regional working group on governance november 2015

Governance Challenges in the Pacific 16 th November, 2015

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Page 1: Regional working group on governance November 2015

Governance Challenges in the Pacific

16th November, 2015

Page 2: Regional working group on governance November 2015

Tess Newton Cain

Our region embraces good governance

“We embrace good governance, the full observation of democratic values, the rule of law, the defence and promotion

of human rights, gender equality, and commitment to just societies.”

(Framework for Pacific Regionalism)

Page 3: Regional working group on governance November 2015

Tess Newton Cain

Before FPR…• Biketawa Declaration (2000)

• Auckland Declaration (2004)

• Pacific Plan

Page 4: Regional working group on governance November 2015

Tess Newton Cain

Photo credit: Vanuatu Daily Post

Page 5: Regional working group on governance November 2015

Tess Newton Cain

How is governance being challenged?• Attacks on democracy

• Diluting of rights

• Undermining the Rule of Law

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Tess Newton Cain

Executive encroaching on Legislature’s PowerPower








Page 7: Regional working group on governance November 2015

Tess Newton Cain

Controlling social media“It is not our intention to control the media but there must be some proper mechanisms in place…people have to be responsible when they are using social media to attack others. For cyber-crime we are going to make it an offence for people to use pen-names, not using their real names and making defamatory statements. You have to be answerable for it.”

Page 8: Regional working group on governance November 2015

Tess Newton Cain

Rule of



Applies to all

Due process


Elements of the Rule of Law

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Tess Newton Cain



The whole community

Page 10: Regional working group on governance November 2015

Tess Newton Cain

Political will needs to be cultivated…

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Tess Newton Cain

Page 12: Regional working group on governance November 2015

Tess Newton Cain

[email protected] Newton Cain