recursive concurrent stochastic games · recent analysis of recursive simple stochastic games to a...

Logical Methods in Computer Science Vol. 4 (4:7) 2008, pp. 1–21 Submitted May 24, 2007 Published Nov. 11, 2008 RECURSIVE CONCURRENT STOCHASTIC GAMES KOUSHA ETESSAMI a AND MIHALIS YANNAKAKIS b a LFCS, School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh, UK e-mail address : [email protected] b Department of Computer Science, Columbia University, USA e-mail address : [email protected] Abstract. We study Recursive Concurrent Stochastic Games (RCSGs), extending our recent analysis of recursive simple stochastic games to a concurrent setting where the two players choose moves simultaneously and independently at each state. For multi-exit games, our earlier work already showed undecidability for basic questions like termination, thus we focus on the important case of single-exit RCSGs (1-RCSGs). We first characterize the value of a 1-RCSG termination game as the least fixed point so- lution of a system of nonlinear minimax functional equations, and use it to show PSPACE decidability for the quantitative termination problem. We then give a strategy improve- ment technique, which we use to show that player 1 (maximizer) has ǫ-optimal randomized Stackless & Memoryless (r-SM) strategies for all ǫ> 0, while player 2 (minimizer) has op- timal r-SM strategies. Thus, such games are r-SM-determined. These results mirror and generalize in a strong sense the randomized memoryless determinacy results for finite sto- chastic games, and extend the classic Hoffman-Karp strategy improvement approach from the finite to an infinite state setting. The proofs in our infinite-state setting are very dif- ferent however, relying on subtle analytic properties of certain power series that arise from studying 1-RCSGs. We show that our upper bounds, even for qualitative (probability 1) termination, can not be improved, even to NP, without a major breakthrough, by giving two reductions: first a P-time reduction from the long-standing square-root sum problem to the quantitative termination decision problem for finite concurrent stochastic games, and then a P-time reduction from the latter problem to the qualitative termination problem for 1-RCSGs. 1. Introduction In recent work we have studied Recursive Markov Decision Processes (RMDPs) and turn- based Recursive Simple Stochastic Games (RSSGs) ([16, 17]), providing a number of strong upper and lower bounds for their analysis. These define infinite-state (perfect informa- tion) stochastic games that extend Recursive Markov Chains (RMCs) ([14, 15]) with non- probabilistic actions controlled by players. Here we extend our study to Recursive Concur- rent Stochastic Games (RCSGs), where the two players choose moves simultaneously and 1998 ACM Subject Classification: G.3, F.2, F.1.1. Key words and phrases: Recursive Markov chains, stochastic games, computational complexity. A preliminary version of this paper appeared in the Proceedings of the 33rd International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming (ICALP’06). LOGICAL METHODS IN COMPUTER SCIENCE DOI:10.2168/LMCS-4 (4:7) 2008 c K. Etessami and M. Yannakakis CC Creative Commons

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Page 1: RECURSIVE CONCURRENT STOCHASTIC GAMES · recent analysis of recursive simple stochastic games to a concurrent setting where the two players choose moves simultaneously and independently

Logical Methods in Computer ScienceVol. 4 (4:7) 2008, pp. 1–

Submitted May 24, 2007Published Nov. 11, 2008



a LFCS, School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh, UKe-mail address: [email protected]

b Department of Computer Science, Columbia University, USAe-mail address: [email protected]

Abstract. We study Recursive Concurrent Stochastic Games (RCSGs), extending ourrecent analysis of recursive simple stochastic games to a concurrent setting where thetwo players choose moves simultaneously and independently at each state. For multi-exitgames, our earlier work already showed undecidability for basic questions like termination,thus we focus on the important case of single-exit RCSGs (1-RCSGs).

We first characterize the value of a 1-RCSG termination game as the least fixed point so-lution of a system of nonlinear minimax functional equations, and use it to show PSPACEdecidability for the quantitative termination problem. We then give a strategy improve-ment technique, which we use to show that player 1 (maximizer) has ǫ-optimal randomizedStackless & Memoryless (r-SM) strategies for all ǫ > 0, while player 2 (minimizer) has op-timal r-SM strategies. Thus, such games are r-SM-determined. These results mirror andgeneralize in a strong sense the randomized memoryless determinacy results for finite sto-chastic games, and extend the classic Hoffman-Karp strategy improvement approach fromthe finite to an infinite state setting. The proofs in our infinite-state setting are very dif-ferent however, relying on subtle analytic properties of certain power series that arise fromstudying 1-RCSGs.

We show that our upper bounds, even for qualitative (probability 1) termination, cannot be improved, even to NP, without a major breakthrough, by giving two reductions: firsta P-time reduction from the long-standing square-root sum problem to the quantitativetermination decision problem for finite concurrent stochastic games, and then a P-timereduction from the latter problem to the qualitative termination problem for 1-RCSGs.

1. Introduction

In recent work we have studied Recursive Markov Decision Processes (RMDPs) and turn-based Recursive Simple Stochastic Games (RSSGs) ([16, 17]), providing a number of strongupper and lower bounds for their analysis. These define infinite-state (perfect informa-tion) stochastic games that extend Recursive Markov Chains (RMCs) ([14, 15]) with non-probabilistic actions controlled by players. Here we extend our study to Recursive Concur-rent Stochastic Games (RCSGs), where the two players choose moves simultaneously and

1998 ACM Subject Classification: G.3, F.2, F.1.1.Key words and phrases: Recursive Markov chains, stochastic games, computational complexity.

∗ A preliminary version of this paper appeared in the Proceedings of the 33rd International Colloquium onAutomata, Languages and Programming (ICALP’06).


c© K. Etessami and M. YannakakisCC© Creative Commons

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independently at each state, unlike RSSGs where only one player can move at each state.RCSGs define a class of infinite-state zero-sum (imperfect information) stochastic gamesthat can naturally model probabilistic procedural programs and other systems involvingboth recursive and probabilistic behavior, as well as concurrent interactions between thesystem and the environment. Informally, all such recursive models consist of a finite col-lection of finite state component models (of the same type) that can call each other in apotentially recursive manner. For RMDPs and RSSGs with multiple exits (terminatingstates), our earlier work already showed that basic questions such as almost sure termina-tion (i.e. does player 1 have a strategy that ensures termination with probability 1) arealready undecidable; on the other hand, we gave strong upper bounds for the importantspecial case of single-exit RMDPs and RSSGs (called 1-RMDPs and 1-RSSGs).

Our focus in this paper is thus on single-exit Recursive Concurrent Stochastic Games(1-RCSGs for short). These models correspond to a concurrent game version of multi-typeBranching Processes and Stochastic Context-Free Grammars, both of which are importantand extensively studied stochastic processes with many applications including in populationgenetics, nuclear chain reactions, computational biology, and natural language processing(see, e.g., [21, 23, 24] and other references in [14, 16]). It is very natural to considergame extensions to these stochastic models. Branching processes model the growth of apopulation of entities of distinct types. In each generation each entity of a given type givesrise, according to a probability distribution, to a multi-set of entities of distinct types. Abranching process can be mapped to a 1-exit Recursive Markov Chain (1-RMC) such thatthe probability of eventual extinction of a species is equal to the probability of terminationin the 1-RMC. Modeling the process in a context where external agents can influence theevolution to bias it towards extinction or towards survival leads naturally to a game. A1-RCSG models the process where the evolution of some types is affected by the concurrentactions of external favorable and unfavorable agents (forces).

In [16], we showed that for the turned-based 1-RSSG termination game, where thegoal of player 1 (respectively, player 2) is to maximize (resp. minimize) the probabilityof termination starting at a given vertex (in the empty calling context), we can decidein PSPACE whether the value of the game is ≥ p for a given probability p, and we canapproximate this value (which can be irrational) to within given precision with the samecomplexity. We also showed that both players have optimal deterministic Stackless andMemoryless (SM) strategies in the 1-RSSG termination game; these are strategies thatdepend neither on the history of the game nor on the call stack at the current state. Thusfrom each vertex belonging to the player, such a strategy deterministically picks one of theoutgoing transitions.

Already for finite-state concurrent stochastic games (CSGs), even under the simpletermination objective, the situation is rather different. Memoryless strategies do sufficefor both players, but randomization of strategies is necessary, meaning we can’t hope fordeterministic ǫ-optimal strategies for either player. Moreover, player 1 (the maximizer)can only attain ǫ-optimal strategies, for ǫ > 0, whereas player 2 (the minimizer) does haveoptimal randomized memoryless strategies (see, e.g., [19, 12]). Another important result forfinite CSGs is the classic Hoffman-Karp [22] strategy improvement method, which provides,via simple local improvements, a sequence of randomized memoryless strategies which yieldpayoffs that converge to the value of the game.

