reginald)brent)blaylock gulf!coastresearch...

REGINALD BRENT BLAYLOCK Gulf Coast Research Laboratory 703 East Beach Dr. Ocean Springs, MS 39564 2288188003 FAX 2288724566 EMail: [email protected] EDUCATION: B.S., Biology. 1986. Wake Forest University, WinstonSalem, NC Research Population dynamics of the fish tapeworm Bothriocephalus acheilognathi M.S., Biology. 1989. University of Texas at El Paso, El Paso, TX Research Parasites of killdeer, Charadrius vociferus Ph.D., Biological Sciences. 1996. University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB Research Ecology and zoogeography of parasites in Pacific halibut, Hippoglossus stenolepis PDF, Parasitology. 1996 1999. Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, The University of Southern Mississippi, Ocean Springs, MS. Research Fish health management in stock enhancement RESEARCH INTERESTS: Development of aquaculture technology and stock enhancement Health management in aquaculture Epidemiology of fish diseases and parasites Ecological patterns in parasite communities and their use in the study and management of fisheries WORK EXPERIENCE: 2017 (application pending). Research Professor. Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, The University of Southern Mississippi, Ocean Springs, Mississippi. Develop and manage research grants, oversee personnel, supervise graduate students, participate in graduate and undergraduate teaching, carry out independent research program. July 2008 – present. Assistant Director. Thad Cochran Marine Aquaculture Center, Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, The University of Southern Mississippi, Ocean Springs, Mississippi. Administer budgets, personnel and operations.

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REGINALD  BRENT  BLAYLOCK  Gulf  Coast  Research  Laboratory    

703  East  Beach  Dr.  Ocean  Springs,  MS  39564  

228-­‐818-­‐8003  FAX  228-­‐872-­‐4566  

E-­‐Mail:  [email protected]      EDUCATION:    

B.S.,  Biology.    1986.    Wake  Forest  University,  Winston-­‐Salem,  NC  Research   -­‐   Population   dynamics   of   the   fish   tapeworm   Bothriocephalus    


M.S.,  Biology.    1989.    University  of  Texas  at  El  Paso,  El  Paso,  TX  Research  -­‐  Parasites  of  killdeer,  Charadrius  vociferus  

 Ph.D.,  Biological  Sciences.    1996.    University  of  Alberta,  Edmonton,  AB  

Research  -­‐  Ecology  and  zoogeography  of  parasites  in  Pacific  halibut,  Hippoglossus  stenolepis  

 PDF,   Parasitology.   1996   -­‐   1999.     Gulf   Coast   Research   Laboratory,   The   University   of  

Southern  Mississippi,  Ocean  Springs,  MS.  Research  -­‐  Fish  health  management  in  stock  enhancement  


Development  of  aquaculture  technology  and  stock  enhancement  Health  management  in  aquaculture  Epidemiology  of  fish  diseases  and  parasites  Ecological  patterns  in  parasite  communities  and  their  use  in  the  study  and  management  

of  fisheries    WORK  EXPERIENCE:    2017  (application  pending).  Research  Professor.  Gulf  Coast  Research  Laboratory,  The  University  

of   Southern   Mississippi,   Ocean   Springs,   Mississippi.     Develop   and   manage   research  grants,   oversee   personnel,   supervise   graduate   students,   participate   in   graduate   and  undergraduate  teaching,  carry  out  independent  research  program.  

 July  2008  –  present.    Assistant  Director.  Thad  Cochran  Marine  Aquaculture  Center,  Gulf  Coast  

Research  Laboratory,  The  University  of  Southern  Mississippi,  Ocean  Springs,  Mississippi.  Administer  budgets,  personnel  and  operations.    

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 January   2004   -­‐   present.     Research  Associate   Professor.    Gulf   Coast   Research   Laboratory,   The  

University   of   Southern   Mississippi,   Ocean   Springs,   Mississippi.     Develop   and   manage  research  grants,  oversee  personnel,  supervise  graduate  students,  participate  in  graduate  and  undergraduate  teaching,  carry  out  independent  research  program.  

 July  1999  -­‐  December  2003.    Assistant  Research  Scientist.    Gulf  Coast  Research  Laboratory,  The  

University  of  Southern  Mississippi,  Ocean  Springs,  Mississippi.    Develop  and  coordinate  research   grants,   oversee   personnel,   participate   in   graduate   and   undergraduate  teaching,  carry  out  independent  research  program.  

 September  1995  -­‐  April  1996.    Teaching  Assistant.    Department  of  Biological  Sciences,  University  

of   Alberta,   Edmonton,   AB.     Taught   labs,   which   included   scientific   writing,   for  Introductory  Biology.  

 June   1991   -­‐   August   1995.     Ph.D.   student   at   the   Pacific   Biological   Station,   Nanaimo,   BC.  

Employed   by   International   Pacific   Halibut   Commission,   Seattle,  WA.     Experience   with  international  fisheries  issues  and  resource  management.  

 September   1990   -­‐   April   1991.     Teaching   Assistant.     Department   of   Zoology,   University   of  

Alberta,   Edmonton,   AB.     Taught   labs   for   Introductory   Zoology   and   Principles   of  Parasitism.    Experience  with  laboratory  animals  and  computer  modelling.  

 January  1990   -­‐  May  1990.    Part-­‐time   Instructor.    Department  of  Biology,    El  Paso  Community  

College,   El   Paso,   TX.     Prepared   lectures   and   labs   for   Anatomy   and   Physiology   using  departmental   guidelines.     Experience   with   design   and   implementation   of   an   entire  course.  

 August  1987  -­‐  December  1989.    Teaching  Assistant.    Department  of  Biology,  University  of  Texas  

at   El   Paso.   Taught   labs   for   Introductory   Biology,   Anatomy   and   Physiology,   and   Field  Biology.   Designed,   prepared,   and   taught   labs   for  Medical   Parasitology   and  Molecular  Cell   Biology.   Experience   with   experimental   techniques   in   diagnostics   and   molecular  biology.  

 January   1987   -­‐   May   1987.     Student/Substitute   Teacher.     Winston-­‐Salem/Forsyth   County  

Schools,   Winston-­‐Salem,   NC.     Taught   Honors   Biology   and   Human   Anatomy   and  Physiology  to  grades  10-­‐12.    Substitute  taught  in  absence  of  supervising  teacher.  

 July   1986   -­‐   December   1986.     Laboratory   Technician.     R.   J.   Reynolds   Tobacco   Co.,   Winston-­‐

Salem,   NC.     Conducted   quality   control   experiments   using   physical   and   chemical  parameters.    Experience  with  distillation  and  gas  chromatography.  


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Blaylock.../3 Primary  Publications:    

Grimes,  D.  J.,  Shen,  S.,  Flowers,  A.  R.,  Bardon-­‐Albaret,  A.,  Blaylock,  R.  B.,  and  J.  M.  Lotz.  In  preparation.  Vibriosis   in  aquacultured  marine  fish.   Journal  of  Aquatic  Animal  Health.  

Blaylock,   R.   B.,  Cuevas,   K.   J.,   Rakocinski,   C.   F.,   and   E.   A.   Saillant.   In   preparation.   The  effect   of   preconditioning   to   habitat   and   predators   on   post-­‐release   success   of  hatchery-­‐reared   spotted   seatrout,   Cynoscion   nebulosus.   Transactions   of   the  American  Fisheries  Society.  

Sarkisian,  B.  L.,  Lemus,  J.  T.,  Lee,  P.,  and  R.  B.  Blaylock.  In  preparation.  Design  of  a  large-­‐scale   indoor,   biosecure   production   system   for   the   calanoid   copepod   Acartia  tonsa.  Journal  of  the  World  Aquaculture  Society.  

Sarkisian,   B.   L.,   Lee,   P.,   Saillant,   E.,   and   R.   B.   Blaylock.   In   preparation.   Evaluation   of  fecundity   for   captive   Acartia   tonsa   broodstock   used   for   rearing   red   snapper  larvae.  Aquaculture.  

Guest,  T.  W.,  Rakocinski,  C.  F.,  Evans,  A.  N.,  and  R.  B.  Blaylock.  Accepted.  Effects  of  pre-­‐release   physical   stressors   on   the   stress   response   and   post-­‐release   success   of  hatchery-­‐reared  Spotted  Seatrout,  Cynoscion  nebulosus.  Journal  of  Fish  Biology.  

Joesting,  H,  Blaylock,  R.,  Biber,  P.  and  A.  Ray.  2016.  The  use  of  marine  aquaculture  solid  waste   for  nursery  production  of   the  salt  marsh  plants  Spartina  alterniflora   and  Juncus  roemerianus.  Aquaculture  Reports  3:108-­‐114.  

Guest,  T.  W.,  Blaylock,  R.  B.,  and  A.  N.  Evans.  2015.  Development  of  a  modified  cortisol  extraction  procedure  for   intermediately-­‐sized  fish  not  amenable  to  whole-­‐body  or   plasma   extraction   methods.   Fish   Physiology   and   Biochemistry.   DOI  10.1007/s10695-­‐015-­‐0111-­‐4.  Published  online  6  Aug  2015.  

Manley,  C.  B.,  Rakocinski,  C.  F.,  Lee,  P.  G.,  and  R.  B.  Blaylock.  2015.  Feeding  frequency  mediates  aggression  and  cannibalism  in  larval  hatchery-­‐reared  spotted  seatrout,  Cynoscion  nebulosus.  Aquaculture  437:155-­‐160.  

Blaylock,   R.   B.,   and   S.   A.   Bullard.   2014.   Counter-­‐insurgents   of   the   blue   revolution?  Parasites  and  diseases  affecting  aquaculture  and  science.  Journal  of  Parasitology  100:743-­‐755.    

Jackson,  L.  A.,  C.  F.  Rakocinski,  and  R.  B.  Blaylock.  2014.  Previous  exposure  to  novel  prey  improves   the   feeding   success   of   hatchery-­‐reared   spotted   seatrout,   Cynoscion  nebulosus   (Cuvier,   1830)   within   habitat   structure.   Aquaculture   Research   DOI:  10.1111/are.12438.  

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Manley,   C.   B.,   Rakocinski,   C.   F.,   Lee,   P.   G.,   and  R.   B.   Blaylock.   2014.   Stocking   density  effects   on   aggressive   and   cannibalistic   behaviors   in   larval   hatchery-­‐reared  spotted  seatrout,  Cynoscion  nebulosus.  Aquaculture  420-­‐421:89-­‐94.  

Masson,   I.,   Lotz,   J.  M.,   and  R.   B.   Blaylock.   2013.   Population  model   for  Amyloodinium  ocellatum   infecting   the   spotted   seatrout   Cynoscion   nebulosus   and   the   red  snapper  Lutjanus  campechanus.  Diseases  of  Aquatic  Organisms  106:139-­‐148.  

Picón-­‐Camacho,   S.   M.,   Thompson,   W.   P.,   Blaylock,   R.   B.,   and   J.   M.   Lotz.   2013.  Development   of   a   rapid   assay   to   detect   the   dinoflagellate   Amyloodinium  ocellatum   using   loop-­‐mediated   isothermal   amplification   (LAMP).   Veterinary  Parasitology  196:265-­‐271.  

Wagner,   J.   P.,   Blaylock,   R.   B.,   and   M.   S.   Peterson.   2013.   Evaluation   of   internal   tag  performance   in   hatchery-­‐reared   juvenile   spotted   seatrout,   North   American  Journal  of  Fisheries  Management  33:783-­‐789.  

Jackson.  L.,  C.  F.  Rakocinski,  and  R.  B.  Blaylock.  2013.  Feeding  performance  of   juvenile  hatchery-­‐reared  spotted  seatrout  Cynoscion  nebulosus  (Cuvier,  1830).  Journal  of  Fish  Biology  82:1032-­‐1036.  

Masson,  I.,  Blaylock,  R.  B.,  and  J.  M.  Lotz.  2011.  Susceptibility  and  tolerance  of  spotted  seatrout,   Cynoscion   nebulosus,   and   red   snapper,   Lutjanus   campechanus,   to  experimental   infections   with   Amyloodinium   ocellatum.   Journal   of   Parasitology  97:577-­‐585.    

 Lemus,  J.  T.,  Blaylock,  R.  B.,  Apeitos,  A.,  and  J.  M.  Lotz.    2010.    Short-­‐term  effects  of  first-­‐

prey   type   and   number   on   survival   and   growth   of   intensively   cultured   spotted  seatrout,   Cynoscion   nebulosus   (Sciaenidae)   larvae.   Journal   of   the   World  Aquaculture  Society  41:455-­‐463.    

 Blaylock,   R.   B.,   R.   M.   Overstreet,   and   A.   Morton.     2005.   The   pathogenic   copepod  

Phrixocephalus   cincinnatus   (Copepoda:   Pennellidae)   in   the   eye   of   arrowtooth  flounder,  Atherestes  stomias,  and  rex  sole,  Glyptocephalus  zachirus,  from  British  Columbia.    Bulletin  of  the  European  Association  of  Fish  Pathologists  25:73-­‐80.  

 Blaylock,   Reginald   B.,   Stephen   A.   Bullard,   Christopher   M.   Whipps.     2004.   Kudoa  

hypoepicardialis   n.   sp.   (Myxozoa:   Kudoidae)   and   associated   lesions   from   the  heart   of   seven   perciform   fishes   in   the   northern   Gulf   of   Mexico.     Journal   of  Parasitology  90:584-­‐593.  

 Blaylock,   R.   B.,   L.   Margolis,   and   J.   C.   Holmes.     2003.   The   use   of   parasites   in  

discriminating  stocks  of  Pacific  halibut,  Hippoglossus  stenolepis,  in  the  northeast  

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Pacific.  Fishery  Bulletin  101:1-­‐9.    

