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    PROGNOSIS 9.1 Service Pack 1

    Release Notes

    Please note that physical media for the PROGNOSIS 9.1 Service Pack 1 is available from your PROGNOSIS Account Manager if required.

  • PROGNOSIS 9.1 Service Pack 1

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    Important Notices Copyright Copyright 2008 - Integrated Research Limited (ABN 76 003 588 449). All rights reserved. The information contained in this PROGNOSIS guide is protected by copyright. No part of this document may be reproduced in any form, including photocopying or translation into a foreign language. Reproducing or copying any part of this document or the computer software without authorization violates U.S. and international copyright laws.

    Date of Issue: 04 August 2008 Product Version: 9.1.0 (Service Pack 1)

    Trademarks PROGNOSIS is a registered trademark of Integrated Research Limited. Microsoft, Windows and SQL Server are either trademarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in

    the U.S.A and other countries. HP NonStop, EMS, GUARDIAN, GUARDIAN90, MEASURE, NetBatch, IXF, NET/MASTER and TMDS are

    registered trademarks of Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. UNIX is a registered trademark of THE OPEN Group in the U.S.A and other countries. The term Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds, the original author of the Linux kernel. BASE24 is a registered trademark of Applied Communications, Inc. OS/2, WIN-OS/2, Informix, MQSeries and WebSphere are registered trademarks of the IBM Corporation in the

    U.S.A and other countries. Java, JVM, J2EE, J2SE, J2ME, and all Java-based marks are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun

    Microsystems, Inc. in the U.S.A and other countries. Intel, Intel Itanium, Intel Pentium, and Intel Xeon are trademarks or registered trademarks of Intel Corporation or

    its subsidiaries in the U.S.A and other countries. Oracle is a registered US trademark of Oracle Corporation, Redwood City, California. BMC, Remedy & Action Request System are registered trademarks of BMC Software, Inc. Regular expression support is provided by the PCRE library, which was written by Philip Hazel and is the copyright

    of the University of Cambridge.

    Other product names mentioned in this manual may be trademarks, registered trademarks and/or service marks of their respective owners and may not be used for commercial purposes without express permission from their respective owners.

    Third Party Software License Notices Please refer to the Third Party Software License Guide on the PROGNOSIS installation CD or in the Documentation folder of the PROGNOSIS installation path for details of third party software license notices.

    Disclaimer The information in this guide is published as is and without warranties of any kind, expressed or implied, including those regarding the accuracy or completeness of the information, warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, or those arising from a course of dealing, usage or trade practice.

    In no event will Integrated Research be liable for any damages whatsoever (including, without limitation, those resulting from lost profits, lost data or business interruption) arising out of the use, inability to use, or the results of this guide.

  • Release Notes

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    This document announces the release of Service Pack 1 for PROGNOSIS 9.1.

    This service pack has been developed in order to release a range of enhancements that are designed to improve product functionality and fix a number of reported product issues. In addition, a number of new product features have also been included.

    Details of the enhancements and the new features are described on the following pages of this document.

  • PROGNOSIS 9.1 Service Pack 1

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    Table of Contents Release Notes ................................................................................................................................................1

    Introduction ................................................................................................................................................3 Installation Notes........................................................................................................................................5 New Features.............................................................................................................................................6

    PROGNOSIS for Windows, UNIX and Linux ........................................................................................6 PROGNOSIS for HP NonStop..............................................................................................................7 PROGNOSIS for ATM & POS ..............................................................................................................8 PROGNOSIS Core ...............................................................................................................................9

    Known Issues...........................................................................................................................................10 Changes to Records.................................................................................................................................11 Issues Resolved.......................................................................................................................................12

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    Installation Notes Oracle 9i Support on AIX 5.3 When installing this Service Pack for Oracle9i support on AIX 5.3, please follow these instructions.

    Step 1 During the full CD installation of the Service Pack (SP), if prompted for Oracle support, please answer [no].

    Step 2 After the Service Pack has been installed, stop PROGNOSIS.

    Step 3 Modify the file $PROGNOSIS_HOME/prognosisrc

    Edit the ORACLE_HOME and TNS_ADMIN environment variables to match the Oracle9i installation:

    e.g. ORACLE_HOME=/apps/oracle/9.2.0-32/product TNS_ADMIN=/apps/oracle/9.2.0-32/product/network/admin

    Step 4 Run the command '$PROGNOSIS_HOME/server/enableoracle'

    Step 5 Restart PROGNOSIS

    HP NonStop Servers. The patch files for all HP NonStop systems exceed 60MB and are therefore susceptible to FTP transmission errors unless a specific command is used. In order to ensure that the individual patch files are transferred correctly to the HP NonStop server, please use the following FTP command:

    put z910s001 z910s001,0,500,500,100

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    New Features PROGNOSIS for Windows, UNIX and Linux Pluggable Authentication Module (Available for; Linux, Solaris, AIX, HP-UX)

    PAM (Pluggable Authentication Module) provides a standard authentication API to applications which are independent of the underlying methods used by the system for authentication (Kerberos etc.). PAM is installed by default by most UNIX and Linux distributions.

    PROGNOSIS has now added PAM authentication support for UNIX and Linux platforms. Previously only /etc/passwd and shadow password authentication was available. PROGNOSIS will now default to using PAM for authentication when connecting to a UNIX or Linux server.

    To revert PROGNOSIS back to the previous behaviour (i.e. disable PAM support) create the file irpromgr.ini in the \Server\Configuration folder using a text editor and add the following statement.

    [PAM] Enabled=0

    Alternatively, should you require the PAM functionality but need to use a specific authentication service and/or TTY create the irpromgr.ini file and add the following statements.

    [PAM] Enabled=1 Service = login TTY = /dev/pts/0

    32 or 64 bit (Available for; Windows, Linux, Solaris, AIX, HP-UX)

    The PROGNOSIS MpSystem (MPSYS) record has been updated to include a new KernelBits (KERNBITS) field. This field is used to show the kernel width that the operating system is running in. The three possible values are:

    32: the operating system is running in a 32-bit mode 64: the operating system is running in a 64 bit mode 0: the mode could not be determined.

    Solaris Zones Process Information (Available for; Solaris 10)

    Solaris Zones is an implementation of operating system level virtualization. The PROGNOSIS Unixprocess (UXPROC) and UnixProcessWorkLoadDetail (UXWRKLDD) records have both been enhanced with a new field named Zonename which is used to show which Solaris Zone a process is running in. This allows for Displays to be built that will show the resources being consumed by the various zones within a server.