Here we generalize all these results to the infinite-state setting of 1-RCSG terminationgames. We first characterize values of the 1-RCSG termination game as the least fixed

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point solution of a system of nonlinear minimax functional equations. We use this to showPSPACE decidability for the qualitative termination problem (is the value of the game= 1?) and the quantitative termination problem (is the value of the game ≥ r (or ≤ r, etc.),for given rational r), as well as PSPACE algorithms for approximating the terminationprobabilities of 1-RCSGs to within a given number of bits of precision, via results for theexistential theory of reals. (The simpler “qualitative problem” of deciding whether the gamevalue is = 0 only depends on the transition structure of the 1-RCSG and not on the specificprobabilities. For this problem we give a polynomial time algorithm.)

We then proceed to our technically most involved result, a strategy improvement tech-nique for 1-RCSG termination games. We use this to show that in these games player 1(maximizer) has ǫ-optimal randomized-Stackless & Memoryless (r-SM for short) strategies,whereas player 2 (minimizer) has optimal r-SM strategies. Thus, such games are r-SM-determined. These results mirror and generalize in a very strong sense the randomizedmemoryless determinacy results known for finite stochastic games. Our technique extendsHoffman-Karp’s strategy improvement method for finite CSGs to an infinite state setting.However, the proofs in our infinite-state setting are very different. We rely on subtle analyticproperties of certain power series that arise from studying 1-RCSGs.

Note that our PSPACE upper bounds for the quantitative termination problem for1-RCSGs can not be improved to NP without a major breakthrough, since already for 1-RMCs we showed in [14] that the quantitative termination problem is at least as hard asthe square-root sum problem (see [14]). In fact, here we show that even the qualitativetermination problem for 1-RCSGs, where the problem is to decide whether the value ofthe game is exactly 1, is already as hard as the square-root sum problem, and moreover,so is the quantitative termination decision problem for finite CSGs. We do this via tworeductions: we give a P-time reduction from the square-root sum problem to the quantitativetermination decision problem for finite CSGs, and a P-time reduction from the quantitativefinite CSG termination problem to the qualitative 1-RCSG termination problem.

It is known ([6]) that for finite concurrent games, probabilistic nodes do not add anypower to these games, because the stochastic nature of the games can in fact be simulatedby concurrency alone. The same is true for 1-RCSGs. Specifically, given a finite CSG (or 1-RCSG), G, there is a P-time reduction to a finite concurrent game (or 1-RCG, respectively)F (G), without any probabilistic vertices, such that the value of the game G is exactly thesame as the value of the game F (G). We will provide a proof of this in Section 2 forcompleteness.

Related work. Stochastic games go back to Shapley [28], who considered finite concurrentstochastic games with (discounted) rewards. See, e.g., [19] for a recent book on stochasticgames. Turn-based “simple” finite stochastic games were studied by Condon [10]. As men-tioned, we studied RMDPs and (turn-based) RSSGs and their quantitative and qualitativetermination problems in [16, 17]. In [17] we showed that the qualitative termination problemfor both maximizing and minimizing 1-RMDPs is in P, and for 1-RSSGs is in NP∩coNP.Our earlier work [14, 15] developed theory and algorithms for Recursive Markov Chains(RMCs), and [13, 3] have studied probabilistic Pushdown Systems which are essentiallyequivalent to RMCs.

Finite-state concurrent stochastic games have been studied extensively in recent CSliterature (see, e.g., [7, 12, 11]). In particular, the papers [8] and [7] have studied, forfinite CSGs, the approximate reachability problem and approximate parity game problem,

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respectively. In those papers, it was claimed that these approximation problems are inNP∩coNP. Actually there was a minor problem with the way the results on approximationwere phrased in [8, 7], as pointed out in the conference version of this paper [18], but this isa relatively unimportant point compared to the flaw we shall now discuss. There is in fact aserious flaw in a key proof of [8]. The flaw relates to the use of a result from [19] which showsthat for discounted stochastic games the value function is Lipschitz continuous with respectto the coefficients that define the game as well as the discount β. Importantly, the Lipschitzconstant in this result from [19] depends on the discount β (it is inversely proportionalto 1 − β). This fact was unfortunately overlooked in [8] and, at a crucial point in theirproofs, the Lipschitz constant was assumed to be a fixed constant that does not dependon β. This flaw unfortunately affects several results in [8]. It also affects the results of [7],since the later paper uses the reachability results of [8]. As a consequence of this error, thebest upper bound which currently follows from the results in [8, 12, 7] is a PSPACE upperbound for the decision and approximation problems for the value of finite-state concurrentstochastic reachability games as well as for finite-state concurrent stochastic parity games.(See the erratum note for [8] on K. Chatterjee’s web page [9], as well as his Ph.D. thesis.) Itis entirely plausible that these results can be repaired and that approximating the value offinite-state concurrent reachability games to within a given additive error ǫ > 0 can in thefuture be shown to be in NP ∩ coNP, but the flaw in the proof given in [8] is fundamentaland does not appear to be easy to fix.

On the other hand, for the quantitative decision problem for finite CSGs (as opposed tothe approximation problem), and even the qualitative decision problem for 1-RCSGs, thesituation is different. We show here that the quantitative decision problem for finite CSGs,as well as the qualitative decision problem for 1-RCSGs, are both as hard as the square-rootsum problem, for which containment even in NP is a long standing open problem. Thus ourPSPACE upper bounds here, even for the qualitative termination problem for 1-RCSGs, cannot be improved to NP without a major breakthrough. Unlike for 1-RCSGs, the qualitativetermination problem for finite CSGs is known to be decidable in P-time ([11]). We notethat in recent work Allender et. al. [1] have shown that the square-root sum problem is in(the 4th level of) the “Counting Hierarchy” CH, which is inside PSPACE, but it remains amajor open problem to bring this complexity down to NP.

The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In Section 2 we present the RCSG model,define the problems that we will study, and give some basic properties. In Section 3 wegive a system of equations that characterizes the desired probabilities, and use them toshow that the problems are in PSPACE. In Section 4 we prove the existence of optimalrandomized stackless and memoryless strategies, and we present a strategy improvementmethod. Finally in Section 5 we present reductions from the square root sum problem tothe quantitative termination problem for finite CSGs, and from the latter to the qualitativeproblem for Recursive CSGs.

2. Basics

We have two players, Player 1 and Player 2. Let Γ1 and Γ2 be finite sets constitut-ing the move alphabet of players 1 and 2, respectively. Formally, a Recursive Concur-rent Stochastic Game (RCSG) is a tuple A = (A1, . . . , Ak), where each component Ai =(Ni, Bi, Yi, Eni, Exi, pli, δi) consists of:

(1) A finite set Ni of nodes, with a distinguished subset Eni of entry nodes and a (disjoint)subset Exi of exit nodes.

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R,R 1













s t

b2 : f


b1 : f

Figure 1: Example (1-exit) RCSG

(2) A finite set Bi of boxes, and a mapping Yi : Bi 7→ {1, . . . , k} that assigns to every box(the index of) a component. To each box b ∈ Bi, we associate a set of call ports, Callb ={(b, en) | en ∈ EnY (b)}, and a set of return ports, Returnb = {(b, ex) | ex ∈ ExY (b)}.Let Calli = ∪b∈Bi

Callb, Returni = ∪b∈BiReturnb, and let Qi = Ni ∪ Calli ∪ Returni

be the set of all nodes, call ports and return ports; we refer to these as the vertices ofcomponent Ai.

(3) A mapping pli : Qi 7→ {0, play} that assigns to every vertex u a type describing howthe next transition is chosen: if pli(u) = 0 it is chosen probabilistically and if pli(u) =

play it is determined by moves of the two players. Vertices u ∈ (Exi ∪ Calli) have nooutgoing transitions; for them we let pli(u) = 0.

(4) A transition relation δi ⊆ (Qi× (R∪ (Γ1×Γ2))×Qi), where for each tuple (u, x, v) ∈ δi,the source u ∈ (Ni \ Exi) ∪ Returni, the destination v ∈ (Ni \ Eni) ∪ Calli, where ifpl(u) = 0 then x is a real number pu,v ∈ [0, 1] (the transition probability), and if pl(u) =play then x = (γ1, γ2) ∈ Γ1 × Γ2. We assume that each vertex u ∈ Qi has associatedwith it a set Γu

1 ⊆ Γ1 and a set Γu2 ⊆ Γ2, which constitute player 1 and 2’s legal moves at

vertex u. Thus, if (u, x, v) ∈ δi and x = (γ1, γ2) then (γ1, γ2) ∈ Γu1 × Γu

2 . Additionally,for each vertex u and each x ∈ Γu

1 ×Γu2 , we assume there is exactly one transition of the

form (u, x, v) in δi. Furthermore they must satisfy the consistency property: for everyu ∈ pl−1(0),

{v′|(u,pu,v′ ,v′)∈δi}

pu,v′ = 1, unless u is a call port or exit node, neither of

which have outgoing transitions, in which case by default∑

v′ pu,v′ = 0.