Blaylock,   R.   B.,   and   R.   M.   Overstreet.     2003.     Diseases   and   parasites   of   the   spotted  seatrout.    In    Biology  of  the  spotted  seatrout,  S.  A.  Bortone  (ed).    CRC  Press,  Boca  Raton,  pp.  197-­‐225.  

 Blaylock,  Reginald  B.,  Robin  M.  Overstreet,  and  Maren  A.  Klich.    2001.    Mycoses  in  red  

snapper   (Lutjanus   campechanus)   caused   by   two   deuteromycete   fungi  (Penicillium   corylophilum   and   Cladosporium   sphaerospermum).     Hydrobiologia  460:221-­‐228.  

 Blaylock,   R.   B.,   and   R.  M.  Overstreet.     1999.    Margolisianum  bulbosum   n.   gen.   n.   sp.  

(Nematoda:   Philometridae)   from   southern   flounder   Paralichthys   lethostigma  (Teleostei:   Bothidae)   from   Mississippi   Sound,   USA.     Journal   of   Parasitology  85:306-­‐312.  

 Blaylock,  R.  B.,  L.  Margolis,  and  J.  C.  Holmes.    1998.    Zoogeography  of  the  parasites  of  

Pacific   halibut   (Hippoglossus   stenolepis)   in   the   northeast   Pacific.     Canadian  Journal  of  Zoology  76:2262-­‐2273.    

 Blaylock,   R.   B.,   J.   C.  Holmes,   and   L.  Margolis.     1998.     The   parasites   of   Pacific   halibut,  

Hippoglossus   stenolepis,   in   the   northeast   Pacific:     host-­‐level   influences.    Canadian  Journal  of  Zoology  76:536-­‐547.  

 Margolis,  L.,   J.  M.  Groff,  S.  C.   Johnson,  T.  E.  McDonald,  M.  L.  Kent,  and  R.  B.  Blaylock.    

1997.     Helminth   parasites   of   sea   otters   (Enhydra   lutris)   from   Prince   William  Sound,  Alaska,  comparisons  with  other  populations  of  sea  otters,  and  comments  on   the   origin   of   their   parasites.     Journal   of   the   Helminthological   Society   of  Washington  64:161-­‐168.  

 Johnson,  S.  C.,  R.  B.  Blaylock,  J.  Elphick,  and  K.  D.  Hyatt.    1996.    Disease  caused  by  the  

salmon   louse   Lepeophtheirus   salmonis   (Copepoda:     Caligidae)   in   wild   sockeye  salmon  (Oncorhynchus  nerka)  stocks  of  Alberni  Inlet,  British  Columbia.  Canadian  Journal  of  Fisheries  and  Aquatic  Sciences  53:2888-­‐2897.  

 Blaylock,   R.   B.,   J.   C.   Holmes,   and   L.   Margolis.     The   parasites   of   Pacific   halibut,  

Hippoglossus   stenolepis,   in   the   northeast   Pacific:   the   effect   of   spatial   scale.    Canadian  Journal  of  Zoology  (in  preparation).  

 Secondary  Publications:    

Picón-­‐Camacho,  S.  M.,  Masson,  I.,  Blaylock,  R.  B.,  and  J.  M.  Lotz.  2013.  Advances  in  the  

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diagnosis  and  management  of  amyloodiniosis  in  intensive  fish  culture.  In  Rust,  m.  et  al.  (editors),  Proceedings  of  the  40th  UJNR  Aquaculture  Panel  Symposium,  22-­‐23  October  2012,  Honolulu,  HI.  NOAA  Technical  Memorandum  NMFS-­‐F/SPO-­‐136,  pp.  99-­‐106.  

   Jernand,   J.  M.   [sic],   Hightower,   P.,   and  R.   B.   Blaylock.   2011.  Geotextile   bags   enhance  

effluent  management  in  demo  aquaculture  system.  Global  Aquaculture  Advocate  14(6):56-­‐59.  

 Ebeling,   J.   E.,  Blaylock,  R.   B.,  Drennan,  D.  G.,   and  M.  B.   Timmons.   2008.     Engineering  

Design  of  a  Commercial  Spotted  Seatrout  Recirculating  Aquaculture  Production  System.     Aquacultural   Engineering   Society   Proceedings   VI,   July   23-­‐24,   2008,  Roanoke,  VA,  pp.  8-­‐28.  

 Blaylock,   Reginald   B.,   Angelos   Apeitos,   Jason   T.   Lemus,   and   Jeffrey   M.   Lotz.     2006.    

Culture   of   spotted   seatrout   Cynoscion   nebulosus   in   a   closed,   recirculating  system.       In  Stickney,  R.  et  al.  (editors),  Aquaculture  and  Stock  Enhancement  of  Finfish.     Proceedings   of   the   Thirty-­‐Fourth   U.S.   Japan   Aquaculture   Panel  Symposium,     San   Diego,   CA,   7-­‐9   November,   2005.     NOAA   Technical  Memorandum  NMFS-­‐F/SPO-­‐85,  pp.  5-­‐11.        

 Blaylock,   R.   B.   and   D.   S.   Whelan.     2004.     Fish   health   management   for   offshore  

aquaculture   in   the   Gulf   of   Mexico.   In   C.   J.   Bridger   (ed.)   Efforts   to   develop   a  responsible  offshore  aquaculture  industry  in  the  Gulf  of  Mexico:  A  compendium  of  Offshore  Aquaculture  Consortium  Research.      Mississippi-­‐Alabama  Sea  Grant  Consortium,  Ocean  Springs,  MS.  MASGP-­‐04-­‐029,  pp.  129-­‐162.  

 Blaylock,   R.   B.,   R.   M.   Overstreet,   and   J.   M.   Lotz.     2001.   Health   management   in   red  

snapper   (Lutjanus   campechanus)   culture.   Bulletin   of   the   National   Research  Institute  of  Aquaculture,  Supplement  5:5-­‐9.  

 Blaylock,  R.  B.,  K.  M.  Leber,  J.  M.  Lotz,  K.  C.  Stuck,  and  D.  A.  Ziemann.    2000.    The  US  Gulf  

of   Mexico   Marine   Stock   Enhancement   Program   (USGMMSEP):   the   use   of  aquaculture   technology   in   “responsible”   stock   enhancement.   Bulletin   of   the  Aquaculture  Association  of  Canada  100-­‐3:16-­‐22.  

 Blaylock,  R.  B.  and  R.  M.  Overstreet.    1998.    Book  Review:  Fish  Diseases  and  Disorders,  

Volume  1:  Protozoan  and  Metazoan  Infections  (edited  by  P.T.K.  Woo).    Journal  of  Wildlife  Diseases  34:416.  

 Johnson,  S.  C.  and  R.  B.  Blaylock.    1997.    Obituary:    Dr.  Leo  Margolis.    World  Aquaculture  


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 Blaylock,   R.   B.   and   L.   Margolis.     1996.     The   association   between   stress   and  

parasitism/disease   in   sockeye   salmon,  Oncorhynchus   nerka:     a   brief   overview  with   special   reference   to   temperature.     In   K.   Hyatt   and   C.   Robinson   (eds.)  Comparing  and  contrasting  sockeye  salmon  return  migrations   in  the  Fraser  and  Somass   rivers.   Canadian   Technical   Report   in   Fisheries   and  Aquatic   Sciences   (in  press).  

 Blaylock,  R.  B.,  L.  Margolis,  and  J.  C.  Holmes.    1996.    A  progress  report  on  the  study  of  

parasites   of   Pacific   halibut.   In   Report   of   Assessment   and   Research   Activities  1995,  International  Pacific  Halibut  Commission,  Seattle,  WA,  pp.  221-­‐223.    

 Blaylock,   R.   B.,   L.   Margolis,   and   J.   C.   Holmes.     1995.     Parasites,   Pacific   halibut,   and  

zoogeography.   In   Report   of   Assessment   and   Research   Activities   1994,  International  Pacific  Halibut  Commission,  Seattle,  WA,  pp.  223-­‐224.  

 Blaylock,  R.  B.,   L.  Margolis,   and   J.  C.  Holmes.    1994.    Parasites  and  Pacific  halibut.     In  

Report  of  Assessment  and  Research  Activities  1993,  International  Pacific  Halibut  Commission,  Seattle,  WA.  

 Blaylock,  Reginald.    1993.    Pacific  halibut  parasite  study.     In  Report  of  Assessment  and  

Research  Activities  1992,   International  Pacific  Halibut  Commission,  Seattle,  WA,  pp.  233-­‐234.  

 Blaylock,  Reginald  B.,  L.  Margolis,  and  J.  C.  Holmes.    1992.    Parasites  and  Pacific  halibut:  

a   preliminary   report.     In   Report   of   Assessment   and   Research   Activities   1991,  International  Pacific  Halibut  Commission,  Seattle,  WA,  pp.  243-­‐246.  

 Blaylock,  Reginald  B.,  and  D.  J.  Marcogliese.    1986.    Selenium  accumulation  in  the  fish  

tapeworm  Bothriocephalus  acheilognathi  with  notes  on  its  population  biology  in  a  variety  of   freshwater  fish.    CANCAS,  the   journal  of  the  Collegiate  Academy  of  the  North  Carolina  Academy  of  Sciences  32:75-­‐86.  

 Conference  Abstracts:    

Blaylock,  R.  B.,  Lotz,  J.M.,  Muhammad,  M.,  and  S.  Curran.  2016.  Role  of  reservoir  hosts  in   the   maintenance   of   WSSV   in   the   northern   Gulf   of   Mexico.   Asia-­‐Pacific  Aquaculture,  26-­‐29  April,  Surabaya,  Indonesia.  

 Lotz,   J.,   Muhammad,  M.,   Curran,   S.,   and  R.   Blaylock.   2016.   Reservoirs   of  White   spot  

syndrome   virus   in   the   northern   Gulf   of   Mexico.   Aquaculture   2016,   22-­‐26  February,  Las  Vegas,  NV.  

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 Blaylock,  R.  B.,  Daw,  A.,  Saillant,  E.A.,  and  J.  Lotz.  2016.  Optimizing  protocols  for  using  

copepods  as  live  feeds.  Aquaculture  2016,  22-­‐26  February,  Las  Vegas,  NV.    Blaylock,  R.  B.,  Cuevas,  K.  J.,  Evans  A.  N.,  Guest,  T.  W.,  Jackson,  L.  A.,  Rakocinski,  C.  F.,  

and   E.   A.   Saillant.   2015.   Hatchery   related   effects   on   post-­‐release   survival   of  spotted   seatrout   Cynoscion   nebulosus.   5th   International   Symposium   on   Stock  Enhancement  and  Sea  Ranching,  11-­‐14  October,  Sydney,  Australia.  

 Blaylock,  R.,  Cuevas,  K.  J.,  Evans,  A.  E.,  Guest,  T.  W.,  Jackson,  L.  A.,  Rakocinski,  C.  F.,  and  

E.  Saillant.  2015.  Assessment  of  factors  affecting  post-­‐release  survival  of  spotted  seatrout  Cynoscion  nebulosus.  World  Aquaculture  2015,  26-­‐30  May,  Jeju,  Korea.  

Daw,  A.,  Apeitos,  A.,  Blaylock,  R.,  and  E.  Saillant.  2015.  A  comparison  of  Parvocalanus  crassirostris  and  Acartia  tonsa  nauplii  as  initial  preys  for  intensively  cultured  red  snapper   Lutjnaus   campechanus   larvae.   Aquaculture   America   2015,   19-­‐22   Feb,  New  Orleans,  LA.  

Daw,  A.,  Sarkisian-­‐Dieterich,  B.,  and  R.  Blaylock.  2015.  The  effect  of  temperature  on  the  development  rate  of  the  copepods  Parvocalanus  crassirostris  and  Acartia  tonsa:  implications   for   their   culture   and   use   as   larval   fish   food.   Aquaculture   America  2015,  19-­‐22  Feb,  New  Orleans,  LA.    

Guest,  T.,  Blaylock,  R.,  Evans,  A.,  and  C.  Rakocinski.  2015.  Effects  of  hatchery  and  release  practices   on   post-­‐release   success   of   spotted   seatrout   Cynoscion   nebulosus.  Aquaculture  America  2015,  19-­‐22  Feb,  New  Orleans,  LA.  

Saillant,   E.,   Bardon-­‐Albaret,   A.,   Apeitos,   A.,   Lee,   M.,   Blaylock,   R.,   and   J.   Lotz.   2015.  Production   of   juvenile   red   snapper   for   release   on   Mississippi   artificial   reefs.  Aquaculture  America  2015,  19-­‐22  Feb,  New  Orleans,  LA.  

Sarkisian-­‐Dieterich,  B.,  Daw,  A.,  Flaherty,  E.,  Blaylock,  R.,  and  E.  Saillant.  2015.  Effect  of  algal  diet  on  egg  production  and  hatching  success  of  the  copepod  Acartia  tonsa  in  a   large-­‐scale  production  system.  Aquaculture  America  2015,  19-­‐22  Feb,  New  Orleans,  LA.  

Grimes,   D.   J.,   R.   B.   Blaylock,   J.   M.   Lotz   and   E.   A.   L.   Saillant.   2014.   Vibriosis   in  aquacultured  red  snapper.  Vibrio  2014,  Edinburgh,  Scotland.    

Grimes,   D.   J.,   R.   B.   Blaylock,   J.   M.   Lotz,   and   E.   A.   L.   Saillant.   2014.   Vibriosis   in  aquacultured   red   snapper.   7th   International   Symposium   on   Aquatic   Animal  Health,  31  Aug  –  4  Sept.,  Portland,  OR.    

