recommendations for health supplemen1

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  • 8/2/2019 Recommendations for Health Supplemen1





    Prepared for

    Henry Tan, Managing Director

    TraditionalHealth care sdn.bhd

    No1-2, JalanRampaiNiaga 2, Rampai Business Park,

    53300 Kuala Lumpur.


    Arun a/l Mohanaraj, Business Development Manager

    TraditionalHealth care sdn.bhd

    No1-2, JalanRampaiNiaga 2, Rampai Business Park,

    53300 Kuala Lumpur.

    10 July 2011

  • 8/2/2019 Recommendations for Health Supplemen1





    pages content

    1 Title page

    2 Content

    3 - 4 Introduction & Our Company Background

    4 - 5 Supplier A

    5 Supplier B

    6 Benefit supplier A

    7 Benefit supplier B

    8 Conclusion & References

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    To: Henry Tan, Managing Director

    From: Arun a/l Mohanaraj, Business Development Manager

    Date: 10 July 2011

    Subject: Progress and outcome of the trip with recommends to health supplier

    A two week business trip to England has been made from 6th to 19th June 2011. The purpose of

    the trip was to investigate the possibility of introducing new range of health supplement to

    diversify the line of products sold by this company. Several meeting with two potential new

    suppliers of health supplements have been made during the business trip. A report on the

    outcome of the trip was to be submitted by 10th

    of July 2011. This report recommends that the

    company should venture into selling organic health supplement with supplier B.


    As u knows our company was established in year 1993. We manufacture and market traditional

    medicines. In year 1998 the company achieved GMP (Good Manufacturing Standard) Certificate

    No. 001177; approved by The Ministry of Health in recognition of our modern manufacturing

    procedures and quality control.The Company has its ultra-modern manufacturing and

    administration premise located at Rampai Business Park, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. It is situated

    within an environment of minimal risk of contamination of material and products. Our factory is

    equipped with latest and advance equipments for the handling and the production of traditional

    medicine. We have a good and advanced facilities set-up and proudly to be able to achieve

    international standards design as per required by the Ministry of Health in Malaysia. Our main

    products lines are in capsules, tablets, and effervescent health beverage.

    Our company is an advanced and well trained company in the manufacturing of traditional

    medicines. Our sales turnover has been increasing year by year with the success achievement of

    our group of hard working, well trained employees. We always do our best to provide good

    quality and services to the customers until last year. But this year our salehas been decreasing

    because we have many competitions with other health supplement company. These because, now

    days people all trust that health supplement product better than traditional medicine.For the sake

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    of traditional medicines made from various natural herbs have been popular from time

    immemorial with the native folks of many countries as an alternative form of treatment. Herbal

    or traditional medicines are made from various plants and plant extracts. Sometimes, fungal and

    bee products, minerals, shells and specific animal parts are also used in the preparation of herbal

    medicines. Many substances found in plants are useful in treating human ailments. Among them

    are aromatic substances, phenols and their oxygen-substituted derivatives like tannins. Secondary

    metabolites like alkaloids serve as defense mechanism against microorganisms and insects.

    Many herbs used by us while cooking have useful medicinal compounds.

    Many people prefer herbal medications rather than the regular ones while treating various

    physical problems. From treating acne and prostate to treating insomnia and depression, the

    benefits of herbal medications have been immense. In many cases, medical science had backed

    the use of herbal medicine to treat specific conditions. However, like any other forms of

    treatment, herbal medicine also has quite a few disadvantages. Often, the trouble caused by some

    herbal medicine can boil down to the specific herb in question. In fact, many herbal remedies

    have proved themselves from time to time. Thats why I representative our company and search

    for a good health supplement product at overseas to sell in our company.