We use the symbols (N,B,Q, δ, etc.) without a subscript, to denote the union over allcomponents. Thus, eg. N = ∪k

i=1Ni is the set of all nodes of A, δ = ∪ki=1δi the set of all

transitions, Q = ∪ki=1Qi the set of all vertices, etc. The set Q of vertices is partitioned

into the sets Qplay = pl−1(play) and Qprob = pl−1(0) of play and probabilistic verticesrespectively.

For computational purposes we assume that the transition probabilities pu,v are rational,given in the input as the ratio of two integers written in binary. The size of a RCSG is thespace (in number of bits) needed to specify it fully, i.e., the nodes, boxes, and transitionsof all components, including the probabilities of all the transitions.

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Example 1. An example picture of a (1-exit) RCSG is depicted in Figure 1. This RCSGhas one component, f , which has nodes {s, t, u1, u2, u3, u4, u5}. It has one entry node, s, andone exit node, t. It also has two boxes, {b1, b2}, both of which map to the only component,f . All nodes in this RCSG are probabilistic (black nodes) except for nodes u1 and u4 whichare player nodes (white nodes). The move alphabet for both players is {L,R} (for, say,“left” and “right”). At node u1 both players have both moves enabled. At node u4, player1 has only L enabled, and player 2 has both L and R enabled.

An RCSG A defines a global denumerable stochastic game MA = (V,∆, pl) as follows.The global states V ⊆ B∗×Q of MA are pairs of the form 〈β, u〉, where β ∈ B∗ is a (possiblyempty) sequence of boxes and u ∈ Q is a vertex of A. More precisely, the states V ⊆ B∗×Qand transitions ∆ are defined inductively as follows:

(1) 〈ǫ, u〉 ∈ V , for u ∈ Q (ǫ denotes the empty string.)(2) If 〈β, u〉 ∈ V and (u, x, v) ∈ δ, then 〈β, v〉 ∈ V and (〈β, u〉, x, 〈β, v〉) ∈ ∆.(3) If 〈β, (b, en)〉 ∈ V , with (b, en) ∈ Callb, then 〈βb, en〉 ∈ V and (〈β, (b, en)〉, 1, 〈βb, en〉) ∈

∆.(4) If 〈βb, ex〉 ∈ V , and (b, ex) ∈ Returnb, then 〈β, (b, ex)〉 ∈ V and (〈βb, ex〉, 1, 〈β, (b, ex)〉)∈


Item 1 corresponds to the possible initial states, item 2 corresponds to control stayingwithin a component, item 3 is when a new component is entered via a box, item 4 is whencontrol exits a box and returns to the calling component. The mapping pl : V 7→ {0, play}is given by pl(〈β, u〉) = pl(u). The set of vertices V is partitioned into Vprob, Vplay, where

Vprob = pl−1(0) and Vplay = pl−1(play).

We consider MA with various initial states of the form 〈ǫ, u〉, denoting this by MuA.

Some states of MA are terminating states and have no outgoing transitions. These arestates 〈ǫ, ex〉, where ex is an exit node. If we wish to view MA as a non-terminatingCSG, we can consider the terminating states as absorbing states of MA, with a self-loop ofprobability 1.

An RCSG where |Γ2| = 1 (i.e., where player 2 has only one action) is called a maxi-mizing Recursive Markov Decision Process (RMDP); likewise, when |Γ1| = 1 the RCSG isa minimizing RMDP. An RSSG where |Γ1| = |Γ2| = 1 is essentially a Recursive MarkovChain ([14, 15]).

Our goal is to answer termination questions for RCSGs of the form: “Does player 1have a strategy to force the game to terminate (i.e., reach node 〈ǫ, ex〉), starting at 〈ǫ, u〉,with probability ≥ p, regardless of how player 2 plays?”.

First, some definitions: a strategy σ for player i, i ∈ {1, 2}, is a function σ : V ∗Vplay 7→D(Γi), where D(Γi) denotes the set of probability distributions on the finite set of moves Γi.In other words, given a history ws ∈ V ∗Vplay, and a strategy σ for, say, player 1, σ(ws)(γ)

defines the probability with which player 1 will play move γ. Moreover, we require thatthe function σ has the property that for any global state s = 〈β, u〉, with pl(u) = play,σ(ws) ∈ D(Γu

i ). In other words, the distribution has support only over eligible moves atvertex u.

Let Ψi denote the set of all strategies for player i. Given a history ws ∈ V ∗Vplay of

play so far, and given a strategy σ ∈ Ψ1 for player 1, and a strategy τ ∈ Ψ2 for player 2, thestrategies determine a distribution on the next move of play to a new global state, namely,the transition (s, (γ1, γ2), s

′) ∈ ∆ has probability σ(ws)(γ1) ∗ τ(ws)(γ2). This way, given

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a start node u, a strategy σ ∈ Ψ1, and a strategy τ ∈ Ψ2, we define a new Markov chain(with initial state u) Mu,σ,τ

A = (S,∆′). The states S ⊆ 〈ǫ, u〉V ∗ of Mu,σ,τA are non-empty

sequences of states of MA, which must begin with 〈ǫ, u〉. Inductively, if ws ∈ S, then: (0)if s ∈ Vprob and (s, ps,s′, s

′) ∈ ∆ then wss′ ∈ S and (ws, ps,s′ , wss′) ∈ ∆′; (1) if s ∈ Vplay,

where (s, (γ1, γ2), s′) ∈ ∆, then if σ(ws)(γ1) > 0 and τ(ws)(γ2) > 0 then wss′ ∈ S and

(ws, p,wss′) ∈ ∆′, where p = σ(ws)(γ1) ∗ τ(ws)(γ2).Given initial vertex u, and final exit ex in the same component, and given strategies

σ ∈ Ψ1 and τ ∈ Ψ2, for k ≥ 0, let qk,σ,τ(u,ex) be the probability that, in Mu,σ,τ

A , starting at initial

state 〈ǫ, u〉, we will reach a state w〈ǫ, ex〉 in at most k “steps” (i.e., where |w| ≤ k). Let


(u,ex) = limk→∞ qk,σ,τ

(u,ex) be the probability of ever terminating at ex, i.e., reaching 〈ǫ, ex〉.(Note, the limit exists: it is a monotonically non-decreasing sequence bounded by 1). Let

qk(u,ex) = supσ∈Ψ1

infτ∈Ψ2qk,σ,τ(u,ex) and let q∗(u,ex) = supσ∈Ψ1

infτ∈Ψ2q∗,σ,τ(u,ex). For a strategy

σ ∈ Ψ1, let qk,σ

(u,ex) = infτ∈Ψ2qk,σ,τ

(u,ex), and let q∗,σ(u,ex) = infτ∈Ψ2q∗,σ,τ

(u,ex). Lastly, given a strategy

τ ∈ Ψ2, let qk,·,τ(u,ex) = supσ∈Ψ1

qk,σ,τ(u,ex), and let q∗,·,τ(u,ex) = supσ∈Ψ1


From, general determinacy results (e.g., “Blackwell determinacy” [26] which applies toall Borel two-player zero-sum stochastic games with countable state spaces; see also [25]) itfollows that the games MA are determined, meaning:supσ∈Ψ1

infτ∈Ψ2q∗,σ,τ(u,ex) = infτ∈Ψ2


We call a strategy σ for either player a (randomized) Stackless and Memoryless (r-SM)strategy if it neither depends on the history of the game, nor on the current call stack. Inother words, a r-SM strategy σ for player i is given by a function σ : Qplay 7→ D(Γi), which

maps each play vertex u of the RCSG to a probability distribution σ(u) ∈ D(Γui ) on the

moves available to player i at vertex u.We are interested in the following computational problems.

(1) The qualitative termination problem: Is q∗(u,ex) = 1?

(2) The quantitative termination (decision) problem:given r ∈ [0, 1], is q∗(u,ex) ≥ r? Is q∗(u,ex) ≤ r?

The approximate version: approximate q∗(u,ex) to within desired precision.

Obviously, the qualitative termination problem is a special case of the quantitative problem,setting r = 1. As mentioned, for multi-exit RCSGs these are all undecidable. Thus we focuson single-exit RCSGs (1-RCSGs), where every component has one exit. Since for 1-RCSGsit is always clear which exit we wish to terminate at starting at vertex u (there is only oneexit in u’s component), we abbreviate q∗(u,ex), q

∗,σ(u,ex), etc., as q∗u, q∗,σu , etc., and we likewise

abbreviate other subscripts.A different “qualitative” problem is to ask whether q∗u = 0? As we will show in Propo-

sition 3.5, this is an easy problem: deciding whether q∗u = 0 for a vertex u in a 1-RCSG canbe done in polynomial time, and only depends on the transition structure of the 1-RCSG,not on the specific probabilities.

