references chapter 1 - springer978-1-349-23895...references chapter 1 friedman, m. ( 1964)...

References Chapter 1 Friedman, M. ( 1964) 'Post-War Trends in Monetary Theory and Policy', National Banking Review, 2 (I), September Friedman, M. and Schwartz, A. (1969) 'The Definition of Money', Journal of Money, Credit and Banking,! (1), 1-14 Laidler, D. (1969) 'The Definition of Money: Theoretical and Empirical Problems', Jour- nal of Money, Credit and Banking, 1, 508-25 Morgan, V. E. ( 1969) 'The Essential Qualities of Money', The Manchester School of Eco- nomic & Social Studies, 37 (3), 237-48 Newlyn, I. W. and Bootley, P. R. ( 1978) Theory of Money, 3rd edn, Clarendon, Oxford Pesek, B. and Saving, T. (1968) The Foundation of Money and Banking, Collier, Mac- millan, New York Pierce, G. D. and Shaw, M. D. (1977) Monetary Economics, Butterworths, London Lord Radcliffe (1959) Report of the Committee on the Working of the Monetary System, Cmnd 827, HMSO, London Yeager, B. L. (1968) 'Essential Properties of the Medium of Exchange', Kyklos, 21 (1), 45-68 Chapter2 Abe, S., Fry, M. J., Min, B. K., Vongvipanond, P. and Yu, T. P. (1978) 'The Demand for Money in Pakistan: Some Alternative Estimates', Pakistan Development Review, 14, 249-57 Adekunle, J. 0. (1968) 'The Demand for Money: Evidence from Developed and Less Developed Economies', IMF Staff Papers, 15, 220-66 Ahmed, S. (1977) 'Demand for Money in Bangladesh: Some Preliminary Evidence', The Bangladesh Development Studies, 5 (2), 227-37 Ajayi, S. I. (1974) 'The Demand for Money in the Nigerian Economy: Comments and Extension', The Nigerian Journal of Economic and Social Studies,l6 (1), 165-73 Akhtar, M. A. (1974) 'The Demand for Money in Pakistan', Pakistan Development Review, 13, 40-5 Anon (1974) 'The Demand for Money', The Banker, 239-47 Artis, M. J. and Lewis, M. K. (1976) 'The Demand for Money in the United Kingdom', The Manchester School, 44 (2), 147-81 Artis, M. and Lewis, M. (1990), 'Money Demand and Suppy' in T. Bandyopadhyay and S. Ghatak (eds), Current Issues in Monetary Economics, Wheatsheaf (UK) and Barnes & Noble, Savage, MD. Asilis, C. M., Honohan, P. and McNelis, P. D. (1993) 'Money Demand during Hyper- inflation and Stabilisation: Bolivia, 1980-88', Economic Inquiry, 262-73 243

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Chapter 1

Friedman, M. ( 1964) 'Post-War Trends in Monetary Theory and Policy', National Banking Review, 2 (I), September

Friedman, M. and Schwartz, A. (1969) 'The Definition of Money', Journal of Money, Credit and Banking,! (1), 1-14

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millan, New York Pierce, G. D. and Shaw, M. D. (1977) Monetary Economics, Butterworths, London Lord Radcliffe (1959) Report of the Committee on the Working of the Monetary System,

Cmnd 827, HMSO, London Yeager, B. L. (1968) 'Essential Properties of the Medium of Exchange', Kyklos, 21 (1),



Abe, S., Fry, M. J., Min, B. K., Vongvipanond, P. and Yu, T. P. (1978) 'The Demand for Money in Pakistan: Some Alternative Estimates', Pakistan Development Review, 14, 249-57

Adekunle, J. 0. (1968) 'The Demand for Money: Evidence from Developed and Less Developed Economies', IMF Staff Papers, 15, 220-66

Ahmed, S. (1977) 'Demand for Money in Bangladesh: Some Preliminary Evidence', The Bangladesh Development Studies, 5 (2), 227-37

Ajayi, S. I. (1974) 'The Demand for Money in the Nigerian Economy: Comments and Extension', The Nigerian Journal of Economic and Social Studies,l6 (1), 165-73

Akhtar, M. A. (1974) 'The Demand for Money in Pakistan', Pakistan Development Review, 13, 40-5

Anon (1974) 'The Demand for Money', The Banker, 239-47 Artis, M. J. and Lewis, M. K. (1976) 'The Demand for Money in the United Kingdom',

The Manchester School, 44 (2), 147-81 Artis, M. and Lewis, M. (1990), 'Money Demand and Suppy' in T. Bandyopadhyay and S.