    This also applies for Transient Processes. However, if you are using Transient Processes you will need to manually refresh the Solaris 10 iruxpc kernel module after applying this Service Pack. To do this, run the following command;

    su root c $PROGNOSIS_HOME/server/enableprogmodule R This needs to be run as the PROGNOSIS User, entering the root password when prompted.

    Oracle 9 (Available for; AIX 5.3)

    An enhancement to the PROGNOSIS Database Server Management product now allows for the monitoring of Oracle 9i databases on AIX 5.3 systems.

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    PROGNOSIS for HP NonStop NonStop SQL Cluster Monitoring The SQL Cluster Monitoring solution is part of the PROGNOSIS for HP NonStop OSS Performance Monitor product. It is used to monitor clusters of HP NonStop nodes which are acting as SQL database servers for applications running on remote nodes. This solution has been designed with a specific focus on SQL/MX as the database engine, although it can be used on any HP NonStop cluster and will still provide useful cluster wide CPU, disk and load balancing data. Full details of this new functionality can be found in the PROGNOSIS for HP NonStop SQL Cluster Monitoring Guide PDF file which is supplied with this service pack.

    Lock Collector (STLC) Performance Improvements In the past the PROGNOSIS Lock Collector (STLC) has tended to remain busy when monitoring large numbers of Locks on a short refresh interval. This has caused the CPU usage to run between 20% and 30% when monitoring more than 1000 Locks using a 10 second refresh interval. The performance of the PROGNOSIS Lock Collector has now been improved and CPU usage should be reduced to the order of 4 to 6% under this load level.

    Non-disruptive Patches Currently most PROGNOSIS for HP NonStop patches require the PROGNOSIS Server to be shutdown before upgrading components. This has now been improved so that in the future a larger number of PROGNOSIS patches will be able to be installed without the need to stop the server.

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    PROGNOSIS for ATM & POS PROGNOSIS for CONNEX Previously the PROGNOSIS for ATM & POS Transaction Log Reader (TLR) has only supported eFunds CONNEX high performance log files (i.e. Enscribe type R). This service pack will enhance the product to now additionally support eFunds CONNEX low performance log files (i.e. Enscribe type E). No configuration changes are required.

    Transaction Surveillance The Transaction Surveillance collector has been enhanced to provide a reliable transaction feed to an off-board transaction repository. It will now handle process failures and PROGNOSIS restarts, in all cases ensuring that no transactions are missing from the database.

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    PROGNOSIS Core Enhanced Return Codes for IRCMD (available for; Windows, Linux, Solaris, AIX, HP-UX and HP NonStop)

    The PROGNOSIS Command Line Utility (IRCMD) has been enhanced with two additional options that can be used to provide an indication of what may have occurred when an execution fails.

    The new option, OPTION e, produces a one line summary for each informational response from the remote PROGNOSIS subsystem. This new option is similar to the existing OPTION d which produces a multi-line response.

    A further new option, OPTION f, instructs IRCMD to return a new shell result code value of 9 which indicates that it may be possible to retry the attempted action in the event that the command failed.

    Please refer to the PROGNOSIS System Guide for details of the PROGNOSIS Command line Utility.

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    Known Issues The following details any known outstanding problems or issues in this release of PROGNOSIS.

    PROGNOSIS GUI crashes when using Custom fields in legends. The problem occurs when a User-defined field is used in a 2D Chart display and the field is used in both the graph data and the legend. The legend text length of this field also needs to exceed 5 characters.

    In the above scenario, the GUI will crash when the first interval of data is about to be displayed.

    Workaround Define a second user-defined field that duplicates the first user-defined field. This can be a simple as UserDef02 = Userdef01. Then use one field for the graph and the other field for the legend.

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    Changes to Records TransactionDetail and TransactionException Records. New fields added: "UserField9" and "UserField10".

    These Transaction Surveillance records have been extended to include two additional user defined key fields. Usage is identical to the existing fields UserField1 thru UserField8.

    MpSystem Record New field added: "KernelBits".

    The MpSystem record provides general system information for the machine. The new field is added to show the kernel width, either 32 or 64 bits.

    UnixProcess and UnixProcessWorkloadDetail Records New field added: "ZoneName".

    These two records provide Unix process information, and further enhancement has been added to display the name of the Zone the process is running in. This is available on Solaris 10 systems with Zones configured.

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    Issues Resolved This section outlines any problems or issues that have been resolved for PROGNOSIS 9.1 with this Service Pack release.

    1. CR970 Description This fixes an Automated Analyst crash when stopping an Availability Threshold condition pair. This occurs when running a Threshold with two or more conditions and trying to stop an Availability Condition pair.

    Affected Platforms: Windows, Linux, Solaris, AIX, HP-UX, HP NonStop

    2. CR982 Description PrognosisAutomationProblemSummary (PROBSUM) and PrognosisAutomationProblem (PROBLEM) entries were not kept synchronised during scheduled cleanups and full file handling procedures. This could be seen when PROBSUM records existed with no corresponding PROBLEM records.

    Affected Platforms: Windows, Linux, Solaris, AIX, HP-UX, HP NonStop

    3. CR1108 Description Data collection into NonStop SQL databases does not work, this occurs in the following scenarios:

    a) PROGNOSIS Database collector (SDBASE) cannot collect any records to a NonStop database if the record contains a key field with OUT_LEN 0 (except for the collection of the JOBS record). In this scenario, the collector may crash.

    b) SDBASE stops collecting data into a NonStop SQL Key Sequenced database once a duplicate key error occurred on an insert statement. This results in the collector halting its processing of new records.

    Affected Platforms: HP NonStop

    4. CR1033 Description Under some failure scenarios, data in the NonStopJob record could be unreasonable (e.g. the NonStopJob.RCVQLEN field). This is the result of collectors restarting, including the Disk Collector (STDC) process. The restart of STDC causes the measurement to be restarted which in turn invalidates some data held by the CPU collector.

    Affected Platforms: HP NonStop

    5. CR1102 Description The Transaction Management Facility Collector (IRTMFCOL) process crashes when PROGNOSIS tracing is turned on. The WVLOG will display the message "SPI token value too long", this failure occurs when APPL2 is specified for the TRACE_MODULE in the process initialization file.

    Affected Platforms: HP NonStop

    6. CR1119 Description The Dispatch Manager used to send out email and pager alerts fails to reconnect to the Network Router (IRNETRTR) process after the Network Router is restarted, meaning that the output of messages can be halted. This scenario can be identified by messages in the WVLOG: "Command destination 'Dispatch Manager' not available".

