release notes mx-one tse 4 1 sp1 final c

 Document nr.  ASE/MXO/TQ/ 0114 / EN RA  Date: 2010-08-23 Reference MX-ONE TM  Telephony System V.4.1 SP1  Aastra Telecom Sweden AB Box 414! SE-1" 1# Sto$%holm V&s&to's ())'ess* +M E'&$ssons , 0! e'sten Se)en Tel 24" 3 "3 "#000 Release Notes

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8/11/2019 Release Notes MX-OnE TSE 4 1 SP1 Final C 1/13

  Document nr.  ASE/MXO/TQ/ 0114 / EN RA

  Date: 2010-08-23


MX-ONETM Telephony System V.4.1 SP1 

Aastra Telecom Sweden AB Box 414! SE-1" 1# Sto$%holm

V&s&to's ())'ess* +M E'&$ssons , 0! e'sten


Tel 24" 3 "3 "#000

Release Notes

8/11/2019 Release Notes MX-OnE TSE 4 1 SP1 Final C 2/13


1 ntroduct!on

"1.1 Installation, MX-ONE V.4.1 SP1


1.2 Verification


1.3 Content  


2 #rere$u!s!tes


2.1 Hardare4

2.2 Softare

3 nstallat!on and u%&rade


3.1 "ctions

" Re-!n!t!at!ons T1()1 trun*s


4.1 "ctions

4.2 S$ES 1% SP3 &'(rade

4.3 EPN )&st *e re)o+ed *efore &'(rade

' +ood to *now


!.1 HP HPS settin(s +erification for MS


!.2 "astra SIP ter)inals


!.3 IP$/ in M0/ (ateas


!.4 oll*ac is not s&''orted to V3.2 


!.! "dd Media 0atea &sin( Mana(er ele'on Sste)

 !.# Para)eter V"C 56 for $P#% 


!. $C iss&e

8/11/2019 Release Notes MX-OnE TSE 4 1 SP1 Final C 3/13

!.6 Potential 'ro*le) &'(rade fro) MX-ONE 3.2 to MX-ONE 4.1 SP1

!.7 Can(e *ea+io&r of Call8list co))and 

New and can&ed end user funct!ons


#.1 Personal N&)*er $ist  

#.2 9ossSecretar PEN e  

#.3 0eneric lo(onlo(off  

, New and can&ed funct!onal!t/

.1 Nati+e V" and MoH s&''ort on te M0/ 


.2 E:ternal alar)s on te M0/ 


.3 $in ;ail O+er it M0/ 


.4 Encr'ted VoIP recordin(  


.! Correct 5I5 n&)*er 'resentation for *ranc office e:tensions


.# i)e li)itation on o&t(oin( calls


. Increased n&)*er of "C5CI (ro&'s


.6 9ossSecretar PEN <e =and filterin(> for IP 


.7 0eneric lo(onlo(off 'roced&re for SIP ter)inals

1% .1% Sced&lin( in Mana(er Pro+isionin( 


.11 Mana(er Pro+isionin( inte(ration it "cti+e 5irector 


.12 Mana(er ele'on Sste) and Mana(er Pro+isionin( add-ons


8 Software




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8/11/2019 Release Notes MX-OnE TSE 4 1 SP1 Final C 5/13

1 ntroduct!on

Th&s )o$5ment )es$'&6es the 'ele(se $ontent (n) l&m&t(t&ons o7 the MX-ONE 'ele(se 4.1 SP1.

1.1 Installation, MX-ONE V.4.1 SP1MX-ONE V.4.1 SP1 &s &nten)e) 7o' ne $5stome's! ex&st&n MX-ONE $5stome's (n) TS8/M9110m&'(t&n $5stome's.

1.2 Verification

The MX-ONE V.4.1 SP1 :&el) T'&(l h(s 6een pe'7o'me) &n Se)en! ;<! =e'm(ny! :'(n$e! A5st'&(!

Nethe'l(n)s! Bel&5m! Sp(&n! >'o(t&(! ;S! >(n()(! :&nl(n) (n) S(5)& A'(6&(.

1.3 Content 

MX-ONE V.4.1 SP1 $ont(&ns the 7ollo&n*

• Telephony Se',e' 4.1 SP1

• M(n(e' Telephony Se',e' 4.1 SP1

• M(n(e' P'o,&s&on&n 4.1 SP1

• M(n(e' A,(&l(6&l&ty .1 SP1

• P>-Reen .1 SP1 7o' MX-ONE

• ;p)(te) :8 l&st

• ;p)(te) Appl&$(t&on l&st

• ;p)(te) >P?

