rejecting propaganda

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  • 8/9/2019 Rejecting Propaganda


    Rejecting Propaganda

    Refuting propaganda is a constant, daily occurrence. In the 21st century, cultural

    changes are indeed rapid. Even times are shifting quickly from a year ago. I believe

    wholeheartedly in altruism or that we should help other people that are need of

    assistance in life. Once, ex-President George W. Bush admitted to a crowd that he

    repeats words over and over again to catapult the propaganda. He believes that his

    stances are cutting edge, but they basically made the country worse off. The

    mainstream media and the establishment are keen in promoting propaganda. One

    simple example deals with the Oklahoma City bombing. Some folks from the big

    networks like ABC, CBS, etc. believed that Timothy McVeigh alone caused thebombing in the Alfred P. Murray building with only one explosive. This comes in spite

    of the fact that multiple witnesses heard more than one explosion in the building.

    The tragedy killed 168 people in Oklahoma City. Even local news stations confirmed

    that two discovered undetonated explosive devices hadnt gone off. Timothy

    McVeigh had links to the FBI-infiltrated circle of Elohim City. Terry Nicholas worked

    with Timothy McVeigh, so by definition the OKC Bombing was a conspiracy anyway.

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    Now, this bombing set the stage for 9/11 and the subsequent war on terror. This new

    Crusade against the Sunnis and especially the Shia Muslims have been promoted long

    before 2001 indeed. The atmosphere of course after 9/11 made civil liberties

    violations to be just as bad in decades before. There is the Patriot Act and now the

    plotting to harm Miranda rights against citizens suspected of terrorism (without any

    conviction at all), SWAT Teams oppressing innocent citizens, and there is strongpolice brutality. Mercenaries like the Knight of Malta-influenced Xe are common

    place. Now, the White House supports the measures of war in Afghanistan and

    Pakistan. The promotion of such evil is a key part and parcel of dangerous or

    threatening propaganda. MSNBC is showing a new documentary called The Rise of

    the New Right. Its narrated by Chris Matthews and its a hit piece for numerous

    reasons. This piece will bash anyone with legitimate grievance against the

    government. I dont agree with the Tea Party on every issue, but even they are right

    to point out the problems with the present government in the U.S.A. Chris Matthews

    is a known basher of anyone who is pro-gun, pro-life, and anti-National ID Card. So,

    this documentary will expose some legitimate points mixed with the false

    characterization of extremism equated to strong governmental dissent. I reject theassumption that calling the government on some of its criminal acts (like Operation

    Paperclip, spying on innocent citizens, torturing people, having oppressive, pro-

    Big Brother laws, and some of its political leaders calling for a new world order)

    is extremist or terroristic. This new series from MSNBC shows a Dont Tread on Me

    flag (which is a very innocent symbol) as some type of swastika or something. We

    know what the deal is. I dont trust neo cons, but I dont trust left gatekeepers

    either. Now, this doesnt mean that all of the government should be banned out of

    existence. The government ought to be critically reformed.

    The following quotes shows Edward C. Bernays talking about this issue (Although, I

    dont accept his notion that these elitists control all of the publics minds):

    "The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the

    masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen

    mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of

    our country. . . We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas

    suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. . .In almost every act of our daily lives,

    whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking,

    we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons . . . who understand the mental

    processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the

    public mind. . ."-Edward C. Bernays, Propaganda, 1928

    Another form of political propaganda deals with the neo cons and their infiltrated

    Tea Party movement (as opposed to independent Tea Party human beings). Some of

    the present day neo conservative propagandists include Glen Beck, Bill OReilly,

    Newt Gingrich, etc. Glen Beck spoke at the so-called Christian Liberty University.

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    In recent decades, Liberty University has been a mouthpiece for Republicans and

    their ilk so to speak. Liberty University is in Lynchburg, Virginia, which is far from

    where I live. Lynchburg is in the mountains of Virginia. I live in Southeastern Virginia

    in Hampton Roads. In May 15, 2010, Beck received an Honorary Doctorate in

    Humanities and Sciences. He spoke with Newt Gingrich on May 17 too. Why would

    he do that when Gingrich supports NAFTA, wants profiling, and is an enemy ofcivil liberties completely? It could be because Beck wants more credibility with

    his base of folks. These folks believe that getting rid of luxuries for the few is

    evil, while preserving services for the many elite. This selfish opinion is still

    taboo for them to present to the public overtly. Gingrich (he was in the Board of

    Empower America that was filled by CFR members like Michael Novak, Jeane

    Kirkpatrick, the late 33 Mason Jack Kemp, and 33 Mason Trent Lott) is a recent

    convert to Roman Catholicism. Glen Beck is a Mormon. Mormonism is polytheistic

    by viewing many Gods existing in the Universe and that man can have chance to be

    like God, which is blasphemy. Beck gave the commencement address there and this

    makes Liberty University very Ecumenical. Beck is one of those people that have

    infiltrated some of the Tea Party Movement. He heads his own program on FOXNews. FOX News prides itself as being Fair and Balanced, but other evidence points

    to that claim as being inaccurate. One example is how many FOX News network

    hosts use the same talking points in opposition to President Barack Obama without

    much independent thought on the alternatives to Barack Obamas policies. FOX

    ironically is headed by CFR member and Papal Knight of St. Gregory Rupert Murdoch

    (he uses his Roman Catholic agents Sean Hannity and Bill OReilly to host programs

    there. When you think about it, something comes up. They promote the Papal

    doctrines of torture, authoritarianism, religious divineness, and control over our civil

    liberties). Sean Hannity spoke in Liberty University years ago in April of 2007.

    Hannity believes in abortion for rape and incest. Again, Mormonism is a polytheistic

    religion which believes Mary had sex with one of their gods and became pregnant

    with Jesus Christ. Thats blasphemy. They do not believe that salvation is by grace

    through faith alone or many other critical truths of the Christian faith.