As mentioned in the introduction, it is known that for concurrent stochastic games,probabilistic nodes do not add any power, and can in effect be “simulated” by concurrentnodes alone (this fact was communicated to us by K. Chatterjee [6]). The same fact is truefor 1-RCSGs. Specifically, the following holds:

Proposition 2.1. There is a P-time reduction F , which, given a finite CSG (or a 1-RCSG), G, computes a finite concurrent game (or 1-RCG, respectively) F (G), without any

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probabilistic vertices, such that the value of the game G is exactly the same as the value ofthe game F (G).

Proof. First, suppose for now that in G all probabilistic transitions have probability 1/2.In other words, suppose that for a probabilistic vertex s ∈ pl−1(0) (which is not an exit ora call port) in an 1-RCSG, we have two transitions (s, 1/2, t) ∈ δ and (s, 1/2, t′) ∈ δ. In thenew game F (G), change s to a play vertex, i.e., let pl(s) = play, and let Γs

1 = Γs2 = {a, b},

and replace the probabilistic transitions out of s with the following 4 transitions: (s, (a, b), t),(s, (b, a), t), (s, (a, a), t′) and (s, (b, b), t′). Do this for all probabilistic vertices in G, thusobtaining F (G) which contains no probabilistic vertices.

Now, consider any strategy σ for player 1 in the original game G, and a strategy σ′ inthe new game F (G) that is consistent with σ, i.e. for each history ending at an original playvertex σ′ has the same distribution as σ (and for the other histories ending at probabilisticvertices it has an arbitrary distribution). For any strategy τ for player 2 in the game G,consider the strategy, F (τ), for player 2 in F (G), which is defined as follows: whenever theplay reaches a probabilistic vertex s of G (in any context and with any history) F (τ) playsa and b with 1/2 probability each. At all non-probabilistic vertices of G, F (τ) plays exactlyas τ (and it may use the history, etc.). This way, no matter what player 1 does, wheneverplay reaches the vertex s (in any context) the play will move from s to t and to t′ withprobability 1/2 each. Thus for any vertex u, the value q⋆,σ,τ

u in the game G is the same

as the value q∗,σ′,F (τ)u in the game F (G). So the optimal payoff value for player 1 in the

game starting at any vertex u is not greater in F (G) than in G. A completely symmetricargument shows that for player 2 the optimal payoff value starting at u is not greater inF (G) than in G. Thus, the value of the game starting at u is the same in both games.

We can now generalize this to arbitrary rational probabilities on transitions, instead ofjust probability 1/2, by using a basic trick to encode arbitrary finite probability distributionsusing a polynomial-sized finite Markov chain all of whose transitions have probability 1/2.Namely, suppose u goes to v1 with probability p/q and to v2 with probability 1−p/q, wherep,q are integers with k bits (we can write both as k-bit numbers, by adding leading 0’s to pif necessary so that it has length exactly k, same as q). Flip (at most) k coins. View this asgenerating a k bit binary number. If the number that comes out is < p (i.e. 0, . . . , p − 1),then go to v1, if between p and q (i.e., p, . . . , q − 1) then go to v2, if ≥ q go back to thestart, u. A naive way to do this would require exponentially many states in k. But we onlyneed at most 2k states to encode this if we don’t necessarily flip all k coins but rather dothe transition to v1, v2 or u, as soon as the outcome is clear from the coin flips. That is,if the sequence α formed by the initial sequence of coin flips so far differs from both theprefixes p′, q′ of p and q of the same length, then we do the transition: if α < p′ transitionto v1, if p′ < α < q′ transition to v2, and if α > q′ then transition to u. Thus, we only needto remember the number j of coins flipped so far, and if j is greater than the length of thecommon prefix of p and q then we need to remember also whether the coin flips so far agreewith p or with q.

Clearly, a simple generalization of this argument works for generating arbitrary finiterational probability distributions p1/q, p2/q, . . . , pr/q, such that

∑ri=1(pi/q) = 1. If q is a

k-bit integer, then the number of new states needed is at most rk, i.e. linear in the encodinglength of the rationals p1/q, . . . , pr/q.

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3. Nonlinear minimax equations for 1-RCSGs

In ([16]) we defined a monotone system SA of nonlinear min-& -max equations for 1-RSSGs(i.e. the case of simple games), and showed that its least fixed point solution yields thedesired probabilities q∗u. Here we generalize these to nonlinear minimax systems for con-current games, 1-RCSGs. Let us use a variable xu for each unknown q∗u, and let x be thevector of all xu , u ∈ Q. The system SA has one equation of the form xu = Pu(x) for eachvertex u. Suppose that u is in component Ai with (unique) exit ex. There are 4 cases basedon the “Type” of u.

(1) u ∈ Type1: u = ex. In this case: xu = 1.(2) u ∈ Typerand: pl(u) = 0 and u ∈ (Ni \ {ex}) ∪ Returni. Then the equation is xu =

{v|(u,pu,v,v)∈δ} pu,vxv. (If u has no outgoing transitions, this equation is by definition

xu = 0.)(3) u ∈ Typecall: u = (b, en) is a call port. The equation is x(b,en) = xen · x(b,ex′), where

ex′ ∈ ExY (b) is the unique exit of AY (b).(4) u ∈ Typeplay. Then the equation is xu = Val(Au(x)), where the right-hand side is

defined as follows. Given a value vector x, and a play vertex u, consider the zero-sum matrix game given by matrix Au(x), whose rows are indexed by player 1’s movesΓu

1 from node u, and whose columns are indexed by player 2’s moves Γu2 . The payoff

to player 1 under the pair of deterministic moves γ1 ∈ Γu1 , and γ2 ∈ Γu

2 , is given by(Au(x))γ1,γ2

:= xv, where (u, (γ1, γ2), v) ∈ δ. Let Val(Au(x)) be the value of this zero-sum matrix game. By von Neumann’s minimax theorem, the value and optimal mixedstrategies exist, and they can be obtained by solving a Linear Program with coefficientsgiven by the xi’s.

In vector notation, we denote the system SA by x = P (x). Given 1-exit RCSG A, we caneasily construct this system. Note that the operator P : R

n≥0 7→ R

n≥0 is monotone: for

x, y ∈ Rn≥0, if x ≤ y then P (x) ≤ P (y). This follows because for two game matrices A and

B of the same dimensions, if A ≤ B (i.e., Ai,j ≤ Bi,j for all i and j), then Val(A) ≤ Val(B).Note that by definition of Au(x), for x ≤ y, Au(x) ≤ Au(y).

Example 3.1. We now construct the system of nonlinear minimax functional equations,x = P (x), associated with the 1-RCSG we encountered in Figure 1 (see Example 1). Weshall need one variable for every vertex of that 1-RCSG, to represent the value of thetermination game starting at that vertex, and we will need one equation for each suchvariable. Thus, the variables we need are xs, xt, xu1

, . . . , xu5, x(b1,s), x(b1,t), x(b2,s), x(b2,t).

The equations are as follows:

xt = 1

xs = (1/2)x(b1 ,s) + (1/4)xt + (1/4)xu1

xu5= xu5

xu2= x(b2,s)

xu3= (1/2)xu2

+ (1/2)xt

x(b1,s) = xsx(b1,t)

x(b1,t) = x(b2,s)

x(b2,s) = xsx(b2,t)

x(b2,t) = xt

xu1= Val





xu4= Val


x(b2,s) xt


We now identify a particular solution to x = P (x), called the Least Fixed Point (LFP)solution, which gives precisely the termination game values. Define P 1(x) = P (x), and

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define P k(x) = P (P k−1(x)), for k > 1. Let q∗ ∈ Rn denote the n-vector q∗u, u ∈ Q (using

the same indexing as used for x). For k ≥ 0, let qk denote, similarly, the n-vector qku, u ∈ Q.

Theorem 3.2. Let x = P (x) be the system SA associated with 1-RCSG A. Then q∗ =P (q∗), and for all q′ ∈ R

n≥0, if q′ = P (q′), then q∗ ≤ q′ (i.e., q∗ is the Least Fixed Point, of

P : Rn≥0 7→ R

n≥0). Moreover, limk→∞ P k(0) ↑ q∗, i.e., the “value iteration” sequence P k(0)

converges monotonically to the LFP, q∗.

Proof. We first prove that q∗ = P (q∗). Suppose q∗ 6= P (q∗). The equations for verticesu of types Type1, T yperand, and Typecall can be used to define precisely the values q∗u interms of other values q∗v . Thus, the only possibility is that q∗u 6= Pu(q∗) for some vertex uof Typeplay. In other words, q∗u 6= Val(Au(q∗)).

