realistic memories

Stefanos Papachristopoulos & Maria Goussia - Rizou Realistic Memories

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Post on 08-Apr-2016




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A compilation of photographs and literary reflections through the lens of Greek reality.


Stefanos Papachristopoulos & Maria Goussia - Rizou

Realistic Memories


Thoughts reproduced by pictures, with pinned experiences and emotions on their backside.Thoughts that alter as life evolves, though flow like liquid drops on a glass surface.Both articulated and impassive. All an embrace. Ready to lead our shared journey.Narration’s journey.

Chapter 1

Time of stone

Imperishable glances. Invites to their own truths that are ultimately ours. Liars all those who claim time devours scenes and emotions. All and everything present to future performances that celebrate beauty and eternity. When stone shatters into pieces, small and large, it recounts and travels.

Chapter 2

I have news for you

There is no room for postponement. My last discoveries in memories all we shared. They called on me with gratitude.A command more or less.The surrounding light, offers completeness. You and me dressed as we. Doubt and stalling cannot be. Only promise.

Chapter 3

Joy’s give and take

Acknowledged right for all. We agree. Naked and sunburn I flounder in waters that can only bode an untroubled game. Colored towels and the purple hat that suits you so. We whisper balance and I feel your laughter tickling my face. Ready to give each other a hand, if needed. As long as you laugh with all your soul.

Chapter 4

Drifting turbulence

What is an unfortunate shape, I don’t know. From the moment I first glimpsed the faultlessness of your colours, the swiftness of your transformation, the unexpectedness of your scent, that is all I ponder over. Only able to describe thrill’s explosion yet unsuccessfully. It is only worth living.

Chapter 5

All is something else

The encounter with the shadows does not encumber me. I learned how to see differently. Behind and in front inverted images. Paths less travelled though beloved with mind and heart. The other half is ours also.

Chapter 6

Blue has chosen me

I am all that I remember. They empower me, whatever their colour. When blue chooses me, I stretch to the heavens. I immerse in myself and the universe. Nothing keeps me on what is earthly. Yet again, clinched on a dream, I sleep a peaceful sleep. When I’m awake, I meet eagles to grow taller with the beauty of all those I have yet to reach.

Chapter 7

Mysteriously, here

Scattered matches are my memories. Blessed moments such as sugar spreading across the table. Repetition without a cause. Without a step. Here and forever. Mysteriously devoid of spaces in the middle. They let me live today’s adventure and reveal during the show, all that I myself did not know I possessed.


Photos, WebDesign and Electronic Publishing:

Stefanos Papachristopoulos (Publishopia, [email protected])

Original literary texts created and contributed by: Maria Goussia - Rizou ([email protected])

All rights reserved.

Content in this book is copyrighted and may not be republished without written permission.

© 2015, Stefanos Papachristopoulos

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