    One of the common tactics created by the neo conservatives is their paranoia about

    taxes (like all taxes according to some of them are some sin). They believe that

    Democrats raise taxes in huge rates all of the time. Heres the truth. Under

    President Barack Obama, taxes for 98.6% of working families have been reduced

    (according to Nate Silvers article). President Bill Clinton cut taxes on 15 million low

    income families and made tax cuts available to 90 percent of small business. Bill

    Clinton rose taxes on just 1.2 percent of the wealthiest taxpayers. President GeorgeW. Bush raised taxes for low income families and their families, veterans, and small

    businesses. This caused his property taxes increased. George H. W. Bush said Read

    my lips: now new taxes. Yet, Bush 41 created new taxes and broke his promise. The

    big lie made by them is that poor Americans dont pay that much taxes, so taxes

    should be raised among them in a regressive way. The truth is that all self employed

    and employed workers regardless of income pay 15% of their income to Social Security

    programs. Unemployment insurance and hidden taxes exist in the equation too. All

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    consumers regardless of income pay corporate, sales, excise, and other taxes in

    dealing with products and businesses. There are taxation on cars and cigarettes. Also,

    the super rich pay taxes, but they receive huge tax revenues. They buy U.S. treasury

    bonds, collect interest on the national debt from the taxpayer. They regularly rig

    the game, so they can pay less taxes themselves while the poor are paying the taxes

    to support bond holders and special interests. What is wrong with legitimate policiesthat help the poor? The answer is Nothing. A vast majority of the Tea Party also say that

    their number one priority is reducing the size of the federal government. Do you think that

    they mean to cut capital sent to fighter jets or entitlement programs? We know the answer

    to that question. Socialism is the state ownership of the means of production not helping the

    poor via certain programs. So, the lie that the poor dont pay taxes is false. Its evil to

    promote the redistribution of wealth (what I mean by this is an unfair tax system not

    the government legitimately helping the people) from the poor to the rich via the


    I dont want the change embraced by Glen Beck or Barack Obama. I reject the

    occupation of Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan. Unconstitutional and immoralforeign wars are never conservative. The Wall Streets war on Main street is

    immoral in my eyes. Much of the police state policies enacted by the Bush

    administration has never been repealed including: the Patriot Act, the Military

    Commissions Act, Presidential Directive 51 (that makes the President a virtual

    dictator in times of an emergency), etc. There are new threats against our health

    freedom rights in 2010 like HR 2749 bashing organic/non-GMO foods, the carbon

    tax scheme bill of HR 2454, the ID Act of S.1261, the Cyber Security bill (or HR

    4061) threaten to harm Internet freedom, the Orwellian-entitled Wall Street

    "Reform" and Consumer "Protection" Act, which gives the "Federal" Reserve

    evenmore power than it already has, and other bills. Although, legitimatecomponents do exist in that Wall Street Reform bill. There is the Council of

    Governors too.

    Instead of just seeking a limited fiscal agenda, we should be advocating a

    thorough, fair & compassionate fiscal agenda. Some of the Tea Partiers have

    abandoned the centuries-long fight for reform to make governments better by

    giving them the power to check predatory finance and wealth. Some of them,

    acting mainly out of frustration, have succumbed a utopian desire simply to shrink

    government that they see acting adversely to their interests. Some of the Tea party

    crowd love an unrestrained, unregulated free market system. We ought to reject a

    regressive tax, monetarist economic policy. Even the Greek demonstrators wantthe global tax to shift off property and finance onto labor (and to give pensions

    priority over the banks getting billions of dollars because of bad loans). Not to

    mention that the IMF and the World Bank economically exploited the nation of

    Greece under the guise of structural adjustment. The globalists heading the

    IMF, etc. desire a centralization of financial capital into a few hands, so the

    resources of the world can be effective controlled under an elite. This same cabal

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    has stolen money from Social Security to finance its militaristic wars in Afghanistan

    and Iraq (hence the cabal's frantic effort to destroy the Social Security system). It has

    skewed the tax laws so that the rich pay almost nothing while the working class suffers

    under huge tax burdens. Then you have people condemning protests over there

    when any human being have a right to make their legitimate grievances known via

    protests. This is how America began and how other movements sprung up inhistory.

    The British Prime Minster election has been interesting. Some people believe that the 3

    candidates have more similarities to each other than differences. Some feel that the voter

    turnout will be low. There has been public apathy and antipathy toward the 3 major

    political parties. These parties are the incumbent Labour government, the Conservatives,

    and the Liberal Democrats. The Liberal Democrats are running at all time highs, there is a

    real prospect that the British general election of 2010 will see as many citizens forfeiting

    their democratic right as those turning out to vote. There is high unemployment, poverty

    and debt in Britain. The budget deficit is estimated to be around 163 billion, which, somecommentators say, puts Britain on a par with Greece in terms of its gravity. Some feel that

    all 3 parties are very similar. Some in the Labour Party from 1945-1997 tries to promote

    working and lower middle class people's interests. Later, Tony Blair and his successor

    Gordon Brown came on the scene. Brown is apart of the New Labour that has been

    indistinguishable from the other main parties in terms of submitting to big business and the

    wealthy elite. Prior to the 1997 election, which brought Labour to government, one senior

    Conservative smugly noted that, in terms of economic policy, there was not a cigarette

    paper between the Thatcherite Tory Party and Blairs New Labour. Voter participation

    after WWII dropped down fast. The gap between the rich and the poor increased even in the

    years of the Labour government. This surpassed the notoriously pro-wealthy previous 19

    years of Conservative government. A recent Rich List compiled by the British Sunday

    Times found that Britains 1,000 super-rich saw their wealth increase by one-third or 77

    billion to a total 334 billion during 2009 alone. Evidently, the only thing that a large

    chunk Labour Prime Minister Gordon Browns 1,000 billion stimulus package achieved

    was stimulating the assets of the already wealthy. All 3 major political parties have done

    economic austerity to try to solve Britain's fiscal condition. Yet, this doesn't work since

    these policies only cut public services (stop programs, cut jobs, etc.). Ruled out from the

    outset, it seems, are imminently sensible and workable options, such as taxing the super-

    rich whose combined wealth is more than twice than of Britains budget deficit, or

    immediately ending budget-draining criminal wars of foreign occupation. That's taboo, but

    economic populism is getting more popular because of the craziness of the economy. Thatis why independent parties are growing. Today, Cameron from the Conservative Party has

    been elected as the new Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.

