region-based convolutional neural network using group

RESEARCH Open Access Region-based convolutional neural network using group sparse regularization for image sentiment classification Haitao Xiong 1,2* , Qing Liu 1 , Shaoyi Song 1 and Yuanyuan Cai 1 Abstract As an information carrier with rich semantics, images contain more sentiment than texts and audios. So, images are increasingly used by people to express their opinions and sentiments in social network. The sentiments of the images are overall and should come from different regions. So, the recognition of the sentiment regions will help to concentrate on important factors the affect the sentiments. Meanwhile, deep learning method for image sentiment classification needs simple and efficient approach for simultaneously carrying out pruning and feature selection whilst optimizing the weights. Motivated by these observations, we design a region-based convolutional neural network using group sparse regularization for image sentiment classification: R-CNNGSR. The method obtains the initial sentiment prediction model through CNN using group sparse regularization to get compact neural network, and then automatically detect the sentiment regions by combining the underlying features and sentimental features. Finally, the whole image and the sentiment region are fused to predict the overall sentiment of the images. Experiment results demonstrate that our proposed R-CNNGSR significantly outperforms the state-of- the-art methods in image sentiment classification. Keywords: Image sentiment, Convolutional neural network, Sentiment regions, Sentiment classification 1 Introduction The background of modern information technology has achieved explosive development and application. Social network sites represented by Twitter and Facebook grad- ually penetrated into every level of life and work of the whole people and had a profound impact on peoples be- havior patterns and mental models. In particular, social medias in these sites are produced every day, exchanging a large amount of user-generated content (UGC) [1]. Most of these contents are presented in the form of texts, images, etc. Meanwhile, these contents often carry very clear viewpoints and emotions. It is easy to obtain a wide range of communication, thereby stimulating and boosting social events, causing incalculable serious con- sequences [2]. Therefore, strengthening the automatic analysis ability of social medias and realizing effective early warning and intervention of social media public opinion has become one of the urgent needs and im- portant tasks of the governments public opinion man- agement departments and enterprises [3, 4]. As an important part of social media analysis, senti- ment analysis is one of the hot research topics currently. Government public opinion management departments and related social media platform providers face new de- mands and challenges for public opinion monitoring and intervention. After social media transitions from trad- itional texts to images, images can contain rich seman- tics. Many people tend to use images to express their opinions and emotions. So, how to quickly and correctly obtain sentiments from images and videos is becoming more and more important in social media analysis. Moreover, images often express a mixture of different sentiments and the attention of different people may concentrate on different image regions and have totally different sentimental feelings for the images. So, we can get the conclusion that the sentiment of images should come from different regions of the images. For this * Correspondence: [email protected] 1 School of Computer and Information Engineering, Beijing Technology and Business University, No,11 Fuchengfu Road, Beijing 100048, Peoples Republic of China 2 Beijing Key Laboratory of Big Data Technology for Food Safety, No,11 Fuchengfu Road, Beijing 100048, Peoples Republic of China EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing © The Author(s). 2019 Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. Xiong et al. EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing (2019) 2019:30

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Page 1: Region-based convolutional neural network using group

RESEARCH Open Access

Region-based convolutional neural networkusing group sparse regularization for imagesentiment classificationHaitao Xiong1,2*, Qing Liu1, Shaoyi Song1 and Yuanyuan Cai1


As an information carrier with rich semantics, images contain more sentiment than texts and audios. So, images areincreasingly used by people to express their opinions and sentiments in social network. The sentiments of theimages are overall and should come from different regions. So, the recognition of the sentiment regions will helpto concentrate on important factors the affect the sentiments. Meanwhile, deep learning method for imagesentiment classification needs simple and efficient approach for simultaneously carrying out pruning and featureselection whilst optimizing the weights. Motivated by these observations, we design a region-based convolutionalneural network using group sparse regularization for image sentiment classification: R-CNNGSR. The method obtainsthe initial sentiment prediction model through CNN using group sparse regularization to get compact neuralnetwork, and then automatically detect the sentiment regions by combining the underlying features andsentimental features. Finally, the whole image and the sentiment region are fused to predict the overall sentimentof the images. Experiment results demonstrate that our proposed R-CNNGSR significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art methods in image sentiment classification.

