reliance sip insure kim

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  • 8/14/2019 Reliance SIP Insure KIM


    Reliance Capital Asset Management Limited A Reliance Capital Company

    Cont inuous offer of open- ended schemes at NAV based prices

    An open - ende d Equity Growt h Schem e


    Growth FundAn open - ende d Equity Growt h Schem e


    Vision FundAn open- ende d Banking Sector Schem e


    Banking Fund

    An ope n- ended Power Sector Scheme

    Reliance DiversifiedPower Sector Fund

    An open- ended Pharma Sector Scheme

    ReliancePharma Fund

    An open- ended Media & Entertainment sector Scheme

    Reliance Media &Entertainment Fund

    An o pen- ende d Diversified Equity Scheme

    Reliance Equity

    Opportunit ies Fund

    An o pen- ended Diversified Equity Scheme


    Equity FundAn open- ended Scheme

    Reliance Regular

    Saving Fund

    An o pen- ended Diversified Equity Scheme

    Reliance Equity

    Advantage Fund

    REGISTRARKarvy Computershare Private Limited(Formerly known as Karvy Consultants Limited)Karvy Plaza, 21, Road No.4, Street No.1, Banjara Hills,Hyderabad-500 034.

    Tel: 040-2331245 4 Fax: 040-23394828

    AUDITORS TO THE SCHEMESHaribhakti & Co.Chartered Accountan ts42, Free Press HouseNariman PointMum bai-400 021.


    Deutsch e Ban k AGKodak Ho use, Groun d Floor,

    Mum bai-400 001.

    SPONSORCorporate OfficeReliance Cap ital Lim itedH Block, 1st Floor

    Dhirubh ai Amban i Kno wledge CityKoparkhairne, Navi Mumbai - 400 710

    Tel: 022-3032 7000, Fax: 022-3032 72 02

    TRUSTEECorporate OfficeReliance Ca pital Trustee C o. LimitedExpress Buildin g, 4th Floor14 E Road, Ch urchgate, Mumbai 400 020

    Tel: 022-30414800 Fax: 022-304148 99

    INVESTMENT MANAGERCorpo rate OfficeReliance Capital Asset Man agemen t LimitedExpress Buildin g, 4th Floor

    14 E Road, Ch urchgate, Mumbai 400 020Tel: 022-30414800 Fax: 022-30414899

    Call: 3030111 1 www.reliancem utu

    This Key Information Memorandum (KIM) for Reliance SIP Insure facility sets forth the information, which a prospective investor ought toknow before investing. For further details of the Scheme/Mutual Fund, due diligence certificate by the AMC, Key Personnel, investors rights &services, risk factors, pen alties & pend ing litigations, associate transaction s etc. Investors shou ld, before in vestmen t, refer to th e respectiveOffer Document available free of cost at any of the Investor Service Centres or distributors or from the website Scheme particulars have been prepared in accordance with Securities and Exchange Board of India (Mutual Funds) Regulations 1996, asammended till date, and filed with Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI). The units being offered for public subscription have notbeen app roved or d isapproved b y SEBI, nor h as SEBI certified th e accuracy or adeq uacy of th is KIM. Th is KIM is dated May 9, 2008.

  • 8/14/2019 Reliance SIP Insure KIM



    Short-term Capital Gains

    Under Sec. 111A, where the total income of an assessee includes any incomechargeable und er the head "Capital Gains", arising from th e transfer of ashort- term capital asset, being a unit of an equit y oriented fund and

    (a) the transaction of sale of such unit is entered into on or after 1stOctober 2004, i.e. the date on which Ch apter VII of the Finance (No. 2) Act,2004 has come into force; and

    (b) such t ransaction is chargeable to securities transaction tax under thatChapter, the tax payable by the assessee on such short -term capital gains isat the rate of ten per cent. As per th e proposals of the Finance Bill, 2008, incase of resident ind ividuals and HUFs, where the total income as reducedby the short - term capital gains, is below the basic exemption limit, th eshort-t erm capital gains will be reduced to the extent of the shortfall andonly the balance short -term capital gains will be subjected to t he 15 percent tax rate.

    This increase will come into effect from 1.4.08 i.e. from FY 08-09. The saidtax rate would be increased by a surcharge of 10 per cent in case of non -corporate Unit holders excluding firms, where the total income exceeds Rs.10,00,000. In th e case of firms and corporate Unit holders, surcharge isapplicable where the total incom e exceeds Rs. one crore. Furth er, anadditional surcharge of 2 per cent by way of education cess would be

    charged on amou nt o f tax inclusive of surcharge.The Finance Act, 2007 has levied an additional surcharge, called the"Secondary and Higher Education Cess", at the rate of on e per cent ofincome-tax and surcharge (not in cluding the education Cess on income-tax). Where the total income of an assessee includes any short-t erm capitalgains on equity oriented un its the deduction under section 80C shall beallowed from the income tax on the total income as reduced by such shor tterm capital gains.

    Foreign Institutional Investors: Long-term capital gains arising onsale/repurchase of un its, held for a period of mor e than twelve mon ths,would be taxed at the rate of 10 per cent und er Section 115AD of the Act(subject to the exemption o f tax on long-term capital gains provided for inSec. 10(38) of the Act, discussed elsewhere in th is document) . The said taxrate would be increased by a surchar ge of 2.5 per cent where the totalincome exceeds Rs. one crore. Further, an additional surcharge of 2 percent by way of education cess would be charged on amoun t of tax inclusiveof surcharge. Such gains would be calculated without inflation index andcurrency fluctuations.

    Short-term capital gains arising on sale/repur chase of units would be taxedat 30 per cent (15% if such short t erm capital gains is of the natu re referred

    in section 111A of the Act, discussed elsewhere in this docum ent.) . The saidapplicable tax rate would be increased by 2.5 per cent surcharge where thetotal income exceeds Rs. one crore.. Further, an additional surcharge of 2per cent by way of education cess would be charged on amoun t of taxinclusive of surcharge.

    The Finance Act, 2007 has levied an additional surcharge, called the"Secondary and Higher Education Cess", at the rate of on e per cent ofincome-tax and surcharge (not in cluding the education Cess on income-tax).

    Specified overseas financial organizations: As per the provisions of section115AB of the Act, long- term capital gains arising on sale/repurchase ofunits purchased in foreign curren cy shall be liable to tax at the r ate of 10 percent. However, such gains shall be computed without the benefit of costindexation.

    The rat e of surcharge would be 2.5% where the tot al income exceeds crore. Furth er, an additional surcharge of 2 per cent by way ofeducation cess would be charged on am oun t of t ax inclusive of surcharge.

    The Finance Act, 2007 has levied an additional surchar ge, called the"Secondary and Higher Education Cess", at the rate of on e per cent ofincome-tax and surcharge (not in cluding the education Cess on income-

    tax). This amendment has taken effect from the 1st day of April, 2007.Secur ities Transaction Tax (STT)

    As per th e proposals of the Finan ce Bill 2008, with effect from 1.4 .2008 (FY08-09), STT paid in r espect of securities transactions entered into in thecour se of business will now be allowable as a business deduction , instead of

    Name of the Trustee Company : Reliance Capital Trustee Co. Limited

    Dividend Policy :Dividend will be distributed from the availabledistribut able surp lus after the deduction of the dividend distribu tion taxand t he applicable surcharge, if any. The Mutual Fund is not guaranteeingor assuring any dividend. Please read the offer document for details.Further payment of all the dividends shall be in compliance with SEBICircular No. SEBI/IMD/CIR No. 1/64057/06 dated 4/4/06.

    Applicable NAV :Sale of un its by Reliance Mutual Fund : In respect ofvalid applications received upto 3 p.m . by the Mutual Fund alongwith alocal cheque or a demand draft payable at par at t he place where theapplicat ion is received, the closing NAV of the day on which application isreceived shall be applicable.

    In respect of valid applications received after 3 p.m. by the Mutual Fundalongwith a local cheque or a demand dr aft payable at par at the p lacewhere the app lication is received, the closing NAV of the next bu siness dayshall be applicable.

    (Business Day shall have the same meaning as working day,wherever u sed)

    Repurchase including Switch-out : In respect of valid applications receivedup to 3 p.m. by the Mutual Fund, same days closing NAV shallbe applicable.

    In respect of valid applications received after 3 p.m. by the Mutual Fund,the closing NAV of the next bu siness day shall be applicable.

    Despatch of Repurchase (Redemption ) Request :Within 10 working daysof the receipt of the redemption request at the authorised centre ofReliance Mutual Fund.

    Daily Net Asset Value (NAV) Publicatio n: The NAV will be declared on allworking days and will be published in 2 newspapers. NAV can also beviewed on and

    Tax Benefits to t he Mutual Fun d : Reliance Mutual Fund is a Mutual Fundregistered with the Securities & Exchange Board of India and hence theentire income of the Mutu al Fund will be exempt from income tax inaccordance with th e provisions of Section 10(23D) of th e Income-tax Act,1961, (the Act). The Mutual Fund will receive all income without anydeduction of tax at source under the provisions of Section 196(iv) ofthe Act.

    An exemption has been granted und er the Finance (No.2) Act, 2004 toopen ended equity oriented mu tual funds from paying distribu tion tax on

    income distribu ted withou t any time limit, effective from 1 April 2004.(I). Income-tax

    Tax on Income distr ibuti on Income distrib uted by the Mutual Fund

    All Unit holder s

    Income received by unit ho lders in respect of the units of the Mutual Fund,is exempt from tax under Section 10(35) of th e Act.

    Tax Deduction at Source

    All Unit holder s

    In view of the exempt ion of income in the hands of the Unit holders, noincome tax is deductible at source, on income distribution by the MutualFund on o r after April 1, 2003, under the provisions of Sections 194K and196A of the Act.

    As per section 196B of the Act, tax is required to be deducted at t he rate of11.22 per cent (inclusive of surcharge on income-tax at t he rate of 10 percent and an addit ional surcharge by way of education cess at the r ate of 2per cent on the amount o f tax inclusive of surcharge) from incom e payablein respect of units pu rchased in foreign currency to approved overseasfinancial organizations. Where the tot al income of such organization does

    not exceed Rs. one crore, the abovemention ed surcharge is not payable.The Finance Act, 2007 has levied an additional surcharge, called the"Secondary and Higher Education Cess", at the rate of on e per cent ofincome-tax and surcharge (not including the education Cess on income-tax).