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    People have a right to be in the Tea Party movement if they wish even though I don't

    agree with all of their stances. People certainly have a right to embrace real tenets

    from the Constitution and Bill of Rights as well. People shouldn't sit down and shut up.

    People have a right to oppose evil whenever it is found. Establishment Republicans

    have differences with Barack Obama, but they agree with him on believing in a war

    on terror and a government that's influenced by corporate power (with a bloated

    military budget). These policies can increase the debt. Even Larry Summers in the

    Obama administration was taught by monetarist dogma.A monetarist follower of

    Milton Friedman or von Hayek, by contrast, would say that the homeownerswho default should be thrown into the street, so that the market can work. I

    dont agree with that at all. Some from hate social programs, but

    many of these programs in tons of occasions have allowed the poor to escape literally

    starvation and death. You have to help people. Sometimes charity and private services

    aren't enough to do it. Democrats and Republicans are ruled by the same oligarchy as

    Georgetown Professor Carroll Quigley have documented. Obama is heavily stirred by

    the same Pilgrim dictated Wall Street crowd and Goldman Sachs functionaries as his

    predecessor. Democrats and Republicans are interchangeable with minor cosmetic

    differences to try to fool the people. There is the socialism vs. Austrian economic

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    paradigm. The Austrian economists take the ideal of limited government on its

    head by promoting little or no regulation whatsoever (or no governmentinterference) in society. The Tea Party overwhelming reject almost any form of

    government spending. What are the poor and middle class people going to dounder their world? Some Tea Partiers advocate militarism and mention nothing

    on the corrupt War on Drugs. When you think about it, Communism makes theState act as a dictator oppressing the people & their liberties. While extremelibertarianism makes the corporations act as dictators which can oppress the

    people. Its philosophy attempts to immorally destroy the State. Therefore, thereal interests of people are under attack. Now, these extreme philosophies are

    aided by the same aristocrats (and these tenets leave the government lacking insafeguards to protect the citizenry). Its not right that Wall Street received

    record money from Congress and the citizens of America receive crumbs. Youcant just say cut all expenditures and then do nothing to allow the economy to

    grow (that action doesnt improve our M1, M2, and M3 money supplies).Liquidating stocks, labor, and real estate arent a viable option for long-term

    financial growth as well. The government was created to serve us. I was oncesympathetic to much of the views of Ron Paul until I figured out that he had no

    comprehensive solution to solve poverty, health care issues, educational

    problems, etc. Some of them in the Austrian movement desire no programs to assist

    all citizens. Individual liberty, religious freedom, free speech, and freedom of assembly

    are fine concepts to promote. Yet, the Constitution doesn't mention a word on free

    markets at all (which has been exploited by corporate elitists for thousands of years if

    the markets are unchecked. We dont need a gold based currency as some Patriot

    radio outlets yearn for or multinational corporations doing whatever they desire).

    Unchecked cartel capitalism don't work to benefit anyone economically.

    One forefather of the pro-aristocrat anarcho-capitalism agenda was John Locke.

    He supported the slave trade and was pro-imperialist from the UK. Locke was the

    founding member of the Board of Trade. This group as created to rule over American

    colonies. Its royal patent came about as early as May 15, 1696. It was officially

    abolished in 1782. Locke wanted a Constitution in Carolina to make eight lords

    proprietors as a hereditary nobility and control over the serfs in an absolute fashion. He

    wrote the Fundamental Constitutions for the Government of Carolina in 1669. These

    rules were basically pro-feudalism. Feudalism suppresses not only the rights of an

    individual, but collectively centralizes real Power into the hands of a few people. Locke

    called the serfs, leet-men. He wants the colonies to only trade with the UK and other

    oppressive policies. Even Cotton Matter disagreed with the illegitimate rules from the

    Navigation Acts.

    Rand Paul from Kentucky is a new face that is allied with the Tea party Movement. His

    father is Ron Paul and people know what I think about Ron Paul. I agree with Rand

    Paul on the 2nd

    Amendment, his goal of making the Internet free, and Rand embracing

    individual liberty. I dont agree with him that criticizing BP in a harsh fashion is anti-

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    American (or that nearly any regulation is evil. The repeal of the Glass Steagall Act

    contributed to the recession in the world. A repeat of what transpired in the Gilded

    Age during the late 19th

    century isnt an option for us). I believe that even if private

    businesses exist, they cant discriminate against a person based on race. The reason is

    that even private places cant do what they want whenever they want. In other words,

    a private business cant use poisons, they cant murder people, they cant conduct

    fraud, etc. Private businesses are in the U.S. and they are still subject under American

    laws. Some private businesses have to use a public charter from the government in

    order to function. Plus, some private businesses experience inspections from the city

    or the state. Limitations exist in the functions of public and private locations (Rand

    said that he supports the Civil Rights Act and he rejects racism). The Civil Rights Act of

    1964 was legitimate in protecting both private and public places from discrimination. I

    will write much more about Rand Paul in the near future. You can count on that.

    People have a right to live independently of the government if they wish, but it's

    immoral to deny a person help from the government if they legitimately need it. I

    believe in altruism unlike Ayn Rand. Rand supported an axe murderer and shepromoted human selfishness instead ofhuman selflessness. Ayn Rand was a wicked

    woman and Rand Paul supports this women in 2010. Statist absolutism is just as

    much evil as is fascism, communism, and cartel-capitalism. The Tea Party crowd

    should reject the gold standard for all currency, the privatized control of our economic

    system, the austerity fetish, and Ludwig von Mises extremism.

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    Fredriech Von Hayek supported the Fascist Pinochet Regime in Chile becausePinochet instituted "Free Markets" Ludwig von Mises was closely tied to the

    elitist Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi. Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi promoted theidea of an European Union and a pan-American Union. This man Richard is

    related to Byzantium leaders. Rothschild and Warburg sponsored him. Peoplehave got to wake up and realize the bigger picture. I want to mention this too.

