reich, wilhelm - contact with outer space. orgone and ufos

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O R G O N EO R G O N E U F O U F O ss

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About the author: Peter Robbins was introduced to the books of Wilhelm Reich as a teenager. In 1976 he met Dr. Elsworth F. Baker, Reich’s first assistant for the last eleven years of his life. Soon after he became a patient of Dr. Baker and entered into almost seven years of medical orgone therapy with this distinguished practitioner.

Robbins went on to enroll in the classes New York University offered in scientific and social orgonomy with Reich scholars, Professors John Bell and Paul Matthews. They in turn invited him to become a member of the ongoing Seminar in Social and Scientific Orgonomy, patterned after the seminars which Sigmund Freud presided over during the nineteen twenties. Robbins spent much of the nineteen eighties involved with this group, presenting a variety of papers to his fellow members under Matthews’ and Bell’s guidance and leadership.

Peter was a volunteer fundraiser for the American College of Orgonomy’s (ACO) Building Fund and had two papers on Wilhelm Reich and UFOs published in the Journal of Orgonomy. He was part of a select group of volunteers invited to witness a cloudbusting demonstration and presented on the subject of Reich and UFOs at the ACO’s Princeton NJ facility. He has also been an invited lecturer at international conferences on the life and work of Reich in New York City, Ashland Oregon, Niece France, and Karavomilos Greece. His talks on Reich and UFOs have been well received at numerous UFO conferences, privately organized events around the country, and at select venues across Great Britain. His articles on the subject have been included in a variety of publications and websites both here and abroad, and his paper, “Politics, Religion and Human Nature: Practical Problems and Roadblocks on the Path Toward Official UFO Acknowledgement” is scheduled to be published in the upcoming issue of Annals of the Institute for Orgonomic Science.

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Wilhelm ReichOrgone Energy, and UFOs

By Peter Robbins © 2011

All of Wilhelm Reich’s many books begin with this particular quotation: “Love, work and knowledge are the wellsprings of our Life. They should also govern it.” This lecture is dedicated to living that idea. It is fair to say that the past century saw more scientific advances than any preceding it. But perhaps its most important single, unified body of scientific knowledge remains its most controversial. The common functioning principle unifying this science, which its pioneering founder, Dr. Wilhelm Reich, named orgonomy, is the study of how energy functions in the living and the non-living realms. Orgonomy offers us groundbreaking applications in fields as diverse as biology, psychology, meteorology, cancer research, sociology, human sexuality, child rearing, political science and ufology, among other areas of study. But orgonomy was not well received into the times it was born. Some of its key findings challenged the basic precepts and physical laws our existing scientific order is built upon, while its bio-energetically based critique of mystical and mechanical thinking would have made it anathema to the majority of people in Western culture. So, it should not surprise anyone to learn that orgonomy has been ignored, distorted, attacked and confounded since it was first codified, by both the scientific mainstream and by establishment thinking.

The perceived threat it represented was so pronounced during the Eisenhower Administration, that more than eight tons of Reich’s hardcover books, monographs and other original literature were consigned to government incinerators because bureaucrats at the Federal Drug Administration had targeted him as a medical fraud. This, to the best of our knowledge, without ever having attempted to replicate any of his published experiments - the prevailing thinking being: Why bother? He was a “quack.” During his lifetime Dr. Wilhelm Reich was the target of attacks from both the right and the left; but his work and his findings were especially reviled by uncomprehending liberals, communists and active Soviet agents, who

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more than understood the danger his work represented to their cause, especially as articulated in such books as The Mass Psychology of Fascism. Reich’s blasts at Soviet-style communism have often been dismissed as the paranoid delusions of a great mind finally unhinged, but we can confirm that such observations were hyper accurate, and some even prophetic.

But it was Reich’s acceptance of UFOs as a physical reality that dealt his professional reputation its most stunning blow. When you study the progression of his scientific work and thinking, it becomes obvious that his investigation into the phenomenon was merely the logical extension of a common functioning principle that had guided him throughout his almost forty years in professional life; that is, how energy functions in the living and non-living realm.

Nonetheless, one of ufology’s most significant chapters continues to remain one of its least known: in the early nineteen fifties Reich developed the cloud-buster, a simple yet effective apparatus which, when properly employed, was capable of altering weather patterns in the surrounding atmosphere. More, some of these weather modification operations attracted UFOs - first over southern Maine in 1953, then above Arizona in 1954. On December 14 of that year, this series of cloud-busting operationsculminated in what can only be characterized as a “battle” in the skies over Tucson. Wild as these allegations may sound, they were well documented and multiple-witnessed.

What were the scientific dynamics that allowed such a deceptively simple apparatus to alter entire weather fronts? And why did this activity seem to attract the appearance of UFOs? What were the documented specifics of his contacts with the United States Air Force, and of his relationship with Albert Einstein? Is there any reason to suspect that MJ-12 was aware of - or interested in – Reich’s work? And are there any realistic reasons to suspect foul play in his death? This paper draws from a number of printed, archival and human sources (all noted), including correspondence with A.S. Neil and Albert Einstein; Reich’s final book, Contact With Space; and Wilhelm Reich and the Cold War, by my friend and colleague Jim Martin, who is also founder of Flatland Books. I am also indebted to Reich biographer Dr. Myron Scharaf, and to Reich’s long-time first assistant, Dr. Elsworth F. Baker, for having taken the time and for having had the patience to answer many of my questions.

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Jerome Eden was an author, educator and ufologist, and used to refer to UFOs as the idiot child of the media. If this characterization is accurate, and many of us would maintain that it is, then I respectfully submit that the truth about Dr. Reich’s UFO-related observations, findings and conclusions are the idiot child of ufology. The intention of this paper is to help familiarize the reader with the specifics of this remarkable episode in Post-War History. To best appreciate this account, however, it is important that we view it in some context. More, that we have a basic understanding of how Reich came to arrive at that quietly historic moment in 1953 when he first pointed a series of long metal pipes at an unknown object high above his rural Maine property and observed that the object reacted as a direct result, then upon re-aiming, react again, and again.


Wilhelm Reich was born in the Austro-Hungarian Empire in 1897. His father was a stern government bureaucrat, his artistic mother, was a piano teacher. “Willi” and his brother Robert grew up on the family’s rural estate observing nature and natural-functioning first hand on a daily basis; and both received educations from private tutors. In 1914, the Balkans erupted in flames, and over the next four years World War One swept the empire and the rest of old Europe into oblivion. Reich served with distinction as an artillery officer in the Austro-Hungarian Army until war’s end. With all of the family’s property and holdings vaporized in the empire’s defeat, Reich made his way to Vienna where he enrolled medical school, supporting himself as a tutor for the duration of his studies.

Reich was drawn to Vienna in part because of his intense interest in the pioneering work of Dr. Sigmund Freud. Following his graduation from medical school he became a pupil of Freud’s, then went on to work as Freud’s assistant for the next six years. They parted ways in 1929 when Reich, after much clinical work and observation in the early psychoanalytic tradition, presented case findings to Freud supporting his view that literally all human neurosis were, at the deepest levels, rooted in some form of sexual dysfunction, a radical notion for Victorian Vienna and mental health professionals of the 1920s. Freud and his followers believed that many neuroses had a sexual basis, but certainly not all of them. Reich’s radical view that the social problems of individuals and governments were caught up in the dynamics of sexual repression estranged him from his analyst colleagues. Reich’s departure from the Freudian ranks created a backlash of

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resentment and the origin of the myth of his mental instability. After all, why else would he have split with the great Freud? The rumormongering and the innuendo begun by former psychoanalytic colleagues would follow him for the remainder of his life. It was about 1927 when Reich first became involved with the Austrian Communist Party, his intention being to marry the revolutionary mission of their already-existing mental health clinics to those of healthy sexual functioning for workers. Here, responsible sex-education and contraceptives were freely disseminated. The popularity of these “Sexpol” (sex/politics) clinics extended into Germany and then the Soviet Union, and, for a time, they were allowed to thrive. Much to the disappointment and upset of the communists, however, sexually healthy workers and party members tended to put their personal happiness and goals above those of the party, a travesty that could not be allowed to stand: by 1934 Reich had been expelled from the Communist Party, their rationale for his expulsion being that, yes, the once-brilliant young scientist was now manifesting symptoms of insanity. The essence of his alleged mental illness is reflected in this obviously unhinged statement: “This is what I am fighting for: the prevention of emotional human misery by the establishment of a normal and natural - that is, orgastically satisfying - human life in the masses of people.” To any group or individual intent on controlling the lives and thoughts of others, these are the words of a truly dangerous man. The party never forgave him this travesty and efforts to damage his reputation and impugn his work became commonplace from 1934 on.

Later that year, Reich immigrated to Scandinavia. Here he continued with his experiments and therapeutic practice with a core group of colleagues, devoting much of his experimental work and study to the dynamics of cancer formation. His outstanding books The Impulsive Character, Character Analysis, People In Trouble, The Mass Psychology of Fascism and The Cancer Biopathy all came out of this period. Reich immigrated to the United States in 1939 and was invited to join the faculty of New York City’s New School for Social Research the following year. He settled in Forest Hills, a then-quiet district in the Borough of Queens where he went into private practice, wrote, and refined his character analytic therapy, or medical orgone therapy as it became known. Energetic functioning in people was now his primary interest and his key efforts were directed toward dissolving the chronic muscular contractions of his patients: this human “armoring” served to block natural feeling and hold neurotic behavior in place.

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The Orgone Energy Accumulator

It was during this time that he discovered the specifically biological energy that he called orgone, and a deceptively simple therapeutic and experimental device that could concentrate the energy and allow it to be measured in a laboratory setting. He named it the orgone energy accumulator, or ORAC. Thinking individuals in many cultures had long pondered this energy. Early Hindu texts referred to it as the “Prana,” while Victorians named it the “ether,” but the former tended to mystify the concept while the latter mechanized it. The size of the accumulators Reich and his associates constructed over the years varied, from that of a small box up to a large room. However, the ORAC most people are familiar with was designed to hold a single person and was about the size of a small phone booth. A properly constructed accumulator is made up of alternating layers of organic and inorganic material; steel wool and fiberboard were found to be ideal for the purpose. The non-metallic (organic) material tends to attract and hold the atmospheric energy, while the metal (inorganic) also attracts the energy, but unable to absorb it, rapidly reflects the energy. Simply put, the accumulator works on the basis of what Reich termed the orgonomic potential. That is, unlike the conventional energy systems we are accustomed to thinking in terms of, i.e.: electromagnetic energy moves from the stronger system (the source) to the weaker - orgone energy flows from the weaker system to the stronger one.

Sitting in an accumulator has a most perceivable result for many, including myself. The weaker energy field radiating from the inner layer (organic) is drawn to the stronger field of the individual inside. The flow of the field is experienced as a warming or tingling sensation. An individual with a naturally high energetic charge may begin to feel uncomfortable fairly quickly, possibly experiencing some dizziness, or the sensation of some pressure in the head. Any such feelings quickly dissipate when you exit. A person with a low energy charge, however, can remain in an accumulator much longer while feeling little if any difference. The number of layers used in the device’s construction contributes to its relative power; the more layers, the higher the energetic potential. Depending on the person, effects can be felt within a few minutes. A small accumulator can be used to germinate plant seeds at an accelerated rate while a slightly modified version speeds the healing time of wounds and burns. I speak here from many well-documented user and investigative accounts, as well as from personal experience. Therapeutically, sitting in an ORAC has an expansive effect on

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the organism, especially in terms of the blood vessels. It also increases the bio-energetic level of the person undergoing the experience by charging the tissues and the blood. There is no set or prescribed length of time for its use, though fifteen minutes to half an hour once or twice a day is not an unusual routine.

Reich persevered with experiments designed to isolate and confirm the reality of orgone energy, but, aware of the controversy the announcement of such a discovery might create, he continued to verify his findings without fanfare or public acknowledgement. One of the experiments was calculated to measure the heat inside an ORAC and compare it with the temperature inside a control box. The experiment was named To-T (T oh minus T). Reich and his colleagues observed that a change in the atmosphere would alter the temperature differential, and To-T is a reliable predictor of changes in the weather. If there is a conventional explanation for this temperature differential, one that can be demonstrated under laboratory conditions, I am not aware of it.

The Einstein Affair

In late December 1940, Reich sent a carefully worded letter about his work to Albert Einstein. The letter, written in German, said, in part: “Several years ago I discovered a specific biological energy which in many ways behaves differently from anything that is known about electromagnetic energy. The matter is too complicated and sounds too improbable to be explained clearly in a brief letter. I can only indicate that I have evidence that the energy, which I have called orgone, exists not only in living organisms, but also in the soil and in the atmosphere; it is visible and can be concentrated and measured (emphasis his), and I am using it with some success in research on cancer therapy.” The physicist responded by letter six days later, apparently intrigued enough to invite Reich to demonstrate the existence of this energy in person. The meeting was arranged through Einstein’s secretary-assistant, Helen Dukas, and set for January 13, 1941.

The two men met for more than four hours that afternoon to discuss Reich’s work and findings. He had brought several experimental devices with him to demonstrate his findings, and Einstein observed the glowing orgone energy for himself through a laboratory apparatus designed for that purpose. Seemingly unwilling to believe his own eyes, the great physicist acknowledged the decided glow, but refused to rule out what he described as

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“the subjective element.” It was toward the end of their meeting that Reich told Einstein of the measurable heat created inside the ORAC. Conversation then shifted to the implications of such a discovery, something not lost on either scientist. Reich noted in his diary that Einstein’s reaction had been: “That is impossible. Should this be true, it would be a great bomb (to physics).” An understandable reaction, given that the heat differential that had been repeatedly observed by Reich and his assistants during To-T violated the Second Law of Thermodynamics - that is, that equal volumes tend to equalize in temperature. In anticipation of the meeting Reich had noted in his diary: “Orgone constitutes the ‘field’ that Einstein is searching for. Electricity, magnetism, gravitation, etc., depend on its functions.”

Einstein wanted to verify this temperature differential for himself, and Reich returned to Princeton the following week to deliver the necessary equipment. We do not know what Einstein wrote about this meeting, or about Reich. Author Jim Martin noted that Einstein’s archives never responded to any of his information requests, making them the only archive to ignore a research inquiry during the preparation of his book, Wilhelm Reich and the Cold War.

It is fair to say that in 1941 Albert Einstein was the best-known scientist in the world; he had been so since his Theory of General Relativity first began to make worldwide scientific news in 1919. Einstein arrived in America from Germany in 1933, along with his assistant and secretary Helen Dukas. While the FBI was aware of the physicist’s left-leaning sympathies, they strongly suspected Ms. Dukas of being an active asset of Soviet intelligence since at least 1929. Both Ms. Dukas and Dr. Einstein were put under fairly close observation by the FBI from the time that they entered this country. (The FBI would soon begin to build a huge file on Reich as well). Surveillance increased following his joining other physicists in signing a secret letter dated December 30, 1940 advising President Roosevelt to authorize development of an atomic bomb project, this as the Germans might be moving ahead on just such a venture (they were).

Einstein spent a week conducting and studying To-T, and on February 7 wrote Reich that he had confirmed (and reconfirmed) that the accumulator registered an average 0.3-0.4 degree temperature (centigrade) higher than the control box, confirming Reich’s assertion, and the observations of numerous others of the past sixty years. But then one of Einstein’s assistants offered a simple explanation. The differential was caused by “convection” - that is, the difference between the air temperatures under and above the table the

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accumulator had been placed on: Einstein had set one box on a table and suspended another in the air. He closed the letter, “I hope this (explanation) will awaken your sense of skepticism, so that you will not allow yourself to be deceived by an illusion that can be easily explained. Please have someone pick up your instruments, since they are of some value. They are undamaged. With friendly greetings, A. Einstein.”

Stung, Reich wrote back imploring Einstein to re-conduct the experiment, but this time following the strict protocols devised to eliminate such a false explanation. Reich even describes his having repeatedly and successfully conducting To-T with both boxes buried underground, thus eliminating any possibility of “convection,” but Einstein would hear none of it. Reich thought it as memorable that Einstein had been so willing to accept the first rationale that had come along, as his expressing no interest in re-conducting the experiment under more controlled conditions. The letter ended with a moving plea for some respect and consideration, but no direct response was ever forthcoming. We do not know if Einstein even saw this letter: at the time, all of his mail would have been screened by Helen Dukas, who may have had her own reasons for not wanting Einstein to confirm Reich’s findings. Letters from Reich and his colleagues, and Einstein and his assistants continued to change hands over the next few years, but no resolve was ever achieved.

Jim Martin writes in Wilhelm Reich and the Cold War: “Reich’s letter to Einstein in response to ‘convection’ is the most eloquent example of scientific dialogue I have ever read. Indeed, Reich’s description of the issues involved, the experimental protocols to test the objection, and the design of new experiments to shed light on the question, so inspired me when I first read The Einstein Affair that I set up the experiment at home. I confirmed the basic fact, for myself, and have sought a rational explanation that fit into established physical science, without success. Like so many of Reich’s discoveries, this has been completely ignored, but never experimentally refuted.”Anyone interested in learning more about this equally compelling and frustrating footnote to the scientific history of the Twentieth Century can secure a copy of The Einstein Affair from the Wilhelm Reich Museum bookstore in Rangeley, Maine. The publication, which contains the complete Reich-Einstein correspondence, includes all the protocols necessary for conducting the To-T experiment; it is written in a manner that will allow any interested layperson to conduct the experiment for his or herself.

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Mrs. Brady and the FDA

The Federal Drug Administration began to build its case against Reich in 1947. The red flag that alerted them to the danger Reich and his work posed to the American people was an extraordinarily vicious smear article written by a far-left-leaning journalist, Mildred Edie Brady. The Strange Case of Wilhelm Reich appeared in the May 26, issue of The New Republic; other biased and distorted articles followed. Time Magazine’s offering was entitled The Marvelous Sex Box. Brady’s article was a masterpiece of distortion that attacked Reich’s “sex racket;” while trumpeting an out-and-out lie - namely, that he had stated the orgone accumulator was a cure-all. Mrs. Brady was not your routine freelancer; she was, among other things, a respected member of the drug regulation elite and actively helped to create FDA legislation as early as 1938. She was also a founder of Consumers Union, a communist-dominated organization that had broken away from Consumers Research, Inc. in 1935. Brady was also professionally associated with one of Reich’s lawyers: Arthur Garfield Hays was a Sponsor of Consumers Union. Former Consumers Research board member, J.B. Matthews, wrote that in the nineteen thirties Hays was known to support the Communist Party via its “united front” organizations. Reich was unaware of his attorney’s politics, and of his association with Mrs. Brady.

There is no question that The New Republic article was clearly libelous, and Reich instructed Hays to initiate libel action against Mrs. Brady and the magazine. His medical colleagues agreed and likewise wrote to Brady in support of Reich’s decision. Incredibly, Hays talked his client out of pressing the action, and the scientist, unfortunately, took his counselor’s advice. This proved to be a crucial misstep and other scurrilous articles followed over the years that the FDA quietly went about building its case. Hays never told Reich that he knew and worked with Brady, but in an equally pronounced travesty of justice, one of Reich’s other lawyers, Peter Mills, would go on to become the prosecuting attorney when Reich finally came to trial. But there were greater factors at play here as well. Jim Martin’s tenacious investigative scholarship has established that The New Republic’s owner, Michael Straight, was deeply connected to the members of the Cambridge Five Soviet spy ring, and a legal action against Brady and the publication might well have put Straight on the stand. With Hays successfully convincing Reich to waive any legal action, a trial-based opportunity to reveal the degree to which Soviet intelligence had penetrated British intelligence was lost.

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Wilhelm Reich and UFOs

”What do they want for Proof? There is no proof. There are no authorities whatsoever. No president, no academy, court of law, congress or senate on this earth has the knowledge or power to decide what will be the knowledge of tomorrow. There is no use in trying to prove something that is unknown to someone who is ignorant of the unknown, or fearful of its threatening power. Only the good, old rules of learning will eventually bring about understanding of what has invaded our earthly existence.”

Wilhelm Reich: Contact With Space

Reich moved from New York to an area just outside the town of Rangeley in rural southern Maine in the early nineteen fifties. Here he built a new home and laboratory personally designed to integrate home and laboratory into a single, brilliantly practical building, now the home of the Wilhelm Reich Museum. Another laboratory was added soon after for students. This structure was the setting for the so-called Oranur Experiment, a chilling example of the accumulator’s undeniable ability to concentrate energy. The experiment called for the placing of a very small amount of radium in an accumulator, the unexpected result of which was to toxify a surprisingly large area of southern Maine surrounding his home and laboratory, one that took several months to dissipate.

And so we come to it: Reich’s interest in UFOs dates from 1953. Why did he become interested in them, and how did he arrive at his conclusions concerning them? Until 1953 there is no written or anecdotal indication that he had paid any attention to all the publicity surrounding “flying saucers,” even when, in 1952, some visitors to his home and laboratory reported seeing shining objects in the sky that were decidedly not stars. In November 1953, though, he read one of the best books available on the subject at the time, Flying Saucers from Outer Space. The author, a retired Marine Corps Major named Donald Keyhoe, was a highly respected and decorated World War II fighter pilot and pioneered much of the basis for modern scientific UFO studies. Reich’s writings indicate he was intrigued by Keyhoe’s observation that the maneuverability, speed and silence of the unknowns repeatedly defied conventional laws of mechanical flight. At the time, Reich wrote: “I had not studied anything on the subject: I knew practically nothing about it. But my mind, used to expecting surprises in natural research, was open to anything that seemed real.”

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Keyhoe’s book was followed by E. J. Ruppelt’s book: The Report on Unidentified Flying Objects. Ruppelt was a retired USAF Captain who had headed the Air Force’s ongoing UFO record-keeping (and public relations) program, Project Blue Book, and his book prompted Reich to note: “The Ruppelt Report on UFOs clearly reveals the helplessness of mechanistic method in coming to grips with the problems posed by the spacemen. The cosmic orgone energy, which these living beings are using in their technology, is beyond the grasp of mechanistic science since cosmic laws of functioning are not mechanical but what I term ‘functional.’ The helplessness of mechanical thinking appears in the tragic shortcoming of our fastest fighter jets to make and hold contact with UFOs. Being unavoidably outdistanced is not a flattering situation for military pride. The conclusion seems correct: Mechanistic methods of locomotion must be counted out in coping with the spaceship problem.”

One night as he sat on the steps outside his home in Maine, something flashed by at great speed, its behavior not suggestive of a comet, meteorite, or shooting star. Reich reported the sighting to the Air Force Base at Presque Island, Maine; it was the first of many sighting reports he would forward to the Air Force. Following his report, he was asked to fill out an official questionnaire. In March 1954, Reich sent a copy of his survey on UFOs to the Air Force. The survey was actually a manuscript detailing his theoretical conclusions of them as spacecraft.

The questionnaire came out of AFR 200-2, the Air Force’s regulation regarding the reporting of UFOs that had gone into effect in August of that year. Reich had filled out copies of the form following a number of sightings. His daughter, Dr. Eva Reich, now a retired physician living in Maine, recalled that: “The interest of the Air Force in UFOs was being totally suppressed at that time. When you reported a UFO, they came to you with this questionnaire, and told you it was secret, and had you fill it out. Then they took it away; what happened with it, nobody knows. When Reich published the questionnaire in Contact With Space, he revealed a big secret.”

