reflective piece final assignment portfolio


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reflective piece


  • 1.THE UNIVERSITY OF THE WEST INDIES Undergraduate Coursework Accountability Statement (To be completed by student) ACADEMIC YEAR: _______2013/2014_________ SEMESTER: ________________1_______________ COURSE CODE: ___EDLM 1002__________________ TITLE: __________________FOUNDATIONS OF REFLECTIVE PRACTICE_________________ NAME: ________Rose Gordon_____________________ ID: ____________312100465__________________ I hereby certify that I am the author of the attached item of coursework and that all materials from reference sources have been properly acknowledged. I understand what plagiarism is and what penalties may be imposed on students found guilty of plagiarism. I certify that this paper contains no plagiarised material. I certify that this is my own work and that I did not receive any unfair assistance from others (including unauthorized collaboration) in its preparation. I certify that this paper has not previously been submitted either in its entirety or in part within the UWI system or to any other educational institution.

2. In the case of group work: I certify that the individual work of each member of the group has been clearly indicated; that where no such indication has been given, I take the responsibility for the work as if it were the section of the paper for which I am solely responsible; and that I have not collaborated with any members of the group to breach the Universitys regulations. Signature: Rose Gordon.Date: December 15, 2013. 3. This portfolio comprise a semesters worth of work in the Foundation of Reflective Practice EDLM 1002 course at the University of the West Indies open campus. The portfolio should be read as an overview of my development as a reflective practitioner. Also, it should be seen as an evolving set of documents. As the role of the teacher becomes more complex, so too must the pedagogy that surrounds it. While I find that all the documents contained are important in their own ways particular attention should be paid to the stages of development in the reflective journals and reflective pieces. These documents provide the highlights of what I learned during this semester. As this semester progressed, my understanding of the importance of reflective practice in professional and personal practice grew with my understanding of the theories and principles that surrounds it. As the benefits of reflection carried out in reflective practice on my professional work and personal life became clearer, my writings reflected that upon reviewing the work that I have submitted in this portfolio, I find that it is consistent with the theories of reflection based around reflective practice. Upon leaving this course, I will take away many of the principles that are associated with reflection and reflective practice . The activities done in the discussion forums, journal writings, group collaborative tasks will help me in my future development. My future as a teacher will require that I keep these principles in high esteem. As teachers, we must never stop carrying out the process of reflection as this will help us to keep trying new and innovative ways to reach our students. 4. Till that moment I had never realised what it means to be a reflective practitioner. When I saw the door open, I stepped inside to unfold the mystery, it was then I saw the deep waters that separate me from unfolding the truth. The only way out was stepping through the looming danger. 5. By the end of this course I should be able to : Practice ethical behaviours while carrying out practice. Apply principles of reflective practice to professional practice. Demonstrate the ability to analyse, evaluate and solve problems using the principles of reflective practice. Demonstrate characteristics associated with reflective practice. Collaborate willingly with colleagues and peers in order to solve complex problems. Detect behaviours that are opposed to reflective practice. Apply reflective principles to analyze complex systems of importance to society. 6. Apply the necessary technological tools to solvingcomplex design problems. 7. A professional portfolio could be described as a collection of material put together in a meaningful way to demonstrate the practice and learning of an educational practitioner. A portfolio provides a space in which you can plan and reflect in depth on your practice, helping you identify your strengths and ways on building these. (What is a portfolio 2008) . This portfolio is created basically as a means of showing my growth or change overtime, to track the development of performances, to document progress towards standards and to document achievement for grading purposes. It will also serve as a means for reflection on progress towards my goals as it relates to striving to become a successful reflective practitioner. 8. EQUATING REFLECTIVE PRACTICE WITH PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE. 9. Reflection is a way in which professional bridge the theory practice gap. Reflection enables one to uncover knowledge in and on action . Practitioner develop practical knowledge and working intelligence as they make sense of their work in theoretical ways. Reflection raises awareness that enlivens and charges practice. (Deutsch & Sherwood Freshwater, 2005). Evidence suggests that reflection benefits learning by integrating theory and practice. It also shows that it promotes intellectual growth because it is cyclical rather than linear. It also develops skills that make practitioners more confident. (Duetsch, Freshwater & Sherwood 2005) . Reflection on action is retrospective and allow practitioners to recount an event in order to discover the knowledge used by analyzing and interpreting the information recalled. 10. The primary benefit of reflective practice for teachers is a deeper understanding of their own teaching style and ultimately greater effectiveness as a teacher . Other specific benefits include the validation of a teachers ideals, beneficial challenges to tradition, the recognition of teaching as artistry and respect for diversity in applying theory to classroom practice. Reflecting on teaching is frequently cited as a fundamental practice for personal and professional growth. Although for many it remains a slightly woolly, abstract concept with no real practical benefit. Because there is no teaching template, competent academics continually reflect on their teaching, critically analyzing and evaluating their own practices, taking the opportunity to learn from each teaching session. (Surgenor2011) 11. Through reflection, teachers are made aware of the theory and motives behind their own teaching, reflect on this and take deliberate steps to develop. Reflecting at this point will result in pulling practitioner out of auto pilot causing them to focus on some part of their teaching (Surgenor 2011). Since we rarely have full awareness of what we are doing and since we frequently misread how others perceive our actions, an uncritical stance towards our practice sets us up for a lifetime of frustrations. Our inability to control what looks like chaos becomes, to our eyes, evidence of our incompetence (Brookefield 1995). In order to break the vicious cycle of blame and innocence is the main reason why I should develop the habit of critical reflection as it is crucial for survival. Although a critical reflective stance might not win us a teachers easy promotion or friends, it helps us to avoid feelings depressed when their democratic and respectful behaviour towards students and colleagues are interpreted as manipulative and aloof. It also increases our chance of survival in the classroom with enough sense of purpose to have some real effective impact on those they teach. By being committed to critical reflection will help me as a teacher to constantly research how my students perceive my use of experiential methods such as journals, portfolios and logs. 12. This will allow me to get inside their heads to check whether or not my instructions are unwittingly encouraging students t produce certain kinds of revelations. If it is revealed that this is the case, then I will be able to take steps to address this publicly. Brookfield (1995). The teacher who is critically reflective is able to stand outside her practice and see what she does from a wide perspective. Learning from and through experience is therefore at the heart of reflective practice. (International staff 2012) 13. In order to gather information to carry out reflection to create a balance there are different things that I can do as a teacher: Keeping a diary This is the easiest way to begin the process of reflection since it is purely personal. After each lesson I could write in a notebook what happened. I may also describe your own reactions and feelings along with those you observed on the part of the students. Peer Observation Invite a colleague to come into the class to collect information about my lesson. This will relate back to the areas I have identified to reflect upon. Recording Lessons Video or audio recording of lessons can provide very useful information for reflection. Audio recordings can be useful for considering aspects of teacher talks: How much do you talk What about Are instructions and explanations clear 14. How much time do you allocate to student talk How much do you respond to student talk. Video recordings can beuseful in showing you aspects of your own behaviour. Where do you stand Who do you speak to How much do you come across to your students Students Feedback - Students could be asked what they think about what goes on in the classroom. Their opinions and perceptions can add a different and valuable perspective. 15. Clinical Supervision - This has been defined as an exchange betweenprofessional skills. It involves the meeting of two or more people who examine a piece of work. According to Wright (1989) the work is presented and together the people think about what is happening and why, what was done or said, how it was handled, could it have been handled better or differently, and if so, how. (Duetsch, Freshwater & Sherwood 2005). Poetry Any inspiration or issue can be the basis of a poem . Practice experiences and hectic schedules can stir up a lot of emotions and thoughts. Poetry happens when the words come. Teachers should systematically record their responses to their poetry, explaining how and why they wrote it, and for whom and the meaning in relation to their practice reflections. Reading books In order to learn more and deepen ones insight into reflection reading books can be a useful strategy. 