reasons why our emails go to spam


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Page 1: Reasons why our emails go to spam


SafeBytes Software

Page 2: Reasons why our emails go to spam

We send emails for a number of reasons, both marketing and non-marketing. However, if that email is labelled as spam then it is never going to get anywhere near our target recipients.

That is why many individuals and companies are anxious to ensure that they are not categorized as such.

Some of the reasons why email is taken to be spam and dumped are that it has too much marketing stuff or alternatively, is sent at intervals that are too frequent to suggest benign purposes.

Gmail and other email service providers argue (with good reason) that they are only doing this to protect their reputation and their service users from incessant spam email.

Page 3: Reasons why our emails go to spam

Some users deliberately put certain email addresses and IP addresses onto some sort of blacklist, where anything that comes from them is automatically placed in the spam folder. If the email continues to be sent despite this, then the person may call for further action from the email network.

Alternatively, they can configure the spam account to delete and clean all emails there periodically, without the user having to view them at all.

Obviously, this would not serve the purposes of the person that originally sent the message as a means of starting a strand of communication.

Page 4: Reasons why our emails go to spam

Making your email attractive to receive and readThe old trick of trying to overcome the firewalls and barriers that the user has put in place may not get you very far.

When the user realizes that they are being duped, they will immediately stop the contact; put you back on the black list; and not read the email. Once again, you are back to square one, without getting in touch with the person that you wanted to communicate with. A far better option is to ensure that the content and presentation of your emails is such that the other party is only too willing to open it up.

Gmail and other service providers have been emphasizing the importance of delivering quality instead of quantity. That is precisely why spam email does not have many supporters apart from those that directly benefit from its spoils.

Page 5: Reasons why our emails go to spam

There are certain things that get you on the spam list. The top one is sending an email whose addressee is the same as the addressor. That does not make sense, but some people have inadvertently sent an email to themselves particularly when using stock mail.

In order to be on the safe side it might be advisable to make use of the spam filter testing software package that is capable of telling you if there is something wrong with your email before sending it to its destination.

The tell-tale signs of a spam email

There are things that will immediately tell you when you have the possibility of being classified as sending spam email. A case in point is sending an email that contains little more than an image.

It is also important to move away from the practice of using free mail for commercial purposes. They will soon spot it and could even ban you from using the service.