    (ii) Tax on Capital Gains

    Long-term Capital Gains

    Section 10(38) of th e Act grants exemption to any income arising from t hetransfer of a long term capital asset, being units of an equity oriented fun dprovided th e transaction giving rise to th e capital gains, attracts SecuritiesTransaction Tax (STT) and is made on or after 1st October 2004 i.e the dateon which Ch apter VII of the Finance (No. 2) Act, 2004 has come into force.For this pur pose "equity orient ed fund" means where the investible fundsare invested by the Mut ual Fund in equit y shares in domestic companies tothe extent of more than sixty five percent of the total proceeds of such fundset up un der a scheme of a Mutual Fund specified un der Section 10(23D)of the Act.


    Purch ase and sale of equit y shares orunit s of equity oriented mutual fundson a recognised stock exchange ondelivery basis

    Sale on stock exchange of equit y sharesor unit s of equity oriented mutual fund son non-d elivery basis

    Sale of derivat ives on r ecognisedstock exchange

    Sale of units of equity oriented mut ualfunds to the mutual fund

    Nature of Tran saction Payable by Rate of Tax

    Both pu rch aser 0.125%

    as well as seller

    Seller 0.025%

    Seller 0.017%

    Seller 0.25%

  • 8/14/2019 Reliance SIP Insure KIM



    being allowed as a rebate under Sec. 88E against th e tax payable, if the

    income from such securities transactions forms part of incom e computedund er the head "Profits and gains of Business or Profession'.Consequently, the provision for disallowance of such STT under Sec.40(a)(ib) has been deleted. Further t he restriction un der Sec. 88E that theamoun t of STT rebate should not exceed the tax on the income arising outof the securities transactions, would no longer app ly.

    Tax Treaty : In the case of a non-resident un it holder who is resident of acountr y with which India has signed a Double Taxation AvoidanceAgreement (DTAA), (which is in force), incom e tax is payable at the rateprovided in t he Act or at th e rate provided in th e such agreement,whichever is more beneficial to such non resident un it holder.

    In order to obtain t he benefit of the lower rate under th e DTAA, the unitholder would be required to provide a certificate from his AssessingOfficer stating his eligibility for the lower rate.

    Dividend Stripping

    All Unit holder s :As per Section 94( 7) of the Act, loss arising on sale ofUnits, which are bought within 3 mont hs prior to t he record date (i.e. thedate fixed by the Mutual Fund for the pur poses of entitlement of th e Unitholders to receive the income) and sold within 9 mont hs after the recorddate, shall be ignored for th e purpose of computing income chargeable to

    tax to the extent of exempt incom e received or receivable on such Units.Bonus stripping

    All Unit h olders : As per section 94 (8) of the Act wherein in case of unit spurchased within a period of three month s prior to the record date forentitlement of bonu s and sold within nin e months after the record date,the loss arising on t ransfer of original units shall be ignored for thepur pose of computing the income chargeable to tax. The amoun t of lossso ignored shall be deemed to be the cost of acquisition/pu rchase of suchbonu s units as are held by it/him on the date of such sale/transfer.

    Tax Deduction at Source on Capital Gains

    Domestic Unit holders:No income tax is deductible at source fromincom e by way of capital gains under the provisions of the Act. Foreign

    Institutional Investors :Under Section 196D of the Act, no dedu ctionshall be made from any income by way of capital gains, in respect oftransfer of units referred to in Section 115AD of the Act.

    Specified overseas financial organization s :As per section 196B of theAct, income tax is deductible on long-term capital gains (other than lon g-term capital gain on units of equity oriented m utual funds on whichexempt ion under Sec. 10(38) is applicable) arising on repurchase of units

    purchased in foreign currency, at the rate of 10 per cent. The said tax ratewould be increased by applicable surcharge of 2.5% per cent in case ofcorporate Unit holders where the total income exceeds Rs. one crore.Further, an add itional surcharge of 2 per cent by way of education cesswould be charged on amount of tax inclusive of surcharge.

    The Finance Act, 2007 has levied an additional surcharge, called the"Secondary and Higher Education Cess", at the rate of on e per cent ofincome-tax and surcharge (not in cluding the education Cess on income-tax).

    Other Non-resident Unit holders :In the case of a non-resident ot herthan a company: No income tax is deductible on long-term capital gainsarising on sale/repurchase on un its of equity oriented mutu al fund s asdefined und er Sec. 10(38)).

    As per the proposals of the Finance Bill, 2008, income tax is deduct ible onshort-t erm capital gains arising on sale / repurchase of units of equit yoriented m utual funds (as defined under Sec. 10(38)) at th e rate of 15 percent. This increase will come into effect from 1.4.08 i.e. from FY 08-09.The above tax rate would be increased by a surcharge of 10 per cent, wherethe to tal income exceeds Rs. 10,00,000. Further, an additional surchar geof 2 per cent by way of education cess would be charged on amoun t of tax

    inclusive of surcharge.The Finance Act, 2007 has levied an additional surcharge, called the"Secondary and Higher Education Cess", at the rate of on e per cent ofincome-tax and surcharge (not in cluding the education Cess onincome-tax).

    In th e case of a foreign company: Income tax is deductible on long-termcapital gains (other than long-term capital gain on un its of equityoriented mu tual funds on which exemption under Sec. 10(38) isapplicable) arising on repurchase of un its at the r ate of 20 per cent. As perthe proposals of the Finance Bill, 2008, income tax is deductible on short-term capital gains arising on sale / repurchase of unit s of equity orientedmutu al fund s (as defined un der Sec. 10(38)) at the rate of 15 per cent.This increase will come into effect from 1.4.08 i.e. from FY 08-09.

    The above tax rates would be increased by a surcharge of 2.5 per centwhere the total income exceeds Rs. one crore. Further, an additionalsurchar ge of 2 per cent by way of educat ion cess would be charged onamoun t of t ax inclusive of surcharge.

    The Finance Act, 2007 has levied an additional surcharge, called the

    "Secondary and Higher Education Cess", at the r ate of one per cent ofincome-tax and surcharge (not including the education Cess onincome-tax).

    Tax Treat y: In accordance with the p rovisions of Circular no.728 datedOctober 30, 1995 issued by the Central Board of Direct Taxes ('CBDT' ), incase of a non resident unit holder who is a resident of a count ry with whichInd ia has signed a Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement (DTAA) which isin force, the tax should be deducted at sou rce under section 195 of the Actat the rate provided in the Finance Act of the relevant year or the rateprovided in the said agreement, whichever is more beneficial to such non -resident unit holder. In order to obtain t he benefit of the lower rate underthe DTAA, the un it holder would be required to provide a certificate fromhis Assessing Officer stating his eligibility for the lower rate.

    Exemption s from long-ter m capital gains

    I. As per Sec 10(38) of the Act, any long-term capital gains arising fromthe sale of units of an equity-or iented fund entered into on or afterOctober 1, 2004 and such tr ansaction of sale is chargeable to STT, shallbe exempt form tax.

    II. As per the provisions of section 54EC of the Act, long-term capitalgains (other than long-term capital gains on units of equity oriented

    mut ual funds on which exempt ion under Sec. 10(38) is applicable)shall be exempt from tax to the extent such capital gains are invested,within a period of six months of such transfer, in acquiring no tifiedbond s. However, if the said bonds are transferred within a period of 3years from the date of th eir acquisition, the amoun t of capital gainsexempted earlier would become chargeable to tax as long-term capitalgains in the year in which the bonds are transferred. The Finance Act,2007 has provided that the investment made on o r after the 1st April,2007 in the above bon ds by any person du ring any financial yearshou ld not exceed Rs. Fifty Lakh.

    III. As per the provisions of Sec 54F of the Act in the case of an individualor a HUF, long-term capital gains (other than lon g-term capital gainson un its of equity oriented mutual fund s on which exemption underSec. 10(38) is applicable) arising on transfer of a long-term capitalasset (not being a residential house) are not chargeable to tax if theentire net consideration received on such transfer is invested withinthe prescribed period in a residential house. If part of such netconsideration is invested within t he prescribed period in a residentialhouse, then p ropor tionate exemption is available.

    Other Benefits : Investment s in Units of the Mutual Fund will rank as aneligible form of investment under Section 11 (5) of the Act read with Rule17C of the Incom e-tax Rules, 1962, for Religious and Char itable Trusts.

    (ii). Wealth-tax:Units held under th e respectivePlans are not treated asassets as defined under Section 2(ea) of the Wealth- tax Act, 1957 andthereof would no t liable to wealth-tax.

    (iii). Gift-tax: The Gift-t ax Act, 1958 has ceased to apply to gifts made onor after October 1, 1998. Gifts of Units, purchased under the respectivePlans, would t herefore, be exempt from gift-tax. The tax benefits to th eMutual Fund an d Unit Ho lders is in accordance with the prevailingtax laws.


    Unitholders Information :Accounts statement (on each transaction),Annual financial results and H alf yearly portfolio d isclosure shall beprovided to investors by post o r pu blished as per SEBI regulations.



    Name and Address of Registrar :

    Karvy Computershare Pr ivate Limited,

    (Formely known as Karvy Consultan ts Limited),

    Karvy Plaza, 21, Road No.4, Street No.1, Banjar a Hills,

    Hyderabad - 500 031.

    Tel.: 040-2331 2454, Fax: 040-2339 4828

    Reliance Mutual FundExpress Building, 4th Floor, 14 E Road

    Churchgate, Mumbai-400 020

    Tel.: 3041 4800, Fax: 3041 4899

    Email : [email protected]

    For further details on the Schemes, investors are advised to refer tothe Offer Document.