16. Collaborative LearningCollaborative learning requires working together toward a common goal. Although this type of learning has been called by various names, the one thing they have in common is that they all incorporate group work. This type of environment meant that as student we were responsible for one another learning as well as our own and that reaching the goal implies that students have helped each other to understand and learn. Collaborative learning was aimed at getting the students to take almost full responsibility for working together, building knowledge together, changing and evolving together and of course, improving together. Collaborative learning shifted the responsibility for learning to us as students in the role of researcher and self directed learner. 17. WORKING AS A GROUP 18. GROUP CONVERSATION VIA SKYPE [11/24/2013 9:54:08 AM] Kamla Ramharack: hey rose wat was ur score? [11/24/2013 9:54:22 AM] Kamla Ramharack: i know u told me venessa got 16 [11/24/2013 9:54:53 AM] Kamla Ramharack: i got 20 [11/24/2013 11:13:21 AM] Kamla Ramharack: venessa sent me the powerpoint an i think all it need is a song. we can probably used the song I BELIVE I CAN FLY. [11/24/2013 12:02:02 PM] Kamla Ramharack: i emailed you part of the assignment. Let me know if im on the rite track and jow i can improve on it. [11/24/2013 2:24:56 PM] Kamla Ramharack: hey rose i made some changes to the powerpoint for my piece so u can check it from there [11/24/2013 6:10:50 PM] Rose Gordon: u are on the right track.the powerpoint needs a voice to it to give a narrative of what is written.I am going to add a concluding part to it.I tried to email it to Venessa but it 19. [11/25/2013 6:19:08 AM] Kamla Ramharack: ok great. in the powerpoint are some information with the self assessment an relationship building from venessa an i [11/25/2013 6:20:04 AM] Kamla Ramharack: let me know if you need more information ok [11/25/2013 6:20:33 AM] Kamla Ramharack: lastnite my internet went down dats y i was offline. Sorry for d inconvienience [11/25/2013 6:22:58 AM] Rose Gordon: understandable especially with the uncertainty of technology. [11/25/2013 6:23:06 AM] Kamla Ramharack: thank u [11/25/2013 6:23:42 AM] Kamla Ramharack: i saw it came back on this morning so i hope it stays on forever lol [11/25/2013 6:25:22 AM] Rose Gordon: hope so mine act up sometimes.keep working on ur individual piece. 20. [11/25/2013 6:27:46 AM] Kamla Ramharack: will do [11/25/2013 7:27:53 AM] Rose Gordon: I am wondering how we are to go about submitting the assignment.Should we submit all three section differently [11/25/2013 7:43:15 AM] Kamla Ramharack: normally its one attachment rite? [11/25/2013 7:43:42 AM] Kamla Ramharack: so can we attach it as a file and out everything in one? [11/25/2013 7:43:56 AM] Kamla Ramharack: put* [11/25/2013 7:55:01 AM] Rose Gordon: thats what i am wondering.I sent a message to the etutor [11/25/2013 7:55:52 AM] Kamla Ramharack: ok lets hear wat she says 21. Benefits gained from Collaborative Learning The fact that we were actively exchanging, debating and negotiating ideas within our groups increased my interest in learning. Importantly by engaging in discussions and taking responsibility for our learning, as a student I was encouraged to become a critical thinker. As a result, I am able to retain the information for a longer time and am more satisfied with my course of study. The network based collaboration provided opportunities for more equity in group work than actual face to face. It is the belief of researchers such as Cohen, 1994; Johnson, Johnson and Holubee, 1993; Kessler, 1992 that in face- to face setting the decision making is often contingent upon which student has the loudest voice or most confidence in target language. ICT tools such as discussion boards or web logs have worked in equalling the playing field in some respect because students who shy at voicing their opinion face-to-face had the opportunity to express themselves and take their time to think out carefully what exactly they wish to say. (Dooly 2008). 22. In collaborative endeavours, students inevitably encountered differences and had to grapple with recognizing and working with it. Building the capacities for tolerating or resolving differences, building agreement that honours all the voices in the group, caring how others are doing are crucial aspects of living in a community and working together in the professional environment . Cultivation of teamwork, community building and leadership skills are legitimate and valuable classroom goals. They are vital attributes that a reflective practitioner must develop and maintain. Participation in group work done during the course Reflective Practice provided me with the opportunity to analyze, synthesize and evaluate ideas cooperatively. It facilitated discussion and interaction and helped us to learn from each others scholarship, skills and experiences. Group members had to go beyond mere statements of opinion by giving reasons for their judgements and reflecting upon the criteria employed in making these judgements. 23. Thus each opinion was subject to careful scrutiny. The ability to admit that ones initial opinion may have been incorrect or partially flawed was valued. Although there were negative aspects of this kind of learning such as wasted time explaining material to others the overall benefits gained were more rewarding. Overall, it helped me in gaining understanding, allowed for pooling of knowledge and experience, you got helpful feedback and new perspectives. It helped the social and emotional aspects because it allowed for the forming of new relationships, allowed for greater responsibility for myself and the group and allowed for a more relaxed atmosphere which made problem solving easier and full of fun. 24. The most obvious thing that I discovered however was the advantages of working as part of a group. I learned that good teamwork is the key to success in completing activities especially when time and resources are limited. Everyone had their own point of view which allowed for the production of many different ideas. I found that the energy of group participation made me feel more energetic about contributing something. I also found out that every individual has strengths, weaknesses and limitations and working with a group help me to discover what these are. I have learnt that even the simplest things on earth can be turned into something amazing if the group put enough creativity and effort in working on them. 25. SELF REFLECTIVE PIECES AND ETUTORS COMMENTS Comments for Assignment 1 Interpretation All aspect of task done Understood what assignment required (used essay form instead ofsections) Sourced evidence for areas required and demonstrated analysis of literature Used findings to generate product 26. UNDERSTANDING OF REFLECTIVE PRACTICE Identifies appropriate definition Understood reflective qualities Fairly good attempt at demonstrating reflective qualities and Provided justifications for suggestions With inadequate use of literature 27. Comments for Reflective Journal 6 Hello Rose, Commendation on your effort in forming the team ,playing the game and writing your reflections. Noticed you have written all three reflections in one journal entry -prior to (preparation), during (implementation) and after the experience (conclusion).Evidence of supporting literature. Note the following omissions. 28. Omissions: You have forgotten to include pieces of the routine activities you identified and engaged in as a team, See Section C Activity 3.8 Need to select and share one of your reflections with the team as a means of improving the team. You can post this response in the respective Unit forum. Then record feedback in your journal entries You have forgotten to cite the URL for the game Omitted to identify a team member who will represent the group in the final tournament ,See Section b Activity 3.8 Scores for /result of Tournament was not indicated 29. REFLECTIVE QUALITY Validated strengths and weaknesses Evidence of contextual relevance (consistent with product chosen) Intellectual quality, show evidence of a degree of theoreticalprinciples/insights from overt actions, thoughts and feelings Supportive arguments given to specify learning ,change and development experienced Responded to journal feedback 30. AUTHENTICITY/CREDIBILITY Credibility/authenticity of claims, suggestions, ideas etc presented (good) Quality of claims, suggestions and recommendations (Satisfactory) Sourcing of evidence for areas required (Fairly good) Logical organization of work(Good,, Although sections were not specified, answers were given in correct sequence), Paper was written in required APA formant, citing in text fairly good had a few errors. 31. Reflecting on Self In order to assess myself to see how much I have grown, I must do some reflecting to evaluate those qualities that I now possess that will make me a successful reflective practitioner and effective teacher. To begin I must ask myself some piercing questions such as; what qualities do I now possess that will make me an effective practitioner/teacher? What one quality would my students use to describe me in terms of effectiveness, as a disciplinarian, in terms of my relationship with them. What one quality would my colleague and critical friend use to describe me in terms of dealing with problems, in terms of my relationship with them? I must also reflect on the work done throughout the course foundations of reflective practice and critically analyse myself against the standards of reflective practice by questioning. 32. Were my postings for learning activities reflective in nature? Did I make use of feedback from my facilitator to improve my writings. Did I validate the contribution of others? Did I assist others in solving problems? Did I make attempt to build relationships in the learning exchange? Did I do continuous self assessment in my postings and comments? Did I display self management in terms of pacing based on schedule and guidelines since starting the course? Have I made any improvement in terms of the use of various resources? Analysing the work done since embarking on this course and the various entries available to be placed in my portfolio. I can say that there has been some remarkable growth in the area of reflective practice. At the beginning of the course, I struggled to understand 33. the many concepts and definitions and writing a reflective piece in my journal. I also struggled with the use of some of the resources encountered. However, as my understanding of the reflective practice and reflection grew, through analysing comments and feedback from my facilitator, researching, validating contribution of others and collaborative learning, I was able to improve in writing reflectively and using tangible aspects of technology to facilitate learning. I now realize that my strengths lies in assisting others in solving problems, building relationships through teamwork, making connections between an event and my knowledge, combining the various resources to enhance learning, critically analysing using description, comprehension and evaluation and using reflection as a means of learning. 