reliability and validity of the disruptive behavior instrument for physicians with disruptive...

Reliability and Validity of the Disruptive Behavior Instrument for Physicians with Disruptive Behavior Philip Hemphill, Ph.D. Professional Enhancement Program (PEP) Pine Grove Behavioral Health and Addictive Services [email protected]

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Reliability and Validity of the Disruptive Behavior

Instrument for Physicians with Disruptive Behavior

Philip Hemphill, Ph.D.Professional Enhancement Program (PEP)

Pine Grove Behavioral Health and Addictive Services

[email protected]

FSPHP Presenter Disclosure Slide

“Reliability and Validity of the Disruptive Behavior Instrument for

Physicians with Disruptive Behavior”

Philip Hemphill, PhD

is a paid consultant of

Pine Grove Behavioral Health and Addiction Services

FSPHP Annual Conference and Meeting

Fort Worth, TexasApril 23-26, 2012

Why use a MSF/360?1. Facilitate insight of strengths and

weaknesses for an individual.2. Enhance organizational cultural

change.3. Provide summative assessment of

performance.4. Evaluate potential.5. Improve team effectiveness.6. Identify training & coaching needs.7. Make organizational values explicit.8. Measure progress after training &


MSF/360 Essentials Proven validity & reliability. Useful in assessing “humanistic” skills. Weak or no associations between self-rated

assessment and external assessment.

“…methods such as multisource feedback (360) evaluations may bea necessary next step, particularly when interpersonal, communication

skills, or professionalism needs to be evaluated (p. 1101).”

Source: Davis et al. (2006). Accuracy of physician self-assessment compared with observedMeasures of competence.JAMA, 296 (9), 1094-1102.

Key Players in MSF/360


Raters Boss

Facilitator Vendor

MSF/360 Internal Process


Is it consistent with self-perception?

Emotional Response

Reflection and internal processing of emotion and content.

Decision to accept and act, or not

Action for learning, changeSource: Sargeant et al. (2009)Advances in Health Sc Ed.

Relevant Literature Review of Multi-Source Feedback Measures

The Fundamental Interpersonal Relations Orientation–Behavior™ (FIRO-B®) In the late 1950s William Schutz, PhD. developed the

FIRO-B theory to aid in the understanding and predicting of how high-performance military teams would work together.

In developing the FIRO-B theory, Schutz began with the premise that "people need people." He used the term interpersonal to indicate any interaction, real or imagined, occurring between people. He used the term need to describe a psychological condition that, if not satisfied, leads to a state of discomfort or anxiety.

He posited that interpersonal needs could be grouped into three categories: Inclusion, Control, and Affection. The FIRO-B model describes the interaction of these three categories of interpersonal need along two dimensions: expressed and wanted.

Awareness Scales and were designed primarily to help individuals with their self-awareness and of understanding their relation to other people (Schutz, 1978).

Relevant Literature Review of Multi-Source Feedback Measures

1. Developing insight into strengths and weaknesses, for the individual (Farh & Dobbins, 1989; Hazucha et al., 1993; Martocchio & Judge, 1997; Fletcher, 1999; Keeping et al., 1999; London et al., 1999; McCarthy & Garavan, 1999) and the organization (London & Beatty, 1993; Lepsinger & Lucia, 1998; Steensma et al., 1998; Tornow & London,1998) to act upon.

2. Enhancing culture change (Cardy & Dobbins, 1994; O’Reilly, 1994; Crossley & Taylor, 1995; Church & Bracken, 1997; Bracken et al., 1998; DeSimone, 1998).

3. Summative assessment of performance (Newble et al., 1999).

4. Evaluating the potential of individuals, for instance to use in career advice or selection (Tornow, 1993; Lindsey et al.,1997; Facteau et al., 1998).

5. Enhancing team effectiveness (by allowing opportunity to comment) (Garavan et al., 1997; Towers-Perrin, 1998).

6. Identifying training needs for the system (as opposed to the individual) (Towers-Perrin, 1998).

Development of Disruptive Behavior Instrument

2004 – Developed list of disruptive behaviors and boundary violation behaviors. Approximately 70 items…

5 people monitored over 12 months – Instrument too long; complaints from participants; descriptive data….