    Date: 9th May, 2008

  • 8/14/2019 Reliance SIP Insure KIM



    KEY SCHEME FEATURESName of t he Scheme

    Reli ance Grow t h Fund-Retai l Plan

    Reli ance Vision Fund-Retai l Plan

    Reliance EquityOpportunities Fund - Retail Plan

    Type of t he Scheme

    Investment Objective

    Asset Allocat ion Patt ern

    Plans & Opti ons

    Benchmark Index

    Name of t he Fund M anager

    Minimum Investment

    per Instalment

    Minim um Period of

    Contribut ion

    Maximum Amount of Life

    Insurance Cover

    Expenses of the Scheme(i) Load Structure:

    (ii ) Recurri ng Expenses

    Estim ated expenses of t he


    An Open- ended Equit y Grow th Scheme

    The primary investment object ive of

    the Scheme is to achieve long term

    growth of capital by investm ent in

    equity and equity related securitiesth rough a research based investm ent


    Equity and Equity related

    Instruments: 6 5 - 100 %

    Debt and Money Market

    Instruments: Upto 35 %

    An Open- ended Equity Growt h Scheme

    Equity and Equity related

    Instrument s: Atleast 60 %

    Debt : Upt o 3 0 %

    Money Market Instruments:

    Upto 10%

    The primary investm ent objective of

    the Scheme is to achieve long term

    growt h of capital by investm ent in

    equity and equity related securitiesth rough a research based investm ent


    An open- ended Diversified Equity


    The primary investment object ive of

    th e scheme is to seek to generate

    capital appreciation & provide long-

    term growt h opportunit ies by investingin a portf olio constit uted of equity

    securities & equit y related securities

    and the secondary objective is to

    generate consistent returns by

    investing in debt and money m arket


    Equity and Equity related

    Instruments: 75 - 100 %

    Debt and Money Market

    Instruments* : Upto 25%

    * Including upto 25% of t he corpus insecuritised debt

    Exit Load: There will an Exit Load of 2 % , if t he accumulated unit s acquired or allotted under Reliance SIP Insure are redeemedor swit ched out t o another scheme before the maturit y of SIP tenure as opted in t he respective scheme either by the SIP- Insureunitho lder or by the nom inee, as the case may be.

    However, if the unit s are redeemed on completing t he opted SIP tenure, there w ill not be any exit load in th e respective scheme.

    Load struct ure is subject t o change. Please refer to applicable load structure at the t ime of investing.

    First Rs. 100 crores 2 .50%

    Next Rs. 300 crores 2 .25%

    Next Rs. 300 crores 2 .00%

    Balance 1.75%

    Nat ure of Expenses % of expenses

    Investment Management Fees 1.25%

    Operat ional Expenses 0.25%

    Market ing Expenses 1.00%

    Total 2 .50%

    Ent ry Load

    For Subscription below Rs.2 crores 2.2 5%

    For Subscript ion o f Rs 2 crores & above but below Rs.5 crores 1 .25%

    For Subscript ions of Rs.5 crore & above Nil

    As per SEBI (M utual Funds) Regulations 19 96 , the maximum expenses that can be charged to a scheme are as follows:

    Provided t hat such recurring expenses shall be lesser by atleast 0 .25 % of the daily average net assets out standing in eachfinancial year in respect of a scheme investing in bonds.

    The above expenses are estimates only and are subject to change as per actuals. Expenses on an ongoing basis will not exceed themaximum limit s as may be specified by SEBI Regulations from t ime to t ime. Please read the offer document for details.

    Actual expenses for t he previous

    financial year (2007- 2008)

    1.81% of average net asset s. 1.83% of average net asset s. 1.86% of average net asset s.

    Please refer to instruct ions for more det ails.

    Rs.20 00 per month. There is no upper limit .

    Mr. Sunil Singhania Mr. Ashwani Kumar Mr. Sailesh Raj Bhan

    BSE 10 0 In dex

    Growt h Plan: Growth & Bonus Option

    Dividend Plan: Dividend Payout & Re- investm ent Option

    3 y ears and in mult iples of 1 y ear thereafter.

    Rs.10 lakhs per investor across all schemes / plans and folios

    Risk Prof ile of t he Scheme Mut ual Fund investmen t s are subject t o market risks. Please read the off er document caref ully fo r details on risk factors beforeinvestment.

    (i) Name of the Trustee Company, (ii) Dividend Policy, (iii) Applicable NAV, (iv) Despatch of Repurchase (Redemption) Request,(v) Tax treatment for the I nvestors (Unit holders), (vi) Unit holders Inform ation, (vii) Name and Address of Registrar, (viii) Name,address, teleph one number, fax numb er, e- mail id of Reliance Mut ual Fund, (ix) Daily NAV Publicat ion.

    Please refer to page 2 & 3 ofthis KIM for

    (No Entry Load will be chargedfor Direct Investment witheffect from January 04 , 200 8)

    No entry load or exit load shall be

    charged in respect of bonus units& of unit s alloted onreinvestment of dividend wit heffect from April 1, 2008

    Load Structure is subject tochange. Please refer to applicableLoad structure at the t ime ofinvesting.

  • 8/14/2019 Reliance SIP Insure KIM




    Name of t he Scheme Reli ance Equi t y Fund -Retai l Plan

    Reli ance Regular SavingsFund- Equit y Opt ion

    Type of th e Scheme

    Investment Objective

    Asset Allocat ion Patt ern

    Plans & Opt ions

    Benchmark Index

    Name of t he Fund Manager

    Minimum Investment

    per Instalment

    Minim um Period of


    Maximum Amount of Life

    Insurance Cover

    Expenses of t he Scheme

    (i) Load Struct ure:

    (ii )Recurring Expenses

    Esti mated expenses of t he


    An open- ended Diversified EquityScheme

    The primary investment objective of t hescheme is to seek to generate capitalappreciation & provide long-t erm growthopportunities by investing in a portfolioconstitut ed of equity & equity relatedsecurities of top 1 00 companies bymarket capitalization & of companieswhich are available in the derivativessegment from tim e to time and thesecondary object ive is to generateconsistent returns by investing in debtand money market securities.

    Equity and Equity related Instruments:75 - 100 %

    Debt and Money Market Securities(including investm ents in securitiseddebt) Instruments: 0- 25%

    An overall limit of 1 00% of t he portfoliovalue (i.e. net assets including cash) hasbeen introduced for the purpose of equityderivatives in the scheme.

    Growt h Plan: Growth & Bonus Option

    Dividend Plan: Dividend Payout & Re-investment Option

    S&P CNX Nif ty

    Mr. Sunil Singhania

    An open- ended Scheme

    The primary investment objective of t hisOption is to seek to generate consistentreturns by actively investing in equity /equity related securities.

    Equity and Equity related securities80-100%

    Debt & Money Market Instrumentswit h an average maturity of 5- 10 y rs.(Securitised Debts will be a part of t hedebt securities: upto 2 0% of corpus.):0 -20%

    Exit Load: There wil l an Exit Load of 2 %, if t he accumulated unit s acquired or allot ted under Reliance SIP Insure are redeemed orswitched out t o another scheme before the maturit y of SIP tenure as opted in t he respective scheme either by the SIP- Insureunitholder or by the nominee, as the case may be.

    However, if the unit s are redeemed on complet ing the opt ed SIP tenure, there wil l not be any exit load in t he respective scheme.

    Load structure is subject to change. Please refer to applicable load structure at the time of investing.

    First Rs. 100 crores 2.50%

    Next Rs. 300 crores 2.25%

    Next Rs. 300 crores 2.00%

    Balance 1.75%

    As per SEBI (M utual Funds) Regulations 19 96 , t he maximum expenses that can be charged to a scheme are as follows:

    Provided t hat such recurring expenses shall be lesser by atleast 0 .25 % of the daily average net assets out standing in each financial year inrespect of a scheme investing in bonds.

    Actual expenses for t he previous

    financial year (2007- 2008 )1.79% of average net asset s. 2.32% of average net asset s. 2.25% of average net asset s.

    Please refer to instruct ions for more det ails.

    Rs.20 00 per month. There is no upper limit .

    Reli ance Regular SavingsFund- Balanced Opt ion

    An open- ended Scheme

    The primary investment objective of t hisOption is to generate consistent returnsand appreciation of capital by investing inmix of securities comprising of equity,equity related instrument s & fixed incomeinstruments.

    Equity & Equity related instruments:50% - 75%

    Debt & money market instruments:25% - 50%

    The above expenses are estimates only and are subject to change as per actuals. Expenses on an ongoing basis will not exceed the maximumlimit s as may be specified by SEBI Regulations from tim e to t ime. Please read the offer document for details.

    Nat u re o f Expen ses % o f expen ses

    InvestmentManagement Fees 1.00%

    Operat ional Expenses 0 .4 5%

    Market ing Expenses 1.05%

    Total 2 .50%

    Nat u re o f Expen ses % o f expen ses

    InvestmentManagement Fees 1.25%

    Operat ional Ex penses 0 .2 5%

    Market ing Expenses 1.00%

    Total 2 .50%

    Mr. Omprakash Kuckian & Arpit Malaviya

    BSE 10 0 In dex Crisil Balanced Fund Index

    Growt h Plan- Balanced Option

    Ent ry Load

    For Subscript ion below Rs.2 crores 2.2 5%

    For Subscript ion of Rs 2 crores & 1.2 5%

    above but below Rs.5 crores

    For Subscript ions of Rs.5 crore & above Nil

    3 years and in multipl es of 1 y ear thereafter.

    Rs.10 lakhs per investor across all schemes / plans and folios

    Entr y Load

    For Subscription below Rs.2 crores 2.2 5%

    For Subscription of Rs 2 crores & 1.00%

    above but below Rs.5 crores

    For Subscript ions of Rs.5 crore& above Nil

    Risk Prof ile of t he Scheme Mut ual Fund investm ent s are subject t o market risks. Please read the off er document caref ully fo r details on risk facto rs beforeinvestment.

    (i) Name of the Trustee Company, (ii) Dividend Policy, (iii) Applicable NAV, (iv) Despatch of Repurchase (Redemption) Request,(v) Tax treatment for the I nvestors (Unit holders), (vi) Unit holders Inform ation, (vii) Name and Address of Registrar, (viii) Name,address, teleph one number, fax numb er, e- mail id of Reliance Mut ual Fund, (ix) Daily NAV Publicat ion.