:o' )et(&ls (6o5t nes (n) ne 75n$t&on(l&ty! ple(se 'e() the )o$5ment @Nes MX-ONE Version 4.1

SP1 171%7 21-"SP 113 %1 /en 01.

 A >P? l&6'('y &s (,(&l(6le &n the %nole)e )(t(6(se.

Re$o,e'y 9V9s &ll 6e )el&,e'e) toethe' &th the MX-ONE V.4.1 SP1 'ele(se hen o')e'e) th'o5hthe st(n)(') o')e'&n p'o$ess (n) (7te' the >oMo 10 l(5n$h.

 A Me)&( <&t 7o' S8 only $5stome's &s )el&,e'e) &th the MX-ONE V.4.1 SP1 'ele(se hen o')e'e)

th'o5h the st(n)(') o')e'&n p'o$ess! + 013#/1.

2 #rere$u!s!tes

Be7o'e the 5p'()e! ple(se m(%e s5'e th(t the system &s st(6le (n) th(t yo5 h(,e 'e() the &nst'5$t&on &n

the >P? l&6'('y tho'o5hly.

2.1 HardareThe $5''ent MX-ONE Telephony Se',e' 8 &s st&ll s5ppo'te)! 65t system $(p($&t&es $(n ,('y 6(se) on

the h(')('e type (n) some 7&el) 5p'()es m(y 6e ne$ess('y to ex&st&n 8 $omponents Ce.. >P;

memo'y! et$.D.

8/11/2019 Release Notes MX-OnE TSE 4 1 SP1 Final C 6/13

:o' $5stome's &sh&n to m&'(te 7'om ex&st&n M9110 st($%(6le (n) Telephony S&t$h &nst(ll(t&ons!

the ex&st&n 8 &s s5ppo'te)! (ltho5h the'e ('e some $on7&5'(t&on '5les th(t m5st 6e (ppl&e) 6(se)

on the $h(ss&s type.

The h(')('e m5st $omply &th the R-STATE S;RVE 11#-ASP 11 01 ;en &n the >P?)o$5ment(t&on.

o5 &ll 7&n) the l&st 5n)e' =ene'(l! Repl($&n (')('e (n) P'o)5$t +&st MX-ONE.

2.2 Softare

S;SE +&n5x Ente'p'&se Se',e' 10 SP &s 'eF5&'e) 7o' th&s 'ele(se.

Ple(se 6e (('e (6o5t p'o$e)5'e 7o' S+ES10 5p'()es 6e7o'e the 5p'()e p'o$ess &s st('te). The

S+ES 10 SP p($%(e &s (,(&l(6le 7o' )onlo() (t Se',&$e S5ppo't Pl(G(! <nole)e B(se.

 An 5p'()&n $5stome' m5st se$5'e th(t (,( 1. &s &nst(lle) 6e7o'e 5s&n the ?>T tool. (,( 1. $(n 6eext'($te) 7'om the 'e$o,e'y 9V9.

?t &s st'only 'e$ommen)e) to m(%e ( s(7ety 6($%-5p 6e7o'e 5p'()e o' m&'(t&on (s no (5tom(t&$ 'oll-

6($% &s s5ppo'te). Th&s &s (lso ,(l&) 7o' MTS/MP.

3 nstallat!on and u%&rade

3.1 !ctions

;se P>-Reen .1 SP1 B5&l)0 7o' MX-ONE to 'eene'(te the )(t(.

1 Ex&st&n MX-ONE V.. (n) V.4.0/4.1 $5stome's $(n 5p'()e &tho5t 5n&nst(ll to m&n&m&Ge


Ne (n) MX-ONE V..1 (n) p'&o' $5stome's sh(ll 5se the 'e$o,e'y 9V9.

M&'(t&n M9110 (n) TS8 $5stome's sho5l) 6e $ons&)e'e) (s ( ne &nst(ll(t&on &th ne 8.

 Any 'e$on7&5'(t&on o7 (n 5p'()&n o' m&'(t&n system sho5l) 6e t'e(te) (s ( ne &nst(ll(t&on. P>-

Reen only s5ppo'ts )(t( ene'(t&on to (n &)ent&$(l system (s the o'&&n(l.

