red kayak - pbworks kayak isn.pdf · individual assignments for red kayak (due dates will be...

Study Guide Red Kayak by Priscilla Cummings Student Name:___________________________________________ Teacher Name:______________________________________________

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Study Guide

Red Kayak by Priscilla Cummings

Student Name:___________________________________________ Teacher Name:______________________________________________

Individual Assignments for Red Kayak (Due Dates will be announced)

Part I. Complete a PowerPoint that depicts the setting of the novel. This will be completed in the Lab.

Part II. Choose one of the following prompts and write an essay (4-6 paragraphs) in response. This essay

will be due at the completion of the novel.

1. Write a personal narrative about a time you had difficulty doing the right thing. Compare your

experience to Brady’s in Red Kayak. 2.

2. Write a personal narrative about a time when you had to deal with peer pressure and how you handled

it. Compare your experience to characters in Red Kayak who had to deal with peer pressure – Brady,

J.T., or Tom (Brady’s father).

Part III Complete a 2-5-8 Menu. You will choose products from a menu of choices that total 15 pts. The

products will reflect understanding of the novel.

Vocabulary: As you read, highlight or underline the following words, note the page # and write their

definitions in the following Two-Column Notes format on a separate piece of notebook paper.

Ongoing Record: Vocabulary and Figurative Language

Vocabulary Word Page # Definition 1. cuffing

2. culling

3. dinghy

4. dredger

5. eddy

6. feloniously

7. flukes

8. grapnel hook

9. hassock

10. jimmies

11. keel

12. littoral drift

13. malice

14. oxymoron

15. sabotage

16. skiff

17. subpoena

18. winch

Figurative Language:

Find Examples for each of the following types of figurative language. The page numbers have been

provided for you. You may add more examples to the ones already on the page.

Metaphors – comparison NOT using like or as; a stated comparison

p. 102 – 103

Similes – comparison using like or as





p. 22

p. 23


Idioms – an expression whose meaning is tied to a cultures use, not it’s literal meaning (ex. “kick the


p. 40

p. 57



Personification – giving human traits, qualities, feelings, action or characteristics to non-living objects,

things, colors, qualities, or ideas.

p. 5


Reading Response 1 – Setting

Part One:

You will create a Power Point presentation that illustrates the setting of Red Kayak.

Your PowerPoint will include five pages that provides information on the following criteria:

A title page with your name, book title and author.

A map of the Chesapeake Bay.

Facts and history

Animals and Plants


RESOURCE LINKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Chesapeake Bay



Part Two:

You have researched information on the setting for the novel you are about to read. Write a one page

summary on the setting that addresses the following two questions:

1. Where does the story take place? Tell what the place is like. Be specific about habitat, facts and

history, plants and animals, and location. Make a prediction on how the setting might be

important to the story and give three (3) reasons why.

2. Compare where you live with the Chesapeake Bay area. Would you rather live in the place

where this story takes place? Why or why not? Be specific.

Extension: Kayaking:

Butterfly gardens:

Guided Questioning for Small Group/Class Discussion

(Participation Grade) Reflect on the following questions and be prepared to discuss with your group. I will periodically collect

these questions to check for completion.

Chapters 1-3 1. Describe what you do when you go “crabbing.”

2. This novel is written in first person point of view. Who is the narrator of the novel?


3. The narrator says, “You can’t keep dwelling on the past when you can’t undo it. You can’t make it

happen any differently than it did.” What does he mean by this? Put this statement in your own words:

4. Why is Digger resentful of the DiAngelo family?

5. Digger, J.T. and Brady have been friends forever. Yet as they stand on the shore and watch Mr.

DiAnglelo slip further from shore in his red kayak, shouldn't they warn him of the dangerous currents?

Describe what you would have done.

6. How does the narrator describe Ben DiAngelo?

7. What earth shattering news does Brady’s father deliver when he arrives at the front office?

Reading Response 2 – Conflict/Resolution/Connection Choose two problems or conflicts that are taking place in the story. Give three examples (text evidence)

that show each problem/conflict/resolution. Then write a 4 or 5 sentence paragraph describing how you

have had a similar problem. Be specific. Choose one of the following ways to complete your answer:

· 1. Use a three column content frame to show the problem/conflict and evidence. Be sure to put

page numbers for the evidence. Write the description of your similar problem under the content


Conflict/Problem Resolution Text

Evidence Conflict/Problem Resolution Text


1. 2. 3.

1. 2. 3.

· 2. Create illustrations for the conflicts and resolution. You will need a sheet of blank paper

folded into four squares. In the first square draw a picture of the conflict. Use your context

evidence as a caption for this picture. In the next frame, draw a picture of the resolution of this

conflict. Use your text evidence as a caption for this picture. Repeat this process for your 2nd

conflict/resolution. See teacher example. Write your connection, 4 to 5 sentence paragraph, on

the back of the paper. (You can use notebook paper and staple it to the back.)