    Please refer to page 2 & 3 ofthis KIM for

    Nat u re o f Expen ses % o f expen ses

    InvestmentManagement Fees 1.25%

    Operat ional Expenses 0 .2 5%

    Market ing Expenses 1.00%

    Total 2 .50%

    Growt h Plan- Equity Option

    (No Entry Load will be chargedfor Direct Investment witheffect from January 04 , 200 8)

    No entry load or exit load shallbe charged in respect of bonus

    units & of unit s alloted onreinvestment of dividend wit heffect from April 1, 20 08

    Load Structure is subject tochange. Please refer toapplicable Load structure at thetime of investing.

  • 8/14/2019 Reliance SIP Insure KIM




    Name of t he Scheme

    Type of th e Scheme

    Investment Objective

    Asset Allocat ion Patt ern

    Plans & Opt ions

    Benchmark Index

    Name of t he Fund Manager

    Minimum Investment

    per Instalment

    Minim um Period of


    Maximum Amount of Life

    Insurance Cover

    Expenses of t he Scheme

    (i) Load Struct ure:

    (ii ) Recurri ng Expenses

    Esti mated expenses of t hescheme

    Exit Load: There wil l an Exit Load of 2% , if t he accumulated unit s acquired or allot ted under Reliance SIP Insure are redeemed orswitched out t o another scheme before the maturit y of SIP tenure as opted in t he respective scheme either by the SIP- Insureunitholder or by the nominee, as the case may be.

    However, if the unit s are redeemed on complet ing the opted SIP tenure, there wil l not be any exit load in t he respective scheme.

    Load structure is subject to change. Please refer to applicable load structure at the time of investing.

    First Rs. 100 crores 2.50%

    Next Rs. 300 crores 2.25%

    Next Rs. 300 crores 2.00%

    Balance 1.75%

    Nature of Expenses % o f expensesInvestment

    Management Fees 1.25%

    Operat ional Expenses 0 .2 5%

    Marketing Expenses 0.75%

    Total 2.25%

    As per SEBI (M utual Funds) Regulations 19 96 , th e maximum expenses that can be charged to a scheme are as follows:

    Provided t hat such recurring expenses shall be lesser by atleast 0 .25 % of the daily average net assets out standing in eachfinancial year in respect of a scheme investing in bonds.

    Actual expenses for t he previous

    financial year (2007- 2008)

    1.8 5% of average net assets.

    Please refer to instruct ions for more det ails.

    Ent ry Load

    For Subscript ion below Rs.2 crores 2.2 5%

    For Subscript ion of Rs 2 crores & 1.2 5%

    above but below Rs.5 croresFor Subscript ions of Rs.5 crore & above Nil

    An open-ended Diversified Equity


    Equity and Equity related securities :70-100%

    Debt & Money Market Securities(including investments in securit iseddebt*): 0% - 30%

    * Including upto 25% of t he corpus insecuritised Debt)

    The primary investment objective of t he

    scheme is to seek to generate capital

    appreciation & provide long-t erm growth

    opportunities by investing in a portfolio

    predominately of equity & equity related

    instruments wit h investment s generally in

    S & P CNX Nif ty stocks and the secondary

    objective is to generate consistent returns

    by investing in debt and money market


    An overall limit of 10 0% of t he portfoliovalue has been introduced for the purposeof equity derivatives in the scheme,however the same is the notional value andit w ill be seen that, t he notional value ofthe net exposure to derivatives will notexceed the fund corpus at any point oftime. Notional value shall mean value ofFutures or notional value of the Option.

    Entr y Load : 2.25%

    Reliance EquityAdvantage Fund - Retai l Plan

    The above expenses are estimates only and are subject to change as per actuals. Expenses on an ongoing basis will not exceed the maximumlimit s as may be specified by SEBI Regulations from tim e to t ime. Please read the of fer document f or detail s.

    Nature of Expenses % of expensesInvestment Management Fees 1.25%

    Operat ional Expenses 0.25%

    Market ing Expenses 1.00%

    Total 2 .50%

    Rs.20 00 per month. There is no upper limit .

    Mr. Sunil SinghaniaMr. Ashwani Kumar & Mr. Sailesh Raj Bhan

    Reli ance Bank ing Fund

    An Open- ended Banking Sector Scheme

    Equity and Equity related Instruments:

    0% - 100 %

    Debt & Money Market Instrument s:

    0% - 100 %

    The primary investment objective of t he

    Scheme is to seek to generate cont inuous

    returns by actively investing in equity/

    equity related or fixed Income securities of


    2.2 2% of average net assets.

    S & P CNX Banks Index

    Growth Plan: Growth & Bonus OptionDividend Plan: Dividend Payout & Re- investm ent Option

    S&P CNX Nift y In dex

    3 y ears and in mult iples of 1 year thereaft er.

    Rs.10 lakhs per investor across all schemes / plans and folio s

    1.8 4% of average net assets.

    India Power Index

    Reliance Diversified PowerSector Fund- Retai l Plan

    An Open-ended Power Sector Scheme

    The primary investment objective of the

    Scheme is to seek to generate cont inuous

    return by actively investing in equity/

    equity related or fixed income securities of

    Power and other associated companies.

    Minimum Most MaximumLikely

    Equity andEquit y related 0 % 8 0% 1 00 %Securities

    Debt & MoneyMarketInst ruments 0% 20% 100%with averageMaturity of5 to 1 0 years.

    Securitised debt upto 1 00 % of t he corpus.

    Asset Allocati on(% of Net Assets)

    Type ofInstrument

    Risk Prof ile of t he Scheme Mut ual Fund investm ent s are subject t o market risks. Please read the off er document caref ully fo r details on risk facto rs beforeinvestment.

    (i) Name of the Trustee Company, (ii) Dividend Policy, (iii) Applicable NAV, (iv) Despatch of Repurchase (Redemption) Request,(v) Tax treatment for the I nvestors (Unit holders), (vi) Unit holders Inform ation, (vii) Name and Address of Registrar, (viii) Name,address, teleph one number, fax numb er, e- mail id of Reliance Mut ual Fund, (ix) Daily NAV Publicat ion.

    Please refer to page 2 & 3 ofthis KIM for

    (No Entry Load will be chargedfor Direct Investment witheffect from January 04 , 200 8)

    No entry load or exit load shallbe charged in respect of bonusunits & of unit s alloted onreinvestment of dividend witheffect from April 1, 2008

    Load Structure is subject tochange. Please refer t oapplicable Load structure at thetime of investing.

  • 8/14/2019 Reliance SIP Insure KIM




    Name of t he SchemeReli ance Media &Entert ainment FundReli ance Pharma Fund

    Type of th e Scheme

    Investment Objective

    Asset Allocat ion Patt ern

    Plans & Opt ions

    Benchmark Index

    Name of t he Fund Manager

    Minimum Investmentper Instalment

    Minim um Period of


    Maximum Amount of Life

    Insurance Cover

    Expenses of t he Scheme

    (i) Load Struct ure

    (ii ) Recurri ng Expenses

    Esti mated expenses of the scheme

    An Open- ended Media and Enter tain ment Sector Scheme

    The primary investm ent object ive of t he Scheme is to

    generate consistent returns by investing in equity / equity

    related or fixed income securities of media &

    entertainment and ot her associated companies.

    S&P- CNX Media & Entertainment Index

    An open- ended Pharma Sector Scheme

    The primary investm ent object ive of t he Scheme is to

    generate consistent retu rns by investing in equit y /

    equity related or f ixed income securities of pharma and

    other associated companies.

    BSE Heal th Care Index

    There will an Exit Load of 2% , if t he accumulated unit s acquired or allot ted under Reliance SIP Insure are redeemed orswitched out t o another scheme before the maturit y of SIP tenure as opted in t he respective scheme either by the SIP-Insure unitholder or by t he nominee, as the case may be.

    However, if the unit s are redeemed on complet ing the opt ed SIP tenure, there wil l not be any exit load in the respectivescheme.

    Load struct ure is subject t o change. Please refer to applicable load structu re at t he tim e of investing.

    First Rs. 100 crores 2 .50%

    Next Rs. 300 crores 2 .25%

    Next Rs. 300 crores 2 .00%

    Balance 1.75%

    Nature of Expenses % of expenses

    Investment Management Fees 1.25%

    Operat ional Expenses 0.75%

    Market ing Expenses 0.25%

    Total 2.25%

    As per SEBI (M utual Funds) Regulations 19 96 , t he maximum expenses that can be charged to a scheme are as follows:

    Provided t hat such recurring expenses shall be lesser by atleast 0 .25 % of the daily average net assets out standing in eachfinancial year in respect of a scheme investing in bonds.

    The above expenses are estimates only and are subject to change as per actuals. Expenses on an ongoing basis will notexceed the maximum l imit s as may be specified by SEBI Regulations from t ime to t ime. Please read t he off er documentfor details.

    Actual expenses for the previous

    financial year (20 07- 2008)

    2.3 7% of average net assets.

    Please refer to instruct ions for more det ails.

    Ent ry Load

    For Subscript ion below Rs.2 crores 2.2 5%

    For Subscript ion of Rs 2 crores & 1.2 5%

    above but below Rs.5 crores

    For Subscript ions of Rs.5 crore & above Nil

    2.4 4% of average net assets.

    Growth Plan: Growt h & Bonus Option

    Dividend Plan: Dividend Payout & Re- investm ent Option

    Rs.20 00 per month. There is no upper limit .

    Mr. Sailesh Raj Bhan

    3 y ears and in mult iples of 1 year thereaft er.

    Rs.10 lakhs per investor across all schemes / plans and folios

    Minimum Most Li ke ly Max imum

    Equity and Equity related Securit ies 0% 80% 100%

    Debt & Money Market Instrument s wit h

    average Maturity of 5 to 10 years 0% 20% 100%

    Asset All ocation(% of Net Assets)Type of Instrument

    Risk Prof ile of t he Scheme Mut ual Fund investm ent s are subject t o market risks. Please read the off er document caref ully for detail s on risk facto rsbefore investm ent.