Keywords: Image sentiment, Convolutional neural network, Sentiment regions, Sentiment classification

1 IntroductionThe background of modern information technology hasachieved explosive development and application. Socialnetwork sites represented by Twitter and Facebook grad-ually penetrated into every level of life and work of thewhole people and had a profound impact on people’s be-havior patterns and mental models. In particular, socialmedias in these sites are produced every day, exchanginga large amount of user-generated content (UGC) [1].Most of these contents are presented in the form oftexts, images, etc. Meanwhile, these contents often carryvery clear viewpoints and emotions. It is easy to obtain awide range of communication, thereby stimulating andboosting social events, causing incalculable serious con-sequences [2]. Therefore, strengthening the automaticanalysis ability of social medias and realizing effective

early warning and intervention of social media publicopinion has become one of the urgent needs and im-portant tasks of the government’s public opinion man-agement departments and enterprises [3, 4].As an important part of social media analysis, senti-

ment analysis is one of the hot research topics currently.Government public opinion management departmentsand related social media platform providers face new de-mands and challenges for public opinion monitoring andintervention. After social media transitions from trad-itional texts to images, images can contain rich seman-tics. Many people tend to use images to express theiropinions and emotions. So, how to quickly and correctlyobtain sentiments from images and videos is becomingmore and more important in social media analysis.Moreover, images often express a mixture of differentsentiments and the attention of different people mayconcentrate on different image regions and have totallydifferent sentimental feelings for the images. So, we canget the conclusion that the sentiment of images shouldcome from different regions of the images. For this

* Correspondence: [email protected] of Computer and Information Engineering, Beijing Technology andBusiness University, No,11 Fuchengfu Road, Beijing 100048, People’s Republicof China2Beijing Key Laboratory of Big Data Technology for Food Safety, No,11Fuchengfu Road, Beijing 100048, People’s Republic of China

EURASIP Journal on Imageand Video Processing

© The Author(s). 2019 Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0International License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, andreproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link tothe Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made.

Xiong et al. EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing (2019) 2019:30

Page 2: Region-based convolutional neural network using group

reason, detecting the sentimental regions in the imageswill help to improve the sentiment classificationperformance.Recently, neural network has been widely used [4–8].

Specially, convolutional neural network (CNN)-basedsentiment classification methods have shown superiorperformance of sentiment prediction against traditionallabel sentiment classification methods for images [6, 7].Rarely, image sentiment researches based on CNNs con-sider the recognition of sentiment regions. And theseworks mainly use the target detection methods to pro-duce the sentimental region candidate set and does notuse the local information around the object as a supple-ment for classification resulting in inaccurate sentimentclassification results [4, 8]. Moreover, the common regu-larizations are mainly used for preventing over-fitting inweight level and ignores the sparse character of the net-work. So, these regularizations are worst for obtainingcompact networks for image sentiment classification. Inthis paper, we design a region-based convolutionalneural network using group sparse lasso for image senti-ment classification, which can combine the low-level fea-tures and high-level sentimental features to determinethe emotional regions, utilizing group sparseregularization for the deep neural network. Then, wefuse the sentiment of the whole image and detected sen-timental regions to get the final sentiment predictions.Specially, the recognition of the image sentiment regionsshould be considered when the sentimental region can-didate set is generated, which means that the local areaincluding the object is considered, and the surroundingbackground is also considered for common analysis,thereby obtaining a more accurate image emotion areaand improving the image emotion prediction effect.Through group sparse regularization and fused senti-ments, sentiments from different regions could be effect-ively leveraged for learning.Our contributions are summarized as follows:

� First, we design a novel CNN-based frameworkcalled region-based convolutional neural networkusing group sparse regularization (R-CNNGSR) forimage sentiment classification to analyze image sen-timents, which integrates sentiment information ofwhole images and regions into a CNN based modelfor effective learning;

� Furthermore, we propose group sparseregularization based on ℓ1 and ℓ2, 1 regularizations.Group sparse regularization is utilized in modelingto handle the sparse learning of deep neuralnetwork.