Chapters 5-7 1.Why is Brady’s dad’s boat named Miss Amanda? What happened to Amanda?

2. Why does Brady’s mom check him out of school? What does she tell him?

3. Why doesn’t Brady tell his dad he feels responsible for Ben’s death?

4. In chapter 6, a reporter calls the house. Why does the reporter’s last question really bother Brady?

5. Why do you think J.T. and Digger haven’t given Brady a “terrific response” like everyone else in the


6. What suspenseful way does the writer end chapter 7?

Reading response 3 – Author’s Purpose/Audience What was the author’s purpose in writing this book (remember that the author can have more than one

purpose)? Who was the author’s intended audience? What is her attitude about friendship and someone’s

character? Each question above should be answered in a 4-5 sentence paragraph. Use text evidence and

page numbers to prove your answers.

























Chapters 8-10 1. At the beginning of chapter 8, what clues let the reader know something is really wrong?


2. What news does Mom give Brady?

3. At the end of Chapter 8, what does Brady find? Describe how and where he finds it:

4. List reasons why Brady might feel he is the one responsible for Ben‟s Death:

5. In chapter 9, what new information do we get regarding Brady’s sister, Amanda?

6. Describe in detail what happens to Brady at the end of Chapter 9.

7. When Brady goes back to school, he feels as if J.T. and Digger are avoiding him. List three things that

happened that made Brady feel his best friends were avoiding him:

Using Context Clues to Determine Meaning 1. In chapter 9 dad says, “(We) hauled in fifteen bushels (of crab), mostly female though,” he said

disappointed. Females didn’t bring in half the value of a good sized jimmy. Using context clues,

describe “a jimmy.”

2. “Some people, I guess, they’d be railing at God for letting a thing like this happen. But me, I

cussed out the river.” Using context clues, describe the word “railing.”

3. “Well, I’m gonna hit the tick,” Dad said, turning to go. “Got to get up early and make a run „fore

that nor’easter comes in. More rain, they’re saying.” Using context clues what does “hit the tick”

mean? What is a nor’easter?

4. . . . I didn’t feel like eating anymore. Dad noticed. “You can change the station if you want.”

That’s okay,” I told him. I wished he had asked how I was feeling instead. “It’s not the station,” I

said, but he didn’t bite. What does the word “bite” mean in this paragraph?

Questions to Ponder In chapter 10, Brady realizes that his parents just don’t know how to talk to him anymore (top of page 63)

He says, “It’s like they wanted to help, but they didn’t know how.”

1. As children get older, do you think it’s harder or easier for them to talk to their parents about certain


Explain your answer.

2. In chapter 10, Brady realizes his decisions affected his whole family. Share a time when a decision

you made (good or bad) affected other people in your family.

Reading Response 4 - Point of View

Using the Character 1 to Character 2 organizer, list three events from the story and then describe each

event from Brady’s, J.T.’ s or Digger’s perspective (point of view). Include text evidence to prove the

character’s point of view. You will choose 2 of the 3 characters. The characters you choose will need to

share the problems you choose. Then, explain how the characters’ points of view contribute to the

conflict in the novel.

Chapters 13-15 1. Describe how Brady might have given Digger the idea to sabotage the red kayak?

2. While reading chapter 15, we discover why Digger sabotages the red kayak. Why was Digger so angry

and why did he want revenge on Mr. DiAngelo?

3. Brady did not put holes in the red kayak, but Digger says he’ll be guilty of murder, too. Why does

Digger say Brady would be found guilty of murder?

Mini Lesson: Mood and Tone Mood: The feelings created in the reader by a literary work. Events, descriptions, setting and tone all

contribute to a story’s mood. For example, a story’s mood might be hopeful, suspenseful, joyous,

sorrowful, discouraged. Basically, it is HOW YOU FEEL when you read the story. Does it make you

laugh or cry? Does it make you happy or mad?

Tone: The attitude an author takes toward his subject, character, or reader. Tone is created through details

and word choice. For example, a story’s tone may be humorous, sympathetic, serious, or angry.

Name that Mood/Tone: How did you feel when you read the following chapters or passages of Red

Kayak? What tone was the author trying to create for his character?

1. It was Ben. But as I drew closer I could see that he was motionless, his small body hunched

forward, the back of his life jacket caught on a jagged piece of old piling that jutted out of the

water like a rotten tooth. “Ben! Are you okay?” I hollered, pulling the boat up alongside. His eyes

weren’t right. I flipped the engine into neutral and reached over to pull in Ben . . . the water was

cold, too… For a second, I lost my balance and nearly went headfirst myself. But I managed to

pull Ben into my boat on top of me. It was a rough landing, and I hit my elbow hard on the

gunnel. I just hopped I hadn’t hurt Ben.

