relativity simplified

Special and general theories of relativity Relativity

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Post on 28-Nov-2014




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Special and General theories of relativity simplified


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Special and general theories of



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Invariance of Physical Laws

• Einstein’s first postulate: Principle of relativity– The laws of Physics are the same in every inertial

frame of reference• Einstein’s second postulate– The speed of light in vacuum is the same in all

inertial frames of references and is independent of the motion of the source.

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Time dilation and length contractionEquations for momentum and

kinetic energy have to be revised

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an occurrence that has a definite position and time

Relativity of Simultaneity


Can 2 events be simultaneous?

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Relativity of Simultaneity

Two events that are simultaneous in one frame of reference are not simultaneous in a second frame of reference that is moving relative to the


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Relativity of Simultaneity

It follows that the time interval between two events may be different in different frames of reference

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Consider pulse of light bouncing between two mirrors (retroreflectors)


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Consider path of pulse of light in moving frame of reference: Light Clock

dct vt

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Relativity of time intervals

• For the one in the moving train:

Δt0= 2d/c• For the observer outside the train:

Δt= Δt0 / √ [1-(u2/c2)] Cannot happen–u=c–u>c

Time dilation

Proper time

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Relativity of time intervals

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You are on earth as a spaceship flies past at a speed of 0.990c (about 2.97x108m/s) relative to the earth. A high intensity signal light ( perhaps a pulsed laser) on the ship blinks on and off; each pulse lasts 2.20x10-

6s as measured on the spaceship. What do you measure as the duration of each light pulse? 15.6x10-6s

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Twin Paradox

γ= 1/√[1-(u2/c2)] and from Δt= Δt0 / √[1-(u2/c2)]

Therefore Δt= γΔt0 This equations for time dilation suggest an

apparent paradox

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10% the speed of light

86.5% the speed of light

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99% the speed of light

99.9% the speed of light

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Relativity of length

Lengths parallel to the relative motion

Δt0= 2l0/c

l= lo√ [1-(u2/c2)]Length contraction

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A crew member on the spaceship on the previous example measures its length, obtaining the value of 400m. What length do observers on earth measure?56.4m

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The two observers mentioned in the previous example are 56.4m apart. How apart does the spaceship crew measure them to be?


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Relativistic Momentum



p=mov/√[(1-v2/c2)]Relativistic momentum

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Relativistic Momentum

Mass m is observed to


m= mo/√[1-(u2/c2)]

Mass inc formula

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Relativistic Work and Energy


Total energy, rest energy, and momentum

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Newtonian Mechanics & Relativity

The general theory of relativity

Inertial forces and

gravitational forces

principle of


gravitational red shift

bending of light by gravity

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You are on top of the Eiffel tower, holding the bucket, and step off. While falling towards the ground, do you see the cork move towards the top of the water, towards the bottom of the bucket, or stay where it is relative to the bucket and the water?

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acceleration gravity

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Inertial forces

force produced by the reaction of a body to an

accelerating force

equal in magnitude and

opposite in direction to the

accelerating force.

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Gravitational forces

Force exerted by two

interacting bodies with


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Principle of equivalence

the fundamental

basis for the general theory of relativity

Inertial forces

The complete equality of gravitational and

inertial mass, gravity, and acceleration

Gravitational forces

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Bending of light by Gravity

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Bending of light by Gravity

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Bending of light by Gravity

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Gravitational Time Dilation

Einstein's theory of General

Relativity says:

Time slows near massive


Time flows at different rates everywhere

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The Gravitational Red Shift

Light rising against gravity

loses energy