    Some in the mainstream media are exploiting Rand Pauls errors in order todisregard the legitimate opposition to leaders calling for a new world order(and other things like the corrupt history of the World Bank, the IMF, the U.N.,

    and other entities). Some of these neo-fascists are anti-immigrant (Even thefounder of FAIR is a known racist. Some Council on National Policy-affiliated

    people support this anti-immigrant rhetoric). Arizona State Senator RussellPearce, who submitted the Arizona immigration bill has, for many years, been

    associated with local Neo-Nazi and white supremacist groups. In 2007, Piercewas photographed with J.T. Ready spokesman for the National Socialist

    Movement, better known as the Nazi Party. In 2008, Pierce sponsored SenateBill 1108, which would make it impossible for students at Universities to join

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    groups based in whole or part because of their ethnicity, claiming it would

    indoctrinate people with anti-American mentality. As if the relationship couldnot be any clearer, Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer yesterday signed a bill targeting a

    school districts ethnic studies program. Arizona law now prohibits classes thatpromote ethnic solidarity, that are created primarily for students of a particular

    race or that promote resentment toward a certain ethnic group. I dont agreewith a law banning ethnic studies since its a violation of the First Amendment

    among other reasons. Learning history about an ethnic group in a real fashion isnever apart of racism at all. These fascists are being bold in Arizona. I dontbelieve in scapegoating immigrants. I believe in freedom without the

    propaganda from the lobbyist filled Freedom Works (whose leader is DickArmey. His ilk oppose any government assistance to the poor when there is

    record income inequality in America). Real tyranny deals with corporatism, themilitary industrial complex, the militarization of American society, and illegal

    wars of aggression. The Tea Party shouldnt march for corporate interests.

    Some want anarcho-capitalism, which I reject. There has been welfare bashing, but theU.S. has the lowest welfare in proportion to their population than any nation in the

    industrialized world. Most wage and salaried workers pay disproportionately higher

    taxes than the corporate rich. Today, the State has been infiltrated by corporatists that

    are hostile to the needs of the workers, while promoting corporate warfare, cutting

    down public services, & militarism. That is why dissent with some of the policies of the

    state is fine in order for the government to be reformed. There is a proficient necessity

    of having workplace protections, Social Security, a safety net, and other keen

    safeguards in order to justly enriching the quality of life among tons of citizens. The

    threat of neo-liberalism still manifests its head in our time as it did numerous decades

    ago. Interest free money to advance real programs in re-establishing our nations

    resources is a fine prescription to me. The debt-free Greenback alternative (which is

    apart of the economic populist movement) is advocated by monetary reformers such as

    Ellen Brown, Richard C. Cook, Stephen Zarlenga, and the makers of both The Money

    Masters documentary (and the recently-released sequel, The Secret of Oz).

    The Rockefeller Foundation aid Austrian & Keynesian economics. Much of the Tea

    Partiers have been infiltrated by neo con reactionaries like Sarah Palin, Jon Voight, the

    CNP (Bob Barr and Larry Pratt who both are members of the Council for National Policy),and the Republican Party.

    *We don't need to end individual liberty, but we should have checks and balances in

    our economy too. Also, I want to mention that real conservatives, real independents,

    real liberals, and real libertarians exist in this country that sincerely want to improve

    American society. So, there is no monopoly on idealism among any political ideology.

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    Real people have sincere love for all people in this world.

    Michelle Malkin is a special neo con shill. She was born in October 20, 1970 in

    Philadelphia, PA. Her Filipino parents are Rafaela and Dr. Apolo Maglalang, while

    they were in the United States on student visas. She grew up in Absecon, NewJersey. Malkin graduated from Oberlin College. In 1993 she married Jesse Malkin, a

    Rhodes Scholar and former economist for the RAND Corporation. Michelle Malkin

    admits that her husband influenced her to have anti-Arabic sentiments and support

    for the evil, wicked war on terror. The RAND Corporation is a war mongering

    corporation after all. The truth is that real constructive solutions are better than

    war. One of her sites is called Hot Air and for good reason. Malkin is right to expose

    Planned Parenthood, but she is wrong on many other issues. She tried to justify the

    evil internment of Japanese Americans. Eric Muller, a law professor at the University

    of North Carolina who has written extensively on the subject, told The Daily Star,

    "Malkin's argument depends on a studied ignorance of the overwhelming evidence inthe historical record, documented by dozens of scholars, of the impact of racism and

    wartime hysteria on those who conceived of and planned and implemented the

    incarceration of Japanese-Americans in World War II." She believes in racial profiling

    and the intentional of camps if necessary against folks deemed terrorists in

    America. Malkin has some obsession with the Barack Obama administration when

    Barack Obama isnt to blame for all of the problems in this country. She in one

    article made the racist charge that illegal immigrants and Hispanic Americans were

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    to blame for the mortgage crisis in a great deal. The credit crisis was caused in great

    measure by Wall Street, extreme deregulation, and other corrupt policies. The banks

    and loan companies started lobbying to relax the regulations for the type of credit you

    needed to buy a home. There were plenty of programs to help people get their credit right,

    but the lenders wanted to be able to lend that money today, not the following year when

    people had better credit. So they pushed and pushed until the regulations were gone, anddid a lot of predatory lending, too. This went on across the board, not just poor people and

    minorities were offered 100, 105, 110 percent loans on the value of their houses at teaser

    rates that would eventually adjust upward. This is typical of her since her ilk will blame

    the poor for the crimes of the super rich. Her race based rhetoric is hilarious ( like

    saying that there is an epidemic of black preacher bigotry, which is a lie),

    because she is a person of color. Also, Michelle Malkin allies with the VDARE website.

    When the Washington D.C. beltway sniper was active in 2002, Malkin openly attacked

    police chief Charles Moose, a Black man, as incompetent and greedy. Although, she had no

    credible evidence for these charges. When the sniper was caught by Charles Moose and the

    Montgomery County, Maryland police department, she continued trashing on Mr. Moose

    anyway, largely based on her brainwashed racism against Blacks. Funny how whenever shegoes after white people (Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden, any other white Democratic politicians)

    she never labels it an epidemic of white people [insert attack]. This is a common tactic

    by those who are either subtly or blatantly racists. During the Abercrombie Fitch incident in

    2001, where A&F sold racist shirts with anti-Asian caricatures. This was evil of course.