34. Limitations are evident in how I write reflectively to include many perspectives; hypothesize about what might have happened had a different course been chosen, be consistent in bringing views represented in the literature of the area I am reflecting on and showing awareness of strengths and weaknesses. The way forward is to ensure that these gaps and limitations are corrected during writings. 35. MEASURING MY GROWTH Activity 1.1 Saturday, 21 September 2013, 9:49 PM The song You can get it if you really want brings about a mood that allows for reflection. As I reflect I realized more that it is through determination and the drive to succeed that I will be able to achieve whatever goals I set out to achieve in life. As I listened to the line got your mind set on a dream, you can get it though harder they seem now, there was a period of meditating on my dreams and aspirations. I found out that after a while, I was nodding my head in agreement with the fact that though the dreams may seem hard to achieve now, it is possible if I just try harder and harder each day. I finally started believing that despite the challenges that may come while moving towards a goal, it is possible to be a victor. I was motivated to say to my fellow classmates that if we put our all in it and believe in ourselves we can overcome the challenges we face as we embark on our journey towards become leaders that are reflective practitioners. Despite the challenges we face as we study we should not give up but try until we reach our final destination. 36. Activity 1.2a Saturday, 21 September 2013, 9:49 PM A learner practioner is an adult who uses experience from various situations or settings as a tool for improving practice and achieving goals set out to be achieved. This adult then uses what is learnt to improve self. learner+experience+improve practice=learner practioner 37. Activity 1.3 Hi all, Similarities A learner practioner is perceive as: An adult learner. One with a drive for learning. One who places emphasis on developing self. One who learns in various types of settings and situations. One difference however is the perception of one who constantly engages in reflective practice. 38. Activity 1.7 Saturday, 21 September 2013, 10:37 PM The domains that I have addressed are the cognitive, affective and physical. In looking back at my profiles, I realize that Kaween's case can be used for my benefit because it allows me to start becoming aware of the limitations I have. It serves as a motivating force because I now start thinking of strategies that I can use to improve these. It is an eye opener to the strength I possess. It motivates me to start making best use of the strength I have, and to work on maintaining them. I am now beginning to work on those areas of limitations I have. It helps me to realize in order to become a learner practioner I have to constantly work on the areas of limitations to improve myself. It helps me to realize that I have to challenge the habits that limit me from using knowledge in a strategic way. Reference M1002%20unit%201_rev.pdf 39. Activity 2.2 Friday, 13 September 2013, 8:46 PM Hi Kamla The following definitions are helpful to me because they allow me to understand that the term reflection should be defined in such a way that it does not give a vague meaning. The first two did not allow me to understand exactly what is expected of me in becoming a reflective practitioner. They merely allow me to look back in the past. There is no guide as to how to move into the future. Johns definition, although a little clearer, as to what reflection is still needed more clarity in order to help me define what my goal is. Reid makes the term much clearer because by giving a precise set of activities to follow. Unit 2 Exploring Multiple Meanings of Reflective Practice 40. Activity 2.3 Friday, 13 September 2013, 9:14 PMHi Nadia In looking back at how the term reflection has been use on numerous occasions the ideas that come to mind are: (1) A mirror look on experiences and practices, analysing them and using the lessons learnt to improve on future practices. (2) A process by which one evaluates and analyzes experiences and use them to improve future practices. A process by which one become cognisant of the fact that reflection should be a daily part of ones life if such individual is to build self and character. Quitting is no option for one who desires to be a reflective practitioner. Unit 2 Exploring Multiple Meanings of Reflective Practice 41. Activity 2.4In assessing myself, I realized that I have also been exposed to all the perspectives of reflection. As a human, I have engaged in having thoughts, feeling and carried out actions that are superficial. Times when I have done critique of myself which is based on a personal or professional basis. This includes thinking about the problems I face everyday both professionally and personally. I sometimes spend alot of time seeking out ways to address and solve these. I have been engaged in situations both personally and professionally where I had to apply knowledge and skills that have been learnt to immediately address concerns and problems of interest. 42. This is mostly done in situations where I had to meet an immediateneed. There have been situations where I had to use the experience that I have gain to allow myself to gain sense to use as a tool for developing gradually as I move along the path of life. I am now aware that reflection is not limited to personal landscape only but to the professional as well. We must pay attention to the fact that attitude knowledge base and skills are vital to the reflective process. This course is now given me a new insight in how to carry out reflection in order to improve myself both personally and professionally. As I continue to read the units in this course I have realized that I have embarked on the perspective which is a learning process. I am beginning to build meaning from experience using various strategies. Reference Unit 2-Exploring multiple meaning of Reflective Practice 43. Activity 2.5 Hi allIn analyzing my classmates perspectives on reflection and reflective practice I realized we all share the same view. David Boud, Rosemary Keogh and David Walker have described reflection as a process of turning experience into learning, the way of re-examining the messy and sometimes confusing nature of experience in order to learn new things from it. This is similar to my perspective from reflection which is a learning process in which we use experiences that are confusing to learn from and build new ones from it. This endorses my belief that if we focus on the thoughts and emotions that go along with our experience, which start out as new, unprocessed material that can lead to a great amount of sense making. 44. Donald Schoon, a researcher, idea of reflective practice is similar to mine as it shows a unique relationship between the learner as an apprentice and the educator as a coach. I am of the belief that sufficient challenge and support are necessary to scaffold the learner towards increasing levels of competence. This scaffolding through coaching, I endorse because there are times when areas of professional practice becomes bleak, gray and messy and answers to confronting these problems are not clear cut. It is therefore important at this stage that the learner gets some form of support. This is especially important in the teaching and learning process where the learner needs to be assisted to increase levels of competence. 45. Hoyles portrays professionalism as the quality of ones practice. He shares my belief that the behaviours that are exhibited by a professional are what exhibit such individual professionalism. Mel Gray and Stephen A Webb believe that practicing values and believing in them is an active process that depends on ethical commitment. This is similar to my perspective because I believe it is a virtue to be committed to an ethical stance. I am of the perspective that in order to make this commitment indicates some argument of seriousness. 46. Activity 2.9 Sunday, 20 October 2013, 6:08 PM Hi all, Good job. I agree with all the characteristics you have mentioned. I must add goal orientated, reflective, self directed, time manager, learning orientated, team player and optimistic. All these characteristics that are associated with a learner practitioner tells me that it takes a lot of hard work and determination to reach this goal. What says you all? 47. Activity 3.1 Thursday, 10 October 2013, 10:00 PM I also agree that there would be some amount of reflection during the process of trying to reproduce the image. Thoughtful deliberation would have to be done to devise a solution. There would definitely be some amount of collaborating to get others perspective on how to go about it. Collaborating would also be done most likely with an expert to get an idea of the devices that could be used to get it done. There is no doubt that once this information is gained, there would be a trial and error stage in order to reproduce it. There would be constant thinking about it until some solution is reached. 48. Activity 3.3 Hi all, My selected model is Gibbs, I believe that his model emphasizes reflection as a learning process of change or transformation. What are your views on how he portrays the process? 49. GIBBS CYCLE OF REFLECTION learner practitioner give thoughtful deliberation to feelings by asking himself some questionslearner practitioner starts out by giving detail description of the behaviour or event experiencelearner practitioner makes an evaluation of the experience event or behaviourlearner practitioner thinks and decides on a plan of action if the situation re occurslearner practitioner analyses situation to see if he can make sense from itlearner practitioner explores all the issues coming out of the situation and think of solutions 50. An individual who is using this model would display behaviours that are shown in all stages. Such an individual would be engaged in thoughtful deliberation, critical analysis and evolution of the situation or behaviour. They would endeavor to make plans as to the necessary action to take after making a detail assessment of the situation as it relates to the issues that arise. There would be preparation of an action in the event of reoccurrence. In reviewing my profile I realize I need to add the principles of constantly evaluating and exploring issues in order to be ready with a plan of action if the situation should arise again. 