    (orrespon!ing so*r(e (o!e may e otaine!% 6This alternatie is

    alloe! only +or non(ommer(ial !istri*tion an! only i+ yo*

    re(eie! the program in o'e(t (o!e or e$e(*tale +orm alone%

    So*r(e (o!e +or a or) means the pre+erre! +orm o+ the or) +or ma)ing

    mo!i+i(ations to it% Hor an e$e(*tale +ile, (omplete so*r(e (o!e means

    all the so*r(e (o!e +or all mo!*les it (ontains *t, as a spe(ial

    e$(eption, it nee! not in(l*!e so*r(e (o!e +or mo!*les hi(h are stan!ar!

    liraries that a((ompany the operating system on hi(h the e$e(*tale

    +ile r*ns, or +or stan!ar! hea!er +iles or !e+initions +iles that

    a((ompany that operating system%

    % @o* may not (opy, mo!i+y, s*li(ense, !istri*te or trans+er the

    Program e$(ept as e$pressly proi!e! *n!er this General P*li( ?i(ense%

    Any attempt otherise to (opy, mo!i+y, s*li(ense, !istri*te or trans+er

    the Program is oi!, an! ill a*tomati(ally terminate yo*r rights to *se

    the Program *n!er this ?i(ense% Boeer, parties ho hae re(eie!

    (opies, or rights to *se (opies, +rom yo* *n!er this General P*li(

    ?i(ense ill not hae their li(enses terminate! so long as s*(h parties

    remain in +*ll (omplian(e%

    5% "y (opying, !istri*ting or mo!i+ying the Program 6or any or) ase!

    on the Program yo* in!i(ate yo*r a((eptan(e o+ this li(ense to !o so,

    an! all its terms an! (on!itions%

    .% Ea(h time yo* re!istri*te the Program 6or any or) ase! on the

    Program, the re(ipient a*tomati(ally re(eies a li(ense +rom the original

    li(ensor to (opy, !istri*te or mo!i+y the Program s*'e(t to these

    terms an! (on!itions% @o* may not impose any +*rther restri(tions on the

    re(ipientsO e$er(ise o+ the rights grante! herein%

    7% The Hree So+tare Ho*n!ation may p*lish reise! an!Jor ne ersions

  • 8/13/2019 Readme OSS Step7


    o+ the General P*li( ?i(ense +rom time to time% S*(h ne ersions ill

    e similar in spirit to the present ersion, *t may !i++er in !etail to

    a!!ress ne prolems or (on(erns%

    Ea(h ersion is gien a !isting*ishing ersion n*mer% + the Programspe(i+ies a ersion n*mer o+ the li(ense hi(h applies to it an! Iany

    later ersionI, yo* hae the option o+ +olloing the terms an! (on!itions

    either o+ that ersion or o+ any later ersion p*lishe! y the Hree

    So+tare Ho*n!ation% + the Program !oes not spe(i+y a ersion n*mer o+

    the li(ense, yo* may (hoose any ersion eer p*lishe! y the Hree So+tare


    /% + yo* ish to in(orporate parts o+ the Program into other +ree

    programs hose !istri*tion (on!itions are !i++erent, rite to the a*thor

    to as) +or permission% Hor so+tare hi(h is (opyrighte! y the Hree

    So+tare Ho*n!ation, rite to the Hree So+tare Ho*n!ation e sometimes

    ma)e e$(eptions +or this% >*r !e(ision ill e g*i!e! y the to goals

    o+ presering the +ree stat*s o+ all !eriaties o+ o*r +ree so+tare an!