    (i) N ame of t he Trustee Company, (ii) Dividend Policy, (ii i) Applicable NAV (after t he scheme opens for repurchase andsale), (iv) Despatch of Repurchase (Redempt ion) Request, ( v) Tax treatm ent f or the I nvestors (Unit holders), (vi)Unit holders Info rmat ion, (vii ) Name and Address of Registrar, (vii i) Name, address, teleph one number, fax numb er, e-mail id of Reliance Mutual Fund, (ix)Daily NAV Publication.

    Please refer to page 2 & 3 ofthis KIM for

    (No Entry Load will be charged forDirect Investment with effect fromJanuary 04 , 200 8)

    No entry load or exit load shall becharged in respect of bonus units & ofunits alloted on reinvestment of dividendwith effect from April 1, 2 008

    Load Structure is subject t o change.Please refer to applicable Load structu reat t he time of investing.

  • 8/14/2019 Reliance SIP Insure KIM




    Reliance Growth Fund

    Perf ormance of t he Scheme

    Compounded Annualised Returns

    Last 1 Year 31 .22 26.60

    Last 3 Years 41.95 38.23

    Last 5 years 64 .88 44.22

    Returns Since 33 .14 14.61


    as on 25 / 04 / 2008

    Scheme Benchmark

    Retu rns % Retu rns %Period

    Benchmark Index: BSE 100 Index

    Reliance Vision Fund

    Perf orman ce of t he Scheme

    Compounded Annualised Returns

    Last 1 Year 20.09 26.60

    Last 3 Years 35.08 38.23

    Last 5 years 51.71 44.22

    Returns Since 27.92 14.61


    as on 25 / 04 / 2008

    Scheme Benchmark

    Retu rns % Retu rns %Period

    Benchmark Index: BSE 100 Index

    Reliance Equit y Opportunit ies Fund

    Perf ormance of t he Scheme

    Compounded Annualised Returns

    Last 1 Year 9.71 26.60

    Last 3 Years 33.69 38.23

    Returns Since 32 .35 36.62


    as on 25 / 04 / 2008

    Scheme BenchmarkRetu rns % Retu rns %


    Past performance may or may not be sustained in future.

    Benchmark Index: BSE 100 Index

    Reliance Equity Fund

    Perf orman ce of t he Scheme

    Compounded Annualised Returns

    Last 1 Year 19.16 22.59

    Returns Since 17.69 21.40


    as on 25 / 04 / 2008

    Scheme BenchmarkRetu rns % Retu rns %


    Past performance may or may not be sustained in future.

    Benchmark In dex: S&P CNX Nif ty I ndex


    Returns are of Retail Plan- Growt h Plan- Growt h Option.

    Returns in Graphs are of Financial Year.

    Returns less th an 1 year are Absolut e Retu rns & more t han 1 year are compou nded annuali sed Returns.

    Past performance may or may not be sustained in future.

    Calculat ions assume that al l payout s during t he period have been reinvested in the unit of plan at t he prevailing NAV.

    Past per formance may or may not be sustained in future. Past per formance may or may not be sustained in future.

    Based on NAV of Retail Plan- Growt h Plan- Growt h Option.Date of Incept ion 08/ 10/ 95

    Reliace Grow th Fund vs BSE100











    2 0 0 3 - 0 4

    Reliance Growth Fund BSE100




    2 0 0 7 - 0 8



    2 0 0 6 - 0 7



    2 0 0 5 - 0 6



    2 0 0 4 - 0 5




    Based on NAV of Retail Plan- Growt h Plan- Growt h Option.Date of Incept ion 08/ 10/ 95

    Reliance Vision Fund vs BSE100











    Reliance Vision Fund BSE100








    2005- 06






    Based on NAV of Retail Plan- Growt h Plan- Growt h Option.Date of Incept ion 31/ 03/ 05

    Reliance Equity Opportunities Fund vs BSE 100














    Reliance Equity Opportunities Fund BSE100




    2007-082006- 07



    Reliance Equity Fund Vs. S&P CNX Nifty










    (0.48)30.03.06- 31.03.06

    Reliance Equit y Fund S&P CNX Nifty







    Based on NAV of Retail Plan- Growt h Plan- Growt h Option.Date of Incept ion 30/ 03/ 06

  • 8/14/2019 Reliance SIP Insure KIM




    Reliance Equity Advantage Fund

    Perf ormance of t he Scheme

    Absolute Returns

    Returns Since 9.74 16.09


    as on 25 / 04 / 2008

    Scheme Benchmark

    Retu rns % Retu rns %Period

    Benchmark In dex: S&P CNX Nif ty I ndex

    Reliance Banking FundBenchmark I ndex: S&P CNX Banks In dex

    Perf ormance of t he Scheme

    Compounded Annualised Returns

    Last 1 Year 44.90 32.38

    Last 3 Years 31.86 30.48

    Returns Since 42.23 38.07


    as on 25 / 04 / 2008

    Scheme Benchmark

    Retu rns % Retu rns %Period

    Past performance may or may not be sustained in future.

    Past performance may or may not be sustained in future.

    Reliance Media & Entertainment FundBenchmark Index: S&P CNX Media & Entertainment Index

    Perf ormance of t he Scheme

    Compounded Annualised Returns

    Last 1 Year 9 .81 - 16.79

    Last 3 Years 39.29 25.90

    Returns Since 34.77 32.99


    as on 25 / 04 / 2008

    Scheme Benchmark

    Retu rns % Retu rns %Period

    Past performance may or may not be sustained in future.


    Returns of Growt h Plan- Growt h Option. (Except Reliance Equity Advantage Fund w here returns are of Retail Plan- Growt h Plan- Growt h Option &

    Reliance Regular Savings Fund - Equit y Option w here return s are of Growt h Plan.)

    Returns in Graphs are of Financial Year.

    Returns less th an 1 year are Absolute Returns & more than 1 year are compou nded annualised retu rns.

    Past performance may or may not be sustained in future.

    Calculat ions assume that al l payout s during t he period have been reinvested in the unit of plan at t he prevailing NAV.

    Reliance Media & Entertainment Fund v/ s S&P CNX Media

    & Entertainment







    (2.76) (-0.84)












    31.03.052005- 06 2006- 07 2007- 08

    Reliance Media & Entet Fund S&P CNX MEDIA & ENTERTAINMENT




    Based on NAV of Growt h Plan- Growt h Option.Date of Incept ion 07/ 10/ 04

    Based on NAV of Retail Plan- Growt h Plan- Growt h Option.Date of Inception 9/ 8/ 07

    Reliance Equity Advantage Fund vs S&P CNX Nifty












    Reliance Equity Advant age Fund S&P CNX Nif ty




    Reliance Banking Fund vsS&P CNX Banks Index

    Reliance Banking Fund S&P CNX Banks Index

    7 9 . 3 2

    4 0 . 4 7

    2 4 . 4 7

    1 3 . 7 3

    4 3 . 5 7

    7 9 . 0 9

    2 6 . 2 73 1 . 0 1


    2 5 . 9 6

    1 0 . 0 0

    2 0 . 0 0

    3 0 . 0 0

    4 0 . 0 0

    5 0 . 0 0

    6 0 . 0 0

    7 0 . 0 0

    8 0 . 0 0

    9 0 . 0 0

    2 8 . 0 5 . 0 3 -

    31. 03. 04

    2 0 0 4 - 0 5


    2 0 0 7 - 0 82 0 0 6 - 0 72 0 0 5 - 0 6



    Based on NAV of Growt h Plan- Growt h Option .Date of Incept ion 28/ 05/ 2003

    Reliance Diversif ied Power Sector FundBenchmark Index: India Power Index

    Perf orman ce of t he Scheme

    Compounded Annualised Returns

    Last 1 Year 76.61 40.96

    Last 3 Years 64.68 40.86

    Returns Since 61.36 33.75


    as on 25 / 04 / 2008

    Scheme Benchmark

    Retu rns % Retu rns %Period

    Past performance may or may not be sustained in future.

    Based on NAV of Retail Plan- Growt h Plan- Growt h Option.Date of Incept ion 10/ 05/ 04

    Reliance Diversified Power Fund India Power Index

    Reliance Diversified Power Fund vs India Power Index

















    2005- 06 2006- 07 2007- 08





  • 8/14/2019 Reliance SIP Insure KIM


  • 8/14/2019 Reliance SIP Insure KIM


    Reliance Equity Fund - Retail Plan

    Reliance Equity Advantage Fund- Retail


    Reliance Regular Savings Fund Equity

    option Reliance Regular Savings Fund Balanced


    Reliance Banking Fund

    Reliance Pharma Fund

    Re l ia n c e M e d ia & En t e r t a in m e n t


    Re l ia n c e D ive r sif ie d P o w e r Se c t o r

    Fund Retail Plan

    Under Reliance SIP Insure, the investors are

    provided life insurance cover without any extra cost

    unde r a Group Term Insurance. In the unfortuna teevent of the demise of an investor during the

    tenure of the SIP, the insurance company will pay

    for the balance amount towards the remaining

    unpaid SIP installments (subject to a maximum of

    Rs 10 lakhs per investor across all designated

    scheme s/ plans and folios) and the sam e is

    invested in the chosen scheme subject to the

    following conditions.


    All indiv idua l inves tors enro ll ing for

    investments via SIP & opting for RelianceSIP Insu re.

    Only individual investors whose completed

    age is greater than 20 years and less than 46

    years at t he t ime of investm ent .

    In case aof multiple holders in the any

    scheme, only the first unit holder will be

    eligible for the insurance cover.

    Investm ent Details

    M in im um I nves t m en t pe r in st a llm en t :

    Rs.2000 per month & in multiples of Re 1

    therea fte r. The re is no uppe r limit Minimum Period of Contribution: 3 years and

    in m ultiples of 1 year thereafter.

    Maximum Period of Contribution: 1 5 years

    OR till atta ining 5 5 years of age, w hichever is

    earlier (e.g., a person can register an SIP of

    maximum 10 yrs at the age of 45 yrs) The

    insurance cover ceases when the investor

    atta ins 55 years of age.

