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Abbe’s principle 64 Example of offset 65-66 Abrasive processes 505

See Grinding, Polishing, Lapping, CMP

Accuracy (definition) 49 Statistical treatment of 51, 55-56 Acoustic Emission Applications 484-422 Asibu-Dornfeld model 327 Background 320-321 Dislocation mechanics 331-333 Generation in CMP 394, 415

In machining 325-334 Modeling 326-327 Pan-Dornfeld model 328 Process monitoring 323 Sources of 300,

322-325 Spectral analysis

329-331, 333-334

Time-series analysis 350-355

“Ashby Charts” 427 Autocollimator Application of

76-82 Measurement of surface error 76 Schematic 75

Bearings Aerostatic 163-166 Design parameters

156-161 Effect of preload 159 Friction effects 156

Hydrostatic configurations 162-163 Lubrication regimes 154-155 Magnetic 161 Roller 135-138

Schneeberger 136, 137 Stribeck curve 155 Types of 153 Bifano’s relation 470

Critical depth of cut for ductile-brittle transition 471 Relation to cutting parameters 472

Chemical mechanical polishing (CMP)

Degree of surface planari-zation 538

Description 532-535

Endpoint detection 401-403

Monitoring 393-415 Material removal rate

(MRR) 536 Microscratches 543 Oxide defects 533 Pattern effect 538 Process physics

406-409, 415

Process modeling 540-550

Role in semiconductor mfg. 537-538 Slurry film thickness effect 540-541 Tungsten defects

533 Types of pads 550 Diamond turning Chip buckling 500 Chip morphology 499

Ductile-brittle cutting mechanism 503 Effect of tool angle on surface finish 495

Introduction 482 Machine design 484-491

Monitoring, effect of crys-tallography 418-422 Process physics


Range of materials 483

Relation between aspect ratio and specific cutting force 497

Schematic 485-486 Specific cutting force 496 Tool design 491-496 Use of ultrasonic vibration 501-502 Elastic emission machining (EEM) 553 Energy-beam machining methods 551 Errors Accuracy factors 47 Combination rules 234-236 Compliance 239-243 Crosswind effect 126-127 Due to non-parallelism 125-126 Due to uneven support 128

Effect of forced/self-excited vibration 241

Example of thermal error 170 Generating process 46 Geometric testing criteria 124


Geometric causes 220 Machine elements 123-128 Mapping 218-231 Kinematic 143-152

Sources in machine tools 41-48 Systematic vs. random 5-6

Types of mechanical errors 122

Error budget Combination rules 234 Coordinate frame defini-tion 229 Definition 232 Example for LODTM 237 Flow chart 233-234 Formulation 232-237 Homogeneous Transfer Matrices (HTM) 220-222 Lower bound error 236

Upper bound error 236

Thermal error effect 179 FANUC Robonano 489-490 Flatness Measurement of 84-88

Interferograms for spe-cific contours 85

Optical flat 88 Tilt correction 87

Gage blocks 68 Grinding

Change in wheel surface topography 509

Chatter effect 240 Chip formation mecha-nism 508

Comparison to machining 461 Grinding forces 513 Grinding stiffness 517-520 Grinding zone interactions 507 Influences on 506 Monitoring 384-390 Nanogrinding 520 Optical wheel monitoring 306 Process physics 505-512 Size effect 513 Specific energy 512-514 Spindle configuration 165

Wear map 515-516 History of precision manufactur-ing

18th century castings 19-20 Bombards (artillery) 17



Boring machines Smeaton’s

29 Wilkinson’s

30 Forging 21-22 Fortifications (military)

16-18 Lathes 23-26 Maudslay’s 26

Mortising 32 Reaming 26-28

Watt’s steam engine 31

Invar 62 Super 62 Interferometry 68-70 2-axis measurement 71 Equations for 69, 86

Fizeau 84-88 Schematic 85

Optical heterodyne 70-71 Retroflectors 71 Kinematic design 128-142 Adjustable ball seat 134 Airy points 139-140

Definition of 130 Degrees of freedom 131 Kelvin clamp 132 Kinematic clamp 133

Linear ball slide

135 Mathematical treatment 140-141

Precision roller guideway 135

Stability in couplings

138-139 Stewart platform 133 “Wiffle tree” 141

Lapping 528-532 Schematic 395 Lengthscale comparison 3 Lithography 564-569 Immersion technique 568 Metrology 568 Schematic 243, 567 Vibration damping 242

Machine Tools

Cutting force deformation


Degrees of freedom

62, 130-131

Design considerations 37-38 Design philosophy 39-41

Directional orientation effect 256-262


Environmentally conscious design

693-701 History of development 21-33, 38 Machine way errors 61

Oriented transfer function (OTF) 280

Stability of 278-288 Single DOF 292

293 Stiffness 256-272 Structural loop 43 Thermal stability

202-207 Type A deformation: cutting force variation 250-254 Type B deformation: stiffness variation 263-267 Types of excitation 244 Types of sensors 296

Vibration, self-excited 273-278 Vibration, forced 272-273 Weight deformation 246-249

Machining Brittle materials 465-467 Burr minimization 646-662 Burrs in drilling 649

Chip morphology 450 Deformation at microscale 466 Detection of built-up edge

Domains of machining 473 Effect of crystallography

416-422, 468, 472-478

Effect of workpiece hard-ness 430 FEM for drilling

655 Nomenclature 480-481 Plastic deformed zone 467 Profile generation

106, 114, 464

Size effect in machining 474 Specific cutting energy 459

Surface damage effect 476

Two DOF 108-109

Tolerances for 4

Tool wear effect 107-108 Typical surface profiles 114 MEMS 570-572

Applications 571 Role in nanotechnology 600-601 Sensors 378-380 Micromachining 3D shape generation 630 Applications 604-605 Burr formation

