references - springer978-1-4612-2274-3/1.pdf · 238 references [11] ... c.a.r. hoare, and a.w....

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[2] L. Aceto. A Static View of Localities. Formal Aspects of Computing 6(2):201-222, 1994.

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accept, 4 access, 89 action, 202 activate, 114 ACUI, 152 admissible, 214 alternative, 117, 132 Amber, 28 asynchronous, 8, 24 atomic behavior, 201

B-reduction, 80, 81 behavior, 189 behavior expression, 114 behavior-reduction, 80 broadcast, 130 buffered channels, 24

Calumet, 98, 137 canonical form, 211 catch, 65 causality, 215 CCS, 6, 35, 60, 100, 145, 147 cenv-described, 207 cenv-related, 207 channel, 87, 91, 103, 106, 187 channel, 11, 33, 117, 150 chaos, 160 CHOCS, 63, 100 choice, 6, 9, 11, 35, 49, 65, 110,

150, 189, 191, 202 choice, 33 choose, 11, 187 CML, see Concurrent ML commit, 48 communication, 5 concurrent composition, 115 concurrent evaluation, 16, 198 concurrent evolution, 202

Concurrent Haskell, 29 Concurrent ML, 2, 6, 34, 60, 62,

95, 144, 147, 185 console, 36 console, 33 constrained type scheme, 194 CSP, 6, 33, 60, 145, 147

delay, 119 delegation, 64 demanding, 126 demanding, 127, 136 distributed computing, 107 dynamic processor allocation, 216

early subsumption, 193 effect, 152 Einrichten, 98, 138 evaluation context, 17, 198 event, 8, 67, 200 event matching, 16 exception, 65, 108 expansion, 74 Extended ML, 157 extension, 64, 72 extension variable, 71

F-reduction, 81, 82 FACILE, 3, 28, 62, 95, 97, 147,

185 fair merge, 23 fault-tolerance, 45 field, 72 find_server, 43 forget, 130 fork, 187 fork, 33 functional reduction, 82 functor, 123, 136

254 Index

generalization, 14, 153 generalize, 194 guard, 106 guard,l1

handshake, 109, 116, 121

immutable, 45 independent variable, 196 instance, 14

kill, 121

label, 64 LAN,100 late subsumption, 193 LCCS, 100 LCS, 3, 28, 56, 60, 62, 144, 147,

185 LEMMA, 56, 94 library, 106 lightweight, 36, 40, 101, 131 LOTOS, 60, 95, 113

matching, 201 middleware, 99 Mobile Service Agents, 98, 139 mobility, 10, 64 module, 123 monad,21 mutable, 45, 134 mutable object, 111

naming, 64 node, 106 node, 120 node identifiers, 103 noevent, 187 nonmonotone, 23

observation, 80, 81, 154 OCCAM,147

parallel, 65 persistent, 88

persistent store, 31 PFL, 28, 34, 95 physical distribution, 109 n-calculus, 12, 29, 60, 100 prCT, 29,62 ping, 121 PML, 6, 147 polling, 23 Poly jML, 2, 31, 56, 60, 62, 94, 95,

185 preemption token, 89 process scripts, 103

Lchannel, 120 Lspawn, 120 receive, 4, 33, 46, 117, 150, 187,

201 record type, 71 recv, 11 recvEvt, 11 recvguard, 118 ref, 111 region, 151, 188 remote address, 46 rendezvous, 6, 23, 25, 64 rfork, 43, 48 row type, 71 RSL,149

scheduler, 49 scope extrusion, 7, 28 scoping,9 script, 106 script, 114 segment identifiers, 90 select, 11 send, 4, 11, 33, 46, 48, 117, 150,

187,201 sendEvt, 11 sendguard, 118 sequential evaluation, 16, 198 sequential evolution, 201 signal, 67 signal handler, 23 signature, 123

simulation, 204 SML, see Standard ML SMLjNJ, 103 spawn, 6 spawn, 11, 114 Standard ML, 1, 60, 100, 102 static processor allocation, 216 store segments, 90 structure, 122 subeffecting, 193 subject reduction, 207 substitution, 72 subsumption

early, 193 late, 193

subtyping, 193 summand, 213 supplying, 126 supplying, 127, 136 suspension, 80 suspension holders, 91 swap channel, 25 symmetric rendezvous, 25 sync, 11, 187 synchronizability, 88

Index 255

synchronization, 5, 12 synchronized, 150 synchronous, 8, 24, 65

tagged type, 71 TCP, 44 TCSP, 149 terminate, 114 thread, 80 thread-locality, 87 timeout, 23, 119 timeout_alternative, 119 timeout_receive, 119 timeout_send, 119 transmit, 4 type, 152, 188

UDP, 44

VPLA, 149

WAN,101 weak polymorphic, 117 weakly evaluated expression, 198 wrap, 11, 187, 201 wrapguard, 118