Ghatak (eds), Current Issues in Monetary Economics, Wheatsheaf (UK) and Barnes & Noble, Savage, MD.

Asilis, C. M., Honohan, P. and McNelis, P. D. (1993) 'Money Demand during Hyper­inflation and Stabilisation: Bolivia, 1980-88', Economic Inquiry, 262-73


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adjustment policies and problems 119-23 Africa, currency boards 73 aggregate net transfer (ANT) 201-2 agricultural credit programmes 189-90 Almon lag scheme 48, 49, 51, 52 Argentina 109 augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) tests 40 autoregressive distributed lag (ADL)

models 30 availability of credit 26-7

Balassa effect 235 Bancor 162 Bangladesh 123-4, 193 bank accounts and deposits 3 bank deposit multiplier 66-7

and criticisms 68-9 bank rate policy in LDCs 149-50 Banque centrale des etats de I' Afrique

Ouest (BCEAO) 241 barter economy

defects 1-2 and money 1-2

bilateral trade index 226 black markets 33, 34, 35,227,238-9 Bolivia 28-9,61-2, 203-4

borrowing by LDCs 195--6 Brazil 50, 61, 117-18, 188 Bretton Woods system 162, 205--6

and the dollar standard 159 Burma48 buy-back provisions 203-4

Cagan's study of hyperinflation 104, 108, 109

Cambridge demand for money, the cash­balance approach 12

'capital flights' 125 causality between money and prices

128-9 central banks

and economic development of LDCs 64-5

functions in LDCs 63-5 interest rates 29-30

centrally planned economies (CPEs) credit facilities 34 excess demand for goods 32-3

CFA franc zone 240, 241 Chile

demand for money in 49 inflation 98, 106, 124

Citicorp 201 classical quantity theory of money 11-12 classical savings, investments and interest

rate 10-11 classical theory 8-12 co-integration 32

demand for money in India 39-44 error correction models 54--6, 58-9

commercial banks in LDCs 176 and the changing pattern 69-71 and the creation of bank deposits 65-9 nationalisation 187

commodity money 3 competitiveness 225 complementarity hypothesis of

McKinnon 89-91, 116 concerted lending 200 credit markets 176-9 credit policy 27 credit restraint 26-7 'curb' market rates 27 currency boards in Africa 73-4 Cyprus 58-9

debt crisis application of a model 199-200 debt problems 196-7 debt regulations 218-9 managing debt crisis 200-2 policy responses to debt crisis 202-5 repayment of debt 218

debt-Laffer Curve 204, 205 debt repayment/repudiation 216-23 default theory 197-9 demand adjustments and lags 27 demand deposits 3 demand-following finance 189


demand for money and the Cambridge school 12 in LDCs and empirical results 27-35 for precautionary purposes 16 recent developments 27-35 for speculative purposes 16 and stability 12 for transaction purposes 16, 23

deposits, mobilisation 188 Dickey-Fuller (OF) test & 40 discipline, financial 237, 241-2 dollar standard 159 dual exchange rate system 227 dual money market

and central bank 6 and integration 6-7

East Germany 33 economic development and financial

accumulation 86-8 economic growth

and financial intermediaries 84 and financial repression 88-91 Gurley-Shaw Model 85-6 Harrod-Domar model of 75-6 McKinnon and Shaw Model 88-91 money in 78-81 in neo-classical theory 76-8 Tobin Model 78-81

error correction method (ECM) 31-2, 37, 43-4

demand for money functions 53-62 exchange rates 240-2

alternatives 226-7 arrangements in LDCs 227-31 choice of 231-5 in developing countries 227-31 and the need for reserves 158 nominal anchor approach 237-40 real target approach 235-6 role and influence 224-6