Basic to this scientist’s understanding of the universe was the pervasive presence of energy (which he termed orgone energy), implying the possibility of life in space. At this time his questioning encompassed the galactic currents, the formation and destruction of star systems, and the origin of the universe itself. Along with his deepening involvement in cloud-busting, Reich now began a careful examination of the stars and set about

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proving that some “stars” did not behave like others. The method he used was nocturnal, time-lapse photography. In this investigative technique, the camera is carefully set to face the night sky with the shutter open: the experiment proceeded with unexpected results. Some of the stars did not produce the white lines caused by the Earth’s rotation. These stars simply vanished indicating they were something else. He now began to wonder in earnest what they might be, and specifically what they were doing in the skies over Maine.

Reich saw the Oranur Experiment, with its massive pollution of the Maine area, as the cause of their immediate interest in the region. Considering his own observations, those of a number of co-workers, and independent reports of UFO activity over Maine, it was hardly egoistic that he should assume that his activities might be the subject of their special attention. If these craft had harnessed the sea of energy pervading the universe, what might be the effect of training a cloud-buster on one? . The results of this action were both profound and disturbing. He writes in Contact With Space: “I hesitated for weeks to turn my cloud-buster pipes toward a ‘star’ as if I had known that some of the blinking lights hanging in the sky were no planets or stars but space machines. With the fading out of the two ‘stars,’ the cloud-buster had suddenly changed into a space-gun. When I saw the ‘star’ to the west fade out four times in succession, what had been left of the old world of human knowledge after the discovery of orgone energy, tumbled beyond retrieve. From now on everything, anything, was possible. Nothing could any longer be considered ‘impossible.’ I had directed the draw-pipes connected with the deep well towards and ordinary star and the star had faded out four times. There was no mistake about it. Three more people had seen it. There was only one conclusion: The thing we had drawn from was not a star. It was something else - a UFO. The shock of this experience was great enough not to repeat such an action until 10 October 1954.”

Preceding this, on October 5 and 6, three large, yellow UFOs hung low over the southern horizon with another over the observatory on Reich’s property. On October 10, a large reddish UFO hovered just to the south of the property. At this point, the cloud-buster was trained on it and it moved. The unknown became less red as the device kept its aim, then moved higher, and later sank down below the horizon. Shortly thereafter, a second light (yellow) appeared in the west. After two minutes of direct drawing, it faded, came back, flashed, pulsated, and wobbled while moving irregularly from south to north. There was for Reich the distinct, subjective impression of a

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struggle. It came back again shortly after, and again, became fainter and smaller after drawing on it. The remaining four unknowns (to the north, south and west) then removed themselves, disappearing from sight.

On October 10, for a second time, Reich dimmed “stars” and induced them to move, “as if in flight in different directions.” He again concluded they were machines, and not ones of terrestrial origin. While it might seem naive to some, Reich choose to direct his written concerns regarding this likelihood directly to President Eisenhower. The White House response asked him to send such communications to the Air Force, and to the CIA. As a result, a letter articulating his observations of, and concerns about UFOs was sent to the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, a career Naval Intelligence officer named Roscoe H. Hillenkotter. Reich would have had no way of knowing, but in more rarefied circles the Director was sometimes referred to by another title: MJ-1.

Not only had Reich inadvertently made contact with a member of the President’s Ultra Secret UFO working group, he had reached out to its top man. Was the information Reich supplied a contributing factor in Hillenkoetter’s becoming such a vocal opponent of UFO secrecy following his stepping down as Director, or was this simply part of a plan to allow an extremely highly placed operative to insinuate himself smack in the center of civilian UFO counterculture? I cannot say, but I am convinced that if the members of MJ-12 were not aware of Reich’s UFO-related activities prior to October 1954, they were from that time on, and would have identified him as a man whose actions bore monitoring, and possibly worse.

In Wilhelm Reich and the Cold War, Jim Martin identifies one other plausible link between Reich and MJ-12, and his name was Lewis W. Douglas. Reich refers to him briefly in Contact With Space as the Director Savings and Loan, and as a close associate of President Eisenhower. He was also Director of Research for the Institute of Atmospheric Physics in Tucson and a man very interested in weather control. Their first contact dates from 1954 when Reich had his assistant, William Moise, attempt to contact Douglas and arrange a meeting with him. It had not been Reich who suggested to Moise that he get in touch with Douglas; it had been Charles Gardner, Jr., Executive Secretary of the Advisory Committee on Weather Control for the government; and the National Weather Bureau’s liaison with the Institute of Atmospheric Physics. Gardner had actually written to Moise on March 21, 1955 saying: “We appreciate being informed of your activities.” Douglas’s

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secretary wrote up Moise’s calls in the form of memos. The first one read in part: “He {Moise} had just come from Washington and had spoken to people in the Dept. of Agriculture, Weather Bureau and in Mr. Gardner’s office about weather control. They suggested that Mr. D {Douglas} might be interested in information he had.” But no answer was forthcoming until July 27 when Douglas cabled Moise, and Reich and Douglas began to correspond. They likely would have met in Tucson later that year, but Douglas had to be hospitalized for major surgery during the time Reich visited Arizona. My colleagues Jim Martin and Kenn Thomas (archivist, author and conspiracy-related publisher) have engaged in some educated speculation on the possibility of a link between Lew Douglas and MJ-12, and it is worth relating here. I draw directly from Martin’s published comments in doing so. Douglas was known to be very close to Eisenhower and had a well-known interest in weather control. The Douglas-Moise Memo is dated July 14, 1954, only ten days prior to the seminal National Archives’ MJ-12 document, the Cutler-Twining Memo. Thomas reminds us that Robert Cutler had been with the CIA as a psy-ops (psychological operations) expert, and instrumental in bringing Eisenhower’s “Atoms for Peace” to completion. In his memo, Cutler informs USAF General Nathan Twining (MJ-4) that a scheduled meeting is being changed, and that the “Special Studies Project” would now meet “during the already scheduled White House meeting of July 16, rather than following it as previously intended.” What the actual reason for this change, it insured that President Eisenhower would be in attendance.

Quoting Martin: “Thomas suggests that the timing of this sequence of events might indicate that Douglas, as a member of Eisenhower’s ‘kitchen cabinet,’ may have been privy to or associated with the MJ-12 group. I agree that Douglas, one of the most powerful men in American politics at the time, would have known about MJ-12 if it existed. Thomas argues that Douglas, having been briefed about the meeting of MJ-12 members on July 16 at the White House, developed a more serious interest in Reich’s planned operations in Tucson on the basis of Reich's observations of UFOs. This would have explained the sudden change in attitude on July 27, 1955, when Douglas sent a telegram to Moise inviting further correspondence. After all, Douglas had hired a ‘UFO nut,’ James E. McDonald, to head the IAP in 1954.”

Conspiratorial musings or grounded, informed speculation? Personally, I subscribe to the latter. For the record, Martin establishes that Reich drove

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through Roswell on his way to Tucson. There is some intriguing anecdotal evidence that he returned there, but it is not inconclusive.

Reich’s point of view on UFOs shifted between 1953 and 1957. At first he theorized they were benign observers, but gradually became convinced that, either by intention or accident, they were contributing to the pollution accumulating in the atmosphere. Contact With Space, privately published after his 1957 death, documents early weather modification, or CORE (cosmic orgone engineering) operations and the 1954-55cloud-busting expedition to Arizona. The book, published in an edition of only five hundred, details a great deal more information than this paper is designed to cover, and it is not my intention here to synopsize this sweeping text, only that Reich’s scientific observations of, interactions with, and findings on UFOs chronicled in Contact With Space made it indispensable in the preparation of this article.

The following day, October 11, Reich authorized his friend, research associate and son-in-law (who was a trained cloud-buster operator), to call the Air Technical Intelligence Command (ATIC) in Dayton, Ohio, and make an appointment to discuss the disabling of the UFOs the previous day. Moise was in Ohio on his way to Arizona at the time. A meeting with a General Watson was agreed upon on for October 14. Over the phone Watson asked Moise, if necessary, could their conference be continued into the evening, and how did Reich know that the UFOs had been disabled? Moise arrived at the facility early on the 14th, where he was met by a Dr. Byers, who was a physicist employed by the command. Byers escorted Moise to the conference, also attended by a USAF Captain Hill and a civilian named Harry Haberer (6:8). Asking where General Watson was, Moise was told that he was unable to attend. Angered, Moise left and returned to his Dayton motel. The next day Moise received a phone call from Captain Hill conveying Watson’s apologies, and was asked if the report could be made to ATIC Deputy Commander Colonel Wertenbaker. Moise agreed and they met later that day. Present were Captain Hill, Dr. Byers, Haberer and the Colonel. Moise gave an oral presentation and all took notes except the Colonel. Feeling that this had been a significant meeting, that at least some breakthrough had been made in interesting a branch of the government in Reich’s observations of the involvement with UFOs, Moise wrote that: “The contact with Col. Wertenbaker was excellent throughout the conference. He was serious, intent and looked at me while I talked. He was the only one who did. His excitement increased as the report progressed.”

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Several days later, the Colonel wrote to the Director of Intelligence for the Air Force - somehow this note ended up in the Food and Drug Administration’s case file on Reich. It read in part: “General Watson did not talk personally to Mr. Moise, I am happy to say, but I interviewed this person…the information given us by Moise defies descriptionand I'll not attempt to give you the details…the Air Force will do well to avoid entanglements but what is absolutely necessary from the standpoint of good public relations.” Dr. Byers, the physicist, told Moise that he was familiar with Reich’s work. Harry Haberer, the civilian in attendance, was described as working on the history of UFOs with the Air Force. Leaving Ohio, Moise continued on to Arizona. Meanwhile, Reich, his son Peter, and several others were driving west as well. Each vehicle carried an appropriate assortment of laboratory equipment and had a cloud-buster in tow. They arrived at the leased property ten miles outside of Tucson on October 19, 1954. Once settled in, they commenced drawing operations, regularly observing the atmosphere with their meteorological instruments. Records were kept in accordance with strict scientific method. Individual journals were also kept.

Robert McCulloch, another trained cloud-buster operator, assisted Reich and Moise in the operation. Drawing began at the end of October and many UFOs were observed during the nights of October 31 and November 1 over the area. By November 7, moisture in the atmosphere had risen from the usual 15% to 65%, an unheard of relative humidity for Tucson. Drawing continued, mostly from the southwest direction. On November 7, the first clouds were forming thickly and soon covered the sky, indicating rain. Then, without apparent explanation, the clouds began to decompose. That evening, a large, bright UFO was seen coming up from the north. It moved slowly southwest until it stopped and hovered for several hours ten to fifteen degrees above the southern horizon. A connection between the dissipation of clouds and the presence of UFOs in the skies seemed unavoidable after this sequence of events continued to repeat.

Weather modification was a subject of genuine interest to a number of military and civilian offices within the Eisenhower Administration, and the Tucson-based Institute of Atmospheric Physics was founded in 1953 as a direct result of the President’s 1953 Advisory Committee on Weather Control. An atmospheric physicist with a background in Naval intelligence was appointed to the committee as Associate Director, and at some point during that November or December he might have met Reich. His name was

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Dr. James E. McDonald, and we know him to be another scientist of great courage and passion, one who, like Reich, had the temerity to work toward bringing the subject of serious UFO studies to the American public, much to the detriment of both their careers. Eva Reich recalled that McDonald had visited the cloud-busting site when a TV crew came to film their operations, and that both he and Reich had been interviewed for the report. But the footage was never aired. From what we know of Dr. McDonald, there is likelihood that he would have had cause for serious interest in at least two areas of Reich’s work. Still, we do not know conclusively whether the two actually met, and possibly talked that day, or whether their paths had merely crossed on the edge of that desert. But there is the additional factor to consider as well - that at the time McDonald was working closely with, and for, the previously discussed Lew Douglas.

By November 13, the relative humidity had risen to 67% and rain seemed imminent in a location that had seen none in five years. But by that evening the humidity had dropped twenty points to 47%. The next day, two bright, pulsating and flashing UFOs were seen low in the eastern sky. Upon direct draw, the first dimmed after an initial stronger blinking, then remained dim. The second wobbled, then it too, dimmed markedly. Suddenly, a third came up in the east, as if from nowhere. Early on the morning of the 18th, a UFO was seen on the horizon and within two hours an Air Force aircraft was seen circling the area. More UFOs continued to be observed in direct relationship with the destruction of the relative humidity.

On the morning of November 29, Reich, looking at the eastern sky through a three-and-a-half inch refracting telescope, observed a fully articulated cigar-shaped craft. In his notes he writes that he first refused to accept the notions, but windows were clearly observed on the object and recorded in his drawings. The ship was observed, as cloud cover would allow, off and on between December 1 and December 17. Charts of its movements were kept.

By December 14, the atmosphere in the area of the base camp, and indeed, in Tucson itself was oppressive and deadening. Just prior to this Reich’s associate, Dr. Silvert, had transported a small amount of radioactive material that had been exposed in an accumulator from Maine to the Tucson site. The material had to be towed on a cable one hundred feet behind a hired airplane, as its lead shielding was unable to contain its altered reaction. At about 4:30 PM, a huge black cloud formed over the Tucson area, gradually turning deep purple with a somewhat reddish glow. The background radiation count in the

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area jumped to an alarming one hundred thousand counts per minute. The usual background count had been holding at six to eight hundred counts per minute. Twelve Air Force planes over flew the base camp and their contrails (made of water vapor) quickly dissolved. Twenty minutes after both cloud-busters began drawing, the skies cleared. At 5:30 PM, four B-56 bombers flew in low over the area. Reich felt that this “cloud” masked the presence of other UFOs. If so, this incident was indeed properly categorized as a battle. Interest in the newly arrived and highly aggravated radioactive material was a suspected cause of their appearance.

As these historic events were transpiring, the University of Arizona’s weather modification study was ongoing and in process. Part of the study involved the time-lapse photography of jet planes contrails. As recorded, Reich had observed and reported their presence during various cloud-busting operations, and had observed the disintegration of their contrails during operations in Arizona. He even wondered: “Whether the Air Force had actually such problems in mind, I cannot tell.”

Investigative author Jim Martin was able to locate color film from the fifties in the University of Arizona’s Physics and atmospheric Science Building showing Air Force jets being used in weather modification experiments, as Reich himself had wondered about. These and other such findings led me to believe that our government had a very real interest in Dr. Reich’s UFO observations and findings, as well as in his weather modification work - from the President on down. By way of one last example (or coincidence) we should take note that on November 22, 1955, President Eisenhower’s proposal for the peaceful use of atomic energy was accepted by the United Nations. It was called “Atoms for Peace.” Some months prior to this, Reich had sent Eisenhower a copy of his paper documenting the Oranur Experiment, and the operations and experiments that had sprung from it. The paper was entitled “Atoms for Peace.” The literature generated about Reich’s contempt trial is considerable and any treatment here must oversimplify its many complexities. While interested readers should try and locate a copy of Jerome Greenfield’s book, Wilhelm Reich versus the USA, among other works on the subject, the basics are as follows. The Federal Drug Administration had begun accumulating information toward building a case against the scientist shortly after Mildred Brady’s article appeared in 1947, but it had been slow going. None of Reich’s past or current patients or any of those with the physicians he’d trained in medical orgone therapy had registered a complaint with the FDA, or any other authority for that matter.

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Reich and his associates had broken no laws, but given that the FDA knew he was a quack and orgonomy a fraud, it stood to reason there was no need to put any of his alleged experiments to the test. Their responsibility was to bring this sex-obsessed medical menace to justice and they remained undeterred in their efforts. And so the FDA went to the federal court and brought a complaint against the interstate shipment of accumulators or any components thereof. Their break came in 1955 when one of Reich’s physicians, Dr. Michael Silvert, did just that, and Reich, then involved in the Tucson cloud-busting operation, took legal responsibility for the injunction’s violation. Silbert felt that allowing the matter to go to court would be the equivalent of admitting they were in the wrong. Reich, after due consideration, agreed and wrote to the judge explaining his decision noting that his argument might be rejected; they did, and the complaint became an injunction.

FDA agents began showing up on Reich’s property, but he refused to allow them access to any of his apparatus, or written materials, and continued with his experiments. This resulted in a contempt of court citation; and while their original legal parry had been civil, it had now graduated to a criminal and a court date was set. Given the betrayal of his lawyers, Reich decided to represent himself, and against the advice of some of those closest to him, chose to make the trial a forum for the validity of his research and findings. Eloquent though he was, the judge would have none of it and he was convicted and sentenced to two years in Lewisburg Federal Penitentiary in Lewisburg, Pennsylvania. He was fifty-nine years old.

Once in prison Reich underwent psychiatric evaluation. Staff psychiatrists noted that he “gave no concrete evidence of being mentally incompetent,” but diagnosed him as being a paranoid schizophrenic, this while admitting their finding was “not based on physical evaluation.” Early release was denied and the Supreme Court chose not to comment on his final writ. He was found dead in his cell on November 3, 1957, just seven days before his scheduled release date.


Since his death, most accounts of Dr. Wilhelm Reich’s life and work, be they supportive or otherwise, follow a similar logic: that the level of importance which he ascribed to his UFO observations (and his allegations that the communists were out to get him) were, in themselves, a means of “proving,”

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or at least suggesting that he had gone quite mad during his last years. Such material is often presented in a manner suggesting that a good deal of “fairness,” objectivity and patience were spent in “sorting all this out’ for the reader. Some writers don’t even bother. With no real interest in fair scientific inquiry or method, and no serious grounding in UFO studies, orgonomy, or the documented specifics of the conspiracy to destroy his reputation and discredit his work, Reich’s detractors accuse and rant, exposing the madness they perceive. Often written in angry displays of public-spirited concern, they warn the good reader away, like police at the scene of an accident. Other accounts are simply inaccurate.

In Contact With Space, Dr. Wilhelm Reich’s reflections on the possible implications of an extraterrestrial reality are often moving, profound and disturbing. He dares, as a scientist, to exercise a most precious right: the right to challenge an established and accepted belief, the right to think a thought, no matter how others might perceive it, recording that thought for publication and standing by it in the face of almost universal criticism. Read out of context - that is, without benefit of any serious study of his previous writings, methodology or discoveries – even the most intelligent and perceptive reader may find it preferable to dismiss his observations and conclusions as bearing witness to a great mind finally derailed, rather than even considering them seriously. The very act of claiming to have observed UFOs, and, over time, their behavior, interacting with them via the cloud-buster, ascribing to them intelligence and intention, keeping the Air Force, the Central Intelligence Agency, the National Bureau and the Office of the President appraised of his activities, and finally, the posthumous publishing of Contact With Space, proved intolerable to all by a few.

Even A. S. Neill, the distinguished British educator who was Reich’s loyal friend and colleague of many years, seemed convinced these findings would only prove to be an embarrassment to orgonomy. But not at first: in March of 1955, Neill wrote to Reich as follows, “Thanks for the saucer book which came a few days ago. It sure made me sit up. So much Air Force testimony can’t be ignored. Inclined to accept your opinion that they are benign (an opinion which changed markedly), the only problem I can imagine would be their arrival here to stop the inevitable atomic destruction of all life. Mutual fear won’t stop war. Almost looks as if Freud was right in saying there is a death instinct when one sees the whole mass of people thinking of football and radio etc. at a time when the sinking of a U.S. aircraft carrier off Formosa or the enthusiasm of a U.S. pilot might set the light to the

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gunpowder barrel. Hence I say: let the spacemen come; they might save us and if they came as destroyers they could not be more dangerous than man himself.” I should stress here that Reich had few friendships or professional relationships of such duration and depth; and it is not my intention to put a particular cast on Neill here. It is just that he articulated the prevailing attitude so well. In December 1957, a month after Reich’s death, Neill wrote this to Ilse Ollendorff, Reich’s former wife and co-worker: “The difficulty will not be to separate what’s valuable from what isn’t. The idea that the trial was orchestrated from Moscow is just bunkum, and we have no proof of flying saucers anyway. Why should Reich’s great work be mixed up with either factor? That Reich later had some illusions I think right, but they don’t so anything to lessen his work. We all have illusions and maybe the greater we are, the greater the illusions. But that Eva {Reich’s daughter}, Moise (his son-in-law) and Steig (cartoonist and illustrator of Reich’s book Listen Little Man, and a financial backer of the Arizona expedition) should go on having illusions is bad, bad for the future of Reich’s acceptance as a scientist.”

And there’s the rub: “Bad for the future of Reich’s acceptance as a scientist” - a consideration not taken lightly by Neill and others deeply concerned about the future of orgonomy. I can only wonder how Neill would have reacted had he been in the room when students and faculty members at his beloved Summerhill school described the UFO sightings they had had from the Summerhill property in Leiston, Suffolk on the occasions I was a speaker there. Author David Boadella sums the conundrum up: “Why did the orthodox scientists and psychologists condemn Reich? Why did they dismiss him as a paranoiac while Raknes (a Norwegian colleague) and Dr. Hoppe of Israel and lots of the sane American surgeons and physicians and I thought him to be the most important thinker of our time? I must face the question that was so often raised by his enemies - his sanity…Apparently he believed that flying saucers were from other worlds without due proof. Yet when the judge ordered him to be examined by a board of psychiatrists, they pronounced him sane.”They were not alone. The great Reich scholar, Professor Paul Matthews of New York University observed in his 1973 review of Boadella’s book, Wilhelm Reich: The Evolution of His Work: “Reich’s scientific integrity, creativity, and genius, even to the end of his life, need no defense or confirmation from me; nor does his sanity need defense in the opinion of those who were closest to him and in a position to gauge his mental status, character structure, and work capacity at that time.”

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But does all this really come down to a question of Wilhelm Reich’s sanity? Medical researcher Ludwik Flek notes in his 1979 book, The Genesis and Development of a Scientific Fact: “What we are faced with here is not so much a simple passivity or mistrust of new ideas as an active approach which can be divided into several stages. A contradiction to the system appears unthinkable. What does not fit into the system remains unseen. Alternatively, if it is noticed, either it is kept secret, or discredited. Laborious efforts are made to explain an exception in terms that do not contradict the system. Despite the legitimate claims of contradictory views, one tends to see, describe, or even illustrate those circumstances which corroborate current views and thereby give them substance.”

Thus the unacceptable - or the unacceptable theory - is excluded. The individual who persists in putting forth such a theory may ultimately be excluded and, in a number of historic incidences, declared to be out of touch with “reality” or insane. You may have the knowledge of a master scientist and still not be able to analyze or even see beyond the accepted theories of your own era. Reich’s work demands that we do just this.

Do Dr. Reich’s observations, deductions and conclusions concerning UFOs all conform to the best contemporary knowledge on the subject? Many of them do, and are virtually identical to those of countless other individuals. Can we say with certainty that his death was the result of a conspiracy or foul play tracing back to MJ-12, the FDA, the Communist Party, the “Hoodlums In Government” (“HIGS,” as Reich termed them) employed by the FDA, or to that powerful segment of society who tend to mystify biology, then mechanically attempt to impose their own sex-negative morality on the rest of us? No. The fact is that at the time of his death Dr. Reich had high blood pressure, was overweight, and a chronic smoker. But based on what he represented to such diverse and powerful groups, would any (or all) of the aforementioned have desired his death and had the will and means to implement it? Oh yes: without a doubt. And with the official cause of death listed as a heart attack, the question of murder is likely to remain an open one. Regardless of whether he was murdered or died of natural causes, humanity lost a brilliant and courageous thinker in November 1957, and one whose UFO-related work remains an extremely significant area of study for any student of ufology. I hope this paper will encourage readers to seek out the truth of this matter for themselves, through reading and practical application. While the most recent of the events described here linger in the mists of history nearly fifty years past, they continue to remain

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as shattering and relevant as if they had occurred last week. Knowledge is often its own reward and anyone who takes the time to understand Reich’s work will only benefit from it. To ignore the profound truths it embodies affirms the actions of those who array themselves against all that is life affirmative, and again sets the stage for the worst aspects of history to repeat themselves. Remember: “Love, work and knowledge are the wellsprings of our Life. They should also govern it.”