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Guest,   T.W.,   Evans,   A.N.,   Rakocinski,   C.F.,  Blaylock,   R.B.   2014.   Elucidating   impacts   of  pre-­‐release  physical  stressors  on  post-­‐release  success  of  hatchery-­‐reared  spotted  seatrout.  144th  Meeting  of  the  American  Fisheries  Society,  Quebec  City,  Canada,  August  2014.    

Guest,   T.W.,   Evans,   A.N.,   Rakocinski,   C.F.,   Blaylock,   R.B.   2014.   How   do   stressors  associated  with   stock  enhancement  processes   affect   stress   response  and  post-­‐release   success  of   spotted   seatrout?  Bays   and  Bayous   Symposium,  Mobile,  AL,  December  2014.    

Manley,   C.,   Rakocinski,   C.,   Lee,   P.,   and   R.   Blaylock.   2014.The   relationship   between  feeding   frequency   and   aggressive   behaviors   in   larval   hatchery-­‐reared   spotted  seatrout,   Cynoscion   nebulosus.   Aquaculture   America   2014,   9-­‐12   February,  Seattle,  WA.    

Manley,   C.,   Rakocinski,   C.,   Lee,   P.,   and   R.   Blaylock.   2014.   Manipulating   feeding  frequency   and   stocking   density   to   reduce   aggression   and   cannibalism   in   large-­‐scale   production   of   hatchery-­‐reared   spotted   seatrout,   Cynoscion   nebulosus.  Aquaculture  America  2014,  9-­‐12  February,  Seattle,  WA.    

Manley,   C.,   Rakocinski,   C.,   Lee,   P.,   and  R.   Blaylock.   2014.   Using   feeding   frequency   to  reduce   cannibalism   and   aggression   in   larval   hatchery-­‐reared   spotted   seatrout  (Cynoscion   nebulosus).   2014   Spring   Meeting   Southern   Division   American  Fisheries  Society,  22-­‐26  January,  Charleston,  SC.    

Apeitos,  A.,  Lemus,   J.  T.,  King,  N.,  Lee,  M.  S.,  Manning,  C.  S.,  and  R.  B.  Blaylock.  2013.  The   effect   of   early   weaning   on   growth   and   survival   of   cobia   Rachycentron  canadum   larvae   in   intensive   recirculating   systems.   Aquaculture   2013,   21-­‐25  February,  Nashville,  TN,  p.  50.  Poster.  

Blaylock,  R.,  Joesting,  H.,  Biber,  P.,  and  D.  Drennan.  2013.  Remediation  and  recycling  of  effluent   from   intensive   marine   recirculating   aquaculture   systems.   Aquaculture  Europe  2013,  9-­‐12  August,  Trondheim,  Norway,  p.  69.  Poster.  

Blaylock,   R.   Lotz,   J.,   E.   Saillant.   2013.     The   seatrout   population   enhancement  cooperative   (SPEC):   an   example   of   a   multi-­‐agency   partnership   for   stock  enhancement  in  Mississippi.  Aquaculture  2013,  21-­‐25  February,  Nashville,  TN,  p.  105.    

Guerdat,   T.   C.,   Ebeling,   J.  M.  Kopache,   E.,   and  R.  B.  Blaylock.   2013.  Managing  marine  recirculating   aquaculture   system   effluent   using   a   multi-­‐trophic   approach.  Aquaculture  2013,  21-­‐25  February,  Nashville,  TN,  p.  104.    

Guest,  T.  W.,  Evans,  A.  E.,  Rakocinski,  C.  F.,  and  R.  B.  Blaylock.  2013.  The  Effects  of  Pre-­‐

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Release   Anthropogenic   Stressors   and   Subsequent   Stress   Response   on   Post-­‐Release  Hatchery-­‐Reared  Spotted  Seatrout.  Proceedings  of  the  Graduate  Student  Symposium  (GSS);  April  5-­‐7,  2013;  Ocean  Springs,  MS.    

Joesting,  H.  M.,  Biber,  P.,  and  R.  Blaylock.  2013.  Shrimp  biofloc  solids  as  an  alternative  to   commercial   fertilizer   in   coastal   salt   marsh   plant   nursery   production.  Aquaculture  2013,  21-­‐25  February,  Nashville,  TN,  p.  517.    

Joesting,  H.,  Biber,  P.,  Blaylock,  R.,  and  D.  Drennan.  2013.  Using  salt  marsh  plants  in  the  phytoremediation   of   liquid   effluent   in   enhanced   marine   recirculating  aquaculture   systems.   Aquaculture   2013,   21-­‐25   February,  Nashville,   TN,   p.   518.  Poster.  

Manley,  C.,  Rakocinski  C.,  Lee,  P.,  and  R.  Blaylock.  2013.  A  Threshold  Stocking  Density  Affects  Aggression  and  Cannibalism  in  Larval  Hatchery-­‐Reared  Spotted  Seatrout.  Graduate  Student  Symposium.  6-­‐7  April,  Ocean  Springs  MS.    

Manley,   C.   B.,   Lee,   P.   G.,   Rakocinski,   C.   F.,   and   R.   B.   Blaylock.   2013.   The   effect   of  stocking   density   on   aggressive   and   cannibalistic   behaviors   in   larval   hatchery-­‐reared   spotted   seatrout,   Cynoscion   nebulosus.   Aquaculture   2013,   21-­‐25  February,  Nashville,  TN,  p.  684.    

Manley,   C.   B.,   Lee,   P.   G.,   Rakocinski,   C.   F.,   and  R.   B.   Blaylock.   2013.   The   relationship  among   stocking   density,   growth,   survival,   and   cannibalistic   or   aggressive  behaviors   in   intensively   cultured   spotted   seatrout  Cynoscion   nebulosus.   Asian-­‐Pacific   Aquaculture   2013,   10-­‐12   December,   Ho   Chi  Minh   City,   Vietnam,   p.   45.  Contributed,  oral.  

 Ebeling,  J.  M.,  P.  G.  Hightower,  E.  Kopache,  D.  G.  Drennan  II,  and  R.  B.  Blaylock.  2012.  

Marine  aquaculture  waste  management  demonstration  system  using  geotextile  bags.  Aquaculture  America  2012,  29  Feb  –  2  March,  Las  Vegas,  NV.    

 Picón-­‐Camacho,  S.  M.,  R.  B.  Blaylock,  and  J.  M.  Lotz.  2012.  Development  of  a  rapid  assay  

using   loop-­‐mediated   isothermal   amplification   (LAMP)   to   detect   the  dinoflagellate  Amyloodinium  ocellatum   in  water   samples.  Aqua  2012,  1-­‐5  Sept.  Prague,  Czech  Republic.    

 Lee,  P.  G.,  R.  Blaylock,   E.   Saillant,   and   J.   Lotz.  2012.    Marine   fish  hatchery   technology  

and   research   at   the   Thad   Cochran  Marine   Aquaculture   Center.   40th   U.S.-­‐Japan  Natural  Resources  Aquaculture  Panel  Symposium,  22-­‐23  Oct.,  Honolulu,  HI.    

 Picón-­‐Camacho,  S.  M.,  I.  Masson,  R.  Blaylock*,  and  J.  Lotz.  2012.  Advances  in  diagnosis  

and   management   of   amyloodiniosis   in   intensive   fish   culture.   40th   U.S.-­‐Japan  

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Natural  Resources  Aquaculture  Panel  Symposium,  22-­‐23  Oct.,  Honolulu,  HI.      Jackson,   L.   L.,   Rakocinski,   C.   F.,   and   R.   B.   Blaylock.   2011.   Hatchery-­‐reared   juvenile  

spotted   seatrout,   Cynoscion   nebulosus,   can   learn   to   forage   effectively   on   live  natural   prey.   4th   International   Symposium   on   Stock   Enhancement   and   Sea  Ranching,  21-­‐23  April,  Shanghai,  China,  p.  71.  Poster.  

 Blaylock,  R.,   Littleton,   L.,  Wagner,   J.,   Lotz,   J.,   and  C.  Rakocinski.  2010.  Optimization  of  

spotted   seatrout   stock   enhancement   in   Mississippi:   transitioning   from   the  hatchery  to  the  field.  Aquaculture  2010,  1-­‐5  March,  San  Diego,  CA,  p.  113.    

 Apeitos,  A.,   Lemus,   J.T.,  and  R.  B.  Blaylock.  2010.  Advances   in   intensive  production  of  

fingerling   spotted   seatrout   Cynoscion   nebulosus   at   the   Gulf   Coast   Research  Laboratory.  Aquaculture  2010,  1-­‐5  March,  San  Diego,  CA,  p.  47.    

 Ebeling,   J.  M.  and  R.  B.  Blaylock.   2010.  Marine  aquaculture  waste  management  using  

geotextile   bags:   a   design   study.   Aquaculture   Europe   2010,   5-­‐8  October,   Porto,  Portugal,  p.  1452.  Poster.  

 Masson,   I.,  Blaylock,   R.   and   J.   Lotz.   2009.   Vital   rates   of   the   life   history   stages   of   the  

parasitic  dinoflagellate  Amyloodinium  ocellatum.  84th  Annual  Meeting,  American  Society  of  Parasitologists,  14-­‐17  Aug,  Knoxville,  TN,  pp.  115-­‐116.  Poster.  

 Littleton,   L,   Rakocinski,   C.   and   R.   Blaylock.   2009.   Differences   in   feeding   success   on  

natural  prey  between  hatchery-­‐reared  and  wild  juvenile  spotted  seatrout.  139th  Meeting,  American  Fisheries  Society,  30  Aug  –  3  Sept,  Nashville,  TN,  Abstract  No.  0372.    

 Wagner,  J,  Blaylock,  R.,  Lotz,  J.,  and  M.  Peterson.  2009.  Performance  of  coded-­‐wire  and  

visible  implant  tags  in  hatchery-­‐reared  juvenile  spotted  seatrout.  139th  Meeting,  American  Fisheries  Society,  30  Aug  –  3  Sept,  Nashville,  TN,  Abstract  No.  0102..  

 Lemus,  J.,  Lee,  M.,  Snawder,  J.,  de  la  Calzada,  R.,  Apeitos,  A.,  Littleton,  L.,  Homan,  A.,  and  

R.   Blaylock.   2009.   Progress   in   intensive   culture   of   Acartia   tonsa   (Copepoda:  Calanoida)  at  the  Gulf  Coast  Research  Laboratory.  World  Aquaculture  2009,  25-­‐29  Sept.,  Veracruz,  Mexico,  p.  147.    

 Masson,   I.,   Lotz,   J.   and  R.  Blaylock.   2009.   Susceptibility  of   spotted   seatrout  Cynoscion  

nebulosus   and   red   snapper   Lutjanus   campechanus   to  Amyloodinium   ocellatum  infections.  Aquaculture  America  2009,  15-­‐18  February,  Seattle,  WA.  

 Apeitos,  A.,  Lemus,  J.  T.  and  R.  B.  Blaylock.  2009.  Weaning  time  and  the  frequency  and  

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amount   of   Artemia   in   spotted   seatrout   Cynoscion   nebulosus   larviculture.  Aquaculture  America  2009,  15-­‐18  February,  Seattle,  WA.  Poster.  

 Wagner,  J.  P.,  Blaylock,  R.  B.,  Lotz,  J.  M.  and  M.  S.  Peterson.  2009.  Evaluation  of  internal  

tag   performance   in   hatchery-­‐reared   juvenile   spotted   seatrout,   Cynoscion  nebulosus.   Annual   Meeting,   Mississippi   Chapter   of   the   American   Fisheries  Society,  11-­‐13  February,  Biloxi,  MS,  p.  38.  

 Littleton,  L.  A.,  Rakocinski,  C.  F.  and  R.  B.  Blaylock.  2009.  Differences  in  feeding  success  

on  natural  prey  between  hatchery-­‐reared  and  wild  spotted  seatrout  (Cynoscion  nebulosus).  Spring  Meeting,  Southern  Division  of  the  American  Fisheries  Society,  15-­‐18  January,  New  Orleans,  LA,  p.  63.  

 Masson,  I.,  Lotz,  J.  M.  and  R.  B.  Blaylock.  2008.  Development  of  a  population  model  for  

Amyloodinium   ocellatum   infecting   spotted   seatrout   Cynoscion   nebulosus.  Aquaculture  America  2008,  9-­‐12  Feb,  Orlando,  FL.    

     Blaylock,  R.  B.,  Hawkins,  W.  E.,  Lemus,  J.  T.,  Lotz,  J.  M.,  and  L.  C.  Nicholson.  2008.  Stock  

enhancement   activities   at   the   Gulf   Coast   Research   Laboratory.   World  Aquaculture  2008,  19-­‐23  May,  Busan,  Korea.    

 Blaylock,   R.   B.,   Schesny,   A,   Apeitos,   A.   Lemus,   J.   T.,   and   J.   M.   Lotz.     2007.   Intensive  

rearing  of   spotted   seatrout,  Cynoscion  nebulosus,   for   release   in  Mississippi.   3rd  International   Sustainable   Marine   Fish   Culture   Conference,   15-­‐17   October,   Ft.  Pierce,  FL,  p.  4.    

 Lemus,  J.  T.,  Apeitos,  A.,  Blaylock,  R.  B.,  Lotz,  J.  M.,  and  W.  E.  Hawkins.    2007.  Culture  of  

red   snapper   Lutjanus   campechanus   at   the  Gulf   Coast   Research   Laboratory.   3rd  International   Sustainable   Marine   Fish   Culture   Conference,   15-­‐17   October,   Ft.  Pierce,  FL,  p.  12.  

