ready, aim, fire! delivering a winning presentation

Ready, AIM, Fire! Delivering a Winning Presentation

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Page 1: Ready, AIM, Fire! Delivering a Winning Presentation

Ready, AIM, Fire!

Delivering a Winning Presentation

Page 2: Ready, AIM, Fire! Delivering a Winning Presentation


Presentation Strategy Audience Analysis Intent Message

PowerPoint Tips Presentation Polish

Considering the non-verbal message Controlling nerves

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DON’T dive right into the content of your presentation!

That’s like saying


Without taking AIM first!

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You must first take AIM!




*Munter, M. & Russell, L. (2002). Guide to Presentations. Prentice Hall: NJ.

• Analyze Your Audience

• Clearly Identify the Intent of Your Presentation

• Make your Message Stick

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Analyze Your Audience




*Munter, M. & Russell, L. (2002). Guide to Presentations. Prentice Hall: NJ.

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A: Analyze Your Audience

KNOW WHO THEY ARE Size Work experience Level of Education Other Demographics – age, gender, race,

culture, political affiliation What is their familiarity with the jargon?

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A: Analyze Your Audience

Discovering WHO they are…. Gather secondary data (e.g., rosters,

registrations). ASK them… talk to people who will

actually be in the audience. Talk to people who know the audience. Visit groups or talk to people with similar

characteristics (e.g., ROTARY ).

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A: Analyze Your Audience

KEY DECISION-MAKERS Identify who has direct power or influence Find out what makes them tick Are they for or against your idea Tailor your message accordingly

DON’T IGNORE THE SECONDARY AUDIENCE Who else might hear or see this? How will they react? Is any information confidential?

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A: Analyze Your Audience

What do they know & expect? What do they know about you? Do they consider

you an expert? How is your credibility with that audience? What are their expectations

Format of presentation Time Formality

What do they feel? Are they interested in your topic? If so, how

interested? What is their attitude toward your topic?

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*Munter, M. & Russell, L. (2002). Guide to Presentations. Prentice Hall: NJ.

Next… Know your PURPOSE

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I: Determine Your Purpose (Intent)


Develop Specific Purpose To explain how to give a speech

Outline the “Presentation Objective” As a result of my presentation, the audience will gain

a clear understanding of how to develop a presentation strategy, how to design their presentation and how to add the final polishing touches to their presentations.

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I: Determine Your Purpose (Intent)

Once you’ve determined purpose & objective… Critique your Objective; Is it

Specific Measurable Audience-centered

Refer to Audience Analysis Insight… is your objective

Attainable Worthwhile

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Finally…. Create a memorable message!





*Munter, M. & Russell, L. (2002). Guide to Presentations. Prentice Hall: NJ.

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Make Your Message Stick

If we choose to present, remember …

People only remember People only remember

a small portion of what is said.a small portion of what is said.

BEGINNING of Presentation

END of Presentation





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Make Your Message Stick

Tell them what you’re going to tell them…


Tell them what you told them!

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Prepare an effective opening Set the stage Grab their attention

Paint a vivid picture Ask a question Share a startling story Provide the audience benefits for listening

Use humor with caution Include a preview State your main points clearly

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Prepare an effective closing DON’T be abrupt!! Summarize your main points Leave them with something memorable

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Make Your Message Stick

Other tips for retention: Limit it to 3 to 5 key points Include a preview Use transitions Use repetition Flag information “if you only remember one

thing today….” Throw in the unexpected (humor,

audio/video) Involve the audience

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VISUALS Help it Stick!

Before Using Visuals Analyze CONSTRAINTS Audience size Audience expectations Equipment availability Accessibility to outlets, etc. Room size Lighting Furniture; arrangement of furniture Audio

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Designing Your Visuals

Use visuals, but don’t over use them Make sure they represent what you intend for

them to represent Clearly label charts, figures, tables, etc. Use color with a purpose Use fonts large enough to be seen Don’t crowd or make it overly busy

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for Your Presentations

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Presentation Dos & Don’ts

DO pick a background (slide layout) that is appropriate

DO use bullets DO use visuals, as appropriate DO make it visually appealing DO make it easy to read; be consistent in

your formatting DO create logical transitions DO insert blank slides when you know you

will pause

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Presentation Dos & Don’ts

DON’T make it too busy DON’T be wordy DON’T use visuals or animation just for the

sake of it (Spy Kids III… arrgggg!) DON’T use dark colored text on dark

backgrounds DON’T end abruptly

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PowerPoint Features

Ability to hyperlink to other pages in the presentation, web sites, files, etc.

Ability to create “builds” for more effective presentations

Ability to add graphics, pictures, video, and audio easily

Ability to PACK & GO!

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Understand NON-VERBAL Communication!!

Get Control of your Nerves!

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Understanding Non-Verbal Communication Non-verbals say more!! Begin practicing & analyze your Non-verbal

tendencies Stance & movement Gestures Eye contact Facial expression Vocal Traits

Volume * Rate * Inflection * Enunciation * Fillers

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Understanding Non-Verbal Communication IMPROVE your non-verbal delivery

PRACTICE!! Speak from an outline (PPT) PRACTICE!! Check your timing Watch yourself in the mirror or video PRACTICE!! Familiarize yourself with equipment, visuals,

room, etc.

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Controlling Your Nerves

Be Audience-Centered Be Prepared The 6 Ps ---

Proper Prior Planning Prevents Poor Performance!

If you’re prepared…. You will be more confident. More confidence = less nerves!

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Controlling Your Nerves

Identify your nervous symptoms Techniques to calm nerves

Exercise Breathing exercises Progressive relaxation exercises Stretching/relaxing specific areas Think positive!! Self talk… pep talk Visual a calm scene Connect with your audience

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Controlling Your Nerves

Tips for keeping your voice clear…. Get a good night’s sleep & get up early Take a hot shower AVOID milk Drink warm liquids (but avoid caffeine) Hum Breathe deeply Drink tap water (not cold!)

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In Summary

Develop your strategy based on audience analysis and intent FIRST

Compose your presentation to be memorable Add visuals Add practice, practice, practice to refine non-

verbal delivery and calm your nerves
