relocation and dislocation. internal migration migration that occurs within a country’s borders....

Relocation and Dislocation

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Relocation and Dislocation

Internal Migration

• Migration that occurs within a country’s borders.

Examples/Reasons for internal vs. international:same language, familiar cultural aspects,

shorter distances traveled

Intraregional Migration• Intraregional migrations--people moving or being moved

within one geographic realm (region) of a country

• Current examples: – Rural to urban: • increases with development, ¾ of core countries

population in urban areas– Urban to suburban: • lifestyle changes (babies)

– Metropolitan to nonmetropolitan areas: • called counter-urbanization, increased technology

allows people to work outside of the city

Interregional Migrations

• Current USA examples:– Movement North to South, and East to West

• Net migration (immigrants-emigrants) Figures as of 2007– South-(+1,419,000)– Northeast-(-915,000)– Midwest-(-533,000)– West-(+29,000)

– refugees/evacuees from the Gulf Coast region to other parts of the United States

– Rural to urban areas to find work

Interregional Migration-people moving or being moved from one geographic realm (region) to another within a countryFrom South

Interregional Migrations

Current World examples: To Brazil’s interior:

Brasilia to North in Italy, and

North to South in the UK for Jobs

Islands of development are cities with foreign investment and jobs

West African coast European colonies in SE

Asia attracted Chinese

External Migration

• Movement across country borders– Also called International migration

• Emigrant: one who migrates out of a country– Subtracts from total population

• Immigrant: one who migrates into a country– Adds to total population

Major Global Migration FlowsFrom 1500 to 1950

Global Migration Patterns

• From less-developed Stage 2 countries into more-developed Stage 4 countries

• 3 largest migration flows– Asia to Europe– Asia to North America– Latin America to North America

• Net In Migration: North America, Europe, Oceania (more people moving in)

• Net Out Migration: Asia, Latin America, Africa (more people moving out)

US Immigration Patterns

• Three main waves1. Colonial America: 1607-1840

1. European settlement- 2 million, mostly British2. African slaves – 800, 000

Immigration to the United States, 1820 to 2001

US Immigration Patterns2. 19th century (1840-1910) 3 European Peaks

1. 1840s and 1850s:-Northern and Western Europe (Ireland, Germany)

2. 1880s: -Northern and Western Europe (Ireland, Germany,

Norway, Sweden)3. 1900-1910:

-Southern and Eastern Europe [Italy, Russia, Austria-Hungary (Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Czech Republic, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Ukraine) ]

Immigration to the United States, 1820 to 2001

US Immigration Patterns

3. Second-half of 20th century (1950-2008)

Less developed regions

1. Latin America: Mexico, Dominican Republic, El Salvador

2. Asia: China, Philippines, India, Vietnam

Immigration to the United States, 1820 to 2001

Immigration Policies

• USA Quota Laws– Quota Act of 1921 and Origins Act of 1924: 2% of

1910 population– Immigration Act of 1965• 1968: Hemisphere quotas• 1978: Global Quotas• Currently: Global Quota of 620, 000 with no more than

7% from each country– Major Exceptions: family reunification, employment, talented,


Immigration Policies

• Brain Drain: large-scale emigration by talented people out of the periphery

• Guest Workers: To Europe from Middle East and North Africa– Example: 750,000 Turks employed in Germany

• Time-Contract workers: South and East Asian workers to Southeast Asia

What about refugees?

• UN definition–A person who has well-founded fear of

being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group, or political group.

• UN reports 24 million refugees worldwide

• Is this accurate?

What about refugees?UN definitions

• International refugees:

– Those who have crossed one or more international borders and are encamped in a country other than their own

• Intranational refugees:

– Those who have abandoned their homes but not their homeland

It is difficult to identify refugees.

• No mention of natural/enviromental disaster• UN must distinguish between refugees and voluntary

migrants before granting asylum. • Three general characteristics, individual or aggregate

(collectively):– Most refugees move without any more tangible property

than they can carry or transport with them.– Most refugees make their first “step” on foot, by bicycle,

wagon, or open boat.– Refugees move without the official documents that

accompany channeled migrations.

Regions of Dislocation

• Sub-Saharan Africa– Several of the world’s

largest refugee crises plagued Africa during the 1990s and early 21st century -8 million “official” refugees

– Civil wars in Liberia, Sierra Leone, Angola, and Sudan

– Hostilities between the Hutu and Tutsi tribes in Rwanda

Other regions of dislocation…

• North Africa and Southwest Asia– Israel and the displaced Arab

populations that surround it– Exhibits qualities that are

likely to generate additional refugee flow in the future

– The Kurdish population following the Gulf War (1991)

– Taliban rule in Afghanistan– Afghanistan after the Soviet

invasion during the 1980s

Regions of dislocation continued…

• South Asia

– Pakistan accommodated forced emigrants from Afghanistan

– Major refugee problem stems from a civil war in Sri Lanka

Regions of dislocation continued…

• Southeast Asia– 1979-“Boat people” who fled

communist rule in Vietnam (2 million). Settled in developed countries-US, Canada, UK, France

– In the early 1990s, Cambodia generated the region’s largest refugee flow

– Today--largest number of refugees come from Myanmar (Burma). Ethnic Rohingya fleeing refugee camps and persecution.

Regions of dislocation continued…

Europe– After the collapse of

Yugoslavia, over 1 million were displaced

South America Colombian illegal drug

violence, especially in rural areas