Experimental results demonstrate the superior resultsof our proposed R-CNNGSR compared with several

state-of-the-art methods in four benchmark data sets forimage sentiment classification.

2 Related workThrough the development of computer vision, predictingthe sentiment of images has been an interesting andmeaningful research topic recently. There are two mainmethods to handle the prediction, which are dimen-sional models [9] and categorical models [10].Dimensional models use a few basic spaces for senti-

ment description, and categorical models use classificationmethods to predict the sentiment labels, which are obvi-ous for common people understanding and thus havebeen mainly used by most previous work. Specially, cat-egorical models can be divided into single-label andmulti-label classification depending on the number of pre-dictions [6, 11]. In traditional image sentiment classifica-tion, an image is in general associated with one or moresentiment labels, which belong to categorical models [11].In these methods, extracting features are the most import-ant component for classification performance. Among theused extracting features, low-level features of the imagesare the most commonly used features due to the simplyautomatically generation methods. But these features canhardly reveal the sentiment in the images. Most currentresearches use sentimental semantics for classification.These sentimental semantics are mainly obtained byextracting features through machine learning methods,and the classification performance is depending on the ex-tracted features. However, there exists a semantic gapproblem for this task, which means the uncertainty be-tween low-level features and high-level semantics of im-ages [12]. So, hand-crafted features based on art andpsychology theory are designed to prove the superior per-formance than low-level features in some practical usages,such as sentiment in painting. Moreover, fusedmulti-modal features are proposed for the different bene-fits of low-level and hand-crafted features.On the other side, deep neural networks such as

CNNs can extract high-level features from the images[13–16]. And the high-level features including more se-mantic information is good at image sentiment analysis.So, CNNs have been widely used in image sentimentclassification and show certainly an improvement.Among the CNNs, very deep convolutional networks forlarge-scale image recognition known as VGGNet showsthat a significant improvement on the prior-art configu-rations can be achieved by pushing the depth to 16–19weight layers [17]. So, VGGNet and fine-tuned VGGNetwith 16 layers or 19 layers have been widely used forextracting deep features of images and improve the clas-sification performance of image sentiment [7, 8, 18].These deep features are the high-level features includingmore semantic information which is good at emotion

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analysis. Moreover, in order to use large scale yet noisytraining data to solve the sentiment prediction, a robustCNN-based model known as progressive CNN (PCNN) forvisual sentiment analysis is proposed recently. PCNN pro-gressively selected a subset of the training instances to re-duce the impact of noisy training instances and gotprominent improvement [19]. However, these works didnot consider the important effect of image regions with richsentiments for classification. Yang et al. proposed a frame-work called ARconcatenation to leverage affective regionswhich is the first time to use regions of images for senti-ment classification [8]. But the framework highly dependson target detection method EdgeBoxes which is an objectrecognition method [20] and not suitable for sentiment re-gion detection.

3 Problem definitionGiven an input image, the purpose of R-CNNGSR is toclassify the image into different sentiment label. Supposethat we have C sentiments s = {s1,s2,...,sC}, and N imagesfor training x = {x1,x2,...,xN}. Each image xn has been la-beled by one sentiment in s. In this paper, we only con-sider binary classification which means that there existonly two sentiment labels: positive and negative. Forconsideration of sentiment in different regions of the im-ages, we define R sentiment regions r = {xn1,xn2,...,xnR}which are detected in image xn. On the other hand, inorder to express group sparsity at neuron level for com-pact network, different groups should be considered andwe define g as groups in the CNN.The predicted probability dxn ¼ fds1