    The company later pulled off the shelf after a massive protest by the Asian American

    community. Malkin immediately attacked the brave Asian American protesters as greedy

    money-grubbers and downplayed the whole incident. A year later, A&F was facing a major

    civil rights lawsuit for discriminating against Asians, Blacks, and Hispanics in the

    employment process. Of course, she makes no mention of this. Of course, any major news

    stories where minorities may advance and become more equal in America is unacceptable

    for racists like Michelle Malkin to present to the public.

    Malkin herself was born to Filipino parents who were in the US on visas, but she is one of

    the loudest voices against what she calls in a derogatory, bigoted tone anchor babies. I

    guess Michelle Malkin forgotten or omitted that in the law of the United States of

    America mentions that any baby born in America is an American citizen.That

    website of VDARE promotes hatred and stereotypes against people of color

    constantly. Some call Michelle Malkin a self hater of her Filipino people, yet I dont

    know that for certain. I wouldnt be surprised if that is true though. Alex Kopperman

    wrote about Michelle Malkins ties to white supremacists. Vdare allow authors like J.

    Philippe Rushton to promote racial lies about different people. Jared Taylor writesfor VDARE too. Jared writes for the American Renaissance journal that promotes

    theory of the genetic inferiority of people of color, which is a lie. Jared is a racist

    white supremacist. Michelle Malkin called his friend Brimelow (or the VDARE site

    founder) as a good friend. Brimelow praised Taylor as: "perhaps the most brilliant and

    accomplished figure among White Nationalists. Taylor believes that America is in threat

    of being a Third World nation by the influx of immigration. Real threats arent just from

    the Klan, but from pseudo-intellectuals using a suit and tie to voice their neo con rhetoric in

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    order deceive the masses. They cant overtly use slurs like they used to do. They just use

    code words and pseudo science as a means to gain support among even puppets like

    Michelle Malkin. If Jared Taylor and other bigots have their way, Michelle

    Malkins parents wouldnt be in the United States in a high probability. Malkin lied

    and said that a Marine didnt throw a puppy off a cliff in Iraq. Regnery Publishing

    published her books. This publishing company have ties to the shill group of the John BirchSociety. They were so extreme in the 1950s that they considered Eisenhower a Communist

    stooge. The JBS omit that Communism is a controlled, elite-sponsored economic

    instrument. Communism like vulture, cartel-capitalism were instruments of the

    establishment. They were utilized by the elite or the oligarchy to strife real Revolution or

    real, authentic changes in the world, especially in the Third world. Even in America, the

    HUAC organization tried to suppress political free speech. That is why in May of 1960,

    people protested against HUAC authoritarian methods. The HUAC system was a violation

    of political free speech. The first two titles published by Regnery were critical of the

    Nuremberg Trials and Regnery published pro-Nazi books. Today in the 21st century, the

    atmosphere of oppressive conformity and violation of political free speech are still threats

    in America. Michelle Malkin needs to really wake up.

    Real Filipinos that I have encountered in Virginia are not like Michelle Malkin.

    They are nice, intelligent, down to earth, and strong willed without the evil

    bitterness. A lot of Filipino Americans live in the Hampton Roads area (where Im

    from. They live, they work, they worship God, and they contribute to society

    just like anyone else does), New York, throughout the East Coast, California, and

    across the nation. Of course, FOX news has her on their show since they usually

    agree with her archaic views.

    Propaganda isnt just limited in one side of the paradigm. There are also limousineliberals. These liberals talk about tolerance, peace, etc., but they don't practice

    what they preach in many circumstances. Some of them are rich and live in big

    mansions far away from minority communities. Yet, they project the stereotype that

    people who disagree with them are bigots, intellectually inferior, etc. They have a

    sick form of tolerance in my eyes. Some of these limousine liberals (not true

    liberals) are very racist and advance anti-family policies. The pro-new world order

    crowd believe in eugenics even now. Today, they are more slick by allowing the

    oligarchy to create problems (like terrorism via false flag ops, derivatives

    causing a financial collapse, using bioterrorism, having compulsoryschooling, TV based mind control, poisoning our waters, etc.) and then add

    their versions of a wicked false solution (or the Problem-Reaction-Solution tactic). Areal solution would be to ban the fractional reserve banking system and to get

    countries to issue debt free and interest free currency. This can be done to fund

    production and repair of public goods (like bridges, roads, etc.), so all people can

    benefit. We should reject land speculation and the evil austerity measures from the

    IMF and the World Bank. One example of a limousine liberal is Left Gatekeeper Gore

    Vidal. He advocated anti-family policies back in 1969. In ironically Playboy Magazine,

    Gore said that (other than wanting some dictatorial authority to control the actions

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    of humanity in America. That's wrong on Vidal's part):

    ".... I mean just that. Only certain people would be allowed to havechildren. Nor is this the hardship that it might at first appear. Most peoplehave no talent for bringing up children and they usually admit it--once the

    damage is done....If education and propaganda failed, those who violatedthe birth-control restrictions would have to pay for their act as for any othercriminal offense.... Further, I would favor an intelligent program ofeugenics that would decide which genetic types should be continued andwhich allowed to die off..."

    Vidal compares the human family to some economic unit. This is fascism and

    eugenics. He believes in the overpopulation lie that has been debunked by the under

    population of Europe, Japan, and other places worldwide. This is why these

    limousine liberals think the way they do. In a way, they are worse than the

    extremist, reactionary neo cons since at least the neo cons would overtly tell us that

    they don't care about a rational, tolerant foreign policy. The neo cons would saywhats on their minds typically without any apologies. These reactionary fascists

    blame minorities & the poor for problems in the USA. One example is Tancredo

    saying that people should pass a civics test before voting for a candidate.Some of

    them love war mongering rhetoric, austerity, poor bashing, and they want even

    legitimate resources that assist people cut or eliminated. Some of them continue

    forth with racial agitation & racial scapegoating, and hatred of true civil liberties

    rather openly (some of the reactionary neo cons dont care about us or our

    interests, so I wont ally with them at all). Rush Limbaugh spoke about howthe NFL is akin to Crips and Bloods without the weapons. That is what theyreally feel about you. Bill OReilly said that the African American professorLamont Hill looked like a crack head. This is what they think about you. GlenBeck called the Katrina victims scum and bashed 9/11 attack victims. GlenBeck even mocked the intelligence of President Barack Obamas daughterMalia. Malia is 11 years old. Glen Beck is a hypocrite by wanting to leavepeoples families out of politics and how its wrong. Then, he made theserecent comments about Malia. The puppet Beck is a Mormon, so this isexpected from a man from a religious cult. This is what these neo fascist neocons feel about you in no uncertain terms. Glen Beck was forced toapologize for his comments about Malia Obama. I dont support Obama onevery issue, but a man is a coward if hes bashing a mans daughter

    unnecessarily as an excuse to promote his own political views. The realissue is how we should not take the bait and we should never disrespectanyone for any reason. These extremists believe that any governmentinterference in the economy is equivalent to socialism, which is a lie. They like

