regiment ohio volunteer - civil war index · 2011. 5. 5. · 130th regiment ohio volunteer...

130th Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry. ONE HUNDRED DAYS SERVICE. THIS Regiment was organized at Johnson s Island, 0., from the 13th to the 81st of May, 1864, to serve one hundred days. It was composed of the First Regiment Ohio National Guard, from Lucas County, and the Seventy- fifth Battalion Ohio National Guard, from Fulton County. The Regiment left Toledo May 12, 1864, to report to Brigadier-General Hill, at Sandusky, for consolidation and muster-in. I x , moved to Johnson s Island, and was engaged in guarding Rebel prisoners. On the 4th of June the Regiment took the cars for Washington City. It remained there three days, and then embarked on the transport George Weems, and reported to General Butler, at Bermuda Hundred, from which place it was ordered to Point of Rocks. The time was occupied in drilling, digging rifle-pits, and picketing the lines, until the 21st of June, when it marched to Deep Bottom. On the llth of August it marched to Bermuda Hundred, and proceeded, on transports, to Fort Powhatan, where it was ordered to be mustered out. It was mustered out at Toledo, O., Sept. 22, 1864, on expiration of term of service. (543)

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  • 130th Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry.


    THIS Regiment was organized at Johnson s Island, 0., from the 13th to

    the 81st of May, 1864, to serve one hundred days. It was composed of the

    First Regiment Ohio National Guard, from Lucas County, and the Seventy-fifth Battalion Ohio National Guard, from Fulton County. The Regiment left

    Toledo May 12, 1864, to report to Brigadier-General Hill, at Sandusky, forconsolidation and muster-in. Ix, moved to Johnson s Island, and was engagedin guarding Rebel prisoners. On the 4th of June the Regiment took the carsfor Washington City. It remained there three days, and then embarked on

    the transport George Weems, and reported to General Butler, at Bermuda

    Hundred, from which place it was ordered to Point of Rocks. The time was

    occupied in drilling, digging rifle-pits, and picketing the lines, until the 21st

    of June, when it marched to Deep Bottom. On the llth of August it marchedto Bermuda Hundred, and proceeded, on transports, to Fort Powhatan, whereit was ordered to be mustered out. It was mustered out at Toledo, O., Sept.

    22, 1864, on expiration of term of service.



    FIELD AND STAFF.Mustered in May 20, 1804, at Toledo, O., by J. L. Proctor, Captain 18th Infantry, IT. s. A. Mustered out Sept.

    22, 18C4, at Toledo, O., by Daniel W. Brooke, 1st Lieutenant 2d Infantry, U. S. A.

    Names. Rank.

    Charles H. Phillips...... Colonel.John Faskin ............ I Lt. Col.Elijah B. Hall ...........


    Samuel S. Thorn ........ i Surgeon.Calvin Hathaway ........ ABt.Snrg.Will B. Dix.Jr. . ........ ; Adjutant!Minot I. \Vilcox ......... I R. Q. M.


    James \V. Alderman.... Chaplain \William H. Burritt ......


    Ser. Maj.;

    Peter V. Moore .......... Q. M. S. I 32

    George T. Watson ....... Com. Ser. 23

    John B. Fella... .. Hos.St d. :?0

    Date of gEntering the c S




    William I^urge Prin.Mus 26 Mny

    James B. Carpenter, Jr.. < do 43 I May



    1*04 100 dys. Mustered out with regiment Sept. 22. 1S< :4.1864


    100 dys. Mustered out with regiment Sept. 22. 1804.18G4


    100 dys. Mastered out with regiment Se.;>l. 22, 1804.18(54 100 dys. ! Mastered out with regiment Sept. 22, isr.i.1864 100 dys. [Mustered out with regiment Sept. 22. 1864.164


    lOH dys. (Mustered out with regiment Sept. 22. 1864.18(54

    i lOOdys. Mustered out wth r giment Sept. 22, ix- .l.18(14 100 dys.


    Mustered out with regiment Sept. 22, 1804.1864


    100 dys. : Promoted from private Co. E May 15, 1864mustered out with regiment Sept. 22. l.stU.

    2,1801 IOC dys. ! Promoted from private Co. G Mav 16, I8i>4i mustered out with regiment Sept. ::2. 1861.

    2,1864 1 100 dys. Promoted from private Co. I May 16, 1864mustered out with regiment Sept. 22, 18( 4.

    2,1864 100 dys. Promoted irom private Co. F May 16. ]M;I]

    mustered out with regiment Sept. 22, 1864.2, 1804 100 dys. Promoted from private Co. E Muy 16, 1*64

    mustered out with regiment Sept." 22, isoi.2, 1864 ICO dys. Promoted from Musician Co. It May 16. 1*64

    i mustered out with regiment Sept. 22, 1X64.

    COMPANY A.Mustered in May 13, 1864, at Toledo. O.. by J. L. Proctor, Captain 18th Infantry, U. S. A. Mustered out Sept.

    22, 1861, at Toledo, ()., by Daniel W. Brooke, 1st Lieutenant 2d Infantry, r. S. A.