xn ; ds2xn ;…; dsC

xng ofsentiments for the image xn is used for image sentimentclassification, where dsc

xn is the probability of sentiment scfor image xn and represents the extent to which senti-ment sc describes xn. So, we can classify the image xn asthe max value sentiment in sc. dsc

xn is under the con-

straints dscxn ≥0 and

PCc¼1 d

scxn ¼ 1 which mean that the

sentiment probability is non-negative and s can describethe sentiments of the image fully.Let us denote by f(x;w) the activation values of the last

fully connected layer for the whole image xn. InR-CNNGSR, only original images are used in training thedeep model to get initial sentiment classification model.And w is the weight of the deep model. Specially, fsc(x;w)is the activation value for sentiment sc. Through the initialmodel, we can compute the sentiment of detected senti-ment regions xnr for xn. The deep neural network istrained by minimizing the following objective function:

w� ¼ argminw




L dxn ; f xn;wð Þð Þ þ R wð Þ ð1Þ

where L(∙, ∙) is the suitable loss function for image

sentiment classification, and R(∙) is the usedregularization in the model learning.In image sentiment classification, the purpose of our pro-

posed method is using sentiments of whole images and im-portant image regions to get compact deep model forpredicting sentiment labels of images. In order to capturelocal and overall sentiments of images in model learning,we propose a deep CNN-based framework that can extractand integrate sentiments of whole images and importantimage regions for sentiment classification learning. For thechallenge of getting compact deep model in training, groupsparse regularization is used for image sentiment classifica-tion learning.

4 Proposed methodAs illustrated in Fig. 1, we design a deep CNN-basedframework called region-based convolutional neural net-work using group sparse regularization (R-CNNGSR) forimage sentiment classification, to utilize sentiment regionsfor learning. CNN has shown strong capacity in imagesentiment classification. So, in the R-CNNGSR frame-work, original images are fed into a pre-trained CNNmodel which is VGGNet used in this paper. But CNNmodel should be modified, because the number of outputsof the last fully connected layer in VGGNet, which is asentiment classification layer, is 1000. The sentiment la-bels in R-CNNGSR are positive and negative. So, thenumber of outputs should be assigned to the number ofsentiment labels which is 2. In R-CNNGSR, we use soft-max function to convert the network outputs. Then, thesum of the final outputs will be 1. So, the final outputscan be seen as the probabilities of different sentiments.For deep learning, KL loss is utilized for penalizing themispredictions according to the dissimilarities. In addition,R-CNNGSR uses group sparse regularization to keep thenetwork in the compact. Then, the CNN model is used tocalculate sentiment similarity in sentiment regions detec-tion. After that, the sentiment of whole images and senti-ment regions are fused according to the area weight togenerate the overall sentiment predictions of the images.

4.1 Region-based convolutional neural networkAs a distance measure, KL divergence is widely used astraining loss called KL loss in image sentiment classifica-tion [7, 21, 22]. KL loss measures the similarity betweenthe ground-truth and sentiment prediction:

LKL ¼ 1N





dscxn ln





where d̂scxn is the ground truth probability of sentiment sc

for the image xn. If the label of the image xn is sc, then

d̂scxn ¼ 1 , else d̂

scxn ¼ 0: From KL loss equation, we can

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know that it penalizes the dissimilarity of ground-truthand predicted sentiment labels. So, we use LKL as theloss function L(∙, ∙) in R-CNNGSR. The sentiment regiondetection in R-CNNGSR is inspired by the idea of select-ive search algorithm [23]. But we consider the sentimentsimilarity for regions merging which is import for imagesentiment classification. In detail, we use original imageswith sentiment labels to train the CNN model for senti-ment classification. After that, we can use the initial CNNmodel to predict the sentiment label of proposed imageregions generated in sentiment region detection for themerge iteration process. The probability of the regions be-longing to different sentiment categories is predicted, sothat the sentiment scores of the sentiment regions of im-ages can be obtained. In order to calculate the sentimentsimilarity of different sentiment regions, cosine similarityfunction is used. And we can get the similarity of differentsentiment region candidates. Then, sentiment similarity