1. Scharaf, M.: Fury On Earth: A Biography of Wilhelm Reich, New York, St. Martin’s Press/Marek, 1983.2. Reich, W, and edited by Boyd Higgins, M., and Raphael, C.: Passion of Youth: An Autobiography. New York, Farrar, Straus, Giroux, 1998.3. Reich, W, and edited by Boyd Higgins, M.: American Odyssey: Letters and Journals, 1940-1947, New York, Farrar Straus Giroux, 1999.4. Martin, J.: Wilhelm Reich and the Cold War. Ft. Bragg, California, Fort Bragg Books, 2000 (Note: Like Reich’s Contact With Space, Wilhelm Reich and the Cold War was published in an edition of 500 copies, with all copies of Martin’s book going to subscribers who underwrote the cost of his research. An unlimited edition of this important book should be available in the not too distant future.)5. Robbins, P.: Wilhelm Reich and UFOs. The Journal of Orgonomy, Volume 24, Number 2, New York, Orgonomic Publications, Inc, 1990.6. Robbins, P.: Wilhelm Reich and UFOs, Part II: Examining Evidence and Allegations. The Journal of Orgonomy, Volume 25, Number 1, New York, Orgonomic Publications, Inc, 1991.7. Reich, W.: Wilhelm Reich Biographical Material: History of the Discovery of the Life Energy (American Period, 1939-1952), Documentary Volume A - XI - E, The Einstein Affair. Rangeley, Maine: Orgone Institute Press, 1953.8. Reich, W.: Contact With Space. Rangeley, Maine: Orgone Institute Press, 1957.9. Eden, J.: Planet in Trouble: The UFO Assault on Earth, New York, The Exposition Press, 1973.10. Greenfield, J.: Wilhelm Reich VS. The U.S.A., New York, W.W. Norton & Company, Inc., 1974.11. Westrum, R.: The Blind Eye of Science, The Whole Earth Review, No. 52, Fall, 1986.12. Boadella, D.: Wilhelm Reich: The Evolution of His Work. London: Vision Press, 1973.13. Croall, J. (ed.): Record of a Friendship: The Correspondence Between Wilhelm Reich and A.S. Neill. New York: Farrar &Giroux, 1981.14. Croall, J. (ed.): All the Best, Neill. London, Watts, 1984.15. Matthews, Paul: Book Review, Journal of Orgonomy, 7(2), November 1973.

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Wilhelm Reich and UFOs - Part ICopyright© 2010 by Peter Robbins

Abstract: This is a two-part article, the first part of which relates Dr. Wilhelm Reich’ssighting accounts, experiences, deductions and conclusions concerning UFOs. Alsoexamined are the reactions, perceptions, rebuttals and dismissals of his findings byothers, and, in some cases, their opinions concerning his sanity. “Wilhelm Reich andUFOs Part II” addresses evidence in support of his UFO related accounts andconclusions. Much of the evidence presented is in the form of excerpts from previouslyclassified documents and reports which encompass a cross-section of American militaryand intelligence sources ranging from 1947 to 1980. See Part Two here.

The science of orgonomy is the study of how energy functions in the living and the non-living realms. It offers ground-breaking discoveries and knowledge with applications inthe fields as seemingly diverse as biology, psychology, cancer research, sociology, politicalscience, meteorology and weather modification. Wilhelm Reich’s work was and remainsderided and distorted by those who do not understand it or are threatened by its findingsand observations. But it was his research and investigation into the subject of UFOs whichwere best employed by his adversaries to suggest his long career had finally led to somefor of mental illness or delusional thinking. Considering that he developed and built a(successful) weather modification device that inadvertently attracted and interacted withUFOs, and that he and trusted colleagues observed (and documented) them on a numberof occasions in the mid-fifties, Reich had little choice but to take them seriously. Allparticulars noted in this paper have been drawn from Dr. Reich’s out of print writings andscientific records of the period, as well as through extensive interviews with Dr. ElsworthF. Baker, his long-time first assistant, his daughter Eva, and a handful of other colleagueswho worked by his side throughout this period.

The late author and educator Jerome Eden once referred to UFOs as the idiot child of themedia. I would agree, and add that the truth about Dr. Reich’s UFO-related observations,findings and conclusions are very likely the idiot child of Urology. The intention of thispaper is to help familiarize the reader with the specifics of this remarkable episode inOrgonomy, and in Post War history.

Science is best served by accepting or rejecting an idea on the basis of its efficiency, not itsappearance, history, origin, number of supporters or its supporters’ credentials. MaxPlanck, a winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics, arrived at the following conclusion on thebasis of his own observations:

… as a rule, new scientific truth is not accepted by its opponents acknowledgingrecognition and declaring themselves convinced. Instead, it wins out because itsadversaries pass away and the new generation has been from the start acquainted with thetruth (3:ii)

In the matter of serious inquiry into the question of UFO and their implications, we havean exception; by and large, each new generation of establishment scientists remains as

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unwilling as unwilling to take the matter any more seriously than those who precededthem.

Why was Wilhelm Reich interested in UFOs, and how did he arrive at his conclusionsconcerning them?

Reich’s interest in UFOs dates from 1953 (4:6). Until then, there is no indication that he hadpaid any attention to all the publicity surrounding “flying saucers,” even when, in 1952,some visitors to his home and laboratory in Rangeley, Maine (now the Wilhelm ReichMuseum – see Phenomena, 09/10/04, page 14) reported seeing shining objects in the skythat were decidedly not stars. In November 1953, though, he read one of the best booksavailable on the subject at the time, Flying Saucers from Outer Space (4:7). The author, aretired Marine Corps Major named Donald Keyhoe, was a highly respected and decoratedfighter pilot and pioneered much of the basis for modern scientific UFO studies inAmerica. Reich’s writings indicate he was intrigued by Keyhoe’s observations that theirsilence, maneuverability and speed repeatedly defied conventional laws of mechanicalflight. At the time, Reich wrote:

I had not studied anything on the subject: I knew practically nothing about it. But mymind, used to expecting surprises in natural research, was open to anything that seemedreal. (4:5)

He also read E. J. Ruppelt’s Report on UFOs. This book, by a retired USAF Captain whohad headed the Air Force’s ongoing UFO record-keeping (and public relations) program,Project Blue Book, prompted Reich to note:

The Ruppelt Report on UFOs clearly reveals the helplessness of mechanistic method incoming to grips with the problems posed by the spacemen. The cosmic Forgone energywhich these living beings are using in their technology is beyond the grasp of mechanisticscience since cosmic laws of functioning are not mechanical but what I term “functional.”The helplessness of mechanical thinking appears in the tragic shortcoming of our fastestfighter jets to make and hold contact with UFOs. Being unavoidably outdistanced is not aflattering situation for military pride. The conclusion seems correct: Mechanistic methodsof locomotion must be counted out in coping with the spaceship problem.

One night as he sat on the steps outside his home in Maine, something flashed by at greatspeed, its behavior not suggestive of a comet, meteorite, or shooting star. Reich reportedthe sighting to the Air Force Base at Presque Island, Maine; it was the first of manysighting reports he forwarded to the Air Force (4:94). He was then asked to fill out anofficial questionnaire. In March, 1954, Reich sent a copy of his survey on UFOs to the AirForce. The survey was actually a manuscript detailing his theoretical conclusions of themas spacecraft.

Basic to Dr. Reich’s understanding of the universe was the pervasive presence of energy(which he termed Forgone energy), implying the possibility of life in space. At this timehis questioning encompassed the galactic currents, the formation and destruction of starsystems, and the origin of the universe itself. Along with his deepening involvement incloudbusting, he now began a careful examination of the stars and set about proving thatsome ‘stars’ did not behave like others. The method was nocturnal, time-lapse

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photography. The camera was carefully set and the experiment proceeded withunexpected results. Some of the stars did not produce the white lines caused by the Earth’srotation. These stars simply vanished. They were something else. He now began towonder in earnest what they were, and specifically what they were doing in the skies overMaine.

Reich saw the Oranur Experiment, with its massive pollution of the Maine area, as thecause of their immediate interest in the region. Considering his own observations, those ofa number of co-workers, and independent reports of UFO activity over Maine, it washardly egoistic that he should assume that his activities might be the subject of theirspecial attention (4:31).

It is widely held by many students of UFO studies (and in a number of early classifiedmilitary and intelligence reports as well) that the early detonations of our atomic bombswere a possible trigger for these visitations, or re-visitations.

In February 1949, the Air Force issued its first known extensive intelligence report onUFOs, Project Sign. The paper, which was classified SECRET, was declassified in the late1970s. In regard to the possibility of some UFOs being someone else’s spaceships, it statessomewhat prophetically:

A. If there is an extraterrestrial civilization which can make such objects as are reportedthen it is most probable that its development is far in advance of ours. This argument canbe supported on probability arguments alone without recourse to astronomicalhypotheses.

b. Such a civilization might observe that on Earth we now have atomic bombs and are fastdeveloping rockets. In view of the past history of mankind, they should be alarmed. Weshould, therefore, expect at this time above all to behold such visitations.

I these craft had harnessed the sea of energy pervading the universe, what might be theeffect of training a cloudbuster on one? … The results of this action were both profoundand disturbing. He writes:

I hesitated for weeks to turn my cloudbuster pipes toward a “star” as if I had known thatsome of the blinking lights hanging in the sky were no planets or stars but space machines.With the fading out of the two “stars,” the cloudbuster had suddenly changed into aspace-gun … When I saw the “star” to the west fade out four times in succession, whathad been left of the old world of human knowledge after the discovery of Forgone energy,tumbled beyond retrieve. From now on everything, anything, was possible Nothing couldany longer be considered “impossible.” I had directed the draw-pipes connected with thedeep well towards and ordinary star and the star had faded out four times. There was nomistake about it. Three more people had seen it. There was only one conclusion: The thingwe had drawn from was not a star. It was something else – a UFO … The shock of thisexperience was great enough not to repeat such an action until 10 October 1954 (4:4-5)

Preceding this, on October 5 and 6, three large, yellow UFOs hung low over the southernhorizon and another over the observatory on Reich’s property. On the 10th, a large reddishUFO hovered just to the south of the property. At this point, the cloudbuster was trainedon it and it moved. Followed by the cloudbuster, it became less red, moved higher, and

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later sank down below the horizon. Shortly thereafter, a second one (yellow) appeared inthe west. After two minutes of direct drawing, it faded, came back, flashed, pulsated, andwobbled while moving irregularly from south to north. There was for Reich the distinct,subjective impression of a struggle. It came back again shortly after, and again, becamefainter and smaller after drawing on it. At this point there were at this four in total (to thenorth, south and west) which then removed themselves, disappearing from sight (4:34).

On October 10, for a second time, Reich dimmed “stars” and induced them to move, “as ifin flight in different directions.” He again concluded they were machines, and not ones ofterrestrial origin.

Reich’s point of view on UFOs shifted between 1953 and 1957. At first he theorized theywere benign observers, but gradually became convinced that, either by intention oraccident, they were contributing to the pollution accumulating in the atmosphere.

Contact With Space, privately published after Wilhelm Reich’s death in 1957, documentsearly weather modification, or CORE (cosmic Forgone engineering) operations and the1954-55 cloudbusting expedition to Arizona. The book, published in an edition of only fivehundred, details a great deal more information than this paper is designed to cover, and itis not my intention here to synopsize this sweeping text, only that Reich’s scientificobservations of, interactions with, and findings on UFOs chronicled in Contact With Spacemade it indispensable in the preparation of this article.

The following day, October 11, Reich authorized his friend, research associate and son-in-law (who was a trained cloudbuster operator), to call the Air Technical IntelligenceCommand (ATIC) in Dayton, Ohio, and make an appointment to discuss the disabling ofthe UFOs the previous day. Moise was in Ohio on his way to Arizona at the time. Ameeting with a General Watson was agreed upon on for October 14. Over the phoneWatson asked Moise, if necessary, could their conference be continued into the evening,and how did Reich know that the UFOs had been disabled? Moise arrived at the facilityearly on the 14th where he was met by a Dr. Byers, a physicist employed by the command.Byers escorted Moise to the conference, also attended by a USAF Captain Hill and acivilian named Harry Haberer (6:8). Asking where General Watson was, Moise was toldthat he was unable to attend. Angered, Moise left and returned to his Dayton motel. Thenext day Moise received a phone call from Captain Hill conveying Watson’s apologies andwas asked if the report could be made to ATIC Deputy Commander Colonel Wertenbaker.Moise agreed and they met later that day. Present were Captain Hill, Dr. Byers, Habererand the Colonel. Moise gave an oral presentation and all took notes except the Colonel.Feeling that this had been a significant meeting, that at least some breakthrough had beenmade in interesting a branch of the government in Reich’s observations of the involvementwith UFOs, Moise wrote that:

The contact with Col. Wertenbaker was excellent throughout the conference. He wasserious, intent and looked at me while I talked. He was the only one who did. Hisexcitement increased as the report progressed. (4:86)

Several days later, the Colonel wrote to the Director of Intelligence for the Air Force –somehow this note ended up in the Food and Drug Administration’s case file on Reich. It

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read in part:

General Watson did not talk personally to Mr. Moise, I am happy to say, but I interviewedthis person . . . the information given us by Moise defies description and I’ll not attempt togive you the details . . . the Air Force will do well to avoid entanglements but what isabsolutely necessary from the standpoint of good public relations

Dr. Byers, the physicist, told Moise that he was familiar with Reich’s work. Harry Haberer,the civilian in attendance, was described as working on the history of UFOs with the AirForce. Leaving Ohio, Moise continued on to Arizona. Meanwhile, Reich, his son Peter, andseveral others were driving west as well. Traveling cross-country to Arizona, in authorDavid Boadella’s words:

Reich’s account of the 3200-mile journey (4:111-131) is a masterpiece of reportage on subtlenuances that he noticed in the atmosphere, in vegetation, and in the soil on the journey. Toread it is to learn how much we all walk about with our eyes shut and how insensitive wetend to be towards the emotional feel of the environment. (7:299)

They carried an appropriate assortment of laboratory equipment (4:134-136), each vehiclewith a cloudbuster in tow. They arrived at the leased property ten miles outside of Tucsonon October 19, 1954. Settled in, they commenced drawing operations, regularly observingthe atmosphere with their meteorological instruments. Records were kept in accordancewith strict scientific method. Individual journals were also kept.

Robert McCulloch, another trained cloudbuster operator, assisted Reich and Moise in theoperation. Drawing began at the end of October and many UFOs were observed duringthe nights of October 31 and November 1 over the area. By November 7, moisture in theatmosphere had risen from the usual 15% to 65%, an unheard of relative humidity forTucson. Drawing continued, mostly from the southwest direction. On November 7, thefirst clouds were forming thickly and soon covered the sky, indicating rain. Then, withoutapparent explanation, the clouds began to decompose. That evening, a large, bright UFOwas seen coming up from the north. It moved slowly southwest until it stopped andhovered for several hours ten to fifteen degrees above the southern horizon. A connectionbetween the dissipation of clouds and the presence of UFOs in the skies seemedunavoidable after this sequence of events continued to repeat itself. (4:136-164)

By November 13, the relative humidity had risen to 67% and rain seemed imminent in alocation which had seen none in five years. But by that evening the humidity had droppedtwenty points to 47%. The next day, two bright, pulsating, flashing UFOs were seen low inthe eastern sky. Upon direct draw, the first dimmed after an initial stronger blinking, thenremained dim. The second wobbled, then it too, dimmed markedly. Suddenly, a thirdcame up in the east, as if from nowhere. Early on the morning of the 18th, a UFO was seenon the horizon and within two hours an Air Force aircraft was seen circling the area. MoreUFOs continued to be observed in direct relationship with the destruction of the relativehumidity. (4:168-172)

On the morning of November 29th, Reich, looking at the eastern sky through a three-and-a-half inch refracting telescope, observed a fully articulated cigar-shaped craft. In his noteshe writes that he first refused to accept the notions, but windows were clearly observed on

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the object and recorded in his drawings. The ship was observed, as cloud cover wouldallow, off and on between December 1 and December 17. Charts of its movements werekept. (4:175-178)

By December 14, the atmosphere in the area of the base camp, and indeed, in Tucson itselfwas oppressive and deadening. Just prior to this Reich’s associate, Dr. Silvert, hadtransported a small amount of radioactive material that had been exposed in anaccumulator from Maine to the Tucson site. The material had to be towed on a cable onehundred feet behind a hired plane as its lead shielding was unable to contain its alteredreaction. At about 4:30 PM, a huge black cloud formed over the Tucson area, graduallyturning deep purple with a somewhat reddish glow. The background radiation count inthe area jumped to an alarming one hundred thousand counts per minute. The usualbackground count had been holding at six to eight hundred counts per minute. Twelve AirForce planes overflew the base camp and their contrails (made of water vapor) quicklydissolved. Twenty minutes after both cloudbusters began drawing, the skies cleared At5:30 PM four B-56 bombers flew in low over the area. Reich felt that this “cloud” maskedthe presence of other UFOs. If so, this incident was indeed properly categorized as a battle.Interest in the newly arrived and highly aggravated radioactive material was a suspectedcause of their appearance. (4:199-201)

In Contact With Space, Dr. Wilhelm Reich’s reflections on the possible implications of anextraterrestrial reality are often moving, profound and disturbing. Reich dares, as ascientist, to exercise a most precious right: the right to challenge an established andaccepted belief, the right to think a thought, no matter how others might perceive it,recording that thought for publication and standing by it in the face of almost universalcriticism. Read out of context – that is, without benefit of any serious study of his thirtyfive years of previous writings, methodology or discoveries – even the most intelligent andperceptive reader might find it preferable to dismiss his observations as bearing witness toa great mind finally derailed, rather than to contemplate them seriously.

Since his death, most accounts of Reich’s life and work, be they supportive or otherwise,follow a similar logic: that the level of importance which he ascribed to his UFOobservations is, in itself, a means of “proving,” or at least suggesting that Reich had gonequite mad during his last years. Such material is often presented in a manner suggestingthat a good deal of “fairness,” objectivity and patience were spent in ‘sorting all this out’for the reader. Others don’t even bother. With no serious grounding in either UFO studiesor orgonomy and no real interest in fair scientific inquiry or method, they accuse and rant,exposing the madness they perceive. Often written in angry displays of public-spiritedconcern, they warn the good reader away, like police at the scene of an accident. Otheraccounts are simply inaccurate.

James Wyckoff, in Wilhelm Reich – Life Force Explorer, tells us that:

At the same time {as Reich was understanding weather control}, he became interested inUFOs – unidentified flying objects. It is during this period especially that people assert he“really did go crazy.” Certainly from what one reads (not always a reliable source of truth)he did become a “paranoic,” feeling that the communists, the “Red Fascists,” were after hisdiscoveries, and even later that the earth was being attacked by spacemen. (8:119)

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For those who prefer pictures, Reich for Beginners, a comic book written by David ZaneMairowitz, gives us the author’s version in lively present tense:

Reich now becomes convinced that UFOs (or Ea’s as he calls them) are fueled by Forgoneand that DOR {deadly orgone energy} is the exhaust of these machines. The Earth is underattack from outer space and space ships have landed at Orgonon.1 If he can find a way touse the cloudbuster as a space gun, he can make contact with them. (9:160)

(Footnote to be located at bottom of appropriate page) 1 A claim which, to the very best ofmy knowledge, neither Reich, nor any of those around him, nor anyone else, for thatmatter, has ever made.

David Boadella, author of the 1973 work, Wilhelm Reich: The Evolution of His Work,observes that:

In the popular mind, merely to entertain the idea of such objects seems, in itself, to be atthe least cranky, if not positively delusionary , or the product of a deliberate hoax. (7:299)

Boadella is “fair.” He grants that:

…at no time in his life did Reich ever suffer from any form of hallucination orobservational carelessness. Since the form gave no scope for observational constructs,Reich was tied down to earth and confined to observations that were in themselves of thesame type that had been made by thousands of other reliable observers around thatperiod. It is likely that Reich made such observations on more than one occasion. (7:301)

Then, quoting from Contact With Space, Boadella goes on to say:

On 10 October 1954, for the second time, Reich claims to have dimmed “stars” andinduced them to move “as if in flight in different directions,” He concludes that “Theywere space machines. There was no doubt whatsoever after this second experience thatour cosmic energy research was on the right track. It was standing up to the most exactingtechniques of control and testing.”

This kind of breakdown in reasoning indicates that something in Reich’s mind had“tumbled beyond retrieve.” (7:303-304)

Colin Wilson, author of The Quest For Wilhelm Reich, is not that kind. This passage isfairly representative:

The [Reich’s] books seemed to reflect increasing delusions of grandeur. His “scientific”discoveries became even more preposterous – the orgone accumulator, the cloudbuster,even a motor that was supposed to work off orgone energy. Many Reichians claim to haveseen the motor operating . . . and then, in what seemed like an irrevocable step into sheerinsanity, Reich suddenly decided that the human race, and himself in particular, werebeing observed by beings from outer space in flying saucers. (10:215)

But Wilson is also “fair”:

Before dismissing Reich’s talk of UFOs as a kind of Don Quixote fantasy, we should bear inmind that everyone else at Orgonon and Little Orgonon (the name given to the leasedacreage outside Tucson for CORE operations) witnessed the phenomenon of the “lights”blinking out when Reich pointed the cloudbuster at them – Peter Reich, for example,

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describes witnessing it in his Book of Dreams. Reich may have been suffering fromparanoid delusions by this time – but his impressions were not entirely subjective. (10:224)

Apparently, claiming to have observed UFOs, and, over time, their behavior, interactingwith them via the cloudbuster, ascribed to them intelligence and intention, keeping the AirForce and the office of the President appraised of his activities, and finally, theposthumous publishing of Contact With Space, proved intolerable to all by a few.