   Blaylock,  R.  B.,  Apeitos,  A.,  Schesny,  A,  Lemus,  J.  T.,  Lotz,  J.  M.,  and  W.  E.  Hawkins.  2007.    

The  Seatrout  Population  Enhancement  Cooperative   (SPEC):   intensive   rearing  of  Cynoscion   nebulosus   for   release   in   Mississippi.   Aquaculture   2007,   26   Feb   –   2  March,  San  Antonio,  TX.    

 Blaylock,   Reginald   B.   and   Jeffrey  M.   Lotz.     2006.     Using   stock   enhancement   to   judge  

fisheries  restoration  success.    3rd  National  Conference  on  Coastal  and  Estuarine  Habitat  Restoration,  9-­‐13  Dec,  New  Orleans,  LA,  p.  34.  

 Blaylock,   Reginald  B.,   Apeitos,   A.,   Lemus,   J.   T.,   and   J.  M.   Lotz.   2006.     Developing   the  

technology   for   intensive   rearing   of   spotted   seatrout   Cynoscion   nebulosus   for  

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stock  enhancement,  3rd  International  Symposium  on  Stock  Enhancement  and  Sea  Ranching,  18-­‐21  Sept,  Seattle,  WA.  Poster.  

 Apeitos,   A.,   Lemus,   J.   T.,  Blaylock,   R.   B.,   and   J.  M.   Lotz.     2006.     Intensive   rearing   of  

spotted   seatrout   Cynoscion   nebulosus   in   a   closed   recirculating   system.    Aquaculture  America,  13-­‐16  Feb,  Las  Vegas,  NV,  p.  12.  

 Lemus,   J.   T.,  Reginald  B.  Blaylock,   and   Jeffrey  M.   Lotz.    2006.    The  effect  of   first-­‐prey  

type   and   quantity   on   the   survival   and   size   of   spotted   seatrout   Cynoscion  nebulosus   (Sciaenidae)   larvae   in   small-­‐scale   experimental   tanks,   Aquaculture  America,  13-­‐16  Feb,  Las  Vegas,  NV,  p.  160.  

 Blaylock,   R.   B.,   Apeitos,   A.,   Lemus,   J.   T.,   and   J.   M.   Lotz.     2005.     Culture   of   spotted  

seatrout  Cynoscion  nebulosus  in  a  closed,  recirculating  system.    34th  U.  S.  –  Japan  Natural  Resource  Aquaculture  Panel,  7-­‐9  November,  San  Diego,  CA,  Paper  No.  5.    

 Apeitos,  A.,  Blaylock,  R.  B.,  Hawkins,  W.  E.,  Lotz,  J.  M.,  Leber,  K.  M.,  and  D.  A.  Ziemann.    

2005.  The  U.  S.  Gulf  of  Mexico  Marine  Stock  Enhancement  Program:    assessment  of   cultured   red   snapper   released   in   the   Gulf   of   Mexico.     American   Fisheries  Society,  12-­‐16  September,  Anchorage,  AK,  Abstract  No.  SO-­‐41-­‐03.  Trip  cancelled  due  to  Hurricane  Katrina.  

 Cook,   Joshua   O.,   Stephen   A.   Bullard,   Robin  M.   Overstreet,   and  Reginald   B.   Blaylock.    

2005.    Kudoa   sp.   from  brain   of   gulf   killifish   (Fundulus   grandis)   in   the   northern  Gulf  of  Mexico.    Mississippi  Academy  of   Sciences,  16-­‐18  February,  Oxford,  MS,  Abstract  No.  ABS-­‐104.  

 Blaylock,  Reginald  B.  and  Daryl  S.  Whelan.    2005.    Fish  health  management  for  offshore  

aquaculture   in   the   Gulf   of   Mexico,   Aquaculture   America,   17-­‐20   January,   New  Orleans,  LA,  p.  35.  

 Apeitos,  Angelos,  David  A.  Ziemann,  Jeffrey  M.  Lotz,  Reginald  B.  Blaylock,  and  Kenneth  

M.  Leber.    2005.    The  U.S.  Gulf  of  Mexico  Marine  Stock  Enhancement  Program:  Pilot  releases  of  hatchery-­‐reared  red  snapper  Lutjanus  campechanus  on  artificial  reefs  in  the  northern  Gulf  of  Mexico,  Aquaculture  America,  17-­‐20  January,  New  Orleans,  LA,  p.  10.    

 Ogle,   J.   T.,   Blaylock,   R.   B.,   and   J.M.   Lotz.     2003.     Culture   of   red   snapper,   Lutjanus  

campechanus,  larvae.    27th  Annual  Larval  Fish  Conference,  Santa  Cruz,  CA,  p.  82.      

Blaylock,  R.  B.,   S.   A.   Bullard,   and  C.  Whipps.     2002.     Patterns   in   pathological   changes  associated  with  Kudoa  spp.  from  the  pericardium  of  fishes   in  the  northern  Gulf  

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of  Mexico.    4th  International  Symposium  on  Aquatic  Animal  Health,  New  Orleans,  LA,  p.  38.      

 Blaylock,  R.  B.,  S.  A.  Bullard,  and  C.  Whipps.    2002.    Kudoa  spp.  from  the  pericardium  of  

fishes   in   the  northern  Gulf  of  Mexico:  emerging  pattern  or  anomalous   finding?    Impacts  of  Myxozoan  Parasites  in  Wild  and  Farmed  Finfish,  Nanaimo,  BC,  p.  33.  

 Blaylock,   Reginald   B.,   and   Jeffrey   M.   Lotz.     2002.     Habitat   preference   in   wild   and  

cultured  juvenile  red  snapper,  Lutjanus  campechanus.    World  Aquaculture  2002,  Beijing,  China,  p.  456.  

 Blackburn,   B.   R.,   R.   B.   Blaylock,   K.   M.   Leber,   J.   M.   Lotz,   and   D.   A.   Ziemann.     2001.    

Assessment  of  pilot  releases  of  red  snapper   in  the  Gulf  of  Mexico.    30th  Annual  U.S.  -­‐  Japan  Natural  Resources  Aquaculture  Panel  Meeting,  Sarasota,  FL,  p.  22.  

 Blaylock,  R.  B.,  R.  M.  Overstreet,  T.  K.  A.  Ogawa,  and  D.  A.  Ziemann.    2001.    Preliminary  

comparisons   of   health   among   juvenile  wild,   cultured,   and   released-­‐recaptured  red   snapper   (Lutjanus   campechanus).     American   Fisheries   Society   Fish   Health  Section,  Victoria,  BC,  Abstract  No.  37.  

 Blaylock,   R.   B.,   and   R.   M.   Overstreet.     2000.     Health   management   in   a   red   snapper  

Lutjanus  campechanus  enhancement  program.    Aquaculture  America  2000,  New  Orleans,  LA,  p.  28.  

 Blaylock,  R.  B.,  and  R.  M.  Overstreet.    1998.    Biologic  and  taxonomic  aspects  of  a  new  

philometrid   nematode.     73rd   Annual   Meeting   of   the   American   Society   of  Parasitologists,  Kona,  HI,  p.  83-­‐84.  

 Blaylock,  R.  B.,  J.  C.  Holmes,  and  L.  Margolis.    1996.    The  effects  of  host  age  and  size  on  

the  parasite  community  of  Pacific  halibut,  Hippoglossus  stenolepis.    71st  Annual  Meeting  of  the  American  Society  of  Parasitologists,  Tucson,  AZ,  p.104-­‐105.  

 Blaylock,  R.  B.,  J.  C.  Holmes,  and  L.  Margolis.    1995.    Local  and  regional  richness  in  the  

parasite   communities   of   Pacific   halibut,  Hippoglossus   stenolepis.     70th   Annual  Meeting  of  the  American  Society  of  Parasitologists,  Pittsburgh,  PA,  p.  63-­‐64.  

 Johnson,  S.  C.,  R.  B.  Blaylock,  J.  Elphick,  and  K.  D.  Hyatt.    1995.    Disease  caused  by  the  

salmon   louse   Lepeophtheirus   salmonis   (Copepoda:     Caligidae)   in   wild   sockeye  salmon   (Oncorhynchus   nerka)   stocks   of   Alberni   Inlet,   British   Columbia.     4th  International  Symposium  of  Ichthyoparasitology,  Munich,  Germany.    

 Blaylock,   R.   B.,   L.   Margolis,   and   J.   C.   Holmes.     1994.     Intestinal   helminths   of   Pacific  

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halibut   (Hippoglossus   stenolepis):     zoogeographic   considerations.     Eighth  International  Congress  of  Parasitology,  Izmir,  Turkey,  p.  226.    

 Blaylock,   R.   B.,   L.   Margolis,   and   J.   C.   Holmes.     1994.     Zoogeography   of   intestinal  

helminths   in  Pacific   halibut   (Hippoglossus   stenolepis).     69th  Annual  Meeting  of  the  American  Society  of  Parasitologists,  Ft.  Collins,  CO,  p.  62.  

 Blaylock,   R.   B.,   J.   C.   Holmes,   and   L.  Margolis.     1992.     Parasite   communities   in   Pacific  

halibut,   Hippoglossus   stenolepis:     Preliminary   pattern   analyses.     67th   Annual  Meeting  of  the  American  Society  of  Parasitologists,  Philadelphia,  PA,  p.  65.  

 Blaylock,   R.   B.   and   A.   G.   Canaris.     1989.    Metazoan   parasite   community   composition    

and  structure  of  the  killdeer,  Charadrius  vociferus  L.,  along  the  upper  Rio  Grande  Valley.     64th   Annual   Meeting   of   the   American   Society   of   Parasitologists,  Vancouver,  BC,  p.  47-­‐48.  

 Invited  Contributions:    

Apeitos,  A.,  Blaylock,  R.,  and  E.  Saillant.  2015.  Marine  stock  enhancement  at  the  Thad  Cochran   Marine   Aquaculture   Center.   Pine   Belt   Chapter,   Coast   Conservation  Association,  14  April,  Hattiesburg,  MS.  

 Blaylock,  R.    B.    2011.  Seatrout  Culture  and  Stock  Enhancement  Work  at  GCRL.  Seatrout  

Workshop,  Mississippi   Department   of  Marine   Resources,   16   November,   Biloxi,  MS.  

   Blaylock,   R.   B.     2011.   Marine   Aquaculture   Research   at   the   University   of   Southern  

Mississippi.  Departmental   Seminar,  Auburn  University,  Department  of  Fisheries  and  Allied  Aquacultures,  21  October,  Auburn,  AL.  

   Blaylock,   R.   B.   2008.   Seatrout   Population   Enhancement   Cooperative:   2008   Update.  

Seminar   to   Horn   Island   Chapter,   Coastal   Conservation   Association,   25  September,  Ocean  Springs,  MS.  

 Blaylock,   R.   B.   2008.   Seatrout   Population   Enhancement   Cooperative:   2007   Update.  

Mississippi  Marine  Fisheries  Workshop,  24  January,  Ocean  Springs,  MS.    Blaylock,  R.  B.    2005.    Report  on  SPEC  (Seatrout  Population  Enhancement  Cooperative)  

to  the  Mississippi  Commission  on  Marine  Resources,  19  July,  Biloxi,  MS.    Blaylock,   R.   B.     2005.   Progress   Report   on   SPEC   (Seatrout   Population   Enhancement  

Cooperative,  GCRL,  20  May.  

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 Blaylock,  R.  B.    2004.    Health  and  genetic  aspects  of  responsible  stock  enhancement,  A  

Road  Map   to  Seatrout  Stock  Enhancement,  Workshop,  13  May,  Ocean  Springs,  MS.  

 Blaylock,   R.   B.     2003.     Dead   fish   tell   many   tales:   augury,   parasitology,   and   marine  

science.    Department  of  Coastal  Sciences,  The  University  of  Southern  Mississippi.    24  July.    Seminar.  

 Ogle,   J.  T.,  R.  B.  Blaylock,  and   J.  M.  Lotz.    2003.    The  US  Gulf  of  Mexico  Marine  Stock  

Enhancement   Program   (GMSEP):   developing   the   techniques   for   culture   of   red  snapper,   Lutjanus   campechanus.     2003   Annual   Meeting,   Western   Division,  American  Fisheries  Society,  San  Diego,  CA,  Abstract  No.  5705.  

 Blaylock,   R.   B.     1999.   Fisheries   Science   Incognito.     Department   of   Biological   Sciences,  

University  of  Texas  at  El  Paso,  19  Nov.    Seminar    

Blaylock,  R.  B.    1999.  Fisheries  Science  Incognito.    Department  of  Marine  Biology,  Texas  A&M  University  at  Galveston,  1  June.  Seminar.  

 Blaylock,  R.  B.    1998.    Finding  your  niche.    Address  to  the  1998  National  Honor  Society  

Banquet,  9  April  1998,  Pisgah  High  School,  Canton,  NC.    

Moncreiff,  C.,  Peterson,  M.,  and  R.  Blaylock.    1997.    Guide  to  seminar  preparation.  Gulf  Coast   Research   Laboratory,   University   of   Southern   Mississippi.     Fall   Seminar  Series.  

 Blaylock,   R.   B.   and   L.   Margolis.     1995.     The   association   between   stress   and  

parasitism/disease   in   sockeye   salmon,  Oncorhynchus   nerka:     a   brief   overview  with   special   reference   to   temperature.    Workshop   comparing   and   contrasting  sockeye   salmon   return  migrations   in   the   Fraser   and   Somass   rivers,     23  August  1995,  Nanaimo,  BC.    