    Sylvester Brown.Wesley Chamberlin

    Captain.1st Lieut

    James C. Messer 2d Lieut. iJohn Mack [1st Sergt.jWilliam Sexton


    Sergeant, iThomas Kideout

    !do.. . .!

    Warren Whitmore doi

    Henry Munday . . . .Predom Martin



    James H. CraneJ

    doJames L. Johnson


    doJames V. TenKyck i doAmos W. Crane i doToussant Navarre i do. . . .Christian YaslinHenry L. Phelps j do


    2, 186t

    2, 1864

    2, 1864

    2, 1864

    2, 1804

    2, 1864

    2, 1804

    2, 1864

    2, 1864

    2, 1861

    2, 1864

    2, 1S64

    2, 1864

    2, 1864

    Luzerne Jones do

    Myron 11. Parmlee ...... | MusicianLewis E. ____


    Ackerrnan, Christopher. Private..

    Arms, Nelson TBartlett. GilbertBean, WilliamBean, WesleyBlanck, PhilipBramse, John

    Brown, Augustus do 33

    Britton, Bradford



    834L ..I






    MayMayMuyMa vMai-MayMavMay-MayMayMay

    2, 1804

    2, 1864

    2, 1864

    2, 18(54

    2, 1864

    2, 1%42. 18G4

    2. 1864

    i, 1864

    2, 1864

    2, 18642, 1XH4

    2, 1864

    May 2, 1864

    100 dys. Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 1864.100 dys. Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 1S64.100 dys. Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 1864.100 dys. Mustered out with company Sept. 22, i^ .i.100 dys. i Mustered out with company Sept. 22, ISIH.lOOdys. Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 1864.100 dys. Mustered out with company Sept. 2: .100 dys. Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 1864.100 dys.; Mustered out with company Sept. 22, : NM.lOOdys. Mustered out with company Sept. 2-, 1 v;i.100 dys. i Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 1864.lOOdys. Mustered out with company Sept. 22, l.sfi4.100 dys. Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 1.SG4.lOOdys. Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 1864.

    ! dejected by Mustering Officer.1

    100 dys. | Appointed Muy 24, I8o4; mustered out withj

    company Sept. 22. 186-1.100 dys. I Appointed May 31, 1864; mustered out with

    ! company .^ep t. 22. 1861.100 dys. Mustered out with company Sept. 22, IM U.lOOdys.


    Mustered out with company Sept. 22, isiii.lOOdys.


    Mustered out with company Sept. 22, l,s,il.1 I d dys.


    Mustered out with company Serf. 22, 1861.lOOdys. .Mustered out with company Sept. 22, isiji.lOOdys. | Mustered out with company Sept. 22. 18(54;lOOdys. Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 1864.lOOdys. Mustered out with company Sept. ,:2. 1864.lOOdys. Mustered out with company Kept J2, T- -Vi.lOOdys Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 1864.lOOdys Absent, sick in hospital at Portsmouth, Va.,

    . No further record found.lOOdys. Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 1864.



    COMPANY B.Mustered in May 13, 1864, at Toledo, O., by J. L. Proctor, Captain 18th Infantry. U. S. A. Mustered out Sept.

    22, 1861, at Toledo, 0., by Daniel W. Brooke, 1st Lieutenant 2d Infantry, L . S. A.

    Dan A. CollinsWilliam C. CheneyFrederick IngoldDon A. PeaseEvander M.Hamilton..Edwin JacobyCharles V. LincolnWilliam M. UnthaukConrad BurkeGeorge R. RickettsSylvester F. EnsignJohn H. WoodPhilip RingelmanJacob EngelhartCharles S. Brooks

    Captain.1st Lieut.2d Lieut.1st



    26 MayMayMay

    36 I May21

    | May29iff



    2, 1864

    2, 1864

    2, 18642, 1864

    2, 1864

    2, 18642. 1864

    2, 1864

    2, 1864

    2, 1864

    2, 1864

    2, 1864

    2, 186-1

    2, 1864

    2, 1864

    100 dys.100 dys.100 dys,100 dys.100 dys.100 dys,100 dys100 dys,100 dys.100 dys100 dys,100 dys,100 dys,100 dys,100 dys,


    Mustered out with company Sept.[Mustered out with company Sept.Mustered out with company Sept.Mustered outMustered outMustered out

    (Mustered outMustered out

    vith company Sept.vith company Sept.vith company Sept.vith company Sept.vith company Sept.

    Mustered out with company Sept.Mustered out with company Sept.Mustered out with company Sept.Mustered out with company Sept.Mustered out with company Sept.Mustered out with company Sept.Mustered out with company Sept.

    22, 1864.

    22, 1864.

    22, 1864.

    22, 1864.

    22, 1864.

    22, 1864.

    22, 1864.

    22, 1864.

    22, 1864.

    22, 1864.

    22, 1864.

    22, 1864.

    22, 1864.

    22. 1864.

    22, 1864.


    Names. Rank.