Even A. S. Neil, the distinguished British educator who was Reich’s loyal friend andcolleague of many years, seemed convinced these findings would only prove to be anembarrassment to orgonomy. But not at first. In March of 1955, he wrote to Reich:

Thanks for the saucer book which came a few days ago. It sure made me sit up. So muchAir Force testimony can’t be ignored . . . Inclined to accept your opinion that they arebenign, the only problem I can imagine would be their arrival here to stop the inevitableatomic destruction of all life. Mutual fear won’t stop war. Almost looks as if Freud wasright in saying there is a death instinct when one sees the whole mass of people thinkingof football and radio etc. at a time when the sinking of a U.S. aircraft carrier off Formosa orthe enthusiasm of a U.S. pilot might set the light to the gunpowder barrel. Hence I say: letthe spacemen come; they might save us and they came as destroyers they could not bemore dangerous than man himself. (11:392)

I must stress here that Reich had few friendships or professional relationships of suchduration and depth and it is not my intention to put a particular cast on Neil here. It is justthat he articulated the prevailing attitude so well. In December 1957, a month after Reich’sdeath, he wrote this to Ilse Ollendorff, Reich’s former wife and co-worker:

The difficulty will not be to separate what’s valuable from what isn’t. The idea that the trialwas orchestrated from Moscow is just bunkum, and we have no proof of flying saucersanyway. Why should Reich’s great work be mixed up with either factor? That Reich laterhad some illusions I think right, but they don’t so anything to lessen his work. We all haveillusions and maybe the greater we are, the greater the illusions. But that Eva {Reich’sdaughter} and Moise {his son-in-law} and Steig {cartoonist and illustrator of Reich’s bookListen Little Man!, and a financial backer of the Arizona expedition} should go on havingillusions is bad, bad for the future of Reich’s acceptance as a scientist. (12:108)

And there’s the rub: “bad for the future of Reich’s acceptance as a scientist” – aconsideration not taken lightly by Neil and others deeply concerned about the future oforgonomy. I can only wonder how Neil might have reacted when students and facultymembers at his beloved Summerhill described to me the UFO sightings they had from theSummerhill property in Leiston, Suffolk on the occasions I was a speaker there. DavidBoadella sums the conundrum up:

…why did the orthodox scientists and psychologists condemn Reich? Why did theydismiss him as a paranoic while Raknes (a Norwegian colleague) and Dr. Hoppe of Isrealand lots of the sane American surgeons and physicians and I thought him to be the mostimportant thinker of our time? . . . I must face the question that was so often raised by hisenemies – his sanity. . . . Apparently he believed that flying saucers were from otherworlds without due proof. Yet when the judge ordered him to be examined by a board of

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psychiatrists, they pronounced him sane. (7:379)

They were not alone. Professor Paul Matthews of New York University observed in his1973 review of Boadella’s book:

Reich’s scientific integrity, creativity, and genius, even to the end of his life, need nodefense or confirmation from me; nor does his sanity need defense in the opinion of thosewho were closest to him and in a position to gauge his mental status, character structure,and work capacity at that time. (13)

But does all this really come down to a question of Wilhelm Reich’s sanity? Medicalresearcher Ludwik Flek notes in his 1979 book, The Genesis and Development of aScientific Fact:

What we are faced with here is not so much a simple passivity or mistrust of new ideas asan active approach which can be divided into several stages.

(1) A contradiction to the system appears unthinkable

(2) What does not fit into the system remains unseen

(3) Alternatively, if it is noticed, either it is kept secret, or

(4) Laborious efforts are made to explain an exception in terms that do not contradict thesystem

(5) Despite the legitimate claims of contradictory views, one tends to see, describe, or evenillustrate those circumstances which corroborate current views and thereby give themsubstance. (14:83)

Thus the unacceptable or unacceptable theory is excluded. The individual who persists inputting forth such a theory may ultimately be excluded and, in a number of historicincidences, declared to be out of touch with “reality” or insane. You may have theknowledge of a master scientist and still not be able to analyze or even see beyond theaccepted theories of your own era.

There are things in life which many of us would rather not know of; questions we may notwant answered. Reich asks such a question on page one of Contact With Space. Much aswe – those of us who hold his work and discoveries in high regard – may wish it didn’t,the passage reads:

On May 20, 1956 PM, a thought of a very remote possibility entered my mind, which, Ifear, will never leave me again: Am I a Spaceman? Do I belong to a new race on earth, bredby men from outer space, in embraces with earthly women? Are my children offspring ofthe first interplanetary race? Has the melting-pot of interplanetary society already beencreated on our planet, as the melting pot of all earth nations was established in the U.S.A.190 years ago? Or does this thought relate to things to come in the future? I request myright and privilege to have such thoughts and to ask such questions without beingthreatened to be jailed by any administrative agency of society. (4:1)

As clearly stated at the outset, this “a thought of a very remote possibility” {emphasisadded}. Reich does not seem to delude himself as to how such a passage would likely bemet by scientist and laymen alike. Despite this, he chose to put himself squarely in the eye

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of the storm. Was it, then, because he believed it to be true? And if so, can this only meanthat he had, in fact, “gone crazy,” or, at the least, suffered from delusions? Or was hesimply exercising his “right and privilege to have such thoughts?” Three pages later heobserves that:

In the face of a rigid, self-appointed, ready-to-kill hierarchy of scientific censorship, itappears foolish to publish such thoughts. Anyone malignant enough could do anythingwith them. Still, the right to be wrong has to be maintained. We should not fear to enter aforest because there are wildcats around in the trees. We should not yield our right to wellcontrolled speculation . . . In entering the cosmic age, we should certainly insist to ask new,even silly questions without being molested. (4:178-179)

See Part Two here.REFERENCES

1. Fort, C.: The Complete Books of Charles Fort. New York: Dover Publishing, Inc., 1974

2. Goran, M.: The Modern Myth. Cranbury, NJ: A.S. Barnes and Co., 1978

3. Strickland, J.: Superworlds. New York: Grosset & Dunlap, 1975

4. Reich, W.: Contact With Space. Rangeley, Maine: Orgone Institute Press, 1957

5. Truettner, L.H., Deyarmond, A.B., Technical Report on Project Sign (Classified Secret). Wright-PattersonAFB, Dayton, Ohio: Air Materiel Command Intelligence Department, February, 1949.

6. Eden, J.: Eden Bulletin, 7(3), Careywood, Idaho, July 1980

7. Boadella, D.: Wilhelm Reich: The Evolution of His Work. London: Vision Press, 1973.

8. Wyckoff, J.: Wilhelm Reich – Life Force Explorer. Greenwich, CT: Fawcett, 1973

9. Mairowitz, D.Z.: Reich for Beginners. London: University Press, 1986.

10. Wilson, C.: The Quest for Wilhelm Reich. Garden City, NY, Anchor Press, 1981

11. Croall, J. (ed.): Record of a Friendship: The Correspondence Between Wilhelm Reich and A.S. Neill. NewYork: Farrar &Giroux, 1981

12. Croall, J. (ed.): All the Best, Neill. London, Watts, 1984

13. Matthews, P.: “Book Review,” Journal of Orgonomy, 7(2), November, 1973

14. Westrum, R.: “The Blind Eye of Science,” The Whole Earth Review, No. 52. Fall, 1986

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Wilhelm Reich and UFOs - Part II:Examining the Evidence and Allegations Copyright© 2010 by Peter Robbins

Abstract: This is a two-part article, the first part of which relates Dr. Wilhelm Reich’ssighting accounts, experiences, deductions and conclusions concerning UFOs. Alsoexamined are the reactions, perceptions, rebuttals and dismissals of his findings byothers, and, in some cases, their opinions concerning his sanity. “Wilhelm Reich andUFOs Part II” addresses evidence in support of his UFO related accounts andconclusions. Much of the evidence presented is in the form of excerpts from previouslyclassified documents and reports which encompass a cross-section of American militaryand intelligence sources ranging from 1947 to 1980.

“What do they want for Proof?”-There is no proof. There are no authorities whatsoever.No president, no academy, court of law, congress or senate on this earth has theknowledge or power to decide what will be the knowledge of tomorrow. There is no use intrying to prove something that is unknown to someone who is ignorant of the unknown,or fearful of its threatening power. Only the good, old rules of learning will eventuallybring about understanding of what has invaded our earthly existence (2:xxii).

In the introduction to Contact With Space, Dr. Wilhelm Reich asks what constitutes proofthat some UFOs are the product of intelligences from somewhere other than Earth. Shortof an actual sighting or contact experience, what constitutes proof for you? If we find asubject disturbing enough, we are capable of prejudging anything offered into evidenceand discounting its value – no matter how many eyewitnesses affirm its reality, no matterhow many photographs are taken, or how many relevant tests have been preformed.Rocks falling from the sky were a frightening thought in the 1790s, and why not? It is afrightening thought.

A similar controversy now surrounds the issue of UFOs and the plausibility of present-dayextraterrestrial visits. If anything, they’ve become emblematic of “the unknown” in outtime and in this culture. This while many continue to laugh off even the possibility of theirexistence. Should a popular state of denial here surprise us? Not really. From 1947 – theoutset of our modern age of UFO sightings – most people have been well-conditioned bythe media and the government to accept the entire matter as something less than scientificand not of serious concern. Where are we to look for “acceptable” evidence relating to thesoundness of Reich’s observations, deductions and conclusions? Legal actions initiatedunder the Freedom of Information Act, and, when it is still allowed, the naturalgovernmental process of reviewing and downgrading the classifications of dated, sensitivematerials, have, over the years, resulted in the release of thousands of pages of UFO-related documents. Generated by many branches and offices of our military, intelligence,and governmental communities, these papers include information from foreign sources aswell. The agencies involved have a standing policy of not commenting on documentsreleased, but they will confirm authenticity. It is mainly in this verification that I have been

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able to build to build a case for Wilhelm Reich’s UFO findings.

Literally every type of UFO-related phenomena Reich observed and recorded in militaryand intelligence documents of the period or earlier. Many of his conclusions about UFOswere shared or seriously considered, on paper, by highly placed individuals in military,intelligence, and government, including Air Force personnel, members of Air Forceintelligence, the CIA, the FBI, the National Security Agency, the Atomic EnergyCommission, the Rand Corporation, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, several NASA astronauts andtwo Secretary Generals of the United Nations.

Evidence indicates that some UFOs are indeed highly advanced craft of some type, ofundetermined origin, and that there is a direct relationship between their observedfunctioning and Reich’s discoveries of the dynamics of energy functioning.

Addressing Dr. Reich’s scientific methodology, a first question is: Was he guilty of, in thewords of author Jerome Greenfield, “haste and insufficient regard for scientific method inarrival of his conclusions concerning UFOs.” (3:140). Faced with a genuine scientificchallenge for which there were no specimens to examine, few specialized laboratory toolsto validate, and subject to overt hostility from the rest of the scientific community, heproceeded in the most responsible manner he was able: by observing, reading,photographing, working with the cloudbuster, and continually reconfirming his findingsagainst those of his similarly involved colleagues. Most important, without tools, hecontinued to utilize his finest scientific instruments as well as humanly possible: his finemind and keen senses. There has never been a question about Reich’s ability to make deepand sustained contact with uncomfortable and difficult material1.

(Footnote 1) Reich’s own Rules to Follow in Basic Research bear witness to his scrupulousmethodology. They are available from the Wilhelm Reich Museum Store at Orgonon,Rangeley, Maine, or from this author.

Due to some of the unique problems and limitations inherent in responsible scientific UFOresearch at this time, Reich’s choice was to proceed in this matter aware of the limitationsin this new field of inquiry, or not to proceed at all; Reich proceeded. The rate at which hisobservations, experiences, and findings translated into reported or published results wasnot done in “haste”; it simply took as long as required given the circumstances. Reichloved the truth; in pursuing more knowledge about UFOs, he risked his reputation. In fact,he did reach disturbing and unpopular conclusions. He employed the only proceduresand methodologies left open to him, applying thirty five years of using proper scientificmethod to guide him in arriving at these findings.

Credibility of KeyhoeReich’s first source of written information on UFOs with USMC Major (ret.) DonaldKeyhoe’s book, Flying Saucers Are Real, with which he was much impressed. He also readKeyhoe’s next book, Flying Saucers from Outer Space, published in 1953, and continued tohold the author and his work in high regard. Was Reich justified in taking Keyhoe’s

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writings seriously?

In January 1953, Albert Chop of the Department of Defense Office of Public Informationwrote to Keyhoe’s publisher, Henry Holt & Co.:

We in the Air Force recognize Major Keyhoe as a responsible, accurate reporter. His longassociation and cooperation with the Air Force, in our study of unidentified flying objects,qualifies him as a leading civilian authority on this investigation. The Air Force and itsinvestigating agency, “Project Bluebook,” are aware of Major Keyhoe’s conclusion that the“Flying Saucers” are from another planet. The Air Force has never denied that thispossibility exists … if the apparently controlled maneuvers reported by many competentobservers are correct, then the only remaining explanation is the interplanetary answer.(Doc. 1)

Following his retirement as the first Director of the CIA (1947-50), Admiral RoscoeHillenkotter, at Keyhole’s invitation, joined the board of directors of Keyhole’s researchorganization, the National Investigating Committee of Aerial Phenomena (NICAD), thelargest, most respected, and influential UFO organization existing at that time.Hillenkotter himself became quite outspoken on the subject of UFOs after leaving theagency. He is on record as saying, “The unknown objects are operating under intelligentcontrol. It is imperative that we learn where the UFOs come from and what their purposeis” (5:22). Keyhole’s pioneering work was and is worthy of respect.

“Star-like” ReferencesQuoting from Contact With Space: “some of the blinking lights hanging in the sky werenot planets or fixed stars but space machines (2:xxii). Here and at other points, Reich refersto UFOs as sometimes being star-like in appearance. Are there similar references on theofficial record? Many. From a January 13, 1981 Department of Air Force report written byRAF Bentwaters (Suffolk UK) Deputy Base Commander Charles I Halt. It describes part ofthe December 1980 Bentwaters-Woodbridge UFO incident:

Later in the night a red sun-like light was seen through the trees. It moved about andpulsed. At one point it appeared to throw off glowing particles and then broke into fiveseparate white objects and then disappeared. Immediately thereafter, three star-like objectswere noticed in the sky, two objects to the north and one to the south. (Doc. 2)

Next is an excerpt from a September 20, 1976 priority cablegram from the U.S. DefenseAttache’ Officer at the American Embassy in Teheran to the Secretaries of State andDefense, the CIA and the White House, among others:

Received four telephone calls from citizens living in the Shemiran area of Tehran sayingthey had seen strange objects in the sky. Some reported a bird-like object while othersreported a helicopter with a light on. There were no helicopters airborne at the time. Afterhe told the citizens it was only stars and had talked to Mehrabod [Airport] tower, hedecided to look for himself. He noticed an object in the sky similar to a star, bigger andbrighter. (Doc. 3)

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Star-like references (and signs of intelligent control) from Peterson Air Force Base inColorado. From the NORAD [North American Radar Air Defense Command] Director’slog for November 8, 1975:

Personnel picked up objects 10-13,000 feet [traveling at] 18 knots [at] 12,000 [feet] … Lostradar contact, fighters broke off at 0825, looking in area J331 … From SAC CP [StrategicAir Command Post] : L-sites had objects and fighters; fighters did not get down to object…when fighters arrived in the area, the lights went out; when fighters departed, the lightscame back on.-From SAC CP (Sabotage Alert Team): L-5 reported objects increased inspeed-high velocity, raised in altitude and now cannot tell objects from stars.

UFO Activity and CloudsOn different occasions, Reich observed what he felt was a direct relationship between UFOactivity and clouds (2:136-172). He postulated that if UFOs were orgone-fueled machines,DOR would be their exhaust. Is such a relationship existed, it would have a functionalbasis. The presence of DOR would destroy clouds (2: 168-172). The following excerptspertain to DOR activity and the absence of a vapor trail.

1. Air Material Command’s Opinion Concerning “Flying Discs” to Commanding Gen.Twining (later to head the Joint Chiefs of Staff), date September 23, 1947 - under“command description of the objects: “Absence of trail, except in a few instances when theobject apparently was operating under high performance conditions.” (Doc. 6).

2. An Air Force document dated 28, 1952: “Under certain power conditions, the craft seemto have the ability to cut a clear path through clouds - width of path estimated on-halfmile. Only one incident indicated this phenomenon.” (Doc. 7).

3. Excerpt under “Commonly Reported Features”: “The absence of an exhaust trail exceptin a few instances when it was reported to have a bluish color like a diesel exhaust, whichpersisted for approximately one hour.” Other reports indicated a brownish smoke trail(Doc. 9).

4. FBI Memorandum: From Special Agent in Charge, San Antonio, Texas. To J. EdgarHoover, Director. Subject: “Protection of Vital Installations,” dated January 31, 1949 -reference to UFO sighted over Alabama by Eastern Airlines pilot, co-pilot and passages inJuly 1948: “It appeared out of a thunderhead ahead of the Eastern Airlines plane andimmediately disappeared into another cloud narrowly missing a collision with the EasternAirlines Plane.” (Doc 10).

5. Relative to cloud destruction, Reich observed in Arizona, “Twelve Air Force planesoverflew the site and their jet trails quickly dissolved.” (2). Project Sign, the Air Force’s firstcomprehensive report on UFOs, February 1949, classified “SECRET,” observed that “UFOswere not known to produce any physical effects, other than the one case in which a cloudwas evaporated along the trajectory [of the UFO], it is not certain that the laws ofmechanics, for instance, would be sufficient [to explain this].” (Doc. 9-21)

6. A Department of Army Intelligence Report from Kabul, Afghanistan, dated December 3,

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1959. Four days earlier “A bright object was observed in Mazar-I-Sharif (northwestAfghanistan) moving with high speed from North-East towards South-West. The objectdisappeared in three minutes in the clouds.” (Doc. 10)

7. A photograph taken in Denmark, Sunday morning November 17, 1974, by a Mr.Lauersen with his 35mm camera while walking his dog. He looked up to see a hoveringdisc-shaped object, flat metallic in appearance, generating a cloud around itself, and thendisappearing in a white vaporous cloud. (Figure 1) Site: Viborg on the Jutland Pennisulla.Film: Kodacolor negative (100 ASA). Weather” clear. Temperature: 5 degrees Centigrade.Time: 9:00 AM. Distance from camera: approximately 250-300 m. Elevation from horizon:30 degrees. Diameter estimate: 30 m. Investigated by Hans Peteren, head of the DanishUFO research organization, IGAPE. Analyzed by Col. (Ret.) Colman S. VonKeviczky,MMSE.

8. From a November 1977 Russian academic paper: “Over Pulkovo the UFO delineated onthe sky a giant 8 [eight] and left behind a contrail.” (Doc 4)

Color Change Sequence Reich observed a specific sequence of color changes in the UFO sights: “Yellow to red orwhite, flashing, pulsating, changing color from yellow to red or green visa versa” (2).Other UFOs have been described in this manner.

1. From the Federal Aviation Authority’s report of Japan Airlines (JAL) Flight 1628'ssighting over Alaska on May 1, 1987: “Lights: “Yellow, amber, green, no red. Rotatingbeacon. Many small lights.” (Doc 11)

2. From Department of Defense, Joint Chiefs of Staff Message Center in Brasilia, Brazil, toDefense Intelligence Agency, May 19, 1986:

Shortly afterward, radar contact was made with similar objects near Brasilia three Mirages(the french made jet fighter) were launched from Annapolis AB ... all made radar contact at20,000 feet. They reported that they were escorted by 14 of these discs with red, green andwhite lights at a distance of one to three miles. The objects then rapidly disappeared fromboth ground and airborne radars (Doc 11)

3. Excerpt from the January 13, 1981 memorandum written by RAF Bentwaters DeputyBase Commander, Lt. Col. Charles I. Halt: “The objects moved rapidly in sharp angularmovements and displayed red, green and blue lights.” (Doc 2)

4. From a September 20, 1976 Joint Chiefs of Staff PRIORITY cablegram:

the visual size of the object was difficult to discern because of its intense brilliance Thelight that it gave off was that of flashing strobe lights arranged in a rectangular patternand alternating blue, green, red and orange in color. The sequence of the lights was so fastthat all the colors could be seen at once. (Doc 3:2)

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5. Taken from an April 1990 letter to American Ufologist Colman Von Keviczsky, from YuriE. Lototsev, Associate Professor of Engineering, Deputy Chairman and Scientific Secretaryof the Voronezh Anomalous Phenomena Research Committee, “Subject: October, 1989,{Russian} UFO incident and continuing UFO activity in the area. The major types of UFOsin the sky over Voronezh were the following ‘classic saucer,’ hatshaped, ball-shaped, egg-shaped, etc. The colors were metallic, orange, red, blue and others.” (Doc. 13)

Ability to Appear and DisappearThe “star-like” UFOs Reich observed seemed to have these abilities. Is there any officialconfirmation of these phenomena?

1. The Air Force’s “Draft of Collection Memorandum” of October 28, 1952 clearly states,“Commonly reported features that are very significant and which may aid in theinvestigations”-: f. The ability to disappear by high speed or by complete disintegration; g.The ability to suddenly appear without warning as if from an extremely high altitude.”(Doc 7)

2. From a “Summary of Information” dated October 17, 1950. Subject: Objects SightedOver Oak Ridge [Tennessee - one of America’s earliest nuclear installations]. On October13, after being sighted over the facility, it disappeared:

Approximately five minutes later the object appeared again having reappeared fromapproximately the same location from which it had disappeared. The object was seenagain five minutes later for approximately ten seconds. [Then] The controller ... at theKnoxville Airport Radar Site made a report that he had seen particular readings on theradar scope at approximately 1520 hours. Apparently the radar picture was indefinite,intermittent, and inaccurate because the objects sighted by radar would only make a short“painting” on the scope and would then disappear only to reappear at another location.”(Doc. 14)

PulsationReich observed that UFOs have the ability to pulsate, as have numerous others.

1. A summary of objects sighted over the Oak Ridge Nuclear complex in 1950 states thatthe object was bullet-shaped, with a tail: “... the tail appeared almost transparent and wasglowing intermittently, in sections. The tail appeared to have four or five sections whichwould glow intermittently.” (Doc. 14)

2. Lt. Col. Halt’s “Unexplained Lights” letter of January 1981 reports that the craft whichappeared during the first night’s incident: “The object had a pulsing red light on top.”(Doc. 2)

3. Excerpt from the FAA’s January 5, 1987 transcribed interview with the pilot and co-pilotof Flight 1628, both of whom observed and reported a huge UFO while en route overAlaska:

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Beckner (FAA Inspector) : “Okay, ah, sis the intensity of these lights change, at all ... orwere they pretty much the same intensity for the time you saw them?”

Tamefuji (1st Officer): “... How should I say? ... On and off but became stronger, ah,became stronger, became weaker, became stronger, became weaker, different from thestrobe lights.”

Mimoto (Japanese interpreter): “Some got stronger, and changed to weaker, stronger thenweaker, and stronger, weaker ...” (Doc. 11)

Blue ColorAs noted, Reich was intrigued by the writings of pioneer UFO researcher Marine Maj.(Ret.) Donald Keyhoe, who observed that UFOs were sometimes surrounded by bluishlight, the color of orgone energy under laboratory conditions and in the atmosphere. Doother, independent accounts of Keyhoe’s observations exist?

1. An October 28, 1948 Air Force Memorandum states that in one particular case, a UFOhad “The absence of an exhaust trail except in a few instances when it was reported tohave a bluish color.” (Doc. 15)

2. A November 9, 1975 entry in the NORAD Command Director’s Log: “FAA WatchSupervisor reported to have five air carriers in vicinity of UFO, United Flight 157 reportedseeing a meteor, ‘are welder’s blue’ in color. SAC CP advised, sites still report seeing objectstationary.” (Doc.5-3)

3. Lt. Col. Halt’s January 1981 account of the Rendlesham Forest UFO incident notes thecraft had “... Bank(s) of blue lights underneath.” (Doc. 2)

4. And from a 1977 paper entitled “Are We Alone in the Universe? Intelligence in OuterSpace,” by Vladimir Azhazana, Member of the National Academy of Sciences of the USSR:“The UFOs are rounded with a burning plasma-cloud which makes it difficult tophotograph. In spite of this, it has been observed that its powerful start resembles typicalwelding arc-light. When the starting speed is lower, the color is blue.” (Doc. 4:4)

Background RadiationReich states that during the December 1954 Tucson UFO incident, “The backgroundradiation count jumped to an alarming 100,000 CPMs [counts per minute]” (2). The usualbackground count had been about 600-800 CPMs.