9et(&le) )es$'&pt&on 7o' e($h s$en('&o &s (,(&l(6le &n the >P? l&6'('y.

" Re-!n!t!at!ons T1()1 trun*s

8hen 5p'()&n 7'om MX-ONE V.4.0 ,e's&ons CSP0 (n) SP1D 7ollo&n ($t&ons m5st 6e pe'7o'me)*

?nte'7($e $h(nes h(,e m()e &t ne$ess('y to 'emo,e (n) 'e&n&t&(te (ll T1 t'5n%s. Th&s (ppl&es 7o' T+;##!

M=;! (n) EM=. Also! 7o' the M=; 6o(')! (s the E1 6o(') &)ent&ty &ll $h(ne! 7'om # CT+;#"D to 1

CPR?D! hen ())&n the se',&$e p($% 1 so7t('e! (ll ,&'t5(l t'5n% 6o(')s m5st 6e 'emo,e). Then the

M=; 7&'m('e sho5l) 6e 5p)(te). 8hen the M=; :8 &s 5p)(te)! the Telephony System sho5l) 6e

5p)(te) to MX-ONE 4.1. SP1. A7te' th&s! ( 6o(') s$(n sh(ll 6e pe'7o'me)! (n) ( 'e-&n&t&(t&on o7 the t'5n%6o(')s 6e m()e.


8/11/2019 Release Notes MX-OnE TSE 4 1 SP1 Final C 7/13

4.1 !ctions

1 R5n oardl!st. +o$(te the 6o(') pos&t&ons 7o' (ll (ss&ne) t'5n%s &th Bo(')&) # CE1D (n) #1 CT1D.

  H:o' ex(mple! Bo(')pos 1A-1-00 &s 7o5n) &th Bo(')&) #.

2 R5n s/ed%:%os...4 7o' the 7o5n) 6o(') pos&t&ons to 7&n) the Ro5te (n) T'5n% &)ent&t&es.H

:o' ex(mple! sye)p*6posI1A-1-00J $o5l) sho RO;/TR; 7'om 11/001-0001 to 11/001-001.

3 En) the t'5n% 75n$t&on 7o' (ll &n)&,&)5(ls. ;se the )(t( 7'om step .H

R5n roe$e:rou5 tru JH Ex. 'oeFe*'o5I11!t'5I1-1KK1-1J

" Remo,e (ll t'5n% 6o(')s on the M=; 6o(')s 6y 'emo,&n the 6o(')s.H 

R5n oardconf!& -remo6e 7%os

' Remo,e (ll T1 t'5n% 6o(')s on the EM=.

R5n oardconf!& -remo6e -%os

Remo,e (ll T+;## 6o(')s &n the Me)&( =(te(y >l(ss&$.

R5n oardconf!& -remo6e 7%os

, :o' e($h M=; 6o(')! 5p'()e the 7&'m('e.H

R5n oardsw -&atewa/ -netload -%at 7ost

8 :o' e($h M=; 6o(')! ($t&,(te the 7&'m('e.

R5n oardsw -&atewa/ 7act!6ate

M(%e ( 6o(') s$(n to )ete$t the h(')('e.H

R5n oardconf!& 7scan

10 Re&n&t&(te (ll the t'5n%s. ;se the )(t( 7'om step

R5n roe$!:rou5 tru 4

4.2 S"ES 1# SP3 $%&rade

Re() the 'e()me 7&le on S+ES10 SP 9V9 on ho to set 5p (n N:S se',e'.


Te -9N) Tele%on/ s/stem w!ll e out of order dur!n& te S;)S S#3 u%&rade4 no tele%on/

traff!c w!ll e %oss!le.

Te s/stem w!ll e sutdown efore te u%&rade wen te %re%areu%&rade.s scr!%t !s


;p)(teL&nst'5$t&on (n) p'ep('eL5p'() s$'&pt &s 7o5n) &n 6elo 7ol)e' &n se',e' no)e


4.3 EPN '$st (e re'o)ed (efore $%&radeExt'( P(&n N5m6e's m5st 6e en)e) 6e7o'e 5p'()e 7'om MX-ONE V.4.0 ,e's&ons CSP0 (n) SP1D.

Re-?n&t&(te EPN (7te' 5p'()e.