 Blaylock,   R.   B.     1994.     Have  worm....will   travel?     The   art   of   zoogeography.     Bamfield  

Marine  Station,  Bamfield,  BC.      Seminar  Series,  1994  Summer  Session.    Review  Panels:    

United  States  Geological  Survey  Employee  Review  Panel,  Anchorage,  AK,  16  September  2005.   Evaluated   8   U.S.G.S.   scientists   for   promotion   using   U.S.G.S.   guidelines.    Prepared   and   presented   a   detailed   analysis   of   the   credentials   of   2   of   the  candidates  for  promotion.  

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Blaylock.../17  Promotion  and  Tenure  Reviews:    

University  of  New  Hampshire,  Department  of  Biological  Sciences.  2015.  Evaluated  one  application  package  for  candidate’s  promotion  to  Research  Associate  Professor.  


Leadership   Jackson   County.   2011.   Year-­‐long   course   facilitating   partnerships   and  collaborations  among  business,  academic,  and  industrial  leaders.  Jackson  County  Chamber  of  Commerce.  

 Mississippi   Department   of   Marine   Resources,   Emergency   Disaster   Relief   Program,  

Aquaculture   Training   Course.   2010.   Team   taught   with   Jeff   Lotz.   Taught  fundamentals   of   aquaculture   to   interested   commercially-­‐licensed   fishers   in   a  single  4-­‐hour  Saturday  course.  

 NOAA-­‐USDA  National  Stakeholder  Meeting  on  Alternative  Feeds  in  Aquaculture,  30  April  

–  1  May  2009,  Silver  Spring,  MD.  Participant  in  panel  discussion.    Enhancing   Competitiveness   of   Sustainable  Marine   Aquaculture   in   the   United   States   –  

Addressing  Measurement  Barriers  to  Technological  Innovation.  Workshop.  13-­‐14  February  2008,  Orlando,  FL.  Participated  in  panel  on  development  of  a  roadmap  for  commercial,  land-­‐based  production  of  marine  fish.  

 Apeitos,   A.,   Blaylock,   R.   B.,   and   Lotz,   J.   M.   The   Seatrout   Poplulation   Enhancement  

Cooperative   (SPEC):   update   on   activities.     Presentation   to   2006  Workshop   on  Mississippi’s  Marine  Fisheries,  19  Dec  2006,  Ocean  Springs,  MS.    

 SPEC   Update.     Organized   a   meeting   of   local   scientists,   politicians,   and   lay   people   to  

present  an  update  on  SPEC  (Seatrout  Population  Enhancement  Cooperative),  20  May  2005,  GCRL.  

 A   Road  Map   to   Seatrout   Stock   Enhancement.     Workshop.     13   May   2004.     Gulf   Hills  

Resort,   Ocean   Springs.   Chaired   a   session   which   included   the   Keynote   Address  and   reviews   of   successful   stock   enhancement   programs.     Introduced   speakers  and  moderated  question  periods.  

Teaching:    Research.  COA  691/791.  Spring  2016.  Department  of  Coastal  Sciences,  The  University  of  

Southern  Mississippi.     Supervised  M.S.   and   Ph.D.   student   in   development   and  conduct  of  research  project.  Nine  total  credit  hours,  2  students.  

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 Research.   COA   691/791.   Fall   2015.   Department   of   Coastal   Sciences,   The  University   of  

Southern  Mississippi.     Supervised  M.S.   and   Ph.D.   student   in   development   and  conduct  of  research  project.  Eight  total  credit  hours,  2  students.  

 Special  Topics:    Advances  in  Marine  Aquaculture.    COA  690/790.  Fall  2015.  Department  

of  Coastal  Sciences,  The  University  of  Southern  Mississippi.      Graduate  discussion  class   on   developments   in   the   field   of  marine   aquaculture.   Two   students,   four  total  credit  hours.  

 Research.  COA  691/791.  Summer  2015.  Department  of  Coastal  Sciences,  The  University  

of  Southern  Mississippi.    Supervised  Ph.D.  student  in  development  and  conduct  of  research  project.  Three  total  credit  hours,  1  student.  

 Thesis.   COA   698.   Summer   2015.   Department   of   Coastal   Sciences,   The   University   of  

Southern  Mississippi.     Supervised  M.S.   student   in   preparation   of   thesis.   Three  credit  hours,  1  student.  

 Research.  COA  691/791.  Spring  2015.  Department  of  Coastal  Sciences,  The  University  of  

Southern  Mississippi.     Supervised  M.S.   and  Ph.D.   students   in  development  and  conduct  of  research  projects.  Twenty-­‐five  total  credit  hours,  3  students.  

 Thesis.   COA   698.   Spring   2015.   Department   of   Coastal   Sciences,   The   University   of  

Southern   Mississippi.     Supervised   M.S.   students   in   preparation   of   theses.   Six  credit  hours,  2  students.  

 Research.  COA  691/791.  Spring  2014.  Department  of  Coastal  Sciences,  The  University  of  

Southern  Mississippi.     Supervised  M.S.   and  Ph.D.   students   in  development  and  conduct  of  research  projects.  Forty  total  credit  hours,  4  students.  

 Thesis.   COA   698.   Spring   2014.   Department   of   Coastal   Sciences,   The   University   of  

Southern  Mississippi.    Supervised  M.S.  students  in  preparation  of  theses.  Six  total  credit  hours,  2  students.    

 Research.   COA   691/791.   Fall   2014.   Department   of   Coastal   Sciences,   The  University   of  

Southern  Mississippi.     Supervised  M.S.   and  Ph.D.   students   in  development  and  conduct  of  research  projects.  Twenty  total  credit  hours,  3  students.  

   Thesis.  COA  698.  Fall  2014.  Department  of  Coastal  Sciences,  The  University  of  Southern  

Mississippi.     Supervised  M.S.   student   in   preparation   of  Master’s   Thesis.   Three  credit  hours,  1  student.  


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Marine  Aquaculture.    COA  424/524.  Summer  2014.  Department  of  Coastal  Sciences,  The  University  of  Southern  Mississippi.      Team  taught  with  Jeff  Lotz  and  Eric  Saillant.  Lectured   and   examined   undergraduate   students   on   the   principles   and  technologies  applied  to  the  culture  of  commercially  important  marine  organisms.  Cancelled  due  to  low  enrollment.  

 Research.  COA  691/791.  Summer  2014.  Department  of  Coastal  Sciences,  The  University  

of  Southern  Mississippi.    Supervised  M.S.  and  Ph.D.  students  in  development  and  conduct  of  research  projects.  Five  total  credit  hours,  2  students.  

 Thesis.   COA   698.   Summer   2014.   Department   of   Coastal   Sciences,   The   University   of  

Southern  Mississippi.    Supervised  M.S.  student  in  preparation  of  Master’s  Thesis.  Three  credit  hours,  1  student.  

 Special   Topics:     Advances   in   Marine   Aquaculture.     COA   690/790.   Spring   2014.  

Department   of   Coastal   Sciences,   The   University   of   Southern   Mississippi.      Graduate  discussion   class  on  developments   in   the   field  of  marine  aquaculture.  Two  credit  hours.  Cancelled  due  to  low  enrollment.  

 Research.  COA  691/791.  Spring  2014.  Department  of  Coastal  Sciences,  The  University  of  

Southern  Mississippi.    Supervised  M.S.  students  in  development  and  conduct  of  research  projects.  Four  students,  40  total  credit  hours.  

 Thesis.   COA   698.   Spring   2014.   Department   of   Coastal   Sciences,   The   University   of  

Southern   Mississippi.     Supervised   M.S.   students   in   preparation   of   Master’s  Theses.  Two  students,  6  total  credit  hours.  

 Research.   COA   691/791.   Fall   2013.   Department   of   Coastal   Sciences,   The  University   of  

Southern  Mississippi.    Supervised  M.S.  students  in  development  and  conduct  of  research  projects.  Thirty  total  credit  hours,  3  students.  

 Thesis.  COA  698.  Fall  2013.  Department  of  Coastal  Sciences,  The  University  of  Southern  

Mississippi.     Supervised  M.S.   student   in   preparation   of  Master’s   Thesis.   Three  credit  hours,  1  student.  

 Special  Topics:    Advances  in  Marine  Aquaculture.    COA  690/790.  Fall  2013.  Department  

of  Coastal  Sciences,  The  University  of  Southern  Mississippi.      Graduate  discussion  class   on   developments   in   the   field   of   marine   aquaculture.   Two   credit   hours.  Offered,  but  did  not  make.  

 Research.  COA  691/791.  Summer  2013.  Department  of  Coastal  Sciences,  The  University  

of  Southern  Mississippi.    Supervised  M.S.  students  in  development  and  conduct  

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of  research  projects.  Two  students,  4  total  credit  hours.    Marine  Aquaculture.    COA  424/524.  Summer  2013.  Department  of  Coastal  Sciences,  The  

University  of  Southern  Mississippi.      Team  taught  with  Jeff  Lotz  and  Eric  Saillant.  Lectured   and   examined   undergraduate   students   on   the   principles   and  technologies  applied  to  the  culture  of  commercially  important  marine  organisms.  Three   credit   hour   course,   11  undergraduates   and  1   graduate   student.   36   total  credit  hours.  

 Marine  Aquaculture  Laboratory.    COA  424L/524L.  Summer  2013.  Department  of  Coastal  

Sciences,  The  University  of  Southern  Mississippi.      Team  taught  with  Jeff  Lotz  and  Eric   Saillant.   Precipitated   practical   laboratory   exercises   that   applied   the  principles  of  marine  aquaculture.   Three   credit  hour   course,   11  undergraduates  and  1  graduate  student.  36  total  credit  hours.  

 Research.  COA  691/791.  Spring  2013.  Department  of  Coastal  Sciences,  The  University  of  

Southern  Mississippi.    Supervised  M.S.  students  in  development  and  conduct  of  research  projects.  Thirty-­‐one  total  credit  hours,  3  students.  

 Special  Topics:    Advances  in  Marine  Aquaculture.    COA  690/790.  Fall  2012.  Department  

of  Coastal  Sciences,  The  University  of  Southern  Mississippi.      Graduate  discussion  class  on  developments  in  the  field  of  marine  aquaculture.  Three  students,  6  total  hours.  

 Research.   COA   691/791.   Fall   2012.   Department   of   Coastal   Sciences,   The  University   of  

Southern   Mississippi.     Supervised   M.S.   student   development   and   conduct   of  research  project.  Five  credit  hours,  1  student.  

 Marine  Aquaculture.    COA  424/524.  Summer  2012.  Department  of  Coastal  Sciences,  The  

University  of  Southern  Mississippi.      Team  taught  with  Jeff  Lotz  and  Eric  Saillant.  Lectured   and   examined   undergraduate   students   on   the   principles   and  technologies  applied  to  the  culture  of  commercially  important  marine  organisms.  Six  students,  18  total  credit  hours.  

 Marine  Aquaculture  Laboratory.    COA  424L/524L.  Summer  2012.  Department  of  Coastal  

Sciences,  The  University  of  Southern  Mississippi.      Team  taught  with  Jeff  Lotz  and  Eric   Saillant.   Precipitated   practical   laboratory   exercises   that   applied   the  principles  of  marine  aquaculture.  Six  students,  18  total  credit  hours.  

 Special  Problems  in  Coastal  Sciences.  COA  692/792.  Spring  2012.  Department  of  Coastal  

Sciences,   The  University  of   Southern  Mississippi.   Supervised  a  Ph.D.   student   in  learning  techniques  in  recirculating  aquaculture.  Two  credit  hours,  1  student.  

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 Research.   COA   691/791.   Fall   2011.   Department   of   Coastal   Sciences,   The  University   of  

Southern   Mississippi.     Supervised   M.S.   student   development   and   conduct   of  research  project.  Seven  credit  hours,  1  student.  

 Special  Topics:    Advances  in  Marine  Aquaculture.    COA  690/790.  Fall  2011.  Department  

of  Coastal  Sciences,  The  University  of  Southern  Mississippi.      Graduate  discussion  class   on   developments   in   the   field   of   marine   aquaculture.   Three   students,   6  credit  hours.  

 Marine  Aquaculture.    COA  424/524.  Summer  2011.  Department  of  Coastal  Sciences,  The  

University  of  Southern  Mississippi.      Team  taught  with  Jeff  Lotz  and  Eric  Saillant.  Lectured   and   examined   undergraduate   students   on   the   principles   and  technologies  applied  to  the  culture  of  commercially  important  marine  organisms.  Six  students,  18  total  credit  hours.  

 Marine  Aquaculture  Laboratory.      COA  424/524L.  Summer  2011.  Department  of  Coastal  

Sciences,  The  University  of  Southern  Mississippi.      Team  taught  with  Jeff  Lotz  and  Eric   Saillant.   Precipitated   practical   laboratory   exercises   that   applied   the  principles  of  marine  aquaculture.  Six  students,  18  total  credit  hours.  

 Marine  Aquaculture.    COA  424/524.  Summer  2010.  Department  of  Coastal  Sciences,  The  

University   of   Southern  Mississippi.       Team   taught  with   Jeff   Lotz.   Lectured   and  examined  undergraduate  students  on  the  principles  and  technologies  applied  to  the  culture  of  commercially   important  marine  organisms.  Six  students,  18   total  credit  hours.  

 Marine  Aquaculture  Laboratory.    COA  424/524L.  Summer  2010.  Department  of  Coastal  

Sciences,   The  University   of   Southern  Mississippi.       Team   taught  with   Jeff   Lotz.  Precipitated  practical   laboratory  exercises   that  applied  the  principles  of  marine  aquaculture.    Six  students,  18  total  credit  hours  

 Thesis.  COA  698.  Fall  2009.  Department  of  Coastal  Sciences,  The  University  of  Southern  

Mississippi.    Supervised  M.S.  student  in  preparation  of  Master’s  Thesis.  Six  credit  hours,  1  student.  

