relation of reactor q 13 to long-baseline superbeam experiments

Relation of Reactor 13 to Long-baseline Superbeam Experiments R. D. McKeown Caltech

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Relation of Reactor q 13 to Long-baseline Superbeam Experiments. R. D. McKeown Caltech. Outline. Overview Reactor n disappearance Superbeam experiments New comparison plots Conclusions and Observations. Maki – Nakagawa – Sakata Matrix. Future Studies!. CP violation. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Relation of Reactor  q 13  to  Long-baseline Superbeam Experiments

Relation of Reactor 13 to Long-baseline Superbeam


R. D. McKeownCaltech

Page 2: Relation of Reactor  q 13  to  Long-baseline Superbeam Experiments


• Overview• Reactor disappearance• Superbeam experiments• New comparison plots• Conclusions and Observations

Page 3: Relation of Reactor  q 13  to  Long-baseline Superbeam Experiments

Maki – Nakagawa – Sakata Matrix

Future Studies!

CP violation

Page 4: Relation of Reactor  q 13  to  Long-baseline Superbeam Experiments

Goals for the future

• Establish 13 non-zero

• Measure CP violation

• Determine mass hierarchy

Page 5: Relation of Reactor  q 13  to  Long-baseline Superbeam Experiments


Page 6: Relation of Reactor  q 13  to  Long-baseline Superbeam Experiments

Distance (m)


Pee 1 cos4 13 1 sin212 sin2 m122L


Dominant 12 Oscillation

Pee 1 sin2 213 sin2 m312L





cos4 13 sin2 212

Subdominant 13 Oscillation

e Disappearance

Page 7: Relation of Reactor  q 13  to  Long-baseline Superbeam Experiments

Reactor Experiment Sensitivity(Huber et al.,)

Page 8: Relation of Reactor  q 13  to  Long-baseline Superbeam Experiments

Three Classes of Proposals

1. sin2213 ~ 0.03 (e.g., CHOOZ II)

2. sin2213 ~ 0.01 (US approach?)

3. sin2213 << 0.01 (??)

Page 9: Relation of Reactor  q 13  to  Long-baseline Superbeam Experiments

Reactor Experiment Sensitivity



Page 10: Relation of Reactor  q 13  to  Long-baseline Superbeam Experiments

e Appearance

CP violation


T2K- From Tokai To Kamioka

Mass hierarchy (+/-)

Page 11: Relation of Reactor  q 13  to  Long-baseline Superbeam Experiments

“Minakata” Plots

m2=3x10-3 eV2

Page 12: Relation of Reactor  q 13  to  Long-baseline Superbeam Experiments

Huber et al., comparison

Page 13: Relation of Reactor  q 13  to  Long-baseline Superbeam Experiments

Superbeam “Proposals”• T2K (JPARC-SK, 2009 start)

E=0.7 GeV, L=295km, L/E=421• NUMI (FNAL-Soudan)

E=1.5 GeV, L=732km, L/E=488• BNL-NUSL

E=2.0 GeV, L=2540km, L/E= 1270m2=2x10-3 eV2 L/E=394)

Run scenario: 5yr – then

Page 14: Relation of Reactor  q 13  to  Long-baseline Superbeam Experiments

+/- 0.03



— normal— inverted

m2=2x10-3 eV2

5 years

Page 15: Relation of Reactor  q 13  to  Long-baseline Superbeam Experiments

+/- 0.01reactor

m2=2x10-3 eV2

Page 16: Relation of Reactor  q 13  to  Long-baseline Superbeam Experiments

+/- 0.05

NUMI (FNAL-Soudan)

m2=2x10-3 eV2

5 years

Page 17: Relation of Reactor  q 13  to  Long-baseline Superbeam Experiments

NUMI (FNAL-Soudan)

+/- 0.01reactor

m2=2x10-3 eV2

Page 18: Relation of Reactor  q 13  to  Long-baseline Superbeam Experiments

m2=3x10-3 eV2

Page 19: Relation of Reactor  q 13  to  Long-baseline Superbeam Experiments

m2=2x10-3 eV2

Page 20: Relation of Reactor  q 13  to  Long-baseline Superbeam Experiments


Page 21: Relation of Reactor  q 13  to  Long-baseline Superbeam Experiments


• Reactor measurement with sin2213 ~ 0.01can provide significant new constraintswhen combined with 5yr superbeam result – perhaps even decide hierarchy

• L/E for superbeam expt seems critical

• Coordination appears beneficial