recount text sma kelas 10

What is recount text?

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Post on 14-Aug-2015




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What is recount text?

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Jurnal Buku harian Surat pribadi Biografi / autobiografi Sejarah Pengalaman

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Use of past tenseExamples: I am never late to class, but I was late

this morning because my bicycle broke down on the way

My father usually gets up early, but this morning he got up very late

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After Before As Until/till Finally After that As soon as At first First, second… Suddenly When while Then at that moment At the time

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o Yesterdayo The day before yesterdayo Just nowo Last night, last Sunday,last….o Two days ago, three days ago,…..ago

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Personal recount Factual recount Imaginative recount

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Dear diary,This morning my friend and I

went to EOS arts camp. We travelled by bus and it took an hour to get there. Some people from the camp welcomed us at the open stage. They would be our guides during our visit.

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