Suppose q∗u < Val(Au(q∗)). To see that this can’t happen, we construct a strategy σ forplayer 1 that achieves better. At node u, let player 1’s strategy σ play in one step its optimalrandomized minimax strategy in the game Au(q∗) (which exists according to the minimaxtheorem). Choose ǫ > 0 such that ǫ < Val(Au(q∗))−q∗u. After the first step, at any vertex vplayer 1’s strategy σ will play in such a way that achieves a value ≥ q∗v − ǫ (i.e, an ǫ-optimalstrategy in the rest of the game, which must exist because the game is determined). Letε be an n-vector every entry of which is ǫ. Now, the matrix game Au(q∗ − ε) is just anadditive translation of the matrix game Au(q∗), and thus it has precisely the same ǫ-optimalstrategies as the matrix game Au(q∗), and moreover Val(Au(q∗ − ε)) = Val(Au(q∗)) − ǫ.Thus, by playing strategy σ, player 1 guarantees a value which is ≥ Val(Au(q∗ − ε)) =Val(Au(q∗)) − ǫ > q∗u, which is a contradiction. Thus q∗u ≥ Val(Au(q∗)).

A completely analogous argument works for player 2, and shows that q∗u ≤ Val(Au(q∗)).Thus q∗u = Val(Au(q∗)), and hence q∗ = P (q∗).

Next, we prove that if q′ is any vector such that q′ = P (q′), then q∗ ≤ q′. Let τ ′ bethe randomized stackless and memoryless strategy for player 2 that always picks, at anystate 〈β, u〉, for play vertex u ∈ Qplay, a mixed 1-step strategy which is an optimal strategy

in the matrix game Au(q′). (Again, the existence of such a strategy is guaranteed by theminimax theorem.)

Lemma 3.3. For all strategies σ ∈ Ψ1 of player 1, and for all k ≥ 0, qk,σ,τ ′ ≤ q′.

Proof. By induction. The base case q0,σ,τ ′ ≤ q′ is trivial.

(1) Type1. If u = ex is an exit, then for all k ≥ 0, clearly qk,σ,τ ′

ex = q′ex = 1.(2) Typerand. Let σ′ be the strategy defined by σ′(β) = σ(〈ǫ, u〉β) for all β ∈ V ∗. Then,

qk+1,σ,τ ′

u =∑


pu,v qk,σ′,τ ′

v ≤∑


pu,v q′

v = q′


(3) Typecall. In this case, u = (b, en) ∈ Callb, and qk+1,σ,τ ′

u ≤ supρ qk,ρ,τ ′

en · supρ qk,ρ,τ ′


where ex′ ∈ ExY (b) is the unique exit node of AY (b). Now, by the inductive assumption,

qk,ρ,τ ′ ≤ q′ for all ρ. Moreover, since q′ = P (q′), q′

u = q′

en · q′

(b,ex′). Hence, using these

inequalities and substituting, we get

qk+1,σ,τ ′

u ≤ q′

en q′

(b,ex′) = q′


(4) Typeplay: In this case, starting at 〈ǫ, u〉, whatever player 1’s strategy σ is, it has the

property that qk+1,σ,τ ′

u ≤ Val(Au(qk,σ′,τ ′)). By the inductive hypothesis qk,σ′,τ ′

v ≤ q′

v, sowe are done by induction and by the monotonicity of Val(Au(x)).

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Now, by the lemma, q∗,σ,τ ′= limk→∞ qk,σ,τ ′ ≤ q′. This holds for any strategy σ ∈ Ψ1.

Therefore, supσ∈Ψ1q∗,σ,τ ′

u ≤ q′u, for every vertex u. Thus, by the determinacy of RCSG

games, we have established that q∗u = infτ∈Ψ2supσ∈Ψ1

q∗,σ,τu ≤ q′u, for all vertices u. In other

words, q∗ ≤ q′. The fact that limk→∞ P k(0) ↑ q∗ follows from a simple Tarski-Knasterargument.

Example 2. For the system of equations x = P (x) given in Example 3.1, associated withthe 1-RCSG given in Example 1, fairly easy calculations using the equations show thatthe Least Fixed Point of the system (and thus the game values, starting at the differentvertices) is as follows: q∗t = q∗(b2,t) = 1; q∗u5

= 0; q∗s = q∗u1= q∗u2

= q∗u4= q∗(b1,t) = q∗(b2,s) = 0.5;

q∗u3= 0.75; and q∗(b1,s) = 0.25.

In this case the values turn out to be rational and are simple to compute, but in generalthe values may be irrational and difficult to compute, and even if they are rational theymay require exponentially many bits to represent (in standard notation, e.g., via reducednumerator and denominator given in binary) in terms of the size of the input 1-RCSG orequation system.

Furthermore, in this game there are pure optimal (stackless and memoryless) strategiesfor both players. Specifically, the strategy for player 1 (maximizer) that always plays Lfrom nodes u1 is optimal, and the strategy for player 2 that always player L from nodes u1

and u4 is optimal. In general for 1-RCSGs, we show randomized stackless and memorylessǫ-optimal and optimal strategies do exist for players 1 and 2, respectively. However, forplayer 1 only ǫ-optimal strategies may exist, and although optimal strategies do exist forplayer 2 they may require randomization using irrational probabilities. This is the case evenfor finite-state concurrent games.

We can use the system of equations to establish the following upper bound for computingthe value of a 1-RCSG termination game:

Theorem 3.4. The qualitative and quantitative termination problems for 1-exit RCSGs canbe solved in PSPACE. That is, given a 1-exit RCSG A, vertex u and a rational probabilityp, there is a PSPACE algorithm to decide whether q∗

u ≤ p (or q∗ ≥ p, or q∗ < p, etc.).

The running time is O(|A|O(n)) where n is the number of variables in x = P (x). We canalso approximate the vector q∗ of values to within a specified number of bits i of precision(i given in unary), in PSPACE and in time O(i|A|O(n)).

Proof. Using the system x = P (x), we can express the condition q∗u ≤ c by a sentence inthe existential theory of the reals as follows:

∃x1, . . . , xn



(xi = Pi(x1, . . . , xn)) ∧n∧


(xi ≥ 0) ∧ (xu ≤ c)

Note that the sentence is true, i.e. there exists a vector x that satisfies the constraints ofthe above sentence if and only if the least fixed point q∗ satisfies them. The constraintsxi = Pi(x1, . . . , xn) for vertices i of type 1, 2, and 3 (exit, probabilistic vertex and call port)are clearly polynomial equations, as they should be in a sentence of the existential theoryof the reals. We only need to show how to express equations of the form xv = Val(Av(x))in the existential theory of reals. We can then appeal to well known results for decidingthat theory ([5, 27]). But this is a standard fact in game theory (see, e.g., [2, 19, 12] whereit is used for finite CSGs). The minimax theorem and its LP encoding allow the predicate

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“y = Val(Av(x))” to be expressed as an existential formula ϕ(y, x) in the theory of realswith free variables y and x1, . . . , xn, such that for every x ∈ R

n, there exists a unique y (thegame value) satisfying ϕ(y,x). Specifically, the formula includes, besides the free variablesx, y, existentially quantified variables zγ1

, γ1 ∈ Γv1, and wγ2

, γ2 ∈ Γv2 for the probabilities

of the moves of the two players, and the conjunction of the following constraints (recallthat each entry Au(γ1, γ2) of the matrix Au is a variable xv where v is the vertex such that(u, (γ1, γ2), v) ∈ δ)

zγ1≥ 0 for all γ1 ∈ Γv



= 1;

wγ2≥ 0 for all γ2 ∈ Γv



= 1;∑

γ1∈Γv1Au(γ1, γ2)zγ1

≥ y for all γ2 ∈ Γv2;

γ2∈Γv2Au(γ1, γ2)wγ2

≤ y for all γ1 ∈ Γv1.

To approximate the vector of game values within given precision we can do binary searchusing queries of the form q∗u ≤ c for all vertices u.

Determining the vertices u for which the value q∗u is 0, is easier and can be done inpolynomial time, as in the case of the turn-based 1-RSSGs [17].

Proposition 3.5. Given a 1-RCSG we can compute in polynomial time the set Z of verticesu such that q∗u = 0. This set Z depends only on the structure of the given 1-RCSG and noton the actual values of the transition probabilities.

Proof. From the system of fixed point equations we have the following: (1) all exit nodesare not in Z; (2) a probabilistic node u is in Z if and only if all its (immediate) successorsv are in Z; (3) the call port u = (b, en) of a box b is in Z if and only if the entry node enof the corresponding component Y (b) is in Z or the return port (b, ex) is in Z; (4) a playnode u is in Z if and only if Player 2 has a move γ2 ∈ Γu

2 such that for all moves γ1 ∈ Γu1

of Player 1, the next node v, i.e. the (unique) node v such that (u, (γ1, γ2), v) ∈ δ, is in Z.Only the last case of a play node u needs an explanation. If Player 2 has such a move

γ2, then clearly the corresponding column of the game matrix Au(q∗) has all the entries0, and the value of the game (i.e., q∗u) is 0. Conversely, if every column of Au(q∗) has anonzero entry, then the value of the game with this matrix is positive because for examplePlayer 1 can give equal probability to all his moves. Thus, in effect, as far as computingthe vertices with zero value is concerned, we can fix the strategy of Player 1 at each playvertex to play at all times all legal moves with equal probability to get a 1-RMDP; a vertexhas nonzero value in the given 1-RCSG iff it has nonzero value in the 1-RMDP.

