reld picture cards unit 2

RELD Picture Cards Unit 2 ROGERS PUBLIC SCHOOLS 4th Grade

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Post on 24-Feb-2016




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Rogers Public Schools. RELD Picture Cards Unit 2. 4th Grade. RELD Picture Cards Unit 2 Section 1. 4th Grade. RELD Picture Cards Unit 2 Section 2. 4th Grade. RELD Picture Cards Unit 2 Section 3. 4th Grade. RELD Picture Cards Unit 2 Section 4. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: RELD Picture Cards Unit  2

RELD Picture CardsUnit 2


4th Grade

Page 2: RELD Picture Cards Unit  2

RELD Picture CardsUnit 2 Section 1

4th Grade

Page 3: RELD Picture Cards Unit  2

Sunday Monday Tuesday

Wednesday Thursday Friday

Saturday it January

February March April

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May June July

August September October

November December before

after hours minutes

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a quarter after quarter ‘til half past

month year week

went skiing snowboarding

fishing kayaking trick-or-treating

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Silver Dollar City the beach the


a family vacation a road trip soccer

football games tag

seasons months day

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weekend suddenly just

unexpectedly out of the blue

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RELD Picture CardsUnit 2 Section 2

4th Grade

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a shirt pants shorts

a jacket a dress shoes

boots a sweater jeans

sweatshirt sweatpants socks

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sandals tennis shoes flip flops

in inside under

into outside at

next to he she

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shirt long sleeved short sleeved

a pair jacket dress

sundress rain boots jeans

blouse this that

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these those his

hers mine yours

pale yellow light dark

khaki tiny large

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long short fuzzy

warm thick thin

in inside under

into outside at

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next to buckles stripes

laces pockets belt

cuffs loops with

material wool cotton

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denim tank top overalls

suit cardigan hiking shoes

corduroy pants

denim shorts

denim shirt

pleated skirt

collared shirt blouse

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hoodie anyone someone

no one everyone whenever

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RELD Picture CardsUnit 2 Section 3

4th Grade

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shirts pants jackets

dresses shoes boots

sweaters jeans sweatshirts

sweatpants socks sandals

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tennis shoes flip flops bathing


hats hot warm

cool cold snowy

rainy windy cloudy

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put on took off then

went skiing swimming

went to the park the beach

school Sea World visited

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a relative a friend did homework

planted flowers

built a snowman built a fort

rode bikes rode skateboards next

last T-shirt shirt

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long sleeved

short sleeved tank top

pants shorts jacket

dress sundress shoes

boots rain boots sweater

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jeans blouse sweatshirt

pleasant muggy sandals

crisp chilly damp

cloudy foggy drizzly

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snowy seasons should

might not going to it’s

shouldn’t wool sweater

light weight sweater

snow pants

snow boots caprice

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light weight jacket ski jacket leather


jean jacket scorching hot humid

freezing cold nippy overcast

foggy wear bring

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pouring snowing hailing

blowing might probably

if would brought

taken off raining

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RELD Picture CardsUnit 2 Section 4

4th Grade

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jump rope soccer ball ball

basketball football Frisbee

hat hula hoop cones

tennis ball baseball mitt red

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orange yellow green

blue purple white

brown black silver

gold little big

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long short round

oval old new

feel smooth bumpy

fuzzy hard soft

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it have he

she I ran

threw caught chased

went practiced _ played _

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brought jumped kicked

walked talked did _

lined up got _ ate

made _ her his

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who didn’t catch

run throw chase

go play _ bring jump

kick walk talk

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do _ make _ line up

eat get _ clothes

jacket sweater hat

glove jewelry necklace

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ring watch journal

backpack keys ball

pencil case aqua magenta

light dark beige

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gray khaki navy blue

metallic reddish orange her

his wool cotton

fleece silk pearl

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corduroy tiny miniature

tiny huge large

medium-sized buttons polka dot

striped embroidered checkered

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shiny sparkly silky

glittery dull fancy

weathered frayed fuzzy

filthy dirty scummy

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brand new sweaty

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RELD Picture CardsUnit 2 Section 5

4th Grade

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head eyes nose

mouth ears neck

shoulders arms hands

fingers hips legs

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knees feet toes

chin elbow wrist

armpit torso stomach

ankle my your

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his her point to your

touch your put your clap your hands

stomp your feet sit down open your


close your ______ first second

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third then last

behind above below

under inside outside

harder hardest softer

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softest juicier juiciest

crunchier crunchiest sweeter

sweetest saltier saltiest

stir in take out mix up

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clean up fill in look through

turn over lift spread

dribble dissolve to begin

following that

for the next step

the last step is

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after you when you to finish

when you’re done

when it is ready

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