1. A 1952 CIA report concludes: “Reports of erratic operation of various kinds ofinstruments in the vicinity of sightings. Sightings of UFOs reported at Los Alamos [NewMexico] and Oak Ridge [Tennessee] at a time when the background radiation count hadrisen inexplicably ... Here we run out of even ‘blue yonder’ explanations that might be

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tenable, and we still are left with numbers of incredible reports from credible observers.”(Doc. 16: 27-28)

2. Again, from the Air Force’s “Unexplained Lights” report of January 1981: “... Thefollowing night ... the area was checked for radiation. Beta/gamma readings of 0.1milliroentgens were recorded at peak readings in the three depressions and near the centerof the triangle formed by the depressions. A nearby tree had moderate (.07-.07) readingson the side of the tree toward the depressions.” (Doc. 2)

3. Excerpted from an August 28, 1990 letter to the author from Prof. Yuri Lototsev inVoronezh, U.S.S.R.: “It is significant that the landings that are most outside the U.S.S.R. ...also caused heightened radiation. It [the background radiation count] was less than inEngland (maximum 0.04 milliroentgens) and recorded in one of the four depressions.”(Doc. 17)

Motor SourceRelative to UFOs, was the United States government interested in orgone energy as amotor source?

1. From a classified 1947 Air Force report which reviewed aspects of UFO landing gear,then examined locomotive theories under the heading of “Power Plant.” The propulsivesystems reviewed are piston, gas turbine, jet, turbo, rockets, ram jets, pulse jets, andnuclear propulsion, alone or in combination. Noting the aircraft would be characterized bya lack of fuel space, it goes on to say, “The presence of an unconventional propulsionsystem cannot be ruled out and should be considered of great interest.” (Doc. 15)

2. From Canada, a memorandum to the Controller of Telecommunications, datedNovember 21, 1950, “Subject: Geo-Magnetics: We believe that we are on the track ofsomething which may well prove to be the introduction to a new technology. The existenceof a different technology is borne out by investigations which are being carried on at thepresent time in relation to flying saucers.” (Doc. 18:1)

Defying Conventional Laws of Mechanical FlightAcceleration, climb, zigzag, hover, etc. Some examples:

1: CIA Information report, August 8, 1950. UFO sighted from ship in the North Atlantic.Observer states that:

The object made no noise. As it passed abeam of the ship, it appeared to pick upconsiderable speed . It was not flying smoothly by impressed me as having a churning orrotary motion. It was a shiny aluminum color and sparkled in the sunlight. [A secondobject appears. He observes it for a total of 15 seconds] I believe that it was traveling at atremendous rate of speed, possible faster than 500 MPH. During the time I saw it, it wasapproximately 70 feet off the water and I judge it was approximately 10 miles away. I

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clearly saw its shadow on the water. I last observed it off the starboard quarter and itseemed to be increasing speed and ascending. It had an elliptic [sic] shape and I couldclearly see that it had three dimensions. It wobbled in the air, made no noise, and was ametallic white in color.” (Doc. 19)

2. From Central Intelligence Corps, October, 1950, Summary of Information: Objectssighted Over Oak Ridge. First seen at 12,000-15,000 feet:

This object continued to descend in a controlled drive, and when it approached the groundit leveled off and flew slowly, parallel to the ground ... The object is said to haveapproached a nine foot cyclone chain link fence and made a controlled movement to clearthe fence, then a willow tree, then a telephone pole and wire, after which the object gainedmomentum and altitude and cleared a hill at approximately one mile away. (Doc. 14)

3. CIA Information for Foreign Documents or Radio Reports Form; August 16, 1952:

Recently, two fiery disks were sighted over the uranium mines located at the southern partof the Belgian Congo in the Elizabethville District ... The disks glided in elegant curves andchanged their position many times. So that from below the sometimes appeared as plates,ovals, and simply lines. Suddenly, both disks hovered in one spot and then took off in aunique zigzag flight to the northeast. ... The whole performance lasted from 10 to 12minutes. ... The disks traveled in a precise and light manner, both vertically andhorizontally. Changes in elevation from 800 to 1,000 meters could be accomplished in afew seconds; the disks often shot down to 20 meters of the top of the trees.

The CIA form notes the observer making the report was a military pursuit pilot and “... isregarded as a dependable officer and a zealous flier. He gave a detailed report to hissuperiors which, strange enough, in many respects agreed with varied results of research.”(Doc. 20)

4. From an Air Intelligence Information report dated October 14, 1955 titled, “Observationsof a Traveler in USSR.” Its Top Secret classification seems in line with the identity of thethree American witness, Richard B. Russell, Georgia Democrat on a fact finding mission tothe Soviet Union. As Chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, Russell was oneof the most influential and powerful member of the Senate at the time. From the originalcable sent to Washington by his military aide:

On October 4, 1955 ... ten minutes by rail after departing Atjaty in Trans Caucasus Region,two round and circular unconventional aircraft resembling flying discs or flying saucerswere seen taking off almost vertically one minute apart. Disk ascended near dusk withouter surface revolving slowly to right and with two lights stationary on top near middlepart. ... Both flying disk aircraft ascended relatively slowly to about 6,000 feet, then speedincreased sharply in horizontal flight both on Northern heading.” (Doc. 21)

5. Taken from June 1980 cablegram from US Defense Attache’ Officer, Lima, Peru. ToDefense Intelligence Agency, Washington, D.C. Source is an officer in the Peruvian AirForce (FAP) and “has reported reliably in the past”:

On May 9, while a group of FAP officers were information, they spotted a UFO that wasround in shape, hovering near the airfield. The Air Commander scrambled an SU-22

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aircraft to make an intercept. The pilot, according to a third party, intercepted the vehicleand fired upon it at very close range without causing any apparent damage. The pilot triedto make a second pass on the vehicle, but the UFO out-ran the SU-22. (Doc. 22)

Integrity of DeductionsBased on his observations of their behavior, was Reich acting in a scientifically responsibleway when he deduced over time that these “things” were machines under intelligentcontrol, likely from outer space, whose behavior and implications should be takenseriously?

1. From Gen. Twining’s letter to Gen. Schulgen Spetember 23 1947: “It is the opinion that:the Phenomenon reported is something real and not visionary or fictitious.” (Doc. 6)

2. Excerpt, Gen. Schulgen’s October 28, 1947 letter to Chief of Air IntelligenceRequirements Division. In it, Schulgen is speaking for the Secretary of the Air Force:

For the purpose of analysis and evaluation of the so-called “flying saucers,” the objectsighted is being assumed to be a manned craft of unknown origin. While there remains apossibility of Russian manufacture, based on the perspective, thinking and actualaccomplishments of the Germans, it is the considered opinion of some elements of that theobject may in fact represent an interplanetary craft of some kind.” (Doc. 15)

3. Noted in a USAF Intelligence Division report entitled, “Flying Saucer Incidents in theUnited States,” dated November 8, 1948:

There remains a certain number of reports which no reasonable everyday explanation isavailable. ... The possibility that the reported objects are vehicles from another planet hasnot been ignored. However, tangible evidence to support conclusions about such apossibility are completely lacking.” (Doc. 23)

A memorable excerpt from the Air Force’s February 1949 report (classified Secret), ProjectSign:

Space Ships: The following considerations pertain: If there is an extraterrestrial civilizationwhich can make such objects as are reported, than it is most probable that its developmentis far in advance of ours. This argument can be supported on probability arguments alonewithout recourse to astronomical hypotheses. ... Such a civilization might observe that onEarth we now have atomic bombs and are fast developing rockets. In view of the pasthistory of mankind, they should be alarmed. We should, therefore, expect at this timeabove all to behold such visitations. ... Since the acts of mankind most easily observedfrom a distance are A-bomb explosions, we should expect some relation to obtain betweenthe time of A-bomb explosions, the time at which space ships are seen, and the timerequired for such ships to arrive from and return to their home-base.” (Doc. 9:25)

5. From Air Force Project Sign: “The lack of purpose apparent in the various episodes isalso puzzling. Only one motive can be assigned; that the spacemen are ‘feeling out’ ourdefenses without wanting to be belligerent. If so, they must have been satisfied long ago

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that we can’t catch them.” (Doc 9:35)

6. CIA Deputy Director to Acting Chief, Weapons and Equipment Division. August 1,1952, concerning “Flying Saucers”:

So long as a series of reports remains “unexplainable” (interplanetary and alien origin notbeing thoroughly excluded from consideration), caution requires that intelligence continuecoverage of this subject. ... It is strongly urged, however, that no indication of CIA interestor concern reach the press or public, in view of their probable alarmist tendencies to acceptsuch interest as “confirmatory of the soundness of ‘unpublished facts’ in the hands of theU.S. Government.” (Doc. 24)

7. CIA, Robertson Panel, February, 1953:

... It is interesting to note that none of the members of the panel were loath to accept thatthis earth might be visited by extraterrestrial intelligent beings of some sort, someday. ...Mr. Fournet, in his presentation, show how he had eliminated each of the known andprobable causes of sightings leaving him with “extraterrestrial” as the only one remainingin many cases. Fournet’s background as an aeronautical engineer and technical intelligenceofficer ... could not be slighted.” (Doc 25: 10-11)

8. National Security Agency monograph, “UFO Hypotheses and Survival Questions.Taken from a 1968 draft:

Some UFOs are related to extraterrestrial intelligence: According to some eminentscientists this hypotheses cannot be disregarded. This hypothesis has a number of far-reaching human survival implications. Human history has shown us time and again thetragic results of a confrontation between a technologically superior civilization and atechnologically inferior people. The ‘inferior’ is usual subject to physical conquest. Inconfrontation between two peoples of significantly different cultural levels, those havingthe inferior or less virile culture, most often suffer a tragic loss of identity and are usuallyabsorbed by the other people.

Reich observed that we will often evade the obvious, especially if it brings with it apossibility we do not want to face or cannot tolerate. To quote Spinoza:

It is related by a peasant that he had persuaded himself that beyond his fieldsthere were no others, and when he happened to loose a cow and was compelledto go in search of her, he was astonished at the great number of fields beyondhis own few acres. This must also be the case of many theorists who havepersuades themselves that beyond this field or little globe of earth there lie noother worlds - simply because he has not seen them.

Reich compared the totality of his work to a flight over a newly discovered continent. Inthis exploratory flight, he did not linger over any particular area, always restless, pushingonward, constantly breaking into new regions, leaving the details and refinements to beworked out by others. The final region Reich surveyed includes his observations of thebehavior and energetic functioning. The observations and deductions he made and theconclusions he reached were based on decades of scientific study and were not reached inhaste. His opinions, findings and theories were shared by a varied, independent, and

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credible individuals and institutions, contemporaneous with Reich or since his death in1957. His contributions to this field deserve a respected place in UFO studies, the world ofscience at large, in all serious histories of Post War America, and in the history of thescience of Orgonomy iself. Whether or not such acknowledgments will ever come to passremains to be seen.


REFERENCES1. Fort, Charles C.: The Complete Books of Charles Fort, Dover Publishing Co., Inc, New York, 1974

2. Reich, W.: Contact With Space, Orgone Institute Press, Rangely, Maine, 1957

3. Greenfield, J.: Wilhelm Reich vs. the U.S.A., Norton, New York, 1974

4. Goran, M.: The Modern Myth - Ancient Astronauts and UFOs, A.S. Barnes & Co., New Jersey, 1978

5. Buckley, G.: “Ex-CIA Chief Wants UFO Probe,” The Evening Gazette, Worcester, Massachusetts, May 1,1960

6. Elbert Hubbard’s Scrapbook, William Wise & Co., New York, 1923

7. Bok, S.: Secrets, Pantheon Books, New York, 1982

DOCUMENT FILE1. Letter from Department of Defense Office of Public Information to New York publisher Henry Holt & Co.,January 26, 1953

2. Department of Air Force letter dated January 13, 198, Subject: Unexplained Lights, Lt. Col. Charles I. Halt,Deputy Base Commander, RAF Bentwaters, Suffolk, East Anglia, England (81 st Combat Support Group), toRAF/CC. Credit: Larry Warren, Lt. Larry Fawcett (Coventry, Connecticut Police Department), Robert Toddand CAUS (Citizens Against UFO Secrecy). 1983 Freedom of Information Act Release

3. Priority cablegram from the U.S. Defense Attache Officer, U.S. Embassy, Teheran, Iran, to Secretaries ofState, Defense, etc., September 20, 1976

4. “Are We Alone in the Universe? Intelligence in Outer Space - Fact and Hypotheses.” From lecture given atthe Novosty Press Agency by Vladimir G. Azhaszha, Assistant Head of Oceanographic Department of theNational Academy of Sciences, of the U.S.S.R. Credit ICUFON Archive, New York

5. Excerpts from NORAD (North American Air Defense) Director’s Log. Entries are from October 29 throughNovember 9, 1975; released October 4, 1977, to Mr. Todd Zechel of Guttenberg, New Jersey

6. AMC {Air Materiel Command} Opinion Concerning Flying Discs, to General George Schulgen fromGeneral Nathan Twining, 3 pp., September 23, 1947, classified SECRET

7. Draft of an Air Force Collection Memorandum dated October 28, 1948, entitled Intelligence Requirementson Flying Saucer Type Aircraft, classified SECRET

8. FBI Memorandum from Special Agent in Charge, San Antonio, Texas, to J.E. Hoover, Director. Subject:Protection of Vital Installations, January 31, 1949

9. Technical Report on Unidentified Aerial Objects, Project SIGN, issued by HQ, Air Materiel Command,Wright-Patterson AFB, Dayton, Ohio, 44 pp., February 1949, classified SECRET

10. Department of the Army Intelligence Report, Subject: Unidentified Objects, from US Embassy, Kabul,

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Afghanistan, December 3, 1959

11. Excerpt: Federal Avation Authority preliminary notes on UFO sighting over Alaska by crew of JapanAirlines Flight 1628, p. 2, January 5, 1987

12. Department of Defense, Joint Chiefs of Staff Message Center, Brasilia, Brazil. Information Report toDefense Intelligence Agency, Washington, D.C., May 19, 1986

13. Letter from Prof. Yuri Lozotsev, Voronezh, U.S.S.R., to Hungarian Col. (ret) Colman S. VonKeviczky,April 17, 1990

14. Summary of Information Form. Preparing Office: Central intelligence Corps, Knoxville, Tennessee;Subject: Objects Sighted Over Oak Ridge; 3 pp., October 17, 1950, classified SECRET

15. Memorandum from General George F. Schulgen, for the Secretary of the Air Force, to the attention of the(intelligence) Plans and Collection Branch; 6 pp., October 28, 1947, classified SECRET. Credit: Dr. BruceMaccabee

16. From a 28 page draft of a CIA Intelligence Advisory Committee paper entitled Summary of theDiscussion; August 15, 1952, classified SECRET

17.Excerpt, letter from Prof. Yuri Lozotsev to the author, August 28, 1990

18. Canadian Department of Transport Intra-Departmental Correspondence, known as the “Smith Memo.”Subject: Geo-Magnetics: 3 pp., November 21, 1950, classified TOP SECRET. Credit: Stanton T. Friedman

19. CIA Information Report Form. Subject: Unidentified Airborne Object, at Sea, north Atlantic, August 18,1950. Credit: ICUFON Archives, New York City

20. CIA document, Information from Foreign Departments or Radio Broadcasts. Subject: Flying Saucers OverBelgian Congo Uranium Mines, August 16, 1952

21. Air intelligence information Report, by Lt. Col. Thomas S. Ryan, U.S. Air Attache, Prague,Czechoslovakia. Subject: Observations of Traveler in U.S.S.R.; 5 pp., October 14, 1955. Classified TOPSECRET

22. Cablegram from U.S. Defense Attache Officer, Lima, Peru, to Joint Chiefs of Staff/Defense IntelligenceAgency. Title: UFO Sighted in Peru, dated June 1980

23. Letter from HQ USAF, to Commanding General, Air Materiel Command, Wright-Patterson AFB, Dayton,Ohio; 4 pp., November 8, 1948, classified SECRET

24. CIA, Deputy Assistant Director Edward Tauss, to Acting Chief, Weapons & Equipment Division. Subject:Flying Saucers, August 1, 1952, classified SECRET

25. From minutes of the CIA’s ‘Robertson Panel’ meeting, February 1953

26. National Security Agency, excerpt from draft of 1968 paper, UFO Hypotheses and Survival Questions.Classified SECRET

Note: Earlier versions of these papers were published in The Journal of Orgonomy, volume 24, number 2,November 1990, and volume 25, number 1, May 1991.

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On the Problem of Growing Irrationalism and Mis-Application of Reich'sAtmospheric Discoveries. A Personal View

by James DeMeo, Ph.D.

Here's a short introductory YouTube clip you should enjoy

IntroductionThe following paper is a personal view about how the growing interest in the techniquesof cloudbusting, or Cosmic Orgone Engineering (CORE), might best be channeled anddeveloped for the long term benefit of life on Earth, and a frequently suffering butchaotically dangerous humanity. The purpose of this paper is to stimulate discussionamong those currently engaged in honest and serious research with the cloudbuster, aswell as to sound a warning regarding those who are just learning about this new discovery,or who are already abusing it, mixing it with all kinds of false claims and mysticism. Iassume the reader is generally familiar with the works of Wilhelm Reich, to include bothhis sex-economic and orgone biophysical findings. Both are necessary to understand thefunctions of the life-energy. If the reader is not familiar with both areas of research, and iscontemplating, or has already undertaken use of a cloudbuster-type instrument, then thisdiscussion is particularly pertinent to them.

Let's firstly give an overview of the issues and some of the problems involved. Over thelast decade or two, Reich's findings on the existence of a powerful atmospheric energycontinuum, which underlies most weather phenomena, have been verified andstrengthened. Reich's invention, the cloudbuster, has been used to break many droughts,and on occasion, to even bring rains to deserts. We know the cloudbuster has a powerfulinfluence, and this has been proven out in any number of systematically-undertakenexperiments. When properly used, it can trigger the genesis of large isolated storms, oreven entire frontal systems, which can quench parched lands and change a stagnantatmosphere back to its more natural sparkling character. The technique has the generalcapability of affecting jet stream movements and steering large storms; even hurricanesmay be diverted. Cloud cover can be increased to generate widespread rains, and possibly

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reduced to dry up rains during times of flooding. Fogs can be lifted or created. In skilledhands, the instrument has a variety of effects which can benefit a region, primarily inrestoring natural cycles of rainfall to areas of drought or desert. There is evidencecloudbuster-produced rains have a more basic pH, thereby reducing the acidity of rainfall,or it can be used for smog-reduction more generally. However, there is a dark side to all ofthis, in the potential mis-application and distortion of Reich's findings.

There currently are two major methods by which Reich's works are being distorted today,and both fall under the category of what Reich called the Emotional Plague of Mankind,or more simply the Emotional Plague (EP). One is exemplified by the more rigid,protective aspects of the human character, which often casts a suspicious eye towardsanything new. This approach kills new findings by attacking them with outright lies, andthen repressing them, or simply stomping them to bits, using censorship or Police Statetactics. People suffering from this first type of disorder tend to be attracted into highgovernment positions, or into top influential spots in public media or scientificorganizations, where they can do a lot of damage to anyone who innocently comesthrough their doors offering some new idea or invention which can benefit humankind.This is like the leftist New Republic magazine which attacked Reich with smears, whichthen provoked similar EP characters as in the US Food and Drug Administration, whichused the Big Lie and legal "dirty-tricks" to persuade unsuspecting courts and policeman to"get Reich" and smash him down.

The other method for tearing down a new, disturbing discovery is more devious andhidden, less direct and straightforward, and therefore much more difficult to deal with.This method pretends to be a friend of the new discovery, but is actually secretly at workto kill it. This is done by diluting the discovery with peripheral issues, or injecting it with"friendly lies", until it is devoid of any power or strength. Parallel to this, the new findinghas its core elements cut away, particularly those of a more socially-challenging nature.Proponents of this latter method often pretend to be friendly towards Reich's works, eventhough they have ripped the guts out of it. These pretenders also engage in attacks againstanyone who does not accept their watered-down or pirated and distorted version as thetruth, especially against those who dare to criticize them. Publicly, they may actuallyspread wild exaggerations, half-truths, or blatant distortions, which are designed,consciously or otherwise, to invoke rational skepticism among professionals and officialswho might actually be able to open doors and apply the new discoveries in a rationalmanner. Instead, the mystic exaggerators attract groups of uncritical salvation-seekingfollowers, even as new and more extremely wild and unsupportable claims are made.Reich's work then becomes inappropriately associated with totally crazy things, such asthe "chemtrail" claims, or the David Icke fairy-tale novels about "shape-shifting spacealiens". It gets all mixed up with huge government conspiracy theory and other thingswhich go well beyond the rational concerns about air pollution or even the rationalexamination of ufo phenomenon. And this, of course, obstructs progress in manner that isalmost as efficient as censorship, as wherever a serious scientific inquiry about Reich'swork is made in a professional organization, they have already heard about the "crazy

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Reich" a long time earlier, and nobody wants to hear anything more about it. In this paper,I will explore some of these social trends as they relate to Reich's atmospheric research. Butfirst, let's discuss the issue of just what are the problems when people take up thecloudbusting method without sufficient background knowledge or training, even if theirmotivations are rational and heart-felt.

Rational Versus Irrational Use of a CloudbusterCloudbusting must never become a tool for "weather modification" per se, for forcing or"fine tuning" the weather to do this or that. This concept of "modification" is as foreign tocloudbusting as "rape" is to a loving sexuality. The cloudbuster is simply a help to nature,an assist, only to be used at the right time and place, when the natural process ofatmospheric pulsation is blocked, and stagnation sets in. It is only used to remove the"obstacle in the way" of natural functioning, to restore the natural, self-regulatoryfunctions of atmospheric pulsation. The ultimate repository of the cloudbuster will be,perhaps a thousand years from now, in a display within some grand museum, after thecrises of population, pollution, and atmospheric stagnation have been overcome, andworld's deserts have been made green, or at least stabilized and pushed back to theirpresent core regions.

To accomplish this goal, rational cloudbusting efforts, and centers where orgonomiceducation takes place, must discriminate among candidates for cloudbusting, avoiding atall costs the pitfalls of political or dogmatic positions. It is important to recognize that atleast part of the increased interest in cloudbusting is derived from a recognition of veryreal environmental problems, such as droughts or heat-waves, massive forest fires anddesert-expansion. Many people are attracted to Reich and cloudbusting solely due to arational, honest feeling and desire to do something helpful and constructive. Eachindividual I have had approach me for information regarding cloudbusting has presenteda unique set of circumstances which could only be evaluated on an individual basis. Thesesources of interest can be either rational or irrational. Some examples of a rational interestin cloudbusting might include:

* A health professional who notes the negative influences of certain stagnatedweather conditions upon the health and behavior of his family, friends, neighborsand town. * A farmer or agricultural scientist who notes the devastation of drought upon thelandscape. * Any contactful individual who is personally distressed by recurring episodes ofatmospheric stagnation and air pollution, or drought and wildfires. * An atmospheric scientist or other researcher who wishes to better understand thedynamics of the atmospheric ocean, or the phenomenon of drought and heat-wave.

Obviously, not all of the above persons should go out and build or use a cloudbuster, butthe sources of their interest are rational. They may simply be unaware of the potentialeffects and range of influence of the instrument, or be ignorant of the personal health-hazards involved. Hence, these individuals are encouraged to engage in as muchpreliminary work as is possible while another person with more experience and training

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undertakes to remedy the atmospheric problem in their area. Specific proposals fortraining of cloudbuster operators are given below.