    The first company name or supplier A that I meet in the trip is pure encapsulations. This

    company located in England near by the Carnaby Street. That company have been started to sales

    this product since 2007. In this company they sell 10 or 20 type of the multivitamin products. We

    can declare the multivitamin product is a preparation intended to supplement a human diet with

    vitamins, dietary minerals, and other nutritional elements. All this products are available in the

    form of tablets, capsules, pastilles, powders, liquids, and injectable formulations. Other than

    injectable formulations, which are only available and administered under medical supervision,

    multivitamins are recognized by the Codex Alimentarius Commission the United Nations'

    authority on food standards as a category of food. Multivitamin supplements are commonly

    provided in combination with dietary minerals. A multivitamin/mineral supplement is defined in

    the United States as a supplement containing 3 or more vitamins and minerals that does not

    include herbs, hormones, or drugs, where each vitamin and mineral is included at a dose below

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    the tolerable upper level, as determined by the Food and Drug Board, and does not present a risk

    of adverse health effects. The terms multivitamin and multimineral are often used

    interchangeably. The type of multivitamin or mineral being sell at that company is Nutrient 950,

    Nutrient 950 without iro, Nutrient 950 without copper and iron, Nutrient 950 with Vitamin K,

    Nutrient 280, UltraNutrient, Polyphenol Nutrients, Multi t/d, PreNatal Nutrients, PureBears,

    PediaNutrients, Mens Nutrients N E W, Womens Nutrients N E W, and PureFood Nutrients.


    The second company or supplier B that I visit is Omega Quant. This company located at Canada.

    Their main product omega-3 is fatty acids have been known as essential to normal growth and

    health since the 1930s, awareness of their health benefits has dramatically increased since the

    1990s.[5] New versions of ethyl etherized omega-3 fatty acids, such as E-EPA and combinations

    of E-EPA and E-DHA, have drawn attention as highly purified and more effective products than

    the traditional ones. In the United States, these novel versions are often sold as prescription

    medications, such as Lovaza. In the European Union, they are available as dietary supplements.

    The health benefits of the long-chain omega-3 fatty acids DHA and EPA omega-3are the

    best-known. These benefits were discovered in the 1970s by researchers studying the Greenland

    Inuit Tribe. The Greenland Inuit people consumed large amounts of fat from seafood, but

    displayed virtually no cardiovascular disease. The high level of omega-3 fatty acids consumed by

    the Inuit reduced triglycerides, heart rate, blood pressure, and atherosclerosis. On September 8,

    2004, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration gave "qualified health claim" status to EPA and

    DHA n3 fatty acids, stating that "supportive but not conclusive research shows that

    consumption of EPA and DHA [n3] fatty acids may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease.

    As of this writing, Regulatory agenciesdo not accept that there is sufficient evidence for any of

    the suggested benefits of DHA and EPA other than for cardiovascular health, and further claims

    should be treated with caution. The Canadian Government has recognized the importance of

    DHA omega-3 and permits the following biological role claim for DHA: "DHA, an omega-3

    fatty acid, supports the normal development of the brain, eyes and nerves. Omega-3 also has

    many kind of product such as fish oil, krill, green-lipped muscle and other.

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    Todays diets are depleted of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients due to the decreasing quality

    of our food supply and busy lifestyles. Combining a healthy diet with one of Pure Encapsulations

    comprehensive multivitamin formulas is the best approach to achieving optimal health and

    longevity. High potency formulas providing activated vitamins and superior mineral chelates for

    optimal absorption. Vegetarian, hypo-allergenic and well-tolerated by sensitive individuals.This

    multivitamin preferred by thousands of health professionals in the U.S., Canada and Europe.

    Taking a multivitamin each day is an easy and inexpensive way to ensure that you are getting the

    adequate supply of vitamins, as well as some minerals, that you need each day. It is advisable to

    get our vitamins from the foods we eat. Yet, our busy schedules do not always allow this. This is

    why a multivitamin is so important for most of us. Multivitamins can combat daily stress. Your

    body deals with a variety of stresses every day. If it is receiving the necessary vitamins and

    minerals it needs, it is able to combat this stress more effectively, thus keeping you from

    becoming sick. Other than that our body needs a great amount of energy to perform the daily

    tasks we must do every day. One way to make sure we have this needed energy is by taking a

    multivitamin because it may be hard to find the time to eat healthy food every day. Next our

    bodies need certain vitamins for certain reasons. If we are deficient in one or more, health

    conditions may occur. Taking a multivitamin is one quick way to stop a vitamin deficiency from