    o+ promoting the sharing an! re*se o+ so+tare generally%

    > 3A##AT@


    > 3A##AT@



    P#>:4E TBE P#>G#A8 IAS SI 3TB>KT 3A##AT@ >H A@ 4,ETBE# ERP#ESSE4

    ># 8P?E4, C?K4G, "KT >T ?8TE4 T>, TBE 8P?E43A##ATES >H


    T> TBE KA?T@ A4 PE#H>#8ACE >H TBE P#>G#A8 S 3TB @>K%SB>K?4 TBE

    P#>G#A8 P#>:E 4EHECT:E, @>K ASSK8E TBE C>ST >H A??ECESSA#@ SE#:CG,

    #EPA# ># C>##ECT>%

    10% > E:ET K?ESS #EK#E4 "@ APP?CA"?E ?A3 ># AG#EE4T> 3#TG

    3?? A@ C>P@#GBT B>?4E#, ># A@ >TBE# PA#T@ 3B> 8A@

  • 8/13/2019 Readme OSS Step7


    8>4H@ A4J>#

    #E4ST#"KTE TBE P#>G#A8 AS PE#8TTE4 A">:E, "E ?A"?E T> @>KH># 4A8AGES,


    >KT >H TBE KSE ># A"?T@ T> KSE TBE P#>G#A8 6C?K4G "KT>T ?8TE4

    T> ?>SS >H 4ATA ># 4ATA "EG #E4E#E4 ACCK#ATE ># ?>SSESSKSTAE4 "@

    @>K ># TB#4 PA#TES ># A HA?K#E >H TBE P#>G#A8 T> >PE#ATE3TB A@ >TBE#

    P#>G#A8S, E:E H SKCB B>?4E# ># >TBE# PA#T@ BAS "EEA4:SE4 >H TBE

    P>SS"?T@ >H SKCB 4A8AGES%

    E4 >H TE#8S A4 C>4T>S

    Appen!i$M Bo to Apply These Terms to @o*r e Programs

    + yo* !eelop a ne program, an! yo* ant it to e o+ the greatest

    possile *se to h*manity, the est ay to a(hiee this is to ma)e it

    +ree so+tare hi(h eeryone (an re!istri*te an! (hange *n!er these


    To !o so, atta(h the +olloing noti(es to the program% t is sa+est to

    atta(h them to the start o+ ea(h so*r(e +ile to most e++e(tiely (oney

    the e$(l*sion o+ arranty an! ea(h +ile sho*l! hae at least the

    I(opyrightI line an! a pointer to here the +*ll noti(e is +o*n!%

    Done line to gie the programOs name an! a rie+ i!ea o+ hat it !oes%

    Copyright 6C 19yy Dname o+ a*thor

    This program is +ree so+tare yo* (an re!istri*te it an!Jor mo!i+y

    it *n!er the terms o+ the GK General P*li( ?i(ense as p*lishe! y

    the Hree So+tare Ho*n!ation either ersion 1, or 6at yo*r option any later ersion%