    Fred S. Ilamblin Corporal.Robert G. Branson : MusicianWilliam M. Woodruff. .. Moreau 1 Private. .Allen, John C ! doAvery, George S : doBabington, Mitchell do.. ..Bailey, Sauford L doBarnes, Heury G doBartlett, Matthew I doBeck, Samuel ! doBell, John M, Henry j. .Bowker, James J


    doBuck, Thomas W


    doButler, Samuel !.., John


    do( roswell, Charles


    doDages, William doDiebel, Frederick ; do. . . .Diebel, Charles ! doDiefen thaler. George ! doDpoley , James \V j do. . . .Fiske." Charles H doFrazer. James ! doFuller, Orson A

    Gilbert, George E : doGiuder. Isaac


    doGoettell, Christopher \ doGray, Andrew


    doGwinner, Gustav A


    Harris, William Cj

    do. . . .

    Harbauer, John j doHate, Sebastian , doHeritage, James


    doHoyt, Charles



    Hunker, Andrew ! doKasdorf, Christian

    : doKetcham, Nicholas T doKirschner, John i doKraft, Anton doKronsperger, Louis


    doKruse, Albert i doLewis, Adelbert


    doMeisner, James


    doMertz, Charles F doMeugar, John CMullen, Patrick

    Date ofEntering the


    cg S




    85. 1

    24372324 May18 May23

    | May21 May22 I May19 Mav

    May34 May36 ; Mav

    Oberly, Paul doObist," Christian doParcher, William HParcher, ZachariahPratt, Martin LReichert, GeorgeRoth, GeorgeRuppell, ConradSallis, JohnSamsou, LouisSouthard, Wesley C

    .do., Edward

    Tinker, Alonzo E I doTourtellotte, Arthur D. . doTrimble, Nelson . .,


    Weed, William SWernert, AntonYoung, Henry


    3218 24 19


    27 ! May22 t May20 ; May25

    ! May33 I May

    18! May


    20 May32 May47 May30 ! May31

    I May32 May20

    i May20 i May47 May40 1 May44

    j May44

    j May32 ! May27

    i May25 I May20 ! May20 I May18 May19 May19

    | May31 May18

    i May


    100 dys.100 dys.100 dys100 dys.100 dys.100 dys.100 dys.100 dys.100 dys.100 dys.100 dys.100 dys.100 dys.100 dys.100 dys.100 dys.100 dys.100 dys.100 dys.100 dys.100 d vs.


    MayMayMayMayMayMay 2;May 2,May 2,May 2,May 2,May 2,May 2,May 2.Mav 2,May 2,May 2,






    1 IX) dys.100 dys.100 dys.100 dys.100 dys.

    100 dys.100 dys.100 dys.100 dys.100 dys.UK) dys.100 dys.1 00 dys.100 dys.100 dys.100 dys.100 dys.100 dys.100 dys.100 dys.100 dys.100 dys.100 dys.100 dys.100 dys.100 dys.100 dys.100 dys.100 dys.100 dys.100 dys.100 dys.100 dys.100 dys.100 dys.100 dys.100 dys.100 dys.100 dys.100 dys.100 dys.100 dys.

    i 100 dys.I 100 dys.1100 dys.

    Died Aug. 14, 1864, at Hampton, Va.Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 1864.Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 1864.Discharged by Mustering Officer.Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 1864.Mustered out with company Sept. 22. 1864.Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 1864.Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 1864.Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 1864.Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 1864.Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 1864.Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 1861.Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 1864.Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 1864.Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 1864.Absent, sick . No further record found.Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 1864.Mustered out with company Sept. 22. 1864.Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 1864.

    i Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 1864.j

    Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 1864.Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 1864.

    iMustered out with company Sept. 22, 1864.


    Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 1864.Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 1864.Died Aug. 12, 1864, in McDougall General Hos-


    pital. New York Harbor.! Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 1864.Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 1864.Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 1864.Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 1884.Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 1864.Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 1864.Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 1864.Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 1864.Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 1864.


    Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 1864.Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 1864.Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 1864.Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 1864.Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 1864.Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 1864.

    i Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 1864.j

    Mustered out with company Sept. 22. 1864.I Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 1864.! Mastered out with company Sept. 22, 1864.Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 1861.Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 1864.Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 1864.Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 1864.Died Sept. 11, 1864, at Columbus, O.Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 1864.Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 1864.Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 1864.Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 1864.Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 1864.Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 1864.Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 1864.Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 1864.Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 1864.Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 1864.Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 1864.Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 1864.Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 1864.Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 1864.Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 1864.Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 1864.


    COMPANY C.Mustered in May 13, 1864, at Toledo, 0., by J. L. Proctor, Captain 18th Infantry, U. S. A. Mustered out Sept.

    22, 18(54, at Toledo, O., by Daniel W. Brooke, 1st Lieutenant 2d Infantry, U. S. A.


    Richard Waite. .John B. Parker.

    Frederick B. Shoemaker.

    John Nagely 1st Sergt. 20


    Captain. 331st Lieut. I 32

    2d Lieut. 20

    George Durringer Sergeant. 26


    COMPANY D.Mustered in May 13. 1864, at Toledo, O., by J. L. Proctor, Captain 18th Infantry. U. S. A. Mustered out Sept.

    22, 1804, at Toledo, O., by Daniel W. Brooke, 1st Lieutenant 2d Infantry, U. S. A.

