rebellious leadership

Santa Clarita Valley Jaycees March 31, 2011 Alan D. Lewis II | Principal | Stonecutter Group, LLC

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A presentation based on the hypothesis that good rebel leaders are a productive addition to society as they promote progress and the battle against tryanny.


Page 1: Rebellious leadership

Santa Clarita Valley JayceesMarch 31, 2011

Alan D. Lewis II | Principal | Stonecutter Group, LLC

Page 2: Rebellious leadership

• Introduction

Definition of Rebel

Cycles of Growth and Change

• A Portrait of Rebellious Leaders



• From Loyalist to Rebel

Generally Speaking

Personal Experience

• Academic Theories of Rebellion

Handbook of Political Sociology

American Literature

Eastern Philosophy

• Practical Application

The Contrarian Perspective

Discipline and Responsibility




• Discussion

SCV Jaycees | March 31, 2011Alan D. Lewis II | Principal | Stonecutter Group, LLC


Page 3: Rebellious leadership


SCV Jaycees | March 31, 2011Alan D. Lewis II | Principal | Stonecutter Group, LLC

• Who and What is a “Rebel Leader”

• Why is rebelliousness good for progress?

• How do we become rebel leaders for the greater good?

Page 4: Rebellious leadership


Synonyms• Insurgent• Protester• Mutineer• Objector• Campaigner• Agitator• Radical• Dissenter• Maverick• Renegade• Iconoclast• Nonconformist

re·belintr.v. re·belled, re·bel·ling, re·bels

1. To refuse allegiance to and oppose by force an established government or ruling authority.

2. To resist or defy an authority or a generally accepted convention.

3. To feel or express strong unwillingness or repugnance.

n. reb·el

1. One who rebels or is in rebellion.

2. A Confederate soldier.

SCV Jaycees | March 31, 2011Alan D. Lewis II | Principal | Stonecutter Group, LLC

Page 5: Rebellious leadership


Synonyms• Defiant• Resistant• Obstinate• Revolutionary• Disaffected• Disobedient• Insubordinate

Adj. 1. rebellious - resisting control or authority; "a rebellious crew"

insubordinate - not submissive to authority; "a history of insubordinate behavior"

2. rebellious - discontented as toward authority

disaffected, ill-affected, malcontent

discontent, discontented - showing or experiencing dissatisfaction or restless longing; "saw many discontent faces in the room"; "was discontented with his position"

3. rebellious - participating in organized resistance to a constituted government; "the rebelling confederacy"

SCV Jaycees | March 31, 2011Alan D. Lewis II | Principal | Stonecutter Group, LLC

Page 6: Rebellious leadership


A rebel is distinguished from an outsider. An outsider is one who is excluded from a group whereas a rebel goes against it. Also, a rebel's potential to overthrow the leadership is recognized and substantial, unless the rebellion is crushed, whereas an outsider has been marginalized and is considered to be degenerate.

SCV Jaycees | March 31, 2011Alan D. Lewis II | Principal | Stonecutter Group, LLC

Page 7: Rebellious leadership


SCV Jaycees | March 31, 2011Alan D. Lewis II | Principal | Stonecutter Group, LLC

= Point of (R)evolution

To understand why rebel leaders are important, we must first have an understanding of the cycles of growth and change within an institution.

Rebel leadership is needed to overcome “cusps”.

Also critical in leading the fight against tyranny.

Page 8: Rebellious leadership


Renowned• Moses

• Jesus / Buddha

• Spartacus

• Socrates

• Galileo

• Martin Luther

• Joan of Ark

• Founding Fathers

• Gandhi

• Rosa Parks

• Dr. Martin Luther King

• Edward R. Murrow

• Nelson Mandela

Controversial• Genghis Khan

• Simon Bolivar

• Pancho Villa

• Che Guevara

• Ho Chi Minh

• Malcolm X

• Bob Marley

Fictional• Mr. Smith (Goes to Washington)

• James Dean

• Luke Skywalker

• Kuato (Total Recall)

SCV Jaycees | March 31, 2011Alan D. Lewis II | Principal | Stonecutter Group, LLC

Page 9: Rebellious leadership


• Participated in the American Revolution by signing the Declaration of Independence and framing the Constitution.

• Consisted of politicians, jurists, statesmen, soldiers, diplomats, and ordinary citizens.