    occurring. For example, our bodies need Vitamin A to keep our immune systems healthy, as well

    as maintaining healthy vision. Our bodiesneed mental clarity, just as it needs energy to function

    properly. Vitamins and minerals help our brain to function better. This helps us to achieve

    mental clarity. It has also been proven that if you provide your body with essential nutrients it

    needs, you may very well prevent cardiovascular disease, and even cancer. Pregnancy can be

    taxing on the body, and babies need proper nutrition to form. Multivitamins can help both the

    pregnant mom by providing her with the necessary vitamins and minerals to keep her strong and

    healthy, while helping the unborn baby to grow at the proper rate. The supplier said that if we

    buy one bottle the prize will RM 9.00 but if we do contract with them for 3 years they consider

    will give us one bottle with the prize RM 5.00. On the other hand they said all the transport and

    taxes fees must paid by our company. They also agree that every three months once they will

    come to our company and give a simple explanation about the multivitamin products.

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    Omega 3 fatty acids are poly-unsaturated fatty acids. Studies show that a diet rich in omega 3

    fatty acids may help lower triglycerides and increase HDL cholesterol or can be say the good

    cholesterol. Omega 3 fatty acids may also act as an anticoagulant to prevent blood from clotting.

    Several other studies also suggest that these fatty acids may help lower high blood pressure.

    Omega 3 fatty acids may protect against the accumulation in the body of a protein believed to be

    linked to Alzheimer's disease, according to the results of a new animal study published in the

    March 2005 issue of The Journal of Neuroscience. This study specifically investigated one

    particular kind of omega 3 fatty acids - Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), and the results are

    encouraging. With the increasing popularity of vegetarian diets and mounting fears about

    mercury and PCBs in seafood, people often ask about using flax oil which contains alpha-

    linolenic acids - or ALA instead of fish oil. Our bodies can convert ALA into eicosapentaenoic

    acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) but the conversion process is slow. In addition, a

    high concentration of ALA as present in flax oil pills has been linked to higher risk of prostate

    cancer by some early research. Until more is known, men may be safest to choose fish oil for

    heart-healthy omega 3s instead of concentrated ALA. The most widely available dietary source

    of EPA and DHA is cold water oily fish, such as salmon, herring, mackerel, anchovies, and

    sardines. Oils from these fish have a profile of around seven times as much n3 as n6. Other

    oily fish, such as tuna, also contain n3 in somewhat lesser amounts. Consumers of oily fish

    should be aware of the potential presence of heavy metals and fat-soluble pollutants like PCBs

    and dioxins, which are known to accumulate up the food chain. After extensive review,

    researchers from Harvard's School of Public Health in the Journal of the American Medical

    Association (2006) reported that the benefits of fish intake generally far outweigh the potential

    risks. Although fish is a dietary source of n3 fatty acids, fish do not synthesize them; they

    obtain them from the algae (microalgae in particular) or plankton in their diets. This supplier said

    that if we buy one bottle the prize will RM 11.00 but if we do contract with them for 2 years and

    every three month we must take one container with them, they will consider give us one bottle

    with the prize RM 4.50. On the other hand they said all the transport and taxes fees will pay by

    them. They also agree that twice a month they will come to our company and give training to our

    salesman or saleswoman about how to sell their products for one year. After one year we must

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    pay for them if they come here to give training. They also said that each time we take a container

    they will give us a barrel of omega 3 product with free.


    As a Business Development Manager I choose Omega Quant Company for recommended the

    health supplements. Omega Quant is one of the most vastly and expanding vitamin companies in

    the Canada which have their sights firmly set on offering customers the best value for money and

    the most desirable range of product and services. The prize of omega quant offering is more

    cheaper if we compare with pure encapsulations company. If we combined our herbal product

    and this omega 3 products we will have a good opportunity to become the famous health

    supplement company.Other than that these omega quant companies have many certificates about

    this product from the health minister. Omega quant also helpfulfor major health outcomes among

    adults, based on both the strength of the evidence and the potential magnitudes of effect, the

    benefits of fish intake exceed the potential risks. For women of childbearing age, benefits of

    modest fish intake, excepting a few selected species, also outweigh risks.

    (2450 words)


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