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' +ood to *now

*.1 H++P H++PS settin&s )erification for M+S Se',&$e A),&$e TTP/TTPS Sett&ns Ve'&7&$(t&on 7o' MTS CASE/MXO/TQ/ 003# / END $ont(&ns

&nst'5$t&ons on ho to $h(ne 6eteen TTP/TTPS (n) ho to ,e'&7y the $on7&5'(t&on (7te'

?nst(ll(t&on/5p'()&n (n) 'e$on7&5'(t&on o7 the se$5'&ty sett&ns &n M(n(e' Telephony System CMTSD.

Ple(se note th(t the s(me sett&ns m5st (pply 7o' 6oth MTS (n) MP &7 on the s(me se',e'! &.e. e&the'


*.2 !astra SIP ter'inals94 7(m&ly S?P te'm&n(ls (n) A(st'( "#xx& te'm&n(ls sho5l) not 6e m&xe) &n ( system )5e to $omplex&ty &n

'el(t&on to loon/loo77 (n) 7'ee se(t&n. Some te'm&n(ls ('e (l(ys &n ( 7'ee se(t&n mo)e! h&le othe's

m5st 6e $on7&5'e) 7o' th&s. ?n SP1 ( p'o$e)5'e &s &nt'o)5$e) h&$h en(6les loon/loo77 to o'% on (ll

S?P te'm&n(ls.

P'esently e h(,e &)ent&7&e) p'o6lems &n the h(n)l&n o7 th&s 7'ee-se(t&n p'o$e)5'e 7o' the A(st'( "#0&!

"#1& (n) "#& phone mo)els. These p'o6lems &ll 6e (tten)e) to.

Re&st'(t&on )&st'&65t&on sho5l) 6e &n($t&,(te) 7o' the "#xx& phones - th&s me(ns the

9&s(6le01(tRe&ste'* no sett&n sho5l) 6e $ommente) o5t &n /et$/opt/e'&Lsn/&pLtelephony.$on7 7o' the

phone mo)el &n F5est&on.

The &nte'($t&on 6eteen the Telephony Se',e' (n) the A(st'( "#xx& phones $o5l) m(%e m(n5(l&nte',ent&on ne$ess('y to loon &n)&,&)5(l phones &th 6($%5p se',e' sett&ns! (7te' the 'et5'n o7 (n

e('l&e' 5n(,(&l(6le p'&m('y se',e'. Th&s (s ell &s ( p'o6lem th(t &ll 6e (tten)e) to.

*.3 IP" in M &atea/s

?P+; $(nnot $o-ex&st &th the M=;. B5t! (s the M=; $ont(&ns (ll ?P+; 75n$t&on(l&ty! the'e &s no nee) 7o'

?P+;-6o(')s &n (n M=; =(te(y.

*.4 0oll(ac is not s$%%orted to V3.2 

 Altho5h &t &s poss&6le to exe$5te the 5p'()&n s$'&pt hen 5p'()&n ( s&te 7'om MX-ONE V. to MX-

ONE V4.1 SP1! 'oll 6($% &s not s5ppo'te).

*.* !dd Media atea/ $sin& Mana&er +ele%on/ S/ste'

MTS $on7&5'(t&on &G(') $o5l) 6e slo hen ())&n ( Me)&( (te(y.

*. Para'eter V!0C 5 for +"P# 

P('(mete' 93 &n VAR> 7o' T+P"0 h(,e 6een $h(ne) &n MX-ONE 4.1. :o' $o''e$t ,(l5es 7o' 93 'e()

>P? )o$5ment(t&on.


8/11/2019 Release Notes MX-OnE TSE 4 1 SP1 Final C 9/13

*.6 "C0 iss$e

P'o6lem &th ?P te'm&n(ls h&$h )&(ll&n (n exte'n(l p56l&$ n5m6e' ,&( +>R h&$h ets t'5n$(te) to (n

&nte'n(l neto'% n5m6e'.The $(ll &ll 7(&l &th ,($(nt n5m6e'. Tempo'('y sol5t&on &s to 5se &n6o5n)

$on,e's&on &nste() o7 +>R.