The algorithm to compute the set Z of vertices with 0 value is similar to the case of1-RSSGs [17]. Initialize Z to Q\Ex, the set of non-exit vertices. Repeat the following untilthere is no change:

• If there is a probabilistic node u ∈ Z that has a successor not in Z, then remove u fromZ.

• If there is a call port u = (b, en) ∈ Z such that both the entry node en of the correspondingcomponent Y (b) and the return port (b, ex) of the box are not in Z, then remove u fromZ.

• If there is a play node u ∈ Z such that for every move γ2 ∈ Γu2 of Player 2 there is a move

γ1 ∈ Γu1 of Player 1 such that the next node v from u under (γ1, γ2) is not in Z, then

remove u from Z.

There are at most n iterations and at the end Z is the set of vertices u such that q∗u = 0.

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4. Strategy improvement and randomized-SM-determinacy

The proof of Theorem 1 implies the following:

Corollary 4.1. In every 1-RCSG termination game, player 2 (the minimizer) has an op-timal r-SM strategy.

Proof. Consider the strategy τ ′ in the proof of Theorem 3.2, chosen not for just any fixedpoint q′, but for q∗ itself. That strategy is r-SM and is optimal.

Player 1 does not have optimal r-SM strategies, not even in finite concurrent stochasticgames (see, e.g., [19, 12]). We next establish that it does have finite r-SM ǫ-optimal strate-gies, meaning that it has, for every ǫ > 0, a r-SM strategy that guarantees a value of atleast q∗

u − ǫ, starting from every vertex u in the termination game. We say that a game isr-SM-determined if, letting Ψ′

1 and Ψ′2 denote the set of r-SM strategies for players 1 and

2, respectively, we have supσ∈Ψ′1infτ∈Ψ′

2q∗,σ,τu = infτ∈Ψ′


1q∗,σ,τu .

Theorem 4.2.

(1) (Strategy Improvement) Starting at any r-SM strategy σ0 for player 1, via local strat-egy improvement steps at individual vertices, we can derive a series of r-SM strategiesσ0, σ1, σ2, . . ., such that for all ǫ > 0, there exists i ≥ 0 such that for all j ≥ i, σj is an

ǫ-optimal strategy for player 1 starting at any vertex, i.e., q∗,σju ≥ q∗u − ǫ for all vertices

u.Each strategy improvement step involves solving the quantitative termination problemfor a corresponding 1-RMDP. Thus, for classes where this problem is known to be inP-time (such as linearly-recursive 1-RMDPs, [16]), strategy improvement steps can becarried out in polynomial time.

(2) Player 1 has ǫ-optimal r-SM strategies, for all ǫ > 0, in 1-RCSG termination games.(3) 1-RCSG termination games are r-SM-determined.

Proof. Note that (2.) follows immediately from (1.), and (3.) follows because by Corollary4.1, player 2 has an optimal r-SM strategy and thussupσ∈Ψ′


2q∗,σ,τu = infτ∈Ψ′


1q∗,σ,τu .

Let σ be any r-SM strategy for player 1. Consider q∗,σ. First, let us note that if q∗,σ =P (q∗,σ) then q∗,σ = q∗. This is so because, by Theorem 3.2, q∗ ≤ q∗,σ, and on the other hand,

σ is just one strategy for player 1, and for every vertex u, q∗u = supσ′∈Ψ1infτ∈Ψ2


u ≥infτ∈Ψ2

q∗,σ,τu = q∗,σu .

Next we claim that, for all vertices u 6∈ Typeplay, q∗,σu satisfies its equation in x = P (x).

In other words, q∗,σu = Pu(q∗,σ). To see this, note that for vertices u 6∈ Typeplay, no choice

of either player is involved, thus the equation holds by definition of q∗,σ. Thus, the onlyequations that may fail are those for u ∈ Typeplay, of the form xu = Val(Au(x)). We needthe following.

Lemma 4.3. For any r-SM strategy σ for player 1, and for any u ∈ Typeplay, q∗,σu ≤Val(Au(q∗,σ)).

Proof. We are claiming that q∗,σu = infτ∈Ψ2q∗,σ,τu ≤ Val(Au(q∗,σ)). The inequality follows

because a strategy for player 2 can in the first step starting at vertex u play its optimalstrategy in the matrix game Au(q∗,σ), and thereafter, depending on which vertex v is theimmediate successor of u in the play, the strategy can play “optimally” to force at most thevalue q∗,σv .

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Now, suppose that for some u ∈ Typeplay, q∗,σu 6= V al(Au(q∗,σ)). Thus by the lemmaq∗,σu < V al(Au(q∗,σ)). Consider a revised r-SM strategy for player 1, σ′, which is identicalto σ, except that locally at vertex u the strategy is changed so that σ′(u) = p∗,u,σ, wherep∗,u,σ ∈ D(Γu

1) is an optimal mixed minimax strategy for player 1 in the matrix gameAu(q∗,σ). We will show that switching from σ to σ′ will improve player 1’s payoff at vertexu, and will not reduce its payoff at any other vertex.

Consider a parameterized 1-RCSG, A(t), which is identical to A, except that u is arandomizing vertex, all edges out of vertex u are removed, and replaced by a single edgelabeled by probability variable t to the exit of the same component, and an edge withremaining probability 1 − t to a dead vertex. Fixing the value t determines an 1-RCSG,A(t). Note that if we restrict the r-SM strategies σ or σ′ to all vertices other than u,then they both define the same r-SM strategy for the 1-RCSG A(t). For each vertex z

and strategy τ of player 2, define q∗,σ,τ,tz to be the probability of eventually terminating

starting from 〈ǫ, z〉 in the Markov chain Mz,σ,τA(t) . Let fz(t) = infτ∈Ψ2

q∗,σ,τ,tz . Recall that

σ′(u) = p∗,u,σ ∈ D(Γu1) defines a probability distribution on the actions available to player 1

at vertex u. Thus p∗,u,σ(γ1) is the probability of action γ1 ∈ Γ1. Let γ2 ∈ Γ2 be any actionof player 2 for the 1-step zero-sum game with game matrix Au(q∗,σ). Let w(γ1, γ2) denotethe vertex such that (u, (γ1, γ2), w(γ1, γ2)) ∈ δ. Let hγ2

(t) =∑


Lemma 4.4. Fix the vertex u. Let ϕ : R 7→ R be any function ϕ ∈ {fz | z ∈ Q}∪ {hγ | γ ∈Γu

2}. The following properties hold:

(1) If ϕ(t) > t at some point t ∈ [0, 1], then ϕ(t′) > t′ for all 0 ≤ t′ < t.(2) If ϕ(t) < t at some point t ∈ [0, 1], then ϕ(t′) < t′ for all 1 > t′ > t.

Proof. First, we prove this for ϕ = fz, for some vertex z.Note that, once player 1 picks a r-SM strategy, a 1-RCSG becomes a 1-RMDP. By a

result of [16], player 2 has an optimal deterministic SM response strategy. Furthermore,there is such a strategy that is optimal regardless of the starting vertex. Thus, for any valueof t, player 2 has an optimal deterministic SM strategy τt, such that for any start vertex z,we have τt = arg minτ∈Ψ2

q∗,σ,τ,tz . Let g(z,τ)(t) = q∗,σ,τ,t

z , and let dΨ2 be the (finite) set ofdeterministic SM strategies of player 2. Then fz(t) = minτ∈dΨ2

gz,τ (t). Now, note that thefunction gz,τ (t) is the probability of reaching an exit in an RMC starting from a particular

vertex. Thus, by [14], gz,τ (t) = (limk→∞ Rk(0))z for a polynomial system x = R(x) withnon-negative coefficients, but with the additional feature that the variable t appears asone of the coefficients. Since this limit can be described by a power series in the variablet with non-negative coefficients, gz,τ (t) has the following properties: it is a continuous,differentiable, and non-decreasing function of t ∈ [0, 1], with continuous and non-decreasingderivative, g′z,τ (t), and since the limit defines probabilities we also know that for t ∈ [0, 1],gz,τ (t) ∈ [0, 1]. Thus gz,τ (0) ≥ 0 and gz,τ (1) ≤ 1.

Hence, since g′z,τ (t) is non-decreasing, if for some t ∈ [0, 1], gz,τ (t) > t, then for all

t′ < t, gz,τ (t′) > t′. To see this, note that if gz,τ (t) > t and g′z,τ (t) ≥ 1, then for all t′′ > t,

gz,τ (t′′) > t′′, which contradicts the fact that gz,τ (1) = 1. Thus g′z,τ (t) < 1, and since g′z,τ

is non-decreasing, it follows that g′z,τ (t′) < 1 for all t′ ≤ t. Since gz,τ (t) > t, we also have

gz,τ (t′) > t′ for all t′ < t.