    L. Jay Carrel \ Captain.L. Q. Mason 1st Lieut.Erwin M. Fenner 2d Lieut.Albert Deyo 1st Sergt.A . C. Prentiss Sergeant.


    T. J. }? erguson ! doS. F. Jorden i doJoseph W. Bovee do.. .F. W. Norris Corporal .George L. Harden : doE. R. Roos do i

    S. Van Duesen do. . . . 28James H. Baylor do i 21Butler Welsh do


    27C. E. Carman ... .do 22William D. McCaun 43James B. Carpenter Musician! 43

    Simon Pontious I . . . .do. ... I 17Whitheld H. Beatty. Wagoner.Barden, Benson L. Private..Baylor, Martin E do | 18Bartlett, Rustell do i 26

    Bayes, Elliott ... .do. ... 23 May 2, 1804 100 dysI

    Bayes, Isaac E do ; 20Blain, Benjamin do



    Bulger, Harmon . . William do.Carrel, Charles W i do.Chanpel, J. N i do.Conklin, Martin do.

    Curtiss, Daniel W i . . .Dennis, Alpheus do...Devoll, William I do...Drew, Albert NDriscoll, William W


    .do.Feuner, Dennis M _,Fouty. Spencer doFouty, Cyrus


    do...Gates, Hiram L do. . .Garman, Jacob do. . .Gillis. Henry T I do. . .Gillis. John W John do 17Hindee, Aaron do 36Hinkle, Melvin do.... 18Hinkle, Charles G do 19Hogebroom, Abraham do 19

    Houghton. William K do.... 32Hu board, William do 35

    Jackson, Theron doJeffers, Lyman doJones, Isaac N doLane, R. S . . ..Lee, Peleg S do ; 18

    35 May 2,1804 lOOdys. Clustered out with company Sept. 22. 1^< I.30 May 2. 1864 lOOdys. Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 1*64.27 May 2, 1864 lOOdys. Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 1-64.27 May 2, 1864 lOOdys. Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 1*01.41 May 2, 1864 j lOOdys. Mustered out with company Sept. 22. l>oi.35 May 2,1864 lOOdys. Mustered out with company Sept. 22. lv>l.22 May 2. 1864 lOOdys. Mustered out wilh company Sept. 22, 18 V4.24 May 2, 1804


    lOOdys. Mustered out with company Sept. 22. l* 6i.21 May 2, 1864 lOOdys. Mustered out with company sept. 22, 1804.30

    . May 2, 1864 lOOdys. Mustered out with company Sept. 22. 1*64.29 May 2, 1864 ; lOOdys. Died July 14, 1864, in post "hospital, Point of

    Rocks. Md.May 2, 1864 : lOOdys. Mustered out with company Sept. 22. 1864.May 2, 1864 : lOOdys. Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 1*64.May 2, 1864 i lOOdys. Mustered out Mith company Sept. 22, 1864.May 2, Ic64 lOOdys. Mustered out with company Sept. 22. 1*61.May 2, 1864 lOOdys. Mustered out with company Sept. 22. 1*64.May 2, 1864 ; lOOdys. Promoted to Principal Musician May 15. 1864;

    mustered out with company Sept. 22, 1864.May 2, 1864 lOOdys. Mustered out with company Sept. 22. 1864.May 2 1864 lOOdys. Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 1864.May 2, 1864 : lOOdys. Mustered out with company Sept, 22, 1864.May 2, 1864 lOOdys. Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 1864.May 2, 1864 lOOdys. Absent, sick . at home. No further record

    found.Absent, sick , at home. \o further recordfound.

    May 2, 1864 lOOdys. Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 1864.May 2, 1864 lOOdys. Absent, sick , at h me. No further record



    May 2, 1864 lOOdys. Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 186-1.18

    i May 2, 1864 lOudys. Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 1*64.18 May 2,1864 ; 100 dys. Absent, sick , at home. No further record

    found.22 May 2. 1864 lOOdys. Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 1864.10 ! May 2, 18(54 lOOdys. Absent, sick , at home.


    No further recordfound.

    18i May 2, 1864 lOOdys. Mustered out with conipany Sept. 22, 1864.


    May 2, 1864 10( dys. Mustered out wilh company Sept. 22, 1*01.39

    ; May 2, 18(5-4 lOOdys. Mustered out with company Sept. 22. 186-1.16

    ] May 2, 1864 lOOdys. i Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 1864.21 May 2,1804 lOOdys.JMustered out with company Sept. 2: , l*v,i.17 May 2,1864 lOOdys. Mustered out with company Sept. 22. 1864.24 May 2, 1864 ! lOOdys. Mustered out witn company Sept. 22, 1*64.23 May 2. 1864 lOOdys. Mus eivd out with company >ept. 22. 1864.19 May 2,1*04 lOOdys. Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 1864.20 May 2, 164 lOOdys. Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 1M64.31 May 2, 1864 lOOdys. Mustered out with company Sept. 22. 1*01.32 May 2, 186-1 lOOdys.! Mustered out with company Sept. 2. , 1864.