*.5 Potential %ro(le' $%&rade fro' MX-ONE 3.2 to MX-ONE 4.1 SP1

Potent&(l p'o6lem hen 5p'()&n ( 'e)5n)(n$y system 7'om MX-ONE . to MX-ONE 4.x. P'o6lem &sth(t &7 yo5 h(,e 7(st +?M 1 se',e' yo5 m&ht sen) o7 p&n 'eF5est to the se$on) ethe'net &nte'7($e on theothe' +?Ms too F5&$%ly (n) et no 'epl&es 6($%. The 5p'()e-s$'&pt %eeps tell&n &t &snt poss&6le to$onne$t to (ny o7 the +?MsTh&s &s 6e$(5se e h(,e (n &pt(6les '5le Cth&n% o7 &t (s ( 7&'e(ll th(t 6lo$%s $e't(&n po'ts et$D th(t stopsp&n 7loo)&n so &7 yo5 (ttempt to p&n too o7ten th&s '5le &ll stop these p&n mess(es 7'om 6e&np'o$esse) (n) no 'esponse mess(e &s sent 6($%.

8o'%('o5n) &7 yo5 en$o5nte' th&s p'o6lem &s to lo on to e($h +?M/se',e' (n) stop the &pt(6les se',&$e(n) then 'est('t the 5p'()e-p'o$e)5'e.


*.7 Can&e (ea)io$r of Call8list co''and

?n p'e,&o5s MX-ONE 4.x ,e's&ons &t (s poss&6le to p'o'(m ( non-ene'&$ extens&on C(n(lo! )&&t(l!et$D &th ( $(llLl&st $omm(n) th(t &n$l5)e) the --$5stome' p('(mete' C( $5stome' n5m6e' 'e(te' th(nGe'oD.

?n MX-ONE 4.1 SP1 th&s h(,e 6een $h(ne) the $5stome' n5m6e' p('(mete' &n the $(llLl&st $omm(n)sh(ll only 6e 5se) hen p'o'(mm&n pe'son(l-n5m6e' l&sts 7o' ene'&$ extens&ons C,&'t5(l! )e$t! &p!mo6&leD

Ex&st&n pe'son(l-n5m6e' l&sts 7o' non-ene'&$ extens&ons th(t h(s 6een p'o'(mme) &th ( $5stome'-n5m6e' nee)s to 6e 'emo,e) C&t &s st&ll poss&6le to 5se the --$5stome' p('(mete' )5'&n the 'emo,(lp'o$e)5'eD (n) 'e-&n&t&(te) ((&n &tho5t spe$&7y&n ( $5stome' n5m6e'. Th&s $(n 6e )one 6e7o'e o'(7te' 5p'()&n to MX-ONE 4.1 SP1.

New and can&ed end user funct!ons.1 Personal N$'(er "ist The ($t&,e pe'son(l n5m6e' l&st &s ,&s&6le &n the A(st'( #444&p te'm&n(l )&spl(y.

.2 9ossSecretar/ PEN e/ The PEN %ey &s 5se) 7o' ($t&,(t&n o' )e($t&,(t&n the Boss/Se$'et('y 7e(t5'e 6y p'ess&n the

p'e)e7&ne) PEN %ey on the te'm&n(l. The ($t&,e l&st &s shon &n the te'm&n(l )&spl(y.

.3 eneric lo&onlo&off +oon (n) loo77 S?P te'm&n(ls $onne$te) to MX-ONE V.4.1 SP1 $(n 6e ($h&e,e) 6y 5se o7 ( p'o$e)5'e

(s&)e &th the )e)&$(te) loon/loo77 %eys on $e't(&n te'm&n(ls. The p'o$e)5'e $(n 6e 5se) 7o' (ll S?P


Authorization code used

8/11/2019 Release Notes MX-OnE TSE 4 1 SP1 Final C 10/13

+oon 11P?N ext no

+oo77 11

Authorization code not used

+oon 11ext no

+oo77 11

, New and can&ed funct!onal!t/

6.1 Nati)e 0V! and MoH s$%%ort on te M The M=; h(s 6een 75'the' enh(n$e) to (lso h(n)le the Re$o')e) Vo&$e Anno5n$ement (n) M5s&$ on

ol) 75n$t&on(l&ty. Th&s &s spe$&7&$(lly oo) hen the MX-ONE +&te &s 5se) (s the VS; &s no lone'nee)e)! &.e. the 6o(') pos&t&on $(n 6e 5se) 7o' othe' 6o(')s.

6.2 E:ternal alar's on te M The M=; &s no $(p(6le o7 h(n)l&n exte'n(l (l('ms (n) the'e &s no nee) 7o' ( sep('(te (l('m 6o(')

CA+;D hen M=; &s &nst(lle) &n MX-ONE +&te $(6&net +BP4.

