recruiter campaigns 101 how to set up campaigns for beginners angela skjeie pacific university...

NWEUG 2015 RECRUITER CAMPAIGNS 101 HOW TO SET UP CAMPAIGNS FOR BEGINNERS Angela Skjeie Pacific University Oregon July 30, 2015 Enrollment & Student Services Track Coeur d’Alene, Idaho

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Page 1: RECRUITER CAMPAIGNS 101 HOW TO SET UP CAMPAIGNS FOR BEGINNERS Angela Skjeie Pacific University Oregon July 30, 2015 Enrollment & Student Services Track




Angela Skjeie

Pacific University Oregon

July 30, 2015Enrollment & Student Services Track

Coeur d’Alene, Idaho

Page 2: RECRUITER CAMPAIGNS 101 HOW TO SET UP CAMPAIGNS FOR BEGINNERS Angela Skjeie Pacific University Oregon July 30, 2015 Enrollment & Student Services Track



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Page 3: RECRUITER CAMPAIGNS 101 HOW TO SET UP CAMPAIGNS FOR BEGINNERS Angela Skjeie Pacific University Oregon July 30, 2015 Enrollment & Student Services Track



Beginner’s guide to setting up campaigns for automatic communication with your prospective students

Automating the communication to students increases productivity and allows for more targeted messaging

Besides emails, campaigns can create phone call reminders, tasks and letter activities to form a more rounded communication plan

Coeur d’Alene, Idaho

Page 4: RECRUITER CAMPAIGNS 101 HOW TO SET UP CAMPAIGNS FOR BEGINNERS Angela Skjeie Pacific University Oregon July 30, 2015 Enrollment & Student Services Track



1. Marketing Lists

2. Exact Target Emails

3. Parent Campaign

4. Campaign Activities

5. Workflow Scheduler

Coeur d’Alene, Idaho

Page 5: RECRUITER CAMPAIGNS 101 HOW TO SET UP CAMPAIGNS FOR BEGINNERS Angela Skjeie Pacific University Oregon July 30, 2015 Enrollment & Student Services Track


MARKETING LISTSMarketing lists are based upon Advanced Find Views, so you need to have your view created prior to setting up the Marketing list

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2. Give your Marketing List a Name and select the Member Type. CONTACT for Prospects, LEAD for Suspects3. Select the Type. Lists can either be STATIC (not changing) or DYNAMIC (changing)4. SAVE your new list (do not use Save & Close just yet)

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the top

FOR DYNAMIC LISTS: Select your saved Advanced Find View by clicking the down arrow next to the USE SAVED VIEW box

Hit FIND at the bottom to review the list of students the view retrieves. Make sure you are pulling the number you think you should be getting.

If you are satisfied with the find results, hit USE QUERY to add this list to the Marketing List you have created.

Coeur d’Alene, Idaho

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MARKETING LISTS CONT. FOR STATIC LISTS: You can utilize Advanced Finds

to either add, remove, or evaluate members of your Marketing Lists. 1. First choose what you want to do, then click OK. 2. Choose your saved Advanced Find from the Use Saved View drop down list3. Click FIND to see the list of student the query returns

You can either add selected members or the entire list by choosing the corresponding button at the bottom of the screen. To select individual students, check the box next to their name

4. Click ADD TO MARKETING LIST at the bottom to include them in your marketing list.

NOTE* The procedure is the same for removing students.

Coeur d’Alene, Idaho

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PARENT CAMPAIGNPrimary communication plan for a cohort

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PARENT CAMPAIGN Name the Parent Campaign

Assign a campaign code – you can choose from the list or create a new code.

Assign a campaign color – this is used for the campaign calendar to track different campaigns for different programs, purposes, etc.

Status will be PROPOSED until you are ready to start the campaign

You can choose a campaign type, but it is not required.

Assign academic program and level

Enter in the PROPOSED begin and end dates

Add Recruiting Period and a description for internal purposes

Once you have all the detail for the parent campaign entered, click SAVE

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PARENT CAMPAIGN Next, add the Target Marketing Lists you want to

use for the overall campaign by gong to the Target Marketing list section under Marketing on the left hand menu list.1. Search for the marketing list you want, add it at the bottom and click OK.