When I read this passage, the word that best described my mood was…

I think the tone the author was trying to set was one of …

2. After Brady found Ben Mom said to him: “Come inside and get some dry clothes on.” It had only been

a few hours since I left for school that morning, but as I entered the house, it felt as though I’d been away

for a year. The smallest things seemed welcoming. The vase of flowers Mom had made in her pottery

class filled with dried cattails, The small mahogany table with the picture of me from sixth grade. The

way Dad’s dirt-caked work boots rested on a piece of newspaper inside the door. . . I took a long, hot

shower . . . my mom had a cup of hot chocolate waiting for me and pulled out a chair.

When I read this passage, the word that best described my mood was

I think the tone the author was trying to set was one of

Describe an internal conflict (man vs. self) Brady has faced in this story:

Chapters 16-17 1. What type of conflict is Brady experiencing at the beginning of chapter 16?

2. List some adjectives that describe Brady’s emotions in chapter 16.

3. Read the paragraph describing the moth on page 118 then decide what the moth symbolizes in the


4. In chapter 17, page 124, Brady and Digger have a conversation about getting rid of the drill. Digger

says, “Just do it, Brady! Then everyone will forget what happened!” Describe in detail how Brady

reacted to Digger’s statement:

5. Do you think most families in Brady’s community are well-off or struggling financially.

_____________________. What evidence from the novel supports your belief:

6. Brady never really answers J.T.‟s question about being friends again. Why not?

Reading Response 5 - Character Traits

Complete a character trait organizer over 2 of the 3 main characters: Brady, J.T., and/or Digger. Be sure

you include text evidence and page #s for the traits you list. Using the information from the

organizer, create a Venn diagram that compares/contrasts the 2 characters. Writing component: Using

the information from the Venn diagram, write a compare/contrast essay in which you defend the character

with whom you agree.

Personality Traits(3) Description(3)

Behavior Traits (3) Feelings(3)

Personality Traits(3) Description(3)

Behavior Traits (3 Feelings(3)






































Chapters 18-20 1. Priscilla Cummings, the author, never gives specific dates on the novel. What clues does she provide

the reader with that indicate the time the story takes place?

2. What things ran through Brady’s mind as during the train ride to Providence? What mood does the

reader feel as Brady reminisces about his past? What are his thoughts about JT and Digger’s future?

3. What thoughts of Ben does Brady have as Chapter 18 concludes?

4. In Chapter 19, what does Brady see for the first time? What is Aunt Janet‟s explanation as to why

Brady’s mother does not have these out in her home?

5. Identify the example of personification found on page 144 in the novel. Why is this an effective

writing tool?

6. What is a source of irritation for Brady’s dad in Chapter 20? What does this tell you about Mr. Parks‟


Chapters 21-24 1. Why do you think Brady didn’t feel relieved like he thought he would?

2. What was ironic about the location of the 4th of July celebration?

3. On page 160, Brady says “Life just wasn’t moving forward the way it’s supposed to”. What does he


4. On page 163, Brady’s dad says “even when the right answer is smack in front of you, you got to reach

deep inside yourself to act on it”.

Reading response 8 – Cause and Effect Create a T-Chart of the cause and effect events in your novel. You must have five examples.

Cause Effect

1. (pg# )

2. (pg# )

3. (pg# )

4. (pg# )

5. (pg# )

1. (pg# )

2. (pg# )

3. (pg# )

4. (pg# )

5. (pg# )

2-5-8 Menu

Directions: In this activity, you will need to complete activities worth 2, 5 or 8

points to earn a total of 15 points to earn a 100%. The 15 points will be

comprised of one mandatory 5 point writing assignment and your choice of

TWO other assignments which TOTAL 10 points.

5 POINTS – Mandatory Writing

Write a paragraph answering one of the following questions:

Take the role of either the attorneys for Digger and JT. Explain why you think that

the judge should find them not guilty. Support your argument with incidents from the book.

Take the role of the Prosecuting Attorney. Explain why you think that the judge

should find JT and Digger guilty. Support your argument with incidents from the book.

Choose TWO activities from the list below. The activities must total 10 points. Place a checkmark

next to each box to show which activities you will complete.

2 POINTS – Knowledge & Comprehension

Create a story map (plot graph) For “Red Kayak”.

Draw a map of the Chesapeake Bay. Include the Corsica River and Rock Hall. 5 POINTS – Application & Analysis

Pretend you are Brady. Write five questions that someone interviewing you might ask

about the events in the story and then answer them.

Create a collage on a 8½” by 11” piece of paper to present the mood or tone of Red


Create a news report which covers the events of Red Kayak. This can either be written or


Create a movie poster that places the character in the setting of the story and surround

the character with elements from the story.

8 POINTS – Synthesis & Evaluation

Use a Venn diagram to compare and contrast the main characters from Red Kayak with

one of your favorite novels. Be prepared to defend the comparison.

Write a poem or song with at least 15 lines which represents Red Kayak.

Draw a cartoon with at least 8 cells which tells “the next day” of Red Kayak.