    Mode of payment of SIP installments is only

    through Direct Debit & ECS (Post Dated

    Cheque s shall not be acce pted)

    Why Reliance SIP Insure ?

    Reliance SIP Insure facility is an add- on feature of

    life insurance cover under Group Term Insurance to

    individual investors opting for SIP in the designated

    scheme s. It helps to encourage individual investors

    to save & invest regularly through Systematic

    Investment Plan (SIP) and help achieve their

    financ ial objec tive without any hindrance .

    Feat ures of Reliance SIP Insu re

    Reliance SIP Insure provides free life insurance

    cover to investors at no extra cost. In the

    unfortunate event of the dem ise of an investor

    during the tenure of the SIP, the insurance

    company will pay for the balance amount

    towards the rem aining unpaid SIP insta llment s.

    Thus, the nominee* would be able to con tinue

    in the scheme without having to make any

    further contribution. Investors long term

    financial planning and objective of investing

    through SIP could still be fulfilled as per the

    targeted time horizon, even if he dies


    Benefits t o the investor

    The benefit of Long Term Equity Investme nt

    - Equities provide relat ively be tte r ret urnsamong all asset classes over a longer period of


    The benefit of Systematic Investment Plan

    - Inculcate s Savings Habit

    - Rupee Cost Averaging & Eliminat es t he

    need to time the m arket

    Free Life Insurance Cover

    - Helps to complete the planned investme nts

    - Maturity Procee ds at NAV based prices

    Flexib ility

    - Wide choice of e ligible scheme s

    Conve nie nce- Auto Debit from 4 banks name ly ICICI bank,

    HDFC bank, Axis ba nk & HSBC

    - ECS facility across 65 locat ions

    Designated Schemes in which Reliance SIP

    Insure will be offered

    Reliance Growth Fund - Retail Plan

    Reliance Vision Fund - Retail Plan

    Reliance Equity Opportunities Fund - Retail


    *Nominee account would mean no minee in case o f single holding & second

    or joint holder in case of Joint Holding.

    A Reliance Capital


    Reliance Capital Asset Ma nageme nt Limited

  • 8/14/2019 Reliance SIP Insure KIM


    In case of default in payment of two

    consecutive monthly SIP installments or four

    separate occasions of such defaults during the

    tenu re o f the SIP duration chosen.

    Not e - The re is no provision for revival of insurance

    cover, once the insurance cover ceases as stated


    Exclusions for Insu rance cover

    No insurance cover shall be admissible in respe ct of

    deat h of t he SIP- Insure unit holder (the insured

    person) on account of

    Death due to suicide.

    D e a t h w it h in 9 0 d a ys f ro m t h e

    commencement of SIP installments except for

    death due to accident.

    Death due to pre- existing illness, disease(s) or

    accident, which has occurred prior to the start

    of cove r.

    Load Struct ure

    The Entry Load unde r Reliance SIP Insure

    shall be same as applicable to normal

    purchase / additional purchase t ransact ions in

    the respect ive designate d schemes

    However, there will an Exit Load of 2 % , if the

    accumulated units acquired or allotted under

    Reliance SIP Insure are redeemed or switched

    out to another scheme before the maturity of

    SIP tenure as opted in the respective scheme

    either by the SIP- Insure unit ho lder or by thenominee*, as the case may be.


    In the event of the death of the investor and

    before com pletion of SIP Insure Tenure, in

    case of any contingency there is an option

    with the nominee* to redeem the amount by

    paying an exit load of 2 % on the repurchase


    However, if the units are redeemed on

    completing the opted SIP tenure, there will

    not be any exit load in the respective


    " Free life insurance cover provided as a part of an

    add on feature called as Reliance SIP Insure

    arranged and funded by Reliance Capital Asset

    Managem ent Limited t hrough Reliance Group

    Amoun t of Life In surance Cover Available:

    An amount equivalent to the aggregate

    balance of unpaid SIP installme nts, subject t o

    a maximum of Rs.10 lakhs per investor

    across all scheme s / plans and folios will be

    invested in the Nom inees* account

    This amount will be invested in the samescheme/ s (under which the decea sed

    investor has enrolled for SIP) at the

    applicable price based on the closing NAV on

    the date on which the cheque for insurance

    claim settlement is received by the AMC

    from the insurance company, subject to

    completion of requisite procedure for

    transmission of units in favour of the


    Reliance SIP Insu re How doe s t his work?

    An investor does a monthly SIP of Rs.

    1 0 ,00 0 for 5 years in Reliance Growt h Fund

    If he dies after a period of 3 yrs, then his

    Sum Assured= Unpaid SIP installme nt s

    = 2 yrs (ie 2 4 months) X 1 0, 0 0 0

    = Rs 2, 40 ,000

    This am ount will be paid by life insurance com pany

    to SIP investors nominee account* with Reliance

    Mutual Fund and will be invested in Reliance

    Growth Fund (in the same scheme in which the

    deceased has earlier invested )

    Comm ence me nt of Insuran ce Cover:

    The Insurance cover shall comm ence afte r waiting

    period of 90 days from the commencement of

    SIP insta llment s. However, the waiting period will

    not be applicable in respect of accident al deaths.

    Cessa t ion of In surance Cover:

    The insurance cover shall cease upon occurrence o f

    any of t he following:

    At the end of mandated Reliance SIP Insure

    tenure. i.e., upon com plet ion of paym ent of allthe mont hly installme nts as registered

    Discontinuation of SIP installment s midway by

    the investor i.e., before com plet ing t he opted

    SIP tenure / installme nts.

    Redemption / switch- out of units purchased

    unde r Reliance SIP Insure before com pletion of

    the mandated SIP tenure / installment s.

    *Nominee a ccount would me an nom inee in case of single holding & second

    or joint holder in case of Joint Holding.

  • 8/14/2019 Reliance SIP Insure KIM


    Term Insurance Sche me of Reliance Life

    Insurance Company Limited for insuring the

    outstanding SIP Insure installments. Subject to


    Grant of insurance cover is discretionary on part of

    Life Insurance Company (as there is no pre-

    medical test) and the cover is subject to non-medical underwriting in the form of self-

    declarat ion of health by the insured person.

    Insure your finan cial goal

    Amount o f Life Insurance Cover Available:

    Equivalent to the aggregate balance of unpaid

    SIP installments, subject to a maximum of

    Rs.10 lacs per investor across all schemes /

    plans and folios

    Highlighted cells in yellow would not be applicable under

    Minimum SIP amo unt c ate gory unde r Reliance SIP Insure Facility

    The table shows the SIP amount per month to be

    invested for the required combination of Eligible

    Insurance Cover & Tenure. For example, to have a

    maximum cover of Rs 10 lacs at the time of

    registration in Reliance SIP Insure Facility, one can

    invest Rs 5,556 p.m for a period of 15 yrs as per

    the cell highlighted in pink.

    Highlighted cell in yellow wo uld not be ap plicable since Minimum SIP

    amou nt a ccepted unde r Reliance SIP Insure Facility is Rs 20 00 p.m

    One can a im to have a t arget insurance cover as per

    ones requirement by referring to the matrix

    attached below:

    What does it take to create wealth? (It takessimple planning to create wealth)


    5,00,000 12,000 7000 2,500 1,200

    Value / Yrs 1 0 1 55

    10,00,000 23,800 13,000 4,900 2,400

    25,00,000 60,000 32,500 12,200 6,000

    50,00,000 1,20,000 64,500 24,300 12,000

    100,00,000 2,38,000 1,30,000 48,500 24,000


    1,000,000 27,778 16,667 8,334 5,556

    Cover/ Yrs 10 1 55

    900,000 25,000 15,000 7,500 5,000

    800,000 22,222 13,333 6,667 4,444

    700,000 19,444 11,667 5,833 3,889

    600,000 16,667 10,000 5,000 3,333

    500,000 13,889 8,333 4,167 2,778

    400,000 11,111 6,667 3,333 2,222

    300,000 8,333 5,000 2,500 1,667

    200,000 5,556 3,333 1,667 1,111

    100,000 2,778 1,667 833 556

    The table shows the SIP amount required to be

    invested per month for achieving the target

    amount in the specified time period. The

    hypothetical rate of return on the investments is

    assumed at 10% p.a. For example: One has to do

    an SIP of Rs 2,4 0 0 p.m for a pe riod of 1 5 years to

    create wealth of Rs 1 0 lacs.This is just an illustration, explaining the power of

    compounding concept and should not be assumed

    as a promise, guarantee or forecast on minimum

    returns and safeguard of capital. SIP does not

    assure a profit or guarantee protection against loss

    in a declining market. The calculation shows the

    outcome of investing a specified amount at a

    certain assumed rate of interest per annum.

    *Nominee account would mean nominee in case

    of single holding & second or joint holder in case of

    Joint Holding

    Inception Date : 8th Oct 1 9 95 . Retu rns are of Ret ail Plan- Growth

    Plan Growth op tion as on 30 th April 08

    Past Performance may or may not be sustained

    in fut ure.

    The above table shows the historical SIP

    performance of Reliance Growth Fund (Ret ail Plan

    Growth Plan Growth opt ion) vis it s benchm ark

    BSE 1 00 .

    For example: A person who had made an SIP of

    Rs.50 00 p.m. in the above fund since inception ason 8th October 1995 would have invested

    Rs.7.5 5 Lacs by 30 th April 20 0 8 and have earned

    a total amount of Rs. 1 .10 cr. (As per the

    highlighted cell)

    What does the past pe rformance have to say?

    *Nominee a ccount would me an nom inee in case of single holding & second

    or joint holder in case of Joint Holding.