    May 2, 18O4 100 dys. Mustered out with company Sept. 22. 1864.May 2, 1S64 lOOdys. Mustered out with company Sept. 22. 1*01.May 2. 1*64 lOOdys. Mustered out with conipany St-pt. 22, 1864.May 2,1864 lOOdys. jSick, in hospital. No further record found.May 2, 1864 lOOdys. Mustered as Kben Hogeboom; mustered out

    with company Sept. 22, 18i 4.May 2. 1864 lOOdys. Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 1864.May 2, 1861 i lOOdys. Died Oct. 21, 1864, at his home. Sylvania, O.,

    after muster out of company.45 May 2,1864 lOOdys. Mustered out with compam Sept. 22. 1*01.27 May 2, 1864 lOOdys. Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 1864.24

    |May 2, 1804 100 dys.! Mustered out with company Sept. 22. 1804.

    17 May 2, 1864 lOOdys. Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 1864.2, 186-1 lOOdys. Mustered out with company Sept. 22. 1864.


    COMPANY E..Mustered in May !:;. WM. at Toledo, O.. by J. L. Proctor, Captain Isth Infantry, U. S. A. Mustered out Sept.

    22, 1864, at Toledo, O., by Daniel W. Brooke, 1st Lieutenant 2d Infantry, U. S. A.


    COMPANY F.Mustered in May i;l, 1864. at Toledo, ()., by J. L. Proctor. Captain 18th Infantry. I . S. A. Mustered out Sept.

    22. 1864, at Toledo, O., by Daniel W. Brooke, 1st Lieutenant 2d Infantry, U. S. A.

    Louis Koeppel : Captain.John C. Wuerfel 1st Lieut.Louis Rocker < 2d Lieut.Otto Albert ,1st Seigt.William Uradolph Sergeant.George llehuer do.. . .Charles Meissner .do.Fritz Henning doJacob Kraemer Corporal.William Hempfling do. ..!Conrad Ptister doF. A. Gaetschenberger doThomas F. Palm doWilliam Kntemaim doJohn M. Hauser doGeorge Stetter do <Christ Marte- Musician

    Louis Wncker ! do|

    Beck, Jacob|

    Private. . ;

    Beek. Fritz i do iBenz. Paul doBrau n, Carl do !Brenner, John... i

    Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 1x6 1.Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 1864.Mustered out with company Sept. .2. isr.i.Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 1X64.Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 18l>4.Mustered out with company >>,,;. j. ixr.4.Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 1864.Mustered out with company Sept. -2. 1861.Mustered out with company Sent. 22, 1861.Mustered out with company Sept. 22, Hi . I.Mustered out with company Sept. 22, Irtii4.Mustered out with company Sopt. 22, 1864.Mustered out with company Sept. 22, ISiVl.Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 186!.Mustered out with company Sept. 22. 1861.Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 186-1.Died Sept 1 J, 1X64, in Sisters of Cbiwity Hos

    pital. Toledo, O.Mustered out with company Sept. 22, Ixtll.Mustered out with company Sept. 22, ls<;i.Mustered out with company Sept. 22. 1864.


    Mustered out with company Sept. 22. 1x61.Mustered out wiih company Sept 22, IMH.Mustered out with company Sept. 22, Is61.


    COMPANY G.Mustered in May 13, 1864, at Toledo, O., by J. L. Proctor, Captain 18th Infantry, U. S. A. Mustered out Sept.

    22, 1864, at Toledo, 0., by Daniel W. Brooke, 1st Lieutenant 2d Infantry, U. S. A.


    Names. Rank.

    James S. White Corporal.Don A. Hendrickson doHenry Chnlip


    doAbraham Johnson MusicianFrancis Sandabaud . . . .Aerte. Philip i Private. .Beach, Malcomb


    doBeach, Marshall do. . .Blancbard. Albert D ....!... .do. . . .Braunshwe,aer, Jacob doChampion, Ji>hn do....Cherry, Martin ! doClark, Edmond i do...Comstook, Ambrose....Collins, Martin II ...Concher. LewisCovill, Oliver PDeau, Leander H . . . .Decker, Chester It...Decker, Jacob, JrKelson, CharlesFarley, Daniel HFaxon, Heroert CFord, Eugene FFord, Lucius LFord. Wallace RGarhart. AmielGardiner. HenryGardiner. Abraham....Geiger, JacobGidlev, JohnGreen, Charles. HGreen, Henry.Green. SimeonGordon, JamesGrover, Menzo..Hassan, AmosHauser, Christopher

    do.. .do...,,,,,,,,do

    Hollister, Hiram : (Jo. . .Huge, JosephJordon. FrederickKupp, GeorgeKennedy, Theodore DKim ball. Jared. .Kratt, Michael ..Lathrop, James JLester, Jackson . .Lewis, EliMe Bride. John PMiller, Joseph. . .Miller, Henry. . . .Moore, Oscar K.

    ! do.. .i..

    . . .

    jjI Date of

    M i Entering theService.

    Moore, Peter V duNatter, Jo-eph. doPariter, John H I. John doSawyer, Judson


    doShay. Lewis doSheiler, Frederick do....Shnle, Frederick


    Van Pelt. George , doWelch, George W . . . .doWhitney. Milton A no.. .

    o a



    Wilson, John.Wileox, Albert .. .Wilcer, HenryYoung, Charles.. .