Now, let's talk a bit more about the irrational use of the cloudbuster. Examples of this areall too common today. In the United States, we have people who build cloudbusters,develop their own "theory" on how it functions, throw away Reich's scientifically-developed findings (but perhaps, keeping his name and terms attached to their ideas, for"credibility") and in general make a nuisance of themselves. Most of these people areharmless, but others do damage by creating drought, or making a drought even worse, orgenerating or amplifying very severe storms. A few examples include:

1) Persons who, without ever doing any substantive preliminary reading,experimentation, or other work in orgone biophysics, build a cloudbuster and beginusing it, in secret, avoiding contact with other researchers. This aspect ofsecretiveness and hiding is a dead give-away for irrational motives. 2) Persons with glaring characterological armoring who consistently refuse toundertake therapy, to include contactless, narcissistic and exhibitionistic characters,mystics wanting to "make contact with god", to "drive away evil demons", orimpotent characters wanting to prove their potency, etc. 3) Persons who use, advocate, or imply the benefits of drugs: pill- heads, pot-heads,psychedelic users, and alcoholics. 4) Persons who wish to learn the technique solely for personal economic gain, to"make a million...". 5) Persons who wish to "save the world" through loud grandstanding techniques,calling great attention to themselves, or using Reich's discoveries and the details ofhis unfortunate death and the book burning (promoted primarily by left-wing "do-good" fanatics) as a club to pound the heads of "evil capitalism", or emphasizing the"need" to loudly expose the "government conspiracy", the "dor-menace", "ufomenace", "chemtrail menace", or whatever menace. Sometimes these people haveworked singlehandedly, while others have organized larger groups of equallyignorant, frightened and/or aggressive-sadistic people to start building and usingcloudbuster-type devices en masse, without much knowledge or capacity to receiveeven the slightest constructive criticism. 6) Persons who, without a shred of evidence, claim to have "advanced beyondReich" in their understanding of how Nature and the cloudbuster works. Thisincludes all those people who attempt, solely by empty declarations and wishfulleaps, to merge Reich's findings into the mystical, unproven theories of RudolphSteiner, or into the fascistic antisexual cult of "Saint Germaine", or who, without anyevidence or factual discussion, proclaim the cloudbuster to be a "particle sink","electromagnetic projector", a "chemtrail buster", "proton beamer" or whatever.

Anyone exhibiting the above characteristics is a poor candidate for training or workingwith the cloudbuster. There are, unfortunately, a number of cases where such individualshave built cloudbusters to the greater or lesser detriment of themselves and their

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surrounding communities. Here are some more specific examples, which prompted me towrite this article, the first version of which appeared in 1986.

7) A young fellow in Canada built and erected a large cloudbuster. He later left town,leaving the apparatus operating, haphazardly pointing to the sky. Several monthswent by without rains. The cloudbuster was later discovered by accident, by otherpersons who knew about the dangers and dismantled it. Rains resumed shortlythereafter. 8) A man in California built a cloudbuster and went about making demonstrations,claiming the powers of god. 9) Another man in California undertook operations with a modified cloudbuster,which he called a "chemical ether generator", to bring rains during the dry season.He rejected Reich's theory on the orgone energy, and the role of atmosphericstagnation and dor in blocking rains. Through improper operational techniques, hebuilt up a large orgone-energy potential in an area characterized by stagnant, desertconditions. This predictably triggered a strong electrical storm, and six people werestruck by lightning. Nonetheless, he was still very pleased with the results of theoperation. He did the same thing a few years later, bringing a major coastal storm toSouthern California, which did a lot of damage and killed a few people. This sameman earlier wrote a book largely focused upon the cloudbuster, in which he claimedthat all the problems of the world were the doings of "evil beings" in otherdimensions, and alluded to the use of LSD. 10) A young man in Ireland built a cloudbuster and operated it while in a "trancestate". Major devastating coastal storm occurred; boats were sunk and people werekilled. The man later circulated a "newsletter", in which he bragged about his role init all, and urged people to build cloudbusters and point them at nuclear powerplants. 11) A skeptical classical scientist, reading only one or two articles, constructed acloudbuster in his backyard. He aimed the unit at the sky but did not observe anyinstant effects. He left the instrument operating for several days, and let it run whilehe was out of town for a week. Persisting, heavy rains developed thereafter,bringing a flood, for which he denied responsibility. He later "souped up" thecloudbuster by adding high frequency electricity to it, but still failed to note anyinstant miracles. He finally lost interest, proclaiming the cloudbuster to beineffective. 12) A mystic who communicated with spirits erected a cloudbuster and claimedgreat benefit to his local area. Climate charts subsequently indicated the onset ofdrought conditions in his area. He later published an article in which Reich's theorywas abandoned in favor of Steiner's "four ethers". 13) A man in the northeast USA concocted various schemes to make money andattract national attention through cloudbusting. Responsible workers refused tohave anything to do with him. He became very impatient and angry, andburglarized two orgone research facilities, stealing documents and other items.After being caught and sentenced to jail, he reported several orgone therapists tothe Food and Drug Administration, saying they used the orgone accumulator on

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their patients. FDA officials began visiting and harassing various orgone therapistsin the Northeast. Later, he secretly helped a long-time enemy of Reich, MartinGardner, to write a horrible magazine article, which branded Reich a lunatic. 14) Another man meditated into a near trance condition while using some kind of"cloudbuster", dutifully reporting his "feelings" and observations to governmentofficials, who dismissed him and everyone else working with the cloudbuster as acrackpot. 15) Another mystic in the southeastern USA, skeptical about the cloudbuster, builtone and generated a huge thunderstorm with a funnel cloud. In a panic, hedestroyed the instrument. After his death, his wife began selling ineffective"cloudbusters" to desperate farmers, for thousands of dollars. 16) A man wrote a book with a chapter devoted to Reich and cloudbusting. In it, heclaimed Reich was wrong about the orgone, that the cloudbuster really was a"particle sink", that it taps a "chemical ether", and works on the basis of one's"consciousness". His book stimulated a lot of people to go out and buildcloudbusters, without any attempt to study the question seriously. His book alsoclaimed, without any credible evidence or proof, that you could run a car off oforgone energy by attaching an orgone accumulator to the air intake of thecarberator. Dozens of people tried this and, predictably, when it did not work, theybegan to question "Reich's work". 17) A farmer in Maryland, during a major drought affecting the entire NortheastUSA, writes to me: "I am part of a group which has built 60 cloudbusters in theregion. I have build four cloudbusters on my land, and I've left them running forseveral months, but so far the rain has not come. Can you please inform me what Imight be doing wrong?" When informed to take them down, as he is overchargingthe atmosphere and making the drought worse, his only reply is silence. 18) A mystic from the Saint Germaine cult began making "chembusters" because hethought the blue orgone energy of Reich was the same as the mystic "violet ray" ofhis cult. He claimed the jet contrails were poison chemicals sprayed into theatmosphere by space aliens, who had taken over the bodies of the airplane pilotsand ground crews. Predictably, many "new age" and "spiritual" magazines andinternet sites which had never shown one ounce of interest in Wilhelm Reich'soriginal discovery of the life-energy, began to post out his claims. Reich's work thenbecame associated with with "shape-shifting space reptiles", from this man's fantasy.He gave workshops and sold his devices to people for several hundred dollars each.The problem was, the device was an inexact form of the authentic cloudbuster, andhe also advised people -- against all prior recommendations from Reich and others-- to set up the device permanently, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. This"overworking" as Reich and others have noted, works to create a semi-permanentatmospheric expansion which triggers drought conditions. Of course, this expandedatmospheric condition reduced or eliminated the formation of jet contrails, but italso killed off all other clouds, as would be necessary for rains. His devices therebywere optimally constructed and used to create drought. Networks of his deviceswere subsequently set up in the Pacific Northwest, in Australia, in Namibia, and in

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Europe, triggering massive drought in every case. In one case, where huge wildfireswere created along with the drought, I wrote to him, asking him to please shutdown his network of devices, even if only as an experiment to see if it might end thedrought conditions. His response was one of utter contempt and denial. Thedrought and wildfires persisted for additional months until being extinguised bywinter rains. 19) When Hurricane Katrina approached the coastal areas of the Gulf of Mexico,several persons on uneducated "cloudbuster-chemtrail-orgonite" e-groups begandiscussing how to "repulse the hurricane" with their devices. Whatever they did, itwas not beneficial, and may have stimulated its amplification and arrival on shorewith added fury. 20) Two hobby-science businessmen in Seattle, Washington, constructed a largecloudbuster, and used it to bring cool air into their local region during a time oflarger West Coast drought and heat-wave. Working mechanically, withoutaddressing the core reasons for the drought conditions, they amplified a large high-pressure system just off the coast in the Pacific Ocean, which rotated the cool airwest to east into their region. But the southern half of the high-pressure rotationbrought hot desert air from the region of Arizona west into Southern California,where it fed hot and dry Santa Anna desert winds. Several wildfires were triggeredwhich created a blast-furnace effect in the narrow valleys between the open desertplateau and the populated regions of coastal Southern California. This could be seenon weather-maps, the cool westerly ocean breezes in Seattle creating a spinningeffect which rotated southwards and then fed the strong easterly winds whichfanned the Southern California wildfires. Several thousand homes burned to theground in the first days. The two businessmen had no idea what they had done,however. When warned about the problem, even while disbelieving, they shutdown operations in Seattle. The dry winds almost immediately ceased in SouthernCalifornia. Refusing contact and discussion, they re-started operations a few dayslater, and the same thing happened, again! With Southern California in flames, moretelephone calls went out to the businessmen, one of whom refused furthercommunications, and the other of whom was off having a vacation at a ski resort.Finally contacted and convinced to again shut down operations, the hot dry windsfar to the south once again quickly subsided. In spite of this prima facia evidence ofa connection between their operations and the wildfires at great distance, theyvoiced denial and petty outrage against those who had warned them of theproblem. The businessmen were "well connected" and "friends" with a group ofReich therapists on the East Coast (none of whom were experts in weather scienceor cloudbusting), who rallied to their support. Those who issued the warnings werethen treated with contempt and subjected to malicious rumor-mongering. Neitherbusinessman ever apologized for their angry denials to those who warned themabout their flawed operations, and today still deny they did anything wrong. 21) A computer engineer in Germany with family roots in Algeria set up acloudbuster project in the Algerian Sahara, where operations proceeded around theclock, over weeks and months of time, in spite of being warned this was a

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dangerous mechanistic technique. Knowing little about Reich's work, he refusedany kind of deeper study of orgonomic science, of classical weather science, and hadignored warnings that he was playing dangerous games with the weather. At onepoint, while he boasted of having brought some rains to his dry region, the nearbyareas of Tropical Africa were suffering under massive rainstorms and floodingwhich displaced hundreds of thousands of villagers, killing many hundreds. Thedry air over his region also had not been neutralized, due to mechanistic operationaltechniques. His operations had merely pushed the dry Sahara air mass off to theNortheast, where it contaminated the Eastern Mediterranean, bringing drought andmassive wildfires to Greece, where additional tens of thousands had to run for theirlives, and additional hundreds were killed. I informed the central personsresponsible for the Algerian project about these bad weather reactions immediatelyafter observing the patterns. They were fully ignorant of the two weather disasterson-going at the time, in Greece and Tropical Africa. Following my warnings, theytemporarily halted the operations, and this was quickly followed by a subsiding ofthe disastrous long-distance effects. Still in denial about what they had done, theysubsequently demanded exacting documentation, which I provided, after whichthey continued to deny there were any problems. Once again, I became a "badperson" for pointing out the dangers. They continued to operate, this time withgreat secrecy, even erasing details from their website which showed they wereworking at the time of the disasters. Later, I learned they were trying to promotecloudbusting methods and devices to an Islamic group in Egypt which was fullyunprepared to use it in any responsible manner. (Reich used to caution that hisdiscoveries would one day be "sold like dish-soap" by those who held his largerwork in contempt.) For warning them against this action, and raising the issue theviolent Islamic world might use Reich's discoveries as a terror-weapon, doingdeliberately to the hated Europeans and black Africans what had firstly beenobserved only through accident, I was accused of "racism". 22) A young man in Italy who had only recently learned about Reich's work anddiscoveries was rationally distressed by terrible air pollution, and obtained frominternet a set of half-way cloudbuster plans and fully wrong instructions on themethods. He then immediately and quite irrationally started to work. He had comeacross my warnings on internet about the dangers -- this article in fact -- but ignoredit in favor of the "action-ism" attitude of those who egged him on to "just do it"without further study. His actions with the cloudbuster triggered a massive stormsystem in the Mediterranean Sea which hit land and created massive flooding in hislocal region, killing ten people. He then contacted me with much misery andremorse, confessing what he had done. 23) A group of hydrologists and meteorologists from a major Western water agencyinvited me to lecture to their group about my work. I had submitted a proposal tothem for a rational plan to bring increased rains across the Colorado River basinarea, and thereby relieve the chronic water shortages and droughts. It appeared,they were interested to sponsor my project. Instead, when I arrived, theprofessionals acted coldly, and hardly spoke. During my presentation, they took

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notes furiously, asking many specific questions about "how to build a cloudbuster",which they could not accurately discern from the photographs in my presentation. Itold them, I would not discuss those details. Afterwards, they somewhat stifflythanked me for the lecture and I flew home, not to hear anything from them again.A few weeks later, however, I heard a radio new broadcast announcing a "freakthunderstorm wipes out Imperial Valley date orchards". Thousands of date-palmtrees, which take a very long time to grow, had been blown down and killed by amassive unforecast thunderstorm which "appeared out of nowhere". This suggestedto me, an errant cloudbusting operation. A week later, I got an unsolicited telephonecall from one of their younger members, a professional who still had some honestlyand who felt remorse about how I had been brushed aside, and how their grouphad proceeded to build their own apparatus and "do it themself", without anyserious background or knowledge. I was informed, they were professionals withPhDs in hydrology and atmospheric science, who also had all the "top" universityconnections. I had a PhD also, but had severed my old university connections, andwas in any case widely known as an "academic heretic" with "trouble-makingideas". So they felt license to treat me with contempt. Their attitude was, apparently,"this is so simple, we don't need any advice from this DeMeo guy". So they tried topick my brains for whatever they could discover, without intention to support mywell-constructed proposal. They wanted to use the cloudbusting technologywithout reference to the atmospheric orgone energy, to steal away Reich'sinventions without regard to the long line of research which led to them, and whichin fact logically explains their functioning. Reich used to say "they want my roses,but not my thorns". In this case, the academics rejected Reich's theory andprecautions, and created a small disaster. Afterwards, having been frightened totheir core at the appearance of such a massive and damaging thunderstorm, theyabandoned the effort, also being afraid they might be sued by the farmers who losttheir orchards.

And so on...

There also are major issues raised about when and for what exact reasons a cloudbusterproject is undertaken, the question of it's necessity. Ending a severe drought or heat-wave,or working against wildfires are certainly good reasons, assuming one knows what theyare doing. Working in ignorance of the basic fundamentals of orgone biophysics canactually worsen a drought, or inflame a wildfire, so in-depth study and training is a must.Beyond that, a serious issue has arisen in recent years on the subject of desert-greening,which constitutes a potentially risky form of climate modification, and about which thecurrent knowledge from both orgone biophysics and classical environmental and climatescience warns us against. I have personally used this term, "desert-greening", to describemy own past operations in the regions of the American Southwest, Israel, Namibia andEritrea. However, in retrospect, none of those operations proceeded towards long-termclimate-change goals. All were prompted by existing exceptionally dry conditions even forthose marginal drylands. Once a rainy episode was initiated, our work ended. And weused operational procedures which led to a neutralization or transmutation of the

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stagnant atmospheric dor conditions into rainy conditions, rather than to merely "shoveaway" the stagnant air mass into someone else's back yard. It is therefore important tokeep in mind that any kind of long-term desert-greening project runs the risk of long-distance and possibly long-term negative effects. A desert land might benefit from such agreening, but it becomes a disaster if accomplished only by displacing the dry desert airmass off to plague some other world region, placing an adjacent moist region under severelong-term drought. Several catastrophes along these lines have already been witnessed,from haphazard operations undertaken by inadequately trained individuals in Seattle(point #20, above) who merely wanted to cool down their vicinity and had not the wisdomto look how their operations were affecting other regions, or by fully trained persons inAlgeria (point #21, above), in efforts towards greening the core region of the Sahara, butagain being contactless about long-distance effects. This makes no more sense than tryingto warm up the polar regions so one might grow bananas, or make the warm rainy tropicsdrier and cooler. Evidence from ancient climates suggests, a wetter Sahara is found onlywhen Europe and North America are under ice-box conditions, given how the polar jetstreams move far to the south during the Sahara rainy periods. Could "greening theSahara" bring about this same result today?

This list on irrational activities can be closed with the following fully insane examplewhich is related to the above points #18 amd #19: There are today many individuals whohave made "cloudbusters" (sometimes called "chembusters" - click for more info) whichare of a slightly different design from those of Reich, solely for the claimed purpose of"eliminating chemtrails". They believe the US government, or some conspiracy ofgovernment with evil space aliens, are deliberately spraying toxic chemicals intopopulated areas, and this is the reason for people's ill health. While the issue of toxicchemicals from jet aircraft exhaust, possible cloudseeding experiments, and air pollution ingeneral is certainly an important subject requiring critical analysis, the accusations madeby some in these groups go well beyond such a simple interpretation, and border intoblatantly paranoid and psychotic territory: Accusations are made that "shape-shiftingreptilian aliens" from outer space, and "evil entities" from other-worldly dimensions, have"taken control" over highly-placed persons in the government and military, and that theyare now working, in conspiracy with the United Nations, to poison the citizens of theworld. Some of the impulse in this direction comes from followers of the Saint Germainecult, who mix up their mystic belief in a "violet ray" with Reich's blue orgone energy. Onecould ignore these people, except for the fact that its leadership has convinced them toconstruct these cloudbuster-chembuster type devices, for the claimed purpose of"repulsing evil entities", or "dissipating chemtrails" -- in the latter case, the aim is todissipate the contrails of jet aircraft. Perhaps a hundred or more of the "chemtrail-busters"are already constructed, mostly in the USA but with a growing number in overseaslocations. According to Reich's findings, however, the presence of well-formed jetcontrails is a general indicator of a healthy cloud-forming atmosphere. The advocates ofthe "chemtrail" theory, however, "know better" than poor old stupid Reich and hisfollowers; they consider jet contrails to be "bad", or evidence of concealed space-aliens anddemons, or treasonous government and military people trying to poison the countryside.

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Consequently, the "chemtrail-busters" are set up and pointed into the atmosphere on apermanent basis, around the clock, month after month, year after year. The advocates ofthis madness claim, with much enthusiasm on special "cloudbuster" and "chembuster"email groups, how the clouds dissipate over their property, and sometimes how largerthunderstorm complexes were "deflected" or dissipated. Consequently, it appears themodified "chembusters" do have some kind of atmospheric effects. Since very few of themare farmers or foresters, whose primary consideration is the health of the naturallandscape, one has no assurance that they would stop what they are doing if a droughtbegan to develop. Indeed, many of the "chembuster" enthusiasts seem happy when the skyis clear and dry, but sad and worried when clouds appear. For these and other reasons,international regulation and oversight of cloudbusting activity will eventually becomenecessary. Reich wrote about this also, including his fear that his discoveries would beabused. He was wrong on one account, however. The abuse has not taken place by"government officials" or "conspiring academics" so much as by the self-righteous anti-establishment and self-proclaimed "spiritual" types of the "alternatives" scene.

We currently have no clear certainty about what the long-term atmospheric effects will befrom all of this, but assuredly it will not be a good thing, and will only add to broaderatmospheric chaos. The "chemtrail-buster" network began in the Pacific Northwest USA inlate 2000, for example, which is roughly correlated with the onset of a larger droughtpattern across this same region, spreading eventually to the entire Western USA. Massiveforest fires of historical magnitude subsequently appeared in Western States, as the normalrainfall cycles were disturbed. The atmospheric reaction to so many "chembuster" devicesseems to be primarily a massive expansion of nearby desert regions into wetter regions,with around two years of heat-waves, drought and forest-fires! After the two years (ourcurrent estimate), the atmosphere finally self-adjusts and is no longer irritated by thechronic stimulus of the "chembusters". In 2003, the "chembuster" fad spread to Europe,which similarly had massive heat-waves, drought and forest fires, with around 3000people dying in France alone from the horrible heat. Similar conditions might be projectedto develop in Europe once again in 2004, with a lowered Wintertime precipitation as well.The atmospheric reaction in Europe was worse than in the USA, as the "chembusters"actually were expanding and attracting the Sahara Desert northward. The leaders ofthese cultish "chembuster" groups -- who also sell "Holy Hand Grenades", "orgonite","orgone generators" and similar trinkets and gadgets, including devices to exorcizedemons from inside the home -- none of which have any connections to Reich, but theywill abuse his name and terms anyhow. They were informed of the dangers on manyoccasions, but dismissed them with arrogant contempt. (One primary person leading this"chembuster" movement basically told this writer to "fuck off" when the problem waspointed out to him, and he threw out of his his internet group anyone who dared to openlyraise such questions.) Here, once again, we see the real-world effects of a deeply mysticalself-proclaimed "expert" who has never studied Reich, never attempted Reich's basicexperimental proofs, never apprenticed with any knowledgeable person so as to knowwhat he was doing, never had a any orgone therapy to remove his own biophysicalarmoring... but who makes huge claims and assertions about "saving the world", and in

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the process helps to wreak horrible disaster around the planet. The "chembuster" groupsare, in fact, the most dangerous of the mystical distorters of Reich's work today, given theirgreat potentials to create massive droughts and heat-waves through deliberate mis-representation and mis-application of Reich's discoveries. As of 2005, the chembuster fadhad invaded Australia, which began experiencing increasing drought, of historicalproportions by 2007. If the two-year rule holds, nature will begin compensating naturallyby 2008 -- but after what gigantic damages and loss of life will have occurred! As a general rule, enormous hatred is provoked from these individuals when responsiblecloudbuster operators try to speak with them and get them to stop or change what theyare doing. Experience shows, luckily, that these irrational individuals eventually run fromthe work and, assuming they do have the sustained energy to actually build and use acloudbuster, will eventually make themselves sick, and run from the work. Any programof cooperative work and learning exchange is impossibly irritating to such individuals ,and one usually spots them right off. Their history is one of secrecy, behind-the-scenesmaneuvering, public grandstanding and politicking, alliance with the enemies oforgonomy, and slander of rational work efforts.

The Problem of Operator Character Structure Cloudbusting requires more of the people who engage in it than the mere "desire" to "getinvolved", or to "make rain", or the mere mechanical ability to assemble a few pipes andwave them about in the air. For safe and effective operations to occur, the operator mustfirstly have a high degree of personal health, and secondly to know exactly what they aredoing, and why. They must have a good working knowledge of the cloudbustingtechniques and methods which have been worked out over the last 35 years. They must beeducated in basic climatology and atmospheric dynamics. Additionally, and mostimportantly, the cloudbuster operator must not possess any significant degree ofbiophysical, emotional armoring. They must be emotionally fluid, with a capacity for fullbioenergetic contact with the natural environment. They must possess the capability ofperceptively understanding the unspoken language of the living, which is energeticallyexpressed in the atmosphere and landscape. This is important both for the outcomes ofcloudbusting operations, that they not produce erratic or damaging weather reactions, butalso because biophysical armoring places the cloudbuster operator at great risk for theirhealth.