combined with color similarity, texture similarity, sizesimilarity, and shape compatibility in selective search algo-rithm are used to merge and handle candidate regions. Inaddition, the sentiment region recognition also adopts aseries of filtering measures to delete candidate regionswhose aspect ratio is too large or small, and whose area istoo large or too small, and finally automatically generatethe sentiment region candidate set of the original image.The detail steps of sentiment region detection method aregiven in Fig. 2. Firstly, we generate initial candidate re-gions a well-known processing method: graph-basedimage segmentation. This method is also used by selectivesearch method. Secondly, unsatisfied candidate regionsare filtered. As we know, candidate regions whose length-width or width-length ratios are great and the pixel whichare small are not important for image sentiment classifica-tion. In order to filter these unsatisfied candidate regions,filtering measures are used to delete candidate regions

Fig. 1 The framework of our proposed R-CNNGSR

Fig. 2 The detail steps of sentiment region detection method

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that do not meet the requirements of length-width orwidth-length ratios and pixel. Thirdly, regions similaritybetween each candidate regions pairs are computed. Then,candidate regions with high similarity are merged and re-lated candidate regions are removed from the candidateregion set. After doing this, we can compute the updatedsimilarity of existing candidate regions and merged re-gions. This step will loop until there exist no candidateregions.After acquiring the image sentiment area candidate

set, the final sentiment prediction of the image can bestarted. R-CNNGSR calculates the probability of belong-ing to different sentiment labels of all sentiment regionsin the sentiment region candidate set. We think thatsentiment regions with larger area play greater roles indetermining the overall sentiment of the image. For thisreason, we perform a weighted averaging methodthrough the area ratio to combine sentiment of all senti-ment regions. Moreover, we combined the sentimentprobabilities of all sentiment regions plus the sentimentprobabilities of the original whole image to obtain thefinal sentiment prediction of the image. The fusion cal-culation formula is as follows:

Y � ¼ f xn;wð Þ þXR


area xnrð Þarea xnð Þ f xnr ;wð Þ ð3Þ

where Y* is the probability value that the predictedimage belongs to the different sentiment labels, andarea(∙) represents the area of the image or detected sen-timent regions. The final sentiment category predictivevalue is the sentiment category to which the maximumvalue belongs.

4.2 Group sparse regularizationThe main purpose of traditional ℓ1 and ℓ2 regularizationsare preventing over-fitting problem in learning fromtraining data. ℓ2 is the most common regularization indeep learning and used for weight decay. ℓ1regularization is also known as lasso [24]. ℓ1 can producesparse outputs at single level which is useful in sparselearning. ℓ1 and ℓ2 belongs to weight-level regularization.In order to get sparse outputs in group, group lasso

also known as ℓ2, 1 are proposed and show better per-formance in weight sparse learning [25]. Since grouplasso loses the guarantee of sparsity at single level, itmay still be sub-optimal. To address this problem, sparsegroup lasso considers sparsity at both single level andgroup level [26]. Two kinds of groups are considered inR-CNNGSR, which are input groups and hidden groupsin the CNN network. Input groups include neural net-work component which is the vector of all outgoing con-nections from the input neuron in CNN. Hidden groupsinclude neural network component which consist of the

vector of all outgoing connections from one of the neu-rons in the hidden layers of CNN. As we have known, inorder to obtain compact neural network, the input andhidden neuron should be considered in group-levelsparsity. As defined, gi are input groups and gh are hid-den groups in the CNN. In order to obtain compactneural network, we present group sparse regularizationusing sparse group lasso. Group sparse regularizationcan keep the group sparsity structure. At the same time,it permits single sparsity. Using group sparseregularization can get compact neural network which ismore beneficial for image sentiment classification. In de-tail, group sparse regularization Rgs is calculated as:

