red wire march 2014

The Red Wire The Bradentucky Bombers Official News Magazine -March 2014 Issue- Get Social With Us! Photo by Joshua DeSario Photo by Ken LeBleu

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Page 2: Red Wire March 2014

Keeping Up with the Bombers: EventsSkater of the Month: Ducati Hottie #180mphRecap Central Jacksonville Rollergirls 2/9 North River Rolling Renegades 3/2Roller Derby SupportersNext Home Bout: April 13, 2014

In This Issue

Keeping up with the BomBersThursday 4/10 - Flights N Flicks Motorworks Brewery

Sunday 4/13 - Bombers v. Palm Coast6 p.m. Tailgating with free beer providing by Little Giant Brewery | 6:30 Doors Open |7 p.m. Game StartsAstro Skate of Bradenton3611 3rd St. W. Bradenton. Florida 34205

Page 3: Red Wire March 2014



#180mphRed Wire: Let’s start out by having you tell us a little bit about your life before roller derby. What was your life like then? What was your profes-sional/educational background? And were you already engaged in playing other sports?

Ducati Hottie: I was and am currently a Nurse in an Ambulatory Surgery Center and love taking care of others! Before Derby I was not playing any sports. I have always been pretty athletic and competitive. I have played sports including soccer, softball and hockey. I was looking for something that I could do recreationally at the time however nothing had peaked my interest.

And how’d the idea of playing roller derby come about for you? What was the sport’s appeal to you? And dare we ask where that name came from?

Ironically I found out about Roller Derby at Coast-al Orthopedics where I work. A friend had a flyer that I happened to spot and the first thing I asked her was if I could play! I had always loved the idea of Roller Derby just never knew that it was in this area. The game is amazing and the thought of being able to be aggressive in a truly unique and interesting sport won me over. The second that I got on the floor and hit someone I was in love!

The name……. Well, that came from the fact that I love to ride motorcycles. I have a Honda CBR1000RR that is my baby. I had a hard time getting Honda into my name as it sounded a little weird. So I figured I will have a Ducati one day so why not make it Ducati Hottie?!!

Upon entering the derby world, were there any preconceived notions or misconceptions that you had that were shattered? What was the transition like for you?

The only thing that I knew about derby was my idea from watching the movie Whip it. Nothing like the movie lol! The transition was actually very

Seasoned Skater Profile

Photo by Joshua DeSario

Page 4: Red Wire March 2014

easy. Coming into the sport there was a wonderful group of women that were there to support and lead me on my journey to becoming a Bomber. I had actually picked up on it quite well and felt confident in myself and my team. It was truly an amazing experi-ence that I would not trade for the world.

In the early days, what were some of your biggest challenges and how did you overcome them?

Biggest challenges would have to be learning all the rules and mastering footwork. There is a lot that goes into a bout that you would never think existed! An-other challenge that I faced was learning how to counter block. I remember my first game against Lakeland where the girls were WAY bigger than me. I remember sliding all over the floor after they would hip check me. After that I said “That’s it! Time to learn how to hit them first!” Still to this day I am learning new ways on how to take out the bigger ones.

So, now as you’ve reached your 3rd season, what keeps you motivated and focused for more? Does it take more to get excited about playing now than those early days?

Every day in Derby is a new challenge that keeps me inspired. Playing teams that have amazing strategy just makes me want to push that much farther. There are some AMAZING skaters that I love to watch and learn from. It is motivation to keep pushing. I also have an amazing team that makes me want to push myself harder than ever! The support and friendship that they give is something that also keeps my heart in derby.

Where do you feel that you contribute the most to the team? Why? And what goals have you set for yourself for this year to improve even more?

I feel that I contribute some strong blocking skills and strategy knowledge. I have skated with some amazing people over the past year and a half trying to better my blocking as for the first few seasons I was solely a Jammer. I have been skating a lot of Co-Ed in an effort to step up my game. Hitting a man and knock-ing them out is really quite difficult for someone my size! I feel that this has made me a better skater. It has definitely shown on the track this season. I am doing things way outside my com-fort zone and loving every minute of it. This season I really want to get my backwards blocking to the best that I can. It is something that I have been improving on however I want to nail it. I also want to work on being the best Pivot that I can for my team!