    201887 I46 I8612


    MayMayMavMayMayMai-Ma yMayMayMayMayMayMayMayMayMavMayMayMayMayMas-















    100 dys.HHIdys.100 dys.100 dys.100 dys.100 dys.100 dys.100 dys.100 dys.100 dys.100 dyslOOd rs.100 dys.lOOdvs.100 dys.100 dys.100 dys.100 dys.100 dys.100 dys.100 dys.100 dvs.100 dys.100 dys.100 dys.100 dys.100 dys.100 dys.100 dys.100 dys.100 dvs.100 dys.100 dys.100 dys.100 dys.100 dys.100 dvs.100 dys.100 dys.100 dvs.100 dys.loo dys.100 dys.100 dys.100 dys.loo dys.100 dys.100 dys.100 dys.100 dys.

    ! 100 dys.lOOdjs.100 dys.

    : 100 dys.100 dys.100 dys.100 dys.100 dvs.100 dys.

    , 100 dvs.: 100 dys.100 dys.100 dys.100 dys.100 dys.100 dys.100 dvs.


    Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 1864.Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 1864.Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 1864.Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 1864.

    I Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 1864.Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 18C4.Mustered out with company Sept. v.2, 1864.Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 1864.Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 1864.Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 1864.Mustered out with company Sept. 22. IMU.Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 1864.[Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 1861.Mustered our with company Sept. 22, ]>- .[Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 186-1.Died Sept. 18, 18(14, at Columbus, O.Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 1864.Mustered out, with company Sept. 22, 18(14.Mustered out with company s v pt. 22, 1864.Mustered out with company Sept. i 2. Is;;.Mustered out with company Sept. 22. 1*64.Mustered out with company Sept. JL , l>t .,.Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 1864.Mustered out with company Sept. 2J, 1^64.Clustered out with company Sept. 22, 1 -i ,i.Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 1864.Mustered out with company Sepi. 22, 1.S64.Mustered ovit with company Sept. 22, 1864.Mustered out with company Sept. 22 IN .).Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 1st ,-;.Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 1864.Mustered out with company Sept. 22, ls<>4.Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 1864.

    i Mustered out with company !x>;a. 22, 1864.Mustered out with company Sept. 22. I x 6i.Mustered out with company Sept. 22, i.v i.Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 1864.Mustered out with company Sept. 22, i,s6l.Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 1864.Mustered out with 22, 18;i4.Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 1*114.Mustered out with company Sept. 22. 1864.Mustered out with company Sept. 22, IN;;.Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 1864.Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 18tj4.Mustered out with company ^ect. 22, i8ii4.Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 1864.Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 1864.Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 1864.Mustered out with company Sept. 22. 1864.Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 1864.Mustered out with company Sept. 22, lst>4.Promoted to Q. M. Sergeant Aug. 17. 186i.Mustered out with company Sept. 22. 1*64.Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 1864.Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 186-i.Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 1864.Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 1864.Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 1M14.Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 1864.Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 1864.Mustered out with company Sept. 22. 1864.Mustered out with company Sept. 22. 1864.Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 18M.Mustered out with company Sept. 22. 1864.Mustered out with company Sept. 22. 1M14.Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 1864.


    COMPANY H.Mustered in May 14, 1804, at Toledo. ()., by J. L. Proctor, Captain 18th Infantry, U. S. A. Mustered out Sept.

    22, 1864, at Toledo, O.. by Daniel W. Brooke, 1st Lieutenant 2d Infantry, U. S. A.

    Names. Rank.,5

    ! Date ofs*

    i Entering theService.

    J"> Remarks.

    Squire L. Spencer ! Captain. 3ii

    Jacob 1!. Fashbaugh 1st Lieut. 30

    Ormed W. Parrish ilst Sergt.Charles M. Cautield .Sergeant.William H. Jackson ! doJames Vaughn


    doGeorge Mclntyre doJohn Merrill i Corporal.John A. Granda I doWilliam Fashbaugh ; doJonn Plettner |....doWilliam Grover . . . .do. . . .Frederick Pinkstock . . . .do. . . .Palmer K. Lewis


    doWilliam Lewis do


    Hogle, Isaac.Horton, Francis R. .

    Hoxie, Thomas. . ! do.Hunter, Isaac H do.

    Bacon, Enc-kiel Private. .Bayes. Franklin doBayes, Benjamin W \ doBayes. Henry : . . . .doBoyer, Samuel i doCaugbey, Hugh : doCunningham, William. .] doDennis. Isaac doDrim, John A doDull, George A doEccleston. Joseph doEldridge, William


    doEllsworth. George \V


    do. . . .

    Emery, John doFashbaugh, Taylor ! doFashbaugh, EliFetterman, Washington.First, Octal ouaGeer, David I . . . .do. . . .Hamp. Eli < doHarrison, Joseph do


    Holmes, Andrew i do !,

    Jones, Ithamer do.Kennedy, Charles do.Kennedy, Elbert doKennedy, Elias J do.Losure. WilliamLosure, ElmerL Yon , Cy rus B


    doMcClarren, Rezin ! doMcClure, Moses F : doMcCoy, Harvey i . . . .do. . . .Marsh, Calvin". : doMead

    ,Levi > do

    Mead, Chauncey . . . .doMerrill, Russell i doMunson, ShubalXoblis, DanielOsterhout Silas M


    doPenny, Isaac doQniggle, Calvin K doKearick, Samuel do.. . .Rearick, George do.. . .Richards, Henry O do...