51. Activity 3.4 Hi all, Ben Carson was reflective because he was able to look back at the experience he had as a child and used it as a learning one to improve his practice. The experience which was dull, bleak and full of negativity was transformed by him into a positive one. As a result he was able to see his mother as a powerful influence in his life despite the challenges that were imposed on him by her. He displayed a positive attitude towards the intervention his mother made while he was going through the experience of not doing well in school. He reflected on how the experience though negative, brought about a positive solution to his problems. 52. He was able to use the experience to develop the attitude of readingliteratures which changed his own perception of whom he was. His focus was on the positives that came out of the situation and not on the negatives that he experienced. This allowed him to establish a scholarship to assist children who found themselves in the same situation. This also is a sign of reflection, as a plan of action was put in place to counteract other situations that might occur. 53. The mother showed some signs of reflectivity because she was able tocome up with a solution to his problem of low grades. She used her experience that results in her not being able to read, to devise a way out of the problem. She did not allow her situation to hinder her from ensuring that he read the books. Cuban Golding was also being reflective, because he used the experience from Ben Carsons situation to motivate him to think about positive solutions that could help him to improve his practice. Ben Carson used his experience as a learning situation that helped in during his practice 54. .The experience through unpleasant was used as a means of propelling him forward to positively think of solutions to problems while practicing, rather than giving up. There are many who are now using Ben Carsons story as a means of propelling them forward. This further shows me that the focus of reflective practitioner should be devising a solution for problems that are faced rather than spending time on the negatives. I have also learnt that by reading literatures and doing research one will be able to come upon experiences of others that can impact on us and assist us in devising solutions to problems. 55. Activity 3.7 Thursday, 3 October 2013, 10:26 PM Hi all, The activities that I engaged in when I have a group task involves; After selecting members, engage in thoughtful deliberation about the activity to be completed. Make an analysis of tasks to be carried out to make sense of it. Carry out exploration of the issues that are to be dealt with in the activity. Devise a plan on how to deal with the activity to get the best results and assigned areas to different individuals. Decide on a time when all the pieces should come together. 56. The difficulties that arise in these types of activities is to get all the group members to be fully engaged in the activity so that it can be completed on time; and to get them to meet at the time specified; to get them to work as a team and be committed and to get them to complete the task at hand. In dealing with these issues, I have tried to find out issues that maybe a setback for them and try to work cooperatively to initiate the necessary changes that will reap success. I have tried to be constantly in touch especially in the online environment. I have tried to encourage them to keep working for their success. The last resort was always to find another group that is willing to cooperate. 57. Activity 4.1 Hi Alvin, I got the same synonyms. They are skill, knowledge, expertise, knowhow, equipment, machinery, tool. It is indeed interesting to know that the first four are synonyms. 58. Activity 4.2Perspectives of Technology Engineers, technologists and technicians are closely related in their view of technology. They see it as the process of construction based on systematic engineering knowledge of how to design artifacts. Social scientists refer technology to the organization of knowledge for the achievement of practical purposes as well as nay tool or technique of doing or making, by which capability is extended. Solomon (2000) defines technology as the systematic application of all sources of organized knowledge (i.e. literature, science, the arts) suggesting that art, craft, and science all have roles to play in technology application. Luppicini(2005). Braham (1977) defines technology as the organization of activities design to assist humans adaptation to, participate in and utilization of the environment. Luppicini (2005) 59. In analyzing the different perspectives on technology, I realize that they are similar in that they combine both the tangible resources such as machine, tool and equipment and the intangible one such as knowledge skill and intellect. It is interesting to realize that all endorse the systematic application of all sources of knowledge. I now realize that application of knowledge is vital to the reflective process. My Working definition: Technology is the systematic application of the tangible and intangible resources for the achievement of intellectual and practical purposes as far as the capability is extended. Reference: Luppicini Rocci(2005) A systematic definition of Educational Technology in Society Retrieved from website; 60. He puts forward the idea that he would use his power to convince the team members whom he feels may not endorse his idea that the vegetable is what he said it was.(core value)The character Popeye presented his philosophy, theory and core value in such a way that showed he held this belief strongly inwardly also. This shows that as developing reflective practitioners we should be consistent when demonstrating the principles that guides reflective practice. 61. Activity 5.1 Sunday, 27 October 2013, 6:55 PMHi Shelly, I believe that the character Popeye had a mindset for practice(philosophy).He had a personal view that has influenced his personal way of life. This mindset was that the spinach was the best power packed gourmet. This view he uses to influence others to believe in the spinach as being power packed. He obviously used the scientific principles of research to convince the team by showing the relationship between the spinach and power. This power most likely is strength related. 62. Activity 6.1 Thursday, 14 November 2013, 9:46 PM I was taken aback to see a nun sitting among the audience. There was a bit of annoyance at the reaction of the lead singer whom I felt was allowing the characteristics of the physical place to cause her to have a feeling of fear. I was a bit taken aback to see the manner in which the nun displayed her emotions while leading the choir. There was a feeling of joy however when I realized that as humans we have the power to control the state of our internal environment. This shows that the internal environment can influence the external and viceversa. Although the movie displayed the idea that a cultural norm can influence the expectations of a group, it was quite pleasing to realize that it showed the power humans have over their emotions. Reference Unit 6 Exploring the context for Reflective Practice 63. As an individual with feelings, I would be hurt. The first thought that would come to mind is to find some way to discipline such person for being insolent and disrespectful. However, as the teacher I would not allow my emotions to get the better of me. I would allow myself time to get a spirit of calm, and then seek to get some answers from the student regarding the matter. I would then highlight the individual on the negative message that such writing can communicate about him/her and the kind of environment that it can create. The fact that I was made aware of how I should go about dealing with situations when writing in the on-line-medium, I would give the individual some updates on these. if they are not known or remind him or her if they are not known. 64. Activity 6.4 Thursday, 14 November 2013, 9:48 PMHi all, The writing in the journal entry is bold where the individual wants to highlight emotions that show anger. The words that are specifically highlighted are done so to let the reader aware of how the individual feels. This is how the writer expresses emotions in a negative way in order to ensure that the reader gets the message of disrespect shown towards him or her. 65. Reflective practice is concerned mainly with solving problems; therefore it implies that we have to implement some form of solution. Therefore, we have to find the most appropriate way to express our emotions so that we do not hamper the process through which we should achieve our goals or solve problems. I really appreciate the idea put forward that reflective practice requires that reflective practitioners act as a model or reference. It gives some fundamental values and patterns of behaviour that a reflective practitioner should display. One of such is responsibility. This is the careful consideration of the consequences of ones actions, especially as they affect others. Ethics is another criterion in reflective practice that is put forward for a reflective practitioner. One aspect I endorse specially. 66. Is that which states that as reflective practitioners, we are suppose to honor human dignity and emotional wellness; and that such individuals should model respect for spiritual and cultural values, social justice, confidentiality, freedom, democracy and the environment. Therefore in order to respond to this writer, I would ensure that I do not use texts that convey negative emotions. I would ensure that I do not express my emotions in a disrespectful way and make comments that are destructive. I realize through reading and research that writing is a powerful psychosocial medium that can be used in a positive and negative way. Therefore, I would convey my ideas in such a manner that the message is sent in a tactful way, shows respect, free from destructive comments and has an inviting tone. 67. UNIT 1-8 REFLECTIONS Journal Entry 1 Saturday, 28 September 2013, 12:28 AM I have been, to a certain extent, successful in accomplishing the objectives that were set out in unit one. I have been able to do an analysis of the different perspectives of learner practitioner. It is by doing so I was able to form my own perspective that it is an adult who uses experience from various situations or settings as a tool for improving self and achieving goals that are set out to be achieve. I have also analysed my personal readiness and realised that there is still room for improvement. I am now cognisant of the fact that I have to develop self awareness of the experiences I have, so that I can use them to develop myself and improve my practice. 