As a skater, what’s been your most memorable mo-ment on the floor?

Photo by Ken LeBleu

Photo by Ken LeBleu

Photo by Ken LeBleu

Page 5: Red Wire March 2014

I would have to say that it was one of our recent games at home. We played Jacksonville who is a very good strategic team. The whole first half I felt kind of off. In the second half I went all out. I remember hitting their Jammer at the last minute in the front of the pack and knocking her down and out. I could hear the whole rink roar in excitement. I believe that I hit her out a few more times in the same jam and the crowd loved it! In that moment, hearing everyone shout in amazement fueled me for the rest of the game. Amazing memory!

And when you’re not rolling on the track, living in the derby bubble, what is Ducati Hottie to be found doing? What keeps you going on those rare occasions when there’s nothing “derby” happening?

I am finishing up the last few months of RN school which keeps me absolutely busy! Other than that I love to go to the range, ride my motorcycle, play with my compound bow and spend time with family and friends. I love animals and have a small herd at home including 5 dogs, 2 cats and 2 lizards. They are my children at the mo-ment.

One thing we love to ask is if you have any advice or encouragement to give to those who are reading this now, thinking about joining up and trying derby on for size. Any words for those folks?

To anyone that is thinking about joining….. Do it! It is truly an amazing sport! I have been hooked since day one! You will be a part of an amazing family that is there to help and support you through anything. I have to say that this group of women are amazing. Each and every one of them is there to help you if you need it. The sport will push you to use your mind and body in awesome ways. I promise that once you try you won’t be able to leave it! I have met so many people in this sport from other teams in many other states. The Derby community is one of the greatest things that I have ever been able to experience. Please come and play!

And last but not least, anything you’d like to say to the fans?

For all the amazing fans… Thank you for coming to support all of us and cheer us on! You all are the biggest memory that I have had in Derby. The cheering that I heard from you makes me push harder and without you there to support us it would not be the same. Thank-you for coming to the bouts and lining up on the outside of that track at the end of every game! It means the world to us all!

Connect with Ducati Hottie on facebook.

Photo by Joshua DeSario

Photo by Joshua DeSarioPhoto by Ken LeBleu

Page 7: Red Wire March 2014

Bradentucky Bombers v. Jacksonville Roller Girls Season 8, Bout 1Sunday February 9, 2014Score: 221 - 212 (Jacksonville Win)Charity: Prospect Riding Center

Most Valuable Players (MVPs)Best Blocker: Ducati Hottie #180mph

Best Jammer: CrashTest Barbie #200mph

Bradentucky Bombers v. North River Rolling Renegades Season 8, Bout 2Sunday March 2, 2014Score: 222 - 106 (Bradentucky Win)Charity: Visible Men Academy

Most Valuable Players (MVPs)Best Blocker: Ducati Hottie #180mph

Best Jammer: T-RecksHer #31

Bout Recap

Bradentucky Bombers RosterBeep Beep Blondie #24Black Sam I Am #13CrashTest Barbie #200mphDeathdemona #3

Ducati Hottie #180mphEsther Gin N Juice #750mlGigi RaMoan #53 3Hailey Explosive #C-4

Jemocide #777Nikita Dy-No-Mite #818Sarbanes Foxie #sec404T-RecksHer #31

Bradentucky Bombers RosterBeep Beep Blondie #24Black Sam I Am #13CrashTest Barbie #200mphDeathdemona #3Ducati Hottie #180mph

Esther Gin N Juice #750mlFly By Birdie #88Gigi RaMoan #53 3Hailey Explosive #C-4Jemocide #777

Milfshake #prov3110Nikita Dy-No-Mite #818PhyllaBustHer #73Sarbanes Foxie #sec404T-RecksHer #31

Page 8: Red Wire March 2014

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