6.3 "in ;ail O)er it M Th&s 75n$t&on(l&ty en(6les the MX-ONE to o77e' ( h&he' le,el o7 'el&(6&l&ty 7o' the telephony sol5t&on. ?n

$(se o7 the Ethe'net l&n%! $onne$te) to the ($t&,e M=; po't! oes )on! the M=; &ll (5tom(t&$(lly

($t&,(te the p(ss&,e po't (n) $omm5n&$(te ,&( the othe' Ethe'net l&n%. Both Ethe'net l&n%s m5st 6e on

the s(me sement.

6.4 Encr/%ted VoIP recordin& Th&s &s (n ())-on to the Vo?P 'e$o')&n th(t (s 'ele(se) &n MX-ONE V.4.0 SP1. En$'ypte) Vo?P

'e$o')&n &s (,(&l(6le 7o' . extens&ons th(t ('e mon&to'e) 6y >STA V1.

6.* Correct I n$'(er %resentation for (ranc office e:tensionsTh&s &s ( 75n$t&on )&'e$te) to(')s the l('e' ente'p'&ses &th ( n5m6e' o7 6'(n$h o77&$es &n )&77e'ent

('e( $o)es. 8&th MX-ONE V4.1 SP1 &t &ll 6e poss&6le to sen) the $o''e$t 9?9 n5m6e's 7o' the ene'&$

extens&ons &n the 6'(n$h o77&$es.

6. +i'e li'itation on o$t&oin& callsThe t&me l&m&t(t&on &s set on o5to&n PSTN t'5n%s! one t&me l&m&t pe' system. A sho't tone &ll 6e he(')

(pp'ox&m(tely 10 se$on)s 6e7o'e the $(ll &s )&s$onne$te). The'e ('e no l&m&t(t&ons &n the n5m6e' o7

t&mes the s(me n5m6e' $(n 6e $(lle) C(n) )&s$onne$te)D

6.6 Increased n$'(er of !CC+I &ro$%sThe $(p($&ty 7o' A>9/>T? 'el(te) l&m&ts h(,e 6een &n$'e(se)*

- :'om 'o5ps pe' se',e' to 104

- :'om 0 'o5ps pe' system to 043

- :'om 1000 F5e5e pos&t&ons pe' se',e' to 000

- Q5e5e pos&t&ons pe' system &s 10000


8/11/2019 Release Notes MX-OnE TSE 4 1 SP1 Final C 11/13

6.5 9ossSecretar/ PEN <e/ =and filterin&> for IP The poss&6&l&ty 7o' Boss/Se$'et('y $on7&5'(t&on on ?P te'm&n(ls h(s 6een &mplemente). Both the Boss

te'm&n(l (n) the Se$'et('y te'm&n(l m5st 6e ?P te'm&n(ls.

6.7 eneric lo&onlo&off %roced$re for SIP ter'inals?t &s no poss&6le to 5se ( p'o$e)5'e 7o' loon (n) loo77 on the "#xx& S?P te'm&n(ls &nt'o)5$e) &th MX-

ONE. Th&s &s &n ())&t&on to )e)&$(te) loon/loo77 %eys p'o'(mm(6le on some o7 the "#xx& te'm&n(ls. A

ne A(st'( $on7&5'(t&on templ(te 7o' MX-ONE 4.1 SP1 &s (,(&l(6le (t Se',&$e Pl(G(.

6.1# Sced$lin& in Mana&er Pro)isionin&8&th MX-ONE V.4.1 SP1! M(n(e' P'o,&s&on&n &s s5ppo't&n s$he)5l&n o7 6(t$h o6s. oe,e'! set 5p

 o6s &ll )&s(ppe(' &7 (n 5p'()e &s m()e (n) these s$he)5le) o6s m5st 6e 'e-ente'e).

6.11 Mana&er Pro)isionin& inte&ration it !cti)e irector/ 8&th MX-ONE V4.1 SP1 M(n(e' P'o,&s&on&n &s s5ppo't&n &nte'(t&on &th A$t&,e 9&'e$to'y. Th&s

75n$t&on(l&ty &ll hoe,e' not 6e 7o'm(lly (,(&l(6le 5nt&l en) o7 A55st.