2005- Cut instrument down to 50 items(1 Fctr)

2008- Cut down to current version Been using current version for past 4


Definition of Disruptive Behavior

Disruptive behavior is any inappropriate behavior, confrontation, or conflict, ranging

from verbal abuse to physical or sexual harassment. Disruptive behavior causes strong

psychological and emotional feelings, which can adversely affect patient care.

Rosenstein A, O’Daniel M. (2008). Managing disruptive physician behavior: Impact on staff relationships. Neurology, 70, 1564-1570.

Disruptive Behavior Items Avoids taking responsibility for actions Inappropriately blames others Places other interests above the safety and

welfare of community members Suspects, without sufficient basis, that others are

exploiting, harming, deceiving, or out to “get” him

Seems to have a preoccupation with unjustified doubts about the loyalty or trustworthiness of others

Reads hidden, demeaning, or threatening meanings into benign remarks or events

Perceives attacks on his character/reputation not apparent to others and is quick to react angrily/counterattack

Shows rigidity and stubbornness Displays an unpredictable mood Responds to constructive criticism in an

immature/irresponsible fashion Takes too long to requests from others Arrives late Fails to complete paperwork in a timely manner Responds to requests in an avoidant, unreliable,

and/or uncooperative manner

Displays a sense of entitlement Shows perfectionism that interferes with task

completion Behaves in a sexually inappropriate manner (verbally or physically)

Lacks empathy Intimidates others or attempts to intimidate others

Exhibits physically aggressive or assaultive behaviors

Exhibits arrogant behaviors and/or has an arrogant attitude

Demonstrates an inflated sense of self-importance

Takes advantage of others in order to get what he wants

Is reluctant to delegate tasks or to work with others unless they submit to exactly his way of doing things

Expresses anger/hostility inappropriately Exhibits passive-aggressive behavior Uses abusive, belittling, condescending,

demeaning, and/or threatening language

Client signs release allowing for electronic

correspondence, and client given monitoring

instructions and materials with due date.

Client identifies MC,

gives MC instructions and rating

materials, and with MC identifies

approx. 15 raters..

Ratee email addresses

Collection of surveys online.

Rating process is

repeated at predetermine

d intervals until four

uneventful reports

Client, MC, and other relevant

stakeholders review the feedback report

Significant impairment is present and

PHP/LAP intervenes



No significant impairment is


Client attends

treatment and rating process is

temporarily suspended

PHP/LAP recommends interventions

Client participates

in interventions

while continuing

rating process




Client completes treatment

Report produced and

emailed to persons

indicated on release.


33 questions 28 Likert-type questions regarding ratee’s

behavior 1 question concerning how many hours rater

works with ratee 1 question about the rater’s title 3 open-ended questions that solicit


Client 43 Overall Ratings Over Time









1 2 3 4 5

Rating Period





Aggression: Verbal Blaming Others Disobeying Rules Lack of Opennes to Others Response to Criticism

Client 109 Overall Ratings Over Time









1 2 3 4 5Rating Period





Aggression: Verbal Blaming Others Disobeying Rules

Lack of Openness to Others Response to Criticism Sexual and Inappropraite Remarks

Survey Dimensions Appropriate

Documentation Arrogance Citizenship Compliance Empathy Exploitation of Others Expression of Anger Intimidation Job Attitudes Multicultural

Sensitivity Openness to Others Perfectionism Respect for Others Response to Criticism

Responsibility for Actions

Rigidity Satisfaction with Ratee Sexual

Appropriateness Stability of Mood Stress Management Supervision Suspiciousness Tardiness Team Impact Threatening Behavior Verbal Aggression Working with Others

Disruptive Behavior Instrument

Descriptive Characteristics of Sample: N = 22 ratees (498 surveys)

Average Age = 38 years Male = 19 ; Female = 3

Survey Breakdown by rater: Self-Report = 53 Staff = 328 Supervisor = 37 Peer = 79

Number of Times each patient was assessed: Range – 1-8 times

Disruptive Behavior Instrument

Aggression• Aggression: Non-

verbal• Aggression: Physical• Aggression: Verbal• Aggression: WrittenInterpersonal Difficulties• Intimidation• Lack of Empathy• Lack of Multicultural