 Research.   COA   691/791.   Fall   2009.   Department   of   Coastal   Sciences,   The  University   of  

Southern  Mississippi.     Supervised  M.S.   student   in  development  and  conduct  of  research  project.  Six  credit  hours,  1  student.  

 Special  Topics:    Advances  in  Marine  Aquaculture.  COA  690/790.    Fall  2009.  Department  

of  Coastal  Sciences,  The  University  of  Southern  Mississippi.      Team  taught  with  

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Eric   Saillant.   Organized   and   moderated   a   graduate   discussion   class   on  developments   in   the   field   of  marine   aquaculture.   Six   students,   18   total   credit  hours.  

 Research.  COA  691/791.  Summer  2009.  Department  of  Coastal  Sciences,  The  University  

of  Southern  Mississippi.    Supervised  M.S.  student  in  development  and  conduct  of  research  project.  Six  credit  hours,  1  student.  

 Research.  COA  691/791.  Spring  2009.  Department  of  Coastal  Sciences,  The  University  of  

Southern  Mississippi.     Supervised  M.S.   student   in  development  and  conduct  of  research  project.  Nine  credit  hours,  1  student.  

 Special  Problems:  Hatchery  Methods  in  Marine  Aquaculture.  COA  692/792.  Spring  2009.  

Department   of   Coastal   Sciences,   The   University   of   Southern   Mississippi.  Supervised   a   Ph.D.   student’s   participation   in   learning   hatchery   techniques   for  marine  aquaculture.  Two  credit  hours,  1  student.  

 Research.   COA   691/791.   Fall   2008.   Department   of   Coastal   Sciences,   The  University   of  

Southern  Mississippi.     Supervised  M.S.   student   in  development  and  conduct  of  research  project.  Nine  credit  hours,  I  student.  

 Special  Problems:  Design  and  Construction  of  RAS.  COA  692/792.  Fall  2008.  Department  

of   Coastal   Sciences,The  University   of   Southern  Mississippi.     Supervised   a   Ph.D.  student’s  participation  in  the  design  and  construction  of  recirculating  systems  for  marine  aquaculture.  Two  credit  hours,  1  student.  

 Research.  COA  691/791.  Summer  2008.  Department  of  Coastal  Sciences,  The  University  

of  Southern  Mississippi.    Supervised  M.S.  student  in  development  and  conduct  of  research  project.  Nine  credit  hours,  1  student.  

 Special   Problems:   Molecular   Techniques   in   Fisheries.   COA   692/792.     Summer   2008.  

Department   of   Coastal   Sciences,The   University   of   Southern   Mississippi.    Supervised   a   Ph.D.   student’s   project   on   testing   molecular   methods   for  identifying  populations  of  spotted  seatrout.  Three  credit  hours,  1  student.  

 Research.  COA  691/791.  Spring  2008.  Department  of  Coastal  Sciences,  The  University  of  

Southern  Mississippi.     Supervised  M.S.   student   in  development  and  conduct  of  research  project.  Two  credit  hours,  1  student.  

 Special   Topics:     Fisheries,   Societies   and   Aquaculture.     COA   690/790.     Spring   2008.  

Department   of   Coastal   Sciences,   The   University   of   Southern   Mississippi.      Organized  and  moderated  a  2-­‐hour  graduate  discussion  class  on  on  the  impacts  

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of   fisheries  and  aquaculture   from  a   societal  perspective.   Four   students,  8   total  credit  hours.  

 Special  Topics  in  Marine  Aquaculture.    COA  690/790.    Fall  2007.  Department  of  Coastal  

Sciences,  The  University  of  Southern  Mississippi.      Organized  and  moderated  a  2-­‐hour   graduate   discussion   class   on   current   topics   in   marine   aquaculture.   Two  students,  4  total  credit  hours.  

 Research.  COA  691/791.  Spring  2007.  Department  of  Coastal  Sciences,  The  University  of  

Southern  Mississippi.     Supervised  M.S.   student   in  development  and  conduct  of  research  project.  Three  credit  hours,  1  student.  

 Research.   COA   691/791.   Fall   2006.   Department   of   Coastal   Sciences,   The  University   of  

Southern   Mississippi.     Supervised   Ph.D.   student   development   and   conduct   of  research  project.  Five  credit  hours,  1  student.  

 Special  Topics  in  Marine  Aquaculture.    COA  690/790.    Fall  2006.  Department  of  Coastal  

Sciences,  The  University  of  Southern  Mississippi.      Organized  and  moderated  a  2-­‐hour   graduate   discussion   class   on   current   topics   in  marine   aquaculture.   Three  students,  6  total  credit  hours.  

 Research.  COA  691/791.  Summer  2006.  Department  of  Coastal  Sciences,  The  University  

of  Southern  Mississippi.    Supervised  Ph.D.  student  development  and  conduct  of  research  project.  Nine  credit  hours,  1  student.  

 Marine   Ichthyology.   Summer  2006.  Department  of  Coastal   Sciences,   The  University  of  

Southern   Mississippi.     The   “seedy”   side   of   Ichthyology,   a   one-­‐hour,   invited  seminar  on  aquaculture.  

 Marine   Science   I:   Oceanography.   Summer   2006.   Department   of   Coastal   Sciences,   The  

University   of   Southern  Mississippi.     Aquaculture:   Farming   the   sea,   a   one-­‐hour,  invited  seminar  on  the  use  of  the  ocean  in  food  production.  

 Research.  COA  691/791.  Spring  2006.  Department  of  Coastal  Sciences,  The  University  of  

Southern   Mississippi.     Supervised   Ph.D.   student   development   and   conduct   of  research  project.  Four  credit  hours.  

 Special   Problems   in   Fish   Histopathology.     COA   692/792.   Fall   2005.   Department   of  

Coastal   Sciences,   The   University   of   Southern  Mississippi.   Supervised   a   2-­‐credit  hour  independent  project  in  fish  histopathology  for  a  Ph.D.  student.    Resulted  in  a  written  evaluation  of  a  series  of  histopathological  slides.      


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Special  Problems  in  Aquaculture  Disease  Diagnosis  and  Treatment.    COA  692/792.  Spring  2004.    Department  of  Coastal   Sciences,   The  University  of   Southern  Mississippi.    One,  2-­‐hour  graduate  level  guest  lecture  on  select  viral  diseases  of  fish.    

 Special   Topics   in   Coastal   Sciences.     COA   690/790.   Fall   2004.     Department   of   Coastal  

Sciences,   The   University   of   Southern   Mississippi.   6-­‐credit   hour   independent  project  in  myxozoan  biology  for  a  M.S.  student.    Resulted  in  a  written  report  of  findings.      

 Special  Topics  in  Coastal  Sciences.    COA  491.  Summer  2003.    Independent  study  project  

on   ectoparasites   of   local   estuarine   fishes   for   an   upper-­‐level   undergraduate.    Resulted  in  manuscript  style  report  of  findings.  Five  credit  hours.  

 Coastal  Processes  II.    COA  602.  Spring  2002  -­‐  2004.  Department  of  Coastal  Sciences,  The  

University  of  Southern  Mississippi.    Graduate  level  lectures  and  examinations  on  Parasitism  and  Symbiosis.  

 Undergraduate  Interns:       Mississippi  Gulf  Coast  Community  College:       Yates,  William  –  Summer  2009       Broussard,  Sarah  –  Spring  2010       Broussard,  Sarah  –  Summer  2010       Juarez,  Christian  –  Spring  2010       Jones,  Cody  –  Spring  2011       Nanatovich,  Brent  –  Fall  2011       Department  of  Marine  Resources/Marine  Education  Center:       Connell,  Kevin  (co-­‐supervised  with  Eric  Saillant)  –  Summer  2016       Milton,  Emily  (co-­‐supervised  with  Eric  Saillant)  –  Summer  2016    Graduate  Student  Committees:    

Major  Advisor:  Cuevas,   Keith.  M.S.   Beginning   Fall   2011.   Efficacy   of   seatrout   stock   enhancement.   Co-­‐

supervised  with  C.  Rakocinski.    Daw,   Adam.   Ph.D.   Beginning   Spring   2014.   Optimizing   copepod   production   in  

aquaculture.  Co-­‐supervised  with  E.  A.  L.  Saillant.    Gigli,   Eric.   M.S.   Beginning   Fall   2015.   Growout   techniques   for   spotted   seatrout.   Co-­‐

supervised  with  E.  A.  L.  Saillant.    

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 Guest,  Taylor.  M.  S.  Graduated  Spring  2015  (began  Fall  2012).  The  effects  of  pre-­‐release  

anthropogenic   stressors   on   post-­‐release   success   of   hatchery-­‐reared   spotted  seatrout.  Co-­‐supervised  with  A.  Evans.  

 Manley,   Christopher.   M.S.   Graduated   Spring   2014   (began   Fall   2011).   The   effects   of  

stocking  density  and  feeding  frequency  on  aggressive  and  cannibalistic  behaviors  in   larval   hatchery-­‐reared   spotted   seatrout,   Cynoscion   nebulosus   Co-­‐supervised  with  C.    Rakocinski.  

 Masson,  Ignacio.  Ph.D.  Graduated  Fall  2009  (began  Fall  2005).  Experimental  Population  

Dynamics   of   Amyloodinium   ocellatum   in   the   spotted   seatrout,   Cynoscion  nebulosus,  and  the  red  snapper,  Lutjanus  campechanus.  Co-­‐supervised  with  J.  M.  Lotz.  

 Littleton,  Lauren.  M.S.  Graduated  Spring  2010  (began  Fall  2007).  Differences  in  Feeding  

Performance   between   Hatchery-­‐Reared   and   Wild   Juvenile   Spotted   Seatrout  Cynoscion  nebulosus.  Co-­‐supervised  with  C  Rakocinski.  

 Wagner,   Jonathan.  M.S.  Graduated   Fall   2009   (began   Fall   2007).   Evaluation  of   Internal  

Tag   Performance   in   Hatchery-­‐Reared   Juvenile   Spotted   Seatrout,   Cynoscion  nebulosus.  Co-­‐supervised  with  J.M.  Lotz.  

 Advisory  Committees:  Muhammad,   Muhammad.   Ph.D.   Beginning   2012.   Epidemiological   studies   of   WSSV   in  

some  wild  decapod  crustaceans.  With  J.  M.  Lotz  (major  advisor)  and  others.    Shen,   Shuo.  Ph.D.  Beginning  Fall   2011.  Epidemiology  and  diagnosis  of  Photobacterium  

damselae  and  associated  subspecies.  With  J.  Grimes  (major  advisor),  J.  Lotz,  and  others.  

 Pulis,   Eric.   Ph.D.   Graduated   Spring   2014.   Revision   of   the   Haploporidae.   With   R.  

Overstreet  (major  advisor),  J.  M.  Lotz,  and  R.  Heard    Sibuea,  Tina.  M.S.  Graduated  Spring  2013.  Epidemic  model  of  Yellowhead  virus.  With  J.  

M.  Lotz  (major  advisor)  and  R.  Griffit.    Somerset,  Carly.  M.  S.  Graduated  Spring  2013.  Population  genetics  of  spotted  seatrout.  

With  E.  Saillant  (major  advisor)  and  C.  Rakocinski.    Ray,   Andrew.   Ph.D.   Graduated   Fall   2012.   Management   of   biological,   chemical,   and  

waste  constituents   in   intensive,  minimal-­‐exchange,  biofloc   shrimp   (Litopenaeus  

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vannamei)   culture   systems   for   increased   production   and   ecological   efficiency.  With  J.  M.  Lotz  (major  advisor),  K.  Dillon,  E.  Saillant.  

 Apeitos,  Angelos.  M.  S.  Graduated  Spring  2007.    Fecundity  and  survival  of  the  calanoid  

copepod  Acartia   tonsa   fed   Isochrysis  galbana   (Tahitian  strain)  and  Chaetoceros  mulleri.    With  J.  M.  Lotz  (major  advisor)  and  B.  Comyns.  

 Curran,   Stephen   S.     Ph.D.   Graduated   Fall   2006.     Morphological   examination   of  

trematodes   from   neotropical   African   and   North   American   fishes.     With   R.   M.  Overstreet  (major  advisor),  J.  M.  Lotz,  R.  Heard,  and  W.  F.  Font.  

 Lemus,   Jason  T.    Ph.D.    Graduated  Fall  2006.  Development  of  mass-­‐culture  techniques  

for  the  copepod  Acartia  tonsa.    With  J.  M.  Lotz  (major  advisor),  W.  E.  Hawkins,  B.  Comyns,  and  R.  M.  Overstreet.  

 Vincent,   Amanda.     Ph.D.     Graduated   Spring   2006.   Epidemiology   of   the   relationship  

between  a  pathogenic  intracellular  bacterium  and  its  penaeid  shrimp  host.    With  J.  M.  Lotz  (major  advisor),  W.  E.  Hawkins,  R.  M.  Overstreet,  and  C.  Rakocinski.  

 Zimmerman,   Jacqueline   K.   M.S.   Graduated   Spring   2003.     Salinity   tolerance   of   red  

snapper,  Lutjanus  campechanus,  eggs  and  larvae.    With  J.  M.  Lotz  (major  advisor)  and  B.  Comyns.    

 Post-­‐Doctoral  Fellows:     Picón-­‐Camacho,  Sara  M.  Fish  Diseases.  2010-­‐2012.  Co-­‐supervised  with  J.  M.  Lotz.    