Similarly, if gz,τ (t) < t for some t, then gz,τ (t′′) < t′′ for all t′′ ∈ [t, 1). To see this, note

that if for some t′′ > t, t′′ < 1, gz,τ (t′′) = t′′, then since g′z,τ is non-decreasing and gz,τ (t) < t,

it must be the case that g′z,τ (t′′) > 1. But then gz,τ (1) > 1, which is a contradiction.

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It follows that fz(t) has the same properties, namely: if fz(t) > t at some point t ∈ [0, 1]then gz,τ (t) > t for all τ , and hence for all t′ < t and for all τ ∈ dΨ2, gz,τ (t

′) > t′, and thusfz(t

′) > t′ for all t′ ∈ [0, t]. On the other hand, if fz(t) < t at t ∈ [0, 1], then there mustbe some τ ′ ∈ dΨ2 such that gz,τ ′(t) < t. Hence gz,τ ′(t′′) < t′′, for all t′′ ∈ [t, 1), and hencefz(t

′′) < t′′ for all t′′ ∈ [t, 1).Next we prove the lemma for every ϕ = hγ , where γ ∈ Γu

2 . For every value of t, there isone SM strategy τt of player 2 (depending only on t) that minimizes simultaneously gz,τ (t)for all nodes z. So hγ(t) = minτ rγ,τ (t), where rγ,τ (t) =

γ1∈Γ1p∗,u,σ(γ1)gw(γ1,γ),τ (t) is a

convex combination (i.e., a “weighted average”) of some g functions at the same point t.The function rγ,τ (for any subscript ) inherits the same properties as the g’s: continuous,differentiable, non-decreasing, with continuous non-decreasing derivatives, and rγ,τ takesvalue between 0 and 1. As we argued for the g functions, in the same way it follows thatrγ,τ has properties 1 and 2. Also, as we argued for f ’s based on the g’s, it follows that h’salso have the same properties, based on the r’s.

Now let t1 = q∗,σu , and let t2 = Val(Au(q∗,σ)). By assumption, t2 > t1. Observethat fz(t1) = q∗,σz for every vertex z. Thus, hγ2

(t1) =∑

γ1∈Γ1p∗,u,σ(γ1)fw(γ1,γ2)(t1) =



. But since, by definition, p∗,u,σ is an optimal strategy for player 1

in the matrix game Au(q∗,σ), it must be the case that for every γ2 ∈ Γu2 , hγ2

(t1) ≥ t2, forotherwise player 2 could play a strategy against p∗,u,σ which would force a payoff lower thanthe value of the game. Thus hγ2

(t1) ≥ t2 > t1, for all γ2. This implies that hγ2(t) > t for all

t < t1 by Lemma 2, and for all t1 ≤ t < t2, because hγ2is non-decreasing. Thus, hγ2

(t) > tfor all t < t2.

Let t3 = q∗,σ′

u . Let τ ′ be an optimal global strategy for player 2 against σ′; by [16],we may assume τ ′ is a deterministic SM strategy. Let γ′ be player 2’s action in τ ′ at nodeu. Then the value of any node z under the pair of strategies σ′ and τ ′ is fz(t3), and thussince hγ′(t3) is a weighted average of fz(t3)’s for some set of z’s, we have hγ′(t3) = t3.Thus, by the previous paragraph, it must be that t3 ≥ t2, and we know t2 > t1. Thus,

t3 = q∗,σ′

u ≥ Val(Au(q∗,σ)) > t1 = q∗,σu . We have shown:

Lemma 4.5. q∗,σ′

u ≥ Val(Au(q∗,σ)) > q∗,σu .

Note that since t3 > t1, and fz is non-decreasing, we have fz(t3) ≥ fz(t1) for all vertices

z. But then q∗,σ′

z = fz(t3) ≥ fz(t1) = q∗,σz for all z. Thus, q∗,σ′ ≥ q∗,σ, with strict inequality

at u, i.e., q∗,σ′

u > q∗,σu . Thus, we have established that such a “strategy improvement” stepdoes yield a strictly better payoff for player 1.

Suppose we conduct this “strategy improvement” step repeatedly, starting at an arbi-trary initial r-SM strategy σ0, as long as we can. This leads to a (possibly infinite) sequenceof r-SM strategies σ0, σ1, σ2, . . .. Suppose moreover, that during these improvement stepswe always “prioritize” among vertices at which to improve so that, among all those verticesu ∈ Typeplay which can be improved, i.e., such that q∗,σi

u < Val(Au(q∗,σi)), we choose thevertex which has not been improved for the longest number of steps (or one that has neverbeen improved yet). This insures that, infinitely often, at every vertex at which the localstrategy can be improved, it eventually is improved.

Under this strategy improvement regime, we show that limi→∞ q∗,σi = q∗, and thus, forall ǫ > 0, there exists a sufficiently large i ≥ 0 such that σi is an ǫ-optimal r-SM strategy forplayer 1. Note that after every strategy improvement step, i, which improves at a vertexu, by Lemma 4.5 we will have q

∗,σi+1u ≥ Val(Au(q∗,σi)). Since our prioritization assures

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that every vertex that can be improved at any step i will be improved eventually, for alli ≥ 0 there exists k ≥ 0 such that q∗,σi ≤ P (q∗,σi) ≤ q∗,σi+k . In fact, there is a uniformbound on k, namely k ≤ |Q|, the number of vertices. This “sandwiching” property allowsus to conclude that, in the limit, this sequence reaches a fixed point of x = P (x). Notethat since q∗,σi ≤ q∗,σi+1 for all i, and since q∗,σi ≤ q∗, we know that the limit limi→∞ q∗,σi

exists. Letting this limit be q′, we have q′ ≤ q∗. Finally, we have q′ = P (q′), becauseletting i go to infinity in all three parts of the “sandwiching” inequalities above, we getq′ ≤ limi→∞ P (q∗,σi) ≤ q′. But note that limi→∞ P (q∗,σi) = P (q′), because the mappingP (x) is continuous on R

n≥0. Thus q′ is a fixed point of x = P (x), and q′ ≤ q∗. But since q∗

is the least fixed point of x = P (x), we have q′ = q∗.

We have so far not addressed the complexity of computing or approximating the (ǫ-)optimal strategies for the two players in 1-RCSG termination games. Of course, in general,player 1 (maximizer) need not have any optimal strategies, so it only makes sense to speakabout computing ǫ-optimal strategies for it. Moreover, the optimal strategies for player 2may require randomization that is given by irrational probability distributions over moves,and thus we can not compute them exactly, so again we must be content to approximatethem or answer decision questions about them. It is not hard to see however, by examiningthe proofs of our theorems, that such decision questions can be answered using queries tothe existential theory of reals, and are thus also in PSPACE.

5. Lower bounds

Recall the square-root sum problem (e.g., from [20, 14]): given (a1, . . . , an) ∈ Nn and k ∈ N,

decide whether∑n


√ai ≥ k.

Theorem 5.1. There is a P-time reduction from the square-root sum problem to the quan-titative termination (decision) problem for finite CSGs.

Proof. Given positive integers (a1, . . . , an) ∈ Nn, and k ∈ N, we would like to check whether


√ai ≥ k. We can clearly assume that ai > 1 for all i. We will reduce this problem to

the problem of deciding whether for a given finite CSG, starting at a given node, the valueof the termination game is greater than a given rational value.

Given a positive integer a > 1, we will construct a finite CSG, call it gadget G(a), withthe property that for a certain node u in G(a) the value of the termination game startingat u is d + e

√a, where d and e are rationals that depend on a, with e > 0, and such that

we can compute d and e efficiently, in polynomial time, given a.If we can construct such gadgets, then we can do the reduction as follows. Given

(a1, . . . , an) ∈ Nn, with ai > 1 for all i, and given k ∈ N, make copies of the gadgets G(a1),

. . . , G(an). In each gadget G(ai) we have a node ui whose termination value is di + ei√

ai,where di and ei > 0 are rationals that depend on ai and can be computed efficiently fromai. Create a new node s and add transitions from s to the nodes ui, i = 1 . . . , n, withprobabilities pi = E/ei, respectively, where E = 1/(



). It is easy to check that the

value of termination starting at s is D + E∑n


√ai, where D =

∑ni=1 pidi. Note that D

and E are rational values that we can compute efficiently given the ai’s, so to solve thesquare root sum problem, i.e., decide whether


√ai ≥ k, we can ask whether the value

of the termination game starting at node s is ≥ D + Ek.Now we show how to construct the gadget G(a) given a positive integer a. G(a) has a

play node u, the target node t, dead node z, and probabilistic nodes v1, v2. Nodes z and t

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are absorbing. At u each player has two moves {1, 2}. If they play 1, 1 then u goes to v1, ifthey play 2, 2 then u goes to v2, if they play 1, 2 or 2, 1 then u goes to z.