Sensitivity• Lack of Openness to

Others• Problematic

Perfectionism• Response to Criticism• Rigidity• Suspiciousness

Sexually inappropriate behavior• Sexual Inappropriateness• Sexual/Inappropriate

RemarksSelf Regulation• Mood Instability• Poor Stress


Disruptive Behavior• Arrogance• Blaming Others• Disobeying Rules• Disrespect for

Staff/Colleagues• Ease of Working with

Ratee• Employee Turnover

Intentions• Exploitation of Others• Poor Citizenship• Tardiness

• Originally hypothesized to be based

on 5 factors

Disruptive Behavior Instrument

Results of hypothesized 5-factor loadings; 59% cumulative total variance explained

1 2 3 4 5Q11 .746 .014 .000 .118 .293

Q12 .746 -.134 -.006 -.095 .036

Q4 .733 .080 -.023 .249 -.110

Q6 .732 -.055 .023 -.120 .267

Q5 .726 -.194 -.040 -.060 .064

Q1 .661 -.261 -.115 -.049 -.159

Q3 .620 -.306 -.183 -.033 -.194

Q23 .616 -.056 .057 -.095 .257

Q7 .560 -.210 .171 -.039 .017

Q17 .550 -.349 -.090 -.054 .014

Q14 .515 .058 .267 .204 -.345

Q2 .513 -.257 -.255 .102 -.090

Q9 .510 -.335 .238 -.066 .024

Factor 1

1 2 3 4 5

Q24.207 .702 .195 -.417 -.288

Q15-.179 .693 -.093 .108 .005

Q18-.114 .683 -.211 -.032 -.054

Q13-.136 .672 .115 -.050 .000

Q21-.163 .633 -.222 .077 -.019

Q20-.209 .622 -.179 .021 .134

Q8-.187 .574 .025 -.079 .140

Q16-.157 .546 -.236 .026 -.002

Factor 2

1 2 3 4 5

Q26-.482 -.315 .702 -.063 -.029

Q10.235 .100 .632 .201 .034

Q19.083 -.321 .431 .141 -.011

Factor 3

1 2 3 4 5Q25 .160 .091 .212 .718 .095

Q28 -.107 -.102 .049 .638 -.076

Factor 4

1 2 3 4 5Q22 .109 .078 .011 .025 .860

Factor 5

Raw Data Eigenvalues, Mean & Percentile Random Data Eigenvalues

Ncases 498; Nvars 27; ; Ndatsets 1000; Percent 95 Root Raw Data Means Percentile1.000000 10.462501 1.456515 1.5280562.000000 1.836325 1.386788 1.4370433.000000 1.408055 1.335702 1.3800894.000000 1.231678 1.291131 1.3312215.000000 1.178393 1.253103 1.2879056.000000 .966591 1.216903 1.2475327.000000 .890236 1.183359 1.2121078.000000 .805858 1.152611 1.1805259.000000 .786433 1.121760 1.14696810.000000 .707731 1.092700 1.11756811.000000 .671235 1.064358 1.08790412.000000 .647008 1.037406 1.06168113.000000 .567647 1.010437 1.03366114.000000 .518775 .984026 1.00712015.000000 .514043 .958262 .98167816.000000 .454498 .932558 .95516717.000000 .414122 .907291 .92983718.000000 .395714 .882943 .90681119.000000 .363423 .857912 .88259420.000000 .337990 .832012 .85569221.000000 .312618 .806413 .83104722.000000 .294869 .780470 .80649623.000000 .281812 .753717 .78018024.000000 .268155 .725304 .75336825.000000 .258453 .695053 .72401726.000000 .230247 .661538 .69425027.000000 .195588 .619728 .658277