Rgs ¼ Rℓ1 þ Rℓ2;1 ð4ÞMoreover, ℓ2 regularization is used to prevent

over-fitting. The definition of Rℓ2 is given below:

Rℓ2 ¼ wk k2 ð5ÞIn R-CNNGSR, group sparse regularization and ℓ2

regularization are used simultaneously. So, the overallregularization R in R-CNNGSR can be obtained by add-ing Rgs to Rℓ2 through weighted regularizationcombination:

R ¼ ξ1Rgs þ ξ2Rℓ2 ð6Þwhere ξ1 and ξ2 are the regularization parameters to bal-ance the importance of the two components in objectivefunction. The complexity of the different regularizationterm Rgs or Rℓ2 is equivalent and it is given by O(Q),where Q is the number of network parameters.

5 Experimental results and discussions5.1 Implementation detailsIn this paper, we choose four image sentiment classifica-tion data sets for comparison, which are IAPS subset[27], Abstract [28], ArtPhoto [28], and Emotion6 [29].Table 1 shows the details of the data sets. IAPS subset isderived from the International Affective Picture Systemcalled IAPS [30], which is a common sentiment data setthat is widely used in sentiment classification research.IAPS subset contains 395 pictures, and all the imagesare labeled by eight emotions which are the componentsof Mikel’s wheel [27]. The eight emotions are amuse-ment, contentment, awe, excitement, fear, sadness,

Table 1 Details of the used data sets in the experiments

Data sets Positive images Negative images Sum

IAPS subset 209 186 395

Abstract 139 89 228

ArtPhoto 378 428 806

Emotion6 660 1320 1980

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disgust, and anger. The first four belong to the positivesentiment and the last four belong to the negative senti-ment. There exist 806 artistic photographs in ArtPhoto,which are collected from a photo sharing website. Ab-stract contains 228 paintings. Emotion6 is widely used asa benchmark data set for emotion classification, whichcontains 1980 images collected from Flickr. In order tobuild binary classification data set, we transfer the emo-tion labels to sentiment labels. Emotions play a key rolein human life as they operate as motivators, such asanger, disgust, amusement, and awe. These emotionscan be defined as complex psychological states. Emo-tions can be positive or else negative, which belong todifferent sentiment category (positive or negative). Spe-cifically, image emotion is often called image sentimentfor binary classification (positive or negative). All emo-tion labels in the datasets can be divided into threegroups, which are positive, negative, and neutral senti-ments. So, we can delete the images of which dominantemotion is belonging to the neural sentiment. Then, thelabels of remained images are changed to positive andnegative sentiments according to which sentiment thedominant emotion belongs to. And we can get binarysentiment classification datasets.Image examples for emotion distribution learning are

shown in Fig. 3. The images in the top row are positiveimage samples and the images in the bottom row arenegative image samples. All images come from the IAPSsubset, Abstract, ArtPhoto, and Emotion6 data sets. Alldata sets are randomly split into 75% training, 20% test-ing, and 5% validation sets. The validation set is used forchoosing the best parameters of our methods.In the experiments, R-CNNGSR is built on VGGNet

containing 16 layers [17]. We change the number of thelast fully connected layer outputs to the number of sen-timents which is 2 in this paper. We use KL loss in theloss layer. The learning rates of the convolution layers,

the first two fully connected layers, and the classificationlayer are initialized as 0.001, 0.001, and 0.01, respect-ively. We fine-tune all layers by backpropagationthrough the overall neural network using mini-batchesof 32, and the total number of epochs is 20 for imagesentiment classification learning. Moreover, we had triedseveral different parameter configurations in thecross-validation fashion for ξ1 and ξ2 from 0.0001 to 10using validation sets. Through the experiments, we hadfound that ξ1 = 0.001 and ξ2 = 0.0005 will achieve betterand stable performance. For filtering measures to deletecandidate regions in the sentiment region detectionmethod, we exclude candidate regions whoselength-width or width-length ratios are greater than 5and candidate regions which are smaller than 200 pixels.In order to check the superiority of our proposed

R-CNNGSR, experiments are conducted for comparingit with four baseline image sentiment classificationmethods. In this paper, classification accuracy is used asthe performance measure to compare different imagesentiment classification methods. All our experimentsare carried out on a NVIDIA GTX TITAN X GPU with12 GB memory.