Note that we can write a as a = m2 − l where m is a small-size rational (m is approx-imately

√a) and l < 1 is also a small-size rational, and such that we can compute both

m and l efficiently given a. To see this note that, first, given a we can easily approximate√a from above to within an additive error at most 1/(2a) in polynomial time, using stan-

dard methods for approximating square roots. In other words, given integer a > 1, we canefficiently compute a rational number m such that 0 ≤ m −√

a ≤ 1/(2a). We then have

m2 ≤ (√

a + 1/(2a))2

= a + 1/√

a + 1/(4a2)

Since 1/√

a + 1/(4a2) < 1, we can let l = m2 − a.Having computed m and l, let c2 = l/4, g = m− 1− c2, and c1 = gc3, where 0 < c3 < 1

is a small-sized rational value such that c3 < 1/2g. From node v1 we move with probabilityc1 to t, with probability c2 to u, and with the remaining probability to z. From node v2 wego with probability c3 to t and 1− c3 to z. It is not hard to check that these are legitimateprobabilities.

Let x be the value at u. We have x = Val(A), where the 2×2 matrix A for the one-shotzero-sum matrix game at u has A1,1 = c1 + c2x, A2,2 = c3, and A1,2 = A2,1 = 0. Note thatA1,1 > 0 and A2,2 > 0. If the optimal strategy of player 1 at u is to play 1 with probabilityp and 2 with probability 1 − p, then by basic facts about zero-sum matrix games we musthave 0 < p < 1 and x = p(c1 + c2x) = (1− p)c3. So p = c3/(c1 + c2x + c3), and substitutingthis expression for p in the equality x = p(c1 + c2x), we have:

c2x2 + (gc3 + c3 − c2c3)x − g(c3)

2 = 0


x =−(gc3 + c3 − c2c3) +

(gc3 + c3 − c2c3)2 + 4gc2(c3)2


Note that we must choose the root with + sign to get a positive value.The discriminant can be written as (c3)

2[(g +1− c2)2 +4gc2]. The term (c3)

2 will comeout from under the square root, as c3, so we care only about the expression in the brackets,which is

(g + 1 − c2)2 + 4gc2 = (g + 1)2 + (c2)

2 − 2gc2 − 2c2 + 4gc2

= (g + 1)2 + (c2)2 + 2gc2 + 2c2 − 4c2

= (g + 1 + c2)2 − 4c2

= m2 − l

= a

So x = d + e√

a, where d = −(gc3 + c3 − c2c3)/2c2 and e = c3/2c2.

Theorem 5.2. There is a P-time reduction from the quantitative termination (decision)problem for finite CSGs to the qualitative termination problem for 1-RCSGs.

Proof. Consider the 1-RMC depicted in Figure 2. We assume p1 + p2 = 1. As shown in([14], Theorem 3), in this 1-RMC the probability of termination starting at 〈ǫ, en〉 is = 1 ifand only if p2 ≥ 1/2.

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b1 : A1 b2 : A1

en ex

Figure 2: 1-RMC A′

Now, given a finite CSG, G, and a vertex u of G, do the following: first “clean up” Gby removing all nodes where the min player (player 2) has a strategy to achieve probability0. We can do this in polynomial time as follows. Note that the only way player 2 can forcea probability 0 of termination is if it has a strategy τ such that, for all strategies σ of player1, there is no path in the resulting Markov chain from the start vertex u to the terminalnode. But this can only happen if, ignoring probabilities, player 2 can play in such a wayas to avoid the terminal vertex. This can be checked easily in polynomial time.

The revised CSG will have two designated terminal nodes, the old terminal node, labeled“1”, and another terminal node labeled “0”. From every node v of Typerand in the revisedCSG which does not carry full probability on its outedges, we direct all the “residual”probability to “0”, i.e., we add an edge from v to “0” with probability p

v,“0” = 1−∑

w pv,w,

where the sum is over all remaining nodes w is the CSG.Let ǫ > 0 be a value that is strictly less than the least probability, over all vertices,

under any strategy for player 2, of reaching the terminal node. Obviously such an ǫ > 0exists in the revised CSG, because by Corollary 4.1 (specialized to the case of finite CSGs)player 2 has an optimal randomized S&M strategy. Fixing that strategy τ , player 1 canforce termination from vertex u with positive probability q∗,·,τu . We take ǫ = (minu q∗,·,τu )/2.(We do not need to compute ǫ; we only need its existence for the correctness proof of thereduction.)

In the resulting finite CSG, we know that if player 1 plays ǫ-optimally (which it can dowith randomized S&M strategies), and player 2 plays arbitrarily, there is no bottom SCCin the resulting finite Markov chain other than the two designated terminating nodes “0”and “1”. In other words, all the probability exits the system, as long as the maximizingplayer plays ǫ-optimally.

Now, take the remaining finite CSG, call it G′. Just put a copy of G′ at the entry ofthe component A1 of the 1-RMC in Figure 2, identifying the entry en with the initial node,u, of G′. Take every transition that is directed into the terminal node “1” of G, and insteaddirect it to the exit ex of the component A1. Next, take every edge that is directed into theterminal “0” node and direct it to the first call port, (b1, en) of the left box b1. Both boxesmap to the unique component A1. Call this 1-RCSG A.

We now claim that the value q∗u ≥ 1/2 in the finite CSG G′ for terminating at theterminal “1” iff the value q∗u = 1 for terminating in the resulting 1-RCSG, A. The reasonis clear: after cleaning up the CSG, we know that under an ǫ-optimal strategy for themaximizer for reaching “1”, all the probability exits G′ either at “1” or at “0”. We alsoknow that the supremum value that the maximizing player can attain will have value 1 iffthe supremum probability it can attain for going directly to the exit of the component in

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A is ≥ 1/2, but this is precisely the supremum probability that maximizer can attain forgoing to “1” in G′.

Lastly, note that the fact that the quantitative probability was taken to be 1/2 for thefinite CSG is without loss of generality. Given a finite CSG G and a rational probability p,0 < p < 1, it is easy to efficiently construct another finite CSG G′ such that the terminationprobability for G is ≥ p iff the termination probability for G′ is ≥ 1/2.

6. Conclusions

We have studied Recursive Concurrent Stochastic Games (RCSGs), and we have shownthat for 1-exit RCSGs with the termination objective we can decide both quantitative andqualitative problems associated with computing their values in PSPACE, using decisionprocedures for the existential theory of reals, whereas any substantial improvement (evento NP) of this complexity, even for their qualitative problem, would resolve a long standingopen problem in exact numerical computation, namely the square-root sum problem. Fur-thermore, we have shown that the quantitative decision problem for finite-state concurrentstochastic games is also at least as hard as the square-root sum problem.

An important open question is whether approximation of the game values, to within adesired additive error ǫ > 0, for both finite-state concurrent games and for 1-RCSGs, can bedone more efficiently. Our lower bounds (with respect to square-root sum) do not addressthe approximation question, and it still remains open whether (a suitably formulated gapdecision problem associated with) approximating the value of even finite-state CSGs, towithin a given additive error ǫ > 0, is in NP.

In [16], we showed that model checking linear-time (ω-regular or LTL) properties for1-RMDPs (and thus also for 1-RSSGs) is undecidable, and that even the qualitative orapproximate versions of such linear-time model checking questions remains undecidable.Specifically, for any ǫ > 0, given as input a 1-RMDP and an LTL property, ϕ, it is unde-cidable to determine whether the optimal probability with which the controller can force(using its strategy) the executions of the 1-RMDP to satisfy ϕ, is probability 1, or is atmost probability ǫ, even when we are guaranteed that the input satisfies one of these twocases. Of course these undecidability results extend to the more general 1-RCSGs.

On the other hand, building on our polynomial time algorithms for the qualitativetermination problem for 1-RMDPs in [17], Brazdil et. al. [4] showed decidability (in P-time) for the qualitative problem of deciding whether there exists a strategy under whicha given target vertex (which may not be an exit) of a 1-RMDP is reached in any callingcontext (i.e., under any call stack) almost surely (i.e., with probability 1). They then usedthis decidability result to show that the qualititive model checking problem for 1-RMDPsagainst a qualitative fragment of the branching time probabilistic temporal logic PCTL isdecidable.

In the setting of 1-RCSGs (and even 1-RSSGs), it remains an open problem whetherthe qualitative problem of reachability of a vertex (in any calling context) is decidable.Moreover, it should be noted that even for 1-RMDPs, the problem of deciding whether thevalue of the reachability game is 1 is not known to be decidable. This is because althoughthe result of [4] shows that it is decidable whether there exists a strategy that achievesprobability 1 for reaching a desired vertex, there may not exist any optimal strategy for

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this reachability problem, in other words the value may be 1 but it may only be attainedas the supremum value achieved over all strategies.Acknowledgement We thank Krishnendu Chatterjee for helpful discussions clarifyingseveral results about finite CSGs obtained by himself and others. This work was partiallysupported by NSF grants CCF-04-30946 and CCF-0728736.


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