Joesting,  H.  M.  Phytoremediation  of  aquaculture  waste.  2011-­‐2013.  Co-­‐supervised  with  P.  M.  Biber.  

 Grant  Support  (directly  responsible  for  $4,980,675  since  2005):    

Mississippi   Department   of  Marine   Resources,   Tidelands   Trust   Fund   Program.   Spotted  seatrout   stock   enhancement.     FY16-­‐M648-­‐31   (GR05511).     Co-­‐Principal  Investigator   Eric   Saillant.     Total   $168,750   with   $17,616   matching.     Project  Director,  directly  responsible  for  $152,593  (90%).  

 Mississippi  Department  of  Marine  Resources,  Tidelands  Trust  Fund  Program.  Sustaining  

spotted   seatrout   stock   enhancement.     FY15-­‐M400-­‐36   (GR05307).     Co-­‐Principal  Investigator   Eric   Saillant.     Total   $200,000   with   $18,396   matching.     Project  Director,  directly  responsible  for  $170,150  (85%).  

 Mississippi   Department   of   Marine   Resources,   Tidelands   Trust   Fund   Program.   Stock  

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enhancement   of   the   red   snapper.   FY15-­‐M400-­‐39   (GR05293).   Co-­‐PI   with   E.  Saillant.   Total   $200,000   plus   $18,396  matching.   Responsible   for   approximately  $50,000  (25%).  

 United   States   Department   of   Commerce,   National   Oceanic   and   Atmospheric  

Administration.   Increasing   the   reliability,   nutritional   value,   and   economic  viability   of   large-­‐scale   copepod   production   for   marine   fish   larviculture.   Award  No.   NA14OAR4170098   (GR05243).   1   Sept   2014   –   31   Aug   2016.   Co-­‐PIs   with   E.  Saillant  and  E.  Henry.  Total  $493,178  plus  $247,792  matching.  Project  Director,  directly  responsible  for  $211,681  (43%).    

 Mississippi   Department   of   Marine   Resources,   Tidelands   Trust   Fund   Program.   Red  

snapper  culture  and  stock  enhancement.  FY  2014-­‐M400-­‐15  (GR05021).  1  March  2014  until  expended.  Total  $409,818.  Co-­‐Principal  Investigator  with  Eric  Saillant,  directly  responsible  for  $68,000  (17%).      

 Mississippi  Department  of  Marine  Resources,  Tidelands  Trust  Fund  Program.  Continuing  

the  development  of  seatrout  stock  enhancement.  FY  2014-­‐M400-­‐16  (GR05010).  1   March   2014   until   expended.   Co-­‐Principal   Investigator   Eric   Saillant.     Total  $450,000   plus   $35,232   matching.     Project   Director,   directly   responsible   for  $361,774  (80%).  

 Mississippi   Department   of   Marine   Resources.   Aquaculture   at   Lyman   for   spotted  

seatrout   and   red   drum.   Project   S-­‐13-­‐USM/GCRL-­‐Lyman-­‐01   (GR04965).   1  December   2013   until   expended.   Total   $335,098,   no   matching.   Co-­‐Principal  Investigator  with  Eric  Saillant,  directly  responsible  for  $101,528  (30%).    

 Mississippi   Department   of   Marine   Resources,   Tidelands   Trust   Fund   Program.   Red  

snapper   culture   and   stock   enhancement.     Project   FY2013-­‐M34-­‐A   (GR04895).   1  September   2013   until   expended.   Total   $143,605,   no   matching.   Co-­‐Principal  Investigator  with  Eric  Saillant,  directly  responsible  for  $33,000  (23%).      

 Mississippi  Department  of  Marine  Resources,  Tidelands  Trust  Fund  Program.  Maximizing  

the   success   of   spotted   seatrout   stock   enhancement.     Project   FY2013-­‐M35-­‐A  (GR04894).   1   September   2013   until   expended.   Total   $200,000,   no   matching.  Project  Director,  directly  responsible  for  $169,999  (85%).  

 Mississippi   Department   of   Marine   Resources,   Gulf   of   Mexico   Energy   Security   Act  

(GOMESA).   USM/GCRL-­‐GOMESA-­‐03   (GR04569).   Production   of   seatrout,   red  snapper,  and  cobia   for   stock  enhancement.  1   June  2012   through  31  Dec  2013.  Co-­‐PIs  with  E.  Saillant  and  P.  Lee.  Total  $2.3M  plus  $263,250  matching.  Project  Director,  directly  responsible  for  $604,325  (26%).  

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 Mississippi  Department  of  Marine  Resources,  Tidelands  Trust  Fund  Program.  Culture  of  

Spotted  Seatrout  for  a  Stocking  Program.    Project  FY2011-­‐M300-­‐2.  1  December  2011  until  expended.  Co-­‐Principal  Investigator  Eric  Saillant.    Total  $100,000  plus  $31,161  matching.    Project  Director,  responsible  for  all  funds  (100%).  

 United   States   Department   of   Commerce,   National   Oceanic   and   Atmospheric  

Administration.   An   Engineered   Multi-­‐Trophic   Approach   to   minimizing   Effluent  Impacts   from   Marine   Recirculating   Aquaculture   Systems.   Award   No.  NA10OAR4170078.   1   October   2010   –   30   September   2012.   Co-­‐Principal  Investigators  Patrick  D.  Biber,  Douglas  G.  Drennan  II,  and  James  M.  Ebeling.  Total  $399,496  with  $270,826  matching.  Project  Coordinator,  directly   responsible   for  $164,744  (41%).  

 United   States   Department   of   Commerce,   National   Oceanic   and   Atmospheric  

Administration.   Development   and   Operation   of   the   Thad   Cochran   Center   for  Marine   Aquaculture.   Award   No.   NA10OAR4170229.   1   October   2010   –   30  September  2014.  Co-­‐Principal  Investigators  Jeffrey  M.  Lotz,  William  Hawkins,  Eric  Saillant   and   Jason   Lemus.   Total   $3,606,300.  No  matching.   Project   Coordinator,  directly  responsible  for  $901,575  (25%).  

 United   States   Department   of   Commerce,   National   Oceanic   and   Atmospheric  

Administration.    Science  Consortium  for  Ocean  Replenishment  (SCORE).    Award  No.   NA10NMF469043.1   Sept   2010   –   31   Oct   2011.   Co-­‐Principal   Investigators  Kenneth  M.   Leber   (Mote  Marine   Lab),  W.   Huntting   Howell   (University   of   New  Hampshire),   and   Michael   B.   Rust   (NOAA-­‐NMFS   Northwest   Fisheries   Science  Center).    Total  unknown.  No  matching  funds.  Project  Director  for  USM  portion,  responsible  for  $313,715  (estimated  25%).  

 United  States  Department  of   Interior,  Coastal   Impact  Assessment  Program.    Restoring  

Fish  Stocks  in  the  Mississippi  Sound  through  Responsible  Aquaculture  and  Stock  Enhancement.     Award  No.  MS.R.729.   1   July   2010   –   30   June   2014.   Co-­‐Principal  Investigators  with  W.  E.  Hawkins,  J.  M.  Lotz  and  T.  D.  McIlwain.  Total  $1,489,797  with  $289,798  matching.  Responsible  for  $496,600  (33%).  

 Mississippi  Department  of  Marine  Resources,  Tidelands  Trust  Fund  Program.  Population  

Genetic   Structure   of   Mississippi   Spotted   Seatrout.     Project   FY2010-­‐M300-­‐9.   1  June  2010  until  expended.  Co-­‐Principal  Investigator  Eric  Saillant.    Total  $60,000.  No  matching.    Not  directly  responsible  for  any  funds.  

 Mississippi  Department  of  Marine  Resources,  Tidelands  Trust  Fund  Program.  Culture  of  

Spotted  Seatrout  for  a  Stocking  Program.    Project  FY2010-­‐M300-­‐10.  1  July  2010  

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until   expended.   Co-­‐Principal   Investigator   Eric   Saillant.     Total   $100,000   plus  $32,861  matching.    Project  Director,  responsible  for  $100,000  (100%).  

 United   States   Department   of   Commerce,   National   Oceanic   and   Atmospheric  

Administration.    Science  Consortium  for  Ocean  Replenishment  (SCORE).    Award  No.  NA009NMF4720417.1   July   2009   –   30   June   2010.   Co-­‐Principal   Investigators  Kenneth  M.   Leber   (Mote  Marine   Lab),  W.   Huntting   Howell   (University   of   New  Hampshire),   and   Michael   B.   Rust   (NOAA-­‐NMFS   Northwest   Fisheries   Science  Center).    Total  $569,060.  No  matching  funds.  Project  Director  for  USM  portion,  responsible  for  $113,812.  

 Mississippi   Department   of   Marine   Resources,   Tidelands   Trust   Fund   Program.  

Development  of  Culture  Techniques  for  Cobia.    Project  FY2009-­‐M100-­‐1.  1  August  2009   until   expended.   Co-­‐Principal   Investigator   J.  M.   Lotz.     Total  $100,000   plus  $18,379  matching  funds.    Project  Director,  responsible  for  $33,333.  

 Mississippi  Department  of  Marine  Resources,  Tidelands  Trust  Fund  Program.  Culture  of  

Spotted  Seatrout  for  a  Stocking  Program.    Project  FY2009-­‐M100-­‐6.  1  August  2009  until   expended.  Co-­‐Principal   Investigators   J.  M.   Lotz  and  L.  C.  Nicholson.     Total  $100,000  plus  $28,575  matching.    Project  Director,  responsible  for  $33,333.  

 U.   S.   Department   of   Commerce,   National   Oceanic   and   Atmospheric   Administration.    

Science   Consortium   for   Ocean   Replenishment   (SCORE).   Award   No.  NA007NMF4720434.  Co-­‐Principal  Investigators  Kenneth  M.  Leber  (Mote  Marine  Lab),  W.   Huntting  Howell   (University   of   New  Hampshire),   and  Michael   B.   Rust  (NOAA-­‐NMFS  Northwest  Fisheries  Science  Center).    1  July  2008  –  30  June  2009.  Total   $2,633,450.   No   matching   funds.   Project   Director   for   USM   portion,  responsible  for  $190,381.  

 Mississippi   Department   of   Marine   Resources,   Tidelands   Trust   Fund   Program.   2008.  

Culture  of  Spotted  Seatrout  for  a  Stocking  Program.    Project  FY2008-­‐M202-­‐4.  Co-­‐Principal   Investigators   J.   M.   Lotz   and   L.   C.   Nicholson.     Total   $140,000.   No  matching  funds.    Project  Director,  responsible  for  $46,667  (33%).  

 United   States   Department   of   Commerce,   National   Oceanic   and   Atmospheric  

Administration,   Gulf   States  Marine   Fisheries   Commission.   Planning   program   to  facilitate   the   development   of   offshore   aquaculture   in   the   northern   Gulf   of  Mexico.   Award   No.   NA07NMF4720351.   Co-­‐Principal   Investigator   with   W.E.  Hawkins.  1  Oct  2007  –  30  Sept  2009.    Total  $100,000.  No  matching  funds.    Not  directly  responsible  for  any  funds.  

 United   States   Department   of   Commerce,   National   Oceanic   and   Atmospheric  

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Administration,  Gulf  States  Marine  Fisheries  Commission.  Development  of  Large-­‐Scale   Intensive  Culture  of  Copepod  Nauplii   (Calanoida):  A  Necessary  Element   in  the   Culture   of   Red   Snapper.   Award   No.   NA07NMF4720351.   Co-­‐Principal  Investigator  with  J.  T.  Lemus  and  W.E.  Hawkins.  1  Oct  2007  –  30  Sept  2009.    Total  $300,000.  No  matching  funds.    Not  directly  responsible  for  any  funds.  

 U.   S.   Department   of   Commerce,   National   Oceanic   and   Atmospheric   Administration.    

Science   Consortium   for   Ocean   Replenishment   (SCORE).   Award   No.  NA007NMF4720349.  Co-­‐Principal  Investigators  Kenneth  M.  Leber  (Mote  Marine  Lab),  W.   Huntting  Howell   (University   of   New  Hampshire),   and  Michael   B.   Rust  (NOAA-­‐NMFS  Northwest  Fisheries  Science  Center).    1  July  2007  –  30  June  2008.  Total   $293,000.   No   matching   funds.   Project   Director   for   USM   portion,  responsible  for  $69,250.  

 U.   S.   Department   of   Commerce,   National   Oceanic   and   Atmospheric   Administration,  

National   Marine   Fisheries   Service,   Emergency   Disaster   Relief   Program.     Stock  Enhancement   as   a   Tool   for   Recovery   of   Red   Snapper   Populations   on  Offshore  Artificial  Reefs.    1  March  2007  –  31  August  2008.    Co-­‐Principal  Investigators  with  J.   M.   Lotz   and   W.E.   Hawkins.   Total   $498,666.   No   matching   funds.     Project  Director,  directly  responsible  for  $166,222  (33%).        

 Mississippi  Department  of  Marine  Resources.    Mississippi  Tidelands  Trust  Fund  Program  

2007.     Culture   of   Spotted   Seatrout   for   a   Potential   Stocking   Program.     Project  FY2006-­‐M206.   Co-­‐Principal   Investigator   with   Jeffrey   M.   Lotz   and   Larry   C.  Nicholson.    Total  $200,000  over  12  months,  no  matching  funds.  Project  Director,  directly  responsible  for  $66,667  (33%).  