    SIP 3 5 1 0 Since

    Installment Inception

    / Yrs

    2 ,0 0 0 1 ,1 3 ,3 4 3 3 ,7 1 ,0 4 3 2 4 ,2 1 ,3 6 7 4 4 ,3 7 ,5 0 6

    1 ,1 0 ,9 2 6 2 ,7 7 ,3 1 1 9 ,0 9,3 2 8 1 2 ,7 5 ,1 8 3

    3 ,0 0 0 1 ,7 0 ,0 1 5 5 ,5 6 ,5 6 5 3 6 ,3 2 ,0 5 1 6 6 ,5 6 ,2 6 0

    1 ,6 6,3 90 4 ,1 5,9 67 1 3,6 3,9 92 1 9,1 2,7 75

    5 ,0 0 0 2 ,8 3 ,3 5 9 9 ,2 7 ,6 0 9 6 0 ,5 3 ,4 1 9 1 ,1 0 ,9 3 ,7 6 6

    2 ,7 7,3 17 6 ,9 3,2 79 2 2,7 3,3 20 3 1,8 7,9 58

    1 0,0 00 5 ,6 6,7 18 1 8,5 5,2 18 1 ,2 1,0 6,8 39 2 ,2 1,8 7,5 33

    5 ,5 4,6 34 1 3 ,8 6,5 5 9 4 5,4 6,6 41 6 3 ,7 5,9 17

    1 5,0 00 8 ,5 0,0 78 2 7,8 2,8 27 1 ,8 1,6 0,2 58 3 ,3 2,8 1,3 00

    8 ,3 1,9 51 2 0 ,7 9,8 3 8 6 8,1 9,9 62 9 5 ,6 3,8 75

  • 8/14/2019 Reliance SIP Insure KIM


    Statutory Details: Sponsor: Reliance Capital Limited Trustee: Reliance Capital Trustee Co. Limited Investment Manager:

    Reliance Capital Asset Management Limited. The Sponsor, the Trustee and the Investment Manager are incorporated

    under the Companies Act 1956. Risk Factors: Reliance Growth Fund (Open-ended Equity Growth Scheme): The

    primary investment objective of the scheme is to achieve long term growth of capital by investing in equity and equity

    related securities through a research based investment approach. Reliance Vision Fund (Open-ended Equity Growth

    Scheme): The primary investment objective of the scheme is to achieve long-term growth of capital by investment in

    equity and equity related securities through a research based investment approach. Reliance Equity Opportunities Fund

    (Open-ended Diversified Equity Scheme): The primary investment objective of the scheme is to seek to generate capitalappreciation & provide long-term growth opportunities by investing in a portfolio constituted of equity securities & equity

    related securities and the secondary objective is to generate consistent returns by investing in debt and money market

    securities. Reliance Equity Fund (An open-ended Diversified Equity Scheme): The primary investment objective of the

    scheme is to seek to generate capital appreciation & provide long-term growth opportunities by investing in a portfolio

    constituted of equity & equity related securities of top 100 companies by market capitalization & of companies which are

    available in the derivatives segment from time to time and the secondary objective is to generate consistent returns by

    investing in debt and money market securities. Reliance Equity Advantage Fund (Open ended Diversified Equity

    Scheme): The primary investment objective of the scheme is to seek to generate capital appreciation & provide long-term

    growth opportunities by investing in a portfolio predominately of equity & equity related instruments with investments

    generally in S & P CNX Nifty stocks and the secondary objective is to generate consistent returns by investing in debt and

    money market securities. Reliance Regular Savings Fund (An open ended Scheme) Equity Option: The primary

    investment objective of this Option is to seek capital appreciation and/or to generate consistent returns by activelyinvesting in equity / equity related securities. Balanced Option: The primary investment objective of this Option is to

    generate consistent return by investing a major portion in debt & money market securities & a small portion in equity &

    equity related instruments. Reliance Pharma Fund (Open-ended Pharma Sector Scheme): The primary investment

    objective of the scheme is to seek to generate continuous returns by investing in equity and equity related or fixed income

    securities of Pharma and other associated companies. Reliance Diversified Power Sector Fund (Open-ended Power

    Sector Scheme): The primary investment objective of the scheme is to seek to generate continuous returns by actively

    investing in equity and equity related or fixed income securities of Power and other associated companies. Reliance

    Media & Entertainment Fund (Open-ended Media & Entertainment Sector Scheme): The primary investment objective of

    the scheme is to generate continuous returns by investing in equity and equity related or fixed income securities of Media

    & Entertainment and other associated companies. Reliance Banking Fund (Open-ended Banking Sector Scheme): The

    primary investment objective of the scheme is to generate continuous returns by actively investing in equity and equity

    related or fixed income securities of Banks. Mutual Funds and securities investments are subject to market risks and thereis no assurance and no guarantee that the Schemes objectives will be achieved. As with investments in any securities, the

    NAVs of the units issued under the Scheme can go up or down depending on the factors and forces affecting the securities

    market. Past performance of the Sponsor/AMC/Mutual Fund is not indicative of future performance of the Scheme.

    Reliance Growth Fund, Reliance Vision Fund, Reliance Equity Opportunities Fund, Reliance Equity Fund, Reliance

    Equity Advantage Fund and Reliance Regular Savings Fund are only the names of the scheme and do not in any manner

    indicate either the quality of the Scheme, its future prospects or returns. The Sponsor is not responsible or liable for any

    loss resulting from the operation of the Schemes beyond their initial contribution of Rs.1 lac towards the setting up of the

    Mutual Fund and such other accretions and additions to the corpus. The NAV of the Schemes may be affected, interalia,

    by changes in the market conditions, interest rates, trading volumes, settlement periods and transfer procedures. The

    Mutual Fund is not guaranteeing or assuring any dividends/ bonus. The Mutual Fund is also not assuring that it will make

    periodical dividend/ bonus distributions, though it has every intention of doing so. All dividend/ bonus distributions are

    subject to the availability of distributable surplus in the respective Scheme. For details of scheme features and schemespecific risk factors please refer to the scheme Offer Documents.

    Offer Document and KIM cum application form is available at all the

    DISCs/ Distributors of RMF/ Please read

    the offer document of the respective scheme carefully before


  • 8/14/2019 Reliance SIP Insure KIM


    APP No.: 1

    Received from ___________________________________________________________________________an application for allotment of

    Unit s under Reliance ________________________________________________________as per details below.

    Cheque / DD No. ____________________________ Dated ______________Rs. _______________________

    drawn on ________________________________________________________________________________

    EXISTIN G UNI T HOLDER INFORMATIONFor existing investors please fill in your Folio number, name & proceed to

    Investment & Payment Details.

    Signature, Date & Stampof receiving office

    APP No.:


    3. APPLICANT INFORMATION (Refer Instruct ion No. II )








    Any One or Survivor(s) (Default Joint)

    Service Ret ired Student

    NRI Repatriable Others _________________

    Ho use w ife Ot he rs _ __ ____ ____ ____ __

    Individual NRI Non- Repat riable

    1st holder PAN

    Name of First / Sole applicant Mr. Ms.

    M a n d a t o r y D D M M Y Y Y Y

    Date of Birth*PAN Proof Enclosed

    [Are you KYC Comp liant Plea se ( ) Yes or No ]

    Mail ing Address* / Overseas Address* (M andator y for NRI / FII Applicant ) (Please provide your compl ete address. P.O. Box alone is not adequat e)


    Tel. No. STD Code ___ ______ _ Office _______ ______ ______ _ Reside nce ____ ______ _____ ______ Mobile no. (For Rece iving SMS Alert ) _________ ______ _

    Add 1

    Add 3




    Add 2


    Email ID

    M a n d a t o r y

    3 rd holde r PAN

    D D M M Y Y Y Y

    Date of Birth*

    Name of Third Applicant Mr. Ms.

    [Are you KYC Comp liant Plea se ( ) Yes or No ]

    PAN Proof Enclosed

    M a n d a t o r y

    Name of Second Applicant Mr. Ms.

    2nd holder PAN

    D D M M Y Y Y Y

    Date of Birth*

    [Are you KYC Comp liant Plea se ( ) Yes or No ]

    PAN Proof Enclosed

    COMM ON APPLI CATI ON FORM FOR RELI ANCE SI P INSUREOM M ON APPLI CATI ON FORM FOR RELI AN CE SI P IN SUREAll Columns marked * are mandatory. Leave one box blank between two words.


    Nam e & Broke r Code / ARN Sub Broke r / Sub Age nt Code

    5 . BAN K ACCOUNT DETAILS (Refer Inst ruct ion No.II I) MANDATORY (For Redemt ion/ Dividend/ Any Refun d Payout )

    SB Current NRO NRE FCNR





    A/ c. Type


    M a n d a t o r y

    Account N o. M a n d a t o r y

    IFSC Code F o r C r e d i t v i a N E F T 9 Digit MICR Code* M a n d a t o r y



    Name as you would like to appear on Any Time Money Card (Max. 19 characters)

    M a n d a t o r y

    Mot hers maiden name in fullI/ We wish to receive Account Statement/ Annual

    Report / Quart erly Stat ement via email instead

    of physical.

    I have read & understood the Terms & conditionsgoverning Transact online.

    2. DEMAT ACCOUNT DETAILS (Please refer to instruct ion 20 )

    I N


    Participant Name_____________________________________

    Depos itory ID No.

    Beneficiary Account No.



    Deposit ory


    Cent ral





    Participant Name_____________________________________

    Targe t ID No.

    I/ We authorize RCAM/ RMF to obtain informat ion from my DEMAT Account excluding investment details and capture in my Mut ual Fund foli o.

    For receiving em ail alerts


    A Reliance Capital


    Reliance Capital Asset Ma nageme nt LimitedISIN00008716



  • 8/14/2019 Reliance SIP Insure KIM


    ACKNOWLEDGMENT SLIP (To be fil led in by the Applicant)

    Express Buildin g, 4t h Floor, 14 E Road

    Churchgate, Mumbai 400 02 0

    Call : 303 0111 1 Toll free: 180 0- 300- 1111 1


    Specimen Signature ofNominee/ Minor Nominee's GuardianCity PIN

    Address of Nomi nee / Guardian

    Nominee's Name

    Name of Parent/ Guardian In case of Minor

    D D M M Y Y Y Y

    Date of Birth*

    Relation with Minor / Designation

    Mr. Ms.

    Mr. Ms.