• On the whole they were less wealthy than the Loyalists.

• Had strong educational backgrounds.

• Were considered dissidents and terrorists by the established authorities.

SCV Jaycees | March 31, 2011Alan D. Lewis II | Principal | Stonecutter Group, LLC

Page 10: Rebellious leadership


• African-American Muslim minister, public speaker, and human rights activist.

• Rose up through the ranks of the Nation of Islam.

• Eventually found himself at odds with the Nation of Islam, which caused his assassination.

• Malcolm X disagreed with the hypocrisy of the organizations leader, and became more extreme than was thought politically correct.

SCV Jaycees | March 31, 2011Alan D. Lewis II | Principal | Stonecutter Group, LLC

Page 11: Rebellious leadership


• Pivotal leader in the Rebel Alliance’s struggle against the Galactic Empire.

• “…the young man, called to adventure, the hero going out facing the trials and ordeals, and coming back after his victory with a boon for the community.” ~Joseph Campbell

• Outmanned and outgunned.

• Destroys the Death Star.

• Compels his father (Darth Vadar) who had turned to the dark side to kill the emperor in order to save him.

SCV Jaycees | March 31, 2011Alan D. Lewis II | Principal | Stonecutter Group, LLC

Page 12: Rebellious leadership


Generally Speaking

• Brought up believing in the institution (e.g. government, religion, society, etc.)

• Gives up freedom for the benefit of the institution

• Is embattled and discontent

• Becomes educated

• Challenges the current norm

• Persists

• Eventually engenders significant positive change

SCV Jaycees | March 31, 2011Alan D. Lewis II | Principal | Stonecutter Group, LLC

Page 13: Rebellious leadership


Personal Experience

SCV Jaycees | March 31, 2011Alan D. Lewis II | Principal | Stonecutter Group, LLC

• Dedicated servant and leader

• Corporate Rules & Micromanagers

• Capitalist Greed and the “Me Generation”

• Life energy drained for others gain

• Life and energy are finite for everyone (we’re all equal in death, why not in life?)

• Spend my life and my energy on my own terms

• Independent practitioner (“free agent”)

• Scarcity, trade-offs, freedom to fail

Page 14: Rebellious leadership


The Hanbook of Political SociologyS. 1 – Rulemaking, Rulebreaking, and Power

S. 3 – Conflict Theories…

S. 10 – Money, Participation, and Votes; Social Cleavages and Electoral Politics

S. 15 – Corporate Control, Interfirm Relations, and Corporate Power

S. 16 – Social Movements and Social Change

S. 20 – Revolutions and Revolutionary Movements

Eastern PhilosophyBuddhism


American LiteratureBenjamin Franklin

Thomas Paine

John Adams

Thomas Jefferson

SCV Jaycees | March 31, 2011Alan D. Lewis II | Principal | Stonecutter Group, LLC

Page 15: Rebellious leadership


Hanbook of Political SociologyS. 1 – Rulemaking, Rulebreaking, and Power

“…just as rule making is a strategy for domination, so is rule breaking a strategy in challenge to domination.”

“ – every actor confronts the social constructions imposed by other actors, including collective and institutionalized constructions, as an exterior and constraining force.”

“ – power rests on attributes or things such as personal skills, technical expertise, money or the control of opportunities to make money, prestige or access to prestige, number of people, or the capacity to mobilize numbers of people.”

“ – power [is] an attribute not of social actors but of relationships. Power resides in the dependence that one actor has on another in social relationships.”

“…people must recognize their potential power before they can act on it.”

SCV Jaycees | March 31, 2011Alan D. Lewis II | Principal | Stonecutter Group, LLC

Page 16: Rebellious leadership


The Hanbook of Political SociologyS. 20 – Revolutions and Revolutionary Movements

“A revolutionary movement may be defined as that type of social movement which attempts to overthrow, supplant, and/or fundamentally transform… power.”

“The prevalence of poverty and other social problems is precisely why extraparliamentary movements for social justice so often arises in democratic contexts. These movements, however, almost always view the state as an instrument to be pressured and influenced, not as something to be seized or smashed.”

“A new era of widespread revolutionary conflict will surely dawn…if the most recent wave of democratization dramatically recedes.”