It must always be kept in mind that the cloudbuster is a tool by which the atmosphere isrestored to a state of self-regulated functioning. It is not a "weather modification"apparatus, like cloudseeding, where the atmosphere is forced to do this or that, or is"pushed about" to do something it normally would not do. Anyone wishing to work with acloudbuster must therefore have an intuitive, gut-level grasp of the concept ofatmospheric self-regulation. For this, they must themselves be self-regulated people, freefrom significant biophysical emotional armoring. They must, as much as is possible, bewhat Reich called unarmored, genital characters, that is, individuals who havemaintained, or regained through therapy, the capacity for making full contact with theirdeeper emotions, and who are orgastically potent as defined by Reich. They must not be

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openly or secretly cruel, sadistic, or domineering towards the opposite sex, nor be timid orfearful. This question of how the individual relates to the opposite sex is, aside from othercharacterological considerations, a give-away as to their deeper emotional self, and a clearpredictor of the attitude and behavior towards the natural environment. Men who aresadists with women, for example, being cruel or rapine in attitude, will not be able tosuddenly "change gears" and become contactful and gentle men, filled with a love ofnature in the next moment. And the same is true for the guy who only sees dollar-signs inhis eyeballs when thinking about the cloudbuster, which would also be a disaster for theatmosphere and environment. Likewise, if the operator is stoned on pot, or drunk onalcohol, they could no more undertake an effective operation than a similar drunkard orstoned-head could fly a multi-engine jetliner. It is an art and science that requires peoplewho are serious of mind and character, who generally eschew the "big noise" of modernneurotic society, who are more comfortable with open living nature than in a sport's bar,and who don't frequent either brothels or sex-repressive churches.

Reich's initial point of departure from conventional modes of thinking was, as he put it,the discovery of "the bioenergetic function of excitability and motility of livingsubstance". Through this discovery, he eventually clarified the relationship betweenpsyche and soma, which are underlain by the deeper common functioning principle of thebiological orgone energy, or life energy. As this energy flows or pulses through the body, itgives rise to a spectrum of psychic, emotional, and somatic, organic phenomena. The firstvolume of Reich's monumental work Discovery of the Orgone was subtitled Function of theOrgasm, as the orgasm was identified to have an important discharge function, the capacityfor which was always present in emotionally healthy, non-neurotic people, but alwaysabsent in people with neuroses, or any other form of mild or severe mental illness.Disturbances in orgastic functioning, and pathological attitudes toward the opposite sex,underlay every neurotic, self-destructive, or sadistic component in behavior. Indeed, Reichcame to view the love life of his patients as a primary indicator of emotional and mentalhealth. He wrote extensively on the sexual psychopathology among power-hungrypoliticians and dictators, and among the masses of people who chased after them, doingtheir dirty work, casting off their social responsibilities for the comfortable yoke ofdespotism. Emotional health and sexual health were inseparable, and formed the basis ofclear, unimpeded bioenergetic contact between the individual and the larger naturalenvironment.

Just as Reich found that the unimpeded flow of life energy in the body was essential topsychic and somatic health, he also discovered, some years later, that a similar unimpededflow of life energy in the atmosphere was necessary for maintenance of atmosphericpulsation and rainfall. Indeed, the properties and movements of the mass-free orgoneenergy in the atmosphere gave rise to similar life-like behaviors in the animal world,where the same energy pulsated inside an organisms's skin and organs. This life-likequality in the natural environment has actually been seen and felt by many of the moregentle, non-violent peoples of the world, and their very naturalistic religions were basedupon such direct perceptions; among these non-violent peoples, the creative, spirit forces

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charged and animated the natural world, and were not "beyond the senses". But thecapacity to feel, and make deeper contact with these forces, which Reich experimentallyobjectified as a specific life energy, named the orgone energy, has largely been lost amongthe authoritarian, sex-negative, war-making peoples of the "civilized" world. Theysimply cannot see it, or feel it, and therefore have greatly mystified perceptions of nature,to include the basic biological and sexual nature of their own selves and children. Theymay have an inkling or residue of feeling of this larger force at work within the cosmos.But because of a lack of direct perception, they project a human face upon it, claim that it is"non-physical" in nature, that it exists only in another dimension, in some far-removed"heaven" or "nirvana", and look to "spiritual experts" and "gurus" for assistance in restoringthe lost contact. Or, they project their own inner demons into the outer world, claiming thebeneficial life-force is filled with "evil entities", which are, in fact, only a misperception oftheir own bottled-up angry emotions. The majority of politicians, businessmen, scientists,priests, and yes, "spiritual experts" and "gurus" also, have lost this perceptive connectionwith nature, and so are more ready, willing, and able to participate in the wholesaledestruction of natural pusling life-energy in the child, and in the natural world andatmosphere also. They do little more than lead a compliant and fearful humanity from onesocial disaster to another. Even so, many contemporary people have retained abioenergetic perception of their connectedness with the natural world, and are veryuncomfortable with the destructive nature of industry, Church, and State.

Unlike so many other scientific discoveries, which have been perverted into weapons todestroy or thwart life, Reich gives us a criteria for evaluating the character structure ofthose who wish to involve themselves in life-positive works. How can we best recognizethe individual who is emotionally capable of restoring the flow of life energy in theatmosphere? The criteria are fairly simple, in principle at least. If a person can fully expresstheir emotions, has a deep and full respiration and relaxed physical posture, does notpossess tendencies of sadism and violent aggression, but is neither timid nor lacking inhealthy, aggressive seeking-out for fulfillment of their needs, if they are gentle withchildren, capable of a warm and loving relationship with the opposite sex, andspontaneously respectful of nature and wild creatures, then that individual is a reasonablecandidate for training in the authentic methods of cloudbusting. For if their bioenergy canflow and pulse freely, if they are emotionally fluid and contactful, they will possess the gutlevel feeling necessary to use the cloudbuster in a perceptive and effective manner.

On the other hand, it is not possible for a person who has devoted their entire life to thesequestration of emotion, to the negation of sexuality, through either antisexual celibacy oremotion-killing pornography, to maintain the kind of feeling necessary for being a goodcloudbuster operator. Persons addicted to drugs or alcohol, or who hold fast to extremereligious or political viewpoints (ie, Nazism, Communism, Islamism) are likewise notcandidates for this work. It does not matter if the individual is "highly respected" in thecommunity, or if they are a successful farmer, rancher, or businessman, or if they have aPh.D. or M.D. degree, or if they are a member of the National Academy of Sciences, orwhatever. Nor does it matter if they are certified critics of mainstream scientism, outraged

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because Reich was thrown into prison, and are well-known "free energy" advocates. Desirealone is insufficient. Just as good vision and reflexes are necessary for being a good aircraftpilot, or good muscles and slim figure a necessity for a ballet dancer or ice-skatingchampion, a mobile and emotionally fluid bioenergy system, as Reich defined it, is anecessary prerequisite for engaging in cloudbusting. Nothing given above should bedistorted to presume formal academic degrees or high social standing are intrinsically abarrier to this work. In fact, study of classical weather science is a definite prerequisite forthis work. By themselves, however, they are simply not enough.

This emphasis upon maintaining a lively, self-regulated character structure, and a deeperemotional contactfulness, is the most important foundational consideration for acloudbuster operator. With it, they can learn techniques and classical knowledege ofweather science. But all the classical weather science in the world, and even fullyintellectual study of Reich's findings, won't grant to people the deeper bioenergeticcapacities which are necessary. The cloudbuster operator must be capable of organicallyfeeling the various bioenergetic phenomena at work in the atmosphere. They must becapable of discriminating between states of atmospheric expansion or contraction, high orlow charge, and stagnation or agitation. They likewise must be able to see thephenomenon of atmospheric sparkle and lustre, and the pulsing orgone units. Theexpressive "language of the living" is manifested in cloud forms, sky, atmosphere, andlandscape, and is vital to understanding the functions of weather. Most importantly, theymust also be capable of recognizing any traces of emotional plague or pestiness withinthemselves, any tendencies towards contactlessness or contraction or overcharge or dor-saturation of their organism, and learn to withdraw from the work at those times theirown structure gets in the way, or when they are at risk for health deterioration.

These considerations of emotional contactfullness and health are most important, for thecloudbuster operator works with a tool capable of affecting broad regions of theatmosphere, for better or worse. Also, the operator can receive an overcharge, or dorcontamination in their body which can bring on life-threatening sickness, or exacerbatelatent or chronic aspects of existing characterological armoring. While therapy certainlyreduces these tendencies, it is not an absolute guarantee either. Cosmic orgone engineeringwith a cloudbuster places one in a highly charged environment which can stimulateenergy-overcharge and emotional flare-ups. For these and other reasons, cloudbustingmust be carried out in a perceptively clear and emotionally clean manner, with cooperativeoversight by other skilled workers in a spirit of scientific open critique and cooperation.

The Question of Operational TheoryLet us firstly acknowledge there are many things we do not know about Nature and theUniverse, and about the orgone energy and cloudbusting as well. We are more like theWright Brothers with the first models of the airplane. Of what could be know about jetengines and supersonic aircraft design, or about the Jumbo-Jet?! Even so, the basic designsand principles of the Wright Brothers remains valid and is incorporated into even thewings of the most advanced fighter-jets and commercial transport aircraft. The basic

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aerodynamic principles also remain basically the same, even if nearly all else hasdramatically changed. There also always is a rational interest to explore new theoreticalapproaches which might be more clarifying, and offer something new. However, this doesnot mean throwing overboard what is already well-known and established, nor does itgive anyone license to claim, without evidence, that by "revealed truth" they "know",without having done any serious work at all, so much more than what has already beenestablished by the hard and patient work of others. Reich was clear about not only theproperties of the orgone energy itself, but also about the kinds of materials whichinteracted with orgone in a good way, and those which reacted in a toxic manner (ie.,copper or aluminum are not healthy). His discussions on the life-energetic properties andbehavior of the atmosphere, its relationship to cloud formations and weather, on thecloudbuster's operational mechanism, and on self-regulatory and pulsatory orgone energyfunctions, the orgone energy streams in the atmosphere, etc., are known to everyone whohas any kind of beneficial success with the apparatus. The more serious and dedicatedpersons surely have very large questions about the orgone energy itself, how it relates tothe larger cosmic questions of life, about love, and human feeling of unity with the cosmos.The relationship of orgone energy to the cosmological ether of space, and to bioelectricity,or the "dark matter" claimed by astronomers, for example, are points of lively discussionamong those who know and respect the authentic Wilhelm Reich. Reich also discussedthese issues, and had many serious open questions. But they were specific questions onspecific issues, and never stood as any kind of standing point for the aggressive dismissalof everything else that was known and established.

A few individuals who have undertaken cloudbusting in an irrational, untrained, and ill-prepared manner, are most emphatic in their desire to substitute their own theory forReich's regarding the cloudbuster's functioning. For years they may have been workingwith electromagnetic energy, radionics machinery, or various other "subtle energy"phenomena, often with minimal effectiveness in demonstrating any kind of influence uponnatural processes. Or they are students of oriental or metaphysical/religious philosophieswhich accept the existence of some form of "life energy", but not anything which governsour character structure and sexuality in the manner described by Reich (ie, they are oftenantisexual celibates, following the life-negative dictations of one or another guru, andconsider life-energy to be something separate from, and subordinated to an other-worldly"spirituality".)

Then they build an orgone accumulator, or a cloudbusting instrument, and observe somekind of powerful biological or atmospheric response, which is greater than anything theyhave previously experienced. But this causes much confusion, because it casts doubt upontheir own relatively ineffectual theories and philosophies, to which they strongly adherefor emotional reasons. Consequently, in such cases, Reich's theoretical discussions must bethrown out the window. Reich's inventions may then more easily be captured into theirmysticism with a "reinterpretation" which discards the more socially-difficult aspects. Or,to preserve their dedicated interest in quantum mechanics or "twelve-dimensional reality"(Etc.) orgone energy is discarded in favor of abstract mathematics and invisible particles.

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In either case, Reich's ideas are confusedly picked at, diced up, and made into a casserolewith other bits and pieces of every other kind of imaginable speculation! What indigestion!The question of theory is therefore more important than most people recognize. Considerthe following analogy: One man designs and builds a large suspension bridge according tothe experimentally tested strengths of steel and concrete. Another man designs and buildsa suspension bridge using a design and materials suggested to him in a drug hallucination,or from numerological interpretations of a Bible passage. Now, if I gave you the keys to a20 ton truck, which bridge would you want to drive over? Which bridge would you want aschool bus carrying your children to drive over? There is no question that you would notwant to take a risk with the bridge built through "divine revelation". This is what thescience of engineering is all about, and we have a natural respect for good engineering,with necessary laws and regulations to make sure bridges are build according toexperimentally determined Natural Law, and not according to one or another person'sconjured-up speculations. Now, a person could speculate about a new bridge design whichwas truly revolutionary, but then we would want to see it tested first, before being put intouse. The same is true with aircraft design. Nobody wants to fly in a jet that has not beenproperly tested or which had expired maintenance. Even so, we still get bridges and jetswith both design and construction flaws. But these can be recognized as such and, whenuncovered, quickly corrected. Let's now take the example of cloudbusting.

A lot of people are concerned about drought, particularly farmers. But many are distressedby Reich's writings on sexual matters, and on matters regarding character structure. Reichholds up a mirror which exposes their personal misery and shameful behavior, and theydon't like this one bit. They may also be hostile to people with advanced degrees, ortowards German-speakers, or Jews (Reich was all these). Or they have been usingradionics machines, or have been reading Steiner, and are used to speaking in very vagueterms, about "vibration energy", the "ethers", and so on. To the unstudied person, Reich's"orgone" may appear likewise vague, but it is not really. It is a very specific term attachedto a class of phenomena which have been empirically, or experimentally derived. It is aubiquitous energy, filling all space, pulsatile (expanding and contracting), water-attracting,self-attracting, absorbed by non-metals, and reflected by metals. It is the medium thoughwhich electromagnetic waves are transmitted, but is not the wave itself. It can be excitedby EM waves, however. It can absorb electromagnetic energy, and attenuate it. These arevery specific details, for which specific experimental proofs have been developed. But, nomatter. Those who wish to be rid of Reich's theory usually first dismiss the energeticaspects of sexuality and character, followed by difficult, but necessary concepts such asoranur (over-excited, agitated orgone) and dor (stagnant, or dead orgone). Or, "dor" ismystified, as they don't understand it. They take Reich's terms and use them confusedly,without clarity or knowledge of what they actually mean. The cloudbuster becomes a"particle sink" or "chembuster", and the orgone, one of the "ethers". Or "Dor" is confusedwith "demons". By doing this, a cloudbuster operator no longer needs to be a contactfuland perceptive individual, capable of gut-level sensation of the atmospheric energy.Indeed, the atmospheric energy, by virtue of intellectual slight-of-hand, is made vague andintangible, beyond the senses. Oranur and dor therefore don't matter anymore, and Reich's

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findings about the energy streams in the upper atmosphere, well, who cares! So out intothe fields they march, beating a drum, and waving cloudbuster tubes about in a phallicmanner, making "grand connection with the cosmos"! And all the while, they bad-mouththose who at great personal sacrifice and risk, preserved and extended Reich's works overmany decades! I previously outlined a number of examples of the results of this kind ofirrational approach.

Like the bridge built upon questionable designs, the improperly performed cloudbustingoperation yields either no result, or an atmospheric disaster! In many cases, these peoplestate "my operations brought good rain here, when all around it was dry". Aside from thefact that they don't corroborate their observations with weather data, they are ignorant ofthe fact that an improperly used cloudbuster can stimulate widespread expansion andaridity, with a small localized center of slightly more humid conditions near, and onlynear, the working cloudbuster. In short, while they may have created the slight increase inmoisture at the one place, they likely stimulated an intensification of more widespreaddrought conditions across the surrounding countryside! In the worst cases, thecloudbuster location may show some small persisting clouds overhead, but not muchmore, while the rest of the region totally dries out! But they will continue with this failedapproach, on the basis of false hope conjured up by those few isolated clouds. This latterdanger appears particularly acute where cloudbusters are used continually, for longperiods without a break.

Often, out of sheer frustration with a drought, and from lack of immediately apparentatmospheric reactions to the cloudbuster, the errant operator will continue working theinstrument, day after day after day, without a break, attempting to squeeze a drop or twoof moisture from what appears to be a stubborn, unrelenting atmosphere. In this case, theoperator wants to "make" the overcharged atmosphere contract and rain, but the continualoperations only add to the excitation and overcharge. They may actually successfullyconvert a hazy dorish atmosphere into something which is clear blue and moretransparent. However, the natural process is where clouds build and rains clean out theatmosphere, after which the bluish transparency is achieved. In those cases, by errant usethey have by-passed the needed process of clouds and rain, and gone directly from hazy-dor to oranur-blue conditions. Oh, they will feel proud and omnipotent, about "what theyhave done", but the drought continues, on and on.

Now, there are techniques which can be successfully used in such a situation, which mightturn things around. The first "technique" is that everyone using a cloudbuster in such apersisting drought condition -- and who obviously is not having any success -- must fullyshut down all their devices. Sometimes, that measure alone will bring on a restoration ofclouds and at least temporary rains. But what happens when you ask these people to try adifferent approach, to examine more closely what they are doing? From experience, Iknow. You get an outburst of self-righteous anger! "How dare you question our motives ortechniques!" "We are saving the planet from drought," they say, when the facts, derivedfrom the weather maps and climatology of the region, speak otherwise. Or worse, they

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say: "Our work has driven away the demons", or chemtrails, or shape-shifters... Onecannot speak with pot-smokers or LSD consumers about such matters, and byhallucinations, they are living their worst nightmares.

Another example of the danger of improper operational technique, derived from acontemptuous dismissal of Reich's orgone theory, shows itself when individuals attemptcloudbusting in droughty or desert regions, which are charged with dorish, immobile,stagnant energy. One fellow designed a "better" cloudbuster by eliminating certainessentials from Reich's design. Using only the known principle of atmospheric excitation,which he falsely claimed as his own discovery, he went about creating large energypotentials in the dry areas of Southern California. So, in the midst of all that stagnation,large storm potentials appeared, and, predictably, the storms behaved furiously, much inthe manner of a wild elephant caught in a trap, or a chained bull being hit stuck withknives. The storms raged, and many people were hurt or killed. The man claimed to beworking with a superior theory, but in reality was working with a patently wrong,mystical theory. His theory of atmospheric functioning, like the bridge built upon faultyprinciples, did not help him to work properly. Just the opposite, in fact. There is, in myview, no excuse for this kind of arrogant, dangerous behavior.

As a society we do not allow untrained individuals to jump into the pilot seat of a largepassenger-jet aircraft, nor hand over the controls of an oil tanker or aircraft carrier to justanybody who "wants" to do it. We require training, education, and specific physicalcharacteristics necessary for safely doing the job. Today, there are places where one can goto obtain the necessary counseling, therapy, education, and training in cloudbusting. Therealso is a small network of trained individuals who share data and engage in critical reviewof each other's work: The CORE Network. Everyone doing good, rational, and effectivework with the cloudbuster places great emphasis on emotional contact and training. Justas a pilot must have good eyesight, a good cloudbuster operator must be emotionallyfluid, and this means, for most people, orgone therapy. So today we observe, withoutexception, that the decent, rational people interested in cloudbusting undertake thistherapy, educate themselves, and apprentice in a careful, step-by-step manner, whichrequires commitment and years of dedicated work. If the real motivations for cloudbustingare clean and honest, with a desire to be genuinely helpful, the therapy will only reinforcethose feelings, and make the individual feel more alive and perceptive. If not, the therapywill clarify one's limitations, or the lack of necessity for doing the weather work, or evenunmask other hidden motivations. Unfortunately, the worst of the irresponsiblecloudbuster operators run from therapy, and from contact with anyone who urges them toundertake it, as a means of hiding their sadism and hatred of nature, or with a running-away from deeper feelings of sadness or anger, and to preserve their facade.

Such individuals who undertake cloudbusting thereby become a danger to themselves andto the larger community in which they live, and must firmly be referred to the therapist'scouch as an absolute prerequisite for any transfer of information or knowledge to takeplace. And if they persist in "cloudbusting", and continue to bring severe damaging effects

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upon the surrounding communities, they must be isolated from all support andassociation with rational efforts, and be pointed out to the appropriate legal authorities.The challenge here is for rational efforts to develop a system of documentation andevaluation that will provide proof of the cloudbuster's influence, and of the biophysicalcharacter of the orgone energy, in a form that can be understood by any open-mindedscientist.

Orgonomy must break with the "tradition" of armored science, wherein so manypotentially good discoveries are turned into weapons for the further destruction of life andnature. In this regard, the larger scientific community cannot be blamed, for they do notyet take Reich's energetic theories seriously. The major damage being done with thecloudbuster today is from the various contactless mystics and secret nature-haters of the"alternatives" crowd, those who, without a shred of evidence, claim great "benefits" fromtheir atmospheric meddling. We presently do not know if this situation will diminish, orintensify when the larger community of classical scientists rediscover Reich's works. It is amajor problem of human characterology, which can be overcome only by strongly resistingand countering any attempts to remove cloudbusting from the general body of orgonomictheory, out of which it developed. Indeed, every individual I have met who has donedecent and helpful work with a cloudbuster has previously undertaken to clean up theirown character structure as a necessary first-step. The men and women who will do thiswork, both now and in the future, must be an exceptional lot, responsible, contactfulpeople, capable of deep emotional expression, love relationships, and also capable ofgrappling with important concepts and demanding work responsibilities. They must havea stick-to-it attitude based upon love, work, and knowledge, and do their very best to bewell educated on important environmental and scientific issues. They must not shrinkfrom either receiving, or giving rational constructive criticism.

Negative Biophysical Effects on Cloudbuster OperatorsThere are other reasons to insist upon good training and therapy for cloudbusteroperators. The biophysical effects of the cloudbuster upon the operator's own organismcan potentially be mildly sickening (headaches, nausea, sinus problems, etc.) or even life-threatening. This real danger has often been dismissed by various armored persons whowere incapable of feeling the movement of the life energy within their own body, and whocould not feel or see it move in the atmosphere. As a result, many people have been madesick. However, accidents can also occur even when the cloudbuster operator is skilled, andprecautions are taken. For the reasons given here, cloudbuster operators must learn aboutthe mechanisms governing atmospheric charge, and also techniques for dissipating anovercharge within their own organism, and for protecting themselves. For example:

1) Several of Reich's assistants were immobilized and greatly sickened by the fieldeffects surrounding his laboratory during the oranur experiment. Later on, similarreactions occurred in the surroundings of operating cloudbusters, particularlyduring desert and drought operations. 2) A man using a cloudbuster in a California desert touched the pipes with his barehands. He was paralyzed on one side of his body, and never completely recovered.

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3) A cloudbuster operator developed a walnut-sized tumor one day after handling acloudbuster during a drought. The tumor was eventually eliminated throughorgonomic first-aid, involving therapy, use of the accumulator, dor-buster, anddetoxification techniques. 4) A medical doctor in Germany used a medical dor-buster on his patients for manyyears. The apparatus resembles a minature cloudbuster, and functions similarly. Hedeveloped a paralysis in the arm he used to work the apparatus, which later spreadto his shoulder and the side of his face, after which he died. 5) A man who used a manually operated cloudbuster for many years in droughtysituations became quite ill, in spite of many precautions. He eventually developedscleroderma and cancer, which killed him. 6) A man with a history of high blood pressure and a stroke had another debilitatingstroke a few days after working as an informal helper on a cloudbuster operation,where his exposure was limited to no more than 15 minutes per day over threedays. All the usual precautions had been taken. 7) Other cloudbuster operators have been made very ill from standing too close tothe instrument. The biological effects of overcharge, and of what Reich called dor-sickness, have included high fever, muscle cramps, nausea, and diarrhea. Severeskin rashes, hives, and "flu" symptoms have also been observed. Reich noted, theeffects of the toxic field around the cloudbuster tends to hit a person at theirweakest spot, causing old health problems to flare-up.