export-weighted index 226 Extended Fund Facility (EFF) 170-1,

207 Extended Structural Adjustment

Facilities 207-9 external finance, in Gurley-Shaw

model 87

Federal Reserve System 86 financial accumulation and economic

development 86-8

Index 263

financial 'dualism' in LDCs 6-7, 24-5, 72

financial intermediaries (Fis) and economic growth 84-6

financially repressed regimes (FRRs), characteristics 33, 34

fiscal policy 88-91 Fisher, Irving 11 fixed exchange rate regime 157-8, 226,

231,241-2 floating exchange rate regime 226,

231-3,241-2 free-rider problem 200, 201, 204 Friedman, Milton 2, 5, 8, 22, 106, 108 full employment equilibrium and the

classical theory 8-9 fundamental disequilibrium 159

Gabon 241 generalaccount 167 general equilibrium approach and the

Hicksian analysis 18-21 Ghana 51, 124 'Goldfield Puzzle' 29 Grameen Bank 192 Greece 59--60 'green revolution' 192 Gujarati's model on demand for money in

India 38,41-3,47,48 Gurley-Shaw model 84-6

Harrod-Domar growth model 75--6 Hicksian IS-LM approach 18-21 Hong Kong 27 hyperinflation 28, 82

in Cagan's study 104, 108, 109

import predeposit requirement (IPR) 154 import-substitution-industrialisation (lSI)

policies 196 import-weighted index 226 India

central bank 64 commercialisation of national

banks 71, 187 demand for money in 37-45, 47, 48,

52-3 inflation 100, 119, 129-30 national solvency model 212-16 rural money market 175, 185, 187,

188 simulation results 219-23

Indonesia 108-9, Ill, 124, 129, 236, 238


inflation case against 115-18 causes of, in LDCs 96-103 characteristics in LDCs 94-5 demand for money 50 effects on growth 103-15 and exchange rates 225 in India 100 model of generation and

stabilisation 125-32 and money and growth 94-118 and moneylenders 183-5 as a tax 103-15 uncertainty 28, 38, 43

interest rates demand for money 50 determination of 179-86 in LDCs 25-7 policies 190-2 uncertainty 28 usurious 178-9

Interim Committee (IC) 169-70 internal finance in Gurley-Shaw

model 87 International Bank for Reconstruction and

Development (IBRD) !59 international debt crisis 194-5, 199-200

benefits and costs of default theory 197-9 debt policies after 1973 196-7 IMF adjustment policies 205-11 LDC borrowing before 1973 195-6 managing 200-2 policy responses 202-5

international liquidity and the LDCs 159-62 problems of 159-62

International Monetary Fund (IMF) 159, 162,163,164,170-1,206-10

adjustmentpolicies 118,119,120, 121, 201,205-6,210-11

debt crisis 200-1, 203 effectiveness of the IMF

programmes 210-11 new critiques of IMF 209-l 0 response of IMF 206-9

international monetary reserves, need for 157-8

'invisible hand' 9 /S-LMframework 18-21,232-3,234 Ivory Coast 241

Jamaica 188


Keynes without money 15 Keynesian 'building blocks' 13-16 Keynesian income analysis 136-7 Keynesian remedies 14 Keynesian theory 12-16

and the 'monetarist' school 8, 121-2 'knife-edge' problem in Harrod-Domar

model 76 Korea, South 131, 183, 192,238

Latin America, inflation in 82-4, 116, 166-7

least developed countries 171 less developed countries (LDCs)

demand adjustment 27 and financial dualism 6-7, 24-5 nature and interest rate 25-6 money in LDCs' economies l-7 recent developments in demand for

money studies 27-35 and special characteristics 24-7 stabilisation policies of 118-21

liquidity crisis 199 liquidity preference schedule 13, 17 'liquidity trap' 13, 17-18

Malaysia 117, 131 Malta 59 Malthus, Thomas 9, 11 managed floating exchange rate 226-7 marginal efficiency of capital (MEC) 196 marginal propensity to consume