    This program is !istri*te! in the hope that it ill e *se+*l,

    *t 3TB>KT A@ 3A##AT@ itho*t een the implie! arranty o+

    8E#CBATA"?T@ or HTESS H># A PA#TCK?A# PK#P>SE% See the

    GK General P*li( ?i(ense +or more !etails%

  • 8/13/2019 Readme OSS Step7


    @o* sho*l! hae re(eie! a (opy o+ the GK General P*li( ?i(ense

    along ith this program i+ not, rite to the Hree So+tare

    Ho*n!ation, n(%, .75 8ass Ae, Camri!ge, 8A 021&9, KSA%

    Also a!! in+ormation on ho to (onta(t yo* y ele(troni( an! paper mail%

    + the program is intera(tie, ma)e it o*tp*t a short noti(e li)e this

    hen it starts in an intera(tie mo!eM

    Gnomoision ersion .9, Copyright 6C 19$$ name o+ a*thor

    Gnomoision (omes ith A"S>?KTE?@ > 3A##AT@ +or !etails typeUsho O%

    This is +ree so+tare, an! yo* are el(ome to re!istri*te it

    *n!er (ertain (on!itions type Usho (O +or !etails%

    The hypotheti(al (omman!s Usho O an! Usho (O sho*l! sho the

    appropriate parts o+ the General P*li( ?i(ense% >+ (o*rse, the

    (omman!s yo* *se may e (alle! something other than Usho O an! Usho

    (O they (o*l! een e mo*se-(li()s or men* items--hateer s*its yo*r


    @o* sho*l! also get yo*r employer 6i+ yo* or) as a programmer or yo*r

    s(hool, i+ any, to sign a I(opyright !is(laimerI +or the program, i+

    ne(essary% Bere a sample alter the namesM

    @oyo!yne, n(%, herey !is(laims all (opyright interest in the

    program UGnomoisionO 6a program to !ire(t (ompilers to ma)e passes

    at assemlers ritten y ames Ba()er%

    Dsignat*re o+ Ty Coon, 1 April 19/9

    Ty Coon, Presi!ent o+ :i(e

    ThatOs all there is to itY

    open##! license

    with &dvertising


    JF 3ritten y Corinne 4ie-#e(l*s6(!ie=altimore%(om



    F #e!istri*tion an! *se in so*r(e an! inary +orms, ith or itho*t

  • 8/13/2019 Readme OSS Step7


    F mo!i+i(ation, are permitte! proi!e! that the +olloing (on!itions

    F are metM


    F 1% #e!istri*tions o+ so*r(e (o!e m*st retain the aoe (opyright

    F noti(e, this list o+ (on!itions an! the +olloing !is(laimer%F

    F 2% #e!istri*tions in inary +orm m*st repro!*(e the aoe (opyright

    F noti(e, this list o+ (on!itions an! the +olloing !is(laimer in

    F the !o(*mentation an!Jor other materials proi!e! ith the

    F !istri*tion%


    F &% All a!ertising materials mentioning +eat*res or *se o+ this

    F so+tare m*st !isplay the +olloing a()nole!gmentM

    F IThis pro!*(t in(l*!es so+tare !eelope! y the >penSS? Pro'e(t

    F +or *se in the >penSS? Tool)it% 6httpMJJ%>penSS?%orgJI


    F % The names I>penSS? Tool)itI an! I>penSS? Pro'e(tI m*st not e *se! to

    F en!orse or promote pro!*(ts !erie! +rom this so+tare itho*t

    F prior ritten permission% Hor ritten permission, please (onta(t

    F li(ensing=>penSS?%org%


    F 5% Pro!*(ts !erie! +rom this so+tare may not e (alle! I>penSS?I

    F nor may I>penSS?I appear in their names itho*t prior ritten

    F permission o+ the >penSS? Pro'e(t%


    F .% #e!istri*tions o+ any +orm hatsoeer m*st retain the +olloing

    F a()nole!gmentM

    F IThis pro!*(t in(l*!es so+tare !eelope! y the >penSS? Pro'e(t

    F +or *se in the >penSS? Tool)it 6httpMJJ%>penSS?%orgJI


    F 3ritten y Corinne 4ie-#e(l*s6(!ie=altimore%(om


    F Copyright=2001 "altimore Te(hnologies ?t!%

    F All right #esere!%


    TBS H?E S P#>:4E4 "@ "A?T8>#E TECB>?>GES UUAS SOO A4 A@ERP#ESS ># 8P?E4 3A##ATES, C?K4G, "KT >T ?8TE4 T>,TBE 8P?E4 3A##ATES >H 8E#CBATA"?T@ A4 HTESS H># APA#TCK?A# PK#P>SE A#E 4SC?A8E4% > E:ET SBA?? "A?T8>#E TECB>?>GES "E ?A"?E H># A@4#ECT, 4#ECT, C4ETA?, SPECA?, ERE8P?A#@, >#

  • 8/13/2019 Readme OSS Step7


    C>SEKETA? 4A8AGES 6C?K4G, "KT >T ?8TE4 T>,P#>CK#E8ET >H SK"STTKTE G>>4S ># SE#:CES ?>SS >H KSE,4ATA, ># P#>HTS ># "KSESS TE##KPT> B>3E:E# CAKSE4

    A4 > A@ TBE>#@ >H ?A"?T@, 3BETBE# C>T#ACT, ST#CT?A"?T@, ># T>#T 6C?K4G EG?GECE ># >TBE#3SE A#SG A@ 3A@ >KT >H TBE KSE >H TBS S>HT3A#E, E:E H A4:SE4 >HTBE P>SS"?T@ >H SKCB 4A8AGE%

    %ermission Notice 5

    3umit ;han

    3ritten y 8*mit han D)han=nanote(h%is(%e!*

    This +ile is part o+ a +ree lirary +or the 3in&2 AP%

    This lirary is !istri*te! in the hope that it ill e *se+*l,

    *t 3TB>KT A@ 3A##AT@ itho*t een the implie! arranty o+

    8E#CBATA"?T@ or HTESS H># A PA#TCK?A# PK#P>SE%

    'isclaimer 5 3aurice$ittens

    The programs ere ritten y 8a*ri(e Gittens Dmgittens=gits%nlith the ne(esary help +rom Eri( @o*ng Deay=(ryptso+t%(om

    @o* may !o as yo* please ith these programs, *t please !onOt

    preten! that yo* rote them%

    To e (ompleteM + yo* *se these programs yo* a()noleg!e that

    yo* are aare that there is > arranty o+ any )in! asso(iate!