68. I now understand that it is important that I develop the attitude of recording these experiences because by doing so they can be used to tell stories that add to the credibility of my claim. The whole situation of reading, recording, sharing and discussing and analysing allowed me to understand that in order to develop fully as a reflective practitioner, I have to constantly perform these activities in order to have a mirror look on experiences and practices. The experience is an eye opener because I now realise the importance of involving all the domains in carrying out tasks. It has prompted me to make an assessment of my strengths and limitations. This has propelled me to start devising strategies that will help me to maintain my strengths and improve my weakness. 69. Thursday, 3 October 2013, 10:44 PM Journal Entry 2 In analysing all the perspectives of reflection and reflective practice. I realized that they are similar to those of David Boud, Rosemary Leogh and David Walker. These researchers have described reflection as a process of turning experience into learning. The experience gained while embarking on this course I realized can be turned into a learning situation. The experiences, that seemed messy and confusing at the beginning have prompted me to do some reflecting. As a result I have learnt some new things from it. 70. The experience which started out as new and raw material is now making a great amount of sense. I now realize that those who are placed in my care while I carry out my daily task as an educator, needs sufficient challenge and support to scaffold them towards increasing levels of competence. I have also learnt that there are times when areas of professional practice becomes bleak, grey and messy and answers to confronting these problems are not clear cut. In order to become a learner practitioner I have to learn to go about deciding on an action to resolve the problems since learner practitioners are self-directed and problemsolving oriented. I have therefore resorted to taking time out to read research and seek help in order to understand what is expected of me. By carrying out these activities I will ensure that at the end of it all I will be able to develop the attributes of a reflective practitioner. 71. Thursday, 3 October 2013, 11:06 PM Journal Entry 3 In analyzing the different models of reflection, I realize that they are similar in the perspective they share. They portray the complex nature of activities that individuals have to take part in if they are to develop as a reflective learner practitioner. The reflection process as I understand it entails much. Journal Entry 1.ppt 72. Thursday, 3 October 2013, 11:15 PM Journal Entry 4 In assessing myself with regards to the effort I put forward to be reflective, I realize that my strengths lies in giving descriptive details about situation being reflected; evaluating the situation; making an analysis of it and giving thoughts to feelings. I realize however, that I am not consistent in carrying out these complex activities in all circumstances. As a result, I sometimes find myself just thinking about the situation and what I should do. Therefore, the way forward for me is to develop the habit of being consistent in carrying the activities required in the cyclical reflective process. This is important because in aspiring to be a leader, situation will always arise that have to be dealt with. This will require me to be engaged in carrying out actions that will resolve or rectify them even if the situation is uncomfortable 73. Tuesday, 8 October 2013, 11:52 PM Journal Entry 5 In analyzing the video clip of Ben Carson reflecting on his childhood life, I believe that it is possible to use a situation or experience that is unpleasant to bring about a positive result of change. In dealing with these experiences, a positive solution can only occur if I reflect by looking at the situation from various angles. In doing so, I have to be careful that I do not think about myself in such a way that it becomes destructive. This type of attitude will prevent me from assessing any situation in a rational way. 74. I observed that Bens mother was able to resolve his problem of getting low grades by making him do a lot of reading of literatures on a regular basis. I now realize that the reading of credible literature can be one strategic action that I can take to find solutions to the problems I encounter as I journey through this course and life in general . I am of the view that Ben Carson was able to successfully complete his schooling and become an excellent neurosurgeon because he continued to read credible literatures, talk to experts, analyze possible solutions, implement a planned solution and make regular assessment of what happened from implementing solutions during his practice. 75. These steps are important in the life of anyone who seeks to become a learner practitioner. Therefore, in order for me to be able to find solutions to the problems I encounter in the classroom and during my journey through this course and life, I will have to develop a more vigilant attitude of reading on a regular basis and seeking assistance for those who are experts, especially from experience gained. I have to ensure that in using my experience as a learning process, I do not focus on the negatives only, as this can limit my scope to do an analysis that will bring about a solution. Instead, I have to concentrate on the positives because this is what will help me to cope with undesirable feelings and manage my emotions, so that I will be able to devise a plan of action that will bring about a solution. Thanks to the Ben Carson story. It is a motivation to move forward. I can now update my profile by adding that in reflecting, I should remove any focus that is placed on the negatives. 76. Wednesday, 9 October 2013, 11:21 PM Journal Entry 6 Collaboration among peers is of vital importance in the life of one who aims to become a reflective practitioner. Collegiality as a model to operate a work place especially an educational organization is important. It provides for the involvement of team members in decisions which affect their person lives. The assumption is that the organization determines policies and decisions through a process of discussion leading up to consensus. After observing that one group was already formed, I took the initiative to start a group, since a group activity had to be done in order to help us develop that attitude of collaboration, which is vital to becoming a reflective practitioner. It was not a challenge to build the team, but to get immediate response from the members in order to move ahead with the task ahead. 77. And first I felt frustrated but the literatures I read helped me to realize that it made no sense to sit and complain to the point of frustration, or complain but do nothing about it. These are not attributes of a reflective practitioner. I learnt from them that once there are difficulties, there is need for change whether in terms of my approach or how I perceive or interpret the situation After realizing that there was a difficulty in getting all members to come together on Skype, I resorted to using the tutor exchange medium for messages. In realizing that there were challenges here also, I had to get assistance in getting emails to my group members. By doing so, I was able to get feedback on the problems the members were facing. 78. I proceeded to document these and take measures to get assistance in helping them to overcome them. In order to become a reflective practitioner I knew I could not just ignore the problems and simply bear the discomfort of us not achieving our goal at the end. I had to ensure that team members are clear about the priority of the task and use an appropriate strategy to accomplish it. The way forward to accomplish the task was to take the decision to communicate via facebook instead of Skype, since two members found a suitable checker game that can be used to complete the activity. It sometimes takes a change in our mode of communication to bring about a change to a situation. 79. As reflective practitioners we have to reflect on habits we form from doing routine activities or else we can develop mindsets or become fixed in our way that we stifle our creative ability to solve problems. I have learnt that complaining but doing nothing to influence change, joke about what is happening to the detriment of self and others, complain to the point of frustration are habits that are destructive to one who wishes to be a learner practitioner. 80. - Saturday, 19 October 2013, 11:19 PM Journal Entry 7 Looking Back Since embarking on the course foundations of reflective practice, I have gained a wealth of experience through the different activities that I have been engaged in from unit 1 through to unit 3. Through these I have developed a conscious awareness regarding the domains of development that are essential to help me to become a reflective practitioner. This awareness I believe will create opportunities for my professional growth and development. Achieving this level of consciousness awareness was no easy task. However, through interacting with my peers in the discussion forums, reading the course units, and doing research and analyzing the story of Ben Carson and others, I was able to develop this level of consciousness. 