    Savage, Limbaugh, Beck, and others tell us these things constantly. These puppets

    are utilized as distractions, so we cant talk about the real issues. Limousine liberals

    today unlike back then covertly have pro-eugenics goals, but won't publicly mention

    their true intensions (except in documents, etc.) for the sake of being politically

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    correct. This is cowardice. Some limousine liberals are so racist that they want

    more abortions against minorities.

    Even Rose ODonnell once mocked the accent of Chinese people on the View before.

    Garofalo called RNC Chariman Michael Steele who's black, "A victim of Stockholm

    Syndrome." She called conservative Larry Elder who's black, "Not really black." I dontagree with Steels and Elders agendas. Yet, these men are still black men even if they are

    wrong on various issues. Vidal told Playboy in that June 1969 interview that he doesn't

    trust the people much and admires an Authority to control us. In a 1977 book, John

    Holdren advocated forced abortions, mass sterilization through food and water

    supply and mandatory bodily implants to prevent pregnancies. The Codex

    Alimentarius Guidelines harms health freedom too. Another limousine liberal is

    Joyce Tarnow. She wants as many people sterilized as possible and abortions done in

    America. She is a proud member of the National Abortion Federation. She is apart of

    the anti-immigration group called Floridians for a Sustainable People. FAIR lists her

    as her contacts. FAIR is the Federation for American Immigration Reform. The

    radical FAIR group has been run by former Zero Population Growth and PlannedParenthood members. You can mark my words: I will never support FAIR at all.

    The anti-life, anti-immigrant, and pro-eugenics movements are linked as one in

    many instances. Radical pro-abortionists like Tarnow said that about how if America

    should deal with nations starving to death: We need to help nations that can subsist

    and let others wither on the vine This extremists comments are similar to Harry Reids

    bigoted comments toward the President. Reid was forced to apologize for his words. Some

    of these supposed liberal progressives are no different than a reactionary neo con.

    One famous traitor was ex-President Andrew Johnson. He was not only a Freemason,

    but he was a radical extremist. He opposed every act of Reconstruction. Johnson

    mass pardoned former rebels. He was impeached too from office.

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    The image above shows FDR shaking hands with Lyndon Baines Johnson. LBJ was

    something else. His secret history is being known all over the place now in the 21 st

    century. LBJ was a veteran of WWII. He was elected to the House as early as 1937.

    He was a Senator by 1948. Senator Richard Russell and Samuel Rayburn schooled

    Lyndon on the ways of the Senatorial procedures. LBJ used tactics to get legislation

    achieved since use intelligence gathering skills to understand the thinking of

    Congress people. Lyndon Johnson was a contradiction in that he would support civil

    rights legislation as early as 1957 (and he publicly condemned the evil Klan in the

    1960s), but he would use offensive language behind the scenes. LBJ used the N to

    describe how blacks would vote Democratic for 2 centuries [as documented in the

    book called Inside the White House being written by Ronald Kessler as published by

    Simon & Schuster from p. 33]. LBJ used the N word to describe about how he hated Dr.

    Martin Luther King for his opposition of the Vietnam War back in 1967. LBJ voted

    against an anti-lynching bill & voted against the abolition of the poll tax. According

    to William H. Chafe, Professor of History and former Dean of the Faculty at Duke

    University, LBJ called his African American driver a slur constantly. The professor

    exposed how LBJ used the Northerners to get the Civil Rights Bill of 1957 passed and

    propel him to be Vice President in 1960. This is how many limousine liberals think. Iknew this about the adulterer Lyndon Johnson for years. LBJ had no choice, but to

    sign the Civil Rights Act in 1964 (which is a legitimate law I might add) since the

    country was in turmoil. LBJ worked with the criminal J. Edgar Hoover of the FBI in

    approving terms. His true legacy would be that he passed plenty of legitimate laws

    (that dealt with health, immigration, poverty, civil rights, transportation, education,

    etc.) mixed with his error of the Vietnam War. LBJ even admitted on tape that he

    organized the murder of Diem (with other U.S. officials). Senator Fulbright, chairman

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    of the Foreign Relations Committee, was as outraged at LBJ for deceiving him and lying

    the country into war with the Tonkin Gulf of Resolution in 1964. The Gulf on Tonkind

    deception cost tens of thousands of American lives, and innocent women and children.

    Additionally that resolution wasted billions of dollars, caused inflation, and ruined the

    economy for a time. Fulbright said he would never trust government statements again. The

    other error of LBJ was that he regularly was on popular trips to control those aroundhim in an authoritarian fashion.

    In 2010, the limousine liberals use euphemisms in public relations rhetoric to

    promote their agenda. These Malthusians forget that man can improve the

    environment without extreme eugenics tactics. The robber barons in the early 1900's

    supported eugenics too. In some cases, these eugenicists have caused poverty in the

    Third World via bad trade agreements, etc. Even the cap and trade plan will license

    pollution, license fraud, and harm our standard of living. The reason is that if you're

    a polluter, the only thing you need to do is pollute and pay a tax for it (and charge

    more customers for it). Polluters love it. So does Wall Street and corporate-friendlyenvironmental groups like the Environmental Defense Fund. The opposition of cap

    and trade, however, includes Greenpeace, Friends of the Earth and Public Citizen.

    The big corporations, the CFR, and Big Oil advance and fund the carbon cap and

    trade agenda. There are also propagandists from liars that want to promote

    British Israelism, Mormonism, and other cultic false ideologies. I respond to them

    as much as I can. Unlike others, I dont back down from them since they

    embrace half truths and straight deception among their nefarious precepts that

    they subscribe to.