    Affected Platforms: Windows, Linux, Solaris, AIX, HP-UX, HP NonStop

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    7. CR1153 Description The Automated Analyst crashes with an internal program error caused by an invalid state. This occurs when the Tivoli console is not available for command destinations.

    Affected Platforms: HP NonStop

    8. CR1156 Description The Swap space values such as Swap Total field in the UnixSwapDevice record are incorrect on some Linux systems. This affects all data collected that makes reference to Swap Memory space.

    Affected Platforms: Linux kernels versions 2.4 and 2.6

    9. CR1162 Description Software Inventory has a problem with missing 'Product Version' and invalid paths. Not all products listed in the Software Inventory Central Display and its associated drill-down Displays have 'Product Version' and 'Inst Time' values.

    The following two scenarios show symptoms that cause the Software Inventory collector to misreport data:

    a) When process paths are invalid (e.g. those that have invalid characters such as "\?\", or missing directory separator such as C:\WINDOWSSystem32).

    b) The entries affected were those processes with command line parameters (e.g. "C:\WINDOWS\System32\svchost -k DComLaunch") or process names missing the .exe extension or process names containing system variables (e.g. %SystemRoot%).

    Affected Platforms: Windows

    10. PRN-1345 Description Database Information (DB INFO) requests are non-functional when used from within the PROGNOSIS NonStop requester interface (STATCOM) and the PROGNOSIS Database collector (SDBASE) application. When requesting database properties (DB INFO) an error is returned and no relevant information pertaining to the database is given.

    Affected Platforms: HP NonStop

    11. CR1167 Description When monitoring MQ Series Manager some fields may be populated with the empty value '****'. This happens in the MqSeriesQueue and MqSeriesChannel records. The problem occurs when PROGNOSIS is monitoring an MQ Series Manager that belongs to a cluster. In this situation the monitored Queue Manager returns two sets of data messages for the same queue, the 'cluster queue' and 'local queue', and the collector does not correctly merge the 2 sets of data.

    Affected Platforms: Windows, Linux, Solaris, AIX, HP-UX, HP NonStop

    12. CR1168 & CR1198 Description The Disc Collector (STDC) crashes due to an overflow condition. This is the result of a high number of processes that are started and stopped within a single Disk collection interval and when the process PINS are greater than 255. The symptoms can be identified by any of the following entries in the WVLOG:

    2007-12-05 13:59:09 00015005 STDC 01,241 TAL 00000 9.1.0 Arithmetic Overflow Trap - -2556 IA^PROC^JOBS^REC 2007-11-18 18:02:50 00015005 STDC 01,206 TAL 00000 9.1.0 Arithmetic Overflow Trap - -2638 UTL^MAKE^USER^REC 2007-12-05 19:00:10 00015005 STDC 01,240 TAL 00000 9.1.0 Arithmetic Overflow Trap - -2469 UTL^MAKE^GROUP^REC

    Affected Platforms: HP NonStop

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    13. CR1172 Description On some occasions the NonstopSqlMeasureProcess (SQLPROC) record returns invalid data. This may happen if SQLCI2 starts SQLESP processes for parallel queries. The Measure collector (STMEAS) will crash when this occurs.

    This can be identified when the following entries are seen in the WVLOG:

    2008-01-16 11:11:01 00015005 STMEAS 00,321 IRTRAPS 00000 9.1.0 Arithmetic Overflow Trap - 8 JBL^PROC^MEAS^SQLPROC

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    18. CR1202 Description Specific node names used in the license generator cause the PROGNOSIS server to fail the license parsing. The PROGNOSIS server fails to start and the following message is logged to WVLOG:

    2008-01-22 17:03:42 00004002 secmgrp 00920 irpromgr 9.1.0 001368 - Prognosis is not licensed for your system

    Affected Platforms: Windows, Linux, Solaris, AIX, HP-UX, HP NonStop

    19. CR1207 Description The UnixProcess, UnixProcessWorkload and UnixProcessWorkloadDetail records give incorrect memory sizes for some processes on AIX. This is seen in the following fields: MemorySizePages, MemorySizeMB, VirtualMemorySharedMB and VirtualMemorySharedPages.

    New Behaviour The reporting of shared memory for AIX has been removed. MemorySizePages and MemorySizeMB fields no longer include shared memory. An alternative source for this data will be investigated for a future release.

    Affected Platforms: AIX

    20. CR1213 Description The PROGNOSIS Events Central Display only shows the first text token for events with multiple text tokens (ZEMS^TKN^TEXT). This is seen in PROGNOSIS 9.1 and earlier versions. If multiple occurrences of ZEMS^TKN^TEXT are present, all subsequent entries after the first are skipped.

    The NonStop Event Management System (EMS) events or those processed from a compatibility distributor ($Z0) are unaffected by this problem (as they are already processed by PROGNOSIS Event Management System collector (STEMS) using EMSTEXT).

    New Behaviour For EMS events that contain both a ZEMS^TKN^TEXT token and have a DSM format template defined, PROGNOSIS will now show the text as formatted by the defined template. The contents of this formatted text may not include the contents of the ZEMS^TKN^TEXT token(s). Previously, in this case, PROGNOSIS would have shown the raw contents of the first ZEMS^TKN^TEXT token, without reference to the template.

    Affected Platforms: HP NonStop

    21. CR1214 Description The PROGNOSIS Communication Monitor (STCOMM) process crashes with arithmetic overflow. This can be identified by entries in the WVLOG:

    2007-11-05 16:34:31 00015005 STCOMM 13,661 TAL 00000 9.1.0 Arithmetic Overflow Trap - -2795 tci_config

    Affected Platforms: HP NonStop

    22. CR1216 Description When a PROGNOSIS Automated Analyst process terminates abnormally it may incorrectly leave PrognosisAutomationProblem (PROBLEM) and PrognosisAutomationProblemSummaryOpen (PROBSUM) entities in a non-closed state. The PROBSTAT field of the PROBLEM or PROBSUM records associated with a stopped threshold or analyst rule is not set to CLOSED. This results in alerts based on PROBLEM or PROBSUM records continuing to trigger after the associated threshold or analyst rule has stopped.

    New Behaviour All PROBLEM and PROBSUM entities are now set to 'CLOSED' when the related Automated Analyst process terminates.

    Affected Platforms: Windows, Linux, Solaris, AIX, HP-UX, HP NonStop

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    23. CR1219 Description Processes with object filenames that are longer than 24 characters in length in external formats (..) have some fields in their NonStopJob record incorrectly set. This includes the process name, home terminal and swap file name.