 U.   S.   Department   of   Commerce,   National   Oceanic   and   Atmospheric   Administration.    

Science   Consortium   for   Ocean   Replenishment   (SCORE).   Award   No.  NA04NMF4720434.   Co-­‐Principal   Investigators   Kenneth  M.   Leber   (Mote  Marine  Lab),  W.   Huntting  Howell   (University   of   New  Hampshire),   and  Michael   B.   Rust  (NOAA-­‐NMFS  Northwest  Fisheries  Science  Center).    1  July  2006  –  30  June  2007.  Total   $596,572.   No   matching   funds.   Project   Director   for   USM   portion,  responsible  for  $83,796.  

 Mississippi  Department  of  Marine  Resources.    Mississippi  Tidelands  Trust  Fund  Program  

2006.    Culture  of  Spotted  Seatrout  for  a  Potential  Pilot  Stocking  Program.    Project  FY2006-­‐M206.   Co-­‐Principal   Investigator   with   Jeffrey   M.   Lotz   and   Larry   C.  Nicholson.    Total  $240,666  over  12  months,  no  matching  funds.  Project  Director,  directly  responsible  for  $80,222  (33%).  

 Mississippi  Department  of  Marine  Resources.    Mississippi  Tidelands  Trust  Fund  Program  

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2005.    Culture  of  Spotted  Seatrout  for  a  Potential  Pilot  Stocking  Program.    Project  FY2005-­‐M203.   Co-­‐Principal   Investigator   with   Jeffrey   M.   Lotz   and   Larry   C.  Nicholson.    Total  $218,491  over  12  months,  no  matching  funds.  Project  Director,  directly  responsible  for  $72,830  (33%).  

 Mississippi  Department  of  Marine  Resources.    Mississippi  Tidelands  Trust  Fund  Program  

2004.    Culture  of   Spotted  Seatrout   for   a  Potential   Pilot   Stocking  Program.    Co-­‐Principal  Investigator  with  Jeffrey  M.  Lotz  and  Larry  C.  Nicholson.    Total  $73,433  over   12   months,   no   matching   funds.   Project   Director,   directly   responsible   for  $24,478  (33%).    

 U.S.  Department  of  Commerce.  National  Marine  Fisheries  Service.  U.S.  Gulf  of  Mexico  

Marine  Stock  Enhancement  Program  (US-­‐GMSEP).    Award  No.  NA006FL0501.  Co-­‐Principal  Investigators  with  Robin  M.  Overstreet  and  Jeffrey  M.  Lotz.  1  July  2003  -­‐  30  June  2004.    Total  $2,600,000,  no  matching  funds.  Not  directly  responsible  for  any  funds.  

 U.S.  Department  of  Commerce.  National  Marine  Fisheries  Service.  U.S.  Gulf  of  Mexico  

Marine  Stock  Enhancement  Program  (US-­‐GMSEP).    Award  No.  NA006FL0501.  Co-­‐Principal  Investigators  with  Robin  M.  Overstreet  and  Jeffrey  M.  Lotz.  1  July  2002  -­‐  30  June  2003.    Total  $2,500,000,  no  matching  funds.  Not  directly  responsible  for  any  funds.  

 U.S.  Department  of  Commerce.  National  Marine  Fisheries  Service.  U.S.  Gulf  of  Mexico  

Marine  Stock  Enhancement  Program  (US-­‐GMSEP).    Award  No.  NA006FL0501.  Co-­‐Principal  Investigators  with  Robin  M.  Overstreet,  Jeffrey  M.  Lotz,  and  Kenneth  C.  Stuck.   1   July   2001   -­‐   30   June   2002.     Total   $2,500,000,   no  matching   funds.   Not  directly  responsible  for  any  funds.  

 U.S.  Department  of  Commerce.  National  Marine  Fisheries  Service.  U.S.  Gulf  of  Mexico  

Marine  Stock  Enhancement  Program  (US-­‐GMSEP).    Award  No.  NA006FL0501.  Co-­‐Principal  Investigators  with  Robin  M.  Overstreet,  Jeffrey  M.  Lotz,  and  Kenneth  C.  Stuck.   1   July   2000   -­‐   30   June   2001.     Total   $1,523,800,   no  matching   funds.   Not  directly  responsible  for  any  funds.  

 U.S.  Department  of  Commerce.  National  Marine  Fisheries  Service.  U.S.  Gulf  of  Mexico  

Marine  Stock  Enhancement  Program  (US-­‐GMSEP).    Award  No.  NA96FL0358.  Co-­‐Principal  Investigators  with  Robin  M.  Overstreet,  Jeffrey  M.  Lotz,  and  Kenneth  C.  Stuck.   1   July   1999   -­‐   30   June   2000.     Total   $1,464,000,   no  matching   funds.   Not  directly  responsible  for  any  funds.  

 U.S.  Department  of  Commerce.  National  Marine  Fisheries  Service.  U.S.  Gulf  of  Mexico  

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Marine  Stock  Enhancement  Program  (US-­‐GMSEP).    Award  No.  NA86FL0476.  Co-­‐Principal  Investigators  with  Robin  M.  Overstreet,  Jeffrey  M.  Lotz,  and  Kenneth  C.  Stuck.  1   July  1998   -­‐  31  December  1999.     Total  $1,464,000,  no  matching   funds.  Not  directly  responsible  for  any  funds.  


HTH  Engineering  and  Equipment  LLC.  Member  of  the  design  team  for  the  construction  of  a  $10  million   recirculating   fish  hatchery   in  Pensacola,   Florida   for   the  Florida  Fish  and  Wildlife  Conservation  Commission.      


 Internal  Service  

 Applicant   Review   Committee,   Director   of   Thad   Cochran   Marine   Aquaculture  

Center,  2016      GCRL  Steering  Committee,  USM  Foundation,  2012  -­‐  present  GCRL  Cafeteria  Committee,  2011-­‐2015  Coastal  Sciences  Awards  Committee,  2008-­‐present.  Campus  Security  Authority,  USM  Police  Department,  2013  -­‐  present  GCRL  Director  Search  Committee,  2011-­‐12  Coastal   Sciences   Nominations   Committee,   2004   College   of   Science   and  

Technology  Awards,  University  of  Southern  Mississippi.  Microbiologist   Search   Committee,   2004-­‐2005,   Department   of   Coastal   Sciences,  

University  of  Southern  Mississippi.    

External  Service    

President-­‐elect,  Southeastern  Society  of  Parasitologists,  2016  Member,  Finance  Committee,  United  States  Aquaculture  Society,  2015-­‐present  Secretary-­‐Treasurer,  United  States  Aquaculture  Society,  2011-­‐2014  Chair,  Finance  Committee,  United  States  Aquaculture  Society,  2011-­‐2014  Chair,  Local  Arrangements  Committee,  American  Society  of  Parasitologists  2014,  

New  Orleans,  LA    Chair,  Steering  Committee,  Aquaculture  America  2011,  New  Orleans,  LA.  Member,   Promotion   and   Membership   Committee,   United   States   Aquaculture  

Society,  2010-­‐2011  Member,  Board  of  Directors,  United  States  Aquaculture  Society,  2009-­‐2011.  Chair,  Nominating  Committee,  American  Society  of  Parasitologists,  2010.  Chair,  Student  Awards  Committee,  American  Society  of  Parasitologists,  2009.  Member,  Student  Awards  Committee,  American  Society  of  Parasitologists,  2008-­‐

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2010.  Member,   Local   Arrangements   Committee,   80th   meeting,   American   Society   of  

Parasitologists,  8-­‐12  July  2005,  Mobile,  AL.  Member,  Student  Awards  Committee,  American  Society  of  Parasitologists,  2003-­‐

2006.    Member,   Tellers   Committee,   American   Society   of   Parasitologists,   2000,   2003-­‐2004.  Member,   Distinguished   Service   Award   Committee,   American   Society   of  

Parasitologists,  1995-­‐1998.  Member,   Student   Paper   Award   Committee,   Mississippi   Academy   of   Sciences,  1998.    Member,   Byrd-­‐Dunn   Paper   Competition   Committee,   Southeastern   Society   of  

Parasitologists,  1998.  Graduate   Student   Representative   to   Departmental   Council,   Department   of  

Biological  Sciences,  University  of  Alberta,  1995-­‐1996.    Professional  Societies:    

Editorial  Duties:     Associate  Editor,   Life  Cycles  and  Surveys,   Journal  of  Parasitology,  2007-­‐present  

(257  manuscripts  processed)    Memberships:  

American  Fisheries  Society  American  Society  of  Parasitologists  Helminthological  Society  of  Washington  National  Aquaculture  Association  Southeastern  Society  of  Parasitologists  United  States  Aquaculture  Society  World  Aquaculture  Society    

 Manuscript/Proposal  Reviews  (94  reviews):  

Aquaculture  Aquaculture  Research  Binational  Agricultural  Research  and  Development  Fund:  US-­‐Israel  (BARD)  Bulletin  of  Marine  Science  Chinese  Journal  of  Oceanography  and  Limnology  Comparative  Parasitology  Diseases  of  Aquatic  Organisms  Ecology  Fisheries  Research  Fishery  Bulletin  

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Gulf  and  Caribbean  Research  International  Journal  for  Parasitology  Journal  of  Aquaculture  in  the  Tropics  Journal  of  Aquatic  Animal  Health  Journal  of  Fish  Biology  Journal  of  Food  Protection    Journal  of  Parasitology  Journal  of  the  Saudi  Society  of  Agricultural  Sciences  Journal  of  the  World  Aquaculture  Society  Maine  Agricultural  and  Experimental  Station  Marine  and  Coastal  Fisheries  Marine  Biology  Marine  Ecology  Progress  Series  Microbial  Ecology  North  American  Journal  of  Aquaculture  North  Carolina  Sea  Grant  Northwest  Science  Polar  Biology  South  Carolina  Sea  Grant  Consortium  USDA   Animal   Health   and   Disease   Formula   Fund   ProgramUSDOC  Small  Business  Innovation  Research  Program  USDOC/NOAA  Saltonstall-­‐Kennedy  Grant  Program  USDOC/NOAA/NMFS   Northwest   Fisheries   Science   Center   Internal   Grants  

Program  USDOC/NOAA/NMFS  National  Marine  Aquaculture  Initiative      

  Sessions  Chaired  at  Professional  Meetings  (since  2008):    Southeastern   Society   of   Parasitologists   2016,   6-­‐8   April,   Fort  Mill,   SC.   Co-­‐chair,  Sessions  IV  and  V.      Aquaculture  2016,  22-­‐26  February,  Las  Vegas,  NV.  Co-­‐Chair,  Shrimp  Health  and  Disease.    Aquaculture  2016,  22-­‐26  February,  Las  Vegas,  NV.  Co-­‐Chair,  Marine  Finfish.    American   Society   of   Parasitologists,   90th   Annual   Meeting,   25-­‐28   June   2015,  Omaha,  NE.  Co-­‐chair,  Evolutionary  Ecology  I.    World  Aquaculture  2015,  26-­‐30  May,  Jeju,  Korea.  Co-­‐chair,  Innovation  and  High  Techs.    

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World   Aquaculture   2015,   26-­‐30   May,   Jeju,   Korea.   Chair,   Diseases,   Histology,  Drugs,  and  Chemotherapeutics-­‐Continued.      World   Aquaculture   2015,   26-­‐30   May,   Jeju,   Korea.   Co-­‐Chair,   Enhancement,  Stocking,  and  Ranching.    7th   International   Symposium   on   Aquatic   Animal   Health,   31   Aug-­‐4   Sept   2014,  Portland,  OR.  Co-­‐chair,  Bacteria  IV.    Aquaculture   2013,   21-­‐25   February,   Nashville,   TN.   Co-­‐chair,   Effluent   Waste  Management  Strategies.    Aquaculture   2013,   21-­‐25   February,   Nashville,   TN.   Co-­‐chair   and   Moderator   of  afternoon  subsession,  Larval  Finfish.    American   Society   of   Parasitologists,   88th   Annual   Meeting,   26-­‐29   June   2013,  Quebec  City,  Canada.  Co-­‐chair,  Ecology  III.    American   Society   of   Parasitologists,   87th   Annual   Meeting,   13-­‐16   July   2012,  Richmond,  VA.  Co-­‐chair,  Ecology  I.    World  Aquaculture  2008.  19-­‐23  May,  Busan,  Korea.  Co-­‐chair,  Genetics.    


Judge,  Environmental  Sciences,  2016  Mississippi  Region  VI  Science  and  Engineering  Fair,  Biloxi,  MS,  March  2015  

Moderator,  National  Ocean  Sciences  Bowl,  GCRL,  April  2015  Judge,  Environmental  Sciences,  2015  Mississippi  Region  VI  Science  and  Engineering  Fair,  

Biloxi,  MS,  March  2015  Moderator,  Hurricane  Bowl  2015,  USM  Marine  Education  Center,  February  2015  Moderator,  Hurricane  Bowl  2014,  USM  Marine  Education  Center,  February  2014  Scientific  Judge,  Hurricane  Bowl  2011,  USM  Marine  Education  Center,  February  2011  Moderator,  Hurricane  Bowl  2010,  USM  Marine  Education  Center,  February  2010  Scientific   Judge,  Hurricane   Bowl   2009,  USM  Marine   Education   Center,   February   2009,  

Ocean  Springs,  MS  Scientific   Judge,  Hurricane   Bowl   2007,  USM  Marine   Education   Center,   February   2007,  

Ocean  Springs,  MS  Judge,   Environmental   Sciences,   1999-­‐2005   Mississippi   Region   VI   Science   and  

Engineering  Fair,  Biloxi,  MS    Scientific   Judge,   1998   Regional   Ocean   Sciences   Bowl,   J.   L.   Scott   Marine   Education  

Center,  Biloxi,  MS  

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 REFERENCES  (available  on  request)