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    David Rockefeller is a wild character. He allied with people from the Communist

    Chinese to the Soviet Union back decades ago. David Rockefeller have links to the

    high level Pilgrim Society. David was a friend ofthe Nazi spy Otto Wolffsince the

    1950s as well. His familys legacy is intertwined with the infiltration of our public

    education system, the eugenicist movement and the population control movement

    as well. Back in 1902, J.D. Rockefeller and Averill Harriman gave $11 million to form

    the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory. This place had done eugenics research. His ilk

    contributed to the decline of industrialization in America via deindustrialization. Thereasons for this is because there has been shift in the U.S. economy from a

    manufacturing to a service base (including shifting jobs overseas to leave many

    Americans with minimum wage jobs), there has been a trade imbalance, there has

    been a decline in unions, and there has been technological advancements (which

    can be a great thing when used in the right way), etc. David Rockefeller wrote that

    us populists ignored improved communications in the world and global trade. No,

    people like us support improvements in communication, legitimate technological

    developments, and global trade. We just reject unfair trade deals and anti-

    sovereignty policies (being advanced by internationalists) existing in the world.

    David Rockefeller was tutored by von Hayek. The Rockefellers believe in globalinterdependence as well. The Aspen Institute loves global interdependence too.

    David Rockefeller of course is a forthright proponent of the concept of globalization.

    The agenda for a one world system or the new world order has been admitted by

    the globalist David Rockefeller too in his own book:

    "For more than a century, ideological extremists at either end of the political spectrum have

    seized upon well-publicized incidents to attack the Rockefeller family for the inordinate

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    influence they claim we wield over American political and economic institutions. Some

    even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United

    States, characterizing my family and me as 'internationalists' and of conspiring with others

    around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure - one

    world, if you will. If that's the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it."

    -David Rockefeller, Memoirs, 2002

    The brave, courageous woman in the image above is waking a lot of people up bybeing apart of the Maafa 21 documentary. She exposes the fact that the tactics ofthe wicked oligarchy didnt end with slavery, but it continues in the 21st century with

    the advent of massive population control & abortion. More and more folks aretalking about this film than ever before.

    Planned Parenthood recently in the 21st century has been exposed in a huge level.

    The documentary entitled Maafa 21 Black Genocide in 21st Century America even

    proves beyond the shadow of a reasonable doubt that abortion ties up with eugenics

    movement (that Margaret Sanger and the international bankers were intimately

    involved in). What made Maafa 21 very interesting was that it not only dealt with a

    myriad of sources to make their points. The documentary utilized story after story to

    give up the theme that eugenics, abortion, sterilization, and other evils have long

    detrimental legacy against all people (and these nefarious acts ought to be heavily

    opposed with vigor and strength). Maafa 21 woke up a lot of people. Some of the

    items in the film are things that I have already realized and other parts of the film

    had segments that was the first time I realized some of their information. One of thetruths that the mainstream media wont show publicly is how Margaret Sanger was a

    member of the American Eugenics Society or the AES. She spoke at their meetings,

    met with their VIPS, and Margaret Sanger spoke to the KKK back in the 1920s.

    Margaret Sanger was a Gnostic and a Humanist. She exploited birth control for bad

    purposes. Sanger wrote:

    I wish to reiterate that all objections to birth control can be met unanswerably

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    except one, that the human race will degenerate if the superior races and the

    superior-classes among civilized races will curtail the number of their offspring

    while inferior races and inferior races in civilized countries will continue their high

    birthrate. This must be prevented by all means.... (Birth Control Review, Sept.

    1931, p.268).

    Sanger founded Planned Parenthood, so the fruit of PP is readily expressed among

    the laboriously evil history of Margaret Sanger. Even Faye Wattelton (She is ironically

    a black American woman & a member of a sorority), who was a former President of

    Planned Parenthood, said that Planned Parenthood took donations from racists as

    she admitted to this from CNN. Both major parties have been complicit in the

    abortion business economically. Just like both major political parties advance bad

    trade deals, going to war (just like Clinton illegally bombed Yugoslavia in violation of

    even the War Powers Act. George W. Bush did worse of course), keeping Wall Street

    bankers funded (without much true economic populism given unto the citizenry),

    etc. I dont believe in poisoning our water supply with sodium fluoride or birth

    control pills either. These threats and much more are not just a problem for onegroup of people, but its a threat among all people in the world. We should get rid

    of the power of corporations from controlling our government since the corporations

    being one with the government is one definition of fascism.

    CBS and other factions of mainstream media are demonizing anyone

    discussing a conspiracy as anti-American. Some of these factions compare

    people who embrace these ideas as domestic terrorists. There is a prime

    time CBS show. It aired an example of propaganda placement. Propaganda

    placement is when a talking point is inserted into the plot in order to

    shape public perception at the behest of the government. There was theCSI NY's episode entitled "Point of View." It featured a character who

    researches conspiracy information like the deliberate dispersal of

    potentially dangerous chemtrails into the atmosphere. The character is a

    professor being labeled odd and then anti-American. He is shown to be a

    domestic terrorist that is hell bent on releasing a biological weapon in New

    York. The show demonizes anyone exposing fluoridation, chemtrails, etc.

    Fluoridation isn't a conspiracy theory. It's a conspiracy fact, because

    fluoride can cause brain damage, immune system harm, etc. as exposed

    by numerous mainstream scientists. A State Department guide that

    dismisses a range of conspiracy theories, including the use of depleted

    uranium by U.S. forces in Iraq as existing only in the realm of myth."They are liars since depleted uranium is a reality in Iraq. The service and

    volunteerism agenda of the Barack Obama administration is no excuse to

    demonize people that disagree with the establishment. There has been

    subliminal messages in the media too. Neither was this the first time the

    corporate networks prostituted their integrity and handed over control of

    their content to the Obama administration. Back in June 2009, ABC News

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    mimicked the likes of Communist China and North Korea by completely

    turning its news coverage over to the government and excluding any

    dissenting opinions to promote President Obamas health care agenda. The

    usage of chemtrails in CSI:NY is interesting since in real life the dispersal

    of sulphur containing aerosols in the atmosphere has been going on for

    years. This has been apart of geo-engineering discussions that some wantto use these dangerous chemicals in the air to handle climate change. If

    you believe that some people want a new world order, that fluoridation is

    wrong, or that putting poisons in the atmosphere is evil, some in the

    government consider you to be an extremist or a potential terrorist. I don't

    agree with that slander at all. Even Obama's information czar Cass

    Sunstein hates the First Amendment and wants the government to fight

    against conspiracy facts spreading in the Internet. This isn't a conspiracy

    theory. This is real life here. So, Im not ashamed of what I believe in.