    Affected Platforms: HP Integrity NonStop

    24. CR1221 Description Extractor scripts that use 'run irtcload' may cause the NonStop command shell (TACL) to fail after some time. An example of this is:

    EXTRACT COMMAND (FSCOL, odsrvext, "run irtcload~;....", 60) When the TACL process crashes a message similar to the following is written to the WVLOG:

    2008-02-01 04:06:55 05292062 IREXTCOL 00,482 FSCRUNP 01121 9.1.0 Command execution error. run irtcload~;ir^cmd^osh echo 'mode mxcs;info server *,detail;' ~| /usr/tandem/sqlmx/bin/mxci; -1 .

    Affected Platforms: HP Nonstop

    25. CR1222 Description Alerts raised from a managed PROGNOSIS 8.5.0 node cannot be acknowledged. Attempts to Acknowledge, Continue or Ignore an Alert raised from a PROGNOSIS 8.5.0 managed node fail. The Alert stays in the Alerts Central Display even though it has been acknowledged.

    Affected Platforms: Windows, Linux, Solaris, AIX, HP-UX, HP NonStop

    26. CR1223 Description Timestamp drifts from the system clock stop PrognosisCommandLog (CMDLOG) records being returned to a threshold after the CMDSRV process has been running for several days. This occurs on new hardware systems that have variable speed and multiple core processors.

    After some period of time, views on records that come from IRGFSRV stop receiving records. These include:

    PrognosisAutomationProblem, PrognosisAutomationProblemSummaryOpen, PrognosisAutomationProblemSummaryOpen, PrognosisAutomationProblemSummaryClosed, PrognosisCommandLog, PrognosisCommandOutput, PrognosisDispatchMgrCmdsOut, PrognosisDispatchMgrCmdsIn, MpAvailabilityOutage, PrognosisDispatchManagerMessageQueue, PrognosisDispatchManagerEventLog, TivoliEnterpriseConsoleLog.

    Affected Platforms: Windows

    27. CR1175 & CR1235 Description The Disc collector (STDC) crashes due to an arithmetic overflow. This can be identified by the following entry in WVLOG:

    Arithmetic Overflow Trap - 8 .ADD^FILEMON^DISC^RATE

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    28. CR1236 Description The Measure collector (STMEAS) crashes due to an arithmetic overflow. This can be identified by the following entry in WVLOG:

    2008-02-07 18:00:35 00015005 STMEAS 02,247 IRTRAPS 00000 9.1.0 Arithmetic Overflow Trap - 8 JBP^PROC^MEAS^OSSCPU

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    34. CR1336 Description The Network Router (IRNETRTR) may crash when it receives packets from a source other than another PROGNOSIS process.

    The IRNETRTR process terminates unexpectedly and the WVLOG may contain an error similar to the following:

    2008-04-29 12:34:56 00004000 upic 02222 irnetrtr 8.5.0 012844 - Internal program error - C++ New Failure

    The problem occurs when a non-PROGNOSIS source connects to the TCP/IP port used by PROGNOSIS, and sends a packet with a correct PROGNOSIS 'envelope' header and an incorrect length field.

    The only known example of this happening is the NESSUS vulnerability scanner being used to 'attack' PROGNOSIS via TCP/IP.

    Affected Platforms: Windows, Linux, Solaris, AIX, HP-UX, HP NonStop

    35. PRN-1428 Description The PROGNOSIS Command Line utility (IRCMD) reports 'error 12' opening file $RECEIVE when running PROGNOSIS Fax utility (IRFAX) from the PROGNOSIS GUI. This situation can be identified by entries in the WVLOG:

    2008-05-27 15:14:52 00001009 IRCMD 00,823 IPCIC 00473 9.1.0 Unable to open $RECEIVE, file error - 12

    The result of this error is that information on running databases, analysts and thresholds are missing from IRFAX report.

    If you RUN GOIRFAX manually from a NonStop command shell (TACL) session then this problem does not occur.

    Affected Platforms: HP NonStop

    36. CR1361 Description The VMware Record Definitions are incorrect, the following two records have the wrong ID_LENGTH.

    * VP_VDISP (VMwareGuestDiskPerformancePerDisk)

    * VP_HDISP (VMwareHostDiskPerformancePerDisk)

    The record key is unique but contains too many fields. This will not affect textual displays of these records but will affect graphical displays, where gratuitous lines will be seen, one for each key in the record.

    Affected Platforms: Linux 2.6 with VMware

    37. PRN-1 Description When Automated Analyst crashes it may incorrectly leave PROBSUM and PROBLEM entries in non-closed state. This will cause any Alerts that are based on the non-closed state of PrognosisAutomationProblemSummaryOpen or PrognosisAutomationProblem to remain persistent.

    Affected Platforms: Windows, Linux, Solaris, AIX, HP-UX, HP NonStop

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    38. PRN-29 Description There is no log entry indicating that PROGNOSIS failed to generate a new prgnrec.dld file, nor does PROGNOSIS report the underlying access error. This complicates the diagnosis and manual rectification of the underlying file access errors. This problem will inhibit the PROGNOSIS GUI from receiving the correct Record Definition file.

    Affected Platforms: Windows, HP NonStop

    39. PRN-112 Description When using space-suppressed fields in the Automated Analyst, the previous functionality was to replace an all-spaces field with the keyword 'unknown'. This change removes that behaviour, leaving the field empty.

    Affected Platforms: Windows, Linux, Solaris, AIX, HP-UX, HP NonStop

    40. PRN-296 Description The Extractor does not correctly deliver data contained in the log files that are being scraped by the extractor script.

    The extractor cannot read a log file if: - It does not exist when the extractor configuration is started. - It is renamed and replaced with a log of the original name. - It has been purged of all data.

    Affected Platforms: Windows

    41. PRN-316 Description By restarting a PROGNOSIS static configuration containing a SET CPU directive, named processes may be stopped and restarted even when this is not required.

    In the PROGNOSIS static configuration SET CPU (IRNETRTR, ) regardless of whether or not the Network Router (IRNETRTR) is already running on CPU could elicit an unnecessary shutdown and restart of the Network Router.

    Affected Platforms: HP NonStop

    42. PRN-1409 Description Performance information is missing from the NonStopFileDetail record. The fields ReadsCachePerSecond, WritesCachePerSecond,ReadsPhysicalPerSecond, WritesPhysicalPerSecond and BlockSplitsPerSecond showed as 0 in the NonStopFileDetail record. This was caused by a problem introduced in 9.1 where DISCOPEN data was not correctly requested from the MEASURE subsystem. The absence of this data caused the fields not to be set.