5.2 Results and analysis5.2.1 On image sentiment classificationIn order to verify the superiority of R-CNNGSR pro-posed in this paper, we compare R-CNNGSR with fourimage sentiment classification methods in experiments,which are VGGNet, fine-tuning VGGNet, PCNN, andARconcatenation. For a fair comparison of thesemethods, all VGGNet-based methods use same back-bone network which is the 16-layer network for learning.In this way, we do not need to consider whether the per-formance is improved by the backbone network or theproposed model. PCNN is a novel progressive CNNarchitecture that can leverage larger amounts of weakly

Fig. 3 Positive and negative image examples from data sets

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supervised data. The ARconcatenation method is thefirst to incorporate affective region recognition intoimage sentiment classification. The proposedR-CNNGSR in this paper integrates sentiment simi-larity computing into sentiment region recognitionand can obtain image sentiment regions more accur-ately. Figure 4 shows the example of detected senti-ment regions in R-CNNGSR. The top image is theoriginal image, and the bottom images are sentimentregions generated in R-CNNGSR. Specially, senti-ment regions whose length-width or width-length ra-tios are greater than 5 and candidate regions whichare smaller than 200 pixels are removed. From thefigure, we can see that the generated sentiment re-gions in R-CNNGSR not only consider the targets inthe image, but also consider the background in theimages. And the background is important for senti-ment classification. Through this way, we can predictthe sentiment of the image more accurately.Table 2 shows the sentiment prediction results of

R-CNNGSR and the other four methods on four bench-mark data sets. Italics indicate the best of the accuracyevaluation index values. It can be seen from the experi-mental results in Table 2 that R-CNNGSR greatly im-proves the prediction effect compared with the traditionalCNN algorithm. Moreover, compared with the existingprediction algorithm ARconcatenation that uses affectiveregion recognition, R-CNNGSR can also improve the ac-curacy of sentiment prediction. It can be seen that ourproposed R-CNNGSR can improve the recognition effectof the sentiment regions by introducing the sentimentsimilarity of the regions in region merging and finally im-prove the sentiment prediction level of the entire image.

5.2.2 On effect of different regularizations for R-CNNGSRIn order to check the effect of group sparseregularization in R-CNNGSR, we perform experimentson Emotion6 data set using R-CNN with and withoutgroup sparse regularization. Classification accuracy isalso used for classification performance comparing.Firstly, we set ξ1 = 0 to get R-CNNGSR with Rl2. Sec-ondly, we set ξ2 = 0 to get R-CNNGSR with Rgs. Finally,we use both components of regularization to getR-CNNGSR with Rl2 and Rgs. Then, we compare theseR-CNNGSR methods using different regularizations, andthe results are shown in Fig. 5. From the results, we candetect that the performance of R-CNNGSR in imagesentiment classification is improved by using groupsparse regularization Rgs, which reveals the effectivenessof R-CNNGSR by obtaining compact neural network forclassification. Moreover, Rgs plus Rl2 can also improvethe performance of only using Rgs for the reason that Rl2

is useful for preventing over-fitting. Through using Rl2

and Rgs simultaneously, the performance of sentimentclassification has been significantly improved.