    The NY National Guard was involved in mass arrests of U.S. citizens. So, the NewYork National Guard is working with the arrests of thousands of American citizens aspart of the drug war. At the same time, the U.S. government orders troops in

    Afghanistan to guard the poppy fields (afterwards heroin floods American streets). Thisreality proves that martial law-like actions still occur in the USA. The New YorkNational Guard wants to work with local law enforcement authorities to performsophisticated scans of vehicles entering the New York area looking for guns and drugs.

    This program has been promoted by the local new station Fox 23 and they ran a part 2on the Guard's activities in the region. There is a news clip that supports the fact that

    the National Guard are conducting surveillance flights over the area looking for"marijuana" via infrared cameras. People justify these actions of scanning vehicles(using the National Guard), and going into schools to brainwash students (that it'snormal for people in military fatigues to tot machine guns walking around in Americanstreets) is just providing security (and keep drugs off the streets). Military assets aretrying to track down pot smoking teenagers in New York. Yet, the government isordering troops in Afghanistan to guard the poppy fields. This allows heroin to flood

    American streets since opium production has exploded since the invasion ofAfghanistan. The CIA can gain a more powerful source of narcotics as the CIA hasbeen caught in drug trafficking operations. Gary Webb's "Dark Alliance," Iran Contra,

    the events in Southeast Asia (in Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia) prove that the CIA (andthe elite in America) have worked in the drug trade without trying to stop it. InSeptember 2008, something occurred. It's been found that a Gulf stream II private jetthat crash landed in eastern Mexico. It carried 3.3 tons of cocaine that had previouslybeen used for the CIA rendition flights. National Guard units arresting Americans andpatrolling the streets are apart of another agenda. This agenda is the make more

    Americans acclimated (or used to) the sight of military assets to act as law enforcementagents routinely. These immoral actions are done under the guise of the "war on drugs."

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    This is slick run around Posse Comitatus since this law bans the military from doing lawenforcement activities in a routine basis. Back then, these acts (of troops orderingcitizens around in an immoral fashion) has been seen authoritarian, backward, anddictatorial under a state of martial law. America has been seen as being anti-tyranny andfreeing people from tyranny. Now, scenes of martial law like actions are more common

    place. Some of the Guard troops are returning from Afghanistan and Iraq. They havebeen trained to round up and detain the host population in prison camps for the mostminor of infractions. That is a concern. Natural Guard units now in 2010 have beendeployed to have traffic control in places like Kingman, Arizona. They providedsecurity at sports events like the Kentucky Derby. Back in 2008, U.S. troops returnedform Iraq. They occupied America in controlling checkpoints and training to deal with"civil unrest and crowd control." This comes about under the guise of a Northcomprogram. This program by 2011 will have no less than 20,000 active duty troopsdeployed inside of America. They claim to want to "help" state and local officials duringtimes of emergency. There is documented instances of troops and the National Guardpersonnel being used to performed law enforcement duties that are outside the purviewof the Guard's role to respond to national emergencies. These acts are illegal. Oneexample is when in January 2009, something happened. Soldiers from the Lynchburgbased 1st Battalion, 116th Brigade Combat team were used to have personal searches atcheckpoints in Washington, D.C. this was done for the inauguration of Barack Obama.In March of 2009, U.S. Army troops dispatched to patrol the streets of Samson,

    Alabama after a murder spree. On April 6, the DHS, federal, state, Air Force, and locallaw enforcement checkpoint in Tennessee. In April 6, there was a cancellation of aseatbelt checkpoint that was to be conducted in conjunction with the Department ofHomeland Security and the 251st Military Police in Bolivar, Tennessee. In December2008, we reported on the Marine Corps Air and Ground Combat Center dispatching

    troops to work with police on checkpoints in in San Bernardino County, California. On April 22 2009,we reported the deployment of 400 National Guard Combat SupportBattalion troops to maintain public order at the Boston Marathon. Even D.H.

    Williams of the Dialy Newscaster reported that there was a deployment of 2,3000Marines in the city of Indianapolis under the direction of the FBI and the Departmentof Homeland Security. Even an April 22, 2009 covered the assault of a local televisionnews team by an irate police officer in El Paso, Texas. A news photographer used a

    video of uniformed soldiers working with the police officers at the scene of a caraccident. So, the seamless integration of troops in law enforcement is ever real. Thisintegration process deals with the National Guard now training with foreign troops totake on American so-called "terrorists." This turns the concept of "land of the free" onits head. We shouldn't be an oppressive, Sovietized police state with 21st centurytechnology that is utilized to monitor and control over every movement.

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    People have a right to not sit down and shut up. People have a duty to fight and

    to speak up against any injustice, and stand for real liberty, promote the realtruth, and love the concept of real transparency in the globe. It is certainly abasic truism that cooperation (not nefarious scapegoating of other human

    beings) defines a viable representation of a true, visible resolution. In the final

    analysis, we have nothing to worry about. If you act real and live your life in a

    authentic fashion (along with following Gods will), then you certainly accomplished

    whats needed. You have to love yourself, appreciate your heritage, dont sellout,

    maintain great self-esteem, and respect all people as equals regardless of what they

    look like. We ought to love God, and love your abilities (or someone could exploit

    you). Thats why Im old enough to realize that you cant fall for fraudulent tactics. The

    truth is out. Never in a time in human history wherefore the truth is spreading amongpeople so quickly. Its liberating to know about whats really going on. I like to have

    my independence. Im not afraid of this world. Im the fighter for the truth. There also a

    need of compassion in the world. Numerous people are hurting. Henceforth, we have

    every right to assist anybody to rectify their legitimate needs regardless of who they are.

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    By Timothy