reasearch mags

Research into current music available magazines in the UK

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Research into current music available magazines in the UK

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UK music magazines currently available. MixMag Q magazine Kerrang BBC music MOJO Top of the pops Classic Rock Hammer

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Metal Hammer Publisher: Team rock – team

rock are a company that own a small range of rock magazines and radio stations such as classic rock.

Genre: Heavy Metal Price: £4.75 Frequency: Monthly Circulation: 20,961 (January

2015) The metal hammer reader profileThe metal hammer reader profile uses statics to summarise up the interests and characteristics of there average reader. This shows how they are aiming at quite a specific target market in young males.

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Publisher: Development hell Genre: Dance Price: £5.50 Frequency: Monthly Circulation: Average around 14000 MIXMAGS reader profile: MixMag have

also used statistics and a graphical approach to show there average reader. This does not give you a specific picture of there average readers views and interests but gives a vague picture that the average reader is a single male that is based in the UK and are in the C1 and upwards social grades. This reinforces the fact that most magazines aim at these grades because they have the most disposable income.

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Q magazine Publisher: Bauer Media

Group-Bauer media own a large range of media companies from lifestyle magazines to TV and radio stations.

Genre: modern Pop/rock Price: £4.50 Frequency: Monthly Circulation: 44,050(2015) The Q reader profile- Paints a picture in

your mind of Qs average reader and gives a specific picture of what there readers may be interested in. This reader profile shows how the reader has a very good Job and has lots of free money to spend on music. This may be attractive to potential advertisers because they will be more likely to advertise if they think the reader is more likely to buy the product.

Q mission statement-Qs mission statement is telling you how they are the best and completely unrivalled in the field and strive to keep that up.

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MOJO Publisher: Bauer Media

Group-Bauer media own a large range of media companies from lifestyle magazines to TV and radio stations.

Genre: Rock Price: £5.25 Frequency: Monthly Circulation: 79,345 (2013)

MOJOs reader profile-MOJOs reader profile is another of painting a picture of there average reader and what there hobbies etc. are. The average reader of MOJO is heavily into older music and often collects music and suggests he is in the A to C1 social grades like the other magazines I have looked at.

MOJOs Mission statement-Mojos mission statement starts off showing how good and respected it is within the music industry and then what a reader can expect from its magazines and what it strives to do.

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Publisher: Time INC- Time INC own mainly magazines and operate on digital format across several different countries so is a worldwide brand.

Genre: Indie Price: Free Frequency : Weekly Circulation :308,606 (ABC Jan –

Jun 2016) NME reader profile: NME have shown there reader profile through photos and briefly summarising different interests and hobbies in there average readers life. The average NME reader is into big brands and the latest technology and young males which suggests they have a large amount of income to spend backing up that most magazines aim for the ABC one social grade.

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Summary Most current music magazines cost around £5 and are released

monthly The music magazine market is dominated by a few number of

publishers like Bauer Media that own a large amount of media company's such as other magazines and radio stations.

All the magazines I looked at aim for the ABC1 social groups because they have the most money to spend on the magazine and products within the magazine.

All the reader profiles I looked at had there average reader as a young male.