Disruptive Behavior Instrument

Recent analyses reveal that the items are loaded on three distinct factors

1 2 3Q12 .780 -.068 -.031

Q5 .770 -.099 .002

Q4 .763 .194 .128

Q11 .742 .054 .305

Q1 .740 -.085 -.162

Q6 .732 -.051 .117

Q3 .717 -.077 -.194

Q17 .618 -.210 -.054

Q23 .609 -.079 .132

Q2 .603 .008 -.044

Q7 .575 -.254 .026

Q9 .528 -.416 .016

Q14 .522 -.007 -.006

Factor 1

1 2 3

Q18-.163 .727 -.066

Q21-.208 .697 .029

Q15-.251 .666 .098

Q20-.275 .628 .098

Q16-.192 .621 -.005

Q19.066 -.531 .171

Q13-.234 .496 .028

Q24.125 .487 -.398

Q8 -.276 .443 .073

Factor 2

1 2 3

Q25.127 .043 .636

Q22.025 -.034 .604

Q28-.089 -.034 .408

Q10.144 -.276 .319

Factor 3

* Excluded Item 26

1. Aggression: Non-Verbal Interpersonal Aggression2. Aggression: Physical Interpersonal Aggression3. Aggression: Verbal Interpersonal Aggression4. Aggression: Written Interpersonal Aggression5. Arrogance Interpersonal Aggression6. Blaming Others Interpersonal Aggression7. Disobeying Rules Interpersonal Aggression8. Disrespect forStaff/Colleagues


9. Ease of Working With Ratee Interpersonal Aggression10. Employee TurnoverIntentions

Critical Item

11. Exploitation of Others Interpersonal Aggression12. Intimidation Interpersonal Aggression13. Lack of Empathy Professionalism14. Lack of MulticulturalSensitivity

Interpersonal Aggression

15. Lack of Openness to Others Professionalism16. Mood Instability Professionalism17. Poor Citizenship Interpersonal Aggression

18. Poor Stress Management Professionalism19. Problematic Perfectionism Professionalism20. Response to Criticism Professionalism21. Rigidity Professionalism22. Sexual Inappropriateness Critical Item23. Suspiciousness Interpersonal Aggression24. Tardiness Professionalism25. Sexual and inappropriateRemarks

Critical Item

26. Substance Abuse Professionalism27. Sexual Inappropriateness Critical Item28. Prescribing medications Critical Item

Disruptive Behavior InstrumentFactor 1: Interpersonal Aggression

Items: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 11, 12, 14, 17, 23

Factor 2: Professionalism

Items: 8, 13, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21, 24, 26

Critical Items:

Items: 10, 22, 25, 28

Disruptive Behavior Instrument

Total Variance Explained

Factor Extraction Sums of Squared Loadings

Rotation Sums of Squared Loadings

Total % of Variance

Cumulative %


1 10.463 38.750 38.750 9.296

2 1.836 6.801 45.551 7.498

3 1.408 5.215 50.766 1.655

Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.a. When components are correlated, sums of squared loadings cannot be added to obtain a total variance.

Disruptive Behavior Instrument

Component Correlation Matrix

Factor 1 2 3

1 1.000 -.543 1.35

2 -.543 1.000 -.031

3 .135 -.031 1.000

Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis. Rotation Method: Promax with Kaiser Normalization.

Disruptive Behavior Instrument

Cronbach’s Alpha (α) N of Items

Factor 1 .922 13

Factor 2 .879 9

Factor 3 .305 4

Reliability for Three Factors

Poor reliability for items on Factor 3 suggests that a 2 Factor structure may be a better fit.

Disruptive Behavior Instrument2 Factors

Interpersonal Aggression• Aggression: Non-verbal• Aggression: Physical• Aggression: Verbal• Aggression: Written • Arrogance• Blaming Others• Disobeying Rules • Exploitation of Others • Intimidation• Lack of Multicultural

Sensitivity• Poor Citizenship • Suspiciousness

Professionalism• Disrespect for

Staff/Colleagues• Lack of Empathy• Lack of Openness to

Others• Mood Instability• Poor Stress

Management• Problematic

Perfectionism• Response to Criticism• Rigidity• Tardiness

Disruptive Behavior Instrument

Instead of a third factor, items were named “critical items”.

5 Critical Items: “I think about quitting or transferring to a different job because of the ratee.”

“Touches or looks at one or more patients/coworkers in an inappropriate/sexually suggestive manner.”

“Makes sexual remarks in the workplace that are inappropriate or tells jokes that makes others uncomfortable.”

“Performs unnecessary exams on female and/or male patients.”

“Demonstrates lax boundaries when prescribing controlled substances, giving out samples, or storing samples of controlled substances.”

Disruptive Behavior Instrument

Conclusions/Limitations:We have 2 main factors and 5 critical items.

Two factors:Interpersonal AggressionProfessionalism

Future Directions: Measuring and refining Inter-rater

Reliability Measuring and refining Test-Retest

Reliability How is this data utilized? What are cutoff scores? Can we track disruptive behavior

without treatment? Can instrument be utilized outside of


We do not deal much in fact when we are contemplating ourselves.

Mark Twain