    Affected Platforms: HP NonStop

    43. PRN-435 Description The 'log at most' and 'log after' threshold properties are sometimes not saved correctly. This problem relates to GUI properties when reverting from custom values to default values.

    Affected Platforms: Windows GUI

    44. PRN-688 Description The Stand-in Transactions Display in the ATM Transaction Dashboard shows no data. When the legend location is user defined and screen resolution is not standard the display behaves unpredictably.

    Affected Platforms: HP NonStop

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    45. PRN-781 Description NonStop Link Monitor's (LINKMON) appear in the "Unavailable TCPs" window of the Pathway Problems Display. This was due to an invalid Where Clause which incorrectly included LINKMON data.

    Affected Platforms: Windows GUI

    46. PRN-869 Description To encourage the use of RUN STOPPRG to stop PROGNOSIS an informational message has been added when running the 'obey stopwarm' command.

    New Behaviour The 'obey stopwarm' will print the following message:

    ==* This obey file is deprecated in this release of Prognosis. Please use * ==* RUN STOPPRG to stop Prognosis. Refer to the Prognosis documentation for * ==* more details. *

    Affected Platforms: HP NonStop

    47. PRN-876 Description Some Transaction Surveillance (TSV) GUI displays select more fields than required (sometimes all fields), causing unnecessary network and GUI processing. BASE24 and CONNEX Transaction surveillance displays have been modified to rectify this problem.

    Affected Platforms: Windows GUI

    48. PRN-900 Description The Transaction Surveillance (TSV) number of Exceptions in the BASE24 Central Display shows the number of exceptions raised in the last minute. In most cases, the number of Exceptions raised during the last minute is 0.

    In order to show useful data, the total number of outstanding exceptions are shown. In addition to this the Last Exception time is also shown.

    Affected Platforms: HP NonStop

    49. PRN-988 Description If an exception record is raised for a file with more than one problem only one reason is shown, e.g. file is full and cannot allocate more extents due to disk space issues.

    New Behaviour If an exception record is raised for a file with more than one exception, all reasons will be shown.

    Affected Platforms: HP NonStop

    50. PRN-1006 Description When the transient process catcher module is enabled, the exit time and elapsed time fields sometimes show the wrong values. The values are out by 49 days 17 hours (2^32/1000 seconds).

    This situation is known only to be visible with kernel module versions between 2.5.60 and 2.6.9.

    Affected Platforms: Linux

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    51. PRN-1062 Description Calculated fields incorrectly show a syntax error when supplied with empty (****) data. If a calculated field receives empty data the result of the expression will result in a syntax error.

    Affected Platforms: Windows GUI

    52. PRN-1080 Description After running the CLUSENAB script to enable NonStop cluster monitoring, subsequent starts of the PROGNOSIS configuration will receive the following errors:

    ERROR: INVALID MAX-MEASURES PARAM Failed to reparse Prognosis configuration

    This occurs if the string "MAX-MEASURES" is present in a commented out line in the PROGNOSIS configuration prior to the CLUSENAB script being run.

    New Behaviour Previously, configuration changes were applied to the install time configurations and would not take effect until the next PROGNOSIS restart. Now, changes are made to the currently active configurations and are applied immediately, without a PROGNOSIS restart.

    Affected Platforms: HP NonStop

    53. PRN-1092 Description When the Last 31 Days link is selected from the NonStop Storage Central Display the subsequent Disk Space Last 31 Days Display has the grid lines missing from the 'Disks with Least Free Space' window.

    Affected Platforms: Windows GUI

    54. PRN-1129 Description PROGNOSIS may treat a non-existent process as a live process. If PROGNOSIS tries to stop that process, it could cause a processor halt. This has been observed on a processor halt when PROGNOSIS was restarted after it had been shutdown.

    Affected Platforms: HP NonStop

    55. PRN-1131 Description It is not possible to reload the transient process kernel module (also known as the PROGNOSIS module) following a system reboot. The un-installation of the PROGNOSIS module ("enableprogmodule -u") fails and leaves the module in an unknown state. Future attempts to install the PROGNOSIS module will also fail. When this situation occurs, the following message will appear after attempting to re-install the PROGNOSIS module: "already installed".

    Affected Platforms: Solaris

    56. PRN-1133 Description For HP NonStop the Expand Processes Display (accessed from NonStop CPU and Memory Central by selecting the ServerNet Central link and then the Expand System and Lines link) shows no data. Data is retrieved from the wrong node and 'DATA SOURCE IS NOT AVAILABLE' error is reported.

    Affected Platforms: Windows GUI

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    57. PRN-1398 & PRN-1451 Description The PROGNOSIS Log file viewer (IRLSTLG) truncates PIN numbers reported in the WVLOG to 3 digits. When the PIN of a process that reports a message to the WVLOG is longer than 3 digits, the PIN data is truncated in the log message and only the first 3 digits are printed.

    Example: The Process Manager program was running with PIN 3247 on the second CPU and it reported the following WVLOG message as listed by IRLSTLG:

    2008-05-12 20:25:58 00001058 IRPROMGR 02,324 scnfmgrp 01191 9.1.0 Configuration started. Configuration Prognosis started by user ir.prgnosis from node \NSKNODE.

    Affected Platforms: HP NonStop

    58. PRN-1135 Description Most of the fields of the NonStopOssFileSystem record are empty. This causes graphs to be missing in the 'Fileset Space - % Used' window of the OSS Performance Display.

    Affected Platforms: HP Integrity NonStop

    59. PRN-1136 Description All processes in the NonStopJob record show a RECV QLEN of 0. This is the result of changed behaviour in the Operating System for one of the system calls.

    Affected Platforms: HP Integrity NonStop

    60. PRN-1139 & PRN-1354 Description Improvements to PROGNOSIS Fax utility (IRFAX) output.

    New Behaviour

    The Windows diagnostics and registry dump sections of the IRFAX are now converted to ASCII (from UNICODE).

    The applied patch information is included. PrognosisConnection information is included as well as PrognosisNode information from all nodes. Dump the configuration of any running Analyst/Thresholds and DBs (on Windows, Unix and Linux, the

    dumping of databases must be enabled with the -D command line argument). Automated email functionality disabled by default Affected Platforms: Windows, Linux, Solaris, AIX, HP-UX, HP NonStop

    61. PRN-1140 & PRN-1404 Description Database Auto-Summarisation does not properly handle the lag for "EVERY " jobs where the every interval is less than or equal to the auto- summarisation run interval. In this scenario, the jobs get processed only once per day.