(MPC) 14 Mauritius 59 McKinnon 84

hypothesis 35 and the limitations to neo-classical

monetary growth theory 81-2 and Shaw model 88-91, 115-16

Mexico 135,137-9,199,203 monetarists' case 22-4 monetarists' model of inflation 96-l 03 monetary and fiscal policy 21-2 monetary institutions in LDCs 63-74 monetary policy 21-2

instruments of, in LDCs 148-55 objectives 143-4 role of in LDCs 143-4, 155-6 theory of 144-8

monetary targeting 38 monetary union 240, 241

money, in a neo-classical growth model 78-81

barter economy 1-2 and credit creation 2-5 definition 2-5 and the interest rate 16-21 as a medium of exchange 2 money markets in LDCs 5-7 role of money 1-7 as a store of value 2 as a unit of account 2

money markets 5-7 the dichotomy in the 6-7 functions of 5--6 in LDCs 5-7

money supply 3, 4, 5, 12, 16, 29-30, 35.:...7

moneylenders in LDCs 176-86 moneyness 4 moral suasion 155 multiple exchange rate regime 227 Mundell-Fleming model 232-3, 234 Mundell model I 04, I 06

national solvency condition 212-13 near monies 85 near money assets 3 ne~classical growth model 76-8

and money 78-81 neo-classical monetary growth theory, and

the application to LDCs 81-4 neo-structuralism 91-3 Nicaragua 188 Nigeria 40,52,82,140 nominal exchange rate 224, 237-40 non-banking financial intermediaries

(NFis) 3 non-monetised economy 2 Nuti hypothesis 35

official market (OM) money 33, 34, 35 Oil Facility, and the IMF 171 open market operations 150

and the central bank 5 in LDCs 150-1

openness of economies 234-5 optimum rate of growth of money

supply 83 in Asian countries 83

Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) 171

organised money market 71

Index 265

and the links with unorganised money markets 72-3

Pakistan 48, 124-5 partial adjustment model 51, 56 pegged exchange rates 226, 228 Peru 139-40 Philippines 130-1, 238 Polak-Boissonneult (PB) model 133-5

application of 135--6 and the Keynesian income

analysis 136-7 limitations of 141-2 and Mexico 135, 137-9 and Nigeria 140 and Peru 139-40 policy implications 140-1 and Uganda 140

Poland 33 Policy Framework Paper (PFP) 209 production function 83

in neo-classical theory 77 Puerto Rico 91 purchasing power parity (PPP)

proposition 237

quantity theory of money II and the classical view 11-12

quota system criticisms of 164, 169-70 and the SDRs 163

Radcliffe Committee in Britain 3, 86 real bills doctrine 70 real exchange rate target 224, 235--6 reconstitution obligation 169 Regulation Q, in USA 86 Regulation W, in USA 165 remonetisation 28 reserves, need for 158 rural interest rates in LDCs 179 rural financial institutions in LDCs 175

imperfect rural credit markets 177 policies 187

rural money markets in LDCs 71-3, 175--6 Bangladesh 193 evaluation 186-7 integrated development policy 187-91 interest rates 25, 179-86 money demand 27-8 policy implications 191-3 unorganised 176-9


Saudi Arabia 51 savings gap 195, 200 Say's law 8 seigniorage 161, 162, 165 selective credit controls (SCCs) 153

in LOCs 153-5 share-cropping 177 Singapore 27, 60 South Korea 131 Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) 157,

160,162,228 and aid: 'the link' 167-9 allocation of 163, 167 further changes in allocation of

169-70 implications of 164-5 interest rate on 163 nature and role of 162-70 recent value of, in basket of

currencies 170 and transfer of resources 167 use of, by the LDCs 165-7

Sri Lanka 123, 132 stabilisation 118-25 steady-state equilibrium 77 Structural Adjustment Facilities 207"-9 structural adjustment lending (SAL) 208 structural adjustment programmes 201,

205-II structuralism 191-2 structuralists' view of inflation 96-103 student -t tests 53 Subsidy Account, for the least developed

countries 171


subsistence economy 2 Sudan 60 supply-leading finance 189

Tanzania 121, 124 tariffs 235--6 term lending, by the commercial banks in

LOCs 70 Thailand 238 Tobin model 78-81 trade gap 195 'transmission mechanism' 27 Triffin Plan 159 Trust Fund, and the least developed

countries 171 Turkey 130

Uganda 140 unemployment equilibrium 13 Union monetaire ouest africaine

(UMOA) 241 unorganised money markets 175

and consequences 176-9 in LOCs 6--7, 26, 71-3

Van Wijnbergen-Taylor model 92-3 variable reserve ratios (VRRs) 151

in LOCs 151-3 velocity ll-12

income 26 and inflation 109-10

'war chest' 158 world liquidity 159