81. The experience so for allowed me to be actively involved in the learning process which takes place as collaborative rather than isolated activities. It allowed me to be engaged in activities where I had to gather information, assess, critically analyze and evaluate others experience and perspectives. As a result I have been able to start developing the attitude of reflecting on my own experiences. Having reached this far in the course, it is now time for me to do a further analysis of myself to see how much progress I have made towards becoming a reflective practitioner. The experience that had started out as confusing is now making sense since I have taken a more open minded approach to the whole situation. I now have to ensure that at all times I analyze myself from different angles and pay attention to all aspects to ensure that I dont overlook any aspects of domain that needs to be develop. I will have to increase my pace in order to ensure that I keep up with the rest of the course readings and activities 82. I will have rescheduled my time so that I will be more engaged in recording my experiences so that I can use them to assist me in my future developments. It is now time to look at in the minor and question myself. What is it I need to change in order to develop the qualities of a reflective practitioner? 83. Sunday, 20 October 2013, 6:55 PM Journal Entry 8It was not an easy task to complete assignment one and get it submitted on time. The activity had me doing a lot of reflecting, researching and going back to the course readings to assess and analyze information that was given to decipher what was to be written. It was a bit easy to bring up information from the journal entries and discussions that I took part in because I had copies in a file jacket. This made it easier for me to get through what I had to do. It really pays to keep records of things done. I learnt to put together a file of activities done and website used from the experience of getting overwhelmed at one point. This helps me to save time which is essential in getting the different activities done while being engaged in other activities at home and work. I now have to ensure that I constantly evaluate my experience and reaction to be engaged in more activities. 84. Wednesday, 23 October 2013, 10:33 PM Journal Entry 9It was not an easy task to get each other to play the game because of the different activities that we are engaged in. However, we had to ensure that we came up with a solution to ensure that the entire group played the game. It was quite a task, but we got together and held discussions via skpe and Facebook. Each person played a preliminary round before actually playing the major rounds. This was to enable the individuals who were not acquainted with the technological procedures to do so. My teammate Ronalita who was more acquainted with the game and the tangible aspects of technology coached me through the process. She was able to do so from her collaborating with Ifuela. I was able to assist Alvin to get through to the others via face book and skype so that he could be involved in the process. 85. Ifuela and Ronalita played first and Ifuela won. The score was 2 0. Ronalita and I then played and she won. The score was 2 0. Ifuela and I played next, the score was 2 1. After losing twice, I was out of the competition. Ronalita and Alvin played next. Ronalita won. The score was 2 1. This was followed by a match between Alvin and Ifuela. Ifuela won with a score of 3 1. Afterwards Ronalita and Donna played. Donna won with a score 3 1. The final match was played between Donna and Ifuela. Donna won with a score 1 0. 86. Ifuela was declared the champion of the group. She will face the other groups in the final tournament. While two members played, a selected team member kept abreast of what was going on by conversing with the played on skype. Information about the game was passed on to the other members via face book messaging and skype. As a team, we learnt the importance of collaboration and partnership. The building and maintaining of this environment during the activities allowed for those of us who had limitations to be able to improve them through the assistance of the members who were strong in these areas. It was through this partnership we were able to put together pictures to show the different areas of play. All the members showed respect and concern for each other. Ronalita was outstanding in the way she mentored us. 87. Wednesday, 23 October 2013, 10:34 PM Journal Entry 10 The experience during the process of playing took me through a lot of critically thinking and analyzing. All the domains of development had to come in play. While playing, I realised that I had to assess the moves while playing from different angles in order to devise a strategy to prevent my opponent from taking advantage of the moves I made. It is now time to reflect on the experience of losing twice and identify the domains that I need to continue working on in order to move forward with my developmental process. I will have to ensure that my mental skills which include creative thinking and problem solving are worked upon in order to maintain balance in all the domains. 88. Friday, 1 November 2013, 10:09 PM Journal Entry 11 Since embarking on the unit on technology in unit 4 learning about the tangible and intangible aspects of technology, I was now have an awareness of how important it is to ensure that the information gathered from the internet is credible, authentic and ethical. I am now able to analyse and assess information even better to ensure that they meet these criteria, through the experiences and knowledge gain as a learner practitioner. This information is now helping me to select appropriate materials that would assist me in preparing my lessons for the students in the classroom and other assignments that I have to do for the various courses. 89. The way forward is to continue reading, researching and engaging in activities that will assist me to improve in these areas. I will now have to resort to continuously challenging the habits that prevent the using of self-knowledge in a strategic way 90. I have been able to share with my colleagues how important it is to examine the credibility and authencity of information they get from the internet. It is an achievement when the school population is enlightened about an area. This also helps in its growth and achievement. I have been able to share with my colleagues information on the importance of examining the credibility and authencity of the information they gathered from the internet. This is important because we cannot just take information seen for granted. It has to be assessed. My colleagues are now aware that technology entails tangible and intangible aspects. I had to ensure that I opened their awareness to this information. They knew of only tangible aspects. 91. This was possible because of the information gain while reading the course unit four and playing the checker game. This activity has enlightened me as to the different aspects of technology that one has to combine in order to play this game. The process allowed for the application of other forms of technology that were non-physical in nature to get the activity done. An individual who desires to be a reflective practitioner definitely has to learn to combine all these areas to be able to solve everyday problems. The playing of the game has helped me to realise how important it is to be able to use technological resources as a means of collaborating with others. This collaborating can help us to find solution to problems faced. I now understand why Braham defines technology as the organization of activities designed to assist humans adaptation to, participation in, and utilization of the environment. (Rocci 2005) 92. Reflective Practise requires one to be able to find solutions for the situations and problems we are faced with everyday in the different environments. Some of these we will be able to deal with on our own while others will require collaborating with others. As reflective practioners we have to combine both the tangible resources such as machine, tool and equipment and the intangible resources such as knowledge, skills and intellect to help us to engage in activities design to assist us to adapt to, participate in and utilise our environment. By engaging in the checker game has enlightened me to the importance of combining these aspects of technology. 93. Friday, 1 November 2013, 10:12 PM Journal Entry 12 Self AssessmentTask In assessing myself against the different areas displayed in the self assessment task in unit 4.3 I realize that I have knowledge of most of the areas. There were however, terms such as mind mapping tool, collaborative calendaring and collaborative minds mapping that I was not acquainted with, therefore I had to resort to researching to gain knowledge on them. This assessment now opens my awareness to the limitations I have in using the tangible aspects of technology. I now have to ensure that I seek assistance to develop the skill of using the tangible aspects of technology as this can help me to improve in my area of work. The open mindedness attitude that I have developed is a useful tool that propels me towards doing a lot of research, experimenting and practicing to develop my skills in these areas. 94. Since it s a requirement to use the tangible aspects of technology in my field of work, as a developing practitioner I have to snap out of the mind block I have towards learning to use these tangible technological resources. I am now more open towards learning. As a result I have found that I have the drive to learn more and more. I know it will take time to become efficient but with constant practice and assistance sought from experts I will overcome the barriers and challenges that I face. When all the terms relating to technology are put together, and assessed, they basically point to the same idea, to get things done. 95. It is important for me to note that the computer or other tangible aspects of technology cannot on their own get things done. It requires me to develop expertise, scientific knowledge and affective qualities such as willingness to inquire and persevere in order to be able to use these types of resources to solve my problems and achieve my goals as an educator. Technology can help students to build important skills such as communications, teamwork, critical thinking and problem solving. It allows student to connect with others and do collaborative work with them. 96. As a teacher I can use technology to find resources and attend professional development seminars and conferences. I can also create personal learning networks and other resources to find and share ideas and resources and get support from my colleagues. Technology is therefore a very powerful tool for education. It is therefore a very powerful tool for collaborating. It is therefore time for me to be engaged in appropriate actions that will help me to develop my areas of weakness. Therefore, I have to ensure I develop the affective qualities in order to develop my skills. To become a reflective practitioner requires thes qualities. 