    Affected Platforms: Windows, Linux, Solaris, AIX, HP-UX

    62. PRN-1141 Description PROGNOSIS for ATM & POS has two similar sets of Transaction Surveillance (TSV) database collection GUI documents. One located under 'Transaction Surveillance -> Database Configurations' and one under 'Transaction Surveillance -> Reports -> Database Configuration'. This duplication is not needed.

    Affected Platforms: Windows GUI

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    63. PRN-1144 Description In the NonStop Alerts Threshold, the NSK: Kernel Swap File condition contains the event message "Kernel Managed Swap File has exceeded its threshold at @EVENT.TIME@".

    The "@EVENT.TEXT@" field needs to be added to this message. The new message is:

    "Kernel Managed Swap File has exceeded its threshold at @EVENT.TIME@ - @EVENT.TEXT@".

    This provides greater detail as to the actual cpu/swapfile problem.

    New Behaviour The n ew event message will also provide greater detail as to the actual cpu/swapfile problem.

    For example;. KMSF TOTAL SWAPSPACE UTILIZATION IN CPU cpu: swapspace% KMSF threshold exceeded for file: swapfile (threshold %) Extent size: extent-size disk pages Max extents: File size reserved: file-size-reserved MB Total file size : total-file-size MB

    Affected Platforms: Windows GUI

    64. PRN-1146 Description Images and layout of the PROGNOSIS Web Session Recorder have been updated to match the current branding of PROGNOSIS.

    Affected Platforms: Windows GUI

    65. PRN-1147 Description Some PROGNOSIS documentation shortcuts are missing from the Windows Start menu.

    The Start menu shortcuts are missing in the 9.1 PROGNOSIS for the following files: 'User Guide-ATM & POS.pdf' 'Records Guide-Short Names.pdf' 'Records Guide-Long Names.pdf'

    Affected Platforms: Windows

    66. PRN-1148 Description The Dispatch Manager does not correctly process SMTP server addresses that contain both the TCP/IP process name and the IP address, e.g. irnetrtr:

    Affected Platforms: Windows, HP NonStop

    67. PRN-1149 & PRN-1323 Description Unnecessary messages are logged to NonStop Event Management System (EMS) whenever an extractor script using ir^cmd^osh is run. These include blank EMS messages and EMS messages containing only a $. An example of this Extractor configuration is:

    EXTRACT COMMAND (FSCOL, odsrvext, "run irtcload~;ir^cmd^osh echo 'mode mxcs; info server *,detail;' ~| /usr/tandem/sqlmx/bin/mxci", 60)

    Affected Platforms: HP NonStop

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    68. PRN-1156 Description The time format when exporting to CSV (Comma Separated Values) databases was inconsistent with Microsoft Excel.

    Affected Platforms: Windows, Linux, Solaris, AIX, HP-UX, HP NonStop

    69. PRN-1157 Description The Disk File Exceptions (Network) Display correctly has the node defined as "Entire Network", but the flag to NOT inherit the node from the calling document has not been selected. Similarly, in the Disk File Exceptions (File full, Extents, Index levels) Display, the window showing information for the network should also be flagged to NOT inherit the node from the caller. This results in missing data from the Displays.

    Affected Platforms: Windows GUI

    70. PRN-1162 Description The display 'Withdrawals - Approved Stand-in Transaction by Issuer' under 'Trouble Shooting Online -> Applications -> PROGNOSIS for CONNEX -> ATM Transaction Manager -> ATM Drill Downs' is using wrong transaction code in the Where Clause, it should be '01' and not '00'.

    Affected Platforms: Windows GUI

    71. PRN-1163 Description A PROGNOSIS AVAILABILITY Configuration with a "THRESHOLD ADDTHRESHOLD" statement configured with an initial state of UNDEFINED causes the Configuration to fail. A GUI event error of "Invalid Threshold entity entry...Failed to start AVAILABILITY configuration." will occur.

    New Behaviour The Threshold Entity 'Undefined_State' will now display the empty string "****". Additionally the 'Hour/Today/Yesterday % Up' will display the empty string "****" and Last Change will be blank.

    Affected Platforms: Windows, Linux, Solaris, AIX, HP-UX, HP NonStop

    72. PRN-1169 Description When monitoring a WebLogic 8.1 Web Application Server, PROGNOSIS periodically requests some information about the server. It appears that WebLogic 8.1 on Solaris has a problem with this as whenever WebLogic is requested to provide ClusterRuntimeMBean it generates an exception:

    Error (1): java.lang.NullPointerException

    Any of the following scenarios can create this condition:

    Browser has been connected to the 'irwasmon' and the request "http://ip_addr:7001/irwasmon/data?id=server" is issued.

    PROGNOSIS is running (configured to monitor the WebLogic) and "J2EE Central" is one of the displays on the GUI connected to the PROGNOSIS Solaris server.

    New Behaviour Since the exception is caused by invalid data from the WebLogic application, the 'ClusterName' field will be returned as blank on Solaris 10 systems.

    Affected Platforms: Solaris 10

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    73. PRN-1173 Description The VMware collector returns no data on Linux systems lacking a 32-bit libz library. In this situation PERL fails to load with the error:

    "XML::LibXML::Common: cannot open shared object file".

    The VMware collector returns no data when this occurs. Running the 'testallpvm' script shows an error indicating that cannot be found.

    Affected Platforms: Linux 2.6 with VMware

    74. PRN-1181 Description Added support for S7800B, S86100, NS1200, NS3200AC, NS14200 and NS16200 CPU types. Various programs report to the WVLOG and NonStop Event Management System (EMS) files:

    "Unknown CPU Type detected. The current license may be invalid."

    In this situation the PROGNOSIS server will also shut itself down with the error "Prognosis is not licensed for your system" unless a class 4 license is issued for S-series and class 200 license is issued for Integrity system.

    Affected Platforms: HP NonStop

    75. PRN-1193 Description Within Virtualization Manager, the variable used to drill-down into the Analysis Central Display is incorrect and then breaks the link to the VM-Analysis Central Display.

    Affected Platforms: Windows GUI

    76. PRN-1200 Description The PROGNOSIS Database process fails to connect to the Network Router (IRNETRTR) after about 3 days of processing. This situation is reported in the WVLOG with entries similar to: "unable to connect to irnetrtr due to connection timeout"

    Affected Platforms: Windows, Linux, Solaris, AIX, HP-UX, HP NonStop

    77. PRN-1204 Description Under the 'Applications -> PROGNOSIS for BASE24' folder path there are two similar sets of GUI documents, 'POS Transaction Manager' and 'POS Transaction Manager'. This duplication is not needed.