    I/ We would like to invest in Reliance subject to terms of the Offer Document and subsequent amendments thereto. I/ We haveread the instruct ions and the Offer Document before f illing t he Application Form. I/ We have understood t he details of the scheme and I/ We have not received norbeen induced by any rebate or gifts, directly or indirectly, in making this investment. Declaration : I have read and understood t he Terms and Conditions governingthe investment under Reliance________________________ Fund of Reliance Mut ual Fund and those relating t o various services including, but not limit ed to ATMs/Debit Card. I accept and agree to be bound by t he said Terms and Condit ions including t hose excluding/ limit ing the Reliance Capital Asset M anagements Limited(RCAM) liability. I understand that the RCAM may, at its absolute discretion, discontinue any of the services completely or partially without any prior notice to me. I

    agree RCAM debit from my f olio for the service charges as applicable from tim e to time. I conf irm that I am resident of India. I have read and understood theTerms and Condit ions relat ing t o Transact Online (Online Transaction)

    I/ We confirm that I am/ We are Non- Resident of Indian Nationality/ Origin and I/ We hereby confirm that t he funds for subscription have been remitted from abroadthrough normal banking channels or from funds in my/ our Non- Resident External / Ordinary Account/ FCNR Account. I/ We undertake that all additional purchasesmade under this folio w ill also be from funds received from abroad through approved banking channels or from funds in my/ our NRE/ FCNR Account .


    RMF will endeavour to provide payment of Dividend / Redemption / Refund(If any) t hrough ECS,NEFT, Cheque, Demand Draft or Direct Credit intoinvestors bank account wherever possible.


    Enrolm ent Period :

    Frequency : Mont hly (M ini mum Tenor 3 Years)SIP Date : 2 10 1 8 28

    SIP Amount 3 Years 5 Years 7 Years 10 Years 15 Years

    Rs. 2000/ -

    Rs. 3000/ -

    Rs. 5000/ -

    Rs. 10000 / -

    Rs. 15000 / -


    6. IN VESTMENT & PAYMENT DETAILS (Separate Appli cati on Form is required f or invest ment in each pl an/ Opt ion PAYMENT BY

    CASH IS NOT PERMI TTED. (Refer in stru cti on no.I V for t he schemes eligi ble f or SIP I nsure

    Plan Opt ion Bank / BranchCheque / DD No.& Date

    Net Cheque / DD Amount Rs.

    For any other Amount Tenure Please fill the below detail:

    SIP Amount Rs. _________________ Start Date: _____ / _____ / _______ End Date: ______ / _______ / ______

    I .......... .......... .......... ........... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... ...( Name of the invest or) a s t he ben eficial owne r unde r the Reliance Group

    Term Plan issued by Reliance Life Insurance Company Limited do h ereby nom inate Reliance Capital Asset M ana geme nt Limited , a compa ny formed unde r the

    Companies Act, 19 56 having corporate office at Express Building, 4 th & 6th Floor, 14 - 'E' - Road, Opp. Churchgate Sta tion, Churchgate, Mum bai 40 0 02 0

    (Including its a ssignees, executors a nd a dministrator)

    I understand that the sum insured (i.e the claim proceeds) under the Reliance SIP Insure facility shall be utilized to invest in the same scheme(s) under the same

    distributor code in which I have invested, in the name of my nominee as per terms and conditions stated in Reliance SIP Insure Facility, as may be amended from

    time to time.

    To ena ble the sa me , the c hequ e represe nting th e claim proceed s is being sen t to RCAM (by Reliance Life Insurance Comp any Ltd) purely for facilita ting the

    settlement of the claim towards securing my outstanding SIP installments as on the date of death, to the exclusion of claims of all my legal heirs, in terms

    of priority.

    stSignature Sole / 1 applicant

    ndSignature 2 applicant

    rdSignature 3 applicant

    Mont hly (Minimum Tenure 3 Years / Minimum Amount Rs. 200 0/ - )

  • 8/14/2019 Reliance SIP Insure KIM



    1. Please read the Key Information Mem orandum and the Offer Document carefully

    before investing. Allapplicants are deemed t o have read, understood and accepted

    the terms subject to which this offer is being made and bind themselves to the

    terms upon signing the Application Form and tendering payment.

    2. The applicat ion form must be fil led in English in BLOCK lett ers using Black or Dark

    Blue colored ink. Incomplet e applications are liable t o be rejected. Please ensure

    that the requisite details and documents have been provided. This will help in

    avoiding processing delays and / or rejection of your Application Form. All

    subscription application forms should be submitted only at designated branches of

    the collecting banks appointed by Reliance Mutual Fund.

    3. The Applicant s name and address must be given in full (P.O. Box No. alone is notsufficient). In case of multiple applicants, all communication and payments towards

    redemption w ill be made in the name of / favoring first applicant only. Please fill in

    your date of birth as this may be required for validating your identity for certain

    transactions/ communication. Also, please provide Telephone No./ E- mail Id. of t he

    first applicant, so as to facilitate faster and efficient communication.

    4. All applicants must sign the form, (quot ing existing Folio no, if any). Thumb

    impressions must be attested by a Judicial Magistrate/ Notary Public under his/ her

    off icial seal. In case of HUF, the Karta should sign on behalf of the HUF. Authorised

    signatories, signing on behalf of a Co./ Body Corp./ Society/ Trust etc should sign

    under their of ficial seal, designation. A list of Authorised Signatories with their

    names & designations duty certif ied / attested by the bankers should be attached

    with the application form.

    5. Please note that if no Plan is ticked / indicated in the Application form, the units

    will, by default, be allotted under the Growth Plan of the Scheme. Similarly, Growth

    Option of the Growth Plan and Dividend Reinvestment Option of the Dividend Plan

    shall be the default sub- options.

    6. Incase of Mode of Holding is not ment ioned for Joint Holders the default mode of

    holding would be Joint.

    7. Joint applicant with a Minor shall be permitted only where the Minor (represented

    by guardian) is the 1 st named applicant / beneficiary and only natural parents shall

    be permitt ed as joint applicants wit h a minor and t he Holding basis shall be Former

    or survivor only. A Court- appointed Guardian shall not be permitt ed to apply as a

    joint applicant.


    8. In case the application is made under a Power of Attorney (PoA), a duly certif ied

    copy thereof, duly notarised should be submitted with the application. The POA

    document should contain the signatures of both the Applicant & the constituted


    9. Application made by a limited company or by a body corporate or a registered

    society or a trust, should be accompanied by a copy of the relevant resolution or

    authority to make the application, as the case may be, alongwith a certified copy of

    the M emorandum and Articles of Association or Trust Deed / Bye Laws /

    Partnership Deed, whichever is applicable.

    10 . In case of non- individual applicants, i.e. HUF / Companies / AOP / BOI / Trusts /

    Societies / FIIs etc. the name, email- ID and telephone number of t he contact

    person t o should be provided.

    11 . Permanent Account Number (PAN)As per SEBI circular number MRD/ DoP/ Cir- 05 / 20 07 dated April 27, 20 07 , PAN

    shall be the sole identification number for all participants transacting in the

    securities market, irrespective of the amount of t ransaction w.e.f. July 2, 2 00 7.

    Accordingly, it is mandatory for investors to provide t heir PAN alongwith a self

    attested copy of PAN card.

    If the investment is being made on behalf of a minor, the PAN of the minor or

    father or mother or the guardian, who represents the minor, should be provided.

    Applications received without PAN/ PAN card copy will be rejected.

    12 . Prevention of M oney Laundering & Know Your Customer (KYC):

    In terms of the Prevention of Money Laundering Act, 2002, the Rules issued there

    under and the guidelines issued by SEBI regarding the Anti Money Laundering

    (AML), all intermediaries, including Mutual Funds, have to formulate and implement

    a Client Ident if ication Process, commonly referred to as Know Your Customer or KYC

    Process, verify and maintain t he record of identit y and address (es) of investors. The

    investors must ensure that the amount invested in the scheme is derived only

    through legitimatesources and does not involve and is not designed for the purpose

    of any contravention or evasion of the provisions of all the applicable laws, rules and

    regulations, directions issued by the appropriate authority (the applicable laws) in

    force from time to time including the Prevention of Money Laundering Act, theIncome Tax Act, 19 61 , or the Prevention of Corruption Act, 198 8, et c.

    Pursuant to the above, the AMC may seek information or obtain and retain

    documentat ion used to establish Customers identit y. It may re- verify identit y and

    obtain any missing or additional information for this purpose.

    Reliance Mut ual Fund / Reliance Capital Trustee Co. Limit ed / Reliance Capital Asset

    Management Limited reserve the right to take all steps and actions, including

    recording investor(s) / unitholder(s) telephonic calls, and / or obtain and retain

    documentation for establishing the identity of the investor, proof of residence,

    source of funds etc. in accordance with the applicable laws, from the investor(s) /

    unitholder(s), as may be required, to ensure the appropriate identification /

    verification / re- verification of t he investor(s) / unitholder(s), the source of f unds

    etc. under it s KYC Policy. The AMC, under powers delegated by the Trustee, shall

    have absolute discretion to reject any application, prevent further transactions by a

    Unit Holder, delay processing redemption as per applicable laws or regulations if

    (i) after due diligence, the investor / Unit Holder / a person making the payment

    on behalf of the investor does not fulfil the requirements of the Know Your

    Customer as determined by the AMC or the AMC believes that the transaction

    is suspicious in nature as regards money laundering.

    (ii) the AMC determines in its sole discretion that the application does not or will not comply

    with any applicable laws or regulations.

    In this regard the AMC reserves the right to reject any application and effect a mandatory

    Redemption of Units allotted at any time prior to the expiry of 30 days from the date of the

    allotment. I f the payment for Purchase of Units are made by a third party (e.g. a power of

    attorney holder, a financing agency, a relative, etc.), t he investor / applicant may be required to

    give such details of such transact ion so as to satisfy t he AMC of t he source and / or

    consideration underlying the transaction.

    13 . In case of NRI/ FII investors the Account Statements / Redemption Cheques / Other

    correspondence will be sent to the mailing address mentioned.

    14. All applications are accepted subject to detailed scrutiny and verification. Applications which are

    not complete in all respects are liable for rejection, either at t he collection point it self or

    subsequently after detail scrutiny/ verification at t he back office of the registrars.


    15 . As per the SEBI guidelines, it is ma