SCV Jaycees | March 31, 2011Alan D. Lewis II | Principal | Stonecutter Group, LLC

Page 17: Rebellious leadership


American LiteratureThomas Paine

“He that rebels against reason is a real rebel, but he that in defenceof reason rebels against tyranny has a better title to Defender of the Faith…”

“I love the man that can smile in trouble, that can gather strength from distress, and grow brave by reflection. 'Tis the business of little minds to shrink, but he whose heart is firm, and whose conscience approves his conduct, will pursue his principles unto death.”

SCV Jaycees | March 31, 2011Alan D. Lewis II | Principal | Stonecutter Group, LLC

Page 18: Rebellious leadership


American LiteratureThomas Jefferson

“All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent.”

“Experience hath shewn, that even under the best forms of government those entrusted with power have, in time, and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny.”

“I was bold in the pursuit of knowledge, never fearing to follow truth and reason to whatever results they led, and bearding every authority which stood in their way.“

SCV Jaycees | March 31, 2011Alan D. Lewis II | Principal | Stonecutter Group, LLC

Page 19: Rebellious leadership


Eastern PhilosophyBuddhism

“[Mara is] the one who rules events connected with a life of passion… who hates the very thought of freedom. He had with him his three sons – Agitation, Mania, and Sullen Pride – and his three daughters – Discontent, Excitement, and Craving.”

“Impermanent are all formations. Observe this carefully and constantly.”

“On life's journey - Faith is nourishment, Virtuous deeds are a shelter, Wisdom is the light by day and Right mindfulness is the protection by night. If a man lives a pure life nothing can destroy him; If he has conquered greed nothing can limit his freedom.”

SCV Jaycees | March 31, 2011Alan D. Lewis II | Principal | Stonecutter Group, LLC

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Eastern PhilosophyTaoism

“The Master sees things as they are, without trying to control them. She lets them go their own way…”

“If you want to be a great leader… Stop trying to control. Let go of fixed plans and concepts, and the world will govern itself.”

“If you want to govern the people, you must place yourself below them. If you want to lead the people, you must learn to follow them.”

SCV Jaycees | March 31, 2011Alan D. Lewis II | Principal | Stonecutter Group, LLC

Page 21: Rebellious leadership


The Contrarian Perspective

Discipline and Responsibility




SCV Jaycees | March 31, 2011Alan D. Lewis II | Principal | Stonecutter Group, LLC

Page 22: Rebellious leadership


“A person who takes an opposing view, especially one who rejects the majority opinion...”

“Contrary to popular belief…”

Do your due diligence!

SCV Jaycees | March 31, 2011Alan D. Lewis II | Principal | Stonecutter Group, LLC

Page 23: Rebellious leadership


“We will not be driven by fear into an age of unreason, if we dig deep into our own history and our doctrine and remember that we are not descended from fearful men, not men who feared to write, to speak, to associate, and to defend causes which were for the moment unpopular.”

~Edward R. Murrow

SCV Jaycees | March 31, 2011Alan D. Lewis II | Principal | Stonecutter Group, LLC

Page 24: Rebellious leadership


Discipline: Leadership is not passive. It is active. By raising the bar on yourself, you must be, know, and do. This requires practice, which requires discipline.

Responsibility: Without taking ownership in your own actions, you will not be able to demonstrate the merit of your position. Particularly if its contrarian.

SCV Jaycees | March 31, 2011Alan D. Lewis II | Principal | Stonecutter Group, LLC

Page 25: Rebellious leadership


Knowledge is power.

Provide the basis for assertions.


SCV Jaycees | March 31, 2011Alan D. Lewis II | Principal | Stonecutter Group, LLC

Page 26: Rebellious leadership


Purpose is a result, end, mean, aim, or goal of an action intentionally undertaken.

Rebellion without purpose is “dissidence”.

Purpose gives meaning and vision… a reason for rebellion.

SCV Jaycees | March 31, 2011Alan D. Lewis II | Principal | Stonecutter Group, LLC

Page 27: Rebellious leadership


“The only extreme one should pursue is extreme balance.” ~ Dale Smith, Professor of Sociology, College of the Canyons

Apply the right approach. Rebellion does not have to mean the toppling of an institution, but rather significant positive reform.

Be a “Change Agent”

SCV Jaycees | March 31, 2011Alan D. Lewis II | Principal | Stonecutter Group, LLC

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SCV Jaycees | March 31, 2011Alan D. Lewis II | Principal | Stonecutter Group, LLC