    Richards. Franklin : doRitchie, Kd ward i . . . .do. . . .Robins, John T


    Robison, Thomas R do..Robison, Suinuel doRockner. John doKohbaf-scr. Melchoir. . ..


    . . . .

    Smitli, Eplmuin;

    doSmith , Kph ru im P - doSnyder, Jacob 1 do

    May 2, 1864

    May 2. 1864













    100 dys.

    100 dys.lOOdys.100 dys.lOOdys.

    ! lOOdys.lOOdys.


    100 dys.I lOOdys.109 dys.lOOdys.lOOdys.lOOdys.lOOdys,lOOdys,lOOdys.100 dys.lOOdys,100 dys.lOOdys.lOOdyslOOdys.lOOdys.lOOdys.


    100 dys.1


    ; 100 dys.lOOdys.lOOdys.lOOdys.lOOdys.lOOdys.


    , lOOdys.lOOdys,lOOdys,lOOdys.100 dys.iOOdys.lOOdys.lOndvs.


    i lOOdys.lOOdys.

    , lOOdys.lOOdys.lOOdys.IOOdys.IOOdys.lOOdys.IOOdys.

    ! 100 dys.i lOOdys.lOOdys.IOOdys.

    lOOdys.IOOdys.lOOdys.100 d vs.lOOdys.lOOdys.lOOdys.IOOdys.IOOdys.100(1 vs.

    Promoted from 1st Lieutenant May If), 1864;I

    mustered out with company Sep t. 22, 1864.Promoted from 2d Lieutenant May 19, 1864 :

    i mustered out with company Sept. 22. 1864.Mustered out with company Sept. 22. 1864.Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 186-1.Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 1864.Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 1864.Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 1864.Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 1864.Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 1864.Mustered out with company Sept. 22. 1864.Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 1864.Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 1864.Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 1864.Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 1864.Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 1864.Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 1864.Mustered out with company Sept. 22. 1864.Mustered out with company Sept. 22. 1864.Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 1864.Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 1864.Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 1864.Clustered out with company Sept. 22, 1864.jlMed Sept. 21, 1X61, in general hospital.Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 1861.Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 1864.|

    Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 1864.|

    Mustered out with company Sept. 2>, 1864.Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 1864.Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 1804.

    i Mustered out with company Sept. 22. 1864.Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 1864.Mustered out with company Sept. 22. 1864.Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 1864.Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 18ii4.Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 1864.


    Absent, sick , in Fulton County. O. Nci further record found.! Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 1864.Mustered out with company Sept. 22. 1S64.JMustered out with company Sept. 22, 1864.Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 1864.Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 1864.Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 1864.Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 1864.Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 1864.[Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 1864.iMustered out with company Sept. 22, 1864.jMustered out with company Sept. 22, 1864.iMustered out with company Sept. 2 . , 1864.JMustered out with company Sept. 22, 1864.Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 1864.


    Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 1864.Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 1864.(Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 1864.Mustered out with company Sept. 22. 1864.Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 1864.Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 1864.Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 1864.Mastered out with company Sept. 22, 1864.Mustered oxit with company Sept. 22, 1864.Died Aug. 6. 1864.

    i Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 1864.Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 1864.Absent, sick, in Fulton County, 0. Xo fur

    j ther record found.Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 1864.Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 1864.Died 6. 1.S64, in general hospital.Mustered out with company Sept. 22. 1864.Mustered out with company 8ept. 22. 1864.IMustered out with company Sept. 22, 1864.Mustered out \\ ith company Sept. 22, 18(>4.Mustered out with com puny Sept. 22, 1S64.Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 1864.Mustered out with company Sept. 22, 1864.


    COMPANY I.Mustered in May 14. 1864, at Toledo, O., by .1. L. Proctor, Captain 18th Infantry. I". S. A. Mustered out

    22, 1864, at Toledo, O., by Daniel W. Brooke, 1st Lieutenant 2d Infantry, U. S. A.


    Samuel Leybourn Captain.Henry Brown |lst Lieut.;George Carson. ; 2d Lieut.George Blader i 1st Sergt. iObed Smith [Sergeant.Samuel M. Williams


    Henry S. Lasky I do jThomas Secor


    do <Edwin Richards Corporal.Kmauuel U. Wilkinson.


    do !

    Ira Hough ton do !John B. Snlier do !Alviu H. livans ... .do. . . . iGiles Mallett : do \Richard Collins i do !Austin Bishop ] doThomas Glass ... . Musician


    Alexander Whiltield doAldrich, Asa S


    Private. .

    All, Frank ; do !Balmoose. Frederick i doBarnes, Joseph M i doBerner, Maxion i.. . .do.Berner, Alexander ! . ., Daniel do....;Bush, Alfred do >

    Brailey , G . S doBrown, ISrwin O I ... .do. . . .Calvert, William H,..Carr, Michael , doCarson, Francis I . . . . .Chambers, Henry J ; doChittigcn, Michael ; doChristleib, John . , . . .Clifton, James A I. . . . .Crabb. Gershum doCrittenden, Zelotcs


    doCunningham, Jacob i . . . . .Curtis, Newton doDixon, Samuel doDixon, Thornton doDixou, George S ! . . .Doty. Newton doFussett, Orville C doForbes. Charles HGeer, EzraGlaun. James do....Gribbin, John do.Holmes, Elnathan...