Recommended Cloudbuster Operator Education and TrainingThe above facts speak loudly for ambitious and top-notch education and training for allcloudbuster operators. The responsibility for the rational development of cosmic orgoneengineering now largely rests upon the shoulders of those who have continued to workwith and research the technique in an open way, publishing the results of theirexperimental research. Individuals involved in irrational efforts also bear the responsibilityfor their actions, which, because of narcissistic bragging and loose talk, eventually do cometo the light of day. An informal procedure is presently in place whereby individualsharboring irrational motivations are strictly excluded from the work, irrespective of theiracademic degrees, political standing, or economic power. An informal procedure also ispresently in place to assist those rational, responsible individuals whose character andwork, and the environmental conditions in which they live, dictate a need to know moreabout cloudbusting. It is anticipated that these informal procedures will become moreformalized in the future, in a work-democratic manner, when the needs of the workrequire it. Presently there are around a dozen or so well-trained, senior cloudbustingoperators, and their apprentices, who work on these questions in an open, responsible, andcooperative manner.

The following outline covers the kind of preliminary work which all candidates forcloudbusting should undertake. The ideas presented here are proposed for the youngerstudent and would necessarily be tailored where a person's prior work and experience isfirmly established. For more information on any of these points, or for specific information

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on courses and workshops, and the names of qualified orgone therapists, contact theOrgone Biophysical Research Laboratory, at the address given below.

I. Character-Analytic Reichian Orgone Therapy for Emotional Fluidity: with a skilled andqualified therapist. Every skilled cloudbuster operator has at least some background in apersonal program of emotion-release therapy. This is necessary to bring the candidate intocontact with any buried feelings or hidden characterological tendencies; fears about takingresponsibility, chronic anxiety which inhibits the capacity to feel the energy, or thenarcissist's attitude to "save the world", or "make a million dollars" with cloudbusting arecounter-productive traits, for example. While this form of therapy is no absolute guaranteeof emotional health, and there are some people who are already in reasonably good shapebiophysically, it is the best method known to address and soften or eliminate biophysical,characterological armoring, deepen the respiration, and make the individual more aliveand contactful.

II. Formal Orgonomic Coursework: A. In-depth reading of Reich's works, his books and the several journals hepublished, from start to finish, and related published works by those who haveconfirmed his findings in one or another aspect. B. Lab Seminars and Workshops:on the bions, cancer biopathy, and general orgone biophysics, as offered byresearchers and institutes who maintain a focus upon the authentic Wilhelm Reich. C. University Courses: on the "Life and Work of Wilhelm Reich", where offered. D. Tour of the Wilhelm Reich Museum: to get a feel for the man and his times.E. Attending of larger Conferences devoted to Reich's discoveries.

III. Traditional Education:Undergraduate and/or graduate-level studies in the traditional sciences, apart from anystudy of orgonomy. The major topic of study would be of the student's choosing, butshould include coursework in Climatology, Meteorology, Earth Science, PhysicalGeography, Biology, Environmental Science, Ecology, Chemistry, Astronomy, and Physics.Exceptional scholarship of an interdisciplinary nature is strongly encouraged, butorthodox, classical views must be supplemented with the findings of various dissentingscientists as cataloged in the various books offered at the OBRL On-Line Bookstore.Knowledge of classical findings on atmospheric circulation, temperature, humidity,barometric pressure, cloud dynamics, atmospheric electricity, and so forth would beabsolutely essential. Courses on the methods and history of science are also encouraged.

IV. Independent Research in Orgonomy:1. Students (of whatever age) should develop their own small laboratory, or gain access to one. Student should develop a working relationship or correspondence with other orgonomic researchers familiar with the experiments they are undertaking, for critical review, feedback, and response to questions.2. Students would have to develop a familiarity with the following devices and areas of orgonomic research:

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- millivoltmeter.- bion observations.- naked eye and orgonoscope observations of atmospheric orgone energy.- the orgone energy field meter; high-frequency coils.- the orgone energy accumulator; start with small seed-chargers, and, environmental conditions permitting, progress to building larger multiple layer chargers, and human-sized units. Engage in a good part of the biological and physical experimental proofs.- the electroscope.- observations of dor and oranur.- the medical dor-buster.

V. Cosmic Orgone Engineering: A. Students would engage in a systematic study and review of all the literature on cloudbusting, and the procedures used in all past cloudbusting operations, to understand the various situations which confronted operators in the past, and the solutions which were applied.B. Under supervision, students might engage in small, short term experiments with single lengths of pipe, or a small array of short hollow tubes in the local atmosphere, much in the manner of a dor-buster.C. Student Apprenticeship.

1. As assistant to a principal operator with greater experience.2. As co-operator to other principal operators as the atmospheric need and occasion may arise.

D. Operator candidates would later engage in independent cloudbusting work, either in conjunction with established principal operators in a given region, or more independently in new areas.E. Operator candidates would also evaluate the results of all major prior operations undertaken by others. Evaluations would emphasize the reasons for particular operational techniques employed, and the energetic basis of the original atmospheric problem.F. Operator candidates would develop ongoing communication with other cloudbuster operators in more distant regions, so that each person has a general idea of research under way in different areas. More specific notification would be given when major operations were undertaken.

Every phase of the prior work outlined above would help to prepare the individual for thenext step in their work, eventually leading to actual experiments with the cloudbuster. Forexample, experiments with the bions, or orgone energy vesicles, yields evidence ofenergetic charge and movement at the micro-level, and bioenergetic phenomena that arecorrelated with the weather. Certain bionous forms, such as ameba and vorticella, oftenbehave in a pulsatory, expansive-contractive, energetic manner, similar to what can be seenin a much slower form, with individual thunderstorms and larger weather systems. Theobservational similarities between a microscopical ameba and a macroscopicthunderstorm are quite striking, for one example. Likewise, cloudbusting candidates must

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also undertake extended work with the orgone accumulator, to gain an organic feel forconcentrated life energy, and an understanding of atmospheric pulsation, as seen in itsthermal, electroscopical, and other properties. They must learn about what theconcentrated energy in the accumulator can do to living creatures by running biologicalexperiments, to see for themselves, and to obtain a gut level feeling for the energy as a real,physical phenomenon.

The cloudbusting candidate must also learn about contamination of the life energythrough secondary energies, such as friction, electromagnetism, and nuclear energy.Observations should be made of highly excited orgone, or oranur conditions, and stagnantdead orgone, or dor conditions, by taking short trips to the desert, or to regions close tonuclear power facilities. Oranur and dor conditions may occur in the immediate vicinity ofan operating cloudbuster, and these conditions are significant for both the safety andoutcome of the operations, as well as for the operator's health. The cloudbusting candidatemust also eventually work with the medical dor-buster, which is a small, laboratory-sized"cloudbuster", to develop a feel for this apparatus, and gain a working knowledge of itspractical applications. This apparatus is also necessary for orgonomic first-aid, which maybe needed during cloudbusting operations to keep one's own organism alive and moving,particularly in the face of stagnant, dorish conditions.

The merely curious individual would likely be satisfied by the understandings gainedfrom this preliminary work, and leave it at that, assuming any atmospheric problems intheir area are relieved. However, the preliminary work may heighten their interest andaccentuate the need to deal with an unresolved atmospheric problem, particularly whentherapy melts the armor, and makes them more sensitive. If the preliminary work has beenresponsibly undertaken, if the individual gains an appreciation, functional grasp, andfeeling for the atmospheric orgone energy, and if they have displayed the seriousness andresponsibility of character vital to such work, then a move into the active learning andapprenticeship during actual cloudbusting operations might be justified. Such individualsmust, of course, display a-priori a willingness to learn and work cooperatively with otherresearchers in the field of orgone biophysics, particularly those already working with acloudbuster in a given region.

For the younger individual, this preliminary work might be performed simultaneous to atraditional university education in the classical sciences. It is a worthwhile goal to possessthe traditional degree certificates by which scientific work is generally evaluated in thisera. Orgonomic education, however, should maintain an emphasis of self- regulatedindependent study. For the older individual, a program of independent study mightsubstitute for formal university education. Indeed, many naturalists and artists havemaintained a greater feeling for, and contact with life and nature than the typicaluniversity professor or graduate, and possession of this feeling for life is more importantfor successful cloudbusting operations than any university degree. There is also theproblem inherent in obtaining a university education, in that -- depending upon thespecific degree program and institution -- it runs the risk to emotionally dry one up, pushone towards an increasingly intellectual approach to life and nature, and thereby increaseone's emotional armoring. This is particularly so where the student must hide their

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functional interests in the life energy, due to hostile prejudice on the part of professors. Forthose who choose the university approach, the need for therapy may become all the moreacute.

There is no educational program in "cloudbusting" per se, as we do not wish to attract persons whootherwise would not have been drawn to the work, eg., those incapable of proceeding in acommitted, responsible, cooperative and self-regulated manner. Nor do we offer a program of"cloudbuster education" which is set apart from general orgonomic research. It is desiredto attract the cooperative interest of workers whose work has prompted their interest incloudbusting. A step-by-step approach is necessary, handled at each student's own pace, togradually introduce them to the atmospheric work -- first as student, then assistant, andlater as co-worker. It is expected that many students will not continue with theatmospheric work, but will become fascinated with the energetic basis of the emotions,with orgone therapy, with the bions, cancer research, the accumulator, or the orgonemotor, all the various fantastic discoveries of the genius, Wilhelm Reich. Hence, theeducational program outlined here is a mixture of classical climate or weather science,plus a focused study of general orgonomy, of which the atmospheric work is but a subset.

If You Can't Do Cloudbusting Yourself, What Can You Do? The Orgone Biophysical Research Laboratory (OBRL), in cooperation other responsibleindividuals and organizations, has become a vehicle for the Drought Abatement OutreachProgram which I developed in the 1980s. Together with different volunteer associates, wehave undertaken field expeditions in the USA and overseas, bringing trained and skilledcloudbuster operators and the necessary equipment, to areas suffering from drought. ADesert Greening Program was also developed, successfully demonstrating (in Israel,Namibia and Eritrea) that harsh dry areas within large semi-arid deserts, or those at theborders of the most severe deserts (ie, the Sahara), can also be greened, with a halt to theirprior rates of degradation and spreading. A Research Summary was developed describingthis work. Other articles on past cloudbusting operations also have been internet-postedand are linked to the above Research Summary. If you require assistance with such anatmospheric problem, you can directly contact Dr. James DeMeo and OBRL for details.There are financial costs involved, but on occasion, resources may already be available fordealing with your situation, and only help with logistics and information will be required.

Alternatively, if you are just learning about orgonomy, and still have a fascination withReich's atmospheric discoveries, then get on track with the recommendations given above.Learn who the responsible workers are in orgonomy, and make contact with them; obtainand follow their advice regarding your own individual situation. Get in touch withqualified therapists in your area or elsewhere, and attend the various workshops andseminars focused upon orgonomy at OBRL; most importantly, read the works of Reich onboth social and biophysical issues. Aside from Reich's books, his articles on orgone-biophysical topics are found in three different journals: International Journal of Sex-Economyand Orgone Research, Orgone Energy Bulletin, and CORE (Cosmic Orgone Engineering). SinceReich's death, other journals have continued to publish more recent research. Pulse of thePlanet, the research report of this Laboratory, carries many articles on orgone biophysicsand cloudbusting. Likewise, back issues of the Journal of Orgonomy and Annals of the

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Institute for Orgonomic Science also carry pertinent research articles and new findings. Agood reading of all this material is necessary for the dedicated student who really wants toknow the facts, and wants to make a difference in the world. Others may take the "easyway" and "quick path", which leads nowhere fast. From myself, you will get advice for thebest path towards the most meaningful understandings and discovery.

Aside from all of this, it is important to remember, the atmosphere does not suffer from a"lack of cloudbusting". It suffers from chronic abuse, from releases of toxic chemicals andpollutants, though contamination of streams and groundwater, through toxic dumping,deforestation, and from radioactive contamination, and sometimes from having too manystupid or malicious people waving cloudbuster pipes in the sky, not having a clue aboutanything. Part of the decision-making process about cloudbusting is knowing when it isNOT a good idea to operate, even if you have all the skills, knowledge and equipment athand. I suggest, in all cases, to start with self-education by reading the authentic writingsof Reich. Follow the recommendations in the above lists. The issues should self-clarify foryou in short order. For those who feel ready to take a long-term and serious approach, weare interested to hear from you.

Postscript on the Problem of Cloudbusting in Totalitarian Societies Here, I should also note since even well before the terror attacks of 9/11, most everyoneinvolved in responsible work with the cloudbuster has refused to take this new knowledgeinto any Islamic or Communist nation. The concerns are multi-faceted:

1) The high levels of emotional armoring and social violence characteristic of totalitariansocieties makes it nearly impossible for any contactful perception or appreciation of thelife-energy, nor accurate implementation of the new knowledge.

2) Helping out totalitarian nations with a severe atmospheric problem energizes theirpeople and raises their economic situation, and thereby reinforces all of their aggressiveand conquest-oriented tendencies, putting the more democratic and free social-reformelements within its borders at risk, and also increasing its war-making potentials againstneighboring societies. "Desert Greening" may benefit the landscape, but it does not changehuman character structure for the better.

3) The absence of civil law and protections of individual human rights puts thecloudbuster operator at risk in the event some weather damages might occur, which couldthen create outrage among the leadership. If the "glorious leader" demanded this or that bedone, and you refuse, or if you make too much rain and it floods out a poorly-designedhousing project built down in a dry lake-bottom, or washes out a road which was notconstructed with proper drainage, one could be thrown into prison, and disappear,without legal recourse. The same is true if they put up a lot of money, and you don'tproduce as much rain as they want, or if it does not fall exactly where they want, youcould be held hostage.

4) There is a high probability that the new methods would be converted into weather-war-weapons for conquest and destruction of neighboring non-totalitarian societies. Workingin modern Red China, for example, by definition means you must have permissions fromand connections with both the Communist Party and Red Army. Working in modern

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Russia means navigating a network of old KGB and former Communist Party bosses, whoas in the case of China, have parasitically inserted themselves into every major businessand industry.

Some extremely lucrative offers have in the past been dangled in front of my nose byIslamic states of the Sahara and Persian Gulf, for example, but I could not in goodconscience bring myself to help them, given the persistence, by government approval, ofsuch toxic social institutions as whips-and-chains slavery of black Africans and foreignwomen, the sexual slavery of their own native women, their hardly-concealed support ofterrorism against the Western democracies, and an intensive Jew-hatred with open war-making over decades against the chronically scapegoated, lied-about and irrationally-hated Israelis. To bring Reich's cloudbusting technology into a totalitarian Islamic orCommunist society -- or one which suffers from any similar severe character disorders andsocially violent tendencies -- it is the moral equivalent to helping out the Nazi Empire, orthe Imperial Japanese Empire, or the Soviet or Red Chinese Empires with their droughtproblems, at the very time when they are filling mass-graves with victims, having a boot-heel on the necks of hundreds of millions of people, and building up war-weaponry foradditional international trouble-making.

This entire problem of safeguarding the cloudbusting technology for the betterment of theworld condition, and to prevent its abuse, is related to the problems of human characterstructure, which I have already written about in great detail, in my book Saharasia . Agood scientist could rationally wish these international complications and issues did notexist, but in fact they do, and we must deal with the world as it is, and not as we wish itmight be. Dangerous illusions about the moral equivalence of all human societies andnations must be dispelled. The 21st Century is shaping up to be just as bloody as the 20th,which only reinforces the need for a taking of personal responsibility by those who arekeepers of the new knowledge.

Additional Articles and Materials:

* The Orgone Biophysical Research Lab: James DeMeo's Research Website.

* OBRL Educational Seminars in Orgonomy

* The Saharasia web page.

* The Complete OBRL / Natural Energy Works On-line Bookstore and Product Shop, with books and videos on Wilhelm Reich and Authentic Orgone Energy Research.

* About the Growing "Orgone" Nonsense on Global Internet

* About "Chemtrails"

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Eden was born August 23, 1925, in New York City. He studied at New York University(B.A.) and Columbia University (M.A.). He served in World War II and the Korean War,later becoming managing editor of the American Water Works Association Journal, the cityand military editor of the Idaho Falls Post Register, and the director of the Eastern IdahoSpecial Services Agency. He also edited and published the Eden Bulletin.

He studied Wilhelm Reich’s work and findings and wrote the books:

Suffer the Children. New York 1959.Orgone Energy-The Answer to Atomic Suicide.1972.Planet in Trouble-The UFO Assault on Earth. Hicksville 1973.Animal Magnetism and the Life Energy, Florida 1974View From Eden-Talks to Students of Orgonomy, 1976.The Emotional Plague versus Orgonomic Ufology, 1981Scavengers from Space –The UFO Hostility Hypothesis, 1988.

In his own words, excerpt from the book: Scavengers from Space, Eden press, 1988.

“I have never been schooled in any of the classical sciences, and I am the first to admit myignorance of classical science and technology. Nevertheless, as my books Orgone Energyand Planet in Trouble demonstrate, I have spent many years in studying the new science ofOrgonomy (the science dealing with the functions of orgone energy), have personallyduplicated many of Reich’s basic experiments, have built and used various orgone energyaccumulating devices, and have successfully contacted more than one hundredCloudbuster operations in the Northwest. I was the first Reich Cloudbuster operator to beregistered by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) under theU.S. Department of Commerce, and my weather-modification and DOR- reversal work ison record with NOAA and appears in various articles I have written for the Journal ofOrgonomy.”

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Excerpts from the book Scavengers from Space, Eden Press, 1988

Orgone energy exists everywhere and is constantly in motion. Man and his universe areliterally immersed in an Ocean of Energy, just as fish in the sea are surrounded andimmersed in water.

[…]Reich established the existence of orgone energy visually, thermically, electroscopically,microscopically, by Geiger counter, orgone energy field meter, and in various other ways. (See Reich’s basic book, the Cancer Biopathy for experimental data and scientificverification).The orgone penetrates all matter, but at varying speeds. Our planet (and everything uponit) is submerged in and penetrated by this atmospheric ocean of energy whose majorstreams flow from west to east. Many flight patterns of UFOs indicate a west- to- eastdirection, leading Reich to conclude that these craft ride upon the major orgone-energystreams in much the same manner as our automobiles ride upon our major highways;however, many other secondary directions are evidenced in the flight of these craft.

The basic colour of orgone energy is blue or bluish gray, which accounts for the colour ofour sky, as well as the colour of distant mountains, snow shadows and water. (It is no mere“accident” that water, for example, is in its “purest” state – that is, distilled many times – isalso blue; and that liquid oxygen is also blue, inasmuch as both oxygen and water areprimary material “carriers” of orgone energy). […] The Earth, as well as every planet inour solar system, is also surrounded by an orgone-energy envelope. It is this massivecosmic stream of energy that is responsible for the Earth’s rotational movement. And,indeed, photographs of our Mother Earth taken by manmade satellites in space show ourplanet to be a deep blue colour. Many people who have reported UFO sightings havenoted a blue colour or bluish light associated with these craft.

When orgone energy is concentrated and simultaneously intensified, its colour changes asa function of this charging process. This phenomenon can be observed in nature, as Reichfirst noted – especially in summer when various planets and trees, fruits and berrieschange colour after the strong absorption and concentration of the atmospheric andterrestrial energy. And, as Reich pointed out, the green colour of grasses and leaves is acombination of yellow plus the blue of orgone energy. The withdrawal of atmosphericenergy toward the center of the Earth in fall (contraction) accounts for the loss of the bluecolour in the foliage, with the resultant yellowing of dying or dead leaves and grasses.

The changes in colour associated with UFOs appear to be an indication of theconcentration of the energy used by these ships. The relationship between orgone-energyconcentration and UFO colour was indicated by Dr. Elsworth F. Baker, editor of theJournal of Orgonomy and president of the American College of Orgonomy. In his

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foreword to my book, Planet in Trouble, Dr. Baker described a personal observation hemade while witnessing an experiment Reich performed with respect to a UFO:

“My final observation has to do with space ships. None has been captured as yet, andmany people still believe that they do not exist. I shall merely record here what seven ofus, besides Reich, saw. At about 9.00 pm one evening, Reich pointed to a very bright star inthe southwest, about 40 degrees above the horizon. It was unusual in that it was brighterthan I had ever seen Venus to be. Also, it alternated in colour regularly in sequence of red,blue, green, orange, yellow and white – then back to red. We watched it for severalminutes and then observed it through a 3-inch refracting telescope where it appearedlarger, but still merely as a body of light. Lining it up with stationery objects, we foundthat it was moving slowly in a northeasterly direction and changing its position graduallywith relation to other stars. Reich then trained the Cloudbuster on it, and after three orfour minutes, the red colour no longer appeared. This was followed by the successive non-appearance of the blue, green, orange and yellow colours. Now all that remained was thewhite, which grew dimmer and dimmer until we could no longer see it”.

Reich’s Cloudbuster was another of his remarkable inventions. With it, as demonstratedabove in Dr Baker’s observations, Reich could withdraw from the atmosphere vastamounts of cosmic orgone energy. By withdrawing energy from this “star”, Reichdemonstrated that this object in the night sky was in fact no star at all – it was a spacemachine! The loss of the UFO’s power source produced a simultaneous loss in colourmanifestations: first the red colour disappeared, then the blue, green, orange and then theyellow, and, finally, the white.

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Reviews of Jerome Eden books

Cloudbuster vs. the UFOs

Jerome Eden wrote a chapter on Wilhelm Reich and UFOs in New Ufo Breakthrough:Allende Letters. Five years later Planet in Trouble was published. It is a spirited defence ofWilhelm Reich and his attempts to combat drought with his cloudbusters. Reich's accountContact with Space remains withdrawn from general circulation, but this book covers allthe main events, and it has an enthusiastic introduction by Elsworth Baker, who is one ofthose co-workers whose photos appear at the start of Contact with Space. Jerome Edendescribes his own experiences using a cloudbuster and provides instructions andwarnings for those wishing to try themselves. Somewhat hard to believe at times, e.g. thenotion that ten feet hollow pipes, grounded in water, aimed at a UFO could cause it todisappear. Nevertheless, I found it an interesting read. I would have been interested inwhat Mr. Eden thought of the claims of Ted Owens, regarding rain creation, but Owens isnot mentioned in this book. Planet in trouble is a discourse on war between Earthmen andintelligent beings from outer space. Documentary evidence that such a war is taking placenow.

The Case for Hostile UFOs Draining Life from the Earth and its Atmosphere

Scavengers from Space: The UFO Hostility Hypothesis, Jerome Eden's sequel to his 1973book Planet in Trouble, continues the theme of UFO hostility. He includes analysis ofFredrick Smith's book on Cattle Mutilations along with news reports of mutilations fromthe mid-1970s. The later chapters cover Wilhelm's Reich research. The apparent connectionbetween UFOs and nuclear energy is also discussed. Eden notes that there has been noUFO opposition to nuclear energy plants and speculates that aliens might not be able tofunction in an atmosphere free of so-called deadly orgone. I would recommend it for itsdiscussion of Wilhelm's Reich's findings in his book Contact with Space, but, like Reich'sbook, Scavengers from Space is now out of print and copies are harder to obtain thanReich's book. This book is a rare and interesting critical examination of the UFO and alienphenomenons and the potential for continued hostility on behalf of the possible intruders,whether they be extraterrestrial or extra-dimensional in their origin. And it is of interest tofollowers of the work of the late Wilhelm Reich, whose death the author relates to hisknowledge of the UFO and alien situation.

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