Fig. 4 Generated sentiment regions in R-CNNGSR

Table 2 Performance comparison between R-CNNGSR and thestate-of-the-art methods

Methods IAPS subset Abstract ArtPhoto Emotion6

VGGNet 88.51 68.86 67.61 72.25

Fine-tuned VGGNet 89.37 72.48 70.09 77.02

PCNN 88.84 70.84 70.96 73.58

ARconcatenation 89.39 74.41 73.76 78.52

R-CNNGSR 92.14 75.89 75.02 81.36

Italics indicate the best of the accuracy evaluation in the five methods

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6 ConclusionsThis paper discusses how to effectively identify and useimage sentiment regions to help improve sentiment ana-lysis in image sentiment classification learning. A novelCNN-based framework named region-based convolu-tional neural network using group sparse regularizationwas proposed, in which sentiment regions and compactnetwork are effectively considered. Firstly, the initial sen-timent prediction model is obtained by CNN usinggroup sparse regularization. Then, sentiment, color, tex-ture, size, and coincidence similarity are considered todetect the sentiment regions. Finally, the sentiments ofwhole image and sentiment regions are fused for imagesentiment classification. Extensive experiments on fourreal-world data sets revealed that the effectiveness ofR-CNNGSR in image sentiment classification throughfusing the sentiment of important image regions andutilizing group sparse regularization. Sentiments of theimage can be present in multiple labels, so future re-search will extend R-CNNGSR to handle multi-labelsentiment prediction problems.

AbbreviationsCNN: Convolutional neural network; IAPS: International Affective PictureSystem; PCNN: Progressive CNN; UGC: User Generated Content

AcknowledgementsThe authors thank the editor and anonymous reviewers for their helpfulcomments and valuable suggestions.

About the authorsHaitao Xiong was born in Jiujiang, Jiangxi, China, in 1983. He received thePh. D degree in Management Science and Engineering from BeihangUniversity, Beijing, China, in 2011. From 2011 to 2013, he was a lecturer ofSchool of Computer and Information Engineering, Beijing Technology andBusiness University, Beijing, China. Since 2013, he has been an associateprofessor of School of Computer and Information Engineering, BeijingTechnology and Business University, Beijing, China. His current researchinterests include image processing, machine learning, and businessintelligence.Qing Liu was born in Tangshan, Heibei, China, in 1994. She received thebachelor degree from the Tangshan Normal University, Tangshan, Heibei, in

2018. Now, she is currently a master student in School of Computer andInformation Engineering, Beijing Technology and Business University, Beijing,China. Her research interests include data mining and business intelligence.Shaoyi Song was born in Yingkou, Liaoning, China, in 1983. He received thePh. D degree in Management Science and Engineering from BeijingUniversity of Posts and Telecommunications, Beijing, China, in 2014. Since2014, he has been a lecturer of School of Computer and InformationEngineering, Beijing Technology and Business University, Beijing, China. Hiscurrent research interests include electronic commerce, big data technologyin food safety and game theory.Yuanyuan Cai was born in Fengcheng, Jiangxi, China, in 1985. She receivedthe Ph. D degree in Software Engineering from Beijing Jiaotong University,Beijing, China, in 2016. Since 2016, she has been a lecturer of School ofComputer and Information Engineering, Beijing Technology and BusinessUniversity, Beijing, China. Her current research interests include semanticcomputing, natural language processing and data mining.

FundingThis research was supported by the Beijing Natural Science Foundation(No.4172014 and 4184084), Support Project of High-level Teachers in BeijingMunicipal Universities in the Period of 13th Five–year Plan(No.CIT&TCD201804031), the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.71201004) and Humanity and Social Science Youth Foundation of Minis-try of Education of China (No.17YJCZH007).

DeclarationsAvailability of Data and Materials: Please contact author for data requests.

Authors’ contributionsAll authors took part in the discussion of the work described in this paper.The author HX wrote the first version of the paper and did part of theexperiments of the paper. HX performed the data processing and analysis. SSand YC revised the paper in different versions of the paper. All authors readand approved the final manuscript.

Competing interestsThe authors declare that they have no competing interests.

Publisher’s NoteSpringer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims inpublished maps and institutional affiliations.

Received: 1 November 2018 Accepted: 23 January 2019

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