    3732 !

    2331 !

    253830 ;25 ,23342227 ;

    263834 !2043 i15 i18


    Houghton, Albert FHubbard. Chauncey M <lo.Hunter, Miles O. ; doHunter, Horace S \ do !

    Jeffs, John do.Johnson. Martin R doKeister, Jacob HLaskey, LewisLatehaw, JayFLettord. Clark A






    25McLane. Upton do 36 iMallett. George do 30

    Leybourn, WilliamLong. Levi.

    MayMayMavMayMayMayMavMayMayMayMayMayMayMax-MayMayMayMayMayMayMayMayMayMayMayMayMayMai-MayMai-Ma yMayMayMayMavMay-MayMayMayMayMayMayMayMayMayMayMayMayMayMayMayMayMay












    100 dys100 dys100 dys100 dys100 dys100 dys100 dys100 dys,100 dys,100 dys,100 dys.100 dys,100 dys.100 dys,1 00 dys.100 dys.100 dys.100 dys.100 dys.100 dys.100 dys.100 dys.100 dys.

    ! 100 dys.100 dys.lOOdys.100 dys.lOOdys.1 00 dys.lOOdys.lOOdys.100 dys.lOOdys.lOOdys.lOOdys.lOOdys.lOOdys.KiOdys.lOOdys.lOOdys.lOOdys.lOOdys.lOOdys.lOOdys.lOOdys.lOOdys.100 dys.lOOdyslOOdys.lOOdys.lOOdys.lOOdys.

    lOOdys.lOOdys.lOOdys.lOOdys.lOOdys.lOOdys.lOOdys.lOOdys.KiO dys.lOOdvs.

    i Mustered out with company SeptDied Aug. 6. 1864, at Fortress MonMustered out with company Sept.Mustered out with company SeptMustered out with company Sept

    vith company Septvith company Sept.vilh company Sept.vith company Sept.vith company Sept.vith company Sept.vith company Sept.vith company Sept.

    . Mustered outMustered outMustered outMustered outMustered outMustered outMustered outMustered outMustered out with company SeptMustered out with company Sept.Mustered out with company Sept.Mustered out with company Sept.Mustered out with company Sept.Mustered out with company Sept.Never reported to company.Mustered out with company Sept.Mustered out with company Sept.Mustered out with company Sept.Mustered out with company Sept.Mustered out with company Sept.Mustered out with company Sept.Never reported to company.Mustered out with company Sept.Mustered out with company Sept.Mustered out witli company Sept.Mustered out with company Sept.Mustered out with company Sept.Mustered out with company Sept.Mustered out with company Sept.Mustered out with company Sept.Mustered out with company Sept.Mustered out with company Sept.Mustered out with company Sept.Never reported to company.Never reported to company.Mustered out with company Sept.Mustered out with company Sept.Mustered out with company Sept.Never reported to company.Mustered out with company Sept.Never reported to company .Mustered out with company Sept.Mustered out with company Sept.Mustered out with company Sept.Mustered out with company Sept.Never reported to company.Mustered out with company Sept.Absent, sick, in Washington Sept.further record fouud.

    Mustered out with company Sept.Mustered out with company Sept.Died July 30, 1864, at Wauseon, O.Mustered out with company Sept.Mustered out with company Sept.Mustered out with company Sept.Mustered out with company Sept.Mustered out with company Sept.Mustered out with company Sept.Mustered out with company Sept.

    . 22, 18(54.

    roe, Va.22, 1864.

    , 22, 1X64.

    , 22, 1864.

    22. 1861.

    , 22, 1964.

    22, 186-1.

    22, 1864.

    22, 1864.

    22, ISC, I.

    *2, 1864.

    22, 1X61.

    22, 1X64.

    22, 1X64.

    22, 1864.

    22, 186-1.

    22. 1X61.

    22, 1X64.

    22, 1864.

    22, IXlil.

    22, 1864.

    22, 1864.

    22, 1x64.

    22, 18(54.

    22, 1864.

    22, 1864.

    22, 1864.

    22. 1864.

    22, 1864.

    22, 1861.

    22, 1X61.

    22. ISC, t.

    22, 1864.

    22, 18(54.

    22, 1X61.

    22, 1X61.

    22, 1S64.

    22, 1X61.

    22, 1864.22. 1S64.

    22, 18(54.

    22, 1864.

    22. 1X61.

    10, 1864. No

    22, 1X64.

    22, 1861.

    22. 1864.

    22, 1861.2: . 1864.

    22. 1864.

    22. 1864.

    2V. 1864.

    22. 1X61.


    COMPANY K.Mustered in May 31, 1864, at Toledo, O., by ,1. L. Proctor, Captain 18th Infantry, I . S. A. Mustered out Sept.

    22, 1864, at Toledo, O., by Daniel W. Brooke, 1st Lieutenant 2d Infantry, U. S. A.