    Affected Platforms: Windows GUI

    78. PRN-1206 Description In the threshold condition, "OSS: Fileset Filling", the current event message:


    does not provide the correct data for the purpose, this has been changed to:


    Affected Platforms: Windows GUI

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    79. PRN-1215 Description The PROGNOSIS for ATM & POS Ticket Manager fails to close the corresponding ticket when a reported fault is rectified. Also, when the PROGNOSIS Ticketing Collector (IRATMMON) process restarts after shutdown, the Ticket Manager generates duplicate tickets.

    Affected Platforms: HP NonStop

    80. PRN-1220 Description OSS Display headings incorrectly use '#NodeName' instead of ''. This results in the following Displays to show either 'Unknown' or an incorrect node name: OSS Process Started by This Ancestor Display, OSS Name Server Usage Display, OSS Inodes Display, OSS All Fileset Details Display, OSS Guardian Infrastructure Display.

    Affected Platforms: Windows GUI

    81. PRN-1221 Description The OSS Performance Monitor Display under 'NonStop > Trouble Shooting Online > OSS Performance' includes an OSS CPU Usage graph. This graph has a fixed scale of 0 to 100. This should not be a fixed scale as when there are several CPUs each with low usage, it is difficult to differentiate between them on the graph.

    Affected Platforms: Windows GUI

    82. PRN-1230 Description The PrognosisNode and MpSystem records return the wrong architecture on Linux Itanium servers. The fields MpSystem.CPU_TYPE, MpSystem.CPU_DET, PrognosisNode.HWDESC, PrognosisNode.HWTYPE resolve to the wrong values on Linux Itanium kernels.

    On an Itanium 2 with an ia64 Linux kernel the following values are shown: MpSystem.CPU_TYPE : 32 MpSystem.CPU_DET : GenuineIntel 32 1397.00 MHz PrognosisNode.HWTYPE : 2 PrognosisNode.HWDESC : Intel x86

    On other Linux kernels the MpSystem.CPU_TYPE field does not always correctly resolve to a string. A numeric value is shown if the string length of the model field returned by /proc/cpuinfo is longer than 1 character.

    New Behaviour On an Itanium 2 the following values are now shown: MpSystem.CPU_TYPE : Itanium 2 MpSystem.CPU_DET : GenuineIntel Itanium 2 1397.00 MHz PrognosisNode.HWTYPE : 12 PrognosisNode.HWDESC : Itanium (Intel)

    Affected Platforms: Linux on Itanium CPU Systems

    83. PRN-1251 Description The default Where Clause from the "Current SQL Statements" window at the bottom of the NonStop - SQL Active Statements Display is inadequate and can cause the PROGNOSIS GUI to crash. It should be "CALLRATE > 0 OR DISCREAD > 0 OR LOCKWAIT > 0 OR RECACCES > 0 OR SORTRATE > 0".

    Affected Platforms: Windows GUI

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    84. PRN-1252 & PRN-1353 Description This enhancement supplies diagnostic data for banking products, such as BASE24 and CONNEX, as part of the existing PROGNOSIS Fax utility (IRFAX) report. These include details of log reader processes, configured LGWARM files, contents of the IRTSVCOI file and information regarding current/closed/unloaded log files.

    Affected Platforms: HP NonStop

    85. PRN-1254 Description The Intelligent Network Manager Collector (IRHLRCOL) returns no data after being shut down and restarted. The collector fails and crashes during startup when reading the STSUM file.

    Affected Platforms: HP NonStop

    86. PRN-1261 Description The SnmpAgents record was not licensed in the 9.1 release. The SnmpAgents record is now available for use with the "SNMP Query" license.

    Affected Platforms: Windows, Linux, Solaris, AIX, HP-UX, HP NonStop

    87. PRN-1283 Description The Network Router (IRNETRTR) crashes when an unsolicited error is sent from an PROGNOSIS 9.1 server to any earlier PROGNOSIS server version.

    Affected Platforms: Windows, Linux, Solaris, AIX, HP-UX, HP NonStop

    88. PRN-1258 Description A new Display is needed to identify PROGNOSIS servers with 9.1.0 Service Pack 1 installed.

    New Behaviour A new Display has been created which can be accessed from the PROGNOSIS Patches Display and the PROGNOSIS Versions Display. This new Display shows the following data:

    1) All PROGNOSIS servers with 9.1.0

    2) All PROGNOSIS servers with 9.1.0 SP1 installed

    Affected Platforms: Windows GUI

    89. PRN-1025, PRN-1134, PRN-1137, PRN-1259 & PRN-1349 Description The MQ Series displays need to append new fields to monitor levels for Queue Managers and Channels.

    New Behaviour New fields MONQ and MONCHL have been added to indicate the monitoring levels for Queue Managers and Channels respectively. These fields appear on the Queue Mgr Details Display. They also appear in the MQ - Channels Display and the MQ - Queues Display as columns 'Ch Monitor' and 'Q Monitor Level' respectively.

    The overall packaging of 'MQ Series' was updated and renamed to 'WebSphere MQ'.

    The newly appended MONQ and MONCHL fields do not work on HP NonStop systems because they are only implemented on MQ Series Version 6.0 and above which is currently not available on HP NonStop.

    Affected Platforms: Windows GUI

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    90. CR1444 Description VMware Guest Central Windows and Linux CPU utilization graph were incorrectly configured as Line-Line. This resulted in data plotting against the incorrect axis and incorrect data appearing.

    Affected Platforms: Windows GUI

    91. PRN-1292 Description The Availability process crashes continuously after tracing is enabled on Solaris. The process is unable to start.

    Affected Platforms: Solaris

    92. PRN-1308 Description The NonStopAlerts threshold has 'Nodes to Run On' set incorrectly and has been replaced with '#DefaultNode'.

    Affected Platforms: Windows GUI

    93. PRN-1309 Description The RespCode field in the Base24AtmTransactionSummary (B24ATM) record needs to be increased to 3 digits. In PROGNOSIS 9.1 the log reader (trawler) message has been changed to a standard message format which is used by both Transaction Manager and Transaction Surveillance. The Response Code in the standard message is obtained from TLF.AUTH.RESP^CDE^R.RESP^BYTE^2, and is mapped to B24ATM record's RespCode field by default.