97. Saturday, 9 November 2013, 10:09 PM Journal Entry 13My interaction with the different philosophical ideas in unit 5 has prompted me to do some reflecting on my philosophy, practice and contents of reflection. I have come to realize that my philosophy is more associated with traditional practice because of my upbringing. There are some actions that are guided by the beliefs and principles which are a result of my social and spiritual upbringing. According to the course readings, philosophy is a personal and collective world view that influences cultural, personal and professional way of life. 98. Therefore if my philosophy is more associated with traditional practice because of my social and spiritual upbringing it will influence the way I reflect on situations. This can be really contrary to the way that I should really carry out reflection in order to come up with solutions to problems. It can also influence the way I interact with situations that requires a certain standard of ethical behaviour. Although I may be able to think critically with my present philosophical perspectives, I will most likely carry out actions that are guided by these beliefs and principles, which when assessed are to some extent contrary to what is expected in reflective practice. Reflective practice requires that I have a mindset that will not stifle my ability to solve problems. 99. Reflective practice is based on an ideology that claims that reality is subjective and that there are multiple perspectives or meanings for the same situation. The traditional practice is based on the belief that is just one right answer to the question we have. Therefore, having a philosophy that is based on traditional practice will have a negative impact on how I reflect and carry out practice. Chances are I will never accept the principles that are not consistent with my philosophy. The ability to reflect is one quality above all that makes a good teacher and leader. 100. The process of reflection helps us to monitor our own development from raw beginner to experienced professional (Hill 2013) It is a form of mental processing that we use to achieve some anticipated outcomes. It is applied to gain a better understanding of relatively complicated or unstructured idea and is largely based on the reprocessing of knowledge, understanding and possible outcomes that we already possess (Hill 2013). Therefore it is imperative that I embrace the correct philosophy that will help me to be engaged in the type of practice that does not lead me to display unethical behaviours which will raise questions about my integrity or authenticity. My philosophical perspective should be one that will allow me to desist from abusing power and discriminating against others. 101. The way forward is to get rid of any philosophy I have that is contrary to what is required by reflective practice. I have to ensure that I develop the right mindset which is required to carry out reflection. In order to become a reflective practitioner I have to become my own observer and critical friend or else the whole process of reflection for me will be pointless. The contents of my reflection have to be such that, although difficult and even sometimes threatening will help me not only to see my successes but also to identify areas where there is need for development. As a teacher and aspiring leader, I have to now ensure that I do not embrace the type of philosophy that allows me to deal unfairly with others or display characteristics that are contrary to those learnt in the course readings. 102. The presentation of opinions, theories or advice isnt philosophy, doing philosophy involves rethinking about things in a certain (rigorous questioning) way, offering arguments for ones idea, meeting arguments against them and being prepared to change ones mind (Lewis 2013). A reflective practitioner is one who does a lot of rethinking and is prepared to change his or her stance if such is contrary to what is expected in reflective practice. 103. Friday, 15 November 2013, 11:17 PM Journal Entry 14 I was taken aback to see a nun sitting among the audience while I viewed the movie. There was a bit of annoyance at the reaction of the lead singer whom I felt was allowing the characteristics of the physical place to cause her to have a feeling of fear. I was a bit taken aback to see the manner in which the nun displayed her emotions while leading the choir. There was a feeling of joy however when I realised that as humans we have the power to control the state of our internal environment. This shows that the internal environment can influence the external and viceversa. . 104. Although the movie displayed the idea that a cultural norm can influence the expectations of a group, it was quite pleasing to realise that it showed the power humans have over their emotions. I have learnt that in order for me to be a reflective practitioner I must be able to control the state of my internal environment. I now realise that I have to control my emotions. I must therefore strive to ensure that I do so especially in my working environment 105. Friday, 15 November 2013, 11:22 PM Journal Entry 15The writing in the journal entry shown in activity 6:4 is bold where the individual wants to highlight emotions that show anger. The words that are specifically highlighted are done so to let the reader aware of how the individual feels. This is how the writer expresses emotions in a negative way in order to ensure that the reader gets the message of disrespect shown towards him or her. As an individual with feelings, I would be hurt. 106. The first thought that would come to mind is to find some way to discipline such person for being insolent and disrespectful. However, as the teacher I would not allow my emotions to get the better of me. I would allow myself time to get a spirit of calm, and then seek to get some answers from the student regarding the matter. I would then highlight the individual on the negative message that such writing can communicate about him/her and the kind of environment that it can create. The fact that I was made aware of how I should go about dealing with situations when writing in the on-line-medium, I would give the individual some updates on these if they are not known or remind him or her if they are already known. 107. Reflective practice is concerned mainly with solving problems; therefore it implies that we have to implement some form of solution. Therefore, we have to find the most appropriate way to express our emotions so that we do not hamper the process through which we should achieve our goals or solve problems. I really appreciate the idea put forward that reflective practice requires that reflective practitioners act as a model or reference. It gives some fundamental values and patterns of behaviour that a reflective practitioner should display. One of such is responsibility. This is the 108. careful consideration of the consequences of ones actions, especially as they affect others. Ethics is another criterion in reflective practice that is put forward for a reflective practitioner. One aspect I endorse specially. is that which states that as reflective practitioners, we are suppose to honour human dignity and emotional wellness; and that such individuals should model respect for spiritual and cultural values, social justice, confidentiality, freedom, democracy and the environment. Therefore in order to respond to this writer, I would ensure that I do not use texts that convey negative emotions. I would ensure that I do not express my emotions in a disrespectful way and make comments that are destructive. 109. I realize through reading and research that writing is a powerful psychosocial medium that can be used in a positive and negative way. Therefore, I would convey my ideas in such a manner that the message is sent in a tactful way, shows respect, free from destructive comments and has an inviting tone. The lesson learnt is that of ensuring that my writings that seek to express my dissatisfaction are done in such a manner that they do not cause a negative impact on the environment that I interact with each day. I now understand that I have to be careful of how I convey my feelings because this can either encourage or discourage reflective conversation. It is the duty of a reflective practitioner to support the application of ethical principles upon which reflective practice is based. As a developing practitioner I have to endorse these principles. 110. Tuesday, 19 November 2013, 10:49 PM Journal Entry 16It is time again to be engaged in a group collaborative task. This task requires us to assist a group member who is at the lower end of the continuum and may be struggling to overcome the problems and barriers that prevents them from engaging in the various activities effectively. As we are placed in different groups, it is important that I just do not think about myself, especially in the light of being disappointed, which can become self destructive, but instead look at the situation as one in which I can create new working relationship with others. 111. In aspiring to become a transformational leader, I realize that the goal of transformational leadership is to transform people and organizations in a literal sense, to change them in mind and heart, enlarge vision, insight, and understanding; clarify purposes, make behaviour congruent with beliefs, principles, or value, and bring about changes that are permanent, self perpetuating and momentum building. Transformational leadership requires that leaders take actions to try to increase associates awareness of what is right and important, to raise their motivational maturity and move them to go beyond their own self interest for the good of the group. These leaders attempt to optimize development not just performance. 112. Therefore, I have to ensure that I approach this situation in such a way that I dont create problems for myself and others. As a reflective learner- practitioner, I have to ensure that I take the necessary strategic actions that will encourage the success of the collaborative activity. One of such is ensuring that I approach the meetings set for working on the task with an open mind, show respect for my peers, make worthwhile contributions, ensure that my actions allow others to be comfortable when putting forward their ideas and demonstrate flexibility. Group activity is a routine task that we have to engage in daily at home, church, and work and even in the community at large. It is therefore important that I spend time to build team spirit rather than spend time complaining to the point of frustration and do finger pointing rather than resolving the problems. I must hold myself accountable for my teams success. 