**NOTE: This Marketing List will automatically be added to ALL Campaign Activities. You can choose to remove the list from individual activities once you have added them to the campaign.

Coeur d’Alene, Idaho

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CAMPAIGN ACTIVITIESIndividual communications that are part of the Parent Campaign

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CAMPAIGN ACTIVITIES Next, add the activities

(communications) that will occur as part of this campaign

Status will be PROPOSED until the campaign is open and the scheduled date happens

Name the activity

Choose a channel, i.e. letter, email, phone call, other (use OTHER for Exact Target emails)

Enter in a description for internal purposes

Enter in the Scheduled Start and End

Next, set up Drip, Catch Up and Automatic distribution activity (see next page)

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Set Automatic Distribution to either yes or no (your choice) – You can have emails go out automatically, phone calls be created by the system and sent to your task list, or letter activities be generated and sent to your task list for processing, or you can manually activate the campaign activity when you want to.

Set Catch Up to either yes or no (your choice) – If you want new additions to the marketing list to get this activity after the first round goes out, you can say yes to catch up.

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INITIATING (FIRST) ACTIVITIES Filter who receives this activity by

previous communications, either via Activity Codes or Subject Lines by highlighting the section you want to use, then selecting ‘ADD NEW…” from the menu. You can use one section or both sections.

Filter by event registration ( or lack of) by highlighting the Conflict Tab section, selecting to filter out registered or not registered students, then selecting “ADD NEW CAMPAIGN FILTER EVENT” on the menu bar.

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SUBSEQUENT (SECOND, THIRD, ETC.) ACTIVITIES NOTE* repeat this process for all

activities after the first

Set Drip to YES

Set the Initiating Activity by choosing from the lookup list

Choose the number of days to Offset this activity from the initiating activity

Set up Automatic Distribution if you choose

Set Catch Up to NO

Filter as needed

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EXACT TARGET EMAILS: Create your Exact Target emails before beginning the Campaign Set up

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EXACT TARGET EMAILS CONT. Create Campaign Activity

Channel must be OTHER for Exact Target Emails

Leave Auto Distribution set to NO for now. You need to first set up the Exact Target Send you want to use.

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EXACT TARGET EMAILS CONT. Select the activity in the

“Campaign Activities” Window

Click the “Send Exact Target Email”button on the menu bar

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EXACT TARGET EMAILS CONT. Select the ET email you want

Contact Mapping Test 1 will be the Field Mapping Set

Create the Subject of your email,

Designate who the email is from

Choose the marketing list that you wish to send it to,

Associate the ET Send with the Campaign you want

Select your send time as LATER so that you can change the send type to “Marketing Automation” and auto distribution to Yes later

Check all three boxes at the bottom and then hit “OK.”

Coeur d’Alene, Idaho

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EXACT TARGET EMAILS CONT. Click on Exact Target Sends located on

the left side menu Change the send Type from Standard to

MARKETING AUTOMATION then save and close

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Open up your Campaign Activity to add your new ET send and change the Auto Distribution to Yes

You can then set the drip and catch up activities.

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You can view active campaigns in a calendar to see what is happening with overall communications. Each campaign activity

color and title displays over the dates in which the campaign covers.

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WORKFLOW SCHEDULERAuto distribution scheduling

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WORKFLOW SCHEDULER Make sure your workflows are on the scheduler

Campaign Automatic Distribution

Campaign Catch Up Activities

Drip Campaign Activities

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SESSION SUMMARY Easier to prepare all necessary Views for Marketing Lists and

Exact Target email Sends before you begin setting up your Campaign

Set up Parent Campaign, add Marketing List to that first

Create activities, beginning with Initiating, then add drip activities

Make sure workflows are running in Workflow Scheduler

Move Campaign in the ‘READY TO LAUNCH’ status reason to activate (will not run properly in the launched status)

Cannot reactivate a completed or cancelled campaign

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THANK YOU!Angela Skjeie, Manager Administrative Services, Pacific University Oregon

[email protected]

Coeur d’Alene, Idaho