redact-it for microsoft sharepoint from igc and atidan

Redact-It® Enterprise for SharePoint 2010 removes sensitive content and privacy information as an effortless part of any workflow or business process. It works with virtually any format, creating a PDF, TIFF or CSF (Content Sealed Format) rendition of the redacted file and leaving the original document untouched. The new, redacted document can be distributed publicly or checked back into the SharePoint library. Redact-It removes sensitive content based on predefined criteria set by the administrator or by authorized users, which can be applied to an individual document or to entire libraries. Create a redaction template that can be applied to certain documents, like forms, or use Redact-It’s built-in privacy tool to automatically find and remove privacy information, like Social Security numbers and phone numbers. Build a list of custom redaction criteria, which can include a limitless combination of text strings, predefined macros and custom pattern searches. Key Features & Benefits Content Completely Removed When Redact-It finalizes redactions to the new TIFF, PDF or CSF document, redacted content is actually removed, not just covered. No hidden text, document properties or other metadata is transferred to the redacted file. There is no need to examine metadata or document properties once the redaction process is complete. Redact-It for Microsoft SharePoint ® 2010 Remove Sensitive Content from Any Document.

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Post on 26-May-2015




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Redact-It® Enterprise for SharePoint 2010 removes sensitive content and privacy information as an effortless part of any workflow or business process. It works with virtually any format, creating a PDF, TIFF or CSF (Content Sealed Format) rendition of the redacted file and leaving the original document untouched. The new, redacted document can be distributed publicly or checked back into the SharePoint library. Redact-It removes sensitive content based on predefined criteria set by the administrator or by authorized users, which can be applied to an individual document or to entire libraries. Create a redaction template that can be applied to certain documents, like forms, or use Redact-It’s built-in privacy tool to automatically find and remove privacy information, like Social Security numbers and phone numbers. Build a list of custom redaction criteria, which can include a limitless combination of text strings, predefined macros and custom pattern searches.


Page 1: Redact-It for Microsoft SharePoint from IGC and Atidan

Redact-It® Enterprise for SharePoint 2010 removes sensitive content and privacy information as an effortless part of any

workflow or business process. It works with virtually any format, creating a PDF, TIFF or CSF (Content Sealed Format)

rendition of the redacted file and leaving the original document untouched. The new, redacted document can be

distributed publicly or checked back into the SharePoint library.

Redact-It removes sensitive content based on predefined criteria set by the administrator or by authorized users, which

can be applied to an individual document or to entire libraries. Create a redaction template that can be applied to certain

documents, like forms, or use Redact-It’s built-in privacy tool to automatically find and remove privacy information, like

Social Security numbers and phone numbers. Build a list of custom redaction criteria, which can include a limitless

combination of text strings, predefined macros and custom pattern searches.

Key Features & Benefits

Content Completely Removed

When Redact-It finalizes redactions to the new

TIFF, PDF or CSF document, redacted content is

actually removed, not just covered. No hidden

text, document properties or other metadata

is transferred to the redacted file.

There is no need to examine metadata

or document properties once the

redaction process is complete.

Redact-It for Microsoft SharePoint® 2010R e m o v e S e n s i t i v e C o n t e n t f r o m A n y D o c u m e n t .

Page 2: Redact-It for Microsoft SharePoint from IGC and Atidan

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© Copyr ight 2012 Informative Graphics Corporat ion. Informative Graphics, Brava and Redact-It are registered trademarks of Informative Graphics Corporation. All other company and product names are the property of their respective owners. RIE-SP-09-16-11

Key Features & Benefits (continued)

Create Secure “Clone” Library

Create a PDF or secure CSF “clone” of a document library that allows content authors/contributors access to native files,

while directing content consumers to the “clone” library. The clone library can also have restricted content redacted, allowing

organizations to share needed content while protecting sensitive data.

Verify Redactions

Redact-It offers a draft redaction mode, allowing users to review suggested redactions prior to finalizing. Reviewers can

then use the verify tool included with Redact-It to step through each redaction one by one and ensure everything that

needs to be redacted is covered.

Integrates into Workflows

Redact-It can monitor a folder or SharePoint library for new jobs to process. As a new document comes into the system,

Redact-It can automatically apply the redaction criteria, create a redacted rendition and save both the original and

redacted copies into the appropriate library (or libraries).

Technical Specifications

Integrates to Microsoft SharePoint 2010

Redact-It Enterprise Queue Server: Windows Server 2003 or 2008 R2 with IIS 6.0

Job Processor: Windows XP; Windows 2003 or 2008 R2

New document added to library Redaction is applied automatically Redacted version added to libraryCreates new, redacted version