113. As a middle manager in my organization I have to ensure that I use the experiences gain in this course to help develop a team orientated environment where team members contribute to the overall success of the organization. The lesson learnt through the experience is that collegiality as a model to operate a workplace especially an educational organization is important. They have also helped me to realize that without communication there is no way to express thoughts, ideas and feelings within the organization. I am also better able to understand that the importance of words whether through a paper, computer or a voice is a communication medium to convey directions and provide synchronization. 114. Most importantly I have learnt that sharing and collaborating with others as a way of contributing to personal and professional development is what makes one become a reflective practitioner. I am now better able to assist my family, students and co-workers to engage in group activities without becoming frustrated. 115. Friday, 29 November 2013, 8:47 PM Journal Entry 17 Profile of a Reflective Practitioner A reflective practitioner is supposed to act as model and reference; therefore such individual should ensure that certain values and attitudes are displayed during practice. As developing learner practitioners if we fail to incorporate these attitudes and values in our practice it is likely to affect and prevent reflectiveness. The reflective practitioner is supposed to include in his or her practice some important fundamentals. These are open-mindedness, responsibility and wholeheartedness.Openminndedness is a willingness to consider new evidence as it occurs and to admit the possibility of error even in the beliefs that are dear to us. (Abdou 2012)Responsibility takes in the careful 116. consideration of ones actions, especially as they affect others. Wholeheartedness refers essentially to the fact that when individuals are thoroughly interested in a cause, they throw themselves into it with a whole heart. Along with these are others which are entwined in ones ethical practice. These are care, respect, integrityand trust. The ethics of care includes compassion, acceptance, interest and insight for developing others interest. (Abdou 2012)Respect allows individuals to honour human dignity, emotional wellness and cognitive development. Trust embodies fairness, openness and honesty. In the ethical standard of integrity one finds honesty, reliability and moral actions embodied. 117. As a developing learner practitioner, whose goal is to fully develop the attitudes, values and skills of a reflective practitioner, it is imperative for me to assess myself against these characteristics as well as those I came across while reading unit 7.During the interaction with my peers in the learning community, I realize that I displayed an open mind because I was willing to accept error of my ideas that were incorrect and make the necessary adjustments. There was a certain amount of responsibility displayed because I ensured that during discussions I took careful consideration of my actions in order not to cause any uncomfortable situations in the external environment. Looking back I also realize that I showed respect to other team members during the collaborative task because I was not domineering and showed disregard to others feelings and intellectual capacity 118. During the process of developing the learners profile I displayed a certain degree of care and understanding to her needs. As a result I was able to wholeheartedly put forward ideas that I believe will be able to help her. I was willing to give assistance to those in my learning environment who needed it. This does not say that there arent areas of weakness that I need to work on. I must acknowledge that there are, but I am using all the different strategies that I learnt since embarking on this course to help me to overcome these. I can proudly say that I have made great strides from where I started. When I first started the experience was one of confusion. It seemed like an uphill journey in total darkness 119. After gaining the understanding that the course requires you to be in charge of you own learning I started reading and researching to gain more insight into what reflective practice was about. I was able to start developing the habit of writing and reflecting on what I read and researched. What started out as chaos is now making a lot more sense to me. I now take pleasure in assuming the role of peer mentor in my learning environment. I have started encouraging my students and even my colleagues to develop the habit of writing about their experience. I am now better able to give intellectual, psycho and social support to others. 120. Friday, 29 November 2013, 8:55 PM Journal Entry 18 Discovering Self as a Reflective Leader As I went through the readings in unit 8 and interact with the video clip I began asking some questions to find out who I really was. Some of these questions were: Am I a domineering and autocratic individual who seeks to crush anything that comes into my path? 121. Is my approach one of showing power and authority with no regard forthe input of others? Do I cling to norms and traditions that are contrary to reflective practice? Do I ensure that my peers are involved in the decision-making process? Do I support changes in cultural and leadership practices? 122. The answers I came up with showed that there is need for consistency with regards to the way I do things. As I was made aware that leadership should not be confined to the work related environment alone but also the home. It is time for me to wake up now that the reality dawns that although I practice a lot of what is expected of me in my work related environment, Is it is different in the home. The reflective parent in unit 8 made use of observation which was further examined through conversation with the children to confirm or refute assumptions and to clarify the data collected. My assessment shows that I do the opposite. My style in most of the situations is to use assumptions as facts. This type of behaviour I now realize is a hindrance to reflective practice. 123. I am now aware that this type of behaviour can destroy rather than build community or the life of a group. It also shows that a gap exists in my capacity to be a critical thinker especially as it relates to the characteristics referred to as intellectual humility The way forward is to use reflective practice and ensure that I collect data by interviewing, administering a questionnaire, testing, analyzing documents and make observations as a participant or non-participant. I must also ensure that while I am collecting data I pay attention to details. With regards to my work related environment I must ensure that I am consistent in providing support for the personal and professional development of its members. This should be done through mentoring and coaching. I must ensure that I take the necessary steps to address obstacles to reflective practice that are evident in my group. 124. Preparation for Reflective PracticeSelf Assessment Instrument 125. Personal Readiness Profile Check yourself on the characteristics below using Highly applicable (HA), Applicable (A), Not Applicable (NA), Cannot Respond (CR). If you wish to use quantitative analysis to interpret the data, then use a scale of 4 (HA), 3 (A), 2 (NA), 1 (CR). You can count the total and find the average rating.CHARACTERISTICSHA A N APays keen attention to values that affect actions/decisions4Assesses theories that inform actions/decisions Looks at situations from many angles Ignores minor details34 2C RComment s 126. Personal Readiness Profile Check yourself on the characteristics below using Highly applicable (HA), Applicable (A), Not Applicable (NA), Cannot Respond (CR). If you wish to use quantitative analysis to interpret the data, then use a scale of 4 (HA), 3 (A), 2 (NA), 1 (CR). You can count the total and find the average rating.CHARACTERISTICSCreates political structures that empower othersHA A NA3 2Isolates those that are unimportant to the achievement of personal goals 2 Isolates those that are unimportant to the achievement of community goalsCRComments 127. Personal Readiness Profile Check yourself on the characteristics below using Highly applicable (HA), Applicable (A), Not Applicable (NA), Cannot Respond (CR). If you wish to use quantitative analysis to interpret the data, then use a scale of 4 (HA), 3 (A), 2 (NA), 1 (CR). You can count the total and find the average rating. CHARACTERISTICSHAA NA CR Commen tsActions are consistent with proclaimed values3Identifies persons that hinder personal accountability and responsibility for learning/practice3other Total - Ha = Total - A = Overall strengths Overall limitations Average (optional) Plan of ActionTotal - NA = Total - CR = 128. Conclusion My final assessment of creating a portfolio summarizing everything I had learned and would need to demonstrate in my future practice as it relates to reflective practice shows my strengths of writing reflectively and reflecting on situations. It has given a variety of examples of situations in which these have been exhibited. This background shows that I will be able to provide a supportive environment that will facilitate reflection not only in students learning but as an outgoing strategy to improve practice. 129. REFERENCE Brookfield Stephan (1995). The Getting of Wisdom:What CriticallyReflective Teaching is and why it is important. Retrieved from itically%20Reflective%20Teaching.pdf Center for Teaching and learning (2012) What are learning goals; Retrieved from Dooly Melinda (2008) Constructing learning together. Retrieved s/Chpr1.pdf Duetsch HortonSara, Freshwater Dawn& Sherwoood Given(2005) Scholarship of Reflective Practice: Retrieved from: _reflectivedoc 130. Gokhale A. Anuradha (1995). Collaborative Learning Enhances CriticalThinking. Retrieved from International Staff (2012). Developing Reflective Practice. Retrievedfrom Mueller Jon (2012) Authentic Assessment Toolbox Portfolios: Retrievedfrom 131. Reflective teaching-Exploring our own classroom practice (2011)Retrieved from: Sample Portfolio Introduction: Retrieved o.htm Smite Leigh Barbara a&d MacGregor Jean (1992) what is collaborativelearning Surgenor Paul (2011). Tutor Demonstrate &Coordinator Development at UCD. Retrieved from