    New Behaviour Base24AtmTransactionSummary.RESPCODE will show a 3-digit response code. The default treatment of the "Approved", "Denied" and "TimedOut" is overridden by "Response Codes" statements in the B24ATM static configuration. The active B24ATM static configuration and CNFb24AT file have the following changes:

    a) A new line of Map Field statement will be added Map Field ( *, Base24AtmTransactionSummary, CUSTRESP, RESPCODE )

    b) The original comment lines below will be removed and replaced with new comment lines in c) ! Response Field ( , RESPCODE ) ! Response Codes ( , Approved, 01,02,03,04,05,06,07,08,09 ) ! Response Codes ( , Timedout, 13 )

    c) New comment lines will be added ! Response Field ( , CUSTRESP ) ! Response Codes ( , Approved, 000,001,002,...,007,008,009 ) ! Response Codes ( , Denied, 050,051,052,...,056,057,058,059 ) ! Response Codes ( , Denied, 060,061,062,...,067,068,069,070 ) ! Response Codes ( , Timedout, 113 )

    d) Response Field and Response Codes statements, if not previously configured will be configured as below. Response Field ( *, CUSTRESP ) Response Codes ( *, Approved, 000,001,002,003,004,005,006,007,008,009 ) Response Codes ( *, Denied, 050,051,052,053,054,055,056,057,058,059 ) Response Codes ( *, Denied, 060,061,062,063,064,065,066,067,068,069,070 ) Response Codes ( *, Timedout, 113 )

    Affected Platforms: HP NonStop

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    94. PRN-1318, PRN-1442, PRN-1453 & PRN-1418 Description Some displays in the 'User Interface -> Knowledge -> Web Publishing -> NonStop -> NonStop Cluster' still have '#DefaultNode' instead of '#NonStop Cluster', causing web reports to be empty. PROGNOSIS Node view in the 'NonStop Cluster' database had 'Node name' set to a fixed node, this has now been changed to the '#NonStop Cluster' Nodegroup. Display titles in 'NSC CPU Performance Details' report now refer to CPU instead of Node. 'NonStop Cluster Disk Space' database now collects data at 23:00 hours instead of 00:00 hours. Also 'User Interface -> Knowledge -> NonStop -> Trouble Shooting Online -> CPU & Memory -> Database Replay -> Performance Today.dpy had node incorrectly set.

    Affected Platforms: Windows GUI

    95. PRN-1321 Description When the Transaction Surveillance (TSV) BASE24 user defined field token id included quotes (e.g. FLD1 = TOKEN("Q2",STRING(0,3)) ), the log reader would fail with the following message: "StartUp Message error - log file date not in order"

    Affected Platforms: HP NonStop

    96. PRN-1322 Description When replaying data using the following display 'User Interface -> Knowledge -> Web Publishing -> NonStop -> NonStop Cluster -> NSC Disk Performance', the GUI would display the following message:


    This was due to one of the windows requesting excessive data, causing the GUI message queue length to be exceeded.

    Affected Platforms: Windows GUI

    97. PRN-1339 Description On slow systems, the PROGNOSIS Command Line Viewer (IRCLVIEW) operations in the PROGNOSIS Fax utility (IRFAX) that retrieve PrognosisViewUsage, PrognosisNode, PrognosisStatus, and PrognosisLicense information can timeout. When this occurs, there will be information missing from IRFAX.

    An error is received similar to the following:

    ":IRSEG.1:IR^RUN.1 ERROR: Error executing$DEVTST.S91B.IRCLVIEW ABEND" Affected Platforms: HP NonStop

    98. PRN-1425 Description Notes added via the standard packaging command button should show the logon ID in the 'UpdatedBy' field to indicate who added the note.

    Affected Platforms: HP NonStop

    99. PRN-1411 Description From the Capacity Planning Display, if any period link (yesterday, etc.) is clicked from 'today', the database period or interval is not refreshed. In this situation the graph is only partially populated for any periodic reports.

    Affected Platforms: Windows GUI

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    100. PRN-1356 Description Updating PROGNOSIS configuration with the AUTO-INV HARDTIME (hh:mm) option causes the Process Manager to crash.

    Affected Platforms: Windows, Linux, Solaris, AIX, HP-UX, HP NonStop

    101. PRN-1359 Description When AUTO-INV Hardware is turned ON while running on a K-Series server, the PROGNOSIS Event Management System Collector (STEMS) starts a NonStop command shell (TACL) to interface with NonStop Tandem Maintenance and Diagnostic System (TMDS) to collect hardware information. This TACL process may crash, and if it does then STEMS will retry after 24 hours, starting many TACL processes one after the other. In this scenario, the STEMS process stops sending new events after 24 hours.

    Affected Platforms: HP NonStop on D series

    102. PRN-1368 Description The PROGNOSIS Ticketing collector (IRATMMON) process crashes whenever the Network Router (IRNETRTR) stops and restarts.

    Affected Platforms: HP NonStop

    103. PRN-1381 Description PrognosisAutomationProblem records do not generate PrognosisAutomationProblemSummaryClosed records if the action for the Analyst or Threshold requires a response from the Dispatch Manager.

    Affected Platforms: Windows, Linux, Solaris, AIX, HP-UX, HP NonStop

    104. PRN-1382 Description The descriptions for fields in the NonStopLoadBalancingScore are incorrect.

    Original field description: "The load balancing score for cpu usage. A score of 100 indicates the load is perfectly balanced across the nodes in the cluster. This score is calculated as 1 minus the relative standard deviation............."

    Has been updated to: "The load balancing score for cpu usage. A score of 100 indicates the load is perfectly balanced across the nodes in the cluster. This score is calculated as 100 minus the relative standard deviation............."

    Affected Platforms: Windows GUI

    105. PRN-1391 Description The NtCpuSystem record is generating incorrect data, the metrics provided are valid for single CPU systems but do not handle multiple core processors.

    Affected Platforms: Windows

    106. PRN-1334 Description The local Availability collector may crash if the customer topology is configured for eleven or more nodes that are dependant upon the local Availability Applications. There is a fixed design limit of ten remote nodes per Application.

    New Behaviour A warning message is logged to the local WVLOG when an 11th remote Application attempts to depend upon the same local Application as ten other remote Applications.

    Affected Platforms: Windows, Linux, Solaris, AIX, HP-UX, HP NonStop

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    107. PRN-1469 Description Some pre-packaged reports using the NonStop Troubleshooting database do not replay data for the complete time frame such as, today, yesterday, etc.

    Affected Platforms: Windows for HP NonStop

  • Release NotesImportant NoticesIntroductionTable of ContentsInstallation NotesNew FeaturesPROGNOSIS for Windows, UNIX and LinuxPROGNOSIS for HP NonStopPROGNOSIS for ATM & POSPROGNOSIS Core

    Known IssuesChanges to RecordsIssues Resolved

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