    ith these programs% !onOt een (laim that the programs or),

    they are proi!e! AS-S%

    an*ary 1997

    %ermission Notice 5

    &ndy %olya,ov

    This (o!e (an e +reely *se! y ?i4ESJSS?eayJ>penSS? *sers%


    Y The ?i4ESJSS?eayJ>penSS? (opyright noti(es m*st e respe(te!%


    Y This ersion (an e re!istri*te!%

    'isclaimer 5 +lf


    JF 3ritten y Kl+ 8oeller% This so+tare is !istri*te! on an IAS SI

    asis, 3TB>KT 3A##AT@ >H A@ 4, either e$press or implie!% FJ

    %ermission Notice 5


    F 6C Copyright 8i(roso+t Corp% 199&% All rights resere!%


    F @o* hae a royalty-+ree right to *se, mo!i+y, repro!*(e an!

    F !istri*te the Sample Hiles 6an!Jor any mo!i+ie! ersion in

    F any ay yo* +in! *se+*l, proi!e! that yo* agree that

  • 8/13/2019 Readme OSS Step7


    F 8i(roso+t has no arranty oligations or liaility +or any

    F Sample Appli(ation Hiles hi(h are mo!i+ie!%

    No,ia 'isclaimer Copyright 2005 o)ia% All rights resere!%

    The portions o+ the atta(he! so+tare 6IContri*tionI is !eelope! y

    o)ia Corporation an! is li(ense! p*rs*ant to the >penSS? open so*r(e


    The Contri*tion, originally ritten y 8i)a o*sa an! Pasi Eronen o+

    o)ia Corporation, (onsists o+ the IPSI 6Pre-Share! ey (iphers*ites

    s*pport 6see #HC 279 to >penSS?%

    o patent li(enses or other rights e$(ept those e$pressly state! in

    the >penSS? open so*r(e li(ense shall e !eeme! grante! or re(eie!

    e$pressly, y impli(ation, estoppel, or otherise%

    o ass*ran(es are proi!e! y o)ia that the Contri*tion !oes not

    in+ringe the patent or other intelle(t*al property rights o+ any thir!

    party or that the li(ense proi!es yo* ith all the ne(essary rights

    to ma)e *se o+ the Contri*tion%

    TBE S>HT3A#E S P#>:4E4 IAS SI 3TB>KT 3A##AT@ >H A@ 4%

    A44T> T> TBE 4SC?A8E#S C?K4E4 TBE ?CESE, >A

    SPECHCA??@ 4SC?A8S A@ ?A"?T@ H># C?A8S "#>KGBT "@ @>K># A@

    >TBE# ETT@ "ASE4 > H#GE8ET >H TE??ECTKA? P#>PE#T@#GBTS >#


    'ual !icense 5

    pen##! license 9

    Cryptogams license

    or $%! 8"

    Z 3ritten y An!y Polya)o Dappro=+y%(halmers%se +or the >penSS?

    Z pro'e(t% The mo!*le is, hoeer, !*al li(ense! *n!er >penSS? an!

    Z C#@PT>GA8S li(enses !epen!ing on here yo* otain it% Hor +*rther

    Z !etails see httpMJJ%openssl%orgJ[approJ(ryptogamsJ%

    Copyright 6( 200., C#@PT>GA8S y Dappro=openssl%org

    All rights resere!%

    #e!istri*tion an! *se in so*r(e an! inary +orms, ith or itho*t

    mo!i+i(ation, are permitte! proi!e! that the +olloing (on!itions
  • 8/13/2019 Readme OSS Step7


    are metM

    F #e!istri*tions o+ so*r(e (o!e m*st retain (opyright noti(es,

    this list o+ (on!itions an! the +olloing !is(laimer%

    F #e!istri*tions in inary +orm m*st repro!*(e the aoe

    (opyright noti(e, this list o+ (on!itions an! the +olloing

    !is(laimer in the !o(*mentation an!Jor other materials

    proi!e! ith the !istri*tion%

    F either the name o+ the C#@PT>GA8S nor the names o+ its

    (opyright hol!er an! (ontri*tors may e *se! to en!orse or

    promote pro!*(ts !erie! +rom this so+tare itho*t spe(i+i(

    prior ritten permission%

    A?TE#AT:E?@, proi!e! that this noti(e is retaine! in +*ll, this

    pro!*(t may e !i