The &n7o'm(t&on (,(&l(6le (t th&s po&nt &n t&me &s only on l&ne help &n MP.

The &nte'(t&on &s s5ppo't&n ( 75ll &n&t&(l &mpo't (s ell (s $ont&n5o5s not&7&$(t&ons (n) 5p)(tes &n l&ne

&th 5p)(tes &n A9.

6.12 Mana&er +ele%on/ S/ste' and Mana&er Pro)isionin& add-onsBoth M(n(e' Telephony System (n) M(n(e' TS ('e enh(n$e) &th s5ppo't 7o' (ll ne 75n$t&ons &n

TSE (s ell (s s5ppo't 7o' 'o5ps! 7(x (n) othe' se',&$es &n MP.

8 Software

The :ollo&n 7&'m('e! (ppl&$(t&ons (n) PR?s ('e (,(&l(6le 7o' )onlo() &n th&s 'ele(se*

eco+er 5V5 $?@2%3 16#1 4" 

Me)&( %&t MX-ONE V.4.1 SP1

S+ES 10 SP

:&'m('e (n) PR? l&st

(')('e (n) PR? l&st

 Appl&$(t&on (n) PR? l&st

>P? l&6'('y 7o' Telephony Se',e' ,e's&on V.4.1 SP1

 A$t5(l So7t('e 7o' the othe' p'o)5$ts*

  MX-ONE v4.0 SP0 MX-ONE V.4.0 SP1 MX-ONE V.41 MX-ONE V.41 SP1


8/11/2019 Release Notes MX-OnE TSE 4 1 SP1 Final C 12/13

MX-ONE / ASP 113

01/14.0 4.0 4.1

MX-ONE Telephony

System 4.0 4.0 SP1 4.1 4.1.SP1

MX-ONE Messaging 4.2 SP1 4.2 SP1 4.2 SP1 .0

MX-ONE Manage!

A"aila#ility3.1 SP1 3.1 SP1 3.1 SP1 3.1 SP1

Aast!a $olla#o!ation

%in&1.0 SP1 1.0 SP2 1.0 SP2 1.0 SP2

E'N (.0 (.0 (.0

Se)/Oas (.0 *.0 *.0 *.0

Manage! P!o"isioning 4.0 4.0 SP1 4.1 4.1 SP1

P$-+egen ,o! MX-ONE .0 .0 SP1 .1 .1 SP1

  Note: MX-ONE Telephony System in)les Meia ateay Telephony Se!"e! an Manage! Telephony System


Sol,e) $5stome' t'o56le 'epo'ts ('e l&ste) (t &n )o$5ment Slo(n +&st 7o' MX-ONE Telephony Se',e'

V.4.1 SP1 CASE/MXO/TQ/ 011 / END p56l&she) (t Se',&$e S5ppo't Pl(G(! <nole)e B(se.


 = 2010 Aastra Tecnolo&!es ;!m!ted. All r!&ts reser6ed.

Th&s )o$5ment $ont(&ns p'op'&et('y &n7o'm(t&on! h&$h &s p'ote$te) 6y $opy'&ht.

No p('t o7 th&s )o$5ment m(y 6e 'ep'o)5$e) o' t'(nsm&tte) &n (ny 7o'm o' 6y (ny

me(ns! ele$t'on&$ o' me$h(n&$(l! &n$l5)&n photo$opy&n! 'e$o')&n! o' 6y (ny

&n7o'm(t&on sto'(e (n) 'et'&e,(l system! o' t'(nsl(te) &nto (nothe' l(n5(e!

&tho5t the p'&o' '&tten $onsent o7 A(st'( Te$hnolo&es +&m&te)! >on$o')! Ont('&o! >(n()(.



8/11/2019 Release Notes MX-OnE TSE 4 1 SP1 Final C 13/13

The &n7o'm(t&on &n th&s )o$5ment &s s56e$t to $h(ne &tho5t not&$e.



 AN9 :?TNESS :OR A PART?>;+AR P;RPOSE. AASTRA sh(ll not 6e l&(6le 7o' e''o's$ont(&ne) he'e&n! ne&the' 7o' &n$&)ent(l no' 7o' $onseF5ent&(l )(m(es &n $onne$t&on &th the 75'n&sh&n!pe'7o'm(n$e! o' 5se o7 these m(te'&(ls.

 A(st'( Te$hnolo&es +&m&te)

>on$o')! Ont('&o! >(n()(