Cutting fluid 638-639 FEM 613-615 Introduction 604 Metrology 640-644 Metrology frame 643 Micromolding 622-625

Microproduct categories 605 Microstructural modeling 615 Minimum quantity lubri-cation (MQL) 638

Modeling 611-622 Molecular dynamics 615-619

Surface/edge characteris-tics Tool optimization 635 Tooling 633-637

Ultrasonic machining 631-633 Vibroscanning technique 641 Microstructure Of steel 117 Of iron 118 Of aluminum 120 Milling Burrs 652-653 Conical end 488 Conical circumferential 488

Deformation due to 270-271

Monitoring 390-392 Schematic 271, 275

Simulation of 272 Modal analysis 278-279


Design principles 39-40

Double ball-bar 111 Principles of measurement 61-64 Nanofabrication processes

Chemical self-assembly 598-600

Dip-pen nanolithography 592-593 Epitaxy 580, 585


638-639 611,

608-611 Imprint lithography 579, 585- 585

Physical self-assembly 595-598 Photolithography 578

Scanning probe lithogra-phy 593 Scanning probe micros-

Stranski-Krastanow self assembly 587

Sustainability issues 685-693

Vapor processes (CVD) 579-580 Nanotechnology Applications 601-603

“Bucky-tubes” 601-603 Nanostructured materials 576-578 Overview 572-575

Quantum wires 587 Single-wall carbon nano-tubes (SWNT) 574-576

Phase diagrams Al-Si 119 Fe-C 116 Precision Applications Ch. 11 ASPE definition 2 Competitive drivers 7-8

Definition (repeatability) 53 Engineering (definition) 1-2

Extension of design parameters 429

Factors affecting

436 History of 16-33 Historical drivers 13-15

Impact on cost

426-428 Key drivers 13-15 Process planning Ch. 9 Processes Ch. 10

Tolerance range vs. sur-face finish 427 Tolerances of typical products 4 Treatment of tolerance 44

Preston’s equation 532 Polishing 521

Abrasive size/tool effect

526 CNC polishing 530 Description 522-528 Float polishing 530 Influencing parameters 522

“Bucky-balls” 574

copy 580, 589-595


Modes of material removal 525

Schematic 529 Tool-work interface 528 Process Planning Basics 435 Burr minimization 661-662 Capability ratio (Cr) 440 Control charts 660-661 Levels of integration 433-434

In burr minimiza-tion 648

Optimal tool path (machining) 657-660 Process Capability (Cp)

443 As planning metric 444

Software tools 451-453 Tool path planning 657-660

Relative scaling 3, 460 Resolution (definition) 54 Roughness

Amplitude density func-tion (ADF) 103-104

Example for tool wear 107

Autocorrelation function (ACF) 105-106

Example for grind-ing 110

Centerline average (Ra) 102

Definition 101 Kurtosis 104-105 Root mean square (RMS)

102 Skewness 103-104 Spectral analysis 108-109 Roundness 88-98 3-point probe method 92 Center support method 90-91

Diametral method 89 Least squares method 96

Limit plug/ring gages 89-90 Polar error motion 98 Precision spindle method 93 V-block method 91-92 Semiconductor manufacturing CMOS fabrication 562-564 Cost reductions in com ponents 558

Overview 555-559 Moore’s Law 560


Microfabrication over-view 561-564 Parameterization of emerging technologies 560

Sensors Application vs. level of precision 299

Acoustic emission 320-334 Applications 384-422 Capacitance (MEMS) 379 Chemical 383-384 Definition 372-373

Detected energy forms 374 Electrical 382 For machining 303,

309-310 High-speed machining 317-320 Intelligent sensors

311-312, 337

Implementation strategy 314-320 LVDT 377

Magnetic 382-383 Mechanical 377-380 Multisensor approach 316-317 Optical 305-306 Radiant 383 Thermal 380-381 MEMS 378-380

Neural networks 341-349

Application 358-360 Process measurands 375

Requirements 297-300 Sensor fusion 338-339 Methodology 339-341 Signal processing

334-337, 349-355

Types of 296, 303 Sine bar 72 Specific lattice bonding energy 551 Straightness Definition 77 Measurement of

73-84 Photodiode technique 84 Test wire technique 83 Stribeck curve 542 Structural compliance

Characteristic stiffness comparison 148 Effect of design 150 Macroscale 145-156

Microscale 143-145 Planar mill example 146-147

Single edge machining example 254-256

Subsurface damage 112-120


Nakazawa’s definition 113,115 Sustainability

Boeing 787 Dreamliner example 680 Compressed air example 681-685 Design issues 669-693 Frame of reference 677 “Green business” 669-670

Introduction 669-670 Life cycle analysis 672

Manufacturing pipeline 667 Nanotechnology issues 685-693

Schematics of life cycle analysis 673-674 Software connectivity issues 668 Sustainability budget

694-701 Technologies for sustain-ability 670-671

Taniguchi Curve 6 Taylor tool life eqn. 12 Thermal errors 167, 171-

180 Design objectives 183 Deformation effect 170

Displacement error example 202

Distortion effect 182 Drift 176 Effect of spatial gradients 184-186 Effect on metrology 208-214 Environmental control 202

Examples 176-178, 183-184

Forced oil cooling 197-199

Lumped mass analysis 193-194

Radiative parameters 196 Sinusoidal temp. variation 191-192 Sources 167, 169 Stephan-Boltzmann relation 195

Thermal error index 175 Thermal induced drift 176

Thermal soak out 187-192

Typical film coefficients 194 Thermal conductivity properties 195 Thermal expansion properties of materials 172-173 Tool condition monitoring (TCM) 308-310 Turning Schematic 11


Classic examples 21-26 Effect of compliance 258-259